Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 11, Episode 20 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen Chef Ramsay tested the chef's creativity by having them work with an all-american classic straight your own gourmet burger jean-philippe was tasked with inviting a large esteemed group of judges maitre d's general managers and some buddies Susan's burger misfired and she finished in last place while John and his Roman burger conquered all I win hands down at dinner service Chef Ramsay made room for a special guest at the chef's table Antonius about as junior joinings the chef said we wake up everybody the final five got off to a good start but they couldn't maintain that jet I grit now Janelle stumbled with her risotto Mary had a number of miscues with the sliders baby concentrates don't forget the pate in between the [ __ ] POG dreadful but when Susan started firing on tray too early fYI Dumbo wedding sent the appetizers she's with Chef Ramsay reached his breaking point hey go you [ __ ] run it then off you go this is a [ __ ] job after the chefs performed so well in the previous service Chef Ramsay was truly disappointed nominate two of the weakest individuals when it came time to nominate everyone fought for their right to remain in Hell's Kitchen the first nominee was arrived at easily married but the second was a bit more complicated we're actually split between Janelle and myself so Chef Ramsay put all three on the chopping block Mary Susan Janelle step forward please and in the end it was Susan who lost her dream of becoming head chef of Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen get out of it I'm here for the fight of my life I've always been here for the fight of my life and I have so much left to give we're down to the final four I'm not gonna show fear I'm gonna communicate like I'm gonna work hard I haven't had a service like that in forever yeah and I'm glad that I'm still here it sucks that you voted me up but I understand why like I can't deny that I didn't do a bad job tonight but I'm not the weakest chef oh my god please Mary please shut the hell up and if he asked everybody up there who do you think the weakest chef is nobody would have said me I would have said Suzanne except for Cyndi she would have made me said me Mary definitely showed her weaknesses tonight and she's the weakest chef tomorrow chill either sink or swim and I have a good feeling she's probably gonna sing marry Cindy Janelle and John have outlasted 16 other chefs to become the Final Four Wow morning but there's still one piece of their culinary picture that Chef Ramsay morning chef morning chef wants to see you know as chefs we have the ability to put things together each dish has many components so it's like a puzzle right so that's what this morning's competition is all about here are your boards and here are the pieces of the puzzle seriously a puzzle the last time I did a puzzle was it actually wasn't that too long ago now I'm gonna divide you into two teams Cindy and Janel one team Mary and Jon team number two have a feeling this isn't gonna be the real challenge but whatever is gonna happen I'm ready for it ma'am bring it the [ __ ] on the first team is complete their puzzle wins everybody ready on your mark get set go good luck first thing I usually do is find the edge well [ __ ] man the way these things are cut these could be anywhere come on Mary top left Janel filling the top left and you'll be fine look at that garnish Janel this is a freaking team challenge seriously like work with me eart look at the slicing of the protein this is the bottom looking nice John there we go there we go you got it this is harder than it looks that's it there you go Cindy oh yeah mary-john just so the winner of the puzzle challenge is Mary and John good job Thank You chef really good job now here's what you want nothing okay seriously look at this beautiful dish now you have to really figure out what protein is it's which ingredients did I use because your next challenge is taste it now make it all of you I'm gonna have 30 minutes to taste the dish and replicate it whoever comes closest to recreated my dish wins the challenge and your 30 minutes starts now in this difficult Hell's Kitchen classic challenge the Final Four using only their senses of sight taste and smell taste taste taste must identify the ingredients of Chef Ramsay's dish and recreate it in just 30 minutes you can refer to the plate as many times as possible if you want to win this challenge you have to have a strategy I don't want to kill my palate with whole spices and flavors I try to go with the milder things and go for the meat at the end 30 seconds go while it's important to figure out all of the dishes ingredients it's especially critical that the chefs identified the correct protein Mary you should know this one rice yes especially the protein yes with different cuts of meat I think I definitely have an advantage in this competition today this cut it's definitely not venison it's like a deep breath there's hardly any fat to it I'm thinking it's probably bison good well done Cindy I'm cooking one venison and one Buffalo I've never had Buffalo before I'm just gonna cook it off and I'll taste it at the end ninety-five percent sure it's medicine Cindy and Janelle are going with venison while mary has chosen bison John is going in another direction I'm absolutely positive it's beef make sure you give yourselves options right chef keeps saying