Porsche Taycan 4S : Owner's Story

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should we do an acceleration i think we ought to yeah that's 70. if you're a regular on motorhoric you'll have met my friend kieran who has this beautiful mercedes e500 that's proper old-school rear-wheel drive v8 twin-turbo beast it's this daily driver or it was because he's now embracing the future in a big way he's going fully electric and he's doing it in style what we walk here and take han forest wow let's have a look and here it is so this is a major major departure for you i mean this is just the complete chalk and cheese isn't it like the ultimate uh car for a petrol head to buy yeah that's the question mark isn't it very much so i you know i think that um i was hesitant at first particularly because i tried a lot of evs i've tried uh every current tesla in the model range uh i was fortunate enough to take each one around the race track um so i'm familiar with evs it's not so much the journey of combustion engine to ev it's more what porsche have done with this ev right it just is on another level and um and it's a it's a fantastic car but we can talk about that when we're in it sure if you want let me just show you some of the little trick features um which is i think a lot of people don't know about the car yet awesome yeah please do um the key okay the porsche key yep when you open the key you're looking at the door handles there the door handle pops out if you double press the key then all of the door handles pop out nice occupants can jump in as well that's quite a welcoming feature isn't it it's like okay i'm ready yes absolutely and then to jump into the car what you immediately notice is it feels porsha right got all of the stuff that just makes a porsche porsche the tactile shapes and forms to the dash but there isn't an analog gauge in there at all everything is uh is digital and the binacle around the dash is really extraordinary because it's this curved touch screen digital dashboard okay and i can take you into some detail around that as well what did i do to spec the car all i went for was carmine red because it's my all-time most favorite porsche color and i've always my dream was always to have a carmine red porsche right so and i got bose and of course i got the rapid charging capability built into the car as well so that gives you an additional charging port oh okay regular charging port which takes that you can use like a seven kilowatt um charger and uh and it will charge yeah oh there we go um you've got the rapid charger so that's that different port okay and that allows you to then um stop at a at a charging station and fill the car up and with you know a great deal less time right and what porsche recommends is that you try to keep your car at around about 85 um i didn't know that but of course the internet is alive with lots of knowledgeable people who are using these things already yep um so i had a look at it and and found out that you want to sort of keep the car charged at around about 85 percent to prolong the life of the battery right and it's a and it's just a whole new beast the only other option that i got spec'd on the car is the alloys i didn't want to have the great big sort of moon disk alloys that you see on the mamba green sails uh promotional cars right so i went for this alloy it's an interesting alloy because from far away it looks like it's a multi-spoked um alloy wheel but as you can see this is all solid here um and so it's a it's a it's an interesting pattern it looks markedly different from afar and up close you realize that it's a it's a different kind of an alloy as well okay so that probably makes a little bit more aerodynamic i guess um it could make it more aerodynamic uh for sure i i don't know what the facts and figures are no fair enough a couple of people have asked me as well nick why the high profile tires that's something specific to evs tire formulation and the kind of tires that are used in order to take the load and generate the the grip on the road as well okay that's interesting yeah um we can open up the boots real quick open the front first it's the front yeah um and you've got enough space in here i put the keys in you get an idea of space yeah you've got enough space in here so that you can put a little piece of hand luggage or maybe a briefcase when you're going to the office but you come around to the back i think you've already got your face loads of space in the trunk um and then there's a little shelf in here that you can keep all of your charging cables and that's kind of and all that kind of stuff as well yeah so should we jump in absolutely let's do it now i have to say that the interesting thing about this is that i have never been in an electric car at all so this is a really you know this is doing it in style isn't it it is it is um it's not it's not a bad way to uh to to enter the world of off electric um you really raise the bar uh to uh so when you do get your electric you're going to have to think about what that is absolutely i mean this is just incredible all this i mean it looks like something out of the future it is um it is it's a uh it's a it's an interesting um it's an interesting array um i'm gonna motor down the road and then i'm gonna show you the array because we can we can we can play around with it but let's um let's get going to start with perfect and all you've got is a gear selector here okay that's a park button right puts you in park all you do is you pull that down and you're ready to go the only thing that we can hear right now is um is the air conditioning system so if we switch that all off yeah okay so that's it this feels quite spooky yeah it does isn't it no sound whatsoever no so this feels actually like a combination of um a star wars land speeder and the world's precious mill float yeah [Laughter] so what's really cool is some of the little functions on