Hermit's Secluded Oasis // The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hey everyone it is Tanya welcome back to the channel and welcome to another Speed Build today I'm building on one of the secret Lots in The Sims 4 this is the hermit's house I've built here before but it's been a few years actually and I believe I built a tiny house on this lot in the past but as we recently got a new kit that added a bunch of like Greenhouse windows and like gardening stuff I felt inspired to build something on this lot again if you're not familiar with this lot basically if you own the first ever pack for The Sims 4 outdoor Retreat if you're camping there you can go ahead and visit the national forest and there is deep in the woods this like hole with branches over it and if you go through some dialogue boxes and explore and like follow through you will end up on this slot which has a bunch of like waterfalls and plants around and there's also a house here that there is like an NPC that lives here that is called The Hermit and so they just kind of are all alone out here and have their cute little space it's very inspired by the pack of outdoor Retreat so like all of the herbalism and the fishing and the bugs and all of that and I just thought that this was a good opportunity to build here again because it has been so long and I just really wanted to build something fun uh so it's a little bit of a funky shape and it's actually a pretty spacious home so if you decided to have like a Sim come here and never leave and pretend they lived here you totally could uh it does technically only have one bedroom but it has many more rooms that could be bedrooms than that because it's a pretty big house I just wanted to dedicate a bunch of rooms to different hobbies and relaxing and enjoying nature because that was kind of the whole idea behind this entire build so um that is what you will see here there is plenty of outdoor space but there ends up being like a sun room just to relax in there's also like an easel in there and I believe a chess table as well there's a woodworking room there's lots of Planters outside of course we have our living spaces an office a bedroom and then there is one room that's kind of set up as a second bedroom sort of you'll see it when we get to it but um it's more so just like a spare room I don't know what the storyline is if we're thinking the Sim used to have family that stayed here or just has something just in case or what have you like it could be a lot of different things but I do really like how that space ends up coming out and one of my favorite parts of this build is actually this little porch that I did at the front where I combine some columns spandrels and this Archway from Jungle Adventure I just think it looks so pretty I had a blast combining a bunch of different windows and textures and stuff on the outside of this build and right now everything is very Brown it's going to turn to be more of a white color because I really wanted to use these base game windows that I have in the front but with the beige shutters instead of these brown ones and it just took me a really long time to figure out how to get it all to work and flow together nicely so it ends up being a lot more bright than this although I do really like how cozy this looks as well um definitely let me know which one you prefer easy thing to change if you decide to download this build and if you would like to download it it is available on the Sims 4 Gallery you can find it under my EA ID which is griffy gryphi that info will also be in the description down below as well and if you were curious on how to actually you know place it on this lot you're gonna have to travel here first there are lots of Guides Online if you don't know which buttons to press to get through the dialog box but you can definitely get it through trial and error um and then when you're here you're going to use the chi BB dot enable free build and it will allow you to enter build mode from this area and edit this law because by default you can't edit it it's not supposed to be edited by you it's it's the hermit's house but if you wanted to place this or anything else or you needed to just add one item while you were there because you were visiting and I don't know you needed some sort of skill building item you didn't have you could just plop that down using that sheet and that goes for pretty much any lot in the game that you visit that is clearly a lot but you can't enter built in buy mode so that's how I end up fixing up a lot of lots like uh the work Lots you can edit in the get to work expansion pack you have you visit those lots and then you can use that same cheat to like edit the hospital or the police station or the science space um so if you're ever curious that is how you do that but here we are finally playing around with colors and getting closer to where we are gonna go I actually used the floral IV on this build that I really struggle to use I talked about how difficult it is for me to use that in a recent build where I was building in tsulani because I really wanted to use it but I just couldn't get it to work and I'm not sure how well it works here I think it looks pretty but I always just struggle to make it look organic it's just because it's such a chunky flower I don't really know how to use it but I was quite happy with it here you can definitely let me know what you think and then I'm using some of these rounded fences that are also from the live edit menu from outdoor Retreat I believe I used these in the tiny house I made for the Herman a few years ago as well but they are just so pretty and they're from this world so that's probably why but I think this house looks very different from that one and is much more spacious and cozy and it was just a really fun one to do definitely let me know if you'd like me to build on some more of these secret Lots there is one uh there's a couple from base game there's two that once off of Oasis Springs it's like a it's like in the caves sort of your underground um with all sorts of like Jewels around you not Jewel I don't know but there's lots of minerals everywhere and then there is also Sylvan Glade which you travel through uh Willow Creek and it's like a