2020 Porsche Taycan - Jay Leno’s Garage

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Is it just me, or does Jay seem less then interested throughout the episode?

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Duncansport 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

They also misspelled Taycan when introducing the Porsche sales guy

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/tkhan456 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is the amount of wind noise normal, or is it because this is a pre-production?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/helpdiene 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Porsche guy seemed pretty knowledgeable.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/CrankyCurmedgeon 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Haven't watched it it's yet, but did Jay mention if he bought one or not?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Shadow703793 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

seems more like a marketing video, Jay was on autopilot.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RobDickinson 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can’t get enough of him saying Tesler. Also, Rekeros.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tbone_99 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
normally it's 616 horsepower but as weird the turbo s model when you're doing launch control it as much as yeah all right Ike I'm driving right now the 2020 Porsche Tyco on turbo s this is flourishes answer to the electric car and it's all Porsche except you've got two electric motors all the usual Porsche Q's are here sitting next to me Calvin Ken Calvin how are you excellent he's a horse guy or the Porsche representative brought this to us most people have not seen this yet or much less driven it so this is a real honour we're driving first today because it's been kind of a busy day and it's getting dark outside so I thought we drive the car first and then bring it back to the garage and talk a little bit about it so it's a pretty impressive so far well don't you look at that horse power wise 700 or more well normally it's 616 horsepower but as we're in the Turbo S model when you're doing launch control you get as much as 760 ok that's only at launch control is that it okay pilot launch control and then as soon as you're under way you're back at six hundred and something 6:16 6:16 okay there you go but the torque is more than satisfying it's got 774 pal feet so that should keep people pretty pretty happy right right and the thing I find interesting I believe this is the only electric vehicle that has a transmission that's far that's right right that's right so the front motor is single speed just like any other motor looked car but on the back we've got but you speed gearbox something unique about that gearbox is the actuation method you know you have automatic transmissions dual clutch rides on ours on our choose speed gearbox the first gear is is selected with a dog clutch like a race car right and then the second gear is like the automated clutch and that's so that we can make the one to shift as soft or as hard as we need it to be okay and then in first gear we can completely disconnect the rear axle so that you have maximum efficiency now this is a pre-production car correct correct so that means it's close to perfect but not quite perfect yeah okay so a few other things and no I'm curious as to why Portia chose to do a transmission because it was sort of explained to me it's not really necessary because you have constant continuous torque yeah for Portia the design requirements not only had to have the good efficiency on the highway on the Autobahn specifically at high speeds but also needed the instantaneous acceleration that is right and so for us the only solution that kind of made sense was to have a two speed transmission hi literally a high gear and a low gear right load you're obviously gets off the line as fast you know right very judiciously high gear is what the car gets into for because I remember when some electric cars came out initially they did have transmissions but they all broke because this such tremendous torque so I imagine this that's probably more torque than any Porsche engine other than a racing car has had that is fair to say and this is the fast the turbo West icon the tie contour to us is the fastest car we make so there's a lot accelerating drag make fascist color in code Nick and anyways yeah even faster than all in the real turbo car yeah yeah and so needless to say the transmission technology has caught up to the level where it's we can use it you know it's amazing how far technology has come just looking at this steering wheel the fact that there's actually an airbag in this tiny center hub yeah you know I used to hate hairbag cars because they had that big hello looking thing in the middle of the a beautiful steering wheel you know here you still got the classic partial wheel and you're able to get it in there that's that's pretty amazing yeah the same wheel that's in our 911 right I imagine designing the suspension is totally different for an electric car I mean all the usual Porsche tricks is you might say that they have an handling and suspension design you kind of have to rewrite the book could you're looking at what 50 100 pounds that's right here that's right but the thing about Porsche is our core fundamentals are more good and so realistic really realistically speaking it's a calibration Porsche dynamic chest control the three chamber air suspension before the chest control software like all that stuff which are in our Panamera for example we're all applicable