HELP IS HERE with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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i want you to expect a solid encounter place is solid encounter open your spirit open your ears you're a man of god open your spirit for the sake of your precious members open your spirits teaching is going to introduce something to our lives by the grace of god i i trust god there is there is somewhere i want us i'm trusting that god will take us it's like a flight in the spirit if we can get there tonight we have made progress but i pray i pray that no flesh will stop us from attaining there [Music] that's corinthians chapter 12 spirit of god help our weaknesses let us be communicators of spirit and life the subject of the gift of the spirit has costly been dealt with especially in recent times in the body of christ great men like papaya e.w kenyon d.l osborne and great men and women who ministered powerful in the spirit from the 40s the 50s then the the faith movement and the charismatic revival that swept across the mid 60s down to the late 70s into the early 80s and after that many people have experienced the ministry of the spirit we have written books about the gifts of the spirit not just the gifts but dimensions of operation in the spirit but i think in my opinion and may god forgive me if i sound proud but i think there is a very big gap in the understanding of people over the gifts of the spirit the truth is that even those who work in them cannot properly explain them it's just been from one manuscript theologically communicated to another and so is is largely a repetition but tonight i trust that god will help us to do justice in the name of jesus christ first corinthians chapter 12 when jesus walked the earth jesus manifested certain dimensions of the holy spirit that that caused the people in his day to marvel the gospels are full of exclamations of shock and wonder as to the invincibility of jesus christ three and a half years but he moved in such proportions of power and grace are we together and jesus began to mentor he thought but he took out his time to mentor 12 people there were other different groups 72 and etc but the 12 people he began to mentor them he taught them on several things and when you read the gospels you see um the book of matthew mark luke all of them are wonderful but notice that the communicators did not emphasize the ministry of the holy spirit there were certain dimensions but there was very little emphasis it was john john john the apostle are we together now when you read from chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16 it was an the entire those scriptures were an exegesis on the personality of the holy spirit [Music] jesus was introducing the person of the holy spirit to them he called him different names in help his standby etc etc they had seen the manifestations of jesus at a certain time he empowered them and sent them two by two the bible says they returned with wonders yet they did not understand the dynamics of what they were doing they said master even the demons were subject to us in thy name and he said do not rejoice that the demons are subject to you let me give you another reason and then he says i saw satan falling so several things do you know even the apostles themselves did not have a thorough understanding as to the gifts of the spirit the gifts of the spirit did not start manifesting in the new testament it's always been there in different dimensions but no one was able to construct a theology a doctrine out of it and communicated intelligently to the body of christ it was paul the apostle paul the apostle who was granted access to the mysteries of christ came to the church in corinth now theologically speaking the church in corinth where they were at a period of spiritual relevance the power of god was breaking out all kinds of things they did not know the name of what was manifesting to them they knew that the holy spirit found a lavish dimension of um access to that territory people were prophesying to a point that there was disorderliness so when paul came paul knew that he needed to build a theological basis for the understanding of the ministry of the holy spirit and then importantly the gifts of the spirit are we together now so paul now is speaking to them on the gifts of the holy spirit verse 4 12 verse 4 please let's be very fast let's trust god for grace hallelujah is that from verse one if you read it says now concerning spiritual gifts please give us verse one then we go to verse four it says now concerning spiritual gifts the holy ghost is speaking through apostle paul i do not want you coinonia to be ignorant meaning that you can be born again filled with the holy spirit even walking in the gate of the spirit but you are ignorant of the dynamics the inner workings of it and it's impossible to gain mastery when you are trying it takes understanding [Music] it says concerning spiritual gifts brethren so he's speaking to people who are born again speaking to those who have had an encounter with the life of god i do not want you to be ignorant let's go to verse four there are diversities of gifts but the same spirits there this is a very interesting information notice the construction of paul paul is teaching people who he wants to have you can sit down brother or find somewhere if he can't sit on his seat you can sit wherever there he says there are diversities of gifts let me tell you what that means look up please paul is saying you are going to see people moving dimensions that are unusual dimensions that will stretch you sometimes beyond your normal um gentleman hold on my friend listen hold on just leave the guy he's crying just leave him there please don't worry let him just shift just shift a little left and leave him let's just leave him with god here and it's all right he was covering the camera thank you there are diversities of gifts listen do you know why paul brought this because if you understand the gift of the spirit it can stretch faith except you know god there are certain gifts that are controversial in their operation so paul is saying look the first information church i want you to know is that in your work of faith you are going to encounter men that will move so strangely in the gift of the spirit it will stretch your intellect it will stretch your education you are going to see things you are not familiar with but i give you a note it is the same spirit that is operating are you getting that information now so someone can come for a meeting like this and watch people fly under the anointing are we together now and watch people running out by the spirit and say this is this is strange i am not used to the holy spirit moving this way that's why paul started by giving us this information that the gifts of the spirit are diverse brothers and sisters the first information i want you to know tonight that the gifts of the spirit are not nine the gifts of the spirit are only theologically classified based on the revelation that paul's exegesis gives us but the gifts of the spirit are not mine that's why the word of god must be studied from the vista of the spirit otherwise all that you will just read is theology it says there are how many gifts diversities meaning there were certain gifts paul did not see but are available the gifts never stopped as nine the gifts are as diverse as the alignments of the saints meaning that you are going to see certain gifts that you may not exactly find a name for them and so chances are that when you see it you're going to say no no this may not be of god there are diversities of kids are you learning something tonight it says for the same spirit when you study god's generals one of the controversies between two of the generals alexander the way and um maria woodward eater now listen maria woodward ita historically speaking was the one who brought what we call trans evangelism a phenomenon where people under a strange influence of the spirit will not only fall under the anointing but will freeze in a position for hours it's not a phenomenon that they have seen it was in our meetings like this guy now he can stand like that for five hours you can't do that ordinarily with your hand and you can see people stop like this for hours now watch this they did not have internet and the media was not strong for people to have access to themselves so when alexander deway although a great man mighty man whom in the healing and launching when he stumbled across a woman at the other side of the earth who was carrying out mighty miracles he found out from her meetings that people were freezing and stopping alexander the way said that woman number one the fact that she's a woman ministering is under the spirit of divination and maria woodward peter said no i'm a woman who loves god god anointed me and called me to be an evangelist this is a man of god anointed alexander the way was the spiritual mayor of illinois but at the zion city yet in that level that that supposed high level of spirituality he could not discern that although this manifestation was foreign to him it was still of the holy ghost this is one of the biggest limitations that the church has given the holy spirit that the fact that god is not moving the way he moved five years ago does not mean he's not the one moving be careful be careful be careful there are manifestations that you see that you may never be able to capture the holy ghost can open your eyes and conjure scriptures together that will paint a picture that reflects that experience but you will not see it at plain sight and so chances are that you will doubt the fact that it is god moving in that dimension smith wigglesworth will be moved powerfully under the spirit and he would carry a dead man and punch the man not that he was an angry man he didn't even know what moved him what is the name of that gift [Music] listen let me tell you something are you seeing why when he finished teaching he told them i show you a more excellent way a more excellent way of ministering these gifts perfectly because if you lack love there will be criticism there will be cynicism [Music] are we together why did you heal this brother by hugging him where is it in the bible that you hug a brother and heal him and so you say this is the devil where is it in the bible that a congregation hold your hands together to pray in tongues that means praying in tongues is demonic publicly are you seeing now and sometimes i have taught us here that the bible is a prophetic book you can make it preach anything a herbalist can show you scriptures here that will cause you to walk in witchcraft many things happen in the bible demons spoke donkeys spoke people spoke in their backs leading state prophets who doubled into divination spoke it takes the spirit to divide the world accurately and show you which was sponsored the part of spiritual that was sponsored by the spirit is what we call the word of god are you getting blessed there are diversities of gifts diversities of gifts in this end time we are going to see moves of the spirit in proportions and dimensions that will bring harsh criticism but will bet the glory of god in unusual ways point number two please let's hurry up number five media help us [Music] there are differences in ministries now do you know what he's saying that means under the same gift the way you dispense it like a pharmacist giving drugs is different the same gift but the dispensing of that give the administration of it is different that means you can see three prophets are we together but the character and the nature of that operation is different versus then it says there are diversities of activities but it's the same god who works all and all so let's get to the kids seven but the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all now here's the key the gift of the spirit is for the prophet of the body the prophet of the body the prophet of the body not the prophet of a denomination not the prophet of a man of god not a prophet of just an individual it is for the prophet of all verse eight for to one is given the word of wisdom so paul is classifying them now are we together now through the spirit to another is given the word of knowledge through the same spirit please let's run it down next verse to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing take note do you see an s there with gifts not a gift of healing gifts of healing by the same spirit next verse to another fate by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another various or diverse kinds of tongues to another interpretation of tongues eleven and we stop there but all these workers that one and the same very same spirit dividing onto every man severally as he wills now close your bible and let's talk [Music] so paul for the sake of order remember the entire text of first of first corinthians 12 13 14 the entire subject can be summarized in one word first corinthians 14 verse 40. it says let all things be done decently and in order so paul is his his passion is to see that everything is done decently but in order to do that he had to build like a wise master builder and teach them the gifts of the spirit are not limited to nine yes it is true that they are nine gifts theologically critified according to the experience of the present-day church [Music] theologically speaking the nine gifts let's walk with the nine kids for the sake of understanding um many of us know that they are divided into three categories the first category is called the revelatory gifts the gifts that have to do with revelation and insight from the realm of the spirit revelatory gifts and they are three of the revelatory gifts the word of wisdom the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits i'm not going to dwell on all of them i'll just touch them there are a few i want us to just stop there revelatory gifts that's the first classification theologically speaking that the gifts of the spirit are classified into three first revelatory gifts the word of wisdom the word of knowledge the discerning of spirits number two or trans or vocal gifts that's the second classification gifts that have to do with speech communication all the gifts will require communication but that these ones the primary medium for dispensing them is your mouth speech the gift of diverse kinds of tongues the gift of interpretation of tongues and the gift of prophecy comes under this classification the gift of diverse kinds of tongues don't just write tongues diverse kinds of tongues the gifts of interpretation of tongues and the gifts of prophecy and then number three power gift the third classification theologically speaking power gifts and that includes the gift of faith the gifts of healing add us to gifts the gifts of healing and then the working of miracles so 333 the revelatory gifts that make you think like christ the utterance gifts that make you speak like christ the power gifts that make you act like christ [Music] the revelatory gifts make you think like christ the focal gifts make you speak like christ the power gifts cause you to act like christ [Music] are we together let's take them one by one very quickly number one word of wisdom what is it what exactly is the word of wisdom [Music] the word of wisdom is the ability to supernaturally profess solutions to situations and problems the supernatural ability to profess solutions to situations problems challenges that are beyond your current level of education sorry i'm first i'm running supernatural ability to profess solutions to problems and situations beyond your current level of education exposure physical maturity and experience when you sustain an ability in the spirit to communicate divine ideas and solutions to human problems problems that defy your current level of exposure problems that defy the the the knowledge that your level of maturity should have brought [Music] your level of education and your level of experience is called the world of stuff access to supernatural illumination access to supernatural understanding you need it now let me tell you this many people have downplayed on this gift of the spirit you know why because in our thinking we think it is not charismatic do you know do you know truly let me tell you this is one of the apex of the apostolic ministry not even power gifts not revelatory gifts it's impossible to claim you're working in the apostolic office truly and lack the gift of wisdom because the apostolic office is first an administrative office jesus himself manifested in john chapter eight when you read one to 11 it was the the the issue of the woman who was caught in adultery john chapter 8 1-11 we're not going to we're not going to read all that because of time but just write it john chapter 8 1-11 jesus was teaching and he sat down somewhere and then the pharisees and scribes caught a woman in adultery you know every time i read this story i'm surprised where was the man you see that victimizing women did not start today [Music] no the man may be part of them their goal was to pin jesus you see it now let me tell you where you need this gift because this our world is full of wicked men and women who will look for every and anything to draw you destroy your business destroy your ministry destroy you down you need the gift of the word of wisdom and then they came to jesus sorry there's no time let me just quote it threw that woman in front of him and he said jesus you claim you're a prophet you claim you abide here's a test we caught this woman in adultery in the very act of it very act means that there should be a man he said man you can go the woman let's just go you see how we get those people away then when they threw him they now said moses said i hope you know that part of the condition to be a true prophet is that you must acknowledge every other prophet that has come so if jesus now rejected moses they'll say you see you're a fake prophet and if jesus said yes you are right they'll say now you have submitted to our religious governing authorities that was a difficult situation you will be faced with situations in your life where yes and no still put you in trouble both yes and no will land you in trouble your enemies is like penalty you know how they they pay for football and they pin you you are the goalkeeper they are about to be the people already shaking themselves [Music] it's at that point to tap into this dimension of the gift of the spirit [Music] people vow that because of tribalism they'll drive you out of your job the boss says something your superior and direct boss and the manager says something conflicting statements they carry the file and drop and two of them are calling you let me tell you you don't need education you need the gift of the word of wisdom you obey the one directly under you they suck two of you you obey the one above you you come back and meet the one in your units it helps us to think like christ he says let this mind permit this mind to be in you which was also in christ jesus business people need this mind every leader needs this understanding and here's what jesus did they thought jesus was going to say certain things jesus kept writing writing the holy ghost was moving him the fountain of wisdom self then he lifted up his head in confidence and here's what he said he who does not have sin he was talking about is another way of saying i'm the only one who is qualified to cast the stone you get it and then he say he just like joseph said find a man who is