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ladies and gentlemen today we witnessed one of the greatest runs in any competitive sport of all time Magnus Carlson considered by many the greatest chess player ever playing a tournament in Croatia where he was up against nine other opponents in one day like a Bruce Lee movie and Magnus Carlson defeated every single opponent no draws no losses 9-0 a 4 000 plus ELO performance he was perfect he was Sensational and I'm going to show you all of his games now if you're a long time viewer of my channel you know right now July 8th 2023 I'm back I'm back home I was on vacation for uh two weeks or kidnapped or held by the you know the hostage takers and they let me free but only if I made this video oh my goodness my friends you just just put me up on the smart TV watch me on the iPad put me in a little ledge in the in the shower you know and just tune in because this was this was incredible it's Magnus Carlson he's gonna win every game in this video he's going to do it in a million different ways or nine different ways here we go this was the blitz portion of the Zagreb uh rapid and Bliss tournament Magnus with the black pieces first game his opponent Fabiano caruana it's a Queen's Gambit E6 played by Magnus he plays d-take C4 and the players get started with a very sharp and complicated Queen's Gambit accepted decline kind of a thing where Magnus says like you can't have my Pawn a massive explosion takes takes Knight C3 and the bishop drops back to B7 and it's a very tense position early as Fabiano and Magnus have evened out the pawns but they're very very imbalanced and this game was very tense for a while there was a night trade in the center of the board a little bit later they traded the dark scored Bishops and the position is dead equal so Magnus brings his Queen out puts his Rook into the center plays King f8 which if you want me to explain to any intermediate or beginner player I absolutely can't puts his rook in the center and I mean it's a whole bunch of nothing right it's just Queens Magnus plays A5 Rogues Bishops Knights a lot of pieces are just slowly getting traded off the board it's Rook Knight and queen versus Rook Knight and queen how is Magnus gonna win this this is Rook on the center line Queen and Rook are very active he's pushing Fabiano backwards grabs a Pawn on B2 but loses the one on C7 King goes back to G8 all right Magnus has won a pawn five seconds versus nine seconds what if I told you that these guys played 70 more moves with less than 10 seconds on the clock well I should probably match the pace we got a nitrate Queen and Rook Queen and Rook four pawns versus three this is not winnable by any human it's not winnable but Magnus Ain't Human he's a robot and he slowly methodically pries apart the defense of the white position activating his King activating his pawns a slow methodical effort forward it's still a draw but you gotta be perfect you gotta be perfect when you defend against Magnus Queen end game looking like a draw dancing dancing pushing the pawn pushing the king and at some point deep into this end game it was just a matter of time before Fabiano caruana would succumb to the bothersome approach that Magnus took the position doesn't look any different and yet it's winning and it took 104 moves for Magnus to grab two Pawns and win the game 104 moves is how we started the day now the good news is not all these games are 104 moves although I wouldn't mind the ad Revenue game number two all right this time Magnus is playing against the Polish phenom and the Polish Phenom is we have a Catalan with Ponto G3 D takes C4 on the board and Magnus plays this approach with Bishop E3 which is just whatever edgy stuff Queen C1 is going to win the pawn back and Magnus does it like this he is playing a Catalan Gambit a Catalan Gambit is when you give up the pawn on C4 you will notice that white has six pawns and also and black has seven so black is a pawn up but white has a very pleasant position oh I forgot to ask do you prefer my microphone settings like this on my normal setup uh or would you prefer I uh recorded uh with the setup of the vacation which sounded a little bit more rich but also I don't know a little bit much anyway Magnus trades Bishops and uh puts his knights in the center of the board like this Knight E4 and now what how is Magnus going to win the second game of the day H4 but still Rock Solid a lot of Pawns on dark squares he could go to C5 he could go that way right is he gonna start an attack well he drops the Knight back to C4 and now he does this he's got his Pawns in the center he's allowing Duda to come in here but he's he's also gonna fire back he trades nights dude actually loses the exchange but his idea is to push these Pawns the Magnus goes okay for and queen D1 and H5 and queen A1 he's just not letting these pawns go forward you know what's gonna happen if those spawns don't get to go forward dude is not going to know what to do so he tries to attack magnus's Kingman he's like no no no no no yeah you can come in with the pawn I got news for you the pawn stopped yeah you could try to counter attack that got news for you you ain't counter attacking nothing because you thought you were attacking me but I'm attacking you Rook D1 check F3 cool calm and collected walks out of the position and jumps right back 96 is looking good but here comes C5 Duda has to find Queen B5 only move he finds the wrong move now Queen B3 