Hermitcraft 8: Episode 15 - THE MAGICAL MENAGERIE

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there's a pretty good reason why there's a giant hole in my base basically it was me i blew it up using one of these uh because pearl was trading with a villager and she spent most of her stream trying to blow me up so i managed to get her but certain sacrifices were made in the process so she has left me one of these i don't want to touch it but you can oh it still does damage [Laughter] i thought i was being so clever i thought i was being a genius well there wasn't any further explosions to my base on the bright side that made me jump so much it doesn't mitigate actual damage to you oh my goodness that is uh oh i'm okay i'm okay that made me jump that's woken me up a little bit interestingly it has damaged my azaleas how weird so this damage looks like uh tomorrow green's problem i i don't want to have to deal with this looks like it looks like pearl did actually get me in the end there's a few things we need to talk about on the server today because scar still hasn't actually responded to our messaging i think uh i think we have to give this up i think scar at some point will have to make a decision and i hope that he chooses me but there has been several other things that have gone on on the server a few days ago we had a guest on the server for a make-a-wish tour of the hermitcraft server and their name was pillberg and they asked if they could make a pillbug statue that we all built together look you can see all of our heads don't ask how they got them you won't like the answer it says i am the all-knowing pill bug of botum feed me a baked potato and i will grant you the secrets of the universe so i think that's what we should do you throw it at the pill bug it disappears and you get your answer success is a potato vending machine i have three guesses who that one was so if you were curious what this was that's exactly what it was a giant pill bug that gives you the answer to the universe now the g train has been doing exceptionally well there are diamonds absolutely everywhere however it's come to my attention that some people seem to think that this is acceptable currency at my shop i can tell it's not i've put up a sign saying we do not accept derpcoin we don't we don't accept it here so you don't use it don't use it at my shop i can't do anything with this i can do something with this welcome to cheap slate what's this then cheap slate cheap slate there's only one man that's punned me out of my own deep slate business well pluck my nose hair and send me to alaska i know exactly who's responsible for this and i don't want anyone to read into what i'm about to do but check this out i'm going to rename my sword to the potato peeler of course i have i'm i'm i'm level poor now all right i'll i'll rename that in a second i'm gonna have to do some angry trading a girl a girl a girl a girl a a girl it's quite it's quite hard to stay angry when you need to do this much trading i know exactly who's responsible for this goodbye saudi hello potato peeler it's gonna be really embarrassing actually if mumbo isn't responsible for this the reason that i know that mumbo is responsible for this cheap slate not only has he outpuned me he's also undercutting my business by charging less money for deep slate now the only reason i know that this is uh ceo he's our ceo he is our ceo and he he's undercutting me in my own shop okay the only reason i know that mumbo is responsible for this is because he told me quite plainly how he accidentally mined deep slate instead of cobbled deep slate and he had stacks and stacks and stacks of it and he needed to get rid of it so there's two options for me here i can one do the predictable thing which is to buy it all and then use it for stock later on or i can do the green thing and hide it so it will it will still be accessible i'm not i'm not gonna i'm not gonna make it so that you can't access any of this shop i just think that this might look a little bit better as a not so suspicious pile of coal trains steam trains need coal and so having a big pile of it next to it is is not such a bad thing no one needs to know that there's actually cheap slate under here i can't believe i'm in competition with my own ceo uh that's ended up being a bit bigger than i thought but that it works you don't know what it is and it's a normal pile of coal and the main thing is you can still get inside cheap slate you just gotta go through the system you undercut me i'll cover you in coal perfect you see the reason i've had to do this is because business is 100 booming however i've got to admit it probably didn't pose too much of a threat because people only really want the cobble deep slate and i haven't made many sales of normal deep slate as for this fake money i'm not too sure what i can do with it at the moment cause i got 28 i got 30 derp coin i don't i don't know how much this even is how much is this in real money how many diamonds can i get for it i do know that a shop just over here with a big sign that says logs on it does accept dirt coins so why don't we just use this to stock up on some logs well this says they only accept premium derpcoin i've only got normal dirt this is worthless stuff right it's banned it's banned from my shop no more derpcoin is allowed at the g train real