discreet and wise he was another way of saying i'm here [Music] he who does not have sin to cast the stone and i'm sure he was the oldest guy who was the other party there and he lifted the stone and he dropped it everyone dropped it and he said woman where are they and accuse us and she turned he said neither do i accuse you go and sin no more jesus manifested that was not word of knowledge that was the gift of the word of wisdom how many times we have been whipped by life because we lack this an opportunity that would have honored you how many pastors who stood before government officials would have made certain statements by the spirit that would have given them access to certain things imagine how many foolish decisions our loved ones have taken born again and filled with the holy spirit but not allowing these possibilities find the expression you need the gift of the word of wisdom in your life [Music] education is limited your experiences are limited you cannot wait to respond to life only based on your exposure and experience you will need that grace can we pray in one minute and cry to the god of heaven and say lord i'm tired of foolish decisions i access wisdom by the spirit [Music] [Music] the word of wisdom [Music] my life is full of challenges that need to be surmounted and lord i need a dimension of wisdom that is beyond my age there are many of us in ministry yo you have challenges financially administratively in terms of growth and membership there are many of us here you need grace you don't know what to do should i get a job should i do business if you you need a word of wisdom you need a word of wisdom a supply of intelligence that is above this realm you need god to communicate something that bails you out leave your voice and pray in one minute help me oh god [Music] spirit of the living god i open up to you my destiny is at the mercy of your wisdom speak to me tired of piercing myself again and again with needless sorrows when your wisdom can bail me out of the vicissitudes of life hallelujah are we blessed please sit down we have to run just help those under the anointing in 2004 i spent three weeks praying this gift into my life three weeks god is my witness praying it into my life i said lord you cannot send me as foolish as i am [Music] and i am too young to make the decisions i should make i need a supply of intelligence that is higher listen some mistakes in life don't have second chance some answers the bible says to not be hasty you can stand before your destiny helper and blow up your opportunity forever that's why jesus kept quiet because this is not a usual communication you need the spirit to speak how many people have stood before their supervisors how many people have stood before their financial helpers how many people have stood before their boss he says i will give you a mouthpiece and a wisdom that your enemies will not be able to gain say or resist number two the word of knowledge what is it the word of knowledge is a supernatural insight and access into past and present events [Music] with a view to preferring solutions with a view to preferring solutions access into happenings access into occurrences sometimes even occurrences that predict your own brand [Music] our world is full of wickedness and we need this dimension of the holy spirit that can help us to go back in time and piece together useful informations that help us to interpret the happenings in our lives are we together now oftentimes the secret to the future is in the past when we can sustain the eyes to go back and see and understand word of knowledge the purpose of the gift of the word of knowledge primarily aside from supplying information is to build the faith and the conviction of the recipients if i can reach into an information in your life and supply you an information that might be useful in helping you interpret your today it can build your faith now notice that the word of knowledge and prophecy works very pursue in fact many people mistaking this gift half of what people call prophecy is the manifestation of the word of knowledge the word of knowledge only deals with past events and present events when it becomes futuristic that's prophecy past events present events two examples very quickly in john chapter 1 you read from verse 45 to the last verse 51 john chapter 1 the bible tells us about a man called nathaniel are we together nathanael was beckoned by philip that jesus they had met the messiah that was prophesied and nathaniel made a very sarcastic statement nathaniel said can anything good come out of nazareth while all that conversation was happening jesus was somewhere watching them then nathanael comes and jesus says nathanael here's what jesus said an israelite indeed in whom there is god and nathaniel saw him i said you mean you know me and he said nathaniel while you were under the tree insulting me i saw you nathanael was amazed immediately an attestation this is the christ truly the son of the living god and then he said nathaniel just because i gave you this you were stunned you are going to see the heavens open and the angels ascending and descending remember when jesus was with the samaritan woman at the well that woman had the potential to bring a lot of people to hear and listen to jesus preparing them for what would happen at redemption but there needed to be an access point the woman had to be convicted and then jesus came to her and they started a conversation about water and then jesus looks at her and says to her madame you have five husbands past the sixth one that you are with now is not your husband and she looks you said i perceive you a prophet then he began to talk to her the bible says she left a water pot there run to the city and say all of you come come and see a man did he say come and see a preacher come and see a man that manifested a gift that astonished me come come see a man that has told me what i've done and when the people came and listened to jesus here was their testimony we now believe not because of what you have said we have had that encounter by ourselves the word of knowledge if used in accordance with the word is powerful i have watched people's faith jump leap just because a communication one word was given to them by the spirit do you know let me tell you this never fight the gift of the spirit it may be abused that's why we are balancing it but do not ever fight it the encouragement that happens to your faith when a true man of god gives you a genuine word of knowledge not a general guesswork that you know this is not a define there are words of knowledge that are not blessing [Music] are we together if i look at you and say you have pain all over your body the probability is yes something must be paying you somewhere so that's not powerful enough to convict you but when i look at you as a person alpha while you were eating yam from home before coming and this and that and that and that and i talk to you ah [Music] then something happens to your faith and all of a sudden you look and you're like the god who can see me is the one who is telling me now by this time tomorrow you will be foolish to doubt him are we together now the word of knowledge listen listen let me have your attention the word of knowledge is a powerful instrument of building faith have you gone to a place where you see people being sarcastic and nasty and lousy and insulting to cynical people and then one really strong accurate powerful well-delivered word of knowledge and all of a sudden you see everybody wipes me and say lift up your hand and everybody is lifting an open the unbelief in our world require the gifts of the spirit to tame doubt and release the power of god to people i remember betting with a woman the gender of her child and i told her she argued he was a female i said if he's a male you'll make pepe soup for me if he's a female i don't know how to make peppers so i will give you the financial equipment i started dancing i said hey someone is going to make the message for me [Music] what a free way of ending a living [Music] imagine what happens to your stubborn loved ones you know we have almost every family has for whatever reason we have people around us who the devil is trying to snatch you pray in tongues they shout they talk nonsense i want to go to the house of god no no no no no and then one day god just lands in a way and you commute not not for self-aggrandizement you speak a powerful word to your father and say sir the lord told me to tell you while you were at the bank trying to collect that money it was remember that your argument with that woman her name was stella usually the actors if you are lying and then later they call you and say who told you let me tell you the human spirit can never resist the supernatural our pride can claim it doesn't matter it's a lie it's a lie if you if you encounter the knowledge whether you repent or not you can't sleep that night for sure he called my name and said this and said that i think where it was in jos if you can remember when just ministering um some i think one of the polytechnics and then while i was ministering the holy ghost minister to me that there was a young man who was doubting you know you know these are people where you know doubting doubting how are we sure remember this story and i said there is a young man now this is what you are thinking to yourself you are doubting and this is what is wrong with you god will heal you now when that guy came out even me when you see him you know it had to be god that brought him out guy just came out dragging and saying honestly he was standing there doubting this thing i was like magic brothers and sisters our shout is too much let the gifts help us our our our begging is too much let the god brought these gifts to make the gospel superior the way we communicate this thing we are the mercy of people's wheels we beg we beg you know everybody i lift your hand now is jesus not here you might jesus and everybody is looking at you where is he and you are negotiating with them no the bible says that when i came to you i did not come with the excellency of speech but in the demonstration of power even if you are a prophet if someone gives you a word of knowledge it will impress you you won't say because i'm walking it it's like you are it's like you're a nurse when you are sick won't you turn for injection will you say because i mean no no another nurse will give you an injection and you will receive it so that you will be well listen i want you to cry tonight and say lord my family needs salvation let this gift of the spirit walk in my life pray one minute there are doubters in my community insulting and blaspheming the name of the lord all that you would grant me access oh god [Music] the word of knowledge supernatural illumination insight into events explaining the mysteries of the lives of men helping men make sense of their lives hallelujah please sit down number three discerning of spirits i can spend the whole night here but let's see how god will help us what discernment or we call it discernment or discerning of spirits please do not joke with this gift this gift of the spirit will be um it will bail you out of many pains [Music] are we together what is discerning of spirits the gift of perception perception the ability to perceive spiritual impulses the ability to know the origin the source and the motivation behind the manifestation the origin the source and even the motif behind the manifestation is called discernment [Applause] whether activity is initiated and sustained by god whether it is an act of man's will or it is demonic you will never judge them by the physical results it will take discernment for you to know that which is of god brothers and sisters let me tell you and i submit to you with all humility you will be foolish to imagine everything happening in the body of crisis of god no there are things that are orchestrated by demons there are doctrines that came from devils the bible says the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter day song will depart from the faith giving it to seducing spirit and the doctrine of demons there is such a doctrine as the doctrine of demons not the study of demons an understanding that was fabricated intentionally from the pit of hell to destroy the saints [Music] are we together you need discernment it is only to discernment that you can judge righteous judgment it's impossible for you to judge accurately if you lack discernment you will call good evil you will call evil good you will call saints devils you will call devils saints it takes discernment [Music] the realm of the spirit is not heaven the realm of the spirit is a spiritual environment the environment that brother this realm the raw materials that have not crystallized as matter in this realm came from the realm of the spirit and anyone who has access to the realm of the spirit has a superior advantage whether through divination whether through the holy spirit or any spirit any spirit that can access the realm of the spirit has an advantage over this realm that's why jesus said i am the door there are many other entrances but he says i'm the authorized entrance meaning you can enter the house through a window you can enter the house through somewhere if i enter your house if you step into your house and you find me and i crawled my way through a gutter somewhere am i inside your house yes did i enter legally no the authorized way is the gate and the door i've told you every power you see being manifested on earth is god's power every plus the power manifested by witchcraft once have i spoken twice have we heard that all the only reason why it is called witchcraft is because there is an agenda behind that result and the holy spirit is not the spirit that authorized that possibility to find expression so there is the correctness of the result does not mean it is of god the correctness of the result is gauged by the spirit that spawns on it any activity in the realm of the spirit sponsored by the holy spirit has god's endorsement that means that it is possible this guy can be sick and as i have alice i can control leaves based on a book my grandfather taught me correct and it says when you put lemon and add it with guava drink pour charcoal on it set it on fire in the night it can raise a kind of incense that will bring health to him and my grandfather will say that's how we live healthy this guy can be sick i will conjure those things it will shock you right in your presence the way the guy will be healed he said come sleeping again he said that's it and you want bring someone else now if i come as a man of god and i say wow we are brothers we are not brothers we are not brothers we are not brothers are we together no we are not brothers brothers are those from the same father and mother or at least father correct we can be brothers you see because the spirit one time i was ministering to a lady and they took her somewhere in zarya here and she she described a very nasty experience that she had she said when she went there one of the things that happened to her was that they were born you will drop your money not honorarium there's an exact amount that you drop once you drop the man you know whatever it is we'll now call certain names cajole you know read from book slates and all kinds of things and the moment they say it a spirit would tell that man [Music] whatever spirit of flesh and then all of a sudden you know how it happens when people manifest the the victim now will start shaking shaking and before you know it the spirit to stop speaking now here's the interesting point after all the conversation with the spirit you now ask maya why did you come maybe they annoyed you i didn't eat you know how spirits talk they are so dull i have no i've not eaten and you people are eating in this land and we're here hungry and then instead of casting out the devils because they cannot cast out the devils they do what we call occultic pacifism you pacify by an atonement you see that so you is the spirit that will tell you what it will eat so the spirit you say one blood goat you set up does it do to all of you heard it's not me that was with the good and then they bring the goat and the only thing the man wants is the legs and the head oh no bought that but i settled down with the real part of the goat that said look he that sounds in the altar to eat from the other [Music] and then when i looked at the lady in my mind i said what is what is all this thing now and you know before i would talk all of a sudden that spirit just started manifesting and i said honestly i don't have all this time please i'm tired just live in the name of jesus christ and that was the end of it when the lady got up her mother was surprised and watched this because that this thing you will go for many days it's not like you go once if you don't complete the the program the demon gave he can backfire and kill everybody you know how it happens and all of that let me tell you all that is nonsense i repeat nonsense absolute nonsense there is a nemo that was given to believers there is a name there is a name it says in my name it is the mentioning of it you can shout jesus still forever unlike the sons of skibite demons who pound on you like many people talk it's not about pronunciation there is a guy there's one guy that committed a crime recently his name is jesus i'm one one of these funny guys now not not the footballer i was reading i said jesus can imagine that guy so you stand and shout and while you are shouting jesus jesus no it is not in the pronunciation is in the revelation the miracle is in your understanding that's why jesus looked at them and said go [Music] one of the standard proofs of spiritual maturity is discernment you cannot say you are matured in the spirit if this gift is not working in your life brothers and sisters i submit to you and i join the many loving men of god around the world and together we take responsibility for not helping the body of christ mature [Music] we have produced miracles we have produced signs and wonders but the average believer is not mature at all we do not understand the speakings of the spirit we do not know how to interpret spiritual things we are dull of hearing no ears that hear no eyes that see but god is helping us in jesus name there are many other texts that talk about discernment the bible says in hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 let me give it to you please just write very quickly hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 the bible says that strong meat is for those who are of full age who by reason of use have learned to exercise their senses to discern between good and evil [Music] in acts chapter 16 from verse 16 to 18 when you read acts 16 from verse 16 to 18. paul came into a city and there was a young lady the bible called her a damn cell he said that this lady had the spirit of divination and some business people saw her and saw the potentials in her and they negotiated she would give word of knowledge and prophecy and she would bring money and the bible says they made much gain with it [Music] and then one time she saw paul preaching and here's what she said that's why you need discernment these are the holy men of god they have come to show us the way of righteousness let me tell you what many of us will do say wow you mean how long have you been in ministry i never knew that i mean you are so generous you don't know me you're already talking about me so