Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 5 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen the one thing that's missing is teamwork Chef Ramsay tested the chef's teamwork skills when he opened the restaurant for breakfast are you ready to meet your customers morning for 100 spirited kids why are you so down the women won their first challenge which resulted in a power struggle on the men's team I am obviously the best cook on the team you couldn't book my cottage then at dinner service both then how can someone so fast like something so [ __ ] fit and Danny where's the [ __ ] mashed potatoes had their problems 30 seconds I'm gonna [ __ ] kick you out personally but they were not alone are you [ __ ] stupid no chef Jays salad was a disaster what's in my salad and Seth was a mess hey bozo I just want to wipe your face and then wipe a pack [ __ ] in the red kitchen Colleen hit a new low where's the Wellington please freeway since you pulled me for her brain and it's just breaking down it was the worst dinner service yet oh [ __ ] both teams were ordered to nominate two of their own do you think I'm the one on the chopping block to you Amy are you [ __ ] serious I'll agree with geo there's no [ __ ] way but even though Chef Ramsay had four chefs to choose from Lacey Colleen's been set in step forward he wasted little time in making his decision so take your jacket off I can't go any further the big boy and with that Seth dream of becoming head chef at Borgata Hotel in Atlantic City was finished but Chef Ramsay wasn't Lacey yes sir you're now on the men's team and the [ __ ] were joined [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen we're winning everything Lacey is the Blues Brothers problem now the kitchen gods have answered my prayers yeah get the [ __ ] over I'm sorry I can't contain myself oh well ladies you're free of me welcome your new team member please welcome all right Lacey come over here and sit thank you whatever guys just lost your best [ __ ] you play you guys hate me already - yeah Chef Ramsay throws us a curve ball give us Lacey why would he eliminated and give us the other team [ __ ] I think I can speak for all of us blue team's not looking for another stuff we were just on the verge of losing our last piece of deadweight we feel there's a chance that we may have just gotten another piece no I understand all I ask is that you give me a chance if I really suck please put me up for elimination we won't hesitate yeah we I know you won't let me just tell you we're gonna help you best we can our strategy is just you know be the big brother-type but inside of me I'm saying lazy it's a cancer there's no time for Lorna this [ __ ] crying not all this personal I was [ __ ] made me feel like [ __ ] every damn day I'll tell you what you had a saving grace tonight you better [ __ ] prove yourself we lost one of our best team members do you think you deserve to be here yeah you can't yell that again I was just so sick of drama on the red team so tomorrow's a new day a clean slate so I hope it all goes well they're going down [Music] even though lacy has barely settled into her new team guys ready to roll let's go downstairs Chef Ramsay has the chef's on the road early we're in an Asian market it was very exciting I shop in Asian markets all the time I've got a good idea of all the different ingredients I mean not all of them of course I can I can't read it good morning so today's challenge is Asian fusion yes and when I say fusion I mean combining cuisines to make exciting vibrant dishes yes personally I love fusion that's how I get down I'll make a gourmet meal at a Captain Crunch and freaking filet mignon I don't give a [ __ ] hc' will select one poultry one seafood and one meat dish with a strong Asian influence is that clear yes you'll have 25 minutes to run around this phenomenal Asian market and purchase all the ingredients you'll need for your three dishes each team has only $100 to spend so use your time and money wisely are you ready yes on your mark get set this Asian fusion challenge will test the chef's creativity and their ability to innovate the teams have just 25 minutes and $100 to find the ingredients they need to create three agent Isha's we need to get some rice crush I pepper soy sauce I'm a force to be reckoned with I have a loud voice and I have loud thoughts we need mirin we need listen I'm saying mirin Andrea likes to think that she's the leader because she talks the most but loud and vocal doesn't always make a good leader let's go guys while the red team has stopped to organize the blue team takes a slightly different approach I'm just grabbing [ __ ] I'm able to put stuff back that's fine it's grab you let's use it come on get the show we just like ran around like crazy people teasing our dish together as we ran through the stores judo's that's 320 no I want a one that looks good like this one Andrea's yelling out