on this car right just turned up a little bit for the way yeah now I suspect being Porsche the premium was on the handling because the horsepower I'm not tired of the horsepower race but I'm just amazing how it just keeps climbing climbing and climbing and rather than come out with a nine hundred or thousand horsepower equivalent vehicle just from the short drive we take it so far it seems like a lot of the design ethos was on the handling of the car that's right that's right I mean this car was designed and developed in in Germany and the in Vice Hawk you know were engineers that design and calibrate gt3s and angle ovens and boxers and caimans are and so the car fundamentally has to be fun to drive and I would guess this vehicle is bought primarily but I would say everyone that has bought one so far probably has another Porsche don't they yeah the nerd a 911 Panamera some experience with with Porsches and actually surprisingly a lot of people have experience with TVs and Generals right so they've had a premium their garage already I have driving modes here on the dashboard what am I in now let me see that's normal a Sport Sport+ normal individual Sport Plus is probably one s4 plus is does that bring in the handling down tighten up oh yeah I'm not feeling this ship okay I think I did that well we're already moving so that's more than likely you're probably already in second okay so it's a very short first gear exactly you really notice it when you do okay you know I never use launch control on my internal combustion vehicles I just feel like I'm stupidly over taxing the powertrain yeah I'm always a rolling start kind of guy I'm never a you know red light and then burn out two strips of rubber and all that kind of dip you know so to me launch control I've got a p1 McLaren I don't use it an adder I don't use it in the 12c and I use in any other cars but imagine electric car it's different it almost makes no different to know if you're an electric engine doesn't it no power its power power power and you know if you're doing it too excessively the car will kind of handle itself right the Tyco on in particular has a very very complicated but very effective multi-channel you know thermal management system so I'm shifting at what 22 miles now or something like that it all depends on the mode since you're in Sport Plus it'll probably hold first gear a little bit longer okay but not much no I mean it's not like a 55 or 60 miles an hour and then this ship it might depending if that's what you're got yeah now is the noise I'm hearing manufactured or is it that the actual noise of the moment a little a little of both so there is some gear wine some electric motor noise inevitable but there is additional noise from a synthesis of that so what they did is they took of the car in a acoustic room and recorded the sounds and then tuned them so that the frequencies and noises kind of relate to it the first day so the way you would tune an exhaust system yeah exactly now if I put my foot down now is not going to ship oh there it is your that yeah I've got all the chef's okay again a different type of shift and it's so seamless now the shifting that I'm hearing it's back tires strictly only correct okay that guy's only so the front tire is now sort of freewheeling you know I'm saying push it along or they know when you're on the throttle when you're on full throttle it's it's sending power to both accidents I guess my question is when it's shifts can the rear tires overpower the front tires by that I mean are they then pushing it pushing the electric motors in the front oh yeah we're on probably I would imagine just a very momentary almost like a freewheeling it says like at lunchtime they're still putting power but no power comes with exactly it'll click like a ratchet yes can they get that impulses gotcha yeah was there any any thought to building a two-door coupe or was it all as a four-door from the get-go for sure I mean if anything our first kind of foray into being serious about electric cars and e-mobility came from the 918 spyder which as you know is it cheetor coupe right or the carbon fiber yeah but that's a two-seater two-seater exactly yeah yeah bought by the 918 but I found it so fascinatingly complex that means complex beyond the point where even the Porsche guys didn't fight numbers I mean you needed the 918 tech yeah you needed that guy just answer any question I mean that car had a lot of capability yeah and you know that car's performance came from the driver but you had to know right right extract every last horsepower kilowatt right and that had a range of what 90 miles oh no I'm gonna lecture plug in I don't think it was that high but the idea wasn't for you to you know go along right and even back then we had the very electric motor going through our Quique transmission right so even back then we were experimenting with having a multi speed electric powertrain was there any talk of building a hybrid or was it always going to be all-electric from the get-go for this car it was going to be electric we did we've we've done the hybrid thing right right and hybrids aren't gonna go away for sure but you know at some point you kind of kind of jump in right I looked waddle the circus putz throttle in serious fonts are very nice and you know it carries its weight very well there's almost no cars it's 5,000 pounds we live in an era lightweight and people tend to think that we get I mean I've got some sports cars my Lotus weighs 1500 but it's it's down so low that it's it's almost acceptable I mean this car has a lot of sticks awful lot of first for us it's not the first but the greatest I guess lowest center gravity stiffest chassis well sure lowest