pink world it's very small it's got like the tiniest lather so that would have to be a tiny house and then there's also six some which is the alien world that came with get to work so there's a few of them we haven't gotten many after that I guess we it's not really secret but we also have like the top of the mountain that came with snowy Escape that one's kind of fun I built on that when we first got that pack but um yeah just let me know if there's anything like that you would like to see but anyway the artists coming together now I love how I made it very overgrown with all these grass patches and then filled it in with all sorts of plants that you might see around the surrounding area I was looking awful lot I saw a lot of lavender and these bushes and I just thought these Sun flowers would also look really pretty here and then I'm trying to lay out these rocks in a way that I thought would look like nice little stepping stones and I ended up kind of arranging them so they're a little bit off and they kind of round over this way and I think it looks really pretty I didn't want everything to be perfect but I did want this to be a space that it looks like the same that's staying here really does take pride in their home but that doesn't mean you have to have a perfectly like manicured lawn this stem probably really wants to make sure there is plenty of flowers and Foliage for the bees and the birds I didn't add like a beekeeping box or anything here I was thinking they were more involved in um I don't know trying to take care of the natural population of bees here and they didn't have like a box for them uh so that's that was the idea I did get a bird feeder though and then we're heading on inside to work on the floor plan I did cut out a lot of it because I could not figure out where to put these stairs for the life of me it took me so very long to do uh so upstairs has like two rooms plus a bathroom and then downstairs has quite a few rooms uh this sun room I was originally thinking was going to be a greenhouse but you don't have to use those Greenhouse windows for a greenhouse it could just be a cute sunroom and that's what I did I thought that would be nice and relaxing I was thinking most of their gardening would be outside and I was also thinking the Sim was really into Woodworking and flower arranging so I put some of those things around the main living space is all in one big room and then there's a couple of rooms that are like an offshoot of that over on the right side of the build you can see me placing down some items those like placeholders to remember where I am going to place certain rooms so now we are working on the kitchen getting a fridge in the stove in here I'm using these countertop cups from Jungle Adventure I think they just are so nice and soft and really fit the vibe I wanted to have in this house so I thought that those were perfect here I also really loved the archways from Jungle Adventure using those in this build I also recently used them in that sulani build I did too I guess I'm just kind of re rediscovering some of the windows and doors from Jungle Adventure they are so beautiful and speaking of which I haven't built in silver Dorada in a while probably because it's just a destination World your Sims can't actually live there but maybe that could be really fun sometime soon hmm yeah maybe we will build something in silver Dorado that could be fun a little vacation home I'm gonna write that down because it's just been such a long time and I think that would be really refreshing to do something a little bit different but anyway over here I raise up this stool and kind of shoved it into the counter to use this planter and the little light next to it on the counter I just thought it looked really pretty and so that's how I did that so that counter is not going to be usable but I did keep the counter next to the sink clear so you're saying this could go ahead and chop up stuff there and cook there if they would like to obviously this is not a livable lot because it's the hermit's house but you could definitely place this somewhere else as well there are so many different worlds this could work in I feel like glimmer Brook is one of them really any of the worlds that have like a lot of trees and stuff you could probably place this in copperdale in the woodsy areas probably somewhere in windenburg as well there's a lot of places but I was imagining this would be in Granite Falls you could also place it in a different part of Granite Falls like one of the Lots you could actually stay on instead of as the hermit house but that's just kind of what I was imagining when I was building here and since I had been like I think three years since I last built here it was a fun fun one to do so anyway here is this little room right off of the kitchen I decided to have a washing machine in here only a washing machine I put a drying rack outside and then there is the trash can and the laundry basket in that room and then this is going to be the living space using these really cozy couches from cats and dogs I just love them so much they feel so comfortable they look so comfortable and this is probably my favorite Swatch and it really fit that like cozy warm light wood Vibe I was going for in here so that's what I ended up doing and then just figuring out which rug I want to put in here and I also implemented a couple of things throughout this build that looked like maybe the hermit might have created them on their own through woodworking so I thought that this gorgeous coffee table could be one of those I believe that is also from Jungle adventure and I think the side table that I have the lamp on is also from that pack so heavily using jungle Adventure in this build and I just think it is such a pretty pretty set of furniture so that's what I did here and then that TV stand is combining a couple of side tables from laundry day I thought that that looked pretty as well and then just getting a lamp over here I believe another plant and a painting I actually had to play placing that painting multiple places throughout the house and then I go back and get rid of it because I didn't realize I did that so oopsies on that but I believe we're just gonna get a tray on the table