Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 20, Episode 10 - More Than a... - Full Episode

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[DRAMATIC MUSIC] NARRATOR: Previously on "Hell's Kitchen, Young Guns," Chef Ramsay tested the chefs in a challenge where they had to think fast on their feet. Are you ready to play Spells Kitchen? Yes, Chef. NARRATOR: First, they had to decipher ingredients. Rutabaga. Arugula? NARRATOR: Then they had to use those ingredients to make dishes that would deliver in presentation and flavor. That looks like a pile of shit. NARRATOR: Unfortunately, the red team delivered a team dish that Chef Ramsay simply couldn't swallow. [INAUDIBLE] NARRATOR: On the other hand, the blue team delivered a team dish that hit the target. That is absolute bliss. NARRATOR: And every member of the blue team scored a point with their individual dish. Six for six. Red team, you were nominated. NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay closed Hell's Kitchen to host two very special charities. We are extremely honored to be hosting the Stand Together Foundation. NARRATOR: And. GORDON RAMSAY: Keep Memory Alive. NARRATOR: Each chef was in charge of one of five courses. Kiya-- KIYA: Don't start skimping on the pasta. NARRATOR: --and Emily-- Start the plating now. NARRATOR: --did a masterful job supervising their respective courses. I'm going to pick up on plating for you. NARRATOR: While Josie-- Back in the oven. Let's drop the snapper. NARRATOR: --and Victoria-- GORDON RAMSAY: It is raw. NARRATOR: --wilted under the pressure. It was far from a perfect night. The losing team is the blue team and the red team. NARRATOR: On the red team, Josie tried to defend her spot on the team. I'm not going up there tonight. NARRATOR: But her team chose to ignore her. It's Josie, Chef. NARRATOR: The blue team nominated-- Megan. NARRATOR: --and. Victoria. NARRATOR: In the end-- Victoria. NARRATOR: --Chef Ramsay said goodbye to Victoria, ending her dream of becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris, Las Vegas. And now, the continuation of "Hell's Kitchen, Young Guns." Now get out of here. Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. And come back strong. Yes, Chef. All of you. What was his last comment? The red team is kind of in a weird place right now. They hold some sort of weird shit against me, and that's fine. If they want to have some weird fucking attitude, that's a reflection on that them. It's going to be interesting moving forward. Drama's going to be staying here for a while. Knew you weren't going home. We need to get Josie out of here. We need to squash whatever fucking drama this is. There's no drama coming from my end. She put me up there, and I'm still here. Brynn is being such a bitch. I can't take it. I don't know how you're so calm. She should be out here with us. She's inside with Emily. When it comes to like this high school drama shit, I don't play that. If someone's feeling excluded from a team and your team's outside, come and talk to your team. Simple as that. No, my team hates me. Bring it on. I love that about you. [THEME MUSIC] [MUSIC PLAYING] Let's go. Welcome to Hell's Kitchen cinema. CONTESTANT: Oh, boy. GORDON RAMSAY: Take a seat, please. Oh no. GORDON RAMSAY: It's movie time. I hate movie dates. You literally can't even talk to the person that you brought, so it's kind of just like, oh, this is great. I don't know you, and I still don't know you two hours after this movie. Right, how are we feeling? Great, Chef. Great, Chef. - Josie, why are you over there? - Huh? ANTONIO: Why are you over there? Josie, you are in the red team. Thank you. Wow, can't defect now, young lady. I want to sit next to Emily. Emily and I have a strong personal relationship. She's this bubbly person that I just absolutely love. As you can see, we've transformed Hell's Kitchen restaurant into a classic movie theater. Think back to the beginning when you first stepped through that incredible Hell's Kitchen museum and we promised to show you a documentary. [APPLAUSE] So is this going to be a real movie, or is there another fucking audience back there? Because if there is, just let me know now because I'm not going to fall for the same shit twice. Sit back, recline, and enjoy the popcorn. Let's go. Ooh, sorry. NARRATOR: For the last 19 seasons, there is only one challenge that comes back-- Oh my gosh. NARRATOR: --year after year. Blind taste test. 20th edition. And it's happening right now. [CHEERING] The blind taste challenge, and I am so pumped. And I hope to impress Chef Ramsay. Welcome to the 20th edition of the blind taste test. Each of you are about to taste four different ingredients that will test your palate. When it's your turn, you'll be wearing blindfolds and noise-canceling headphones so that you can only rely on your palate. Whilst each one of you is tasting, one of your teammates will be sat over there. But they'll not be eating movie snacks. They'll be doused by the movie snacks. Understood? Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: The team that correctly identifies the most ingredients after five rounds wins the challenge. First is the amazing Antonio versus Steven. Let's go. [APPLAUSE] IN the chair is Sam and Megan. Take a seat, please. Let's go. Come on, Steve. NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay brings back the blind taste test every year to put the chef's palates to the test. Antonio! Steve! NARRATOR: Each chef will taste four ingredients without being able to see or hear anything. OK. NARRATOR: If they get two ingredients wrong, a movie snack will be dumped on their teammates. Oh, holy cats. NARRATOR: If they continue to get more wrong, their teammate will get drenched with additional movie snacks. Let's start off with something simple. Cauliflower. Open up. Choo choo. [LAUGHTER] STEVEN: I know this flavor is familiar, but I just can't really put my finger on it. Celery? Oh shit. Cauliflower. STEVEN: Damn it Well, I hope Megan's bracing herself because that's one strike. And if I get another one, she's about to get caramel. Oh, chef. GORDON RAMSAY: And Antonio. Corn, Chef. Fuck. Not corn, Antonio. GORDON RAMSAY: Cauliflower. Haricot verts. Antonio, this is it. SAM: I am quite nervous sitting here. I really do not want to have anything dumped on me. Antonio better get this right. Bell peppers, Chef? Bell pepper. Fuck me. I really don't even know how to embrace for this. Christina, pour away. Where's the popcorn? [LAUGHTER] Oh my god Steve, here we go. Green bean? Megan, you are saved. Correct. Chicken. It's a chicken. I feel like this is an easy one. Steve, don't mess this up. Turkey. Turkey, Chef. MEGAN: No! Turkey. Oh no. BRYNN: Oh, Meg! GORDON RAMSAY: Anybody in the mood for some nacho cheese? Right on her bun. GORDON RAMSAY: Where's the chips? SAM: All the cheese and the caramel just running straight to my crotch. It's great. GORDON RAMSAY: One nil for the blue team. One more. Here we go. Sweet potato. ANTONIO: Sweet potato, Chef. That is correct. Carrot, Chef? No. Nacho. Oh, the noise. MEGAN: I can't say that I have ever had caramel or nacho cheese dumped on me. I feel disgusting. Jason, where are the chips? Headset off. Blindfold off. Look what you did to your team. STEVEN: Oh my. - That was hard. Hard? So sorry, Megs. Oh my Lord. STEVEN: I am so sorry. BRYNN: I would hate to be Sam at this point. You can hear him walk. That's-- ooh, it's so uncomfortable. It just makes me antsy thinking about it. Would you like a bite? NARRATOR: With both teams tied at one, Kiya and Trenton step up to taste as Antonio and Steve take their positions in the booths. New York strip. I'll take steak. Come on, guy. Turkey, Chef. Steak. Chicken. Oh god. Uh, wrong. You got one more chance before I get angry. Pistachio. Let's go nuts. Pistachio, Chef? Pistachio. Great job, friend. All right, now keep up the good work. GORDON RAMSAY: Spinach. This tastes like fucking nothing. Cheese? What? Mushroom. That's not mushroom. Oh my god. Here it comes. NARRATOR: It's the second round of the blind taste test challenge Young Guns edition. Cheese? What? Mushroom? That's not mushroom. Oh my god. NARRATOR: And Kiya and Trenton have gone 1 for 3 in identifying ingredients. Here it comes. NARRATOR: So Antonio and Steve both suffer the consequences-- Let's go. NARRATOR: --getting covered in caramel and popcorn. - Ooh. - Oh, that's heavy. Oh yeah. GORDON RAMSAY: Where's the popcorn? It tastes good. I'll give you that. Cabbage. Green beans. Oh no. Come on, Kiya. Antonio, stop that. STEVEN: Did you try to run? No, I tried to put it to the back so it didn't get in my face. Please get this done. I deserve it. Green bean. Oh my lord. Oh, Steve. Steve's taking it like a champ. I hate the sound. I hate that sound. Look what you did. Oh man. - I'm sorry, man. - Sorry. Guys. A tie, guys. It's two, two. NARRATOR: It's now Brynn and Megan's chance to test their palates with Kiya and Trenton in the booths. Ooh, it's cold. TRENTON: Oh my god. GORDON RAMSAY: Right, let's start off with something