money only right well now we got the random things that have happened on the server out of the way big hole g train suspicious pile of coal bug oh and somehow my horse got here next to the cursed piece of sugarcane however that happened geforce how did you get in there what we're going to be doing today is working on some of the alleyway as we have been doing in every single episode however i don't plan on making any extra structures today what i'm gonna do is double back and fill out some of these buildings here starting with our big favorite blue one right at the start so what i have planned for the interiors of these may disappoint people it may not so it's gonna have like a pseudo facade so basically what you see here will become a shop and only enough interior to make it look like there's something on the inside because behind the shop is where i'd actually like to make some real farmage make these buildings make stuff for me to sell in the g train but you know the floor in my plan in all this is that i realize that i've made or started making a big alleyway of shop looking buildings and i'm selling stuff in a train outside it's like selling flowers outside a flower shop using a flower car it just kind of defeats the purple it doesn't matter i don't ask me how the my brain works it doesn't even know my two brain cells sometimes just don't communicate to each other so what we're going to turn this into today is a magical menagerie meaning it's going to have magical mythical creatures in it which means the weird stuff so the first thing that i want to get my hands on is dangerous i want a charged creeper i want a charged creeper to be front and center in here now this could go badly but fortunately i know someone who sells them and it's not you it is our friend good times with scar now scar isn't online but i have just gone ahead and found something that i think he will quite happily do this deal for check it out i believe this is his cat is it not have i found the elusive jelly after just a few minutes of looking i think i have now the problem is i can't actually tame this cat otherwise is that another one no [Music] no no this guy's been trying all season to find this guy right you stay there please don't despawn oh oh what okay well this is my jelly now you're coming with you're coming with me that wasn't supposed to happen so as long as this jelly's still here we're all good okay real jelly you're coming with me all right here we go this should be a very good bargaining chip this should be a very very good bargaining chip okay we're back finally 10 minute journey is quite a long time what's happened oh famished so i need to successfully hide jelly somewhere where scar won't find her and also i need to make sh doubly sure that she's not gonna despawn now i believe that mobs won't despawn if they're in a boat but i want to make tribble troubly triply troubly sure so we are gonna rename her and we're gonna hide jelly right here and to be mega sure that nothing could possibly ever go wrong we're gonna secure this up in a safety box jelly secured now since this is going to be a magical menagerie i thought having some ambient birds some ambient pesky birds may be the right fit so i've gone and acquired a whole bunch of little birdie birds and they are gonna sit probably all over the place inside of the alleyway these are the things that are gonna bring this place to life so we've got some mobs i mean mob gathering is one of the least fun things you can do in minecraft and yet here i am doing it now you're probably wondering why i have a trident well my next mob that i'm going to get which is also a million blocks away yeah i'm gonna need a trident for it believe it or not we're gonna go and get it off we go to a special little island ow can i hit the wall so hard i can see my waffle from the inside this is why i should always fly looking forward and not at yourself the mushroom island now the problem is i want a mushroom but i don't want one of these common red mushrooms i want it to be brown now the only way i can get it to be brown is if lightning strikes it so there's two things that need to happen right now we need to wait for it to thunder and then we need to strike it with this trident so we could be here a while we're about i've been i've been waiting here about 15 minutes now getting a bit bored bored maybe i can uh do some harvesting my inventory is full of mushroom blocks and still no thunder i guess i'm just gonna wait there's no chance i'm gonna get here in time if it starts thundering i spend my whole time on the hermitcraft server praying that it never rains and never thunders and this is probably the first time ever i've actually wanted a bit of lightning is it is it just rain or is this thunder i've never been so happy to hear that okay so in theory let's hope this doesn't kill the cow no oh do you have to hit them i think you have to hit them yo we got it there'll be some of you that didn't know about this and you'll be wondering i wonder how many of you didn't even know that brown cows existed like this or brown mushrooms i should say you two are going in the menagerie off we go i hope these aren't the only two mushrooms left on the island if something happens to you two we're in big trouble i really wish i thought to bring wheat with me this is the this is the dangerous part i