Hermitcraft RECAP - Season 9 Week 70

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three two one this week are you kidding me oh my God this is the war oh my God maybe it was that half because we dragged him or Mumbo who knows who would do such a thing welcome to the hermitcraft for recap my name is pixel riffs our writer is Loy XP captions on this video were provided by Liara and we got this comment on our hermitcraft prank call video saying it happened again well it's always a good week when the it is happening and this time we sure had an eventful time between the dueling museums the archeology completionism a chicken-based prank war unfolding and zedaf getting killed by a snowman somehow so subscribe while you're here and let's take a look at all the events and mishaps that occurred on the hermitcraft server this week before it crashes from entity spam lag starting with zaf who figures yeah I am more squishy than the mob that can't deal any damage and dies when so much as shown as shovel how can something so passive so friendly actually be a murderer swearing a mask revealed it was the Snowman all along as mentioned Zed wants to get killed by a Snowman for the sake of the getting killed by everything's advancement and it turns out he can it just takes one deeply silly Contraption to do so did you know snowballs are projectiles that can be set on fire yeah that one makes a lot of sense doesn't it well fiery projectiles can set off TNT and then that counts as the Kill by whoever threw it So eventually one of his turret snowmen successfully oppenheimer's zaf proving that yes there is no threat no matter how flimsy that he won't die to and look I told you I told you I totally sleep in that bed still maybe this was inspired in part by rendog's incredibly OSHA compliant music disc fun probably more so a productive listening to the cacophony machine oh it's beautiful okay oh it doesn't turn off oh I could still hear them and they're so far away in his own quest to basically Port the Minecraft Wiki to hermitcraft Cub fan135 lures the remaining monsters into their final resting place including a zombified piglet brute Scar and him trick into becoming a trivia dispenser he even gives it a voice using the new head on a note block system the game introduced unfortunately no one can tell what any of it means so Cub adds an interpreter circuit too fruit to pickling translation and then we have the brute English translation so the brute said would you rather be stabbed by a sword or give up a single Ingot of gold The Brute said please subscribe to climatecraft recap my career is dying making his place into even more of an xbox tutorial World Cup displays helpful factoids about armor trims at their display that also inform you where you can find them and how low the chances of you finding them there actually are what is certainly not very Museum of him is that the gift shop at the end is selling Pottery shirts and since we know those can't be duplicated this means the museum is straight up selling not copies but what they consider Priceless ancient artifacts though that's probably still not as unethical as the parkour exhibit that kills you in related news many horses will be harmed in the production of next week's video good times with scar realize that he can get rid of all three of his problems plaguing the scarland park by using the Wither projectiles doc left at his place to blow up the horses B-Dubs left at his place as well as blow up the B-Dubs who will come to rescue said horses from being blown up this is the horse show that's right it's gonna shoot out the Wither skulls killing B-Dubs or at least giving him a little horse curse which is amazing it is most impressive that scar had the patience to Wrangle all these animals into a giant head and just as much if he manages to actually load the Wither Skull floaties into the D horsing gun one way or another XP crafted shows an incredible week to have an episode entitled Zoo creature expansion and despite this he is not interested in the sniffer or maybe he is he hasn't met the right sniffer yet either way he goes out in search of camels eventually locating an Uncharted pair of desert villagers he snaps up the camels and leads them back to his base through the nether eventually arriving at a set of tunnels that lead through to a water elevator which surfaces in the zoo but that way I thought I had a fence in here dang it the call of the sniffer proves too strong and he dusts down a few ocean Ruins In Search of a sniffer egg or two then because this episode didn't have enough deserts in it already he locates a pair of pyramids where he can get suspicious about the sand is that what that is assured instead of A Shard is that like a technical term like I'll mispronounce a word I'll be like that's that's it's a technical term oh Diamond he arrives back at the zoo just in time to discover camels can walk over fences and that sniffers are adorable impulse SV could have told him that after tearing through the 1.20 features that grabbed his attention although the first order of business was returning from vacation to find himself falling in a boat but that boat was made of cherry wood so impulse had to go find some of that for himself well yeah I was in a boat and I basically was falling and they put slime blocks at the bottom I guess just to make sure I wouldn't die and I didn't even realize what was happening I thought it was just like infinitely falling and the server was hit hiccupine yeah thanks guys appreciate the welcome back he then moved on to a trail ruins digging that up for the trims and the new music disc and sent a camel to hell and back so he could open the camel Sanctuary on an island off the coast of the super Trio's bases okay let's go for the nudge there he goes oh that's when he also digs into sniffer mechanics but by that time he's hyped up to get his armor looking on brand so he plumbed as an Undiscovered ancient city in search of