Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 18, Episode 9 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen please welcome my daughter Tilly Chef Ramsay was joined by his youngest daughter how's the boyfriend's and challenge the test to curry dishes for her sweet 16 birthday party think teenagers don't go too complicated I think she's not your average kid on the red team motto dazzled Tilly with his dish I think I'll see you yes thank you as did Jose I loved it and definitely went on the menu bacon too while Scott Lee Trev and Brent all fell short maybe not for my mother your 16th birthday trying to impress a 16 year old girl never worked for me does that really surprise anybody on the blue team Rose efforts to impress till I tried to play it in a shape of a tee cuz it's so tonight didn't exactly spell success but the rest of the women each scored a point this is a WoW this lady's winning the challenge and earning an afternoon at a Malibu mansion at Tilly sweet 16 party Trevor and Scott Lee clashed yet again that's too much garlic bread I would never talk to somebody the way that Scott Lee talks to people garlic lightly so tight first you didn't listen to me and look what happened but the rookies on the red team worked well together firing on all cylinders Jose motor absolutely perfect Thank You chef Jose my told me will force to be reckoned with on the blue team one of their rookies Mia struggled to deliver proper fish and chips [ __ ] ice cold and roe steak Queen from Season 13 could not get her temperatures right no said that committee dad the blue team lost get out getting pretty good if you with a red right now in you and nominated Rosa and Mia but Mia was quick to point a finger at someone else I didn't set it up chef Russo Oh can they set it up she's trying to play the blame game Chef Ramsay eliminated rug ending her dream of becoming executive chef at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen get out of there that's cold the girls are fractured it's like somebody just drove a stake right into the middle of the blue team and you can just see the cracks coming out listen I nominated you because I don't want to be up there and I I feel yeah so you had to blame somebody so it had to be me to blame I I know we don't go together right now we have to leave move on we definitely need those two to put their differences aside but at the same time the more those two are at each other the more it's gonna benefit me I'm not an evil person I swear Ariel is about to just destroy the rest of that team okay she's a gangster [ __ ] and she can cook [Music] [Music] [Music] look in the good day HK I'll be your host Trevor morning swing risin shag we're about to get at it for another day of Fun in the Sun hopefully so let's check in with the weather and it's yeah we're still inside the dorms good morning the struggle Chef Ramsay's waiting for you all out front you go right out into the front so bring your umbrellas and your stomping boots cuz it's gonna be a cracking good time today [Music] yeah [Music] Zig please join me in thanking immortals lion dance troupe how cool they in case you haven't guessed it for today's challenge you'll be cooking Italian I'm joking in my case of course it's Chinese now listen carefully for this challenge we've got five Chinese boxes spot prawns chicken breast pork tenderloin duck breast and black cod Jose who in the blue team would you love to cook against I would say Kaneesha can i I'm excited to cook against Jose he's the first one to pick so it makes me feel good because he sees me as competition bring it on over kanay what protein would you like to select to take on Jose prawns chef prawns right both you come up do not open that box next up Mia I would like to cook against trap chef let's go with the pork the pork that was a poor choice on his end what are he gives love pork mia Gussie's Trev excellent malar area chef Aaron why to be the best you got to beat the best damn straight I'm the best chef here let's do duck duck Thank You Heather Bret let's go with the card chef the card Scott Lee that means you'll be cooking chicken breast now which one of you fork is prepared to cook two dishes and go up against Scott Lee I feel like whoever has the cotter the yes sounds are gonna be quick all right you have quick prawns so okay I'm excited to take on both but this point in the competition I I have to show them all the best if you need help let me know yeah yeah we can help inside each box are eight fortune cookies printed with the name of the ingredient to use with your protein your 45 minutes starts now let's go time to start smashing these cookies in today's Chinese cuisine challenge each chef has been provided eight traditional ingredients plums shimeji mushroom to create an authentic Chinese dish oh [ __ ] they're alive and they're moving it's still moving well let's move come on Trev with that [ __ ] already dude easy cheesy easy [ __ ] motormouth Trevor just knows how to say the right things to really set me off stop getting your [ __ ] hurts or [ __ ] huh you're just talking a lot of stuff but I'm not cents already what are you doing duck