easy. Salmon. Salmon, Chef? Correct. Salmon? Yep. Let's get exotic. Mango. Brynn will get it. I believe. Plum, Chef? Mango? Yes! Let's go for turnip. Overcooked carrot, Chef? Here we go. GORDON RAMSAY: Here we go. KIYA: Oh, it's heavy! What the fuck. GORDON RAMSAY: And the popcorn. Smart move with the sun visor, by the way. KIYA: So back home there's a ton of farms. And when it rains, you're not supposed to go floating because the cow shit gets in the creek. All down my back! And that's what this feels like right now, when you just floated in a nice fresh cow shit creek. Barley? GORDON RAMSAY: Barley? Mozzarella. Mm. Mm. Mozzarella? Mozzarella? - Love you. - Well done. Headsets off. Megan, well done. Thank you, Chef. NARRATOR: In the third round, Megan correctly identifies an impressive three out of four ingredients. Thank you, Megan. NARRATOR: To put the blue team up by one. TRENTON: Thank you so much. I'm so sorry. I am out of here completely clean. It feels so, so good. Oh, you retouched me. GORDON RAMSAY: Megan, you are back in the chair, young lady. Ugh. GORDON RAMSAY: Sorry. - Chef! I know. Come on, Josie. JOSIE: During this challenge, I just want to outshine my team because they have been treating me like shit. GORDON RAMSAY: Come on, Emily. Let's go. The battle of the vegetarians. Beets. Here we go. Come on. Beets, Chef. Correct. Parsnip? Oh no. Fuck. OK. Pineapple. Um, I've eaten this a million times. GORDON RAMSAY: Come on. If you've eaten it a million times, girl. I'm going to say jelly, Chef? It's not right. Jelly? What is a jelly? KIYA: Josie, you are a vegan. Like you should know fruits and vegetables. Where the fuck did you pull jelly from? Out your ass? Pineapple. Oh, fuck me. Pineapple, Chef. Well done. Six five, blue. Come on, Em. GORDON RAMSAY: This is very close. Asparagus. Mm. Vegetarian's dream. Is that a radish, Chef? A radish? Oh no. Oh no. Oh my god. GORDON RAMSAY: That's heavy. Sorry. GORDON RAMSAY: Oh boy. Asparagus? Oh my god. Well done. Right, let's round off with something simple. Potato. Come on. Red skin or a russet potato, Chef. Brilliant. Well done. Potato. Well done. Headsets off. Thank you. GORDON RAMSAY: Well done. So blue team, decide who's going please for the fifth time. TRENTON: Megan, want to go again? MEGAN: Do you want me to? - We got three. MEGAN: OK. GORDON RAMSAY: Wow, smart. Right, and Sam, let's go, young man. Blindfolds on please. Last round. Let's start off with something easy. Carrots. Come on. Eight to the blue, six to the red. Peas. Wrong. Carrots. Radish? Oh no. Wrong. Carrot. Fuck. GORDON RAMSAY: Come on, guys. Right, next is peas. Come on. Peas, Chef? Yes! Yes. NARRATOR: With the blue team now up by three-- GORDON RAMSAY: Red team, you need this. You cannot afford to get one wrong. NARRATOR: --Sam has to get the next ingredient correct to keep the red team in the game. Sam, I know it's hard, but we need this to win today. Focus, Sam. Fucking focus. GORDON RAMSAY: Come on. Please. Um, corn. GORDON RAMSAY: Wrong. Peas. Nice. Oh no. Congratulations, blue team. Well done. Thank you, blue team. GORDON RAMSAY: Megan and Emily, [INAUDIBLE] Well done. - Thank you, Chef. - Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: After this reward, you are going to feel like some big time ballers. I've arranged for you to have an extraordinary VIP stretch party bus. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. GORDON RAMSAY: Then-- Yeah. --you go from balling in the amazing party bus to bowling at the amazing Brooklyn Bowl. Oh yeah, I like bowling. And it's a cool bowling alley. I'm kind of excited to see it. GORDON RAMSAY: And joining you it's the biggest turkey I know. Marino. Yay! GORDON RAMSAY: Yes. Marino, how cool. Go and give your team a hug. Go sit with Trenton. There you go. Excellent. There you go. - I won't touch you, I promise. GORDON RAMSAY: So red team, while the blue team are off in that incredible party bus, I'm afraid all of you are going to be stuck right in the gutter cause I want you to clean up this despicable mess and everything put back together in a spotless fashion ahead of our next service. So Brynn, you still have that incredible punishment pass. Yes, Chef. Are you going to spare yourself some agony and go bowling with the blue team, or are you sticking with the red team? [MUSIC PLAYING] So Brynn, you still have that incredible punishment pass. Yes, Chef. Are you going to spare yourself some agony and go bowling with the blue team, or are you sticking with the red team? I think I have held onto this punishment pass long enough. Yes! Blue