have no idea where any of this goes no no no no no okay okay we're playing this we're gonna play this safe you two are going in this boat until i can figure out how to get you there at this point i'm convinced i probably could have done this quicker if i just took them in the overworld i just had to dig a fresh tunnel all the way through the nether [Music] no why did i i was aiming for the boat oh okay come on the boat the boat well it's just you now we've got a long way to go i just did something really stupid these are such a pain there's no way i'm ever gonna replace that cow by the way it takes so long for thunder to occur on the server because people sleep so often and it's just it just doesn't happen that's okay i only need one to survive i only need one we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we're gonna live you could do it ah we made it safety rename cow it took me so long to get here i i can't even think of a good name for you just a few more mobs to go now i've been thinking about what i want to include in the magical menagerie and brown mushroom some pesky birds over there but for pretty much this entire season i've had the answer right here now is that not just the worst boat you've ever seen a creeper with a phantom in it who's responsible for this that looks like flying death that genuinely looks like a creeper with wings right well i can't get near this but that phantom could be an excellent addition to the menagerie and seeing as it's been here for so long i don't see why not but we're not doing anything anything until scar can supply us with the charged creeper that's gonna go in here now while we do wait for scar half of this episode has been waiting for scar in my defense but i have done some serious youtuber off camera mining in this chest specifically for one thing copper i would like to sell copper but it's one of those things that probably not a good idea see the thing about copper is even if you create a copper farm it's not actually very fast so actually going caving is the only real fast way to get copper now on my adventures i have managed to get quite a few stacks and we are going to turn this into copper ore so let's pop this into a quick time-lapse pile and then do some actual on-camera mining [Music] all of the copper is smelted up this is what i've prepared earlier so all of my copper has been out stripped and guess who has just decided to get online good time there is no s in scar's name believe it or not it is good times with scar but look his username is actually good time you get you only get one good time with scar and that means we can finally get our delivery of a charged creeper i've got the space all ready for him there it is it's got like a little i don't know why here desert but we got a desert space ready for scar to deliver this now let's go and ask him because i want some assurances thank you for the welcome back welcome back hello there i need a charged creeper and you're for some reason you actually sell them good sir it's a little too early in the morning for charge creepers were you just doing your intro yes i just logged on oh well i've got an explosive start for you my friend you know you you caught me off guard we should be at the wagons we should be at the wagon oh really aren't we aren't we always next to a wagon when when anywhere near your base we're under a wagon right now this is the magician with the magic of the magician yeah we will teleport i'm leaving this in scar no you're not you're doing magic right now back hello i can't believe it we magically we magically walked all the way here no we we we magically popped here now i heard you're in need of some charged creepers there's background music for this sale dude you caught me off guard i had i had to get to get prepared i [Laughter] so we can definitely come to an arrangement i actually have mini charge creepers they're um they're in boats and um they're secure and they're not here are they no no no no no but uh but you can get them they're kind of like a self-serve if you will yeah nope uh need delivery friend why does everybody need delivery can people just get their own creepers no i don't i i'm not qualified to handle uh charge creepers this is all magical she's done so much okay yes magical menageries this building right here is the magical menagerie and the charge creeper he's gonna live right here so uh i'm gonna i'm gonna have to ask you to get the charge creeper in here now i'm gonna need some insurance with this deal because i have a a very very strong feeling that something may go wrong what could possibly go wrong i don't know that's i i i are you saying i'm going to break the magical megazeri yes yes i will take utter care of the magical mabageri and it's going to be amazing what you can't say i can't yeah i was hoping you weren't i was hoping you weren't on to me and i couldn't say it if you don't want diamonds i have something else you might be interested in oh what i found a jelly cat really a real one a real gel a real jelly nobody's ever seen a jelly on the server ever and you know where it is i know exactly where it is and you can have this it's secure it is secure okay deal name tag creeper jelly yes perf okay i'm gonna get the creeper i'm gonna need the creeper oh agree look we've got our first one here i don't know how to do this this is your method