Rook C4 Knight C5 and unfortunately check King H2 Magnus wins the night Agnes wins the game a very complicated back and forth messy little Catalan 2-0 third game of the day Magnus is playing gookesh Indian Superstar Magnus goes for the Sicilian Defense he goes for the Timon of Sicilian Bishop E3 I just Place A6 G4 super aggressive move completely designed against Knight F6 because then you would go G5 so G4 is just kind of trying to fire a couple of warning shots over here Magnus like all right you want to attack over there come come on let's go H4 yeah yeah you think I'm gonna castle that way right maybe but I don't think so it's very clear so I'm gonna counter attack you over here Queen D2 Magnus is like yeah you you wanna you wanna you wanna fight B4 I just need a queen and pawns I don't need my knight my Bishop's children are watching and none of this matters to me B4 Knight E2 Magnus just takes I mean this position looks completely ridiculous Magnus has only moved the queen white is completely castled white has moved every piece Here Comes G5 Magnus is waving the red flag in front of the bull HG the Knight goes to E4 the queen centralizes look at gukesh's position it's firing on all cylinders Queen Bishops Knight Rooks me extremely jet lagged and recording a video just 90 minutes after landing from a seven and a half hour flight you know we're all champions in our own way Knight to D6 Queen takes B4 and right here I gotta tell you this ain't looking too good for black he's got like no development right now you're probably going Levy it says minus 0.5 right there you're not fooling anybody you're not stockfish you know who is stockfish or as damn close as possible the starfishes we're going to get from a human Queen C6 it's end game time that's all he needs that's all he needs Rook C6 and now allow the pieces to do the dancing Rook slides back Rook H4 what a move is King and Bishop still haven't even moved yet you might wonder why he didn't take the knights because the Rook was hanging the bishop got taken maggots didn't even move his Bishop he didn't move his Bishop 27 moves and the bishop perishes and now it's Rooks and Bishop versus Rooks and Knight rookie 4 D5 and all he needs is a tiny bit of imbalance in the end game the Rooks the Knight gliding together asking questions of the white position Rock Solid beautiful coordination it's time for a rook end game he just needs a little bit he just needs a little bit Rook F3 he grabs the pawn pushes and he just creates practical chances Rook C2 he trades the Rooks because he's gonna win this pawn and the game is over White's only chance of survival was to lose the pawn here but it doesn't matter King D3 two versus one this is Trivial for the champ and that's it if you go here it makes no difference I can play F5 and it's game over I can play F6 this is a winning King and pawn end game three no in a variety of different ways now he's playing the Croatian Phenom Ivan sharich all right and he plays Bishop C4 this man Magnus is playing the bowler bowders I don't I don't know what it's called bowder or something like that this is what beginners play admit it you are no different than Magnus Carlson the greatest chess player of all time what was the first opening you learned Italian with these three moves so what did you go and do played it against every other opening in existence Sicilian Italian I mean kind of French Italian any opening Italian this is not supposed to be any good because black and play E6 so what is black do in a little while he plays E6 Magnus is like I don't care we just have to play a game now I'm not interested in opening preparation now the center is going to open up all right and we have a symmetrical position no C pawns Magnus rotating the Knight around poking a little bit with the bishop gives away the bishop for the night and puts his Knight on G3 and now the center locks the center is locked what does that mean when the Octagon door shuts in the UFC two men two women have a fist fight okay that's what's gonna happen in this game cage closed Center locked two men are gonna have a fist fight except they're dorks so they're gonna play on the chessboard I'm also a dork we're all dorks you watching this you're a dork as well alright I'm just like there's nothing wrong with that I was made fun of for chess in school now you're like weird if you don't play chess in middle school so dorks are the ones that succeed in the world Knight takes E5 the knights Gallop into the black position D6 on the way the crossroads have opened up an explosion in the Town Square he grabs the pawn on E5 he threatens mate induces a weakness Queen H4 hits the Knight immediately Knight D6 hits everything and now just to calm H3 just make sure the king doesn't get mated I mean before Rook D1 centralizing kicks out the queen from the position hits the queen again grabs and now Bishop takes F7 and the black position is going to disintegrate but it's going to disintegrate into an end game that Magnus is going to win he's threatening to infiltrate with his rook and queen the pawn is on the way as well and it's just a matter of time before shortage I think in this position by the way Magnus hung a fork with three seconds on the clock but uh low time we're just gonna conveniently skip that and in time scrambles Anything is Possible and he gets it done he gets it done it wasn't smooth but he gets it done most important is his face is smooth with a clean shave he wins another game