5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying an "Unreliable" BMW 335i - You Need To Know This!

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hey guys Christian here welcome back to another video I gotta say it feels very good to be doing one of these sit-down videos again it's definitely been a while anyways as many of you guys already know I've owned my BMW 335i for a little bit over five years now and during that time I've learned many things some good and some not so good today my goal is to help you guys out by sharing five things I wish I knew before I purchased my BMW 335i and just a bit of warning for you guys are in the market to buy one you might want to reconsider it because it may not be the right car for you reason number one is previous owner neglect this has to be the main reason why BMWs are so unreliable people buy them cheap do not maintain them properly can't afford the maintenance trade it back in deal it puts a band-aid over them wash rinse repeat which is why you got to be very careful when buying a second-hand BMW especially the BMW 335i because you know those cars seem to need a little more attention there are a few things you can do to minimize the chances of not being ripped off when buying a used BMW 1 ask the seller for maintenance records if it has an extensive history of stuff they've done to the BMW whoa that's pretty reassuring to get a pre-purchase inspection from a reputable mechanic typically those run you 150 dollars to $200 and they can really save you from buying a true money pit 3 just walk around the car open the hood take a peek a lot of the times you can tell if it's been poorly modified chances are and that car has been abused and let's be real a lot of 335i owners you really think they care about maintenance do you really think they're gonna put money into maintenance no MHD full Bolton's upgraded terribles verbos so yeah if it doesn't look like it's been modified you know stock wheels stock suspension you open the hood and you see the stock in closed air intake then you know what you might be in the green or you might not it's always a risk with these cars because the previous owner could have had a modified and then just put everything back to stock to make it look like it was unmolested anyways going back to what i was talking about earlier when somebody doesn't properly maintain a BMW trades it in somebody else buys it then it's their turn to maintain it and kind of make up for all the other stuff the other person they didn't do they can't afford it they also trade it in and it's like a domino effect right the reason for that it's not really the replacement parts they're not much more than let's hear Toyota a Honda or Lexus or something like that it's more the labor cost that BMW specialist charge to work on these cars labor for these cars like the 335i is very very expensive these are complex machines with complex electronics and you really need a specialist to work in these cars and they typically charge a lot more and let's say a Japanese vehicle and this is what typically happens when overdue maintenance just keeps piling up over the years from owner to owner and then people just think that these cars are terrible and I could tell you that the previous owner that owned my 335 I skipped out on some maintenance by the time I got the car spark plugs are due codes were due air filter was due while not blasting was due about a year into ownership I noticed that it was starting to leak oil from the valve cover gasket and oil pan gasket it wasn't much but you know what that's how it all starts just a little bit so at that point was my responsibility to play catch-up with maintenance that's essentially what could happen to you if you buy a used BMW 335i can go two ways one you get proper maintenance records the cars been taken care of you have nothing to worry about but you're probably gonna pay a little bit more or two you cheap out pay a little bit less the car has a questionable history and now you got to play catch-up find all the weak points and fix them all and if you don't work on your own cars and you bought it questionable 335i that needs a lot of work done by a shop you better pop over that piggy bank it's about to get pricey by the way if you still haven't purchased an awesome ultra-soft buick of irish shirt with the BMW up front I'll leave a link down in the description below if you guys are interested in helping support the channel or you can just go to vehicle Varro's com reason number two sort of relates to reason number one and they are maintenance heavy let's say the n54 engine which is equipped on their earlier model 335 is those are typically the most desirable because they did tune in potential if you were to buy 335i that has a 1054 and you took care of all the weak points immediately then the engine is actually not that bad and the car can be very reliable and by tackling all the weak points I'm referring to like the coolant lines all the gaskets the charge pipe and there's high pressure fuel pump you see typically most people know that their cars experience in some issues but they wait for the part to break before they change it so let's just say like that coolant line that goes right above the radiator and it snaps there replace it it won't do anything else then the expansion