orders telling us what to do seriously just shut the [ __ ] up well Andrea continues to make herself heard on the red team all Laci wants to have on her team is a voice guys no response it's the same [ __ ] on the blue team than it was in the red team grab the ribeye get in the cart come on let's go Laci she's the new guy there's no way other members of the team are gonna take her seriously armed with what they hope will be the key ingredients both teams make it to the checkout in time and on budget [Music] [Applause] now each team will have one hour to complete three dishes Chef Ramsay has instructed the teams to work in pairs [Music] I took Lacey under my wing I personally will kick her in the ass if I think she needs it Lacey this is how I set up my station hold my towel in half okay I work next to me try and do the same I think Ben just likes to talk to hear the sound of his own voice just it's more gonna see give me a couple taps on this tab me with anything that's spoon yeah we're confident we know what we're doing yes son yes I think you like that dude beautiful Batman Slim's Asian barbecue the blue team pairs are feeling confident meanwhile the red team duo's I understand we're doing but I'll just listen to you are still finding their way and Ray bothered is she's put even three right now we're working on tuna wrapped in seaweed Asian fusion I don't want it boring yes okay that's gonna be a problem with this tuna dish I had to rethink my dish a little bit because I was kind of going all Asian you know with no no fusion in there so we're going Japanese French yeah yo Lee is French but it's it's Asian flavors just make it a lemon aioli while the entire red team pitches in on Paula's tuna dish over in the blue kitchen Lacey is just trying to make a contribution I'm good right now I'm good right now anybody need anything I'm not needed at all I was basically doing [ __ ] jobs like Oh slice this dice that you know anyone can cut an onion come on guys what can I do nothing let's go I mean plated clean ready to go happy winning this challenge is very very important awesome we're coming off some losses so we got to show up big time I'd like you all to meet somebody someone that will help me judge this lady editor-in-chief of the award-winning Epicurious calm please meet Tanya steel let's go everybody out there who cooks know you got the Curie's calm I was so psyched who doesn't know who that is I've been after whatever house she's from ATS why I came and pronounce it I don't know who this lady was she's attractive but I don't know she know the winning team today all of those dishes is gonna be heavily featured on the epicures comm website okay no first taste poultry let's go first up it's Carol and coy versus Robert and Danny this is a pomegranate cinnamon glazed chicken breast now why'd you choose pomegranate I love pomegranate it's it's a nice fruity [Music] presentation look slightly born and it's a little bit dry but I like the flavors yes okay Robert describe your dish please it's a traditional Pad Thai but the chicken is prepared like barbeque chicken on a Sunday afternoon Chef Ramsay tasted my dish one of the greatest culinary minds of 21st century and you're sitting there like here's my dish I hope you like it this is kind of a confluence of southern and Asian essentially seasoning nice which one to give I totally agree well done thank you back in life meant one else nice job Robert nice job Robert and I are definitely rocked the house today and we [ __ ] nailed it next up it's Paula and LA against Ben and Lacey okay Paula okay chef we did a tuna tempura very simple we did the vegetables all confit styles and we made an aioli Paula's dish simply didn't see the fusion in it it really looked like a pile of steamed mushrooms Wow temperature and the tuna is extraordinary hmm and this is just perfectly cooked it really is a puffy cooked Thank You chef this is if pan-seared scallop the sauce is it's actually a sea urchin and caviar beurre blanc very dangerous them combined caveat on sea urchins yes people were to ask me what's your specialty band I would probably say it's French Asian fusion it's lucky so to come in a little bit smooshy I had to I'm gonna choose the chin ulcer thank you okay with the score tied J and Giovanni will now pace off against Colleen and Andrea being the tiebreaker of all things is just oh I can't even tell you okay I'm Jay you go first today we have a Kobe beef sashimi brushed with a Korean style sauce when you say Korean sauce what's in there we have soy sauce some sugar and a lot of red pepper flakes that's clumsy seasonings and shame because the beefs delicious I think it'd be really safe suspicion Jay yes chef we have a B we have a beef you don't know what it is oh dear oh dear what is it it's a beef pizzaiolo style eat co-lister i forgot what the hell giovanni wanted to call it beef pistachio crunchy bits of rice granules in my teeth undercooked