this so remind me to tell you about that okay if i uh if i forget yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna stop now and um and you can record just the ambient sound because there's this star wars-esque kind of a sound that actually sounds really good in a weird kind of way i know it's not a v8 and it's not you know turbos aren't spinning but there's actually there's it's that's it's it's quite a quite a cool sound isn't it it is it is um it it is literally it's very star wars-y it's almost like you know when the millennium falcon is about to go into you know uh or about to initiate the hyperdrive i'm waiting for the stars to go so it's uh it's quite quite an extraordinary um extraordinary sound so they do that nick so that um you've got some reference at low speeds particularly if you're driving in an area which is heavy with pedestrians to know that you're underway and you're moving along and so yeah you've got that you've got that sound which which bellows out so the other thing which is which is really really good is the chassis lift system so you know we're no strangers to a chassis lift system where you can raise the height of the car and drop the height of the car um you know that was that's something which helps you a lot when you come over speed humps and um and you've got like an uneven surfaces to to get over or the exit of a driveway yeah um what uh what happens with uh with this chassis lift system is um i didn't know this until i owned the car you i went in to lift it because i i was going down a road where there was a particular bump and i slowed down and i went in to lift the car and i lifted the car and i drove over that that speed hump and and i kept going i did my uh my uh my day's work and i was driving home that evening i came back up to that little speed hump uh and the car prompted me and said we recognize that um you lifted the car uh when you were here last time uh do you want to save this location and automatically lift and lower the car that's fantastic which is absolutely fantastic that's just brilliant so if your driveway is sort of you come up and then down over it so every time you need to lift the car you just set it as a like a waypoint a lift weight point and it'll just do it when you turn up and it just does it which is uh which is great really really great um you know it's all those little sort of clever features i think that just make this such a usable daily driver yeah and it is uh extraordinarily uh fast as well obviously it's a it's an absolute rocket ship the uh the display gives you lots and lots of options um and i can pull over and scroll through and show you what those things are in a moment but first i want to take you for a drive and give you the feeling that i've had ever since i've uh i've jumped into this and i must say nick the first day that i got this car i uh i drove it for for a good two hours and i got home later that evening and i had a uh ridiculous smile on my face uh clearly for the entire journey because when i got home my face was aching that's a good sign isn't it so yeah it's a it is a it is a good sign and is this four wheel drive it is yeah so you've got a motor on the front and you've got a motion on the back um if you have a look at the pinnacle here um i can show you uh what's actually going on so if i go into all wheel it shows you that the rear is being used predominantly now under acceleration it will disperse that energy so you see that energy change so i'm really careful on the accelerator it's just nuance to be honest um 10 or 15 of the accelerator it's almost is almost enough to do everyday acceleration uh we're in regular mode right now we're not in sport mode when you go into sport mode it immediately takes about five miles off your range it just drops the range like probably predicting that you're going to be a little bit uh heavier footed and it's going to be hanging around and holding speed in a different uh in a different mapping yeah which is which is also quite quite cool so we're gonna head up on the same road that we did in uh brutus okay e500 it's a really weird feeling isn't it you've not been one before it's really odd it's it's almost otherworldly yes yeah it is but you know it's lovely because it feels so the car feels so much lighter than clearly it is yeah it just feels like it's it's it just feels so agile you know which is which is lovely so i'm gonna go into sport mode okay um and when we've got a straight bit of uh road i'll slow down a little bit so okay lower than the speed limit and see if i can give you a sense of the acceleration i'm slightly nervous yeah that's got some ground doesn't it yeah grunt almost feels like the wrong word though doesn't it yeah it does it does feel like the wrong word it's um you know when you when you go from nothing to everything uh in this car it does this weird thing it doesn't it doesn't let up so your body i think if you if you're used to driving fast cars i think that the power delivery curve i actually think that you feel it you feel it in strange ways for me i feel that power delivery curve in like the way that my eyes sit in my eye sockets yeah um and i think and i think when i first moved this car i felt it in my eyes you know the the acceleration it's um it's unique because it's just relentless it's all and it's all the time it's all so it's um it's got such a such a strange kind of a way of delivering that power which you're just sort of not all that used to so i'll go up here because then we can get on the little motorway okay so if you're driving around normally in the taycan forest you get around about anywhere between 117 190 miles okay that's pretty good out of a full charge yeah um if you're a little bit silly uh certainly in the first week of ownership you can't help yourself um you get a little bit less than that to be honest yeah because you are literally trying trying what flat out means in the