center gravity because you know people don't realize a lot of times like Chevrolet with the Corvette when they raced it they said oh using that old fashioned engine yeah with the camera the block for the overhead cam that raesha Center gonna be higher so when you go into a corner you wouldn't think these two cams up there would be that much but they did having it in the block made it actually a lot of engages and you realize there is really hardly not hardly any weight but no more than a fraction weight is above the axle and isn't it so you're not gonna flip this car horn I mean you might be able do I mean you have to do pretty stupid I gotta be pretty stupid yeah yeah well like I say all the usual Porsche QZ here you've got the power button on this side where the key would be this makes me laugh you know the only thing that annoys me and I know I'm not the only Porsche guy and I'm sure you've ridden is why they called it a turbo as there's no turbo in it I mean I realize it's a marketing term now but I hate when engineering terms become marketing jumps cousin you know it's like the Hemi hardly any engines or anything but they use the Hemi name because it harkens back to the legendary hand again somebody must have had an old 486 dx2 pc with the turbo switch on it yeah let's see if your little turbo weekend yeah but I know I have people that say I want to get with those newer like this bosses but I won't get along with the turbos there's no turbo it's a thing you can't have a turbo electric engine it's just a marketing tool it just seems so unlike portion that's what just sort of makes me laugh that they've always understand everything you know it's here to 60 in 3.1 then you need to point and of course unlike a traditional car there's no maintenance at all with this just air pressure tire pressure obviously batteries are liquid cool okay and you've got regen on breaking yeah actually it's the highest level of regen on the market right now oh is that right Turner up to 265 kilowatts which is is that adjustable or no yes it's all but with your left foot so your left foot does all the regen and then the car itself will blend in the hydraulic brakes as needed my left foot or your right foot on the left middle sorry I mean on the brake yes okay oh it's all you read Jenna's on when I'm off throttle I'm not reading it more a little bit yeah and if you look at the eye shake it goes to green yeah okay it's obviously it breaks last long there we go you using the electric engine to slow you down exactly you know I've got a 1916 oh it's magnetic and that has what they call election break gets a gas engine driving like an old locomotive because the idea is he back in nineteen sixties battery technology with such electric cars could go very far so by having a gas engine to drive I'd like to get you had an electric car yeah it was powered by gasoline the advantage was there was no clutch and there was no shifting so a person could just drive you there right but it's fascinating to see that sort of what's the primary market yeah I mean it's this custom sold globally but you're launching the car here in the United States first because Germany seems to us you know they seem so environmentally minded you think I liked your cards with Norway to go crazy yes but not so much Germany why is that you think more tradition is is an electric Porsche scene with me look what does this I mean it's it seemed odd to like here I think Americans they used to v's we have the Tessler we got the Chevy bolt you know get the little Fiat aligned I mean electrics are especially in California they've been around for a decade yeah I think the main thing is is you know it's important to not only be environmentally friendly and think about the kind of the whole ecosystem of the car but it's also important to see how the car works with your life I think for Americans it's just maybe we commute a little bit further and so the idea of trading you know stopping at the pump every week to plugging and every night is a little bit easier for us to handle right right no there's a multitude of reasons maybe it's just Americans like to be a bit flashier now it says Portia make their own batteries of east traditional lithium lithium ion batteries what a cool Bubba they are beer something different because I know the range on this is a little over 200 miles yeah and there are other electric cars on the market that have more miles correct what is the reason for that is it the balanced battery life with all of the above I mean number one distance this is our first real matter looking vehicle the idea that we can just kind of wing it and hope that it all works out is kind of it's not on the cards it has to be perfect right it has to deliver that that trouble-free experience that evey owners have kind of come to expect from their cars mm-hmm man yeah that came at the expense of a bit of range but I think most people will find that did much rather have that longevity real-world longevity then a couple extra miles on paper right right because the moment you start driving this aggressively you know in the dead of winter or in the hottest days of summer your range is compromised anyway right for maximum range right so instead of focusing on maximum range we should be talking about real world everyday usability and how the car in trucks again with the environment so for us we have a partnership with vulture fund America they're decent a structure and basically have to ask yourself are there enough fast chargers around me where I don't have to worry about it yeah it's the markets the answers pump is not a firm yes but in others to do the formulas right there's one a mile away from your garage okay so now do I this is