love the idea however there's no excuse for undercooked rice okay which one this one we're gonna have to defeat you back in life okay um onion I don't believe this one to you because it's going on your website which ones you go [Applause] I'm gonna have to go with my lady the ladies stick together man no matter who the lady is y'all are brotherhood sisterhood some [ __ ] thank you thank you ladies your reward got a day packed with surprises with a big Asian influence don't know exactly what that means I'll take it bring it on welcome and Lacey your first part of the punishment will be pairing homemade fortune cookie I never made fortune cookies in my life I eat a damn shitload of so damn difficult you've got no idea secondly we decorating the whole restaurant with origami I'm sick of these punishments I can't win challenges I'm sick of losing go get change your limos waiting for you hurry up let's go I can't who's anymore I'm about to really go [ __ ] crazy there are dear oh dear [Music] I'm gonna go home stop saying that there's no one going home cause we don't plan on [ __ ] losing so stop saying you're going home you guys are never gonna stand what's like the be in a room work 11 other people hate you and don't want you here it's hard to get along with her for a lot of people the boys are just as frustrated as the girls why as much as sets up never once did he say he was going home I don't care what frustrates me the most is negativity we don't want to lose we don't want to send anybody from the blue team home I don't deserve everywhere personal standpoint if I ever treated you like [ __ ] no okay people more motivated to have a sense of urgency and some of the things that you do I will help anyone in the kitchen who needs my help that's just how I am that's what a chef does we need you I know but I understand I'm not usually like this we need you and if that's any indication don't give up Ben he's trying to blow smoke up my ass whatever in the end everyone's in it for themselves whatever I can do to help you get more involved with what we're doing to help us move forward just ask while Ben tries to convince Lacey that the blue team is better off with her the red team is convinced that they're better off without her I am thrilled that Lacey is not on the red team we lost a lot of weight we're in this limo now and they're back there there's a hair in the fortune cookie bloody hell that's hot please kill me now I don't understand the purpose of putting this broad over here her voice feels like a tack hammer and I man I love it I don't like her man you guys are way more fun than the girls welcome welcome I thought we were gonna you know learn how to like defend ourselves and Chef Ramsay comes at us you know we can just like karate kick his sautee pans away today you are going to learn a martial art I'm gonna bring out our first Rikishi he is an expert in the art of discipline [Music] [Music] your turn we have arranged for another pupil he is the Belgian ninja yeah that sumo wrestler was Jean Philippe and he looked like somebody just got done like torturing him immaculate Joan Philippe is stuffed into this soup outfit just looking pissed off he was just tossing him around like it was yesterday's salad didn't seem fair big boy Chef Ramsay against little Jean Philippe chef ramsay kicked his ass then we all got to put on the suits little Carol looked adorable I'm the biggest she's the smallest but she's like I'll take you I was like we'll come on Nate let's go push each other don't kiss each other that couldn't wait to get in there I wanted to take the biggest baddest [ __ ] in there on watch my lip ring please let ring [Music] while the women battle it out back in Hell's Kitchen the blue team has conquered fortune cookies and is now wrestling with origami I love how the direction stated first it will seem impossible this is gonna piss me off to no avail in your face I'm done I won't like her yeah guys watch Lacey Oh Lacey please sit down we're gonna enjoy and learn about Sade so here we go the Japanese say kanpai I [Music] [Applause] need about ten others I think I did about nine South Asia while the red team celebrates their good fortune back at Hell's Kitchen one chefs portions are looking up as well you pull this out and make a head yeah it was nice to know that finally I could teach someone something that made me feel really good I needed it only took origami to bring us together [Music] I believe Lacey did a great job teaching us how to do two origami and it was much easier for her on a team and we worked as a team and she turned it around for us we're united and this origami mad Knight you smell the sake on my breath trust me one of those [ __ ] is going home in the world [Music] both teams have clearly bonded over the last 24 hours we think partner work together oh yeah and are more determined than ever to beat their opponents you guys miss Lacey what kind of question