Here's Why Your BMW Runs Like S***, And How You Can Fix it For Only $3

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hey guys christian here welcome back to another video so does your bmw ride like poop are you getting misfires every once in a while does your car magically go into lint mode every time you try to drive it aggressively and it loses most of its power or maybe you're getting one of the fault codes that i'm gonna put here on the screen well good news i might have the solution to get your bmw to run smooth again and the best part is that it's very easy to diy with basic tools and it'll only cost you around three bucks to fix let me show you guys what the potential issue could be so in the engine bay underneath these hoses behind the the fan here there are two parts that are inserted into the engine they're called the vanos solenoids it's very hard to see let me see if i can bump up the exposure you see this metal clip right there that's one of the vanos solenoids there's two of them there's an exhaust one and an intake one essentially what those two parts do is they control variable camshaft timing so if they fail then your engine just starts to act up and this is a very common issue on bmw cars especially high mileage ones and it's typically overlooked you see you get misfires cargoes into lit mode most people think injectors spark plugs coil packs high pressure fuel pump and it can very well be just the vandal solenoid which you can fix for almost nothing most of the time you're probably like a three dollar fix what's the catch click bait guys this is the three dollar fix right here brake cleaner of course you can go ahead and replace both vanes solenoid and it's going to fix the issue but each solenoid is like 150 bucks oem from bmw if you buy it aftermarket they're around 75 bucks each which is still a big chunk of money most of the time you can just fix the issue with the solenoids by just giving them a good clean with brake cleaner and that's it you won't have those misfires you won't have that limp mode you have a very smooth drive so this diy that i'm going to perform today specifically for the n54 and n52 engines any other modern bmw also has the vanos solenoid issues but you're going to have to look up the diy online but it's pretty much going to be the same concept you remove them you clean them you insert it back in all right so in order to get to where the solenoids are at i'm going to go ahead and make some space here i'll remove the intake snorkel the engine cover maybe move these hoses out of the way and then i'll show you how to remove the solenoids you see luckily for me i didn't have the bolts to the cover fastened back there so i don't have to take all this freaking crap off to get to it so i was able to just slide it right out since i only had one bolt on the lower right side this should give me enough room to get the solenoids out as you can see there's one right here that's the intake one and then the one just below it is the exhaust one as you can see they're both held up by these electrical plugs one here and then one right below it right down there and then so we're gonna go ahead and remove those plugs and then there's two bolts one there and one right up there that it's really hard to see once you disconnect those bolts and remove the electrical plug they come right out since this is a very tight squeeze down there i'm going to go ahead and put some microfiber towels and that gap there oh for two reasons one in case the bolt falls when i'm loosening it and two since these two parts are like directly inside of the engine um there is a chance that oil can come out and we want to make sure it doesn't spill down there and talking about oil dripping it's probably a very good idea if you're looking to do this to your car let it sit for like 45 minutes to an hour so all the oil can settle at the bottom that way there's a less of a risk of making a mess like i said this metal clip right here you just push it down and you should be able to yep there you go the electrical connection should come right off i'll do the same to the one down there just press it you should be able to pull it right off it is a very tight squeeze here all right there you go it's off it's a very very tight squeeze to get back here that's for sure but it's definitely doable now that the connectors are undone the two bolts i have to remove it's a 10 millimeter socket i try to use a very small wrench like this one that way you don't have any issues clearing the gap here it might be a really good idea to use gloves because you're gonna just completely destroy your hands like i'm doing right now ouch all right that's pretty easy you should be able to remove the rest by hand since it's already very loose yep and here's the bolt right here make sure not to lose this because you have to reuse it and if you do lose it or damage it for whatever reason you have to get the same exact bolts because it's what's going to make the solenoid sit perfectly inside of the engine all right so now to remove the top one which i find much more difficult to remove than the bottom