Her TINY HOUSE is the size of a garage, & it's really cute!

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hey there welcome to my channel where I take  you on tours of tiny and creative spaces   in today's video we're traveling to California  to meet one talented young designer who lives and   works out of her 280 square foot tiny house  she's cleverly designed the space so that   she's able to work without sacrificing on the  gorgeous interior design I think you're going   to learn a lot about small space design from  this tour because there are so many good ideas   and if you like these kind of videos  please make sure that you subscribe   and hit that notification Bell so that you  know every single time we publish a new tour make this house hello my name is Denise Byron  welcome to my tiny house this little house is 280 square feet and I've  lived here for three years three very joyful years   it's an Adu so it's an accessory  dwelling unit and it was built   on the footprint of the original garage   I share the side yard with my neighbors that are  in the main house we look out for each other we   take care of each other I have a chosen family  and my neighbors have been absolutely delightful if I were to purchase a home in this community  where I'm living now the average home price is   about a two million dollar barrier to entry  in this phase of my life I'm renting a tiny   home and saving money so that I can buy a  home in the future but living tiny has given   me the opportunity to have the lifestyle that I  desire but also living within my financial means   another thing I'd love to share that's  happening right now because they just   hit the shelves is I have a cover  story in Vogue knitting magazine   I design knitting sewing crochet and macrame  patterns that I sell online on my website and I   also travel the world teaching those four crafts I  live a very small life pun intended and I spend my   days making things by hand and what a blessing it  is for me to be able to pay for my cost of living   by making things from scratch to then sharing  the process of making it with other people and   how that brings joy to someone who suddenly turns  a ball of yarn into a garment that they can wear   for many years and pass on to their children  it really is an incredible way to live making   clothing can be a mindful act about dressing  your body in a way that makes you feel good   and makes you feel confident which then allows  you to move into the world with that confidence thank you we are in my garden and I'm really blessed  to have this area for my private youth really   creates a cozy space to welcome all of my friends  and family welcome today you're part of my family I moved to California for the blue skies and  access to the ocean and so obviously I'd like   to take advantage of the outdoor space I reached  out to a company called article that is based in   Canada and asked them if they would consider  sponsoring some furniture for me so I got all   of this beautiful furniture that is made of acacia  wood so that it's outdoor friendly i Custom sewed   covers for all of the furniture using vinyl shower  curtains so that's pretty cool I also have a fire   pit and because I'm in a dense City I specifically  wanted this model because it's smokeless or a   smokeless as a fire pit can be and so my friends  and I are able to order taken sometimes and set it   up on the table and sit and be together and yet  not be on top of each other and so the fire pit   and candles and plants and flowers just make  it a really beautiful ambient space to be in   and I've moved these with me from my previous  tiny tiny it's been really nice they're just   like my little friends that keep growing and  it's like having family members that grow with   me as I move throughout this city plants make  me happy and every day when I leave the house   and when I come home it's like they're my  welcoming committee my hype friends that   tell me you're doing a good job so yeah these  are my friends and I love them very much you've   seen my garden now let's see the real reason why  you're here let's see the inside of my tiny house when we enter the house you will see that I set  up my space in zones so in this corner I have a   sleeping Nook then I've got a lounge space a work  area with my desk and a sewing table so I designed   clothing for a living I'm wearing one of my  dresses right now called a dress for everybody one   of my favorite architectural details of this house  and what made me decide that this was my home the   moment I saw it were the skylights because natural  light is flowing into the space all day followed   by the internal Windows this little house is  on the footprint of the original garage and   the owner is an architect so he knocked down three  out of four walls of the garage and rebuilt this   little house as an Adu I really wanted to have  the feeling of an indoor outdoor lifestyle and   when I first moved in one of the first things  I did was put up this shelf over my workspace   while it does house some of my work supplies for  example these two baskets and a yarn Swift most   of it is planned when I'm feeling stressed when  I feel a little bit of anxiety I will pull out   a ladder and get up there and water them and talk  to them sometimes sing to them it just adds a lot   of warmth and coziness to the space and it's  part of my daily routine to care for my plants   I set up my desk right underneath this window  in this little Nook because I wanted to have   the natural light from my window pouring on me  throughout the day and it just feels good to sit   in this spot I spend the bulk of my time here  working so it's been a cozy spot to work from   and one where I've