is that we've decided that she doesn't exist who's Lacey I hate to be mean you know but the blue team is just gonna get a taste of what we've had to go through but Lacey and they're gonna have a rude awakening oh I'm just about to fall the hell off with dinner service just minutes away the teams hurry to finish crap I'll help in any way I can I'll get it you gotta keep doing doing let's help each other out bye guys come over quick Bobby let's go Lacey how you selling down with the way the men good chef yeah who's mentor on you right now Ben's helping me out a lot chef but all the guys are helping me out nice nice okay Paula yeah chef in all the hell's kitchen's that tuna dish quite frankly is one of the best dishes I've ever seen in here Thank You chef tunas extraordinary mmm mm-hmm it's perfectly cooked it really is a puffy cooked Thank You chef it's on the menu tonight yeah really well done Thank You chef last service we went three feet back yes tonight we come forward yes yeah okay move your ass let's go jean-philippe open Hell's Kitchen please [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the previous dinner service being one of their worst the chefs are determined to make this comeback night [Music] on order two covers table 63 yes once colors one spaghetti one risotto entree on tuna with salmon one lamb wake up yes you see the D ahi tuna is actually on the menu tonight in the blue kitchen the pressures on Giovanni on the appetizer station to get the first order off to a good start risotto please let's go stop working in midair Giovanni it looks so stupid like this in midair all day come on bozo Giovanni yes yeah very nice that risotto they stayed all night yes the hell out of here nice job sir while Giovanni enjoys a rare compliment from Chef Ramsay over in the red kitchen la is hoping to impress with her appetizers very nice that risotto Thank You chef getting compliments from Jay Ramsey and it's like my dad telling me is proud of me you know what I mean doesn't get any better than that we also come out tonight a delicious food huh it's 30 minutes into dinner service and appetizers are flying out of both kitchens but the customers with the biggest appetites have just arrived I would like the entire menu please to guessing there looks like a table of six or eight I know chef - sumo wrestler - arrested with such a heavy load this early in dinner service Chef Ramsay decides to split the large order between the kitchen watch this table once ate one season one spell it results in one spaghetti yes yes let's go on order two covers table 23 - silly wretches one soup one season one scallop risotto with spaghetti I know there's any two of them there but they eat like [ __ ] horsies let's go while both teams scramble to get the large orders started back in the blue kitchen a leader is emerging they simply throwing her food up she was very vocal asking people how long on this maybe she's motivated as she wants to kick the red team's ass doing a great job I keep it together going away see people drop it really trying to make it a great service because I don't want to go home come on guys it's 50 minutes into dinner service and while the oversized diners don't keep their opinions a secret in the red kitchen andrea has a little secret of her own I fired Wellington's I realized that they were burnt juleps then there was no way I was gonna take a burnt bottom Wellington up to the past quite you lamps your Wellington I'm at least eight minutes out okay still eight minutes yes it's gonna get okay well Andrea hides her Wellington's it's now time for Jay to deliver his tuna Dory to Wellington yes it's gonna be a couple of minutes on the Wellington's they're still [ __ ] rare when I cut into that first Wellington and it was raw [ __ ] cold my heart [ __ ] stopped Wellington's sir I don't know I fired on the same as last time fans are low it should be on high why is the fun download sorry chef I'm glad you start [ __ ] laid-back about it I should have [ __ ] looked at the oven it just sucks that I look like a goddamn donkey it's a well he's already don't drop the dory did you see the little world of your own I need a trainer funds yes chef sorry guys while Jay tries to follow directions over in the red kitchen Chef Ramsay has found a problem look at the oven we got Wellington's in there yes yes madam come here you right now what happens when the doors wide open that man gets caught sir okay what else is in there a Wellington chef I was not leaving the oven door open I don't think I did [Music] but I could have raised the Wellington please chef I'm Reese firing a Wellington the bottoms burning where's the medium well Wellington I'm putting protection up what is this they burn I'm not quite sure I can a oh there you go hey oh dear [ __ ] heartless [ __ ] I'm screwed I'm [ __ ] screwed anything else anywhere else of yes yes that's it yeah that's is this what are you doing trying to get