one all right it's loose all right all right so now for the easy part you just got to wiggle them out like slightly rotate them and they should be able to come out so it was really hard to remove that cylinder by hand it was pretty stuck on there so i went ahead and got a flathead just to give it a little pry and it became loose so now i should be able to pull it right out yep comes right out not to get the second one yeah it's pretty stuck on there so so you kind of do have to use a flathead at least for my case because by hand no way my god i had to switch the camera off just to get this last solenoid it was completely stuck flathead screwdriver wasn't working i had to use a needle nose plier to help me out i completely destroyed my right hand um here and a lot more in here so i had to find a glove to put it on because my hand was just completely being destroyed so yeah that wasn't as easy as i thought it would be this one was definitely stuck and much harder to get out my god i'm going to go ahead and keep them organized left side is going to be the upper intake solenoid then the bottom one is the exhaust vanal solenoid it doesn't really matter if you mix and match them because they're the same exact part but since i pulled them out that way i want to make sure i insert them back the same way anyways let me go ahead and show you guys how to clean them properly and then we install it back into the engine i did forget to mention one important thing when you're removing the solenoids make sure that the rubber gasket comes out with them in my case i completely overlooked it and the rubber gaskets are not here meaning they still got stuck on the engine the gaskets literally got stuck in there and at the top one as well so i'm going to go ahead and remove it with this pick tool make sure it doesn't fall which is why we have those towels down here just in case anything falls you can just get it and here it is you see that's a rubber gasket you want to make sure that comes out with the solenoid so that's one right there and that is two so uh it's the next day i got kind of cut short yesterday because i had baby duty so anyways let's continue where we left off at hey so we have both vaneal solenoids right here funny enough i said i would organize them so i don't forget which one goes which but i already lost track but who cares it's literally the same part number seven five one six two nine three seven five one six two nine three yeah so whatever who cares anyways we got the rubber gaskets right here so the first thing we're going to do is clean the solenoids like i said we're going to use brake fluid you'll need a microfiber towel and if you can um an air compressor can definitely help with cleaning them thoroughly especially inside you don't have to you can just use a rag kind of shake it off wait for it to dry but in my case i'm going to spray brake fluid air compressor microfiber towel so if you guys are enjoying the video or finding it helpful or maybe you think you'll find it helpful down the road i appreciate it if you guys hit that like button it really does help get the video suggested and that way more people get to see this video and save money as well and there goes the rain that's all it takes uh brake cleaner compressed air microfiber towel check it out um we're primarily focusing on the inside i don't know if you guys can see but it's much cleaner had a bunch of like gunk and stuff build up i know some of you guys are probably thinking but hold on isn't it always drenched in oil so the oil kind of cleans it up but here's the thing if in the past you've used let's say i don't know lower quality oil or maybe you changed your oil late and there was a buildup that formed in there that can cause a misfire and also can cause a limp mode which is when your car loses most of its power which is another reason why you should stay on top of the oil changes and change it regularly you see much cleaner see nine times out of ten just cleaning these will fix the issue without having to replace these expensive solenoids so try to clean them first if that does not work and you're one of the 10 that needs to replace them then go ahead and replace them like i said oem ones are like 150 bucks each uh you can get the aftermarket version for 70 bucks but i would probably go oem with a part that is as important as this one as far as the seals go normally when people swap out the solenoids for new ones or they just take them out to clean them they also replace the seals for new ones i didn't buy new seals and to be honest i don't think i need to like these are like perfect condition there's nothing wrong with them yeah they pretty much look brand new so i'm just going to go ahead and reuse these and real quick for you guys have been asking me for an update on instagram on the upgraded turbos and the overall performance of the car i'm on revision 2 for the custom tune and while i was datalogging i actually got a fault and lip mode because of the veino solenoid which is why i'm making a video on this today and hopefully this ends up fixing the issue which you should then i'll finish