let's work together can we walk come to my puppets on sunday even if it's a saturday night listen please hallow your altar don't bring anybody just because you saw gifts let there be a system of vetting for the sake of the sheep are we together these are the men the first day paul kept quiet on the bible said she kept doing it one time paul looked and said wow prophesying word of knowledge and paul just switched in the realm of the spirit and saw a demon manipulating and said look oreo blessed we must make it paul casted that demon you know they beat paul because of it the rest is history the people were angry because they knew that business was closed for them as soon as the lady was delivered she got off madame you see nothing i'm not saying [Music] lord give us discernment first kings chapter 3 verse 16 to 28 first kings chapter 3 verse 16 to 28 we don't have the time but let me give you that story i wanted to use it as the text the classic text to explain discernment for you the bible says that god gave solomon an understanding heart and his first test was to halot who came before him praise god the bible says that those all of them had you know they had a child each and then the bible says whilst they were sleeping one slept on her child i don't know what kind of sleep that was and suffocated the child to death then she got up in the middle of the night shook her child and found out her child was dead and quietly replaced the child the next day when they got up there was there was an issue the woman wanted to breastfeed her child and notice that the child was dead but she looked well i said no this is not my child off they went to solomon and when they got there the woman who swapped the child started you know they started advocating and said this and that and that and solomon looked that was a serious situation now notice this is what i want to teach you notice how solomon manifested discernment the first thing he did was he said bring the sword that's the word of god go and get me the sword this confusion requires the wolf god that is able to cut asunder and divide between bone and marrow that knife was a similitude of the sword of the spirit discernment is impossible if you do not understand the character of god not just the word of god you must know what god can do and what he cannot do the operation of any spirit must be consistent with the general operation of god such that even if you do not find a scripture for it it still must be consistent verbally [Music] and so when they brought the sword he said bring the child bring the issue of contention this is how we are going to discern we are going to use the word of god to divide that issue and immediately he lifted the sword the sword was not for the child it was for their hearts the woman the woman whose child was like the bible says can a mother forget that something shall say no no please if his issue of death now hand it over and the other one is saying you see i'm right and solomon said i've gotten my answer madam give this one her child one very own child let me tell you something in this our world somebody can steal a laptop and sell that laptop and wear a suit and swear and say me do i look like somebody who can steal a laptop you need discernment you can see somebody that looks like a thief truly looks like a thief scattered disorganized but he may be one of the most honest persons in your life is that true policemen need this our our because the number of people in prison today that are not supposed to be there is only god that will help you can look at me now never believe that i was still a laptop what for but what if i have a spirit that makes me steal it are we together now we have blamed innocent people they carry money in your house and you come no discernment you call everybody and a smart young child who is the thief about to go for lectures and one guy just comes out is he may not be born again but he doesn't steal and you look at him and say come are you going to just bring this money out now or they will arrest you and say i'm not the one you need discernment if you do not have discernment you are going to destroy your leadership because the world is full of deception are we together someone can be killing you and look at you and smile while you are dying while they are piercing you that's the person who said don't promote this person this person is not from this state and you come and meet him and say sir my portion is straight he said my son put your sit down what did you discuss with them and they want to visit this fool but with discernment as soon as you sit down something in your spirit you may not see a vision but something refuses to agree something just says have you ever wanted to do something maybe you wanted to do business with somebody or you wanted to do a discussion or you were just saying we are going to be partners and you could not sleep in the night not fear i'm not talking of fear for and everything physically speaking was correct have you ever made up your mind that you're going to ask a lady out you prayed you fasted you were happy on that day after you talking and put your tie your spirit your your pieces [Music] said i mean i look forward to this time let me tell you why many people land into trouble we numb those things and continue and continue you were about to travel voting in your spirit not fear and you ignored it discernment is powerful discernment is powerful but let me tell you something no matter most people train their discernment just by prayer they never study the world that's why they get into confusion are we together if all you do is pray and pray and pray and pray your eyes will be opened to the realm of the spirit but your capacity to interpret the impulses will be wrong that's why you will give false visions you will give false interpretation you will see a nice lady come darling you will see a nice lady like this lady now and you just send something demonic in her and because you do not have the word to understand you just look and say kai i stood near this lady and i had some this lady must be with no such it's not a which you are not a good bible student you are a prayer warrior but you do not understand the word and you are using error to now tense this lady and call her a witch are we together now let's be very careful we have we have destroyed people's lives pastors have used inaccurate discernment alongside other gifts to scatter marriages hello we have called everybody which you just turn and you look at a lady like this so why are you looking fine like this you are a witch no you are not a witch pray for two of them and see who gets delivered [Music] we must be careful discernment is needed in our day-to-day do you know prophets cried in the bible when things happen and they did not see it or perceive they said lord why did you hide this from me may god build us to a point where nothing passes above you without your spirit receives [Music] or some of us have those impulses but we do not know how to interpret it and respond to it you've been having an impulse like death is around the corner but you didn't know what to do until somebody died and said yeah so this is what i've been feeling those impulses are not caused by demons it is the holy spirit listen to my message spiritual perception the holy spirit is attempting to communicate to you if you do not have the word of god your dreams will be corrupted hello because dreams and visions are also an extension of discernment am i blessing you one of the most deceptive tools that satan is using now i think in the last four or five years has been aberrated dreams and visions [Music] god would make your destiny the devil would try to use the face of your destiny helper to chase you in a dream you stand up and bind him for two hours reject him in the physical and remain poor and broke forever we have to be careful satan has made families fight today by using the faces of mothers and fathers and you just say i saw my mother with a knife i said i don't care she would die be careful be careful listen our only basis for escaping error is the word of god please you have to believe what i'm saying the study of scripture is important it gives us an insight into how god works so we can judge from that lens [Music] there are many dreams when you get up you are just supposed to say nonsense blast in tongues for 10 minutes 20 minutes one hour and that ends it but some of us document everything plus wicked dreams from the pit of hell we documented and then when you are mentoring somebody one day you say these are michael dreams read it and then the guy reaches and said wow strange creatures he said is the realm of the spirit just keep reading you see let me tell you don't laugh i'm saying this because there are people now who are not even sure of anything again is that true satan can manipulate dreams one brother can have a dream and see 10 sisters he saw one when he was praying about her he saw another you see confusion i'm not saying he's a bad brother but now you've seen 10 ladies you are now confused so even if somebody comes to prophesy i say is is um sister seven that you saw number seven you say what of two that i first saw one before seven and confusion what are people who marry and have dreams and see someone who is not their husband and get up and say that means i made a mistake i knew it i knew that this look you are married you are married there is grace to live there is grace to walk it out it is this lack of thing that can make a man who has been with a woman for 20 years she gave you children all of a sudden you made money and then you go and meet and it's usually us prophets and apostles you come and meet us and then we just control all kinds of stories the man goes back home and drives the wife say discernment say it again discernment you need discernment you need discernment to know who to help someone comes to lie down in your room all through that night strange occurrences happen it is not a devil but you need help are we together people bring atmospheres discernment helps you to pick the impulses on people [Music] sometimes as i minister to people that's how i know they're in trouble they may come out for something else but as i stand there are all kinds of things happening and i know that something is wrong something is wrong when you train yourself you can discern the presence of angels you will not see them what you can describe them is a mystery [Music] you will know not just that they are angels but what kind of angels and their operation you can know their direction are you see now you see let me tell you if your spirit is not trained to understand this you will always think that the people who are saying it are lying and there are people who are lying are we together but you can discern it you can know you can train yourself in a room by the time you are worshiping and the shattering of god comes not just by your shaking you know i'm not alone this is zion now this room has changed you that's how you discern anointings as a man of god and you don't use anointing like a general purpose machine gun you won't be effective in ministry like that because you will be ministering an area you sense the anointing but you could not discern what kind of anointing and what degree so we can be ministering here now and all of a sudden the healing anointing now begins to come if you do not have that discernment you can be saying something else and you see the anointing just like the holy spirit is very sensitive when the anointing comes into a place and it's not acknowledged and channeled by faith for operation it will be unfruitful as powerful as it is nothing works without faith even the anointing [Music] everyone said discernment think of how many things that have happened in our lives because we lack discernment we need to cry for discernment we need to cry for discernment can we pray in one minute say lord the son to discern good and evil to discern opportunities to discern help us to discern enemies to discern doors to discern manipulations of demons over my life hallelujah hallelujah you need discernment [Music] i think it was in coinonia here one time after a very hot miracle service the very next day some guys called the lady they called the lady and said she won i i don't i can't remember the amount but a very huge amount you know that's as you may be one million or five million and told that you want it make sure you don't tell anybody quietly find your way to the front of i think it was a maybe first bank or somewhere like that and they met that lady there the rest is history the next thing that lady found herself in carduna in a building one of our ladies she's no longer here found herself in kaduna they took us somewhere in your carduna one place that looks like a warehouse it was a silver eyes i don't know how to you you get what i'm saying as if you are you are you are awake but it's as if they did something to your eyes and all of a sudden her it's like her eyes she came back to herself and she called me i said where are you and she said i'm so so so pleased i said hey can you walk out and see a bike there i said take a bike immediately straight i told her take a bike straight to cow no matter how much just arrived here first i was waiting for that lady until she arrived i said what happened to you she said honestly she doesn't know i remember thief that pastor jake's caught in the attacking passages was going to sabo or something and then the guy was you know some of them use charm abracadabra they sit down and they do something they don't put their hand there they can just hang it around and your money follows them from today that devil that comes near you the fire and the discernment you will you will know and you will hold the hand and tell him look not everybody is a normal human being there are people who are men plus possibilities many plus possibilities hallelujah can we touch on one more gift let's touch on diverse kinds of tongues [Music] how many have i done one two three let's do four we can continue next week because there's something i want to talk about that is hot in my spirit i was preparing it while i was let's just talk about tons the bible tells us that there are diverse kinds of tongues everybody say diverse kinds of tongues when the bible says diverse that means that there are different kinds of tongues probably i think one of the greatest conflicts between and thank god for great men of god like reverend tende who wrote a book i think it was a book particularly tello made to the northern church to help most every christian print wonderful text you can get it and read it it was an attempt to give a a very solely 21st century biblical foundation because probably one of the greatest points of conflict between the pentecostal charismatic and the orthodox is this dividing line of this subject of tongues is that true many of us come from backgrounds and families where people have different kinds of responses some of us even as we are now probably we're still there's an internal war over the issue of tongues [Music] the bible talks of diverse kinds of tongues and in first corinthians 13 paul gives us a little he opened it more to us he says though i speak with tongues of men and tongues of angels tons of men refer to any earthly language the language understood by men used by inhabitants upon the earth the tongues of angels refer to supernatural communications not just languages used by angels angelios messengers any being that hails from the realm of the spirit communicating a language that is not known to men is called the tongues of angel it was an ancient way of communicating spiritual things the bible and theologically speaking identifies broadly speaking three kinds of tongues number one is what we call tongues for personal edification and growth you may want to write it down maybe you will help somebody with it tongues for personal edification and growth first corinthians 14 and verse 2 the bible speaks there he says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but to god not unto men but to god so there is tongues that is for personal edification and growth there are stones that the bible says that is a sign to unbelievers are we together as was the case in acts chapter 2 when you read from verse 4 to 12 the day of pentecost the bible says that the people were filled with the holy ghost and began to speak in tongues and among the many creation of tongues they were communicating earthly languages are we together and most of the people came and heard them let's go to verse six just give us about six and let's let's look at what [Music] it says and when the sound of god the multitudes came together and they were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language can you imagine almost every language there was represented someone was communicating it now the communicators did not even know what language they were speaking but the listeners they were not just speaking a language in the spirit and interpreting it they were communicating in language they never learned hallelujah a sign to unbelievers history is full of people who have done that it happened to kenneth e hagin it happened to r.w schambach of blessed memories people who would go to certain lands to preach and there would be no interpreter and the power of god would fall on them and they would preach in chinese fluently for that period of time afterwards everything goes down [Music] so there is tongues as a sign to unbelievers then number three there is tongues as a ministry gift tongues as a ministry gift for the edification of the body tongues as a ministry gift for the edification of the body first corinthians chapter 14 when you read from verse four and five five particularly the bible talks to us about that tongues very important [Music] he says i wish you all spoke with tongues but even more that you should prophesy he says for him who prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues unless that means this is the condition for them to become equal we are coming there that the one prophet says is greater than the one who manifests these kinds of tongues unless that means the moment there is an interpreter what is speaking and interpretation will equal prophecy are we together now yes now let me show you where the confusion is before we talk about diverse kinds of tongues give us verse 29 and 30. this is where many people have erroneously carved out a basis for confusion 12 29 corinthians 1 corinthians 12 12 29 and 30. are all apostles what's the answer no are all prophets no are all teachers know are all workers of miracles no watch this now do all have gifts of healing no here's where many of our dear wonderful men and women of god who are well-meaning love the lord but have inaccurate understanding of the word of god this is where the confusion has come it says do all speak with tongues now look at what context of tongues the next verse to all interpret so he's talking about tongues as a ministry gift not tongues as for your personal edification are we together now not everybody will manifest the gift of diverse kinds of tongues what is it really the gift of diverse kinds of tongues is a supernatural communication listen prophecy in an unknown language be it heavenly or earthly prophecy in an unknown language you are communicating a word from the lord to the people of god but it is in a language that is not known by you the speaker and most most often are not by the listeners when you communicate a