I made a shell challenge in The Sims 4… and I attempted it! #GryphiDinoShell

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hey everyone it is Tanya welcome back to the channel and welcome to a very special video so today I am announcing my most recent shell challenge I haven't done one of these in a while on the channel but if you're familiar with shell challenges you can see how weird this shape is essentially what a shell challenge is is I give you a box and you turn it into something without moving or deleting the walls that I have here you're allowed to add a floor plan balconies half walls fences Roofing whatever you'd like just don't get rid of these walls or move them so you can't extend that for example uh so it's it's a it's a bit of a funky one I will say it's quite a strange shape you'll be able to find it on my gallery under my EA ID which is Griffey it's right here it's the Griffey Dino shell because the bottom floor kind of looks like the dino emo on Twitch so that's what I named it here and it has all the information you would need if you'd like to submit a build for this shell challenge take this shell and turn it into anything you want just don't move or delete my existing walls also no adding walls to the exterior that are attached but anything else goes half walls fences roofs balconies Etc go for it and submit by December 20th using the hashtag griffydino shell as you can see a few people have already submitted their builds as I did create this over on Twitch first so make sure you submit your builds by December 20th I will be doing a stream over on Twitch where I will be looking at builds live so make sure you join us on December 20th at 6 PM eastern time over on switch.tv misgriffy where I will be touring your builds and I will also have a video out within a couple of days after that as well touring a couple more of them but with that let's jump into the speed build of me attempting this build alright so the first thing I did was move this building over into the world of windenburg I'm actually on the island of winning work here and I decided I was just going to experiment with the roofing and see what happened so I have a flat roof over the rounded portion and then I'm just kind of pulling and dragging roofs around and experimenting to see what we come up with and it ends up having a pretty modern exterior and I actually really like the roof but it was a challenge to figure out how to make this work because obviously I wasn't thinking about the roof when I created the shape I was just clicking and dragging the rooms around and trying to make something that looked very strange something that I typically wouldn't put together to try and turn into a build which includes a round room lots of these random like one or two tile bump outs and it was definitely kind of a difficult one to figure out if you would like to see the full stream of when I created the shell and like the beginnings of me attempting to decorate it that VOD is over on my twitch Channel twitch.tv so feel free to check that out if you are interested but right here I'm just trying to figure out the roofing portion I had this one little square bump out so I decided to have a diagonal roof coming out meeting up with this square roof and I think that works really nicely and then just painting everything to match I also really wanted to have big Windows on this round portion and at first I thought I was going to use some of the ones that are actually fully supported on round walls that came with high school years but I opted for these instead from these Seasons expansion pack I just think they were more the style I was going for I went with more like rustic windows and then the inside is super modern and I felt like At first I was falling into a recent Trend I found in myself where I really want to make really dark wood homes everything's like rustic blacks and Browns and so I was like you know what when we got inside and in the living room I decided I was going to pick a colorful rug and just make it work and I'm so happy that I did that because I think it really inspired the color scheme for the whole interior of this home and it has so much color and personality to it so I think it came out really cute in the end I really hope you will enjoy the show and I really hope you will actually submit a build if you're interested I would love to look through them I'm very excited about it I haven't done a shell challenge in so long it's been so overdue and I know I mentioned possibly doing some one sometime soon so I hope you enjoy this one and find it challenging because that was the goal here I think it was a really cool one to mess around with and I didn't find placing the stairs to be too difficult which is interesting because I feel like that's usually the biggest struggle with shell challenges is figuring out how to access the other floors if it is a multiple multiple floor shell challenge so anyway uh working on some of the Landscaping now trying to grab some rocks and some like grass and stuff that I see around this existing area and place it on our Lots I have a little pathway leading up to the house as well obviously this is in the middle of an island so it doesn't really lead anywhere but I still think it looks nice and I show a decent amount of landscaping but not all of it out back towards the end you'll see it just kind of disappears or appears I guess uh but here we are trying to figure out where to put the stairs I'm fiddling with