getting the tune dialed in and then i'll make a video on the performance at 0-60 quarter-mile all that good stuff so if you haven't already subscribed make sure and do that so you guys see the slots the bottom one the top one those are where the solenoids go i'm going to go ahead and clean that up with a rag real quick and make sure it's nice and clean and there's no oil there and there we go much cleaner i'm gonna go ahead and put the seal back onto the solenoid there you go nice and snug same for the second one it's so much harder to like do work on your car and film at the same time so you guys can see it it makes like the process take twice as long so yeah make sure you like this video and help a brother out so they're pretty easy to install you just put them in the same way you pull them out you have this section right here that has the hole for the bolt you just have to line that up with the engine put the bolt tighten it up and then just connect the electrical plug and that's it all right so both vanal solenoids are completely installed electrical plug is plugged into the back of them and the bolt is tightened up attempt to remove these rags out the way also do yourself a favor get yourself a glove my right hand got completely destroyed working this with this very small and confined area if you got small hands then you know what you're fine but if you got medium to large hands this gets very very tight in there also a tip when you're inserting the solenoids inside of the engine they don't just go right in you have to kind of wiggle them in and they just kind of fall into place once they get to the point where they're not fully in but just a little bit you just got to give it a really nice push they click in then you just have to maneuver the the little piece that aligns with the bolt hole and then you do the same for the other one as far as electrical plugs based on how they're tied up you're gonna know which one is which uh the shorter one is gonna be for the top intake one and then the longer one which comes underneath is gonna be for the exhaust one okay so i'm gonna go ahead and put the intake snorkel back on and the engine cover then i'll turn on the car um run some codes and make sure everything is clear but like i said typically with these faults from the vanocellinoid uh you'll turn off the car turn it back on and it's gone typically they come up when you drive a little bit hard so we'll take the 335i for a drive i'll do some data logging just to make sure everything is good [Music] all right time to start [Music] so far so good we have no engine light let me go ahead and open up mhd and see if we have any codes so as you can see uh intake vano's activation exhaust vanes activation exhaust phantos mechanism so we're going to go ahead and clear the codes all right we'll go ahead and turn off the car just get away a couple seconds and turn it back on okay we're gonna go right back to mhd and read the dme codes exhaust gas flap activation and that's it so the vanos codes went away so now we're gonna go ahead and go for a little drive okay we're gonna go ahead and put data logging on all right traction control off there we go guys the new vrs exhaust sounds so freaking good listen it's so good i'll tell you something uh the weather is not the best for data logging because the roads are wet right now but uh i think we should be all right we're gonna want to go into third gear 2500 rpm so i just got to the garage i grabbed the log for the little run that i just did uh boost level is good engine everything's great uh everything's running smooth so i'm gonna go ahead and send this log over to my tuner so he can finish up with the custom tune we also have no engine light no limp mode so it looks like we solved the problem and just to make sure let's go ahead and read the codes again there you have it we don't have no more codes for the vandals good well there you have it guys that's how you stop your car from running like hoop there's also another video that i highly recommend you guys watch it's on two parts every bmw needs to replace before it's too late i'll put in a card like right here in this area if it's not here i'll link it down in the description below if you guys enjoyed the video and found it helpful make sure to hit that like button if you want to see more in the future make sure to subscribe with the notification bell on and as always thanks for watching until next time [Music]
Channel: Vehicle Virals
Views: 842,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw diy, bmw diy mods, bmw 335i diy, bmw common problems, bmw common issues, bmw 335i common problems, bmw 335i common issues, watch this before you buy a bmw, bmw, bmw 335i, 335 n54, vehicle virals, bmw issues, bmw reliability, e93 bmw 335i, bmw 335i vanos solenoid symptoms, bmw 335i vanos solenoid, bmw 335i vanos solenoid replacement, bmw vanos solenoid, bmw vanos solenoid replacement, bmw 335i vanos solenoid cleaning, bmw vanos solenoid cleaning, vanos solenoid, 335i, n54
Id: M_pT6PwuKv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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