word from the lord that is supposed to edify the people are we together now but it's just that it came in a language that is not known by you the speaker nor the listeners there must be the spirit of god must move upon you the speaker or another person to break down that spiritual message you brought so that the listeners can hear and apply their faith to it and receive so when i begin to see everybody pray in tongues the number of people who have problems with it and say no it's not in the bible it was then the day of pentecost the church and corinth were manifesting it in fact let me tell you this paul himself made a very profound statement and he said i thank my god i pray in tongues more than ye all when you read 1st corinthians 14 18 and then you read verse 39 first corinthians 14 verse 18 and then verse 39 he says i thank my god i speak with tongues more than you all paulie said look look look look i pray in tongues more than he all not just that i i interpret all of this see that it is important please listen to me if you are here seated maybe you are just coming to the inside or outside and you have shortchanged yourself because you have probably been sincerely but wrongly indoctrinated that praying in tongues is a gift that is for a few people the person who communicated that is not an error he was only incomplete is that true what kind of tongues if he means the gift of diverse kinds of tongues he's correct it's not for everybody the bible says that and where that gift is manifested it is only beneficial to the body if there is an interpreter the individual who communicated it or another person but the bible says the tongues for edification does not need interpretation because not speaking to men we are speaking to god 14 verse 2. see that are we together now have you gotten that clearly so this is very very important you are here and you are not filled with the holy spirit i can begin to give you a rundown of several things you are missing when the ministry was a lot smaller i used to do that by myself then pastor jakes came joining me to use to join and now the ministry is so large we've handed everything to the prayer department and boy are they doing a great job if you are here you are not filled with the holy spirit with evidence of praying in tongues i want you to know that tuesday is a wonderful opportunity for you come whether or not is there a baptism you know a prayer you just come and make sure that they can minister to you hallelujah let me stop here and talk on words we will take from interpretation of tongues and the rest because next week please don't mix next week you'll be a very great impartation the lord instructed me to activate these gifts but i want to talk on words the holy spirit while i was getting ready to go and take my birth i was just you know praying a little and then the holy spirit began to minister to me the anointing of the spirit just came strong upon me and the lord told me that i should speak to people about words write this down words are god's instrument of creation words next week when i teach you the like we finish the vocal gifts and the power gifts we'll talk some more but it's important for you to know words are god's instrument of creation [Music] and one classic proof of spiritual growth and maturity is the ability to speak consistent with the word of god listen carefully the ability for your communications and your speakings to always without fail be in line with the word of god now sometimes in an attempt to press into deeper dimensions of god listen carefully and i must admit this to you you know sometimes as we press towards superior dimensions in the spirit which is valuable we tend to trivialize some of these foundational truths and look at them as though they are basic they are for children at every level of your work with god your words will be the programmers of your destiny write it down your words are the programmers of your destiny you don't talk anyhow speak anti-christ [Music] you must culture your words by the word of god you must ensure that your communication is building your life and your destiny many of us have destroyed our lives because we have allowed our words let me show you a few scriptures that will really challenge you can i give you some verses about words that have really really blessed me i try to write the five or six most powerful scriptures i have found about words and i will give it to you ready media please help us if we can project them they will be great um we need some speed here so that we can pray number one john 6 63 john 6 63 the words that i speak unto you jesus is speaking it says it is the spirit that quickeneth listen the flesh profited nothing the words that i speak unto you they are not just sounds that entire ears they are spirit and life so while you are saying it is not for people like us we are the no bodies you are sending spirits you are sending instruments of creation you are sending messengers into your future programming world programming tragedies for you words are powerful god created the universe through words the only thing god did not create two words is man and he said it it's just that he added with his hand again every other thing god said god saw god said god saw number two ecclesiastes chapter eight verse four and then we'll go to matthew 12 37 let me give us a verse ahead media please give us quickly ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 and then matthew 12 37 it says where the word of a king is these are the scriptures that have blessed me and shaped my understanding of the power of the spoken word where the word of a king is there is what power except you are not a king but if you are a king and the bible says five has ten of revelations don't go there just write it it says that will be made unto our god kings and priests a kingdom of priests and we shall how do we reign remember i've taught you dominion mandates one of the ways that we legislate is through the power our legislature two words for where the word of joshua salman is there is power where the word of anybody in koinonia who has an understanding that means if i see things happening in my life and i don't like what is the first thing to do please talk to me what is the first thing to do listen listen don't let anybody make you feel these things are basic no you didn't create the realm of the spirit you came from there anybody that is born and says i will not eat food the regular way i want to live my own way except you have caught the revelation of being a bretherian just know that you are going to die and die you will die and you will shrink and die like somalian children the authorized way is that you continue to eat [Music] where the word of a king is there is power matthew chapter 12 and verse 37 for by thy words thou shalt be justified like a cut of law there is a spiritual court right the realm of the spirit works on a legal basis he said for by thy word as easy as salvation is it takes words to impart the life of christ to you the word is nerdy even in thy heart and in thy mouth the word of faith that we preach right romans 10 verse 8 to 10 for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned so when you are condemned who condemned you it's not really that your neighbor no no you only attracted to your life what your words made [Music] i refuse to speak negative about myself i refuse it you will never hear me say anything sarcastic about myself i love myself i think it was school of ministry students i was teaching and i was telling them that this would have hurt themselves it has been a wonder for me for many years even if i were not born again i won't hang myself no i love myself passionately hang myself no i may quarrel myself i may challenge my boy to hang to one stand on a rope and just tie myself now by your words you are justified by your words you are condemned isaiah 43 verse 26 then we go to numbers 14 28 and then just two more and we're done i just felt like speaking to us about words by the spirit of god because many believers are becoming careless we speak anyhow and we don't mind and we keep programming things that destroy us and then we say it doesn't matter it does matter brothers and sisters everybody who worries everybody who strives for mastery must do so lawfully we don't invent the rules we find them out it's an ancient part and we walk in it [Music] isaiah 43 and verse 26 he says the big part he said declared doubt that thou mayest be justified how do you justify yourself so how does the sick justify himself i'm healed in the name of jesus yes there might be pains but i declare and declare by his stripes i am healed now when you are saying this you see a lot of emojis look at you and say you are still a baby christian [Music] until one day as much as you think you are the devil is not a fool you just allow pride to reach the highest point and sweep you one day in a way that you wouldn't believe i speak over my life i speak over corner calendar is planted bible say there that be planted in the house of the lord they shall flourish in the courts of our god even in old age you say they shall be fat and flourishing many of us used to do it before but now that we are becoming man of god we are throwing it away get back it is the childlike principle that has lifted ordinary people to become mighty if i tell you i don't speak the word i'll be lying i speak the word shabbat joshua sermon you are blessed you are blessed i have a little blackboard with scriptures i recite those scriptures when i'm praying and god did extraordinary things through the hands of joshua salman so that hank achieves an apron you don't wait till you see the result it is the words that command the results in the name of jesus i declare wealth and riches are in my house durable riches i declare and declare i shall not die i'm exempted from the arrows that fly by day the noise on pestilence people like pastor chris who say keep how does he say it thank you keep saying it don't stop talking it do it oh do it like that that's how it works believe me that's how it works you don't speak once and keep quiet listen if i speak and i say the name of jesus any spirit oppressing anybody and people are outside there why can i not speak and say the name of jesus everywhere my destiny helper is by the favor of god come that you saw it in the bible is no guarantee that it will happen in your life you must speak speaking is so important to the point that they had to shut the mouth of zechariah so that he would not speak nonsense if he had spoken he would have altered john the baptist destiny numbers 14 28. very interesting scripture i found this scripture during the retreat numbers 14 28 say unto them as truly as i live sayeth the lord as ye have spoken in my ears not as you desire quietly as you have spoken in my ears question where was the years when you were speaking did the ears come near your mouth so while you were blasting and saying in the name of jesus i decree and declare [Music] i declare and declare oh grave where is your sting oh death where is this and that and you are prophesying and you are speaking and you are saying in the name of the lord jesus christ i have a job the lord grants me favor i may not have an uncle i may not have an auntie but in the name of jesus god raise help us the bible says god is bringing his ears down and he's hearing he says as i you have spoken in my ears so we do not to your neighbor to you to you to you [Music] isaiah 44 26 isaiah 44 26 isaiah 44 verse 26 talking about the lord he says he that confirmed the word of his servants confirmed meaning you speak and go let me tell you something i'm performing the council of his messengers i want to teach you something about faith look up get any of my teachings on faith let me teach you something about faith you see person come satan has lived very long in this realm believers hear me let me speak to you satan has lived very long in this frame and he understands that man out of the assistance of the spirit and limitation is called our humanity and part of the component of our humanity is that we can be wary is that true remember the bible says the keeper of israel you know doesn't sleep doesn't slumber but men sleep and they can slumber are we together so this is what he does satan knows that your eyes your optical eyes your ears all of these things control your perceptions hence your convictions and so what he does is he he makes sure that perpetually before you is an awareness of your limitation and you hear what i'm saying now listen to me so while you are praying in the middle of hot prayer the devil just comes in the way is the husband and you would think it will enter you because you are in the spirit it will just entirely say oh god am i not a beautiful lady what is all this you see he has brought you back to israel the bible says to walk in the spirit let me tell you what to do when that happens that's a sign that you a reaction is happening in the spirit every time you make such a preposition please help that baby that is a sign that something is happening in the realm of the spirit are we together i remember the time when god showed me the vision of coinonia we're about to start i saw overflows remember i i said i saw people coming from other cities other places that was what i saw as at that time they had not even expanded cdc i remember when i was praying and i was going to go and announce it while i was praying praying praying praying there came that voice of doubt again don't think it doesn't happen to me no most people will lie to you and say it doesn't happen he say lie it happens to everybody are you hearing what i'm saying that while you are praying and the devil says you now want to disgrace yourself and what you have not even gotten a venue they have not given you anything just because god showed you cgc you now want to make a stupid statement but the bible says the spirit of faith has a character it speaks it doesn't wish and hide no no no it speaks the spirit of faith it speaks [Music] speaks oh let me let me play it safe when when the answer comes so that i won't be embarrassed question whoever takes the glory should take the shame every time you speak you put pressure on god's integrity lord i take your word and i shout it let them hear so that if it does not happen no no no no no i can't give you the glory and take the shape many of us here we have been threatened by our physical circumstances into silence let the redeemed of the lord not whistle say so say so i say it all the time i stand before my mirror joshua sermon you are anointed you are rising from glory to glory superior dimensions of the anointing the favor of god is upon you sometimes i'm listening to cornonal message and while apostle is prophesying i'm there in my house kneeling down listening because there are two different people i tell you and i listen i listen to apostles message i listen to his message more than many of you here [Music] i can sit down and claim because i'm the one ministering and never be blessed from it there is no coin on your message i have not listened to not for clarity and administration god is my witness i stand before him in your presence lift up your hands and i'm on my knees sometimes i play miracle service messages all while i sleep and i have strange encounters don't think this thing was just faking it you don't walk this thing it will never work god is not a herbalist [Music] are we together sometimes i carry maybe benny message or something i'm playing and in the sleep it continues mysterious encounters when you wake up the devil will say pastor alpha you have been prophesying for two weeks you two listen and you say no sir this is what many of us do god what is true now see if you if you don't stop getting embarrassed by the absence of your result you will never walk by faith are you hearing what i'm saying this shame shame believers hear me i'm speaking to you by the spirit this shame consciousness of looking like a fool while awaiting your manifestation every miracle you see we risk taken by faith lord i thank you nations are coming this ministry is rising oh you are talking too much thank god i'm not talking to you lord you who i'm talking to you know me come on please don't go and shout in somebody's house it's not your house that's why the bible said close your door enter your room close your door talk to your father [Music] there may not be money now but in the name of jesus father i'm a tighter i'm a giver in the name of jesus i prophesy jacques and while you are speaking the holy ghost just says dance for one hour aha the word has come and you put one hot evil high praise [Music] heart high praise you may not know how to sing well she can sing for you you know those those those wonderful evil sisters and you are dancing of course i can't dance dance anyhow that is an instruction you dance like david dance and while you are dancing all of a sudden in that foolishness of faith the god i serve who takes the weak things the foolish things is walking a miracle you see let me tell you this spiritual people must be childlike not childish childlike we are too much hot for results all these big manism in the presence of god no sir are we together yes you must speak you get up and you have a bad dream you are lying down and one spirit comes to sleep with you and oppress you and you get up and you say guys this thing has happened again in the name of jesus i declare and declare that i've been raised with christ and the devil says did in the spirit know why just keep keep at it satan is a coward when he looks at let me tell you something when you are bold enough you will resist him and i promise you he will flee [Applause] is god speaking to us we have been wasting words the words that are supposed to be used for edification we use that energy for gossip for backbiting for speaking words of unbelief okay so offer that that that prayer we pray that time shall be you prayed it too let's be honest not that i'm saying there's no faith that's not what i'm saying but is he really working just don't you don't need to let nobody know just whisper to me that's unbelief that thing you did is unbelief because you are trying to play games with god look if you are investing entitled and steady and dying it if you are not in it then don't fake it i'm a talking spirit truly i talk not talkativeness reduce half of the time we use jumping around and talking stories and talking nonsense go back to the secret place calabota scalia this family is a family of peace this is my husband this is my wife we love ourselves no demons from anywhere is coming to scandals you call your child daddy things you carry say no no i'm a priest now this is not daddy bring your head shut up let him just be playing around the head or cry leave leave him there feel sorry for him pray you'll get up and walk around your house dr paul and mention was saying something there the lord's got him that they are building now he says almost every day he goes there to speak and build just the thinking of it the the roofing of that place is six million dollars six million dollars to face seventy thousand capacity sitter it's not just ritual he will go there quietly in the night at his level as status jakarta lord you have given the instruction let those who will publish it come the lord gave the word great i pray overcome on your lord thank you financial help us don't just say favor is happening automatically no lord there are men and women who will bless me every