it a little bit but it did come together pretty easily I was just trying to figure out the best way to place them to utilize an upstairs floor plan and there it is that's where they ended up being a little corner stair option and then upstairs there ends up being two bedrooms and a bathroom downstairs there is a bedroom two bathrooms a office and then kitchen living dining so it ends up being a three bedroom three bathroom house so I think that's a pretty good size I can't remember off the top of my head how much this costs but if you would like to download this build it is available on the Sims 4 Gallery you can find it under my EA ID which is Griffey g-r-y-p-h-i you could also find it under the hashtag missgraphy that information is also down below and of course that's also where you can find the challenge if you would like to download the empty shell and try it for yourself you can also find all of the other people's like submissions I would oh I'm so excited to look through them as time goes on and see what everyone does so yeah I would love it if you would participate if you're interested I'm thinking I'm gonna bring shell challenges back uh to be a little bit more of a consistent thing because I do miss them so if you're excited about that let me know but anyway we are working on getting an idea of what the living space is going to look like now in the layout in the kitchen and all of that just kind of placing things down and placing things in the rounded room is so difficult it like jumps all over the place and it's frustrating but at this point I didn't realize that I was going to have an office down here I thought the living room was just gonna be the living room but I actually combined that with a dining space and the dining room doesn't actually end up being over here by that big window like I thought it was going to be I make like a couple of changes here and there as I do star decorating but I just put down some placeholder Furniture to get an idea of where things are gonna go but we are actually working on the kitchen now and at first I thought it would be nice to have white counters because I've just been really loving Brown counters lately and I was trying to get away from it but we ended up with brown counters in the end it's okay the countertops are white and I did inject more color into this build than just black white and brown so it worked out okay in the end I really really like how this house came out I'm incredibly proud of it especially because you know I had no idea what I was doing I just drew a very random shave starting with a rounded room and went from there and I think the interior came out really cute so right now I am just trying to do some painting on the walls and we're going to I think to the living room now before I actually finish the kitchen I just wanted to figure out the layout in there uh and then I come back to it but it takes a little bit of time and this is at the point where I'm trying to figure out how to inject color into the space Maybe I changed the front door then I add more beige to the walls I don't know how I thought that that was going to add color but that is what we're doing there and I think I should be grabbing a rug here now yeah we're looking for a colorful rug and at first I'm thinking green but that's that's too boring so we go with this one orange and blue which is one of my favorite color combinations it's so pretty and it still has some neutral tones in it we have some Browns and beiges in there so I feel like it just was the perfect fit for this space and then I scaled it with tool to make it fit the space just a tad bit better and I paired it with some more neutral Furniture so we have this couch from the desert Luxe kit and then I got a really comfy looking armchair with a pillow on it from Jungle Adventure I thought that that would be perfect because it has such a colorful pillow that brings in those same colors it's adding yellow into the space which gives me a third color to work with outside of our neutrals but the wood tones were perfect it already had the orange so I really liked that I at first was going to put like two of them I tried two couches first but then you'll see me try two chairs one on either side of the fireplace but I decided that I didn't like that because they're exactly the same with the pillow in the same spot so it just looked a little odd so I do get rid of one of those in the end you'll see that in a little while but first I am placing our TV up above the fireplace that's not my favorite placement for TVs but I think it worked pretty well in this particular home and then I decided instead of having the dining room over on the other side it would look nice to have a round table Tabor a round table over in the curved section of this room and I paired it with these chairs from base game they are so pretty in this Navy Swatch I just really liked how that looked it felt like that space was meant to be for the table so that's what I went with and then we're just gonna get a light up above it as well I thought about a couple of colorful options I just thought the orange was too much so I ended up using just like the creamish color instead and then we got a hutch over here as well as one of my favorite plants in the game it is from dine out and it's just gorgeous I need to add it and I'm struggling to place it because of the rounded room and then I also got a clock on the wall I really like that clock it's nice and modern I feel like we don't