takeout uh wherever possible and it's almost addictive to uh to try it out and see just just get that sense of incredible acceleration but what then happens is you realize actually it's just a very usable practical car it's got tons and tons of space i mean in the back with adults in the back there's so much space there's so much volume in the back they've really unlocked a lot of space in this car so now we're doing about 60 miles per hour and i'll give it a bit of a stop okay yeah yeah that's fast so you get uh you get the idea yeah so it's got just that it's instant as well isn't it you're not waiting for the turbos to spawn no you don't and you're not as i said you don't feel a power curve you don't feel like you're getting it and then you're slightly it's slightly dissipating coming off in terms of the acceleration and your body sort of your eyes that i feel in my eyes can really adjust to that kind of acceleration you get a sense of why this thing is fast yeah but with this it's just it's sort of slightly unnaturally fast because of the amount of the amount of power that it's uh that it's putting down you know as i was saying before with regards to tesla's i i feel very strongly that tesla's are almost you know in the old world of of american muscle cars they were addictive and they were so much fun and they were loose and you know it had a certain essence and style about them but what you would be able to consistently say with an american muscle car is point it in a straight line and and plant your foot and it will it'll impress you yeah um and exactly the same with australian muscle cars so you know the holden commodore being the prime example of that holding commodore big v8 you know loads of power plant your foot and the straight line it was fantastic but take it through some tight twisty lanes and turns um and it it's it just falls away from you you realize it's just too heavy and it's just too you know stodgy and that for me i have that feeling in tesla's i feel that they're just i think the weight the center of gravity is so high up in the platform of the car that you feel it too much right and what i think porsche have done with this is they've taken that weight and dropped it so close to the to the surface uh off the road as as possible in this package there's obviously packaging constraints because it still needs to be a practical card yeah but um but with that it it really changes the way that the car balances and feels um and it's just it's just lovely it's really just lovely there are cars coming but it won't make a difference to us because we're gonna pin it we're doing 70 miles that's astonishing that is astonishing [Music] so i'm gonna stop here for a minute and i'm going to show you a couple of things on the car firstly if you hit the brake pedal very hard the hold button comes on and that will hold the car into position so you come off all the pedals and it'll just hold so it's almost like a hill assist traffic light it's just a hold function when you when you go to accelerate again the whole function pops off if you put it into park you press that p mode and it's in park and and right now you can't hear uh hear anything at all and switch all the all the cooling systems off so first i want to talk to you about this because it's just the most beautiful screen that i've seen in the car the graphic display and the information that's there you see the little highlighted yellow with this little button you can select the three points on the dash so let's select the first one and with the scroll you can choose whether you want a g-force meter you can have traffic signs you can have your warning and assistance systems for lane guidance and of course you have the all-wheel which we were just on a moment ago showing their delivery of power and tire info looking at tire pressures so that's that in the center you've then got your navigation if you move up you can put that up on a power meter so that will actually show the generation of of power it will also show the recuperation level and if you go to extended map this is what happens so now the navigation takes up the entire binnacle okay so you've got the full width off um off a map um and that uh allows you to uh to sort of hone in if you if you're really touring and you want to have an idea of where you're going in terms of sat nav you could program that in so it takes up your whole display and if you don't pop it back into reduce mode it goes it goes just to mandatory information how fast are you going and what's the speed limit where you are currently so so with that i normally just leave it on the small map so that i have the three displays and we go to this last display here we've got all of the information there and in addition to that you can go into your media as you can see i'm a huge fan of bbc radio 6. you've got your trip meter showing how much time and distance we've traveled and of course you've got navigation instructions so not only do you have the nav screen for the map you've also got the prompts coming up here as well so i tend to leave it on information to feel a little bit more techy the other thing is as you can see here you've got the ability to press to press the the dash i've just pressed the lift system it's now lifting the car up so it's telling me that the car is lifting up and when it reaches full height it'll hold and it'll show the arrow height indicating that it's in the higher lift functionality as well so that's one screen here's the other screen this screen here you can split it so that you've got all of your programmed information um to hand here so like your favorites and your and your menus um if you press it that way you can split the screen so that you've got uh the people who have called you the the the music that you're listening to and the map and uh and additionally to that um if i go back to this we can now dive into all of this information so what's