tank goes bad so they replace the expansion tank then the valve cover gasket goes bad they replace the valve cover gasket then the oil pan gasket they replaced that as well oil filter housing gasket and then the little pressure sensor then the high pressure fuel pump and it seems like it goes on forever like the car is always breaking and it's always failing typically on these engines when one of those weak points go bad that pretty much means every other week point is gonna go bad very soon typically the best thing you can do with the 335i when things starts to fail is to just update everything it's pretty much what I did with my 335 I took it over to psi Orlando those guys did a complete engine I'll serviced they replace anything that was broken brittle questionable updated all of it and now I'm trouble-free I got a clear head I got a reliable horsepower it's just the best feeling like I said in previous videos maintenance maintenance maintenance especially before performance because the minute you tune a car that has not been taken care of properly all the weak points are gonna be exposed like times 10 and trust me you do not want to go through that headache I'll tell you this I wish I would have known how maintenance heavy that 335 is when I first purchased it I remember like a few months afterwards I was getting Miss Fire stickers at the BMW dealership and they said injectors needed to be swapped out it quoted me around $4,000 I almost freakin died and that was like one month after I declined that extended warranty oh my god I just wanted her freaking died the third thing I wish I would have known before I bought my BMW 335i was the lack of aftermarket support for the e93 convertible obviously this doesn't apply to everybody because a lot of people either opt in for the e92 coupe or the e90 sedan well you'll be surprised how many people are in the marker for an e 93 one because they're easier to find - typically they're cheaper and three they're pretty desirable because of the hardtop convertible my advice for you if you're in the market for an a 93 and you're looking to modify it in the future then I would do my research before you buy one because a lot of the aftermarket support is geared towards the - and the e90 and there's not that many for the e93 convertible I know this because I myself own an e 93 and their specific mods i one done to the car which is much harder to come by let me give you a few examples and show you what I mean when I was in the market for LC I tell it was almost impossible to find them at a very good price because all the aftermarket ones were for the coupe and not for the e 93 which is weird because they look identical but they're not the same meaning I had to look for om ones which were very hard to find and if you did find them they're very expensive to get ahold of because there's not that many in the market that's that I did get the LC I tell it's it's very possible but definitely a little more challenging another example was last year when I was looking to buy a wide body kit for my car which none of the companies offered it for the convertible bought for only the coupe and if you wanted it for the convertible it needed like a lot of modifications and honestly I didn't really know a shop like that it didn't want to spend the extra money so I just kind of scratched that idea is it possible well technically yes is it annoying absolutely the most recent example is when the guys at psi Orlando installed the VR SF Street exhaust onto my car towards the front of the car by the Dom pipes fitment was fine everything was great but once you got to their rear end there was fitment issues like a lot of fitment issues I guess because the convertible needs more reinforcement like there's these bars and these braces and these shields they all have to come off in order to fit the exhaust on and even with all of that removed we had to modify the piping to fit back there but then I couldn't put any of the support stuff back onto the car which made me feel a little uneasy and if you do a quick look online you'll notice that about 99 percent of the exhaust systems out there do not fit the convertible same thing applies to other parts like let's say a trunk clip or if you're looking to get a carbon fiber trunk availability for the convertible versions are much less than the other 90 ex models you see when I first purchased my 335i it was not an issue because I didn't modify the car for the first four years but then in January 2018 I started making content for YouTube later that year I decided to start modifying the car because you guys wanted me to do it and then I started to realize oh my god the e93 is cursed listen I absolutely love my me three convertible but I've had to choose again I'd probably opt in for a sedan with the manual transmission real quick guys I'm trying to get to ten thousand followers on Instagram and it's very very hard I need your help so if you haven't already followed me there make sure and follow me I do post a lot of behind the scene content there and once I get to ten thousand followers I will be given away Valvetronic exhaust system that's normally valued at seven hundred bucks to one of you guys for free so I'd really appreciate it if you guys follow me there but do not abandon this video I need the YouTube watch