have a lot of like modern clocks or tabletop clocks we have a couple of table top ones we have the base game one that's more traditional and then we recently in high school years got a alarm clock that looks like I don't know like a little dinosaur or something which I guess is appropriate for this shell challenge but anyway I did get rid of that other chair and I'm trying to figure out what to put over here so I decided to put a basket of blankets and I thought that this Swatch was just perfect because of the navy blue and the creams and then I just got a couple of lights on either side of the fireplace which I thought just nicely anchored the space and then of course getting some more artwork on the wall I think I go with the ones from cats and dogs in the blue Swatch if I'm remembering correctly because they're a nice modern piece and they match the color scheme in here perfectly I also really liked using these little vertical pillars in this space outside and inside to kind of separate the area the ones I used I think are from City living they're just so nice I feel like that makes the entry area look a little bit more purposeful and pronounced if that makes sense and then there is a door heading on in to the office space but we'll be coming back to that later because I do need to work on the kitchen here first so in here I wanted to bring in some of them navy blue immediately so I brought in this beautiful rug from City living and then I'm trying to figure out where to put the fridge in the stove we also have a dishwasher in the space which is something I often forget to put in my builds uh coffee pot and I wanted to clutter up the area but not make it too messy so we have a dish rack over here I ended up getting some shelving over on the wall where the coffee pot is and I'm trying to figure out how to bring in like a yellow or an orange as well but I didn't like the curtains I placed down at first from Parenthood I ended up going with the base game ones instead that we got with an update when toddlers came out I'm pretty sure so I will be grabbing those here shortly but this is that shelving unit I ended up using it's just got like books and plants in it I think it is so pretty it is from Eco lifestyle and I just think it adds that little modern touch to this kitchen that I was hoping for but here I am swapping out those curtains these ones bring in the yellow and the orange and I think they look so bright and happy in here so I was quite happy with that decision and from there I think we're just going to get some more Decor I also painted the walls on the opposite sides of the kitchen to be that like more concrete dark brown color I just thought that it added some nice contrast to this room and I also wanted to make sure we had utensils and stuff by the stove so we have like all the spoons and stuff as well as a knife block and I believe I got some spoons hanging up above the stove as well and some canisters here as well I love these they're from cottage living and I just think they are so pretty and that was a piece of kitchen cutter I felt like we were missing for such a long time there's so many amazing clutter pieces we've gotten within the last year or so that I'm so happy to finally have uh but this room I didn't want to have a dining space in because I put it right outside of this room but I also didn't feel like I wanted a full island so I decided to use this end table instead from cats and dogs and put a couple of stools there as like a cute little prep space in the middle of the room with a fruit bowl I also got some coffee mugs over here by the coffee pot I think that's just such a nice realistic touch and a phone and keys as well as some aprons I I really liked using that two by one room that's attached to the kitchen here as sort of a pantry slash storage space of the trash cans in there there's some extra Cabinetry and I have the aprons and a broom and all of that I just thought it looked really realistic and it was a nice way to actually utilize that space that I normally wouldn't have put there if this wasn't a shell challenge anyway moving on into the office space I just have a small desk here from the this is from Snowy Escape it's just a really small desk I like it it's got a shorter or not shorter it's not as wide as most of the desks in the game so it fits a little bit better and I wanted to just keep this space really clean and modern and simple so I just have a bookcase in here a cork board and there ends up being a seating space over on the other Corner as well I didn't want it to feel too cluttered in here but I do have a couple of postcards because I love adding those to pretty much every build and I also painted some of the walls blue just to add a little bit more contrast in this room and the seating area is going to be over here I believe I only had one share I thought about adding two but I just get one and I believe a lamp as well and this really pretty Leaf painting I think it's a really cute room and just finishing it off with that fuzzy rug and then I'm going to be decorating the bathrooms I think I only show this one this is the half bath downstairs and then the other downstairs bathroom is an ensuite for the primary bedroom and then upstairs there is one that is shared by the two bedrooms upstairs uh this one's only a half bath though so you know it only has a toilet in a sink but the primary bedrooms bathroom like their ensuite has a shower and then the one upstairs has a shower tub