have a battery temperature gauge and the way that you would have a water temperature to be a gentleman I'm glad you asked because it's right up on the dash right now and what I'm where is it we're at 82 degrees Fahrenheit okay that's battery technocratic okay that's for your main battery okay so what you're seeing right there on the top line your state of charge 73 percent right underneath that is the temperature for the battery below that is your total system crime and then you can see your justice to empty underneath your speedometer batteries like to be about 74 degrees but it get sick together for us our battery doesn't mind been warm in fact if you want the maximum performance for charging you actually want it to be in the mid nineties or higher you right so our our car yeah it obviously functions in this miss range and it probably will be happier for longevity purposes but we were talking about what where it's comfortable in yeah it can go the 90s yeah is this charge faster slower about the same as other V's on the market is there anything different about it that way because of the water cooling nature and the fact that the batteries like a little bit of temperature the 800 charging system can shove in a lot of juice in the first you know five 10 minutes I have a charge and so if you go to an aid revolt charging station that can output the amount of kilowatts that the car could take right Ben yeah it it will you'll get a honkin little now that's not something you can do on a regular basis I mean the car has enough safety measures were yeah I mean if you're doing it everyday that's probably not the best case scenario but yeah if your average owner and you go on a road trip once every other month or something that's fine right right there's enough safety margin in the in the pack to offer well passes camera good with these tires made and designed for this car that's not an off-the-shelf yeah exactly yeah they took combined the load rating lower rolling resistance but yet performance that's just standard pressure 32 pounds or d1 40 or 45 ya think 38 to 41 on 13 for Santa's Tesla yeah I think it's more functional away yeah you know it's a very relaxing car to drive very nice car to drive you know I'm glad portions making this because they need to pay you can't you know it's a funny when I Drive around LA I count the portions with Mercedes in the Ferrari like we're on the road I'm in Gary Indiana at the morning Iowa I don't see ya I mean now I do I'll see that yeah I'll see the the SUV but not so much you can only sell don't sell many three seater sports but I mean then you reach a point where I know I made a lot of people get mad when the SUV first came out are they ruining it but that's how you stay in business and this is another way you stay in business I mean this is a great city car but you know you know because let's face it a lot of metropolitan area may even ban internal combustion engines as they have in Europe that's right but if you have something like this you're still in your Porsche are you still going faster still having fun but you're not gonna lose these are you and again this is just the start I mean guess what the next 10 20 years oh I think yeah I think the next thing is going to see me the entire body of the car will be a battery you'll have wires see the carbon fiber will well let's take this back to the garage don't put it under the light box and show people that it looks like a cross well as you can see we did this backwards as I mentioned we drove the car first because it was getting dark out we wanted to make sure we could get it out there while there's still some sunlight and we bring it back now we'll talk about a little bit talk about the drive and let you see what the car looks like up close I mean unmistakeably Porsche especially the front end and it's funny because it nothing about it makes me think electric because it looks like a Porsche a four-door car you know what's different I mean massive breaks I assume that's because you don't have compression braking correct I mean as we mentioned in the car it's it's a heavier car so you need the braking ability to have the performance work and if the car is designed to go fast and be dynamic so the brakes kind of match its ethos now the regen is it in the caliper it's in the motors it's in the front motor and that's kind of what the beauty of having a dual motor setup is okay yeah oh I see so that so when you press the brake obviously the California job touching the rotor to stop you there's no regen that takes place within under normal circumstances what will happen is as you're pushing your brake pedal the electric mode the front motor will energize the other way and it will then act as a generator and it can modulate the strength of its generation if you will based on how much brake pedal you're giving it up to a certain point at which point then the hydraulic brakes will take over design obviously all partial designed in a wind tunnel and you want to get the best coefficient of drag bla bla bla this being an electric the underside of the car you see there's no need to work around exhaust systems and mufflers and things like that so you can be pretty smooth do you know the coefficient of drag on this car it's for the turbo s because of its larger wheels and tires at 0.25 right but the turbo model the one right below this one has little bit slippery wheel entire set that's 0.22 which is the slipperiest car we've ever made really okay all right well that's even more how's that compared to the race cars well the race cars unfortunately have gigantic splitters and worse yeah that's worth okay yeah I mean I remember back in the 30s when they are experimenting with coefficient