service i pray that prayer i'll be honest with you lord i am serving you in truth and the bible says she that ministers to you in canada things lord i expect favor i'm a receiver with thanksgiving i receive [Music] praise you have a troublesome tenant someone who is disturbing you are making life easy instead of fighting physically i've taught you spiritual intelligence shakata lord this woman is making life uncomfortable for my children in the name of jesus i make decree a man of peace i declare my borders are peaceful even god who reconnect the dead and call it magnetizes attracts things that be not as though they were this is not positive confession this is creation creation creation [Applause] [Music] we're going to speak are you ready to speak please rise up on your feet let's close for tonight [Music] rise up on your feet [Music] brothers and sisters i want you to believe these things that i teach you these are the keys these are the keys that produce the results we desire these are the keys i want you to lift your voice in one minute our time is gone just lift your voice and thank the lord for this word you have received tonight bless you first [Applause] foreign thank you jesus for your word for your power for your grace [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i want you to open your mouth in one minute i know we're teaching on the gifts but let's start with words open your mouth in one minute and begin to make decrease don't let the devil tell you anything open your mouth don't be silent make decrease it says declare doubt that you might beat your fight speak over the anointing in your life speak over your ministry [Music] are you prophesying speak over your marriage speak over your destiny help us cancel every negative word over your life nullify the scorching tongues of men pronouncements conclusions that have come by men akaka thou prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies my god you anoint my head with oil you anoint me with favor you anoint me with grace my cup running over gentiles come to my life they are kings to the brightness of my rising arises as a shining light ever brighter ever brighter to the perfect day no weep on fashion against me no we confession against this ministry shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me shall fall in judgment declare declare i declare and declare i am planted in the house of god i flourish in the thoughts of my god i am fat and flourishing the abundance of the earth is delivered unto me everything works for my cool everything works in my favor men arise to help me men are asked to support what i represent in the name of jesus christ the lord makes me a blessing i remain a blessing i remain a blessing in the name of jesus rising ever brighter growing in the anointing growing in illumination ministry expanding on the left and on the right in the name of jesus christ the purposes of christ being established through koinonia i decree and declare all that god has given me is blessed i am the children that god has given me we are for signs and wonders signs and wonders i enjoy abundance i enjoy supplies don't be tired don't let the devil deceive you that what you are saying is not sending a signal in the realm of the spirit i'm fruitful on every side in the name of jesus christ the spirit of revelation is upon me i have understanding i have understanding i have the mind of christ the love of god is not working me [Music] it's my yell triumph i prophesy thanks be to god who causes me to triumph is my year of triumph in the name of jesus christ no death i have no business with death in the name of jesus christ i work in dominion i work in grace hallelujah [Music] when you bring god inside the equation everything changes everything everything changes [Music] [Music] hallelujah please be seated if you can ah when the waters is still like this it takes an extra grace to now settle down and teach we must learn to be sensitive when god comes like this is not the display of the anointing of a man no no it is the desperation of the needs of god's people rising from heaven god is a god that cares but until he finds vessels that can allow him space it will look as if he does not care [Music] help us holy spirit please sit down hallelujah jesus you can find someone sit david just strum them and play it and then um let's see how far god will take us tonight amen amen amen [Music] where did we stop [Music] let me talk about interpretation of tongues who are still on the gifts of the spirit why am i teaching the gift of the spirit because they are the equippings of the spirit to individuals and to the body to help us to be effective zeal is not enough in serving god we must have the empowerment and saying you are anointed is generic the anointing is like saying you have food in your house food can be anything the gift of the spirit defines the operations of god is already told us that there are not nine gifts of the spirit the bible never records that there are nine gifts of the spirit paul gave that theological classification the whole theme of um first corinthians 12 13 14 is found in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 40 that all things be done decently and in order so paul was creating an apostolic system to coordinate the operation of the gifts so that it would edify the body and then not destroy the people but he never taught us that there were nine gifts the classification was just a theological guide to help the people the gifts of the spirit are as vast as this person there are dimensions you will see operating that you may not exactly find it in the bible there and if you do not have this understanding you can reject it in a bid to not come under the influence of the spirit of course theologically speaking we can agree that there are nine gifts as revealed from scripture but when you walk with god you will find out that there are operations there are administrations and there are diversities so paul told us that the interpretation of tongues have run very quickly that's where we stopped the interpretation of tongues is the ability to translate divine utterances into an earthly recognizable language for the purpose of reception and edification the ability to translate divine utterances the ability to translate divine utterances [Music] into an earthly recognizable language for the purpose of reception and edification it was paul in first corinthians chapter 13 who thought he said though i speak with tongues of men and tongues of angels so he lets us know that there are languages the word tongue is an ancient english word for language there are languages that are given to men igbo yoruba hausa you know and all of that but there are languages of angels they are heavenly communications that are out of the scope of the natural man and there are times that god grants people access to communicate these languages are we together that's what the bible calls the gift of diverse kinds of tongues we settled that already that the gift of diverse kinds of tongues is not the same as the gift of tongues as a prayer language no the gift of diverse kinds of tongues is prophecy in a heavenly language in an unknown language a spiritual communication that is prophetic in nature to the body god speaking to people through a vessel in a language that is not known by the communicator and this gift the interpretation of tongues must come upon the same communicator or another person to translate it into an earthly language so that the people can say amen let it come we receive we believe we receive we release our faith this has happened to many of us while we pray it's just because it sounds like your tongues for prayer so you will not know the difference but when you begin to grow to be spiritual you will get to a point where when you are praying you know that this is not your prayer language of tongues again this is an intercourse happening between you and the spirit is a language many times you will find yourself interpreting it by yourself like prophecy or you will find somebody who is not even connected to your prayer shouting your answer somewhere on the floor while you are there praying someone is rolling near a roof or a door somewhere prophesying your answer [Music] are we together kenneth e hagin worked very lavishly in all the nine gifts as we know and many times in his meeting he worked very strongly much more than any man of god i know in the gift of diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues you watch his materials and you see him many times prophesying in fact he was so meticulous in his communication there are times that you will talk and stop himself you say no this is not consistent with the spirit of god rebuke himself and start again look for another tongues the gift of interpretation of tongues it is needed there are communications let me tell you the truth there are many things god has been telling us but we do not sustain this gift that's why we do not understand the bible says he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches that means the spirit is speaking but his system of communication among others is the ability to grant you access to revelations through a coded language that is heavenly we see an example of that in the days of belshazzar the bible says while they were celebrating in the temple with the vessels that they captured from the house of god all of a sudden a finger wrote on the wall many many tequila or fashion it was a language that was not known they used divination astrology they could not figure it out and when daniel came he looked at it and then he sustained this ability now he didn't know that this was the gift of the spirit did not start working in the new testament they were coordinated and theologically explained in the new testament the gift of the spirit had been as long as human vessels gave god room to manifest so daniel came and by this gift he said he looked at it and said man all things this is what god is saying whether they understood or not god will still punish the king for sure he was just informing them oh king you have been waiting a balance and you have been found wanting this day your kingdom is taken from you that was the speakings of god but it took a man who had this understanding to communicate it the next gift quickly prophecy prophecy first corinthians chapter [Music] first corinthians let me open this so that i'll be sure that [Music] 14 now first corinthians 14 there's one verse okay verse 3 first corinthians 14 and verse 3. paul still speaking he said but he that prophesied speaketh on speaking unto men to what edification and exhaustion and comfort he that prophesies he that prophesies speaks to men your prophecy should do three things number one edification building exhortation and then comfort what is prophecy the supernatural ability to reveal events information the supernatural ability to reveal events and information prophecy is always futuristic in context except where it is a declaration of the word of god over a situation the manifestation of prophecy the character of the prophetic is such that the communications are of things that have not physically manifested yet are we together now when it is past and present that's the word of knowledge the gift of the word of knowledge oh pastor alpha this happened today this is what god is doing now that's word of knowledge this is what god is going to do tomorrow by this time tomorrow that was not word of knowledge that was prophecy are we together now [Music] now let me tell you this every prophet everybody called into the prophetic office must have this gift at work in him but not everybody manifesting the gift of prophecy is a prophet are we together here is the confusion the fact that i'm seeing things and saying things does not mean i am i can be called into the prophetic office for a long time and never see anything and never foretell yet i am a prophet an example enoch was a prophet there's not much we see about enoch's prophecy john the baptist was not just a prophet the greatest of all the prophets until christ yet he did very little of revelation there are very few times we just see him acknowledging and say behold the lamb of god who takes the sin of the world i said the one who trained me in the wilderness told me the one upon whom i see the spirit descending not much was said in terms of you know prophecy to nations like jeremiah and the rest are we together prophecy is a very powerful gift now i know that [Music] there has been an abuse of the prophetic you know like um i don't know who was sharing testimony here there are marriages that are broken because of prophets and prophecies there are individuals whose lives have been destroyed because of prophecy and all of that there are people who were doing well until a prophetic word came into their lives is that true they made them leave their wives leave their husbands give away their children sell their property give their car and all kinds of things there must be a balance in the communication of the prophetic now i don't have time to now tell you the history of the prophetic in nigeria and africa specifically but i just want you to know something about prophecy everybody listen prophecy is very important for the end time now it is true that there are imbalances it is true that there is a lot of falsehood there are people who have developed such a resentment for prophecy justifiable resentment because of the way it has been misused and has been merchandised people have extracted money from people in the name of the lord people have forced people into marriages that are not the will of god because of all kinds of hilarious visions and dreams that came from everybody much make people into doom just because of this you see that the bible tells us certain things about prophecy we must take note of number one is that we see impact and we prophesy in part this is a very big revelation the most accurate of all of us still sees impact and prophesies in part number two the word of god has given to us the bible calls it a more short word more dependable more reliable meaning if i never have an individual speak a prophetic word over my life and i can have access to the world the word of god will carry out that prophetic ministry over my life this is very important number three this the prophetic is the office with the highest propensity of falsehood you hardly hear false apostles you hardly hear false evangelists you hardly hear false teachers false pastors but you hear in the bible repeated false prophets again and again and again because of the inclination with the realm of the spirit the realm of the spirit is a is a realm like the physical realm the realm of the spirit is not heaven that you are open to the realm of the spirit does not mean you are open to heaven any spirit that can access the realm of the spirit has an advantage over this realm including that of a herbalist so that someone is communicating a divine information that is out of the scope of the physical realm does not mean it is of god this should not create cynicism that's why every true manifestation of prophecy must be within the boundaries of the word of god are we together watch this compass or alpha if i stand and god opens my eyes please listen or the holy spirit speaks to me oh i have a vision prophetic now and i see pastor alpha having an accident are we together now or in my vision for instance i see pastor alpha beating his lovely wife now you see i have received that my renewal is what will be responsible for the way to be transferred i judge what i see and i know that it is not consistent with the character of god are we together now my understanding the word of god and understanding the nature of god will be the template i will use in interpreting that prophecy you don't expect me to look and say pastor alpha now so this is how you are beating your wife no no no automatically i know that god is revealing to me the plot of the enemy over his life so the nature of my speaking to him will be such that this is what the devil wants to do but then victory i don't have to see victory it is part of being a word addict to prophesy the victory and say i see it but this addition is consistent with the word of god if all i say is madam next week you are going to receive a beating from your husband if it does not happen i am not a man of god you see i may have seen correctly but my lack of understanding the word of god has misinterpreted it and by so doing you have misrepresented god over this situation [Music] am i fake no am i renewed no and is misrepresenting god [Music] every manifestation of the prophetic must be with a very thorough understanding of not just the word of god but the character of god what god can do and what god cannot do [Music] are we together now yes [Music] there are things i will see about pastor alpha i will not even need to tell him you see that my understanding of god is and my knowledge of god and the gravity of what i have seen is such that if i tell pastor alpha the nature of what i've told him will occupy his mind and push here and so i judge what i'm about to say on the strength of certain things god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound my number two philippians 4 verse 8 says finally brethren whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are true my introducing that word has a propensity to corrupting his work with god so i will reserve that prophecy and intercede for him if in the place of intercession the holy spirit becomes on me to still reveal to him then i can come and reveal to him in such a way that i exalt the power of god above that situation interpretation interpretation is as dangerous wrong interpretation is as dangerous as error and lies listen i can't be here right now are you getting blessed i can be seated here right now and all of a sudden god will open my eyes watch this i can see a remaining vision and super so alpha's wife and then see two of them holding a child did i see correctly yes now you look at this complicated vision i i coined a vision like this for on purpose now what is this mystery i'm seeing a jimmy is married with his wife and his children now i'm seeing a jimmy standing pastor alpha's wife standing and they're holding a child let me tell you what a very foolish man of god will do he will bring that thing like that with the heat that he came with from the realm of the spirit and telling him his wife i said madam those many things are happening that's what i what are you doing you are destroying someone's marriage is not consistent with the will of god are we seeing now you are planting this trust between paso alpha and his wife are we together now when you see a thing like that your first assignment is to be able to judge by the operation of the world what may need these things it could be similarity in visions it could mean similarity in operation that there is a gift that baby being a representation of a dimension of the spirit that is being birthed that is similar to aji me and the wife are you seeing that now but because you have not taken out time to judge you just say everything and destroy people's lives another example let me have a lady come my dear might come let's assume that these people a wonderful couple husband and wife are we together they came for caledonia and now let's assume i'm a foolish man of god and i have seen this kind of thing watch this i'm not i'm not being cynical you know that i love the body of christ and i'm just trying