Herb Dean Defends His Askren/Lawler Stoppage | Joe Rogan

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death grip yeah those guys which brings us to the last fight man yeah death grip yeah that Ben Askren fight dude I've watched that fight I've watched that finish like 10 times trying to figure out what happened or whether it was out or whether it wasn't out I was pretty convinced that at one point time he went out and then tomorrow Uman changed my mind tomorrow iseman showed that we watched the videotape together he's like no no he's given a thumbs up in like [ __ ] yeah okay so I'm still kids because the angles I've seen haven't been the best I'm trying to see this thumbs up what's the thumb going up or was the thumb in a thumbs up position going this way right like as the arm drops was the okay so when I give somebody a thumbs up like let's say somebody want a job you want this job do you know I mean I don't know like I mean I saw one of them's nobody's gonna know whether he was conscious or unconscious what I saw I saw everything that would indicate I'm seeing an unconscious fighter I see an arm go limp for no reason whatsoever and so that's what I'm that's what I have to work with because that's what you know we don't know what someone's feeling whatever we just see if they're doing something that doesn't make sense and you see an arm go limp at that time you're gonna assume that the person is unconscious we assumed it yeah as the broadcast team yeah thank you guys and and and that I'm supposed to do certain things and like so here's the thing with that joke when I'm referring fights you know there's some times where you know some positions are anxiety like you know you see two guys going up two leg locks you see a noodle mess of legs and you know you got a you're gonna have to help one guy out and we figure out who's tapping and make sure you're on the right arm when I see some choke so rear naked choke specially got on the back face up I took a sigh of relief my job just got so much easier this guy you know it's not like he's gonna go out and then a second take some extreme amount of damage he may go out I'll have a second to make sure it's not even a second a half a breath to make sure he's okay and then let it go out and he's not going to take any other damage a bulldog choke we have anytime you have a choke where somebody's where where there's pressure on the neck and there's bending bending the c-spine backwards like that that's a that's a rough situation for me so I see someone go limp and I know that on top of it they're no longer putting tension on their neck and their neck is just being bent I can't I you know I can't see that I should do something different than that because that's the arm I like to talk to people about this I'd like to talk to people have opinions about fights especially people who are interested in who they know what they're talking about because if I always have a situation if I was having mindset that I'm always doing the right thing I can't get better so I'm gonna have to look at something and say is there you know a teachable moment there is there a way I can learn from this and is there a way I could do something different and no I don't I think with that same situation with an arm going limp with that type of a choke on someone I don't know of a defense that requires the arm you know I mean I would think the arm should be doing something else I at this time I don't know I don't see that I should do something different you know I'm always interested in always looking and always I love these type of conversations but right now I can't think of you know you know they sell you something it was an amazing fight it was yeah it was I mean first of all was the first time I seen I refereed Ben Askren I didn't think I'd refereed him before and you know when you're at his prayer his pressure or something special it's not the normal and the way Robby dealt with it and Robby had him and he had him in trouble you know it's so close to stopping that fight when they're on the ground yes so many times yeah yeah it's a bomb yeah the the the amount of respect I have for those two athletes man it's like so that's so that's the thing is you know we never want to see anything that could make you that have a feeling that it's inconclusive but I can't think of what else I should have done but you know I mean especially for that that fight for those two guys you know yeah you always want it yeah the people would have a feeling of conclusion there well when we talked about on the phone when you brought up the damage the possible damage to that neck with the Bulldog choke you might be cutting off nerves and you might be bending the spine and in a kind of a fucked-up way yeah I really hadn't considered that well not what I was thinking of the choke when he grabbed hold them I was just thinking it was a blood choke but you're right like the way you in on walldog choke you lean back yeah that's a lot of pressure on the neck I've had some chokes where there I've refereed a fight where a guy did one of these moves that you had to move for it a technique where he's been in the spine back Wooster I wasn't a twister I think guys have a name for you do you know what the executioner is so that's what it was that's what it is that explains people to what that is is like if a guy is okay not to cut you off okay so for so long I've never really want to talk about it because people weren't doing it this was years ago