had a lot of inspiration  it's been a good space for me creatively   when you live in a tiny house it's really hard  to hide the not pretty things that you need for   everyday life and so you'll see my kettlebell and  my little weights in the corner a bolts of fabric   and a yoga mat a tripod I tried to hide them  disguise them with a pretty tree but in this   corner we also have my sewing table I'd love  to have a separate Sewing Studio but that's   not in the cards in this moment it's coming I'm  manifesting it but for now I made the best out of   living and working in this space and so I have the  table that every tiny house owner has I purchased   it at Ikea it's a solid wood table with six  drawers on each side that flips up and so I'm able   to open it to a full dining table size and put  my cutting mat on top of it and really work and   make a giant mess in this space but the convenient  part of it too is that when it's open I can tuck   the sewing machines underneath it and I can use  this the table at a dinner table which I've done   many times and so having Dual Purpose Furniture  in a tiny spaces a really good idea when I first   moved into the house I really had to think about  where I wanted to place my bed and so I wanted to   create a sense of privacy by placing a credenza  along the length of the bed what it does is that   it intentionally directs the flow of the room so  that my guests will walk in and naturally walk   towards the sofa and it tells them I guess that  I'd like this to be my private and personal space   when I first moved in I placed all of my things  in wicker baskets because it had to be pretty   right I quickly learned once we got into the  wet season when it rains here for several months   that you can get ants and bugs so not so pretty  but definitely practical I went to Target and I   bought these plastic bins and in these bins I'm  able to organize and separate all of my supplies a lady should keep her private things private  but now I'm just putting all my business out in   the streets I wanted to show you how I store my  shoes I like clothes I like fashion so obviously   I love shoes but I have limited space so I  keep these two shoe racks tucked underneath   my bed they are color coded I have other areas  in the house where shoes are tucked underneath   dressers and credenzas but this is my main shoe  area this forces me to be intentional about what   I buy and so I have a one in one out policy if  I buy a pair of shoes I will donate or dispose   of a worn out pair of shoes and so having a  physical limit for how much I can own really   helps me to be intentional about how I spend my  money so I don't over buy shoes so I also keep   an elliptical tucked underneath my bed it's the  smallest elliptical I could find and I can pull it   out and I will turn on a YouTube video or a movie  every day and do a 20 minute little cardio workout now we are at the only closet in the house so I've  selected a few pieces to show you the majority of   my wardrobe was made by me but I've also um shall  we say padded my wardrobe with vintage pieces this   for example is a vintage silk Chanel gown I have  a cover story in bold knitting magazine and I   was wearing this gown and then other garments are  garments that I've made this shirt for example is   a linen shirt that I made when I taught a sewing  clasp now that we're in the bathroom you can see   I have a shower these built-in shelves have  been a lifesaver I wanted to add a handmade   piece to the bathroom and so I designed and made  this macrame plant holder then I added another   little shelf here to house my a little clock to  make sure that I show up to places on time it's   a really comfortable place to get ready in the  morning and then to wind down in the evening I've made a morning routine where every day  if I hand pour my coffee and it's become a   little ritual and so even though the Space  is really small it still feels homey and I'm   still able to build in little rituals that  make it feel like it's mine I have a two   burner gas stove you know I don't cook very  elaborate meals sometimes I cook my meals   sometimes honestly I eat frozen foods and then  sometimes I will order a meal delivery service   I've got this what I like to call child  size fridge and I keep the essentials like   non-dairy milks and juices and fresh fruit  and non-dairy yogurts and things like that   as my daily supplies and then I'm able  to pad my meals with the other methods in this country we think that our value is shown  in our material belongings but as someone who   loves beautiful things and appreciates beautiful  things I'm still choosing to keep it on a very   small scale and that allows me to be authentic in  my intention making a deliberate decision to live   in a tiny home just means that I'm being true  to myself it's a give and take and I'm making   sacrifices but I'm making them consciously because  I think that the benefits outweigh the sacrifices foreign I hope you guys enjoyed this  week's video please make sure to like   share and subscribe and I will see you  soon with another tiny or unique home tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 2,994,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, home design, interior design, small space design, garage conversion, garage conversion to living space, adu, garage adu, tiny home tour, additional dwelling unit, small home, small home tour, tiny house build, tiny house nation, denise bayron, knitwear designer, garage studio conversion, garage studio, she shed, garage converted into tiny house, garage converted into apartment
Id: H4eYrsZ6x5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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