to give us understanding because this is a very serious thing that has destroyed people's lives now this is husband and wife do you know watch this god can open my eyes and i can look at this lady in the spirit and see how it haunts yes the nature of spiritual interpretation is such that you see the realm of the spirit you know how you watch cartoon or some of these scientific movies that's how the realm of the spirit really works i can look and see this woman with horns and just stop the husband and say oh god you mean how long did you say you'll be with this woman and i just clap my hands and i say that you are right here and this woman didn't kill you the innocent woman is standing and saying i love this man with all my heart what is this nonsense you are saying are you seeing now now the man of god truly saw a horn and he said i know what i saw this woman is a witch oh god your whole business and your life has not been working and it is true your life has not been working but because this person does not understand the character and the operation of the kingdom his interpretation is faulty are we together now and then i now tell him mr man the best thing to do is to do what abraham did to hagar are we together now i would justify that because that stories in the bible i told you that the bible is a prophetic book you can make it preach anything you want that it is in the bible does not mean it is of god the part in the bible that resonates with god's character is the word of god are we together now so i look at this what god may be revealing to me listen is that there is a problem it is true that there may be a problem in this woman's life it could be hereditary it could be an operation of darkness that satan is trying to bring it may not even have anything to do with her directly that has an effect on his marriage but because i do not understand it i destroyed this dear ladies life embarrassing the presence of everybody a business partner let's assume she's doing poultry a business partner that wants to make order of 500 chickens who cancel that in after that prayer why will you want a witch to to bring chickens for you so that your you you understand that kind of thing [Music] it's not easy to be a witch let me tell you this let me tell you this listen listen listen don't want to study occultism but let me be honest with you the condition to be a witch this which that we talk about and with witchcraft and wizardry in its in its most acute form is not something a human being can just become like that the condition to be a witch is the condition to receive the mark of the beast [Music] please help the person that they are naughty so this dear lady now imagine that she's your choir mistress and you're a choir member will you listen to her again when you went for the program and you saw what happened and the worst part of it is if i now touch her and she falls down ah does it that's the final proof that this woman is and then the devil now starts using her face to oppress members are you seeing now just like some of you see the faces of innocent people and get up and hate them for nothing and the devil plays with your not understanding the word of god it's rightly dividing the world [Music] jesus looks at peter watch this peter just finished confessing that he was the son of god and then peter talks to jesus no no no no will you go to the cross and he looks at him and says get behind me satan and peter is looking at you and jesus understood that if he left peter like that peter may not be an apostle peter would have been depressed to death after three years of working with you you call me a devil and say no no peter let me explain to you that's what every man of god should do now that you have rebuked because of your spirit intelligence was coming he said satan desired to sift you satan and you are two different people desire to sift you like wheat all that shout was not hatred for you i have prayed for you that your faith failed not and when thou art converted strengthen your brethren are you seeing that now [Music] that's why you can see people manifest sometimes they are manifesting receiving impartations other times they are manifesting and demons and all of that we thank god for that spiritual intelligence here that's why people can get up manifesting and not feel bad and not feel like the whole world is against them are we together now thank you god bless you prophecy must submit to the word of god for it to be accurate when prophecy becomes emotional when it becomes cultural when it becomes just a raw delivery of everything seen in the realm of the spirit it becomes a weapon of mass destruction the purpose of prophecy is for edification for exhaustion exhortation and for comfort prophecy does not condemn prophecy does not destroy even when god spoke to the prophets in the old testament he would always tell them what to do nearly there i'm about to destroy you people and this is what will happen however they declare the fast and the mercy of god came in remember the bible says the lord is full of grace the lord is gracious and compassionate right full of love i mean how did he put it now rich in love the lord is merciful and compassionate he's rich in love his messages are new every morning those of us here who are seeing visions having dreams document these things and seek guidance first especially when you are beginning to walk in the gifts of the spirit be careful don't authoritatively go and meet people they have a lot of respect for you and they will listen to everything i am careful when i speak to people because even when i joke they don't take it lightly i can be joking with somebody and say oh god bless you and the person wants to kneel down and i'm saying i'm a human being this is not anointed i'm joking just joking with you and you see the thing about the anointing is every time there is a demand whether you are joking or not that person can now fall down now embarrass me there and make it look as if you know i hardly have people to play with it's a very this this anointing sometimes it's a very your life can be very very lonely someone says you are trying to smile and the person is already believing that maybe it's a word from god i am a human being jesus had corn in the farm on sunday remember jesus was with a woman and they were talking i mean please and i think some of us is some of us men of god that make this happen you know the way we spiritualize it and make it look as if you're in the spirit every time it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie bible say walking in the spirit yes but it's not in the character you can't smile you can't do anything you feel bad if if i'm hungry and i slap david dam's head i should just say sorry i shouldn't make it look as if it's the holy spirit that made me do it no this is i'm a human being i was carried away i got emotional and touched his head i'm a human being jesus was angry did he say was the holy spirit who made him hungry no [Music] prophecy but we need it now the last thing i'll say about prophecy before we move on is the fact that you must never resent it the resentment we have for prophecy we have mixed the baby and the bad water and torn it away there are two dimensions of prophecy there is the revelatory dimension of prophecy there is the creative dimension of prophecy the revelatory dimension has to do with insight and information about people situations nations like jeremiah the creative dimension of prophecy is when you have the word of god alongside the grace for performance when the prophet said by this time tomorrow he was not revealing he was creating are we together now we must decide the church that rejects the prophetic is going to be in trouble prophecy is very important a man's life can change overnight because of prophecy we have there are many of us if only we embrace the ministry of prophecy would have left this realm left the current dimensions that were in but we've been grounded because of his cynicism the moment you see someone saying the lord is ah please call you this stupid especially if he's a young one that's why they see everybody they mix join all of us together and just throw all of us and make it look as if we're all demons no no hallelujah nothing happens in the earth realm until prophecy announces it nothing happens in the earth realm until prophecy announces it nothing happens in the earth realm until prophecy announces it [Music] prophecy is not just a revelation it's an authorization for spiritual things to find expression all through scripture you see angels bringing messages and heralding them before those occurrences begin to happen [Music] let's go to the next gift faith [Music] there is the law of faith an operation of faith there is the spirit of faith there is the gift of faith what is the gift of faith an unusual ability to believe god an unusual ability to believe god that is higher and greater than your current world level higher and greater than your level of spiritual exposure there are times because you see generally speaking your faith level is proportionate to the level of the word of god that is in you your level of understanding of scripture and the ways of god is commensary to your faith there are certain challenging situations in your life in leadership there are times that you need to bring certain realities from the realm of the spirit that is higher and bigger than your personal work with god at that point you don't just need the law of faith you need the gift of faith the gift of faith is always short-lived because under that influence of the gift of faith anything altered will come to pass it is the reason why god does not leave people to walk with it for a long time because our own renewedness will destroy people's lives [Music] the gift of faith is the operation of the faith of god not faith in god the very faith of god walking in a human vessel the faith that created the heavens and the earth not the word of god the very faith of god an impartation of that faith to help you command realities that otherwise will not come that's why the gift of faith works perry pursue with the working of miracles there are certain situations that are challenging higher than you do not even understand the dynamics of that result as it is but the gift of faith comes upon you the character of the gift of faith is unusual courage and audacity unusual courage it has happened to many of us in the place of prayer fear takes you to the place of prayer and you are praying and prophesying praying and all of a sudden an ability comes upon you and you begin to speak and say or that's just things not even caring who is listening later when you share what you say when you you are embarrassed by it it's a sign that you are not the one who said it i declare and declare in the name of jesus christ tomorrow by nine o'clock a helper is appearing and your neighbor is watching you hey i just gave this guy one spaghetti and this that's not you because let me tell you how you know that's not you by 12 30 you'll see that why did i now embarrass myself you call it an embarrassment because your your original faith level has returned now and you are seeing that that faith level cannot accommodate that level of miracle but god had to move through you and truly you will see that a miracle will happen that's why you give him glory when it happens when they say man of god you quickly turn and say god is you one of the hallmark of the apostolic ministry is the gift of faith the gift of faith daring things by the gift that's why those who are called in the apostolic ministry if they don't allow the holy spirit work on them usually they are very very arrogant very outspoken sometimes very sarcastic it's a side effect that comes with the office your intimacy with the holy spirit is the secret to correcting it so that i work in an apostolic office and i am arrogant and sarcastic and outspoken and some of these wrong things i may say it is how it is no your work with the holy spirit was designed to correct it it's like you are cooking in the kitchen the moment you put i i don't i don't have any business with the kitchen but i'm just saying what i remember i know that when you put palm oil in a hot spot what happens there's a side effect the whole kitchen and maybe the neighboring environment it can be choking does that mean you should stop the cooking people are hungry they are waiting for the meal but then you have to create a way of managing it so most times before women will start they will do it outside or they will open the window in advance that's how you walk you must create a system with god to cover for the side effect that that operation comes you don't choke people and say you are you are burning from oil no if i keep insulting person alpha stupid you are crazy you are you are you are a stupid person and then i say it is the anointing no it is not the anointing it is the effect of the anointing um yes but then the unrenewed part of me mixing with the anointing is what produces that outcome it can be corrected hallelujah that's why when paul finished giving us an exegesis of all the gifts of the spirit he said i show you a more excellent way a more excellent way of administering the gifts that if they do not walk by love you are not operating the more excellent way are we together every one of us here will require this gift if you must get results in your life a day will come when your faith level cannot take the kind of miracles you need the urgency around it will require the gift of faith there are times you see during the miracle service i'm just walking and looking at people and i know that ah this situation is very challenging sometimes the people are waiting for me to come please help that person on the anointing and then the person can just whisper sorry sir i have hiv and this hiv safe is not just me me my wife and my child you don't have to tell everybody now you are standing there or someone is saying he has tuberculosis and he's coughing in your coughing before your face i you are inhaling the thing if this thing is not working in you you do this for five years the probability of catching tuberculosis is 100 100 that's why we tell people to walk with god before they begin to move in certain levels of ministry it's not pride you will if i've been faking this thing by now you will see it it would destroy you one day because you are laying hands on people it's not this laying on of hands is not something you do just because you are anointed that's why sometimes you see me pray for these people before we allow them to go it's not it's not some man of god thing you are contending spirits you can carry problems you have no business carry leave someone land upon your life you finish that service you go back have you not seen people who minister to the sick and what was on them the person went back to sleep one leg did not eating he could not lift one leg again that boomerang effect i believe in the gift of faith let me submit to you that where god has brought us by his grace in this ministry is an operation of the gift of faith there was a year let me tell you a little story there was a year when early that year before koinonia would start god gave an instruction that we should carry every one naira in this ministry and saw it as a seed one week to koinonia resuming i can't remember which of the years was that everything i said god everything now let me tell you you better make sure that that gift is working in your life because that's suicidal [Music] not that you should carry a sizeable seat and go and give empty everything close everything and i did it foolishly and stupidly i submit to you in less than seven days more than ten times that amount return that's faith you need it some of us right now you wrote your exams humanly speaking you are not going to graduate one you wrote nonsense two you didn't finish you need the gift of faith you need the gift of faith are we together yes there are wicked supervisors ready to make sure they frustrate you how about getting a job you keep carrying your certificate to everybody sorry we don't need what you studied and at a point you feel bad and say is it my fault that i studied this one day while you are praying the gift of faith comes on you and you make declarations by the spirit all of a sudden someone calls you you need it it is given to help believers our families many of us our families are in a mess we need the operation of this gift to correct things you see that lady that testified that was what was working in her the dear lady that said she went home gather your relatives what if it doesn't work do you know what you can be stupid by yourself but to gather relatives who are not born again and then it doesn't work the gift of faith when you have plan b it is your fate when there is no plan b it is the gift of if i perish that's what was on esther when she was on our way going to meet a hazardous the destiny of the nation of israel was a stick and she entered if i perish ask her to say it after that time she won't be able to say it again [Music] hallelujah that was the grace that was at walking moses when moses went before god why are you crying to me moses said what is all this two million people are shouting these guys are going to kill me you don't know how hard how how ha hadn't hearted they are and god says go and pass the rivers theologically historically speaking um historians tell us that it's not like the river parted and they told people now walk do you know the miracles that happened there even if the river parted there's going to be space on the ground are you going to jump down wouldn't you die so the ground had to lift and come up to where they were for them to be able to walk through it and moses took his road stood before two point something million people and said people the egyptians you see today that's the spirit of faith [Music] i speak to someone or the egyptians you see today in the name of jesus christ after this meeting you will see them no more forever i say it again the egyptians you see today in the name of the lord jesus christ whose faith is at work here you will see them no more after today please sit down the gift of faith a man of god true story many of you will know him pastor corey de comia um i think it was bishop aramus wife bishop aramu's wife she you know they have twins and she was sitting with the man's wife and then looked at him as ah you said how many children do you have angie i think she had just maybe one or two then and she looked at her and carried her uh what is this thing ladies die their hair tie and threw it on her say take to his jaw that was it the woman got pregnant twins gave birth that's not guess that's not guess when you see it happen sometimes i see it happen i'm surprised somebody can come and while he's talking and giving every long explanation apostle this is happening it's like prophecy i don't even know when it comes out of my mouth i just say it it's done go and you see the person leaving disappointed you didn't even wait for me to finish i struggled i joined the line i humbled myself what is all this let me express and then the person goes back and things change the gift of faith is powerful are we blessed the gift of healing jesus i wish i had time to dwell on this maybe we'll take another series next year what is notice that the bible does not say the gift of healing he said the gift g-i-f-t-s the gifts of healing what is it the ability to bring physical and emotional healing