I saw it but not there's a name for it I guess it's okay but you hadn't seen a lot of people doing it before right well we we started doing it in tenth planet a few years back it's I think people have done it what it is basically folks it's like our guillotine from the back it's like taking a rear naked choke hooks but instead of choking guys this way which is how you would do it which is wrap your forum underneath his neck and wrap the other arm behind his head instead of doing that you wrap your arm all the way around the front like a guillotine hold but from the back and you have ungodly leverage right it's ungodly how much pressure you could put on someone's neck and our friend Scott Epstein he he used it quite a few times so we called it the AB Secutor is that it there om trying to find a picture of while this arm no this is this is the executioner choke this is a different choke he calls it the AB secure I look that up and nothing came up okay I think I might have a have a have it here for you the something like this this is a little different this guy had arms in this is different but it's similar yeah it's similar though that's similar yeah you can have arms in yeah that's the same thing yeah this is it that's a 100% it so um I don't know we're gonna show people that either way it's a real bad place to be in okay I got it yeah that's okay that's bad Epstein that's the north/south choke but what he would do if he wanted to do an AB Secutor is he would get his hips underneath the and get back position this is just a really good north-south show so yes so what I saw was the guy who went north south and he this was years ago at a king of the cage and way out in Wisconsin and he had wow this is a long long time ago he had north/south and he sat up once he had the guy he sat up and pulled the guy's body up onto him and almost a sitting position and then put hooks right and then I've done it before where you all roll the guy to the side just to walk it through and figure out how it worked he put hooks and I was sitting I was like okay this isn't illegal if I stop this fight it's not you know this is not an illegal move but I don't want to see how this plays out and the guy got one hook in and almost the second hook was about to go in a guy tapped and when I pulled him off the guy couldn't move his neck was [ __ ] up yeah he couldn't move you know he had some sort of stinger I don't know what's gone he well he was he couldn't move he was terrified I was terrified okay and then it kind of you know came back came back Jesus yeah I know of several guys that have gone paralyzed because of Defense from guillotine or trying to take a guy down right yeah you know when someone gets in a guillotine yeah I've heard of that yeah so so that's why with some submissions you know especially some of the chokes it's like okay things are slowing down and okay things are getting a little bit easier for me with that one things are not easy at all that's not something that I want to I want to play what I think if you know I'm kind of disappointed with some some people have a platform I don't want to mention any names but some people have a platform of kind of tossed it out it was something sensational and say oh look at this is it wrong or right I think that's a little bit responsible when it's some dangerous techniques like that well I think you really pointed that out about the neck and a very important way and I think that's something that people should really take into consideration when you see someone you've seen people if you ever afraid someone who got caught in a twister yeah mm-hmm it's a horrible place to be yeah yeah it's a horrible place to be it's so your so [ __ ] up and there's so much pressure and the fact that your that your left legs isolating your heads getting pulled it feels like it's gonna break it's a [ __ ] up place to be even for the fact of the way it's set up because it's not like it it's not like a fast thing that catches you off-guard it's a long road to it yeah so you know it's coming and you're like I'm doing this but I know how this is gonna probably end and you're doing some little bit yeah yeah there's a chance Hong Kong Korean Zombie yeah I think he got the first ever one on Leonard Garcia I think yeah first look at that and then I see no horrible dude that is so that is so bad that feels so terrible yeah and that that's a he then there's DEFCON 4 we need to take a rear naked choke grip from the twisted position oh yeah okay that's just you just ripping dudes heads clean off it's horrible you know those all those crazy like catch wrestling neck manipulation those things make my neck hurt just looking at them yeah yeah yeah yeah so anyway yeah that's that's why I think you know you can't always say look at things as good or bad but you know some situations I've seen referees and and that one I think is a difficult situation not so I've seen other harder situations but you know I mean like yeah it's an unusual one yeah I mean we've seen quite a few bulldog chokes that put someone unconscious most recently Raquel Pennington against Ashlee evans-smith amazing fight crazy fight for Cowpens is so [ __ ] tough I mean that was just that was a crazy fight man it was just war and chaos and then with like one second to go she chokes her out and then lets her go and she's she's asleep from the Bulldog choke and Ashlee evans-smith steps up covered in blood and he was [ __ ] crazy that was crazy but there's that one didn't