freeways three ways I'm competing against Ariel who I know is very technical but doesn't quite think outside the box as much how bad you want this I'm not gonna crack under pressure coming for you Ariel chatlin just on the half-light what kind of sauce on the noodle you gonna use the prawn head sauce for the noodle yes prawn head in shoot but you need Kasich is you're allergic yeah I'm allergic to nuts as far as like eating them so Ariel you are my taste tester it needs more salt to the sweetness I mean I have to create two dishes instead of one so I am gonna call for help when I need it good you have any lime juice you didn't hit it with sixty Seconds to go whoever is no first I need help laid in the rest of this for that I have my noodles right here we got it how's that chicken breasts doing my sexy chicken stir fry [ __ ] beautiful take it now I brought in a very special judge this chef knows Chinese cuisine and she just opened her brand-new restaurant steamers company chef Shirley Chung I knew he was talking about welcome to Hell's Kitchen thank you for having me I heard from people who worked with her she's an amazing chef an amazing mentor so I'm really excited to see her we're gonna be tasting the dishes head-to-head by proteins let's begin with the Battle of the pork tenderloin Lia from the blue and Trev from the red I was looking over at Mia's and it looks like she did some kind of weirdo salad so I'm like okay I actually made a dish you know what the [ __ ] is she do offer there Trevor why don't you stop first and describe the dish to chef please I did a spice-rubbed pork tenderloin took it out she and some star nice on there on the outside I feel a nice heat I do want to point out this plate doesn't come off very Chinese okay you have noodle played that was pork on top versus if you play down the play okay and then the cookery of pork tenderloin I think is a little bit on the dry side apologies ship she's really nitpicking every detail that's going on I'm like this isn't good right off the bat Mia please describe the dish to chef I went with a soy and ginger glazed pork tenderloin and then I did a stir-fry with the vegetables this is not only there's really beautiful but there's really delicious Thank You chef to the point belong to me and the blue team well Trevor in the red team I lost up to the young whippersnapper again you know that little girl worries me a little bit I'm not gonna lie next up black cop Heather I'm Brett let's go all right let's start off with Heather this time Shelly chef Anna made for you is a black ramen miso soup I poached the black cod in the actual broth overall your whole entire dish it is very sweet okay between the answer the spice I think it's Asian ingredient but not necessarily Chinese but explain please for us so here I have a hand seared cod with Chinese five-spice and powdered ginger the Musil butter is not necessary at all for this dish but the clouds really well cooked I think I'm really nervous she's a tough judge and I think that we were on this fluff zone of working with Chinese cuisine and now we have them follow through with actual Chinese cuisine this is very well seasoned they taste good but Chinese cuisine has this thing that you wanted all the shapes match so you have long been going with your noodles but you have big chunk of chicken her critiques are so thorough and so intense it's very intimidating traditionally this combination really works but in this case it's not coming together as a whole does the point go to Scott Lee pause the point go to connect this is my pick Scotty he's everyone's dummy very nice I need share plates from was meant to be like it's it's a chopstick to take plate my dish is not even close to being what she's saying everyone else about how I should be able to get some in every bite right next up duck breast motto and parry off when I think of Chinese cuisine it screams duck aging dark-red Beijing duck I'm from Beijing are you guys ready good luck I'm totally [ __ ] Wow interesting choice of plates in today's Chinese cuisine challenge my guest judge and Beijing native Shirley Chung is dissecting each dish down to the smallest detail this plate doesn't come off very Chinese overall your whole entire dish it is very sweet it's not coming together as a whole and with the blue team one point away from losing self-assured Ariel is not feeling so confident I'm thinking about my dish and I'm just like I know the Chinese ingredients are there but my dish was meant to be like served with two shared plates interesting choice of plates this is Leung gated Chinese plate I can see that it's a little bit difficult to eat I think if you own this maybe a large oval plate yeah just a little bit better but flavors really good Thank You chef it's just very awkward to eat modern so here I have duck three ways for you Wow duck fried rice five-spice grilled duck breast and a little duck crackling chicharonnes do you search on peppercorn this yes in the charred plum sauce why are you bidding - it literally just took over everything sir numbers your palate heard that Chef - the point goes the air on the blue team or model on the red team