this is it this is it oh he's so close is this the only one you have no i've got more in case this goes wrong so you can't get in the in the boat i've tested this by the way this is a tested and tried thing that i've tested it did not work by the way it definitely didn't it's god no this is i regret watching this you're making me sweat there's a real one no you're making me sweat there's no real one there no real ones you're lying and you're you're you're trying to distract me you're trying to get a discount on your magical babajiri and it's a whole thing when i said i want to watch this happen i didn't realize this was what you did it's gonna oh scar my oh anxiety keep going what everything's going well so oh god god i can't i can't cope with this scar i'm sorry dude there's a fork in the road i don't wait i don't know which way to go go left go left go left right i have an idea of how we can get in there how okay so if you if you lead him in there yes and then log out i can steal him in okay oh so so you stay kind of behind yeah and then he gets oh okay okay okay okay so [Laughter] i hope he's got more than one well he didn't even make it halfway oh no oh no you know i've got an issue with those guys right i've got i've got a bit of an issue don't worry dude we'll just chalk this up to corporate sabotage and leave it oh gosh this is a huge hole oh my god why of all places this could have exploded i can't believe why did you start i was listening to what you had to say i feel so bad we'll we'll we'll make it up to them no we won't corporate sabotage i thought we'd at least get closer to the base before it exploded to be honest with you i did so much better than i thought i would right please please please tell me you have another one oh okay we're free we're free we're good we're good we're good here we go uh let's call it boo for boom boom boom come on boo you can do it boo right come on this time stop listening to me and keep walking there we go dude this is this is working out really really well stops keep up move you said stop when he was so close to me boo there you are pooh come on come on boo there you go oh these things are exhausting i'll tell you that right now this has been a roller coaster it's been a really custom uh i really want this charged creeper for my shop but now i'm starting to think it's not worth it right you're almost where you're at last time i know i'm actually really nervous about getting around the hole there's a little bit more of this building to blow up if you want me to do you want me to finish it off no just just go round he's going oh oh he's smart he's a smart cookie he is a smart cookie all right now don't stop we're we're almost at the swaggin if you if you if we do the plan where you go in there and then log off you just you can't log back in i'm ready please we're right next to the g train now oh i'm no longer nervous anymore i'm excited no no that's no you're scared of cats this way boo this way all right come on this is the moment of truth scar this is it this is it you walk in okay you walk in you're right walking in is it behind me yeah yeah yeah good don't stop don't stop stop don't stop okay okay okay good good good good i'm good i'm good i'm good we did it i i i can't i just i don't even know is it renamed yeah that's going to be a problem do you want me to do this because i feel like no i got it i got it boo over here let's go knife there we go that's right can you hand me the wood i got some work to do do you have a screenshot yeah i got everything i i don't know how this all went i'll help you i'll help you scott it was funny the first time but this time no more games we've repaired it it wasn't funny any of the times it was a little bit funny it was a little bit funny okay honestly that didn't that wasn't that much of an issue to fix up but i don't want to do it again no no i don't either come on okay next next creeper this is mark three dude this is really cutting into my profits by the way i just wanna let you know this is really unprofitable right i'm going to don't run ahead i'm gonna i'm gonna rename him now right there you go he's renamed okay i am going to walk so straight and so slow and precise that you're going to be really impressed by me uh-huh okay oh jeez gosh dang it come on you got to keep up with this boo come on bootoo come on booty this is booty electric electric boogaloo it's a weird word i think he's following me now look see how easy this is this is so easy he hasn't he's been following me this whole time he's not even flashed once let a professional take care take it at this point it hasn't even flashed once and it hasn't stopped walking this has literally been so easy you know i might just stop it to see you there's a professional would have allowed that to happen i just stopped by a tree or something now no these are beautiful trees okay right the moment go go go go go go go come on in you come here sneak up behind okay go bam comes through every time uh right as as per agreement follow me i've got a little something for you oh the jelly i have a fresh jelly cat but but you tamed it with the red collar and everything look he likes you she likes you but she leaves she doesn't but she won't love me wait hold on hold on i think i would know a way around this wait wait i could this is the only way seriously the only way i can i can