to people the ability to supernaturally bring physical and emotional healing you know years ago i really used to laugh at white people when i see all of them every little thing they cry every little thing they cry how did you get here and she's trying to explain just that there was a delay with taxi and then she starts crying they give her a hunger what sort of human beings are this i mean just anything makes them cry men women but as i grew in leadership i found out that emotional brokenness is worse than physical sickness the bible says a broken spirit dry at the bones there is a way a man can be emotionally devastated and die not by any physical sickness are we together emotional wounds are created because of words and circumstances they are more hurtful if i slap you and the sign of my hand is on your face it won't reach two days that thing will disappear correct but if i speak something negative about your life you can hold that word for 10 years and it will not leave you is that true the same thing how many of you have seen people with diabetes and you see an injury that will not heal it looks like it will not and that's exactly what happens to the spirit of people hence the ministry of people like joyce mayer and all of these you can look at them i feel uh no falling down no shouting i tell you the truth they are doing a major healing ministry 95 percent of africans before age 15 have been raped by wicked words from the ones who called you stupid to the one who called you idiot to your teacher who said you will have a big head you are dull to the mistakes you made to the fact that you are the oldest person in your class baba class four you don't know those things were affecting you a broken spirit you get to school and everybody's harassing you people look at you and say i hope you know you're a very ugly lady i'm sorry i have to just tell you my mind and the person thinks he's being bold does that accumulation demon spirits find a safe heaven in that mindset and it destroys you and you find out anything god tells you just look at him and say god use somebody those kinds of words are reflections of emotions that have been broken that's why worship like this creates that kind of healing you can raise a song and while everybody is laughing only one person is crying that person is getting healed at the end of it is like you know how you bath someone just feels light feels i have been healed from this i have cancelled people and i am amazed at the things people go through and yet they still smile and walk there are people if they give you half of the emotional load on their head to kill you instantly yet they are carrying it and saying hallelujah praise the lord the bible says rejoice not over me my enemies there are many of our parents when they lost their last job they never got another one again do you know why because the way they disgrace them and drove them out of that company it was so embarrassing and they said i can't i can't do this to myself again sir but you're a phd holder no i rather remain poor after 10 years how about those who but please don't feel bad those who marriage did not work for have you seen people like that and after 20 years you tell them it's okay now i think you can get back i know okay maybe your wife died or something happened and they tell you look the memory is still as fresh as yesterday have you seen people say i will never forgive you till jesus comes that's what emotional devastation can be there are people here so i'm talking god is killing you from this because let me tell you it's a luggage oh i was raped when i was two years i was raped when i was five years the house boy that worked for us raped me some of us were raped by our own parents sadly are we together and you grow and those things are still in your mind i can never make it you wrote wire 10 times jam 11 times there is no understanding of favor so every time you say god is favoring people you don't look as is it me you are talking to healing if you are not healed and god ever gives you an opportunity to be a leader you will judge everything from the template of your emotional wounds if someone laughs at you say why are you laughing at me because you remember that that's how they laughed at you to mock you the person was laughing rejoicing with you but your cynicism you see that your wife just looks and say ah my husband my husband i said please i don't like disrespect my husband i've told you this is how my mother did most everybody know i'm the last one is not about that situation there is something that has created a wound in you are we together there are some of you they use all kinds of words you had nicknames ugly nicknames and cliches some of you used to urinate in secondary school or primary school although you were it was a situation that required prayer and the adults there did not have spiritual intelligence to help and this i remember that time they will gather the person who is easy himself and sing songs and dance dance around dance and the person who the person who started like this with your best that you who you related what a way of destroying people don't ever do that to anybody [Music] how about brothers that blast ladies you are not fine you are not this and you say i i i gave it to her how about the ladies that blast a guy she blasted him in 99 till now he has not approached any lady every time he wants to go that wound god is bringing deliverance in the name of jesus christ [Music] but there is a physical healing there is the physical healing the healing ministry is needed more than ever before i was listening to benny him not too long before i came and you know i hear him read these healing scriptures and i am touched we need to bring the healing power of god back to the church i tell you this there's too much there is very little of genuine healing not everybody is in a wheelchair but let me tell you there are people who need physical healing physical healing how god acts chapter 10 and verse 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power and the bible says he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed healing oppressed healing oppressed every sickness is an oppression from headache to your hair falling to all of this i remember i think it was in mina also when i saw a very touching miracle a gentle man that has never smelled anything in his life doesn't know how you put perfume he just looks at you you know what a bad way to live what of those who don't hear well what of those who don't see well all kinds of sicknesses [Music] the first time i would pray for a lady years ago and the lady told me she had no womb i don't mean something was wrong no womb anybody that doesn't believe in miracles don't argue with the person the day the doctor cannot help you i promise you you must believe i believe in the healing power of jesus or a robot who said this every day of his life i am called to bring the healing power of jesus to the nations he believed it are we together there are people here seated looking at me who have all kinds of things incurable diseases every time a medical predicament defies drugs and medical attention then there is a spirit behind it are we together now yes and let me say something about the gift of healing most people have been indoctrinated in the church to hate doctors and hate medicine i will never teach that you will never hear me teach that i believe in divine health i believe in all of this but day and night we're taking people to the hospital to take care of them we have lots of doctors here a few of them will be doctors by next week or week after next and all of that we we have a lot of our doctors yes you actually can clap i mean it's not all of them smiling already they will come and dance before god yet to the shame of the devil so please don't get into this resentment i can't take drugs you are about dying just panadol will solve that problem now of course there are times that you stretch your feet if you stretch it and it doesn't seem to work take the panda don't cure yourself and keep studying the world there is a realm of divine health i believe that are we together but we must never stigmatize people so you see people secretly buying drugs they buy malaria drugs they run and take injection for five days and come and hold the mic and say in the last 10 years i have not even taken paracetamol let's go let's let's be honest let's fear god jesus is called the great physician physician physician say is there no bomb in gilead praise god i believe in medicine and when you pray for people especially over a sensitive case don't stop them from taking their normal medication when they become healed medicine will confirm it are we together now especially for maybe hiv patients or people with subterminal diseases there are many pastors who have killed innocent people they prayed for the hiv patient for instance and said do you believe yes stop taking your antiretroviral dogs and the person was very fine but now after four or five months you find out that the person started my cheating and the person died when you pray for someone and it does not work please take the person to the hospital if you yourself are sick and you've prayed and prayed that nothing works you can still be declaring the word of god medicine is still a miracle you don't talk to the drug you swallow it the drug finds where your problem is the whole pharmacology behind that drug is a miracle so don't don't act as if you didn't tell the drug come to my ears you just swallowed it it's a miracle by god's grace we will never discourage people we have a first eight box as a ministry if someone collapses now under the anointing and all of that there's if he needs medical attention there are doctors here who will attend to him let's be responsible these are the things that try to make those who walk in power look like fools because we we keep killing people every day destroying people and not stopping you know stopping people from medical attention i don't do that tonight i believe that god is going to bring his healing power again to someone i believe in the ministry of healing i have been a victim of sickness so i know the relevance of healing i've shared with you my testimony when i had a fungal infection that ate my head pastor completely ate everything here you wouldn't see one and it was just wounds everywhere i know the rejection that sickness brings i buy puff puff for people they won't collect it because my hand touched it even if i washed it in their presence can stigmatize you how about the woman with the issue of blood there are people leaving examples like that i remember praying for a lady who would bleed non-stop for sometimes like three or four months this lady can stand and be dizzy and just collapse like pass out need to bring the healing power of god to people we need to let them see the power of god in their lives the devil is afflicting people with all kinds of sicknesses tonight in the name of jesus is someone's night the last gift of the spirit and then we'll pray the walking of miracles [Music] what is the working of miracles the ability to bring about supernatural results supernatural occurrences that are above the laws of nature the ability to produce supernatural results above and beyond the loss of nature the working of miracle defies process there is no process with the working of miracles now life is a process but the working of miracles what happened in samaria was a walking of miracles by this time tomorrow the economy of the nation will completely change there are many of us who need miracles a healing is a miracle when it is instant when a healing is instant it's called a healing miracle miracles are not just limited to human bodies finances jesus performed that operation he said go and catch a fish open the mouth pick money out that's the walking of miracles are we together now yes i believe in the working of miracles i have seen it happen in my life i've seen it happen in the ministry the multiplication of five loop and two fish that was not just divine supply that was the walking of miracles what of the the fish that they caught [Music] master we have toiled all night nevertheless at thy word then he said cast your neck to the right side and they caught so much fish they had to beckon on their partners word of ezekiel 37 restoration is a miracle bones that have gone and then the bible says something that always intrigues me when i read it it says bone was joined to is born meaning no bone made a mistake every bone located the right one [Music] miracles someone is here and is in need of a miracle you are not sick in your body but there is a situation in your life that needs the intervention of god's hand if you go through the normal course of the law of process you may never be able to catch up restoration is one of those aspects in a man's life that requires the gift of the walking of miracles and i will restore to you the years can years be restored i thought it's just material things that can be restored but god says no not with me when i can walk a miracle the bible talks about zion giving birth in one day that have you ever had this he said as soon as zion travails she shall put forth us on let me tell you i want you to get ready for strange occurrences in your life things that will happen you will know that this is only god they will say but i know it took 10 years to build the house and say my brother i was sitting down like this and a key came to me miracles the bible never said mary was pregnant for nine months no sir the angel never told mary according to the time of life it was never said her pregnancy was nine months [Music] miracles the nation of israel 430 years captivity in one night he said they chased them they never allowed their bread to rise they said please get out of this place [Music] are we together the lord has declared that this is a year of triumph let me tell you this [Music] i truly believe in restoration and i believe in speed pastor femi compass offer come let me show you something very quickly and then we'll pray please stand here gentlemen just stand close to me watch this if pastor femi and paso alpha are making progress in life this is them walking is that true and then something keeps passing alpha down are you seeing pastor femi is moving forward now now start walking slowly this is progress not restoration restoration means he must be here because this was his original place now let me tell you what this miracle does it picks you and puts you so that if they check your life they cannot see where the delay was so when god says i will restore it they say i will release the false so that you make progress no sir there are many of us at your age there are things that should have happened what you need is not progress you need restoration restoration [Music] this gift of the spirit is a strange operation of the spirit where people's lives can change overnight overnight god can give speedo god can bring his word to pass in people's lives he said rejoice not over me my enemies oh the fact that i lost my job and you are seeing me and my wife were just moving around and i'm not eating anything you are laughing but the day this god arises in 24 hours 24 hours i've seen god do things in my life that has brought tears tears in my eyes i said god so this is what you can do [Music] some of you have never been surprised by god there is a way god will do something your first cry is not the miracle is how it happened god i've always heard that you can move like this but this one that you have done it to me no lord i fear you he said he does these things that men who fear him when he does it he signs his signature in your life i am god [Music] jabez was a man who was born in sorrow the mother cursed him because of the pain he caused her and jabez said all that thou would just enlarge me god even if you release me to start moving forward when will i make it let me tell you we need speed in nigeria everything is against a young man's establishment everything if you are a ministry you need this gift in your life otherwise you will be in trouble nobody will give you chair nobody will give you canopy nobody will give you money if you don't know how to command miracles please help that person under the anointing there by the power of there are situations tonight that need to hear the word of the lord god is a miracle worker god eats a glorious god god is god i know you as a miracle in my life lord god is a glorious just singing one more time to build faith in your heart my god is here's a miracle miracle walker nice your glorious girl one more time say god [Music] a glorious there is hope for a tree even if it becomes there is hope there is hope apostle at my age i have not even got an admission my brother there is hope this god in god's economy one plus one is not too old one plus one is any answer he gives any answer one plus one can be a car what is the relationship between alphabets and god the word of god one plus one can be breakthrough god can carry a man's lifetime achievement and give you one more listen this is not some get-rich-quick things i don't encourage people to be irresponsible but i'll be a stupid person to tell you i don't believe god can change people's lives overnight look at this ministry look at my life whoever told you god cannot arise for people listen if you don't believe what i'm teaching you you will struggle in your life as if god is not the part of scripture you believe is the path that works for you [Music] are we together listen if you are married in three years you've not had a child or four years you have not had a child if you have one child that's a testimony but that's not yet your portion if you have twins you have covered ground that's restoration i hear what i'm saying [Music] if you graduated 2000 and let's say six and by 2015 you cannot even rent a house if they give you a job with hundred thousand that's not yet your portion ah that's not your portion come on now how can that be your portion when somebody gets up and say i'm going abroad my house my car and the payment of the school fees i've left the lord say i should give you that's your question now god is called the god of portions i know this about him righteousness and justice justice justice justice she came to him and said avenge me my enemies the man neither feared god nor men but because she impersonated him [Music] listen let me tell you when i begin to pray and make demands over things in my life i don't spare i say god i'm not where i should be you i'm not where i should be no i'm moving forward thank you but you said i will restore you this year will make progress are we together yes that's how to pray lord has a lady i planned marine 22 i'm 32 i can't just marry and continue you are going to find a way of kareemi [Music] hallelujah lord i would have gotten a job in 2010 the man said i should sleep with him and get the job but because of you i refuse now is 2017 i'm seven years my payroll is seven years where is the window of heaven i place that demand and brothers and sisters you will see god do things that they would think you held a child the god that we serve [Music] the walking of miracles god is truly a miracle worker i've seen him change people's lives i've seen him step into families this year god has done things in my life that brought tears in my eyes i said god what is this can you allow god use your life to reveal his name the names of god are revelation of his possibilities there are names you are