Ariel thank you Joe I wanted to go against Antonio because I felt like she was the strongest and I wanted that challenge call sweetheart that was a mistake - - and it all comes down to the spot bra can a and Jose ah tiebreaker Jose describe your dish please haha this dish I served the prawns with the head on so the idea is to suck out the juice out the head I'm going to follow your direction I'm going to suck the head please suck the head while flavorful how does more seasoned than a noodle can I describe your dish to chef I have a cold cashew sauce with the prawns that are poached the fact that I'm allergic to nuts I get fat so you know depend on an area host so Chinese very aromatic flavor is really good but I think it's a little bit on the dry side right take this ship back in line please let these flavors just pour the rule the big question is there's a point go to the blue team on the red team the blue team your brain my mouth yes join me in thanking this incredible chef for giving a birthday ladies congratulations the girls are reaping all the rewards and having all the good times and all the relaxation the one reward that I got to go on we're on Safari and we got a [ __ ] stupid hat you're all in for an amazing treat all of you are going to the place that will be the home of the winner of Hell's Kitchen that's right Las Vegas you are in for an extraordinary VIP experience I'm putting you up in the private villa of the Nobu hotel why are you standing here staring at me your private plane is waiting please my Vegas experiences have never been like this men today I've offered your services to a local vendor who provides fortune cookies to Chinese restaurants all over Los Angeles so guess what you'd be doing - scoffing fortune cookies making them first guys what you waiting for go make a fortune cookie enjoy Vegas ladies because it's gonna be your last time there because my ass and I'll be living there here soon enough and not just visiting for the night that's it fuschia says men do not fail they give up try em I ain't never been to [ __ ] Vegas I wanted that [ __ ] Vegas trip I'm so pissed right now it's not just any loss it's a trip to Vegas [Music] [Music] Scott Lee terrier wait at least bro come on let's get to it half-ass doesn't work for me Scott Lee man let's get to work [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this villa is absolutely breathtaking I'm calling Vegas home that executive chef position is calling my name it's amazing I'm totally feeling like like royalty right now like just call me Queen Mia go ahead go get change we're gonna have dinner in a few minutes okay [Music] the toilets wash your butt and them to only have the blow dryer for your stuff oh my god ha ha I'm feeling fresh in my ass it's really fresh today yeah all right [Music] babies okay thanks okay you guys [Music] one day that Marky's me say welcome HK eighteen winner Arielle bucks [Applause] [Music] four hours of balls deep and [ __ ] fortune cookies I feel like hot you cry I backed her pretty good right now mom I'll hold it together I'm held together dude we've been doing this for hours we're not even close to filling up the bucket I'm [ __ ] dying I'm [ __ ] dying falling a couple eggs man really Scott Lee take a product that's supposed to be used for something chef asked us to do and making yourself a snack with it Scott Lee he doesn't care about anybody but himself so guys if we start breaking down now come on with that [ __ ] I'm putting it out there before it starts [ __ ] just go just go cuz goddamn you gonna make it a [ __ ] argument not making an argument man if this carries all day this is what's gonna affect dinner service later let's keep it up and positive Trevor shut the [ __ ] up make cookies just keep working oh we don't want to do this [ __ ] the more you talk the more is gonna be a [ __ ] annoying man Wow I just said one thing bro come on fellas I don't hear that today I'm just trying to keep a positive outlook that's it stop running around and get something done he's taking me off could be it a [ __ ] or go home [Music] the women have returned from Las Vegas but the mood in the dorms is less than inviting it out [Music] do you could cut the tension with a knife going through there I know that's why am I talking Scott Lee is just a [ __ ] douchebag the entire time he [ __ ] was taking eggs that we were supposed to use for the [ __ ] cookies boiling eggs and making him and bread snacks he went here and made sliders brought lunch out for himself like now yeah I feel forever because Scott Lee he just the chip on his shoulder is like huge I don't know I'm just sick of it it's gonna Fester it's gonna be like a cancer for service I'm worried about tonight with dinner service quickly approaching both teams are prepping their kitchens make me a winner let's tighten up the organization a little bit like this is a hot mess taking up way too much real estate with us get your water ready for over here tighten up garnish it's way too much [ __ ] everywhere we got to make it you know clean playing ground I'm gonna change the beurre blanc into a Fame so that it's ready to go why don't you ask