interesting is the charge information so when you go to this you start to get profiles and you have a button here which is pre-cool and pre-heat now this is really clever and at first when i first owned the car i didn't quite understand what the point of it was but the point is that if you're charging from a ev charger at home or it's plugged in the car will know and you can time it by your profile that nick burnham is leaving to go to the office at seven o'clock in the morning on a monday tuesday wednesday thursday and he's leaving at eight o'clock in the morning on a friday you pull all of those profiles in and you can also assign pre-heat and cool so that the car will heat up and be the correct ambient temperature using the source power that you're charging the car with right and it won't utilize the energy of the car once you get underway to bring the car up to temperature it's just a little clever function like that but also you can profile and time out the charging so that it's on the screen as well so that you can program it that you can use off-peak hours to charge the car you can allow certain capacities for charge so minimum capacity where it will charge so if it isn't below that it won't bother drawing down energy and that's how that works and you can always bypass it by going on the direct charging which i think is really interesting i've mentioned already that um the chassis lift system is automated you can also choose whether you want the recuperation of energy on the system it marginally helps with the uh with the mileage um but most of the time if you want to go all out you can take recuperation off and you can put it into sport mode and you can just sort of sort of go all out and the recuperation is that so when you're braking it's using that energy to charge the battery is that yeah it's taking the the the uh the motor slow down and it's putting some of that energy back into uh back into the system gotcha so it all connects with your my porsche app and uh your porsche connect app and so it's all really clever and it's all there's so much in terms of programming uh the other really cool thing about this uh which a lot of people didn't know uh you know particularly when you're when you're looking at um at owning this car and some of the features that it's got is you can go into destination um you you may want to um to put a destination in and you can then write on this screen here okay and uh and you can you can write uh anything you like so i can write nick it'll put it in for you so you can try to find that really really quickly again with this screen there's a lot of functionality on it um you've got a double tap function on it so you can you can you can turn the music up oh wow and turn the music down back just like this virtual volume two fingers on it right uh which is quite useful if you're driving you just want to turn the volume up or you want to turn the volume down all sorts of stuff like that again with the with the ac systems you can also slide them up and slide them down oh gotcha as opposed to pressing the buttons but i want you to press that button and feel the tactility of it so just turn the volume down again so just okay yeah it's like haptic feedback it is and the haptic response of the system is really clever yeah it's it's got the right weighting uh to make it feel like it's actually a physical button when yes when it's not yeah yeah no i can see that it's yeah totally that's impressive so yeah there you go we're listening to some elvis costello what would you want from life should we get back underway yeah absolutely okay brilliant should we do an acceleration i think we ought to yeah that's 70. you're good that's brilliant isn't it yeah i mean that is the way to answer critics who say that the electric cars are no fun isn't it i think i think they i think they are so much fun but i i also think just in this where the world is currently and where we are yes there's lots of conversations about where does the source energy come from where you know for your energy grid when you're charging the car and you know what's the sustainability of battery uh manufacture et cetera et cetera i think what electric cars do give us is they give us the governance of that whereas before with your big dastardly v8 twin turbo 4.7 lead in mercedes you know you could dump as much co2 in depending on how much you use the car and depending on how much fuel you put in the car and how heavy footage you are i think with these cars the cleverness is going to evolve and how these cars communicate to your energy grid where you can draw down energy from a car for example into back into the grid and also i think just being able to also note purely how much you're using and how much energy you're consuming i think all of these things are going to start to develop and they're going to start to become part of how we interact with motor vehicles it's an exciting it's an exciting time because for me as an absolute petrol head i don't want to see the death of the combustion engine i really love the idea that an ev exists and it and it has this purpose and this form and it can deliver this kind of driving experience which is just stellar absolutely stellar it leaves for very little wants and desires other than just the exhaust note or the vibration of a you know a not quite so harmonically balanced um you know uh motor in the in the engine bay but i i think those experiences have a place and i think they have a place in old classic cars and i think that we will appreciate and keep classic cars specifically for that nostalgia and for that feeling um i think this is the future i really do and i tell you what it's it's a pretty spectacular future nick it's a pretty spectacular future you
Views: 165,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dJAbGx17imo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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