time fourth thing I wish I would have known before I bought my BMW 335i is how fast they depreciate I've remembered driving off the BMW lot with my 335 I just a few weeks after that the car was worth less then the loan that I owed that's how fast I was depreciated at the time the only way buying a car like that was worth it was if you were looking to keep it for a very long time but if you were one of those people that liked to switch cars every few years and it totally wasn't worth it because you were losing a lot of money now the story's a little bit different because there towards the bottom of the depreciation curve so even if you buy one now let's say for $10,000 it's not really gonna depreciate that much in a few years maybe a grand or two so I guess this is the best time to buy I bought my car for twenty five thousand dollars off the door and it's probably worth like half of that right now if that well let me take some of that back if you buy an F thirty like the modern 335 hours and then those can still hit you really hard with depreciation other each a C's not so much because they're towards the bottom the worst is when you try to buy one of these cars fairly new they lose like half of the value like at a blink of an eye you see a few years ago it bugged me that my car was depreciated so fast because if I wanted to get into another car it was very difficult because my 335i was upside down meaning that even with a trade-in I would still owe some money on the loan you see now it doesn't really bug me at all because the 335i is like a moneymaker for me it brings in income I can use it as a business expense and if it keeps depreciating who cares I've made all my money back plus more the fifth and final thing I wish I knew before it purchased my BMW 335i is how tunable that car was you see back when I got the 335i I was a car guy but I wasn't really into like the tuning cars for performance I was more of a guy puts a suspension some wheels make it look nice you know like a show car and to be really honest with you guys I blindly went into a BMW 335i know nothing about the n54 motor and to be real the car was plenty fast 300 horsepower 300 pound feet of torque was more than enough power for me to drive in a city that was literally the fastest car I've ever driven at the time if I knew I can get an easy tune from like MH d or J before for less than 500 bucks and add a hundred horsepower with no modifications to the car wood is so done that and then knowing that you can add down pipes of from Montana cooler inlets p85 blend and you could be pushing like 450 wheel horsepower that's crazy come to think of it it's probably a good thing that I didn't know how easy it was to tuned at the end 54 because I probably would have killed my young self you know 450 wheel horsepower and 500 torque is no freaking joke especially in a very wheel drive car and with all that power you're pretty much walking most people that you'll encounter on the road but like I said it's probably a good thing that I didn't know the tuning potential of the 335i because I spent the first four years just getting to know my car and it wasn't into the fifth year where I started adding performance mod and tune in the car that I think I was truly ready for it I will keep this in mind if you're a person that that's looking to buy 335 out for the first time and you don't have experience with high performance free wheel drive cars you got to take it easy with this car because it can get very dangerous very quick I want to say go through the steps maintenance first of course then just get used to the car have fun with it then once you think you're ready to go for a moderate tune without full Bolton's then once you're ready for the next step full bolt-ons with the tune and then if you think that's not enough and you want to go into like crazy territory then you upgrade the turbos with the custom tune and things start to get nuts after that pretty much what I'm trying to say is gradually increase as you get comfortable with the power no need to rush it this car can get very dangerous very fast so respect the car take your time get comfortable and those are the five things I wish I knew before I purchased my 335i if you guys enjoyed the video you found this helpful make sure hit that like button it really does help out the channel and for all my 335i people that are probably watching this video if there's something you wish you would have known when you purchase your car let me know in the comment section below I really want to know what you guys have to say anyways as always guys thanks for watching see next time [Music]
Channel: Vehicle Virals
Views: 439,975
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Keywords: 5 Things You Should NEVER Do After Buying A BMW 335i, don't buy a bmw 335i, don't buy a bmw until you watch this, don't buy a bmw, bmw 335i mods, bmw 335i dos and donts, e93 335i, Don't tune your bmw 335i untill you watch this, don't tune your bmw 335i untill you do this, bmw 335i maintenance, bmw 335i n54, 335i twin turbo, vehicle virals, bmw 335i, n54 335i, e92 335i, bmw 335i tuning, tuned bmw 335i, tuned e92, 335i, tuned n54, bmw 335i reliability, BMW 335I TIPS, bmw
Id: Sp8_MzR6xKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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