first before we do that though yes boss no problem boss I'm right on top of that ball there you go with the sarcastic way because you question everything it comes out of my mouth hey enough already please gentlemen we need to come together as a team and execute none of that back and forth [ __ ] specially during dinner service there's four of them we don't want to be embarrassed like that what the hell pretty krumping gentlemen line up please chef ladies line up please quick thank you ladies welcome back can a favorite part you're popping battleship gotcha well for one of you talented nine Vegas is gonna be a new home now we have a number of VIPs in the dining room tonight including the stars of the Beacher's Madhouse Sun fair to give the boys the ten top likewise the girls soul spittin five the red team and five from the blue team okay good now get on your stations get set up for success let's go come on guys hi Maria si chef open Hell's Kitchen please [Music] as the dining room fills with a few special guests who know a thing or two about competition and a bevy of colorful Hollywood performers Beacher's Madhouse both kitchens are eager to impress tonight's talented crowd but so much deference idiot do this lady you got it you a blue let's get it homee John sighs John heading out on a six top table twenty two carbonara two scallops two risotto two risotto at least a solid four and a half coming back from Las Vegas this morning there's a different motivation now one minute out on the scallop you guys this is where we really need to buckle down and kill this service just to show you that we can work hard and play hard [ __ ] [ __ ] I reckon a who's got a good folks refire it yeah yep pushing it good walking risotto walking to carbonara yeah scopes status dummy chef give me 30 seconds please hurry up guys come on yes yes out we won what did you say out thing wrong what the [ __ ] that they need out in one [ __ ] now I'm so confused oh sorry chef outs in water how did one sweep me slide them all out at one time instead of you know one by one I'm like only one it's so hard to understand Chef Ramsay sometimes day before let's go full cup 752 twos also to Phillips let's go eight minute out I'm a little worried that Trevin Scott Laird still kind of going at it there's definitely a little bit of a divide but we got to keep the teamwork going during service and worry about that [ __ ] later alright about five minutes out my risotto firing scallop just make sure you get a really nice CMS I'm moving them around someone pull up Hosea Haven even cooked anything and you're like don't touch it it's hotter up there that's why he puts him up there come on chef I hear you I hear you ready to go on scallops all right walking risotto chef you looking for the other side is to see you brother Josh I don't need to hear any more she uses she spouts thank you who's cooking the scallops now as they come over here come a chef who's cooking these outside I'm on the other side make sure you have enough oil in that pan yo where's your clipboard now Trevor piping hot tank first I think I'm gonna take over I got this let me to do it I'm gonna do it I got it I'm gonna flip my lid pretty soon I swear to [ __ ] god I'm cracking my neck and I'm rolling my shoulders going I'm gonna [ __ ] stab somebody he's put them all in one pan bro I know I know you know I'm just saying you're not gonna kick me off my station nobody's getting kicked off the station Trevor no the [ __ ] you cannot you've got to leave that [ __ ] at the time clock before service go go go go scallop up looking away I get my [ __ ] scholars thrown in there who is this [ __ ] hey hey hey red team this is painful who just give me them [Music] it's only 15 minutes into service hi hi hi Red Team this is painful who just gave me them and the fish stations second attempt at scallops has left Chef Ramsay asking who took that I did sir come on Jose there you go chef deja [ __ ] sort of outs this is a joke so we going back once again it's not opening night [ __ ] off yeah it's me nothing's enough I want to get through this service right now with scallops chef spell of up [Music] please please please please very nice service please you guys awake now yes come on guys with the red team finally gaining some momentum to be - lamb is next right walking lamb first walking beef am i good yes it's up the blue team continues full speed ahead big terrio Thank You chef go please much to the delight of half of the Beacher's Madhouse table unfortunately the other half of the table is being cooked in the red kitchen 32 entree - salmon - beef wellington chef other - well it seems like how long are they coming out in one minute Jose you don't need to be putting Wellington's in the oven for Scott Lee he's got fuck-all to do right now check it out these are out now alright so these are your first place I'm going in this order right every time I pick up my [ __ ] head to look and see what the hell's going on he's ditched me for a taller more svelte looking black man hey what the hell but if you wanted to play with each other's meat that much just tell me before [ __ ] service - seven - beef