next game lorino he's playing Vichy Anand with the black pieces this year begins E4 this time my man my man go oh keep playing the Caro I always love me when Magnus Carl said please my favorite opening it's like when your favorite artist goes to your favorite city but he charges like 700 for tickets so you can't afford it or crashes a ticket website D3 um ah oh my God oh my God I'm so tired like halfway through recording this video I'm like I can't even believe I'm speaking right now but I have to stay up late it's like afternoon here in New York and if I sleep I was gonna ruin everything so I gotta stay up until like 9 10 p.m then I'm gonna crash jet lag hack anyway Magnus trades Queens uh and then he develops his Knight and then he plays this move G5 now by the way a white undeveloping the Knight to block the bishop and his Knight to guard the pawn might look really silly it it's one of the top computer moves here this is the kind of like the meta Theory here I'm not going to explain it because you don't need to know it because this is like Chef's sprinkling like it's like those restaurants you ever seen those Michelin star restaurants that like deconstruct meals and put them on a plate like individual ingredients I'll never understand that you'll never understand that but it's one of these things G5 G like what is what even is this I mean it looks like four hundreds are playing right okay here come the pieces and Magnus grabs the two Bishops and develops as pieces and rotates the Knight and plays F5 all right equal position so what's next castles right trades of the night Bishop's looking very nice Rook d8 hitting the pawn in the center and Vichy decides to take the pawn and lose this Pawn centralizes Knight Here Comes Magnus dancing away to the other side of the board Rook hits the Pawn King comes closer a little bit Roque to check and again like nothing special it's kind of an equal game he's won four but how is he gonna win the fifth he attacks The Rook Rook takes I mean it's a completely equal position And Then There She Goes here this she needed to make sure his King was never going to get mated when he wandered over here with the Rook suddenly the move Bishop D4 came and it disconnected the bishop and the rook and the Bishop from that square so if you take I'm actually not going here it's mate so vishy needed to play Bishop A7 he played Rook A7 and suddenly he's lost one mover Boom headshot the pawns are coming down the board mate is threatened on both sides 5-0 variety of ways one punch knockout and game grind coin flip 104 move grind 5-0 next his former World Championship Challenger well actually the last one right because Magnus didn't defend again another Catalan what are we gonna get this time this time we get Knight C3 Magnus plays for the center Rook B8 Jana's like you can't have the pawn you took you gave me the pawn I'm not giving the pawn back not giving the pawn back I'm not giving it back okay Rook D1 what's the night back kicks out the night back to uh over there and now Jan gives up the pawn on B5 But Here Comes the bishop Agnes voluntarily giving up another Pawn it2 and here he comes the worst opening that you can allow Magnus to play is the Catalan you can't really stop the Catalan but once you get Magnus in the flow state of the Catalan it's a wrap D5 and E5 now everything is opened up the bishop The Rook Knight E4 take take he doesn't take the pawn Knight goes to D4 hitting the Rook you can play Rook B2 but then I'm gonna play Queen E4 and I have Knight over here also this is hanging in Knight c6s on the way Knight B3 Knight goes to C6 hitting the queen in the bishop the queen goes to protect the bishop and now Queen takes Pawn now the queen is hitting the rook and the Knight and the pawn even though the Knight can take the Rook Rook B6 he grabs the bishop with check Rook A7 Magnus has cashed out of his investment and let me tell you something right now he's got interest not only does he have interest he's pissed like in a mafia movie Queen to E6 he trades what does he trade into how much have you been watching of this video he trades into an end game he trades into an end game H4 yeah ain't kicking out my Bishop H5 controlling the black structure let's trade you want to trade no problem here comes my Rook we're going to an end game yawn let's finish this the way we started this together rookie six Bishop back to E3 is going to grab that pawn he's gonna grab that pawn he's gonna grab one of the pawns there it is Rook H6 and Jana's only one Pawn down but let me tell you something right now these two pawns are playing touch but in the park they are running straight into one another there is absolutely nothing here the shoes are tied together King F6 Knight D4 it's just a matter of time Rooks are offered for an exchange and Magnus has two pawns running down on opposite sides of the board you're not stopping them you're not stopping them Rook C1 Rook C6 and I got news for you it's not even the fact the pawns are gonna go Black's King is mated Magnus ends this game by sliding the king up to G3 removing the oxygen tank from the black king black has made it black has all these pieces on the board Magnus weaves a Checkmate net in the middle of a game and defeatsche to go six out of six but so what so what if he's six out of six he still has to win three more games Now spoiler alert you know that happens but how does that happen how do you just beat everyone you play at the 2700 level plays