I love this one it is from the Paranormal stuff pack uh best stuff pack uh last one we ever got but that's okay and then this is The Woodworking room which actually has like a Archway outside so it's connected directly to the outside space where you have all of the Planters and the flower arranging table I just made this look kind of like a workshop space so I have some wooden things they might have created maybe some trophies and stuff they want to hang up so I do end up having a couple of pieces that look like they made them but I also have like this little fishing thing from the everyday clutter kit which I thought was quite cute I get some wood over here so maybe some supplies they are using to create some pieces in here and I do go through debug and grab some like chunks of wood that are meant to be on the table while you're focusing on like actually creating something and I put them both on the table on the side as well as the woodworking bench and this is also a piece that came with outdoor Retreat that shelf there I just thought it was so pretty and perfect for this space so decided to add that there and then I just got a little bookcase over in the corner with all kinds of trinkets on it and that's the majority of what's going to be in this room just getting some like Planters and stuff I was thinking some extra storage in here made sense leading out into the garden space so just grabbing all of that and that should be pretty much it for this build I think I add some curtains to the Windows though or not for this build for this room um and then I also get the wreath up above the woodworking table I think it looks really cute and a couple of Planters over here and then this is the downstairs bathroom uh there are two bathrooms in the house but this is the only one I show I'm pretty sure they have the same fixtures though they're just very simple because they're quite small so I used the base game shower tub combo bringing in some more jungle Adventure countertops and I really like those plants I put up above the toilet which I believe are from get together and then this is going to be the office space using this base game desk which is one of my favorite ones it just has so much detail on it with all the books and boxes and stuff and and I also loved the chair I put with that which is also from Paranormal and I just got a couple of plants and a bookcase in here it's a pretty simple room I didn't go to over the top also please ignore that one of those paintings is the wrong Swatch I did not notice until near the end of the build so I do fix it no worries there but I know it's going to make a lot of you upset to see that it is the wrong Swatch I just did not notice anyway this is gonna be that sun room I had mentioned so we have our little chest table I also use this adorable love seat at first I do switch it out even though I really like this because I was trying to keep in mind that there's only one segment living here so we already have a ton of seating in the other room so I thought maybe just having a rocking chair just for that one sim to rock in here and list it into the birds tripping outside would be so so nice one thing I feel like I should have included in here that I didn't is like a knitting basket or a cross cross stitching basket those would be really fun activities for the stem as well I just didn't think to add them for some reason but those could be easy things to add if you decide to play in this build but here is the entryway I just have a place to hang up your coat take off your shoes a little mirror to check yourself out before you leave of course temperature controls and fire alarm and then we are upstairs working on the primary bedroom using the space game bed and in our like really cozy Swatch of course bringing in those curtains that I have downstairs and I used in pretty much every build I ever do at this point now they are from high school years and they are just so beautiful I also wanted to bring in some more accents that looked like they were pieces the Sim made so this big chunk of wood as a bedside table I thought was really fun and I also end up having a different wood bedside table on the other side to really bring that idea home but also have a little bit of variety I like doing mismatching bedside tables so this one's actually from the outdoor Retreat game pack that this world is from and I just think it's really cute I like how this room came out it ends up being super cozy and then instead of putting a painting I put a stained glass Window Up Above the bed I use that butterfly one that came with cottage living and then I used this new mirror from the basement kit I'm loving that mirror I've been using it in a lot of builds you'll probably continue to see it I just think it is so fun and then I liked the idea of having the old TV holding up a slightly newer one uh in this space because you know they're out here all alone they didn't really have a place to go trash their old TV why not keep using it as a side table it is still functional as a surface so that's what I did here and then this is going to be the spare bedroom which is just like a a couch that has blankets on it for a bed so it should function as a bed I will play test that but um it was it was a cute idea I thought but that's pretty much it for this build I really hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure you give this video a big thumbs up you can also subscribe to the channel if you'd like to see more and if you click that Bell it'll turn on notifications so you'll be notified of every single time I upload a new video thank you so very much for watching I really hope you enjoy those screenshot shots and I will see you all in the next one bye everyone [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Gryphi
Views: 25,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gryphi, sims 4, the sims 4, sims build, speed build, Hermit's Secluded Oasis, hermit house, sims 4 hermit, secluded tiny, gardener home, loner house, greenhouse, nature, sims 4 greenhouse, sims 4 hermits house, sims 4 speed build, home for the hermit, granite falls hermit
Id: uouQ2ylYz-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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