the ward armor trim adding some gold trim to his netherite boots and leggings the chest plate has to follow but that's when the update has some bad news about your diamond Armor's extended warranty oh now that there's three slots how does this work can we still do it like this are we supposed to craft netherright chest plates now yep had to consult the wiki Etho Rams out our Trio of camel Nappers although unfortunately it turns out his camel's hump wasn't filled with helium after all about bears good and now if we stop rocketing it should just balloon with us here there's a chance he'll detach from the lead so oh he's gone oh he's going so good Etho has also been Gathering 1.20 stuff since many people have pointed out that some pitcher plants would fit the vibe and color palette of his organic alien base perfectly as does the constant supply of gunpowder although that's really just an Etho thing okay I found it I found it I found it so that's all good the only fly I can see with this Farm is maybe I should have built it a little bit bigger the rest of his time has been spent improving and mapping out the ice boat Raceway and holy cow this thing is even bigger than we ever suspected the course map is enormous and we have to applaud Etho for his efforts as he works on decorations lighting and Redstone for some huge parts of it he has the bright idea to use Banners To indicate track Direction and warn the player amount the sharper turns and while he's setting up the barrier at the starting line we get a demonstration of how experienced players will be able to get a boosted start to the race there's like a risk versus reward section here oh I missed it or if you ride on the the clay light that will slow you down then it makes it a lot easier finally he snags himself a Red Crown from the button which I think makes him mumbo's second best friend if we're still keeping score after raiding an ancient city in search of glory and music discs Rendog expected things to calm down and have plenty of time to work on the new site for Boombox records having relocated it behind Scar's Redstone Boutique and opposite b00's Moss shop but his building time keeps getting interrupted by distractions from other Hermits first the news that Cub van has an entire Royal exhibit he hasn't had the time to visit yet and something Ren can contribute to if Cubs interested in acquiring the authentic keys to the castle tiny crown of the dog I'm not sure if that it's actually quite difficult to tell if that was the original crown or not you can't oh the key to the castle intent to play no favorites or perhaps stoke the fires of rivalry the late King Reign actually splits his artifacts between Cubs and zombie clio's museums though that lasts for all of five minutes once Cleo breaks out the loyalist card and near drives her into tears with all the Nostalgia for the days of the dogian Empire I love how you replicated the staircase from the the quest dungeon that's really really cool you know what I'm so glad you know I thought that might be wasted yeah absorb it again and see it all again and like relive it so to speak is really awesome yeah so remembering that you did and then actually ran well we do we all did I mean I say you say we all did but Ren you were you were the trigger you were the initiator you built so much um okay well I'm gonna go have a cry thank you so much no I am I am I am welling up myself disappear please before I do cry the tour of all their Museum including jevin's papiamashe fossil from last week ends with rendok granting his former Shady vizia the real real actual crown final full final.psd all other ones being but a replica probably due to the prop Department losing the damn thing until now and so the tiny crown of the dog rests once more at offer king's head that can only be good tiny crown of the dog and I guess this then there's doc M's whole deal which we'll be getting into shortly but suffice it to say that Ren discovers a new form of Transport dude I'm not even I'm not even pushing forward right now yeah it's just a conveyor belt of chicken action who's the best then XB crafted and Corrales jump scare him while he's checking on his shopping district profits and of course he needs to give zaf a tour of the new permanent music disc Farm over at gigacorp Island all this means he's only able to get the foundations of Boombox records built but it promises to be a lively shopping experience especially if Zed makes good on his promise to install a machine that plays all the records at once they are gonna cost big bucks big bucks but before we sell them we'll do a full cacophony listen through of all the music at once and then and then we'll sell them okay oh it doesn't turn off and just when he thought the interruptions were over Mumbo stops by to pose an unusual question would you blow up my base for 64 diamond blocks wait wait is this a bank who else is on you see mumbo's been debating the design of his base and has decided on a major remodel in creative mode he's mocked up a skyscraper that fits the same block palette but makes a more impressive mark on the skyline so the first step in this redesign process is to destroy the structure surrounding his bamboo farm and hey he's already had his vault door blown up this week so why stop there would you blow up my base oh absolutely not no no but genuinely I'm not gonna ask that app because I feel like he will say yes with absolutely no moral conflict I mean why do you think I'm not asking green you know or doc the blown out safe vault is the result of the contraption doc M left for green to discover as predicted seeing a zombie with a better crime than himself made grian immediately murder it and that blew out the vault door even if it's not entirely clear as to how I'll just do it did I get did I get it did I get it [Music] huh oh ah I don't know how to physically emotionally or spiritually fix this for some reason unafraid in the face of an enemy who can phase