the fantasy Karo Khan this man Magnus plays a move I've never seen in my life he plays Queen to A5 check and guess what I'ma start playing this move this man Magnus just played a move I have legitimately never seen in my life Queen A5 I mean what do you do white just goes here but alireza plays C3 and Magnus strikes at the center with E5 you see E5 straight away is not at very accurate if white knows like 15 moves of theory they can get a very small Advantage but then if you play Queen A5 white is going to go here but if you start with Queen A5 and then Bishop D2 well then I can go here now two of your pawns are hanging so Queen A5 check C3 now he strikes the center B4 kicks the queen up but the queen goes back and white is not even better anymore what is Queen A5 check how does this man know these ridiculous jutsus chops the center and just develops drops the queen back to C7 Here Comes alireza though grabs the bishop Bishop C4 Ali Reza is like a freight train Unchained all right he doesn't need any invitation to start rolling downhill Magnus Castle's opposite sides that is an indication of hostility that is a declaration of War on Ali Reza farouza's king the kings are on opposite sides one of these two kings will fall Bishop takes C6 the bishop drops back Agnes wins The Pawn on e4 but I got news for you if I have to make a wager of who I think is going to win this game it's probably the man with the Armada completely centralized and not the man whose pieces have yet to participate in the game so what does fairuzia try to do trade some pieces because that is going to be the only way to prevent Magnus Carlson from attacking you but you know what's the best way to prevent Magnus Carlsen from attacking you to avoid a game against Magnus Carlsen because those state that this man was in today he would have defeated God himself Bishop to F4 Queen E6 it looks like the worst is over and fairuzia might have avoided disaster at the very least it will cost him one Pawn unfortunately that's all Magnus needs A6 Ali residue not gonna go down without a fight puts his King on the edge of the board King is safe on A7 alireza plays G4 H5 actually Magnus misses an even faster win with Queen to E3 but H5 is nice we need three check ferrugia keeps fighting farouja keeps fighting I don't know how there's no mate here so Magnus sends this to an end game you know he always wins the men games yeah he had a little bit of a faster win I think but this is going to get the job done too many Pawns too many pawns it's just a matter of time and uh B3 King B4 and on move 56 of this game Magnus defeated his young rival and move to 7-0 now Magnus could have probably end this end of this game was just an absolute KO like it could have been a brutal knockout of ferocious King but somehow he got tangled in all of these checks but it doesn't matter because he always has an escape route to the phase of the game that he knows better than any human being on the planet imagine having an advantage against any human on the planet at something crazy right for me it would probably be the amount of times I get diarrhea in a month no definitely not I'm probably like a 50th percentile there um my friends two more games you ready these two are very fun 7-0 it's an ayokin's defense against report it's a solid game symmetrical structure ish d and e Pawns very good there's the symmetry and Madness it takes down Bishop H2 and very quickly actually they get into a more or less kind of end game three traps the bishop E3 and Report actually takes on G3 Magnus in this position could have played King to F1 but then Queen C4 and then rookie won and I'm actually not so certain you can win this very easily with white so he went here but report grabbed the G3 Pawn and escaped and Magnus played Bishop takes A7 very balanced game for K8 rookie one Bishop is hanging ship was hanging I hear something insane happened or played Bishop C3 his idea was that Magnus will take and he's gonna take the bishop Agnes went rookie seven and suddenly is threatening mate in two and he's also threatening the bishop report plays D4 but now this and Magnus is winning he's up a queen for a rook but report sneaks the pawn down to D2 there was no need for Magnus to engage with this he could have played Queen D7 actually and fought back on the D file but instead of that all of a sudden Magnus again goes for a queen end game but with 40 seconds versus five it ain't it Rapport is actually going to hold because even though Magnus has a pawn up his King is super weak so what does he do he Chucks the pawns he loses the pawns on this side of the board and now reporters queening two and they both have less than 10 seconds oh my God it's a circus Queenie two check Queen F3 check here comes G5 Queen F3 check was in an accuracy report here needed to play F3 it's a it's a race what are you doing a race you gotta run right but instead he starts giving checks and all of a sudden Magnus sneaks out and the pawn gets to A7 another black queen has to stay back and Magnus runs his King safely blocking reports upon his Pawn is too fast and Report gets frozen in his tracks as Magnus just advances and there is nothing report can do queen F3 if you take its mate if you take I'll promote and Report resigned Magnus is just more accurate for a longer period of time he might slip up he might give up some Advantage eight and O humans again this might have been his most impressive one in the whole day Magnus is playing Constantine