have my jelly oh you serious you tamed her now i have to walk around with it take it take it to the swagger does will it will it will she go with you it works jarnet jordan you okay i got a way around you i got a way around this wait oh dang it no you can't okay i've got i've got a confession this was a this was a little prank this was a little prank come with me you're not gonna believe this but i found two jellies one of which one of which is not tamed but for me is relatively invisible oh thank you oh it's a prize jelly it's a prized one oh thank you come on jelly come on come on come on you can do it come on yay oh oh fantastic oh fantastic what a day for mobs it's been it has been it has been quite the day we've made we've made some good deals you've got your charge creeper i have got a jelly the swagger always comes through for our customers right swagging that is right we may not have a swag in everywhere but a swagging is always there in your heart that's our new motto it's a working process well we've got ourselves a lovely charged creeper and i've actually gone ahead and prepared the next two rooms i actually was reflecting on this video a little bit i've spent an entire episode longer than i would take to build something like this it's taken me so long to do a single interior all because of mobs transporting mobs requires stuff like this thankfully this is the only mob shop that i intend on making but i wanted to put it front and center because i'll be honest it's looking pretty cool so i've prepared pretty much everything else so what i have planned is kind of a compact area inside here we're going to have ourselves like a front desk and then some more mobs inside here i'm not sure what's going to be in here yet and then i really wanted to have this be full height meaning that the staircase will kind of go at the side here then i want this to be visible from here so it'll feel nice and airy but still quite squished and compact it's a difficult line to tread unfortunately i've still got a bunch of mob moving to do now the reason i've chosen flying mobs is that so you can actually see them anything on the floor won't be as visible but the bees that that really works and then the last one that's going to go in here which is why it's got a bit more of a barren and a spooky house is the phantom i plan on putting the phantom in here which means it needs to be transported at night hey there we go we got a phantom in a boat in a minecart i don't know what's going on though i don't underst i don't understand what's happening right now no please no don't fall down there no no no no no no i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i'm scared it's gone this is the worst this thing's got a mind of its own this is this is why transporting mobs is literally just the worst all right there we go what i don't i don't quite understand why it died well that was all for nothing at least the brown cows in place now i just need to work a little bit on the interior so my plan here is to kind of curve this part to match the glass that i've got here make a staircase here and probably a reception desk here i seriously regret not doing some sort of time lapse for this in the end because i did it all off camera and i'm really really happy with the result so let's summarize the magical menagerie we've got a charge creeper we've got bees and we've got a phantom up there you already know that bit we've put the brown mushroom in there and i've decorated it outside with a bunch of crates and barrels to make it seem like it's really busy and and a good type of scar so on the inside we've got a really compact room i think scar wants to see here for himself so we've got loads of barrels cages uh a pesky burb up here we've got jelly cat we've got a blue axolotl don't ask me how i got that it involved kidnapping someone else's blue lottle and then breeding it and putting it back we got an endermite and we've got the all-important black cat which i shall call jenae i've decorated it with a nice fireplace as i said and i've curved this part of the building we've got a spore blossom for some lovely particles i'm just i'm just happy i'm just really really thrilled with how this is gone you can climb up all the way to the top if you really want but there's uh there's not a lot up here scars just watching the phantom scar looks like the perfect salesman for these animals wonder if he'll notice the uh the jelly so yes that is the first interior of the entire alleyway done and it only took me an entire episode to do to be fair nearly all of the work was involved in acquiring the magical menagerie monsters and seriously this video i have run out of time i have spent way too long on this but i am thrilled with the result and all there is left to say is a massive thank you for watching i hope you've enjoyed it it's been a bit of an odd episode actually i rarely do things like just mob collecting however there's still lots of work to do and i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna finish this episode with a good view of the inside of the waffle good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,370,627
Rating: 4.9769683 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 15, season 8
Id: tpKZZ0kUF6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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