give yourself options but I know not to stop myself for my gut instinct I'm going with beef filet man I'm confident that's what it is although the chefs have conflicting opinions when it comes to the protein they all believe that the puree is butternut squash but Janel and Cyndi are struggling to figure out the diced vegetable cook slice taste the other root vegetable is turnip its parsnip or its celery root I'm not really sure which one it is but I'm gonna go parsnip [Music] it definitely looks like a turnip it tastes like it's hurt up it's got to be a turnip ten minutes to go come on ten minutes to go I'm reducing the dish and it quick it's definitely Lance eight minutes from now you've got to start plating okay I'm hoping that it gets done in time last minute here we go marry even from here it looks wrong I know chef Anastacia thirty Seconds to go it looks bad but I'm gonna put up my undercooked lamb on that plate because at least it's correct three two one okay let's start off with Mario's okay what is it I did a seared lamb fillet my lamb is totally undercooked but I think I have enough of my ingredients right that I could win next please I went with the venison filet chef in the puree butternut squash with coriander it's hard when you don't get a lot of feedback not a smile not a frown just a [ __ ] how am I supposed to work off that chef I did a venison filet as well interesting another venison the plate could have been a lot tidier but I'm pretty confident and hoping that I got it right okay don't please chef I went with the beef mmm filet for the protein I was rubbed with coriander cumin salt pepper come on chef give me something is it even close did I get anything right thank you Chef Ramsay has now tasted all the dishes but the only dishes which will remain in contention are those that have the most important component correct first of all you can't win this challenge we didn't get the protein right two of you had venison Janel and Cyndi Mary you had the lamb John you had the beef Michelle Mary it is definitely not lamb I thought you we're gonna nail the protein sorry chef I should have done better I agree you will not be winning this challenge John you were the only one with beef cooked beautifully tasty great John you have the wrong protein yes chef both you've got venison well done both it was cooked beautifully really well done with the field now narrowed to Cindy and Janel the winner will be determined by who correctly identified the key remaining ingredients all of you at butternut squash puree right you are all wrong it's camp joy care Wow one of you has turnips Cindy and Janelle you have passed this chef this is what's going to decide with the winner of this challenge is it turn it or is it past them the winner of this challenge is the chef that gave me turn it Cindy Blanca Oh Jenelle you know tough cool okay so close again by [ __ ] Cindy well done I think you have an extraordinary palate thank you because of that I have a very special day for you first off you're going on a shopping spree to sell a tab oh you have a budget of $1,000 okay that's not all after that I'll be escorting you to a restaurant I'm really excited about the fat cow that's my latest in Los Angeles Oh spend some valuable time one-on-one looking forward to it likewise Wow go get change my darling well done when you started there were 20 chefs living in those dorms now we're just down to a few of you today in Hell's Kitchen isn't moving day mm-hmm the three of you will head up to the dorms all out the dressers extra mattresses and load them all onto the moving truck off you go just you know I freaking passed that beat you moving oh my god this reward is the reward of all rewards so one-on-one time with Chef I'm beside myself oh my god it's gonna be insane I was sure that [ __ ] wasn't [ __ ] venison to [ __ ] turn it I hate moving hate moving humiliated like it's embarrassing while the losers prepare to spend their day doing some heavy lifting thousand dollars Cindy prepares to spend her day the heck am I gonna get with a thousand dollars spending a little boss kefir thank you yeah golden privates plastic ask oh absolutely I'm ready to blow this paper on anything and everything let's go shopping man there's so much stuff oh man I would probably just say like like two of them really the first thing that came to my mind was buying my mom with Herc mixer that she's wanted for years my mom deserves to have something like that and I'm gonna give it to her oh this is so crazy I've never had so many choices swipe the black card I can't believe it while Cindy discovers how good it feels to spend someone else's money back in the dorms what is that thing it's like mildewed or something the losers are discovering how bad it is to clean up someone else's mess smells like farts I don't know who's been living in these rooms the past couple of weeks but it's pretty disgusting filthy in the curls room there's a thong like rolled up in the corner and I'm like sound like a plastic bag that Donna came in cuz I ain't touching these things on my bare hands the dorm is absolutely destroyed hoodoos an egg salad sandwich just [ __ ] everywhere dude it's horrendous appetites may be spoiled in the dorms but at the fat cow Chef Ramsay's newest restaurant in Los Angeles Cindy is ready to enjoy a private lunch with Chef Ramsay a smoked salmon I definitely the luckiest girl in the world oh my god I mean I'm sitting with Chef Ramsay two feet away from me talking eating