TINY HOUSE TOUR | couple lives in 415 sq. ft.

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hi everyone my name is taylor and this is our tiny house come check it out so the whole house is 415 square feet including the loft but the part that is walkable is 250 square feet this is what we use for our front door even though it goes into our kitchen and we have another door on the other side in the living room we don't really use it we just use this one so we have an awesome full-size kitchen there's a lot of natural light in this room which i like up here we have our refrigerator freezer trusty broom and this step stool which i use a lot because i'm short and sometimes i can't get stuff out of the oven without it over here we have like i said a oven it's a convection oven but it also duels as a microwave which is super handy and then here is an induction two burner stove so that just means that the pots and pans have to be magnetic i don't know why but they do in order to work with this and then we also have another stove top thing that you can plug in that i keep down there if i need like three burners over here we have some open shelves with all of our stuff that we use which i like it i think it's really cute but it also helps me to like you can't just throw stuff in a cabinet because it's what everybody's gonna see and then down here we have our lazy susan that we keep for like it's basically like a pantry it works well this beautiful farmhouse sink that i love i think it goes from ikea and then down here we have just our trash can and you know bags and stuff and then some cleaning supplies full-size kitchen we got our towels over here just like bowls and different things this is probably our junk drawer and then over here we have a table that's really nice it's from ikea probably every tiny house has one of these because it goes up on both sides and then it folds in so that way you can have like a big table or a small table or a really small table like this and honestly we keep it like this we don't have chairs that go with it because just because it would just kind of be they would be just sitting in the corner we eat our dinner on the couch that's what we do so we have this awesome beautiful um window and then up here is a mini split and so we just have this little remote that you can turn on and off and it heats and cools which is really nice we don't really heat a ton in the winter surprisingly because the tiny house is super insulated so it stays really well temperature and plus the heat rises and the loft gets like crazy hot so we usually just like keep it normal in the winter sometimes we'll put on the heat um or just honestly keep it at like 72 in the summer too so yeah that works and then up here we have these really tall ceilings which i really like and i love that octagon window up there over here you can see part of the loft this is where the loft cuts off now the original house was 12 by 12 and it was a living room and then there were stairs that go to the loft and it's this is in my parents backyard so we wanted to live here um and we wanted to like live simply and you know not have to pay crazy rent for something that we didn't even like and so anyway we um and by we i mean my dad and my husband they tore down the wall and then added a bathroom and a kitchen which is what you see now and then extended the loft and the ceiling it was not easy but it took maybe i would say like six months but that was with us working full time and just like doing it on the weekends and stuff and the total for the house including all the supplies and even like our furniture you know our refrigerator our couch and all that stuff is 17 000. so it's pretty good and that was like we were paying 12 000 per year for rent and so it made sense to us and we've really been loving it here we've been here for three years all right so now come over here we have this narrow hallway which you can't really can't really fit together anymore because i'm getting bigger so it's like taking turns but anyway so you come over here this is just like some practical storage we have like games in the filing cabinet and um this is like where we keep our hair cutting stuff because i cut my husband's hair and then this is like coffee tea just storage and then over here we have this really awesome thing that we use for like a coffee and tea bar which my husband makes a ton of coffee he might be a coffee snob and then down here we keep our shoes it's not the prettiest thing in the world but it's functional and then over here is our vacuum so it fits perfectly down there it works well and then my mom made this in it just out of like i think an old tablecloth that we had so it works really good to kind of cover that up then over here we'll come into the living room which is what was the original uh little tough shed area that this tiny house first was obviously we renovated and stuff it looks really not anything like it used to so this is the living room we have a full-size couch a chair over here we keep our blankets and pillow extra pillows and stuff it's really pretty wood uh table and over here just you know basic living stuff we have a really awesome bookshelf i don't know why i just love this bookshelf i think it's just because i love books and i look i just can decorate it and it just looks so cute because they're books the books are cute my little plant babies that i haven't killed yet praise the lord and then over here is like my husband's work area he's he's a music major and i was an art major so we have my little art station over there which i'll get into next but we have this awesome chair that he uses and he sits here on his laptop and does secret things i'm just kidding and then down here you know his storage and stuff he custom built this i don't know if i said that already he custom built this for the space so it works really well and then we have our tv that he also uses for like a second monitor if he's doing like music stuff and then over here i just