us together chef I don't understand it while the red team waits for Andrea to cook more Wellington's over in the blue kitchen Chef Ramsay is waiting for okay let's go let's go Bobby saying it once move over yeah you could do it lose a few pounds let's go [ __ ] [ __ ] first of all my name is not Bobby it's Robert so when he says Bobby who the [ __ ] is that Bobby no one sir my father's name is Bobby and I had a fucked-up childhood buddy look at me every time I hear that it brings you back so he touched a nerve with me Bobby Dory tuna where is it why is he throwing stuff in the bin cuz comas what's going on all this food in here how much you thrown away too much chef you can't just trash it like that I will say that you were and take it put it up there please no I can't why can't you look at me when I talk to you sorry chef sorry chef Robert come here you come here you [ __ ] out get out [Applause] getting there what you doing trying to do the best I can for you why this surplice [ __ ] me it's not about me about you I refuse to put anything up there that you're gonna send back chef listen to me concentrate stop picking on me as an excuse that's not good enough you can't trash all that I [ __ ] up and I'm not gonna put it up to you wake up Robert [Music] dude it took a lot for me to [ __ ] hold back son I'll tell you that hey have you given up I ain't trying to make him proud of me anymore Chef Ramsay kiss my ass that's what I'm saying to him hey if you've got any comeback I'll do it now if I was you yeah cuz you look like one sulky pissed off cook by seven full of passion cook your heart out stop [ __ ] around yes chef Roberts waist has put him a little behind in his work but he's not the only one junior dory salmon chicken lamb Wellington a long wife's still full minutes is it coming in four minutes what is going on my times were off my [ __ ] calls were off my communication was off my cooking skills were off it was bad she would just throw out a number off the top of her head where that number was coming from I don't have any idea you're [ __ ] out big time I don't get really pissed off because nothing's happening yes yeah no can you work it at a yes it's more than two hours into dinner service and with both kitchens at a near standstill diners are growing restless we're missing something right one we're still missing more plates it should be here shortly it's not a pretty picture now with the pressure mounting to get some food out to the customers Chef Ramsay turns to no entrees left this kitchen in nearly 14 minutes nothing 14 minutes nothing's gone out that [ __ ] up everything everything every goddamn thing what do you need lamb he's asking you now what he needs he doesn't even know Oh Jay he forgot it yes yes chef okay I know Jay was having a really bad night but he like forgot an order I look at me I you are six Jay takes a moment for a little self-reflection desert meanwhile despite numerous problems the red kitchen is managed to move on to desserts 53 ton yes Tina not done there you go yeah I've had enough probably no career there you go take your bite and pass it along hey wake up yeah raw pastry raw pear Chef Ramsay wasn't kidding when he said it was raw it was raw that's just sorry poor judgment you didn't know that's raw pastry with a raw pear everybody else is just looking around like gotta be kidding me un-fuckin'-believable tonight dinner service has totally collapsed christ almighty two half hours of [ __ ] and Chef Ramsay is at the end of his rope oh [ __ ] off I've had enough I want to say I've had enough I've had enough Stowe's off come in that was pathetic and you were absolutely useless trade out I can't take anything it's been the worst performance so far switch it [ __ ] it off [Music] after a promising beginning dinner service has ended in disaster and Chef Ramsay has a question for one of the chef's Robert yes sir why don't you look at me when I talk to you that's something I like to speak to you in private for sure later right now I don't need any private [ __ ] for anybody a Me section in the blue kitchen and the red kitchen was horrific it's impossible to announce a winning team Giovanni yes chef La Mission good work tonight he kisses really well done Thank You chef on the back of that performance nominate one individual from the blue team and nominate one individual from the ladies for elimination yes sir piss off you notice what he calls me Bobby calls me Bobby my name is Robert my father was like a real his name was Bobby it was like he calls you Bobby you don't look at him it's like another male figure in your life that you post a respect that treats you like [ __ ] I know he had the same kind of childhood Bobby to my office thank you okay you wanted to see me the main thing is like I know you don't understand and that's why I'm telling you like my name is Robert not Bobby one since my father's name and like growing up it's been a hard road