some amazing food oh so good what more do you need to see for me there's one thing I could advise it's just step out your comfort zone don't be scared to be vocal you've got it you know you know how to cook I'm more importantly have a very very very good palate I know that I haven't been as vocal as I really wanted to be if that's what I need to do to take it to the next level for him then that's definitely what I'm gonna give him tonight in dinner service um for them lifting the beds King outdoors oh yeah - the packs packs [Music] okay yeah it's great when I've got me and - yeah not very strong girls trying to move mattresses and all kinds of [ __ ] down out to the front - a moving truck this is so stupid to be in freakin he-man yeah John you really [ __ ] carry those manual in this [ __ ] all [ __ ] day you know we got a good [ __ ] service tonight I just want to lay down and eat some pizza drink a beer this is Janelle time ago but you know this is Hell's Kitchen so it's kill yourself and kill yourself some more my hands are all scratched up from moving huh just a little tire I got a [ __ ] wicked headache heavy marscapone huh okay this looks good hello busy worker bees what's up awesome seeing Cindy come through the kitchen with her shopping bag it's like yeah I'm happy for you but Janelle Jon and I are super tired right now Cindy needs to help us here awesome all right we'll be back down to the minute goes all right despite an exhausting day of moving prepping and shopping rice the final four chefs have no time to rest wow what an afternoon as Chef Ramsay has one more hurdle for them to jump tonight will be the biggest test so far in this competition of your leadership qualities as each of you will have an opportunity to run the pass I want to see how you lead the kitchen I'll be watching everything and tonight is your moment to take charge I know you can all cook but prove to me you can all lead there's four of you now and after tonight's service they'll only be two [Music] good luck guys thank you killing your stations set them up let's go two people are going home tonight we have to run the past like this is insane JP open Hell's Kitchen please let's go Dores scalps again keeping your best timing synchronization more than ever before right each chefs leadership abilities will be tested time to shine yes and Chef Ramsay is also looking to see who can run the kitchen while maintaining the highest of standards okay guys here we are we're starting to go those empathizers rolling then I'll ask one of you to hit the hot plate okay yes on order two risotto two scallops entree two lamb two Wellington tonight is a really important night so I so Cindy can step it up today and really get us off to a good start scallops working on a full cup at 7:15 two risotto two scallops yes another twos up one finding there's still a lot of risottos and I had like four or five pans working at once tell me when was the last time you saw somebody do that that's what I love to say that multitasking affords off his working at once yes good job city good job come on thank you let's go [Music] very nice that risotto Thank You chef damn chef I deserve to make it to the final two my sixth row risotto crews Cindy delicious absolutely no structure Thank You Chef Ramsay I'm here on that Cyndi's perfect risottos have the kitchen off to a strong start right Cindy oh please and now it's time for Chef Ramsay to see if her leadership skills can match her cooking look at the ticket read three of mine first to 44 hours yes chef good luck let's go guys I was definitely born to lead tonight I'm gonna be a strong vocal leader very loud assertive I'm gonna be on point man all right guys two tickets in three risotto one scallop [Music] to make me trip you ma'am are running the kitchen if you don't talk about your up in the dorm you are the chef okay I want those tickets ran out again I don't want some attention boss let's go yes to two tops going with them at the same time three risottos one scallop chef hey about four four minutes Cindy is starting to find her voice four minutes but there's another test she must pass for tonight's dinner service sous chef Andi will be filling in the gaps in the kitchen but Chef Ramsay will also be using her to test the shafts quality control sous chef Andi has prepared the risotto using crab instead of lobster I got this [ __ ] I mean I got this [ __ ] on walk a blue box here right stop you're doing concrete taste that was also on the menu what is it it's must be lobster crab last line of defense absolutely chef come on chef Andi I need a redo on those three risottos you gave me crabs not lobster how the hell did I not taste crab in there and not the lobster I didn't even pick that up despite failing her quality control test go please Cyndi pushes forward sending out appetizers to the diners good job welcome Thank You chef Mike sabotage this guy and her time at the pass would be best summed up as good but not great so now hot plate tickets in let's go now it's Janelle's turn to prove that she can run Chef Ramsay's Kitchen [Music] no one's talking to each other and I can definitely see the dysfunction that's going on in the kitchen two risotto two capellini how long two minutes chef I got to start commanding the attention in the respect from my fellow chefs here perfect risotto two capellini show thank you come on Janel please find your voice I'm gonna pull this [ __ ] together and show Chef Ramsay that I deserve to be here [Music] Cindy can I have a little bit of salt please it's a little under yes ma'am are you come here come to shadow two friends of the chart that need more seasonings come on Cindy send me good food you're making me look bad right now that's the second pan yes he brought up that needs more seasoning chef come here you yes first five tables for me it was perfect no it's for hers under seasons I'm just like in the middle of a [ __ ] storm it's a sabotage if I can't run this pass I could be going home second pine plant yeah sure it's funny that this is a bad I can't believe Cindy's doing this to eat I need to turn this dinner service around and show Chef Ramsay that I could be the leader and I can run this kitchen how long to risotto chef two risottos thank you perfect yard please incredible Jenelle has proven that she can be an assertive demanding leader but sous chef Andi is about to test her quality control by giving her the wrong fish plate in the halibut and I can see a mile away something's not right chef Andi is trying to be sneaky but where the [ __ ] did caught even come from that's not even on the menu wow man Jenelle's doing a great job at the pass let's go so is pleased with Jenelle in charge the correct fish now makes it to a grateful diner and two more tables of appetizers and entrees go out to the dining room time out in all plate right John let's go now it's John's opportunity to prove that he can not only cook but also lead to choices you run your team or the team runs here yes yeah okay what are in listen up six top two bass two lamb two Wellington one no pork Thank You Vox women secure run me through the ingredients in the winning game over JP John you know we can't special order a no pork in the Wellington they're already pre rolled you want us to what break one open and take out the pursuit are you serious Wellington yes prosciutto wrapped inside of it we can't take the pork out of it how can we unwrap it look at me you have to thank your mistake yeah sure come on with John failing to spot the mistake on the ticket he now must take advantage of every minute he has at the pass to prove he can lead ok the last ticket that came in one lamb two Wellington entrees she's slicing right now everything we do we should be communicating let's go right now we don't know what's going on like what are we fired on how long like we need a leader walking lamb walking Wellington lemons walk now he lost control and you got raw lamb [ __ ] garnish and is happening right now you're letting it because they're for section doing what they want to do this is not how I want my [ __ ] to go right now this is not how I run kitchens Janel Mary come here come here [ __ ] look at that you just tell me that let's do that's to roll you know that [ __ ] get it fix it - it was too salty fix that I am NOT gonna let the team run me and I'm trying to do everything I can to run this team service please we're dragging one lamp go the two Wellington how long on that lamp Janelle I'm dying up here hey all of you come here there's harmony in the kitchen at functions to perfection here is just flat I've got no idea what you're doing what you're doing what you're doing five four three two one yes yes ma'am - no are you looking [Music] that's much better service please Thank You Janelle for picking that up yes chef although John has had an issue or two at the pass he has maintained the high standards of Hell's Kitchen and entrees continue to make their way to the dining room now sous chef Andy will test his quality control by replacing the scallops with butter fish I started off you know there was a few rough bumps but now I feel like I've got the kitchen running in the right direction there we go there we go [Music] happy with that yes I'm sure stop oh my god I mean they look good that's nice oh it tastes that taste what takes the scope are you kidding me it's not even a scholar alright it's a fish get us right laughs line up the failure of salute what sergeant damn this is one of those curveballs I should have squished one in my hand I would have fell right apart Cyrus please John fish station married come here now it's time for the last of the final four to take her turn at the pass it marries high-pitched squeaky voice ever served her a purpose it's right now because I can hear her over all the other chaos John I am writing on scallops [Music] yes one second I'm really enjoying seeing this you know empowered side of Mary but she's also being a little tyrant up there 30 seconds on that refire risotto hard good chef Andi I'm going to show you that I'm the leader you're looking for that I have what it takes Skiles walking I'm walking risotto to the window no chef who's not a chef thank you Mary has been very impressive and very assertive in her short time at the past but now sous-chef Andy is ready to test her quality control sending up a Wellington stuffed with lamb instead of beef that's good to wedding son thank you thank you I wasn't quite sure Mary in the beginning but now she's a great competitor mary has arrived she's grown some huge balls Mary let's go minutes I did the best job I totally redeemed myself well done good job with Mary driving the brigade hard the kitchen sends out their final entrees go please and completes dinner service on a positive note but with two chefs going home tonight no one is in the mood to celebrate right now I've got a lot of thinking to do about who actually gets into the final I'd like all of you have to do a lot of