lupulasco who's a Romanian Grandmaster uh and uh I believe a wild card uh for this event and I'm trying to remember where the wild card invitation came from um he might have done extremely well at like a previous event I don't actually remember because of course lupalesco is low rated than the field but they always have some wild cards and they always allow a grand master who is not yet like not at that high of a level as as the players involved still uh still compete and ah here we go my friends here we go power through Gotham Magnus almost didn't get anywhere close in this game it was an exchange Queen's Gambit declined Magnus traded light scored Bishops they both castled this is the most boring position he's had in the entire video he's got to win this game and this is like the weakest opponent that he had all day and it's a 2600 level GM and the thing is of all the opponents that Magnus played that day this was the one you expected him to beat this is his lowest rated opponent they are nearly 250 points apart in fact they are 250 points apart in Blitz it's gonna be a walk in the park right between C2 Magnus plays rookie 8 Knight D7 and immediately fires with B5 because he's trying to assert dominance that's what he's trying to do he plays B4 Knight goes out to A4 and in this position Magnus actually has a knockout he can go here which simply ends the game uh uh ends the game as a strong if white plays the perfect response he will get a worse position if he plays a bad response he might just straight up lose the game for example if you take the Knight this is lost for white it's like not close pawns are awful you're gonna lose this pressure here this this doesn't justify how bad it is uh but if you uh take here first then I'm gonna go here which is the triple Fork you take my queen I take your queen your Bishop is hanging so let's say you like move it then I'm gonna come back and Fork you so you can't do that so you gotta go here then I'm still gonna come back and I'm gonna take the bishop and I'm going to be better the Magnus plays C5 and all of a sudden after this this this this this this this this this is this this is a draw Magnus can't win this Queens Knights Rooks rookie two Knight C3 discovered attack on the queen Knight D5 you can't win this it's not winnable two Rooks and four two Rooks and four Knight in Bishop right like can't win this position's complete the dead draw why does just going to defend over here he's going to lose this Pawn but it's it's not you can't win this you can't win this huh you absolute bozos you know he won how did he make it look so easy well white has to apparently go here you gotta let the person chase you now you may be wondering isn't G2 hanging yes but then Rook G1 and if this happens this is actually far more drawable because these two cancel out and this is not a three on two this is touchbud in the park no that's not what that is Rook to G1 instead and this is too passive this is too passive and then this Rook is not playing defense in the right way and Magnus anchors that side of the board and just methodically slowly expands white has less than 10 seconds he's panicking and Magnus advances all his pawns for the fifth or sixth time in this video wins an end game slides over one square these two pieces are paralyzed A2 Rook B1 Unstoppable this man goes 9 out of nine not only did he go nine out of nine he also clapped when the game ended like there was another game going on and Magnus shook hands with his opponent turned to the crowd and just went like he didn't yell because that would have been hilarious but he was like like that that's that's cool to see man like that's cool the fact that the I want to say the world champion is not the World Champ he's the world champion rabbit and Blitz so it's cool that he's defending uh that's cool Magnus played nine opponents today he beat all nine opponents that has never happened in chess ever um this is uh Bobby Fischer once famously won some ridiculous amount of games in a row but the level of the players now is higher and to beat nine different players in a day has I think never happened in chess ever so he fell off huh he should retire huh I think reports of his death were greatly exaggerated my jet lag now good good for setting me free finally um on a serious note uh if you made it this far on the video just a heartfelt message from me um uh while traveling I encountered so many cool people I went to Sicily Roman Paris uh locals tourists just chess fans super super cool uh I'm not saying this to tell you people recognize me and I'm famous people recognize me and I'm famous but that's not the point the point that I'm trying to say is I like I'm living a dream I would have never thought that four years ago being like a teacher of like an after school program in New York City and some private students that anything like this could be possible I have people of all ages nationalities backgrounds locations in the world coming up to me even while traveling and I just want to say thank you so thanks for playing chess thanks for watching me whether it's a lot or a little and um yeah thank you and congrats to Magnus whole this dude is crazy hopefully he does this again tomorrow and I make another one now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 980,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 5L2mML4v32w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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