yes can I walk come on go go go go go go Scott Lee salmon that's crispy this [ __ ] burn hey guys last yep [ __ ] skins but why is his skin so come on ours ha it's not even Chris is just scorched through the oil in the pan yes chef their eyes Trevor come on drop I'm taking over now okay my god Trevor has ridden this house kitchen bus before so the fact that he's struggling worries me check it out look how you see I got the Skinner all right kiss check it out now watch six minutes inside that [ __ ] all you got to do you know I don't want it to get to that point where it's too late this group of five had a great service last time I've got no idea what's going on I am a loss for words yes chef chef I need time on the sensor so overthrow the center's [ __ ] sir the Simmons [ __ ] come on y'all yes who's running the station this would be my friend Jose have you met Jose who doesn't know how to cook salmon don't you dare say we oh wait you have nothing to say Jose is running on backing him up right now chef watch your back Oh head down just make sure it's not wrong again I know they're pissing in the wind over there they're going nowhere man I mean you have some more fish to so I give me the [ __ ] salmon it's already in there's nothing you could do to fix it Sahil all right keep the countdown coming yes you have garnish for halibut ready yes I can walk it into a feeding turn okay walking garnish into there is such a good synergy right now we're talking to each other it's like a whole new world here there's like a real kitchen right now I'm walking lambdai walking halibut garnish behind walk it out of it I haven't been in a real kitchen for weeks now because we keep flailing around like idiots so feels good it feels like I'm back to work it feels like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing look at this oh come here yes hey Ritchie come here hurry up just look at that textbook Thank You chef textbook [ __ ] off with you yeah it's absolute slap to the face it's like getting curb stomped or something like not even kicked when you're down like this is the final blow I'm dragging to summon to wedding sunny how long minute-and-a-half chef three and a half I'm ready we're behind Scott Lee but I need your balance back now yeah break in the [ __ ] apartment how you looking at wedding [ __ ] is falling apart yo chef my dough from the side of the Wellington is pulling up chef good done my pastry Bret okay so totally have to slice a [ __ ] wedding time salutely chef I don't get it I don't get it it was probably well let the nice do to work it's a serrated knife one two three you're through the Wellington it's glorious as the word all use I'm begging dying for a - beef wellington - salmon come on man please I need proteins that's it well ease wellies right now don't let the nice do the work right hey red team clear well it's a beauty coat III Kurtz except that's from the [ __ ] blue team Karthik look at the [ __ ] difference that's perfection on a plate that's undercooked and it's just sabotage beside I've got no idea what's going on I am lost for words it's one hour into dinner service hi red team clear well it's some deeply cooked except that's from the blue team and Scott leaves mangling of the Wellington's is another critical mistake in a red kitchen that has been riddled with errors all night I'm just trying to show you perfection on a plate that's undercooked and it's just sabotage to the side look at the [ __ ] difference come on guys don't do it again seriously one two three four five six tables that they rotate the Hollywood but I got one appetito run it yes now yes we forgot service please John I'm down to my last [ __ ] table here now are these girls ladies Oh for you well done thank you right now come here yeah chef what the [ __ ] is warning stop let me bring you some help ladies what a nice station right now right now you want to work fish get with him dude it's I'm over here then let me help you don't get defensive this it's not my father you're [ __ ] up to seven to be let's go yeah sure what do you need they have to mr. Simon if something is like not [ __ ] cooking I need that one so now the chef Christina come in all seven I got the sauce right here just make sure that's done in the middle this time welcome to the pass chef Sam this mr. grow young Academy I can't hi amen the salmon still [ __ ] raw the salmon is still raw put the ladle down you stand up straight red team get out oh my god get out red team is completely out stood from the kitchen I'm done yes chef he nuts enough hold your heads in [ __ ] shame hey red team maybe you can do one thing together come up with two names they could do without to make your team [ __ ] shine let's share this [ __ ] guys get on this station it's settled in the states you look sure you have everything you need next is two lobster two halibut two chicken two laughter two halibut two chicken all right I'm sending the chicken I got a big mess to pick up all right halibuts ready get him nice and hot I know his heart keep it going behind I apologize for the long delay Hey ladies well done you didn't just pick up the stack of the red team he did