Thai Cave Survivors Reunited With British Rescue Divers | This Morning

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I welcome all of you it is it's a delight to have you here thank you so very much for coming you've come with your lovely families and and we've got we've got the all the family on the on the other side of the other studio they've come as well good morning everybody lovely to see you as well thank you for coming obviously they're having a having a great time as well okay why did you go in and Sonia Sonia who Quixote hop a map hope he'll help a some would do what they doing if I'm saying I only time my opinion game mainly you know that's what we normally do anyway we always go in there just to see actually the beauty around in cave and actually can I just add a bit as actually as well they actually normally would go past that way anyway and it's actually the tourist attractions in maasai in Chiang Rai province they sometime would just go for a walk sometimes they would go cycling yeah so how did you get stuck with big denieth um do you make huh no pain oh God we're not then don't cut Mapple do now couldn't have my my oh my diam when we went inside when it was time to come out we're actually where was the junction that actually no it was supposed to be on the way out we found that actually was flooded so he couldn't come out and so at what point did they think we have a major problem here on nadir on one mum and learn even Harlequin Lily don't be panky home and I the water levels seemed to raise up and it turned her bit so it just blocked away that we came in so we couldn't go out so so obviously you realize at that point that you can't get out of the cave what do you then do for food for drink you know how does that happen don t look okay yeah no rule our Pitt Union and knowledge that can come run her hand and come to me just like walking on and I wound up getting me die we didn't bring anything in partly did actually they plan just to go for a quick visit yeah so no water no food eat the coach actually told the boys to have the water we stripped down from the stalactite really for egg that's that's a very intelligent thing to no don't don't drink the water that's coming in like it's turned turbid and it was dirty yeah so that's what actually you told them to what were you aware but by the time you were found by the first diver were you aware of how long you'd actually beam in there okay go on can't eat um let them announce a coma uncle manic on decodable growl no rule of power oh you then I'm not all right ah low power mean allocation ope - hi Bobby lava pan make you one layout no one amp in my teeth whole life let beat my lucky one yes we did no because they got no watch oh yes so they actually news like how long have they been there and they've got sort of like the date and date as well that's a great watch T as well by the way did you did you think we may never get out of here pour alcohol on me nope don't keep in my work bloated up mummy died only one month of me down quintonk or man died how about Jimmy own my shoe allow like young cool know who I got my aunt alone we were not scared we knew that people would try to help us and we try to support each other Widow and dad well what did you think when you saw the first British diver what goes through your head one key player it's auntie blow him knock them now I'm cold man yeah no kidding I have a Lego cool book or loosely web DJ Mag may have Yunker been seen you know La Jolla to one I'll go pour it you pour blood on me home one wanna come I feel a little wonky words right off by a cup coconut ow we we're very pleased very glad to see them because we always had hope finally someone would come up come in there to help us we've got the London I have given you two private capsules to see London from one of its most iconic landmarks so you'll all go around in that with your families so you're good with caves but let's hope you're alright with long do with a king wouldn't easily want a towel to plow big bus tours is also provided 29 complimentary tickets for a tour of London we know that you have attracted the attention of not only the world but a lot of its sporting stars and we've got a we've got something that we'd like you to watch now here we go hello to you I'm so glad that we coming out of the cave alive you are true heroes follow your dreams keep in touch about guys hi wild boars I say I hate even during your time here in England obviously we will heard what you went through yeah I heard they passionate about football from Terry to keep it up loving the game straight to have you back here safe and sound so all the best for me and everyone at lemon England as well malleson Josh Bradley and Connor Rowe are here with us now representing that team a big team also there's John Valentin as well and Chris Jill I said welcome all of you it's lovely to have you here so it's great to be sleepy I mean you're reunited with the guys last night but temper as far as your story is concerned I mean you're like another emergency service when I was reading it this morning him you're all on call I mean it's very specific knowledge and ability that you have and you could you know on pages you could be pulled out anywhere to do it when you got this call what did you think we thought it was going to be a very difficult rescue because it turned out to be there was a lot of risk involved and we you know we have to formulate a plan that minimized the risk but it was always going to be a risky operation but the alternative was to leave them in there yes and they would not survive because there was a there was it crossed your minds that you were going in for a recovery until they were found you know you nobody thought that it would still be alive that yeah yes Kollek this was your first rescue mission that's right yes so we we practice a lot for K rescues but it was my first major incident I was involved in yeah so what that feeling when when the team made first contact with them and they were actually all only what was that like it was really fantastic to hear they were alive and well I was one of the recovery divers so I brought one of the bots what about three other boys out from where they were trapped back to chamber three and then Josh and Connor were part of the support team so they were deployed back through the cave so when we got to something like the canal sectioned all we needed to change cylinders they were there to s this with that because this was as the world held its breath we were all very much aware of how difficult this was going to be that someone had already lost their life in the in the attempt and and you were you had to bring them out what as we know one by one in stages but you're dealing and we were all saying at the time we were watching it look this is so incredible because there they've never dived before they've never worn diving equipment so how do you how do you convince all of those boys who are going to do this for the FIR time in conditions actually the professionals were beef would find challenging you can't see anything at all put this mask on and trust me we told him a couple of days before what the options were you know you've got two options here it's dive out and this is how we're going to do it or the potential is to stay in here but he's very likely you're not going to survive so they had a couple of days to think about it for others how calm and collected the boys were if there have been hysterical crying a lot it would have been a different story completely so credit to them they were so calm and collected there was an issue with with mark on the end I think mark was the last one to come out wasn't he that's right yeah and so what what was the problem there was a mask wasn't it so there were 13 boys so we did four on the first four on the second there but obviously you've got five left on the on the last day and we only had four working masks so we took a fifth one in that had only been flown in from the UK the night before and because it marks quite a small lad it didn't fit his first properly so we couldn't use the mask we wanted to use but luckily we've taken a spare one in which wasn't quite as robust and the seer wasn't as good as the ones we've been previously using but we have no choice yeah they've been raining all night the waters were going to come up him imminently we couldn't leave him behind so it was a risky earth recovery that one can you ask mark mark how he felt with that knowing that they know that he'd had that you've got a different mask no maccalister Pyongyang I didn't knock on all them and beg them to confront hoon for you see you one minute I thought I won't be able to come out well well you are a remarkable team as we said you're spearheading a very large group of people who do help these boys it is it's so lovely to have you here on our sofa it's a it's miraculous that that you are all sitting here and we're delighted that you came over with us and I know that the boys would like to to thank that the divers support a lame you look like a hot doctor you know who bring out the Santa de P how pull out a Hornet Mikuru technically now make a LoJack make a Papa not my type in yeah do I type copy her on the object you it but he johannajulien from the home but all my name pop I gotta like open Shipman he Harmon in can come back now - Tony Atlantic hippy how they say with my trailer all our layout to Cornell torn Lucy well key how Michigan back now and when in horny ha quality open aqua we would like to thank you all from the bottom of our heart to take the risk very high risk to save our life sorry if you would a stranger and you help us but now it's toriel sorry we don't think that you are the stranger anymore your path of our families thank you very much is our pleasure that we could help you Thank You Gordon well done for being so brave King man they're all coming round so we'll let that happen yes thank them said I was an amazing I just thank you so thank you so much you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,502,345
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Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, thai cave, cave rescue, british divers, cave divers, thailand cave rescue, thailand cave, thai cave rescue, thailand soccer team, thai cave british divers, thailand divers rescue, christiano ronaldo, harry kane
Id: wTCFwjjaaMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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