have this little like caddy thing with all of my art supplies and books and stuff um i have like my bible and pens and things it's just like my little area where i keep everything and then obviously we're expecting i'm not just gaining weight so the crib is probably gonna go here people are asking me like where are you gonna put the babies crib i'm like in our living room and it'll work out it's gonna be great so he'll have a little area here i'll probably like decorate it all cute and stuff and then this will probably go in our kitchen we measured it it should fit where that other table is so that's kind of the plan right now is to move those and then over here got our bathroom arrows little door you've ever seen and it's a pretty good size bathroom over here is our shower really nice my dad tiled it and thank you dad you just close that when you want to take a shower keep our towels right here and then over here we have a toilet this is our dirty clothes basket and we don't have a washer and dryer here as where would we put it so my mom um lets us use theirs across the street and by across the street i mean like 20 steps away so i literally just like carry this to do laundry once or twice a week and then up here we have just storage it's like toilet paper and stuff i have my makeup and my brush and different things like different miscellaneous storage things this thing that i made to keep all my jewelry and then over here the classic ikea sink that every tiny house has and then this is also from ikea but this isn't super exciting just different supplies that we use in products yeah that's the bathroom and then we'll go oh i almost forgot this also goes up so that's how we put it up the only reason we put it up is if we want to watch tv and we want the tv to like be moved over here so i'll show you so i usually just put it up like that you can put it up all the way but then i would have to get the little stick thing to get it down and i just like to grab it so we'll just leave it like that and then if we want to watch a tv show or a movie or something in the evening we'll just move the tv like that it works pretty well yeah we'll sit there on the couch and watch tv and then move this back put this down a pregnant lady can do it you can do it boom okay let's go upstairs to our loft it's getting harder to climb up those stairs so over here we have our bed it's a full queen size bed and then this is like i was saying this is the kind of barrier for the lofts we don't fall over and it's drilled in the bottom so it's pretty sturdy but we also keep it as storage and i like this just like open area even though the ceilings are pretty short it um feels pretty open because of all the natural light and all the windows i don't really feel claustrophobic up here and then over here we turn this on every night just as like white noise and then it's good for the summer too so this is my side of the bed that's my husband's so we each have our closet in the back i'll show you i just have this little area trash can there's a window over here and then come to our closet so this is our closet my mom got me this little stool which i really like because it helps me sometimes i'm like what do i want to wear today so i'll sit up here and pick out my clothes here we don't get dressed up here because it's kind of too crammed so we usually just grab our stuff in the morning and then go downstairs and get dressed but this is where we keep all our clothes and then over here is just um like pajamas and things and this is like my off season clothing our underwear and all the other things people use up here i have like scarves and hats and just various things this is my husband's side so these are his and then that's his closet so yeah it works really well it's pretty big actually we built this all obviously by hand but we like personalized this and bought this thing and made it sturdy up there this is from target and it is the one that goes um this way but we just turned it to the side so yeah it works well you come over here i'll show you one more thing so one of the things that i really wanted was something like this because the original this is like the original design obviously of the tough shed so it had this like huge open gap and like it's just scary you know i thought we were gonna like roll off and fall down to our desk so i asked my husband if he could build something like this which this one we never put up because it's just safer that way and even when you're going up the stairs like it feels weird if you can feel like you're gonna fall back so this is nice to have so this just stays down all the time and it's really sturdy so i mean i sit on there like it's part of the of the floor so it's good and then this part it works out well because we obviously keep it open during the day and stuff but at night we close this we close it like that and there's a handle so um like we don't like roll up roll over and like fall or anything so yeah and then in the morning we'll just like open it back up sometimes i wake my husband up because i'm like he gets just like gives me the eye like calm down woman so anyway that works out well yeah that is our tiny house thank you guys so much for watching let me know if you have any questions in the comments down below of anything that maybe i didn't answer you're just curious about i'd love to answer all of your questions let me know and if you want to see more videos about intentional living and just living simply please subscribe like this video and i'll see you guys in my next video thanks for watching bye
Channel: Created for Eden
Views: 1,764,291
Rating: 4.9012036 out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, minimalism, tuff shed, tuff shed conversion, intentional living, modern home, modern tiny house, modern minimalist home, 400sq ft, 250sq ft, tiny house living, tiny house tour, simple living
Id: k6Mk_1Jpsmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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