two-thirds of their tables [Music] I gotta go with Jose and Scott Lee or Trevor and Scott Lee I'm going Trevon Scott Lee won from me aren't from fish the first two Salmons that was supposed to go up I mean the first two salmon yeah I cooked it but everything that Jose touched on [ __ ] fish tonight came back wrong tonight Jose wanted to be at me me me I know how to cook fish me me me I want to be to lead now me me me I'm gonna kick you off your station you you you [ __ ] up big time buddy Scott leagues those Wellington's were [ __ ] too there's no reason for me to leave garnish in the middle of service her beef yes Jordan was just missed cut your salmon was [ __ ] up we pulled him out because you weren't ready no that was not all me those were pulled out because in a welly and they said get the [ __ ] out of here no that was not on me Trevor never wants to take any responsibility for anything he's like only trying to cover his own ass they were paired with the meat station I gots it back right yeah [ __ ] excuses right all right I'm not damn ladies that's was the service that I've been waiting for great job red team they fed more red diners than you what the [ __ ] is going on Jose there's just like a bad vibe right now with okay thank you since about 5:00 so you don't like each other some of us do not like each other speak up feel like Trevor's bringing the team down chef I don't feel like that at all I'm running around trying to fill in any voids that's why he does the best hey I wasn't boiling [ __ ] eggs in the middle of a punishment making yourself a snack Oh Oh get on the [ __ ] deck eating white castle's while we're all cutting [ __ ] I cut more than you I don't give a [ __ ] how much it's a punishment what are you doing making look I was wondering slacks I cut more than you I don't give a [ __ ] how much punishment what are you doing making lunch I wonder make it relax that's the bad vibe that you see right there chef Brett red team's first nomination and why Scott Lee Chef Scott Lee you just witnessed some of it right there and based on tonight's performance with the Wellington's horrible red team's second nomination and why that would be Trevor chef based on tonight's performance fish broke down you want to take the lead we just didn't get off to a good start and there was also a third consideration chef yep come on give it to me that was Jose holding up to the horrible performance on the fish station chef rice you know I understand that Trevor Scott Lee and Jose stepped forward Scott Lee why should you stay over Jose and Trevor I'm not giving up I'm not bowing down I can man up to my mistakes I know that I could bounce back you put me back on that station tomorrow I'd duel with perfection how's that you same question I'm ambitious I'm driven I'm here for the main reason to be the Executive Chef of Hell's Kitchen and I want to stay chef I'm here to continue to push and continue to grow Trevor [ __ ] going on with the clipboards clipboard my ass it's a notebook I'm not a clipboard chef but you needed me to find my voice last time I have my voice you need somebody to be a leader for these teams I am my decision is [Music] back in line a chef [Music] Scott Lee come here young man you came in here all guns blazing claim with a big bad wolf it started off bloody strong but tonight you were like a lost lamb yeah sure give me a jacket place Thank You chef good nice good luck Trevor isn't a [ __ ] he is the weakest link that Reb team is gonna fall apart now then I'm gone Trevor baby girl good luck you thought that was a disaster get a grip yes chef I felt personally embarrassed today in the kitchen so it was time to become that monster I feel like that I was in season 14 y'all ain't gonna like it but it's gonna get us through these [ __ ] dinner services the red team is completely breaking down out there so consumed right now by their own hate for each other that they're just not coming together they're not getting it there's no room for Scott Lee's negativity in this competition or this industry at all whatsoever I've been busting my ass trying to be a leader on my team for chrissake I want this [ __ ] job more than anything I really hope that Scott Lee would be the big bad wolf for my restaurant in Las Vegas but after his performance tonight I could not let him in not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin next time on Hell's Kitchen chasing from the women goes too far barest Wilmore Thomas from his own seat Trevor's [ __ ] it all up Trevor over the edge I'm sick of it I really asked and on a special charity night enjoy give it a good luck you can see thank you will one team serve up something so foul oh it looks like a giant scab it shuts Hell's Kitchen down for good this is terrible it's all next week on an alarming episode Oh y'all from Hell's Kitchen [Music] you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 742,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise;ITV;Reality TV;Cooking;Restaurant;Celebrity chef;Gordon Ramsay;Roast;Competition
Id: Q_xZEJskDL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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