thinking as well I need to know why you deserve to be in the final think carefully clear yes hurry up off you go do this [ __ ] was hard tonight yeah what's hard I think a couple of people are gonna be a little bit delusional on how good or how bad they did on the past tonight but you know I know I deserve to be in the final two I guess everyone's gonna say that they deserve to be there I don't think anyone had a perfect service but I don't think anyone was just a shoo-in to get pieced out I'll be really honest tonight Jenna I feel like you really [ __ ] me you were going down on meat and that's [ __ ] me up like big-time I've always thought Janelle was a number one contender but today man I'm like Oh you know how I felt about you the last time as far as like the under pressure and the you know not quite rising up and it seemed like the same thing happened tonight everyone tonight had something under seasoned everyone tonight had stuff sent back everybody has this tunnel vision because they're just trying to get rid of me I had one undercooked lamb everything else off the station was fine like I made one or two mistakes and I need to go home but I have proven that I have a stronger chef than them I deserve to be in the final two you know if if that's what everyone thinks that's that's that's fine I just disagree hopefully Chef Ramsay sees it our way and sons Janelle packing well two people are going home I hope it's not me it's not me [Music] okay Cindy yeah sure why do you think you deserve a place in the final chef I've been a competitor since I've walked into Hell's Kitchen and I really think that I deserve to be in the final two because of the progression that I've made I mean you turned up the pressure raised the bar I met the bar and I think that because of that you know the higher you raised it the higher I'm gonna go John in Vegas if I'm your executive chef it's gonna be the most competitive place in the world and you cannot stop pushing forward the more you push me the more it drives me to do better Mary why'd you deserve to be in the final I'm creative I feel like I have progressed I feel like I'm a leader I feel like I would make a great executive chef for your restaurant and I'm eager and willing to learn whatever it is that you would want for your new restaurant chef to know I'm strong I'm passionate I think I'm talented I'm creative I've got a great palate and I'm never satisfied with what I do I always know that I can be better and I'm gonna fight to be better better than I was yesterday better than I was the day before tomorrow I'll be better than I was today all of you listen very carefully never before in the history of Hell's Kitchen have I had such a difficult time deciding who are the final two and I've now made my decision first person not moving on to the final is [Music] Sindhi step forward my darling listen your attitude is fantastic your palate is amazing but I just don't think that you are ready to lead what I've got waiting for one of you in Vegas you're born to cook Thank You chef don't forget that Oh Jeff thank you it's that place hey chef Janet thank you thank you thanks guys it's great I really came into the competition with a lack of confidence ensure that the day I walk out that door my heart is pumping be confident don't worry chicken step congratulations good job no I got eat up and knock down I didn't give up Cindy very [ __ ] bounces off the [ __ ] wall I didn't falter under pressure I was able to rise above and give everything my whole heart my old soul well this is delicious thank you service great speed is your friend the winner of this challenge Cindy well done Congrats I know that I gave everything that I had throughout this competition I came here not knowing if I was a chef and I'm leaving here knowing that I'm absolutely a chef now it's time to hear who's moving on to the final with a chance of becoming my head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at the most amazing spot at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas the first person moving on to the final is congratulations Mary [Music] like me in the final two of Hell's Kitchen marry one of the strongest individuals in this competition and someone that has just absolutely taken off and you know what when I first met you I didn't think you're gonna last three for dinner services but the growth and the talent you converted me to a believer well done Sean Jenelle there's only one more spot the person joining marry in the final of Hell's Kitchen [Music] is [Music] next time on Hell's Kitchen the waiting is finally over study one more spots as John and Janelle but really Janelle from the [ __ ] on Duke it out to see who will face off against Mary the butcher from Massachusetts person in the final Hell's Kitchen is [Music] in the most crash we are leaving for Las Vegas ranching and spectacular please welcome to the stage Hell's Kitchen finale ever you'll be stating your teammates live in front of our audience baby who will battle Mary for a shot at their dream job and a salary of a quarter of a million dollars who's gonna win will it be John the chef de cuisine from Pennsylvania only the last chef standing or will it be Janel the executive chef from Texas next time on the finale of Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 186,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: tKN_D2KRplo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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