just calling but you have never really seen it listen early this year i taught on the gifts of men that thing was not a message it's a it's a fearful dimension of god that god brought me into where men stand up to solve your problems as if you charm them there is a grace that makes that happen [Music] you will never listen there are some miracles that if they have not happened in your life you will never have time to serve god let's tell ourselves the truth some of you have served god 10 years you are still begging for bread allow god to step in and do something for you you don't you what you need is more than a job you need god to sign his name in your life how much is a job how much is hundred thousand you now have five children be honest with hundred thousand bless them when one child's monthly school fees is more than a hundred thousand you need the gift of the working of miracles the wine finished in a feast the gift of miracles is a cure for embarrassment cure for embarrassment the wine finished and they went to him is a few six spots our last master it was borrowed he needed the gift of miracles every time your life is in a point of embarrassment that's the gift you need as a gift you need as a gift i don't know how to make you believe this thing we are going to pray brothers and sisters before i begin to minister to us please i beg you listen listen i want you to be angry at your current level and say lord this is not what i agreed near you this in the secret place i am not ungrateful but this is not our agreement by our agreement the level of grace i should be working in now your gift this is not your agreement lift your voice and pray bring forth your strong reasons the gifts of the spirit are the platforms to experience his possibilities how long can you read hello hello no hello hallelujah i have to stop here so that we can pray i'm supposed to teach you how to receive the gifts but just leave it we'll take it another time we have to pray this thing i've said i'm angry my spirit we have to pray that there are dots that we must force to open now they are thoughts that we must force to open let me tell you listen listen if you keep following your life casually you will never get some breakthroughs it's right from the days of john the baptist and until now the kingdom of god prophet powerless and the violence will take you by force lift your voice and open your mouth announce things that must happen this night lord you gave gifts to men your majesty you're my destiny your majesty foreign me see said i will walk a walk in your days that if you were told you will not believe it i will walk a walk there is something i want to do in your life there is something i want to do in your life in your family i'd like you to pray one minute lord i believe you all i believe you i believe you don't let the devil tell you you're wasting your time blessed is she that believes blessed is she that believes this is my finances oh god of heaven this is my family my hey hallelujah hallelujah listen i want us to pray no matter what has left your life call it back call it back lift your voice and pray whether it's money that left your life call it back joy call it back even god who quickened the dead and collect those things collect those things collect those things call it back sakata goes outside make sure you are praying just following online pray calling back by the spirit of faith by the gift of faith we combat opportunities we cover places we call back we call back dimensions so hey hey hallelujah hallelujah i want you to pray just before i pray for us i'm releasing my faith with you i don't know what god told you should have happened and you have not seen it i'd like you to insist now and say god have not forgotten i bring you to remembrance early this year you told me lord you told me i will be laughing by october i'm not yet laughing i place a demand i put pressure on your integrity lift your voice lift your voice bless it demand you said it you can do it you said it you will make it happen it is within your power problem hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen listen my bible says withhold not good to him that it is due when it is within your power to give the bible said it don't withhold good he said do not say unto him come today come tomorrow where you can do it now say lord now faith now faith i pledge a demand why wait tomorrow when it can happen now it is within your power it is within your power change my life now i bless a demand cry out for your finances fly out for your life foreign hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] i want you to believe god is giving people things as i'm talking listen you won't cry forever there is a god that is alive i want you to believe this i'm saying if you won't cry forever i come with an anointing in this place i come with the anointing that follows this office you won't cry forever there is a god that is alive there is a god that is alive there is a god that is alive there is a god that is alive hallelujah the lord is showing me a family before the end of august four people getting a job the end of october four one two three four i'm declaring it i'm declaring it it will happen to a family four people within two weeks a supernatural thought that embargo of witchcraft is broken now that embargo of witchcraft is broken now i release the grace that makes this happen in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah [Music] the lord is showing me someone we may not have time to call but you are saving up money to buy something i don't know if it's a car or land and god gave you an instruction to sow the money you sowed the money and shared with somebody and the person insulted you and called you stupid and the lord is saying i'm seeing a date in the end november 21 the lord is saying between now and that time as surely as the lord lives he's giving you a strange miracle a strange miracle november 21 a strange miracle in the name of jesus christ [Music] i don't know what has refused to produce in your life there are some of us who are laboring but the truth is nothing is working there is a spirit of hardship i told you hardship is not poverty poverty is part of hardship is a subset of hardship when that spirit comes even if they make you a director one million will not bless you is the spirit of hardship you cannot exactly tell what you are doing with the money you just know that every time there is a need you don't have is a spirit what you need is not promotion what you need is the blessing of the lord to take away that thing i'm speaking over someone's life i don't know whose life has been like that but in the name of jesus christ and by the power of the holy spirit i decree and declare that embargo of hardship over your life leaves you now it leaves you now now i'm stretching my hands i'm praying for people this speed i want it to come on your life there is a grace for speech [Music] look i'm seeing smoke just rising from the altar right down in the name of jesus i stretch my hands and i declare speed speed step into dimensions of accomplishment speed overflow one overflow two overflow three first outside speed the memphis yes speed i command it now any area in your life where you have not been moving forward speed in the name of jesus i command speed i command speed i command speed receive it i command speed i don't care the way things have been i'm speaking it speak to your business speech speed is an anointing let it come on you now supernatural speed to your life speed in the name of jesus i release speed i release peace i release peace i release peace hear me the bible says ye have come past this mountain long enough there are people where you are let me tell you there is there are spirits keeping you there where you i say mockery to yourself and to your god in the name of jesus this fire that i see in the spirit let it land on whoever must move forward now let it land on whoever must move forward now i prophesied in the name of jesus the lord god who my servant whose i am i command speed and move your life to another dimension to draw from you okay okay shady god is saying i should tell you tell your husband is the season for him to rise i'm seeing your husband by the end of this month entering a level of strange breakthrough strange breakthrough strange breakthrough this is what i'm saying strange breakthrough that god is bringing for him strange breakthrough that god is bringing for him strange breakthrough there is a man of god here i don't know who that person is what i'm seeing is strange grace for healing coming on a man of god there is someone i don't know where but may the spirit of god find that person now a strange anointing for healing you will see dimensions of healing miracles happen in your life and ministry in a way that will surprise you strange operations of the spirit [Music] hallelujah the lord is showing me a very strange vision i'm seeing people running i'm seeing a rope i'm seeing them running when they're about to jump a fence the rope pulls them down this is what i'm seeing it will not stop you from provided you are inside the place but to jump the fence the rope stops you where are they oh god i touch that rope i release you break those boundaries what stop your father what stop your mother i command that it will not stop you shut up in the mighty name of jesus i decree i decree i decree an end comes with tonight by the oppression of the spirit limitations are breaking limitations are breaking sisters ladies limitations are breaking limitations are breaking tribal limitations territorial limitations i command you to break now [Music] hallelujah will soon round up am i wasting your time i'm seeing a vision and i'm seeing many people with bodies but no heads no faces every time i see this that means someone's glory has been covered this is what the lord when i see those kinds of they come in different forms but because you see the head of a man not just the hair represents the center of glory when you see a human being walking and no head there is no structure there is no i i don't know how to pray this prayer now but i need to pray for somebody i don't know what has come you are alive you will pass your destiny helper he will act like he's not seeing you there's something confirming it is not normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not normal [Music] it doesn't take so much for men to help you but brothers and sisters when it is covered you can remain here forever [Music] [Applause] buy an instrument and cover it it is still as good as you don't have it because until it is open i don't know what has stopped you from appearing no job no increase no promotion no joy no peace when people want to help you something happens some of us here this suffering you are suffering is is not supposed to be what has covered you in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god i decree and i declare to you tonight by the [Music] [Music] many of you will feel like fire on your face literally like fire on your face there is a fail that is being torn i tear that fail right now please help them i share that trail right now in the name of jesus christ i declare to you i rise and shine i rise and shine i prophesied i rise and shine i rise and shine i rise and shine arise and shine [Music] [Music] listen when the word of god comes like this before you believe a man find out his track record don't waste your time believing something that does not work the bible says we have not taught you conningly devised fables let me tell you the truth god has given me a grace for performance there is no body i speak to over i think except he did not believe it it will come to pass no matter what it is god gave me the revelation it's called the key of david you can open it on the spirit who shot it but he said i am he that was dead but now he's alive and i hold the key of david and he can open a door that no man no man the only person that can short it is the one who opened it when i got that revelation because i can speak over people and something will happen and the devil will shut it back the key of david is a real key access to open possibilities and elijah had elijah had it he opened a man's eyes at once and said look at them you see what makes men great is not their bodies but the mysteries the mysteries mysteries are like portals they open you to possibilities so these things don't just have it's not just anointing no this is more than anointing [Music] every closed door over anyone's life here in the name of jesus christ the god of heaven the revealer of secrets and mysteries i command that door to open and remain open open and remain open open and remain open in the name of jesus christ [Music] the kind of favor you have never seen in your life may the god i stop release that faith on your life in the name of jesus christ release that favor of your life [Applause] [Music] me round up with this last impartation open your heart to receive romans chapter 1 verse 11 4 i long to see you it is my desire to see you why to the end that i may impart upon you some spiritual gift one of the ways that we receive spiritual gift is through impartation impartation is a transference of possibilities it's not a transference of anointing necessarily is a transference of possibilities a dimension that was not captured in your work with god that is by the supply of the spirit and opening of that portal that vista that dimension that's what you're about to receive now i want you to receive with all your heart [Music] in the name of jesus i'm seeing water rising from the ground and the lord is saying this how the impartation will come like water from the ground rising and i'm seeing ezekiel 47 the river i decree and i declare right now at the count of three oh lord inside overflow one two three and all those connected from all the 47 nations of the world i decree and declare right now in the name of jesus let there be a baptism of the gifts of the spirit upon your life receive it right now receive it right now the word of wisdom strange order of wisdom the word of knowledge i release it upon you right now the signing of spirits receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus the gift of diverse kinds of tongues and if you are here you are not filled with the holy ghost as i speak right now i stretch my hands may the power of the highest come upon you now i command utterances or transistors of men sons of angels tons of men tons of angels in the name of jesus i decree and declare receive the gift of prophecy the eyes that see and the ears are here i release it now i release it now [Music] i stretch my hands and i release upon you the gift of faith supernatural faith receive it right now it's coming like fire on someone's hand receive the gift of faith audacious ability or dacia's ability go and do the impossible say the impossible accomplish the impossible i declare and declare this will come on many people the gift of healing we need it we need it in the name of jesus especially many ladies this is a dispensation where god will be using a lot of ladies in the healing ministry receive that grace right now the healing anointing gifts of healing strange healing healing of cancers healing of hiv diabetes lay your hands command the devils to go is the ability to declare things on bodies or nature whatever manipulate possibilities to square up with the divine counsel of god i release that gift upon your life the working of miracles you will speak over impossible situations you will watch them turn around it will start with your academics it will start with your job it will start with your family in the name of jesus things that should not happen make them happen make them happen things that should never have happened i empower you to make them happen in the name of jesus clear the isles for them please wherever you are inside outside make your way to the front quickly don't wait for anybody to come be the first come happily come share fullness honor them god bless you someone is running to jesus overflow one two three please run quickly clear the way for them don't say i'm ashamed no come if you are coming please run double up quickly the holy spirit is speaking to you he said in that day if you hear his voice having not your heart you can choose to harden your heart and go back but someone is saying i'm tired of the way things are in my life i'm running to jesus colonial let's honor them as they come let's honor them as they come we present to you jesus christ the destiny changer we present to you jesus christ the one who can lift a man out from a downhill keep coming god bless you i believe there are still some more people you're saying apostle i'm not sure if i'm born again or not come and join them come and join them quickly mommy god bless you come and join them quickly join them quickly i'm not sure i don't know whether i'm born again or not i just know i've always been to church no sir you must be born again join them quickly if you're coming from outside please run i'm about to pray lead the people to pray hallelujah thank you so much some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears when you stand before jesus his loving alms who reach out to you and he gives you a new beginning the bible says to remember not the former things nor consider the things of old i want to lead you it's a simple prayer it's more than a recitation it's a prayer that you are engaging your faith with and you are trusting that the spirit of god himself will confirm it if that gentleman is joining them please double up just come quickly hallelujah i'd like you to say this after me sincerely truthfully and passionately say lord jesus say it again say lord jesus i love you i have experienced your presence tonight and i declare that i'm a sinner in need of your love in need of your mercy in need of your life tonight i make jesus lord of my life genuinely truthfully sincerely i declare that the life of god is in my spirit right now i believe that jesus is my savior i believe that jesus is my lord from today i received the power to live for jesus and to live a victorious life in the name of jesus let me pray for you jesus we present to you the ones you died for it was for them alongside all of us that you were at the cross i pray in the name of jesus that the spirit of god our seal of redemption that he will seal these ones and impart the life and the glory of god in their lives i declare your sins forgiving i decree and declare that god gives you a new beginning from tonight in the name of jesus the grace that makes for a victorious life we release it upon you the love of god love for god hunger for the things of the kingdom release it upon you i declare that the past the memory and the effects leave like smoke before the wind in the name of jesus and the lord gives you a new beginning from today you move forward ever and backward never in jesus name thank you so much for making this most noble decision i want you to follow the gentleman waving his hands he will um they will get a few details and communicate to you very briefly and you'll be back to your say thank you so much i love all of you god bless you let's honor them quickly
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 6,251
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: oAVgkyUTRto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 10sec (12790 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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