of drag and all kind of stuff it was quite common to have you know Oh point zero to five or whatever might be yeah because they didn't have downforce meaning of that nature good yes pure design but that's actually pretty good isn't it so that this is the slip your story above a building fascinating what else can we ask about obviously your charge poor there's one on each side each side and if you want to give the bottom of that little black thin a little swipe you can actually open it no I so this is the standard most cities public charge on this one yep and then that one is the 800 monster charger what are the eight hundred volt no interval 100 volt yeah yeah so that can give it an 80 spent eighty percent charge and what 20 minutes something that from from 5 to 18 22 and a half minutes oh that's not bad at all and the clothes that I press this button just give it a swipe on the underside of the fin again all right okay oh that's very cool Oh what else have we got here I mean it has a Ollie v seem to have the door handles you have to decide oh this you pull up and it opens exactly okay look at me there's still a mechanical solenoid and everything okay never tracks yep and you've got the glass roof but it does not open Chris oh it's not open okay a metal roof will be available I think in a few months we just wanted to launch kind of you know the most popular configuration and does this change color depending on the Rays of the Sun how hot it gets right nope it's just got a lot of filters to keep UV and infrared light at bay so that when you're inside the car you're not baking like most v's or your front-wheel drive cars you've got a flat floor although you appear to have what looks like a transmission tunnel but obviously it's not that's for battery correct and what we did is the space where the rear foot wheels are we actually pulled those batteries out to make those little houses that's that's what I was thinking thinking I've been in some of these that your head is against the roof because you stack the batteries just high in the floor so I see so you have sort of a full transmission tunnel exactly you lined out back oh that was very clever the batteries that we pulled out of the foot wells we just put them underneath the rear seats yeah you want anyway yeah and you have two motors the rear one is obviously more powerful because it has the transmission okay okay do you know the horsepower of each motor if it's six 16 is it like 400 and this or is it closer to 5050 we don't really have a split necessarily because it doesn't really matter anymore I mean you basically have two motors that I kind of can do can work independently and when you need the maximum amount of power both of them will give you the max that you know that you want so and we have a trunk and what they call that a front trunk yeah how big is that can we say yeah go ahead and open it for you yeah okay obviously your engine is right here a lot of the power the power inverter and electronics underneath rather obviously the brake master cylinders right there too but yeah that's this is the front cargo area got some spare tools and underneath each of these covers anything can fix anything an electric engine there's a break you can patch a tire for example and obviously there's no spare tire which is one of my pet peeves but that's what everything is that correct you know every tire splits on the sidewall yeah and they give you that can of stuff that goes and then just these foam on the street and then all right that's on yeah I know why you're making this whole area to be a trial and you have the same size in the back as well in the back it's fairly roomy and on top of that the rear seats fold flat 60/40 oh yeah how can we do that quick okay let's see real world luggage luggage in there this that bag has the charger that comes with the car oh okay there's even that's a 110 right a 110 or 220 okay and that takes six to eight weeks well I want to show one tenth a silicon so you put you put in the beginning of summer by fall you're out driving around yeah you probably you want to make sure you have a 220 available yeah if you buy this car yeah okay and you said the seats fold down as well yep let's see how that works [Music] oh that's very cool yeah I saw him the other side of you actually get up set of skis in there - yeah and it's it's flat so that you can you could sleep in it yeah yeah so it's a camper as well well that's pretty practical yeah we've tried to make a car that's usable every day and a priority well you know I can't you think of Porsche you always think of sports car but you have sort of the best of both words you got a it's a sporty car that you can actually convince other family members now I love this point I'm not being greedy exactly yeah we can't take the take the took the kids or the in-laws or whatever what happened here yep aluminium there's some high-strength steel and some magnesium inside the frame for rigidity and then of course you've got the batteries that are right in their own little cocoon that add a tremendous amount of rigidity to the chassis also do I need to assist at the front end raise up if I'm the whole car will so on the dash there's a little touch area with a little indicator right I'll get that whole Carl raised about so the antenna speed bump or something exactly okay okay that's pretty cool okay what else we got here what is that I'm looking at there that is the top latch mount so if you have a child seat oh I say yeah you just pop open that cover and there's the log okay yeah of course that's also the speaker grill for the optional blue mr. Simon something this car has and these these handles will retract eventually unveil retract on time or