Chris lights out Lydell catch Tiki in a bulldog choke I think he did we're gonna garlic that's the side yeah that's the though yeah that looked really tight yeah go to forget that go to yeah that's the world a Carlos Newton chokes out Pat Miletich because this was for the title and he caught him in a bulldog choke and it like that was that was I think we had a name for I think we used to call it a schoolyard headlock but yeah then somebody called it a bulldog choke at that time I remember people are calling it Bulldog Joe how like they are it already had that I don't know if it had there maybe they gave it to but yeah it's a legit move mm-hmm I get so legit move I'll give you specially if you're a badass current type dude with that kind of grip right alright if someone's neck in that position yeah yes horrible yeah that was um that's why I say that referees have the hardest job because you're you're in that situation you do have to take those things into consideration what kind of damages is doing this guy's neck is he out is his arm went limp okay when do I still I gotta get I gotta save him like ya know that that is the tough part about it you know you were evaluating a situation as always there's different that you know and you're evaluating the threat to the person you're evaluating if there's a threat coming you how much how well can they deal with it yeah there's a lot of stuff going on there and you know we take it really serious I take it really serious it's to me it's um it's uh I feel that I have a secret trust I feel that it's one of these positions that like our athletes are not stupid people a lot of them could be doing a lot of things with their life and they've chosen this path too and they take time from their family they take time away from other careers where they could be progressing and all to meet their dreams and hopes and I need to balance that with their safety so it's something I think about a lot you know the main arm I'm even in the way uh I talked to my friends you know I mean to always you know I I'm always on I'm always working as a referee anytime I'm out in the streets or with friends people gonna ask me and what do I think about this fight or who do I think can be better and I because of this job you're doing you don't longer have the the luxury of having you know of talking about mixed martial arts in the fun way about who's gonna win and how's this gonna happen because who knows I might referee the fight right and everyone's gonna be on the internet like hers refereeing the fight and we're having beers yesterday and guess what he told me right right yes just you know so yeah I take it serious no you do it I'm glad you have that attitude what is this one right here oh yeah this is chrome this is Carl's right here yeah yeah in the transition he grabs the neck and it's a crazy visual too because the photograph the fru-u-- see the muscle right there right there I'm daddy's crazy muscles and Carlos's arm and shoulder and neck look at that Carlos Newton champion of the world right there that moment in that crazy Carlos had some spectacular grappling Rome early on man wild transition he was amazed it sue his uh his his explosiveness his agility and he was just he was so athletic he was doing stuff that no one else yeah he also had a really high level submission game early on yeah we looked in 96 97 a lot of people didn't have that kind of a game and his submission game was tight the the Matt Hughes one was crazy remember that yeah yeah that was crazy that uh go choke where he had him up and yeah he's yeah that was he puts him to sleep on as they get up Matt Hughes like here's coroner saying like stand up you won you want he's like what happened yeah yeah yeah yeah double knockout yeah yeah I have that one I have one the king of the cage a double knockout is right here yeah this is look how guy takes him strong yeah he used was he was so [ __ ] strong that holds him up there and Carlos is trying to so he's easy squeazy he's squeezing so Matt goes unconscious he's out cold he doesn't know what's going on no one knows what's going on and they get they they so Carlos his head hit the ground when he went down like that and then knocked him out right right right and then Matt woke up from the choke and then like you won yeah what it's great that was a crazy scene that that scene was a tough one that was like what do you do there yeah well that was like the thing about this robbie lawler penetrant fight like Guzman was saying they gotta run it back and I was like it wouldn't be a bad thing to run it back I mean well at the same time you know we got to be honest here like as far as running it back how many of the fights is that happened in the UFC are there because it's exciting what people want to see Joe most right so Brock Lesnar DC is a perfect example right so that's exciting is people want to see it and and some of the citement has been generated by throwing me under the bus but cool give the people another time I'll take it I got but ya know so yeah I think you know anytime that you know the athletes get to do what they do and people are gonna watch it again and people are gonna be excited about it you know I don't know
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 4,123,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Herb Dean, Ben Askren, Robbie Lawler, stoppage
Id: zluc6q88APo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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