for me I've been told all my life that you're a loser a quitter and Ron's name was Bobby and the moments that when I'm called that and then you're like Look Me in my eye just that one precise second it was like flashback all back you know so that's fair enough I get that like that and I totally respect that I apologize if it's upset you by calling you Bobby I wish you'd brought that to my attention earlier because I wouldn't have done it however it's off your chest totally respect that I will totally follow it through Thanks okay appreciate the time not talk the way I cook tonight was booked up it's safe to say that Andrew and Colleen are the two on my list to go up LA I'm telling you right now if I'm nominated I totally understand and I do not hold that against you on any level Andrew was definitely behind and she just got overwhelmed but she's a good chef I believe if one of us goes up there that they'll send the blue team home I'm okay with that Colin it's consistent I mean she's consistently [ __ ] up on every service it's your decision [Music] bad [ __ ] up real bad I've never cooked that bad in my life it's a [ __ ] disgrace who knows what's gonna happen Giovanni's gonna make his own decision and I could be going home [Music] either what you gotta do clean fake I can't pick her she kicked ass I can't pick her I did well and now my reward is this I have to pick one of my own teammates to leave so you pick me it's a toss-up between me and Jay but I just hope that Giovanni looks at the bigger picture I've made my decision [Music] well it's up nights la have you made your decision yes yeah who is it Andrea Andrea yes sure why never communication wasn't there the cooking wasn't there just it wasn't there Giovanni have you made your decision yes chef I picked Jay he performed bad from the start to the end who else was there Robert why he started out bad but it was able to recuperate and come out of it a little bit better than Jay was maybe just a fraction and that fraction saved how's it okay Jay Andrea step forward [Music] okay right J why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen well I've got the skills and I have the talent I'm very confident I know what I'm able to do and you lost it tonight you didn't even get started there's no excuse this is definitely my worst performance in my career you're not wrong there so the other horrendous performers on the meet was you Andrea yes chef I mean why should you stay I want to stay in Hell's Kitchen because I want the opportunity to be back on that mean station and I want to nail it from beginning to end and prove that I have what it takes not only to you but to myself chef this is a tough one this is really tough for me what do you need Liam Oh Jay you forgot it yes yes chef what is this they burn I'm not quite sure why why are you doing pile of [ __ ] the person leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight is Jay chef Andrea back in line [Music] okay Robert wake up yes sir Kaleem here what sir you've had five services madam and all five of them have been shocking take off your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen yeah sure but I will say something I love your tenacity Thank You chef you are strong absolutely Thank You Chef Ramsay health kitchen made me better it made me a better person it's gonna make me a better mom it's gonna make me a better chef and it's gonna make me a better instructor and I hope that one day he'll cook at my cooking school there's one quality that girl has that a lot of you haven't got and that's fight and that's what I want to see fight to make up for your mistakes and to come back strong goodnight I feel like I'm bearing a big-ass fight with a heavyweight and I ain't been beaten but I sure got beat up all chefs have bad nights but I know I can win Hell's Kitchen my gloves are off and I'm in this to win looks like I get another shot so I'm not gonna mess up again that's for sure there was no place in the kitchen I could put Colleen where she wasn't a disaster it's time for her to go back to where she belongs teach him because she certainly can't cook [Music] next time we are open for a bomb it's a it's a Hell's Kitchen first this is my time to shine we're cooking for my people but the celebration comes crashing down and that's just the beginning of a disastrous dinner service y so we're talking to each other the chefs are at each other's throats I'm ready just so our [ __ ] lips close you know what Carol [ __ ] you all for a chance to become head chef at Borgata Atlantic City now can we work together as a team even the dining room is a danger zone I just had enough to you it's anything but kosher as [ __ ] on a very special edition of Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 481,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: U9-DVrOVyuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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