Dynamite through walls grian finally deploys the clock apocalypse he's been building up in the walls of his base for a while the Armageddon if you will assuming the identity of poultry man and dragging scar in for help green cracks every egg he has at Doc's perimeter spawning countless chickens and farming many more at some point they even set up automated egg Farms to AFK at turns out the area is chunk loaded so I don't know why they did that truly they followed the teachings of that one chicken from two seasons ago okay what's the plan we got the whole crew here what's what's the plan oh okay side note that clip comes from a season seven episode which green split into chapters and the chapter that clip is in is titled the giant goat because Korean Witnesses a prank on Doc M history may not be repeating itself but it sure does Rhyme ultimately though he's made peace with the idea of exploding most of his base Mumbo doesn't want to ignite the TNT himself he seizes the opportunity to test his friend's resolve and asks three other Hermits to do it Rendog and zombie Cleo both reject the opportunity you'll never guess who accepts oh there you are what well when he makes an entrance like that I guess it's kind of obvious scar would be up for the job he's even wearing a hard hat already for 64 diamond blocks yes can I blow your base up please please please please please please I chose Revenge today Mumbo no I said clear your mind I said clear your mind have you not cleared your mind or is this just your mind that's a good question actually but he approaches the task with gusto and he and Mumbo gleefully dismantle mumbo's bamboo Farm facade leaving it a smoldering crater with a bright future which is when mumbo's second social experiment presents itself convincing grian that he's responsible for it it's a ruse that lasts long enough agreeing to burn the best friend Crown at which point Mumbo confesses and somehow green still trusts him enough to invite him into the latest alliance against doc M77 how do you defeat a goat well push him off a cliff that was notoriously good at staying on Cliff yeah that's like the one thing during their first meeting they discovered that Green's game keeps crashing every time there's falling blocks nearby which on the one hand is inconvenient but on the other hand it might be pre-emptive defense against an adversary with an anvil Cannon if you created an anti-green switch in dokkem's defense he was very excited about blowing up mumbo's garage door okay yes that may not be a great statement in his defense but I think we can all agree he's capable of defending himself because on discovering the chicken bomb he is quick to defuse it although significant damage has already been done since the area was chunk loaded about 5 000 chickens have swarmed in his absence and those are just the ones he can render around him the heck is this oh my God oh my God what this is more than 3 000 entities I only looked into oh my what the extra falling into the battery firm and suffocating in a cloud of feathers was the last straw any chickens that aren't evaporated in lava or die to the sword are painstakingly LED through the Nether and back to grian's base and honestly the time lapse footage of this is pretty incredible and it may not look like that much until you look down I don't even know how he got them here but the chickens are surprisingly Keen to thwart his efforts to Coral them they glitch through the corners of a Sloane block sweeping machine and find hiding holes in the convenient Bedrock craters docking lists the help of zedaf Rendog and an army of foxes and eventually clears them all out leaving him with an appetite for revenge and a huge advantage in the next game of stat poker the goat father's revenge is Swift and thematic taking the very dragon egg that green and Scar had left as an apology for destroying his tunnel ball he cannibalizes an end portal to duplicate it first one at time then with a few Redstone additions he's cloning it in enormous quantities we're talking hundreds of thousands of eggs per hour there are a few bumps in the road like that one time when the machine blows him up and deletes most of his equipment but it's worth the sacrifice just to hear rendog's reaction to this newest bending of the rules of reality now what oh I'm nervous what's gonna happen big balls the beat dude these are massive balls yeah you broke Minecraft what what is this nonsense and ren is all too eager to help with the aftermath loading up with shulker boxes of freshly cloned dragon eggs and with Little Help from twikaru he and Doc spam the eggs all over the buttercup's bases if you've ever had your house egged and thought that was a mess imagine what it'd be like if every time you tried to clean it up the egg teleported somewhere else while we're still waiting to see how the buttercups respond at least now we can finally answer the age-old question the chickens definitely came before the eggs and that's about it for this week's recap our writers Lee xpn my name is pixel riffs captions on this video were provided by Liara don't forget to leave a like while you're still here and subscribe so you won't miss future Recaps thanks for watching and we'll see you next week
Channel: Hermitcraft Recap - a show by fans for fans
Views: 166,484
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Keywords: hermitcraft, hermitcraft recap, hermitcraft season 9, hermitcraft season IX, hermitcraft 9, hermit minecraft, what happened on hermitcraft, minecraft, minecraft let's play, minecraft smp, hermitcraft smp, minecraft youtube, mcyt, mcyt fandom, hermitcraft memes, this week on hermitcraft, hermitcraft war, poultryman, hermitcraft eggs, egg prank, egg prank minecraft, dragon egg duplication, dragon egg prank, blow up mumbo's base, chicken war, egg war, hermitcraft chicken prank
Id: 2QVY3BTB118
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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