when you lock the car I think I'd say so that's what three minutes five minutes something like that I think because the car is because the keys in the car it's just gonna think oh this guy must be getting ready yeah so probably we'll leave it out these wheels unique to this model or are they panorama no these wheels are unique to this model it's a standard wheel and some unique aspects of it are the fact that you can get the the barrel painted in one color and the spokes painted in another so it's kind of what your imagination will allow we have a couple of preset colors Aurum which is kind of like a matte gold a satin finish color which looks pretty good or gloss black or some combination right right what is the wheelbase I don't know the number off the top of my head but it's a little bit shorter than a Panamera oh if you think of this as kind of like a Panamera light on size at least right it's about right well I'm fascinated it's the fastest accelerating car Porsche makes yeah it's just quite a claim yeah because you guys make some fast car is that to 100 is that to 60 is that to 260 260 oh okay well impressive let's see any other anything else we need to know here we took I felt like felt like I'm about to say hey let's go for a drive one Fred we've touched on the batteries the body interior the motors of transmission we've got aerodynamics like though the little spoiler that pops up and we didn't really get a good shot let's show people within two - born again as you can see Porsche always has the famous Porsche of clock in there yep - and what is that primarily that's for the for the sport chrono phone right so you can set up a lap timer and you can see your splits very easily a lot of people say well you can see it on the head unit in numbers but it's really easy to just glance and see where the needle is but that's kind of like a Jacuzzi in your house you know you use it for like the first three days and then you never ever turn it on again and then one day after a year and I have it turned on and the seals have dried out as you can also use it to time your street light you know how long it takes for the light to turn green and okay this is one of those things I know guys all they gotta have that if you ever use that I did when I first got it but now I know using this makes me laugh it's nice but I like to - nice and clean and simple and very very Porsche like you know this sort of a theme that runs through all the portions which is kind of nice yeah I think it's really good-looking car and it should be very successful so there's this is the top of the line than the regular turbo model without the S it's basically the same car with what just less trim a little less power it has fun inverter so you have a little bit less power on the front and yeah it comes with 20-inch wheels instead of 20 ones okay and it comes with regular metal brakes and some I gotta admit I like 20s you know my trouble with 21 inch wheels is I blow time la you know it's like Fort Apache it's just things in the roads as arrows is everything else and you just blow tires all the time I mean I've I've gone through 21 inch and they always break the side when you hit when you hit a pothole it pinches and you can't fix the tire so I imagine the 20s give you more comfortable yeah they're a much more simple ride yeah they're quieter and you get better range out of them yeah oh is that right yeah okay so but this is the performance model correct and because it's a four seater and a four-door you just keep thinking it's a grocery getter yeah but it's the fastest accelerating car you make and they do pretty well on the track don't they they do they do that so is this carbon on Nurburgring of course yeah did a 742 around the ring impressive yeah if considering its I guess it's it's its weight and the fact that you know most TVs generally don't aren't known for track perform right right right yeah I did Nurburgring and this is eight nine years ago and a Jaguar XKR and I did an 8 10 or something like that I mean it's amazing because it's 13 miles and you're driving I'm not even halfway around this thing let me go through the carousel and the whole thing I mean there's a lot of fun there are people with round-trip commutes less than that yeah and it's funny because you're on it and people flying by on Kawasaki just off the road and hitting a tree and keep golf and you know the great thing about Nurburgring is it's considered a highway yeah so when you have an accident you'd call your insurance company you go or I had an accident on a road in Germany oh okay what happened I live you know oh yeah if you damage anything you got to pay for it yeah that's right that's right yeah but you see people just don't go on on YouTube and this guy's just plowing into trees and flipping cars and yeah it was amazing you make kind of a point of reference is that 742 for was a gt3 lap time just a few years exactly exactly so all right Calvin thank you my friend make sure thanks for bringing this by I mean it's it's a new world and it's a whole new it's a whole new deal what was your background electronics that we can tackle engineering just mechanically okay okay so and you're you're in the whole electric part of it I love it yeah well it's great it you guys done a great job and that's the future so once again thank you yeah very cool [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 1,227,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay, Lenos, Garage, Porsche, Mission E, Taycan, Calvin Klim, Porsche Experience, German car, autobahn, electric car, EV, electric super car, supercar, Turbo S, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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