team. So I'm going to actually use it today. GORDON RAMSAY: Well done. The big question is now who on the blue team are you going to swap places with? MEGAN: Definitely terrified when punishment pass comes into play. We went up head to head, and I beat her. I'm just sitting there hoping it's not me. Steve said he loved to bowl. Yes. So unfortunately he cannot today. It's only fair, Chef. - Wow. Steve, how did you feel? Uh, you know, that's fair. When I played my punishment pass and I took a private jet from her. Swap over, please. So naturally, I understand her playing it here, which is fine. I mean Brynn's smoking hot, so I can't be mad at her for too long. You two stuck together. Finally, do we love in the air? Yes, Chef. Whatever you want to call it. Good. Blue team and Marino, head off. Get cleaned up. Your amazing party bus is waiting for you guys. Am I Brynn for the day so I got to like cry? Because I will. I will shed some fucking tears if I need to. You got to have a mental breakdown at some point. That's fine. KIYA: But it lasts about 20 seconds. I'll do it right now. OK. Can you make yourself cry? No, I can't. I have to like punch myself in the balls like really hard. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hell yeah. Yeah! Oh yeah. This is absurdly big. This party bus is like three cars all put together in one. It's so long and big. That sounds really gross. Congratulations, guys. Thank you. SERVER: Here you go. Have a drink. BRYNN: Thank you, cheers. SERVER: Have fun. To the blue team, y'all. Plus Brynn. Plus one red. CONTESTANT: Oh my god. I'm so excited. CONTESTANT: Yeah, let's bowl! Woo! Let's do it. Yay! [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, Marino! Congratulations. Now I can hug you. Yay! MARINO: Today we are bowling, OK? Knew it. Wow. I knew it. Marino! I knew he was good. Oh, here we go. Go Megan! Damn, girl! MARINO: Oh, that's good. Oh! I'm so glad I use my punishment pass today. Come on, Brynn. 100% party time. TRENTON: Hell yeah. I got my Charlie Sheen shirt on, so I'm going to be winning. MARINO: There you go. Yay! Megan is giving it. Oh, look at that. BRYNN: Emily! Come on. Aim in the middle. No. [INAUDIBLE] I'm really, really bad at bowling. MARINO: No! People call me gutter girl. Oh, come on. No! No, look at it. BRYNN: The object of the game is to hit the pins. CHEF: Guys, we have dinner service tonight so you need to step on it. Start with the biggest mess over there. And then you got to get these chairs all the way clean. Yeah. And why is this cheese stuck up to the floor? Oh, looks like just someone just fucking threw up pounds. Don't say it. Sam, shut the fuck up. Sam actually has the shittiest attitude. Oh, this is an actual piece of gum. He just likes complaining. What the fuck? Dude, grow a pair. Like get over it. I know it. MARINO: What is it you guys find so challenging during the services? We can't all babysit each other on our stations. We should know these like little things. Do you really still feel like you have to babysit people? MARINO: At this party? For real? So actually yes. OK, let's be the bad guy. Who? I mean, you know, there's sometimes that I worry about Josie. I think definitely it's concerning for some of the team. Red team definitely seems like they're dissolving. So anything to dwindle them down, that's what competition's all about-- survival of the fittest. Hey guys, what do you think the red team's doing right now? Cleaning. I would hate to be Steve. Steve, payback's a bitch! Why the fuck we got to pick the crumbs out of the carpet by hand? That just doesn't make any fucking sense to me. I'm not even going to walk after this. Yeah, tonight's dinner service is going to really suck. STEVEN: I'm normally a pretty positive person, but I'mma be real with you. This shit's pissing me the fuck off. Why the fuck are we picking crumbs out of a carpet by hand? SAM: That had caramel. Steve was supposed to go on the reward today, but because of Brynn's punishment pass, he kind of switched around with the other team. He doesn't seem to be too happy about it as we're working. Can't really blame the guy. If I pick up another crumb, I'm probably going to kill myself so-- good job, Brynn. Have fun. She played her cards correct. I commend her for it. I'm going to put this here before I make any rash decision. Blue team, let's go. Yes, Chef. So think where we were weeks back, yes? Yes, Chef. Now we're on our own, yes? Yes, Chef. Let's go, yes. Get them lit. Red team. Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Shine as individuals, OK? But come through as a team, right? Yes, Chef. Marino. Si. Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go. [INAUDIBLE] [MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: Once again, Hell's Kitchen is the place to be in Vegas. To the blue team. To the blue team. NARRATOR: And anticipation builds as tables fill with hungry guests. - Final night as a bachelor. - Oh, yeah, man. [INTERPOSING VOICES] - Congratulations. Cheers. NARRATOR: Including two VIP chef's tables-- comedian Gabriel Iglesias and his family and actress Melissa Joan Hart and her sister. For the red team. May they win. GORDON RAMSAY: Four covers table 51. Just gone up. Two beef tartare. Heard? Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Go. - Two scallops. Two beef tartare. Yep, heard. Sam, I'm going to go ahead and drop my scallops, OK? OK. KIYA: In tonight's service, red team just really has to pull together. Do you need help lifting tonight, girl? I got you. Thank you. The problems that's been going on in our team cannot translate into dinner service. Minute out on scallops. CONTESTANT: Heard. Your minute. It's clear that a leader voice is needed, and I definitely consider myself a leader on the red team. GORDON RAMSAY: Scallops, please. Walking scallops, Chef. Like I'm just here to get shit done. Thank you. You're welcome, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Kiya, nicely sauteed. Thank you, Chef. JOSIE: Nice job, red team. Great good start. GORDON RAMSAY: Easily done. Service please. It's so good. GORDON RAMSAY: Blue team, here we go. Four covers. Table two. Two risotto, two scallops. Heard? Heard, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. Today has been a shit day, you know? Mainly because of that punishment. It's been kind of in the back of my mind bothering me a little bit. You good, Steve? STEVEN: You know, Brynn, her strategy may have worked. She got in my head a little bit. MEGAN: How long on risotto, Steve? How long. Steve? Steve, heard? Steve? I'm really, really concerned for Steve, especially two services in a row not off to a great start is never a good thing. GORDON RAMSAY: Come on, Steve. Wide awake please, yes? STEVEN: Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: This is where it counts, young man. First risso is ready. GORDON RAMSAY: Up to the window. Let's go. TRENTON: So dry, man. So dry. Jay, get on there and show him again please. He's obviously not concentrating. Let's go. Come on, Steve, please. Steve, look at me. Are you OK? Yes. GORDON RAMSAY: I need it rich and [INAUDIBLE] OK? STEVEN: Heard, Chef. Steve, you understand the consistency of risotto, yes? Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go then, young man. TRENTON: Need some help, man? Steve does not communicate. We cannot get off to a rocky start with those apps. GORDON RAMSAY: You've showed me you got a second gear now. - Yes, Chef. - Show my your third. Let's go. STEVEN: Yes, Chef. TRENTON: I didn't expect this from you. STEVEN: I didn't either. GORDON RAMSAY: Steve, that's better now. Lava, yes? Let's go. Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Go please. NARRATOR: With Steve getting his head back in the game. It's great flavor in the risotto. GORDON RAMSAY: Service please. NARRATOR: --appetizers are now rolling out of both kitchens. I love it. I'd order it again. I'd order it again. I think the scallops were the best. NARRATOR: And it's time to tackle-- GORDON RAMSAY: Entree. Two salmon, two wellington. Heard? - Heard, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. Three minutes on garnish. Chef Ramsay's given me three opportunities to bounce back, so tonight I can't make any mistakes. Is this soupy enough or no? It should be good. I'm really concerned about Josie. She's definitely one of the slower people on the team. And if that gets behind, it can fuck up the entire kitchen. KIYA: Salmon ready. JOSIE: Heard. ANTONIO: Wellies are perfect. We're walking. Ready? Nice job, GUYS. Keep it up. KIYA: Chef Christina, salmon on your right. Beautifully cooked. Thanks, Chef. Nice job. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. Come on, Josie. JOSIE: Yes, Chef. It's the first table. Yes, Chef. Garnish walking. Let's go. Oh dear. You bring me the wrong garnish. It's the first table, young lady. Come on. Salmon garnish. Salmon-- yes, salmon garnish is working, Chef. ANTONIO: Lentils. So we're all waiting for Josie. Look, it's there. JOSIE: Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Come here, red team. It's the first table. - Yes, Chef. Yeah, but look. Everything's cooked. You're [INAUDIBLE] lentils. They're cooking salmon to perfection. - Yes, Chef. - So how can we miss it? I did the wrong garnish, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Keep your mind on the garnish, please. Let's go. - Yes, Chef. Three minutes. [LAUGHS] NARRATOR: In the blue kitchen-- Salmon's going up. Salmon's going up. NARRATOR: --Megan is delivering her salmon to the pass. Salmon's up. Hot hand, Chef. Nicely cooked, Megan. Thank you, Chef. Salmon garnish. Anybody? Walking right now. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. Mash please. Mash. Try bringing the same thing up, Emily, at the same time. Mash. EMILY: Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Hungry. EMILY: I'm heating them up really quickly, Chef. MEGAN: Emily's been learning, learning, learning. Today going on to servers she's real disorganized. You got to have that shit, Emily. EMILY: I know, Chef. You've got to have that shit. And it's the simple shit. EMILY: Yes, I know. Sometimes she's not really paying attention, which definitely can be detrimental to us. Come on, guys. Garnish on your right. GORDON RAMSAY: Good. Thank you. Go, go, go. So delicious. It's good. NARRATOR: Over in the red kitchen-- GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. Pick it up. Yes, Chef. NARRATOR: --Josie has finally sent her garnish up. GORDON RAMSAY: Good. Let's go. NARRATOR: And diners on the red side are enjoying their precisely cooked entrees as well. It's really good. KIYA: No, keep it on. Don't touch-- don't touch my stove right now. I am really hoping that I'm going to be able to get my shit together fast. I got it. I don't need help. I have to prove myself. [INAUDIBLE] Two lamb. Two wellington. Heard? Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. - Let's go, red team. - Let's go. You got it? Josie, two Wellington lamb. 3 and 1/2. You got the next? Heard. If Josie doesn't get her shit together on garnish, we're going to be screwed for this. Walking garnish for lamb and wellie. Josie, it's two lamb. You gave me one. Did we forget a portion? No, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Come here, you two. What are we doing? I just want some coordination on there. - Yes, Chef. - Some team spirit. What are we doing here? One portion of fucking lamb. Four portions of wellington. That was 1000% my fault. I thought it was enough. Can we communicate? Absolutely, Chef. Hey, you're just making your own shit show. You're just-- you're doing this when it's not even necessary. I don't get it. I do not understand. Yes, Chef. Chef table, hurry up. He has a live-- live gig straight after. Two New York strip. One salmon, one halibut. Six minutes to window. Let's go. - Yes, Chef. - Two New York strip. One salmon, one halibut. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's bounce back. Six minutes, guys. EMILY: Six minutes. Heard that. Six minutes. [MUSIC PLAYING] Steve, come here. What's wrong? I'm struggling. I'm not going to lie, young man, I am struggling. I've got no vigor, I've got no bounce back. You're one of the most talented cooks here, one of the most accurate cooks I've got in this competition, and you're just like hey, man, fuck it. I need more. STEVEN: Yes, Chef, Heard. - Yeah? I need more. Now we're in the weeds. We've got off to a slow start. There needs to be a certain amount of vigor and a certain amount of professionalism where you bounce back and say, Chef, I've got this. Chef, I want this. Because if you don't want it, then give me your jacket. There needs to be a certain amount of professionalism where you bounce back and say, Chef, I've got this. Chef, I want this. Because if you don't want it, then give me your jacket. Do you want it? - Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go then. Come on. Snap out of it. Let's go. The fact that Chef Ramsay is pulling me back for a one on one means that he actually cares and he wants me to come back from this shit show that is currently going on. I don't want this day to define me. I still got some fight left in me. Steve, are you OK with yelling at me when I need to drop? Yeah. Someone's got to step up to the plate. If no one's talking, I'll talk all day. Walking halibut. Hot hand, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Nicely cooked, Megan. Thank you, Chef. Beautifully cooked. Thank you, Chef. Good job, Meg. GORDON RAMSAY: New York strip, please. Yes, Chef. Trenton, beautifully cooked. TRENTON: Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Chef's table, please. NARRATOR: With Megan taking the lead on her team and Trenton being rock solid on meat-- Pretty. NARRATOR: --the blue team is now pushing out entrees. GORDON RAMSAY: Service please. Oh, it's very good. Kiya, beautifully cooked. Thank you, Chef. NARRATOR: And now, both kitchens are hustling to complete dinner service. Finish strong, guys. Heard that. Nicely cooked, Antonio. Beautifully cooked halibut. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Service. NARRATOR: Much to the delight of some very satisfied diners. This is amazing. Ooh, so soft and tender. Wow, daddy does like. That's really good. The salmon is cooked really good. Perfect. Oh yeah, it's cooked perfect. It's cooked perfect. Trenton, good job on the meat, yes? Yes, Chef. Megan, great job on the fish. Thank you, Chef. [MUSIC PLAYING] Let's get one thing clear. Tonight we did have a solid service from both kitchens, right? Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: But every service, every challenge, I cannot tell you time and time again, you need to start popping. Two individuals did just that. The leader that I saw in the blue kitchen was Megan. You controlled your station. You are vocal. But more importantly, you sounded like a leader. Congratulations. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Red team, in your kitchen there was one individual that stood out, and that individual was Kiya. Fish was immaculate. And you sounded like a leader. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: So listen up, with leadership comes responsibility. Megan and Kiya, I want each of you to go back to the dorms and have a quick, honest, brutal meeting with each of your team members and then come back and give me one chef from your team who deserves to be up for elimination. Is that clear? - Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Get out of there. I think you're really strong. I thought he was going to say you. Yeah, me too. My only issues were with Emily and Steve tonight. Like I think Steve absolutely fucked up tonight. And he's not vocal. But I just don't feel Emily is ready. Yeah. MEGAN: I don't know. What's your thought? TRENTON: I would say definitely Steve, but that's only because he got behind and he's not vocal. You're the leader. I mean, you got to make this decision. If he wants you to step up and be a leader, I shouldn't be the one telling you what to think or where to go with this. I feel bad. Don't feel bad. This is what being a manager is about. I know. Hurting feelings. I don't think you and Brynn had any problems with the appetizers nor the desserts. I've never been a person to beat around the bush. It's going to be Josie going up. OK. I'm not here to fucking pussy foot around everybody's feelings. So Josie going up tonight because of her lack of communication on garnish and lack of timing. So that's it. Do you think you're going to put me up, or-- I have no fucking idea. My biggest thing is like you seem a little disorganized and like frazzled, so I guess this my biggest grievance. I think what you can teach is organization, but what you can't teach is the determination and the attitude that I have. I just want you to think about that. I'm definitely nervous because there's always a chance that she could say my name to Chef Ramsay and I could have to fight for my life. So tonight I'm going to be putting up Josie. - Gotcha. - So we're good. Word. All right, sounds good. Chef Ramsay doesn't want somebody that's going to be all wishy-washy. Like I'm not going to like sugarcoat something just to make somebody feel better. Tonight you did have the hardest time on your station. I mean, you know that was like the big thing tonight. Right. Chef Ramsay. With the garnish, I didn't even know that we could fire ahead. That's an invalid excuse. JOSIE: So I'm going up? - Yeah. I'm not here to make friends, and I'm not here to have feelings about things because at the end of the day, I'm here to fucking win. What do you have to say? Do you have anything to say? Weigh your options carefully. Are you going to look at it as competition, or are you going to look at it as the team going forward. That's the way I would look at it. It's time for me to fight for my life, you know? This is my-- it's my time to do it, you know? So I'm giving her, you know, two ways to think of this situation. You've got to look ahead. In my head, it was you or Emily. Overall, I think you're stronger than Emily. But you know, you're also quiet, so it's like pick your poison. It's hard. It's rough. I don't know. I'm absolutely on the fence with both of them. It's a lot. It's a big decision. Man, this sucks. I don't-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Wow, what a night. Kiya, your nominee from the red team and why please. My nominee is for Josie tonight, Chef. The entire dinner service relied on the garnishes to be pushed out, and we found ourselves lagging on those for quite some time. Megan. Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Who is your nominee for the blue team and why? My nominee is Steve. GORDON RAMSAY: Steve. MEGAN: Just based off of tonight's performance, for me it boils down to communication, and he's just one of our quieter people in the kitchen. Josie, Steve, step forward please. Let's go. Steve, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Tonight was a fluke. It doesn't define me as a chef. You know that. I know that. Everybody behind me knows this. I can guarantee you that when I come back, I promise you that I'll be firing in that sixth gear. I'm firing on all cylinders, and I'm ready to kick ass and take some initials because names take too long to fucking write now. Wow. GORDON RAMSAY: Josie, rough night. Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I've learned so much, and I'm not done growing. Chef, this is the environment that I thrive in, one that is keeping me growing and keeps me under pressure. This is-- this is where I belong, Chef. And I couldn't be happier. I have so much left. The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Josie. Young lady, give me your jacket, please. Listen, and listen carefully. Yes, Chef. Right now, you're not ready to become my protege, but you're on track. And someday you will get there because there's that steely focused, determined, gutsy chef. I feel your passion. Thank you, Chef. I'd like to wish you the best of luck. - Thank you, Chef. - Thank you. Good night. Take care. JOSIE: Thank you. I'm so disappointed. I'm going to miss Emily. She's been such a great friend to me. But at the same time, I'm proud of myself. This was a great experience. And whoever ends up hiring me is going to be really lucky because I learned a fuck ton. Steven. Yes, Chef. I'll accept a fluke. I'll accept a shit night from all of you. I think everybody knows that standing behind you. So you played that card. Yes, Chef. You've all played that card. Steven, back in line. Right now, this competition is wide open. Which one of you is going to step up and prove it? That is it. Is that clear? Yes, Chef. - Get out of there. - Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Good night. Yes, Chef. This is the moment, and I've got to stand above the rest every single time that I step into this kitchen because any mistake could get me kicked out of here. Like it's real this time. That being said, y'all still got to worry about me. I'm still a fucking threat. Don't think the red team changed much, no? People are going to go home, and it's going to suck. And you know, bonds are made, bonds are broken. But at the end of the day, I'm here to walk out with one head chef position. I'm really, really sad that Josie's gone. We kind of clung to each other during this whole competition because we're kind of the same person. And I feel so lucky that I got to meet her on "Hell's Kitchen." I really hope I get a hug if I ever leave. GORDON RAMSAY: Josie may have come a long way in this competition, but right now she still needs more time to grow. NARRATOR: Next time on "Hell's Kitchen, Young Guns." GORDON RAMSAY: HKChefsOnly.com. A new app. Cooking for love. NARRATOR: Love is in the air for some of the young guns. Do you need a hug? Yeah. NARRATOR: But will sparks fly? Everything's on fire, and I don't know what I'm doing. NARRATOR: At dinner service-- Let's keep it going. Let's go. Hurry up, Sam. NARRATOR: --some very different emotions. STEVEN: Shit. We can't fuck this shit up again because we're not going to live. - I understand that. STEVEN: You know? Oh my god. NARRATOR: Get stirred up. It's all next time on an unstable episode-- [GROANS] [GROANS] Oh my god. Sam, cry time? NARRATOR: --of "Hell's Kitchen." Laurel and Hardy, get a grip. What's Laurel and Hardy? Is that a thing? [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 333,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, TV Shows, Reality TV, Nonfiction, Cooking, Restaurant, Celebrity chef, Chef, Restauranteur, Roast, Hell's Kitchen
Id: JbT0PQGl308
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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