combo so if you have dogs or toddlers or anything like that you will have a spot for them to bathe no worries whatsoever but I did decorate this house to have just all double bedrooms so uh you know I wasn't imagining there was a family here or if there was it was like adult kids that were living here uh you could change it to be whatever you would like this also could be a vacation home like a rental that could be kind of fun but I wasn't really imagining kids in this space for some reason so I just decorated the rooms to all be double bedrooms but that's an easy thing to go ahead and change if you download this house you can customize the rooms to fit the family you have in mind that's always a possibility and I'm totally okay with you doing whatever you want with my builds feel free to change them uh to make them you know fit for your families anyway this is the primary bedroom I think it came out so cute it's very neutral except for the pop of blue in the bed which I love and then also that I immediately thought of this painting from get famous to put above it I just think it's gorgeous this lady in her blue dress it's just so pretty and I felt like it really captured the colors I was going for in this build and I also like the plant put in the corner of the room as well I was just really happy with this space I was a little worried about it at first because it's a really long bedroom but I think it worked out nicely in the end and then we're just getting a little dresser over here in the corner bringing in some more of that blue I also got a chair over here I believe yeah this one from the bowling stuff pack in this like creamy yellow color I thought worked nicely and then just getting some more artwork in a mirror I tried a couple of different mirrors I cut out some of it but I end up going with one from vintage glimmer in the end and then I think I just got a little plant over there but I don't show the ensuite bathroom then we're moving upstairs to the two bedrooms up here and I wanted to bring in some more of those colors we were using so we haven't orange bedroom and I think the other one ends up being like a greeny blue color you'll see it when we get to it but I really liked how this room came out I think it looks super colorful and like cheerful I loved the painting I put up above the bed which is from dream home decorator and then the bed itself I believe is from Seasons I don't use this orange Swatch very often but I think it looks really pretty and it fit nicely for this space this is one of my favorite beds in the game I just have a few swatches that are my favorite favorites uh so this one doesn't get as much love but I think it works nicely here and I had a lot of fun figuring out what to do with all these weird little nooks and spaces I have like a built-in Closet in one of the rooms up here we have a bookcase I have another seating space over here using that same plant that I just love so much uh and then we're moving on into the final bedroom I loved the wall color I as soon as I put this bed down I was like I know what wall color I'm using we have this exact wall of color in the game and then the Frog I paired with it just like the oranges and Greens in here are so rich and I feel like even though they're not the exact same colors I'm using downstairs they really match the vibe of this house and like the dark colors mixed with the bright Pops that I was going for I feel like it has the same Vibe as the blue and the orange and the blue and the yellow that I have downstairs but being slightly different colors so I just got a dresser over here by the window and a nice standing mirror getting a couple of clutter pieces as well so we have some lotions and some jewelry as well as a lamp and oh yeah I added a side table over here as well and this uh lit this living room this bedroom also has its own TV so that was a nice touch the other ones don't but it kind of fit in this space and I also ended up changing out this mirror for the same one that I used in the primary bedroom because I just didn't like the one I placed down to begin with and whenever you have a corner you don't know what to do with you put a plant so that's exactly what I did anyway this is the outside balcony that comes off the like public space upstairs when you get to the top of the steps I just have a couple of couches up there and a telescope and then we are out in the backyard where I have a barbecue the trash can a place to sit down and eat a couple of Planters nothing too complicated just finishing up the Landscaping now and then we will be heading on into screenshots thank you so much for watching this was a lot of fun to do I had a blast creating the shell and actually attempting it on my own I really like how it came out so I really hope you will give it a go if you're interested if you would like a chance to be toured make sure you submit it to the gallery using my hashtag by December 20th and uh yeah good luck to everyone thank you so much for watching and I will see you all in the next one bye everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Gryphi
Views: 26,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 shell challenge, msgryphi shell challenge, gryphi shell challenge, shell challenge, new shell challenge, before and after, sims 4 renovation, sims 4 shell, msgryphi, sims 4 speed build, gryphi dino shell
Id: RJH-g5zws5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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