Hell's Kitchen - Season 19, Episode 10 - There's Something About Marc - Full Episode

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[DRAMATIC MUSIC] NARRATOR: Previously on "Hell's Kitchen"-- GORDON RAMSAY: Do you like what I've done with the place? - Yes, Chef. - It's adorable. NARRATOR: --an old-school Vegas diner was the setting for the 19th annual blind taste test challenge. MARY LOU: Are you ready for the blind taste test? NARRATOR: In round one-- Chicken, Chef. [INAUDIBLE] or duck. [BUZZER] - Carrots, Chef. Is it pear? [BUZZER] Pear, Chef. Apple. [BUZZER] Cheddar cheese, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Well done. NARRATOR: Declan went a perfect 4-4. Marc, the man bun is clean. [CHUCKLES] - I know this. I guess I'm just going to say tahini. NARRATOR: While Nikki's palate-- GORDON RAMSAY: Wrong. [BUZZER] NARRATOR: --completely failed her. Oh, ho, ho! NARRATOR: And her teammate, Jordan, suffered the consequences. Man, it's in my fucking shoes. [LAUGHS] NARRATOR: Although Kori shined for the Red Team-- Strawberry. Good job, mama, good job. NARRATOR: --the Blue Team-- Red bell pepper? Well done. - Celery. - Yeah! Well done. NARRATOR: --never gave up their lead. - Strawberries. - Well done. Blue Team, congratulations. [CHEERING] You have clinched the victory. Yeah! CODY: Nice work, Marc! Who's driving the ticket? I am, Chef. NARRATOR: During a special steak night dinner service-- Fillet is ready to go at 8. Heard, Chef. KORI: You know a steak is cooked perfectly by the touch. It's all in the finger. Walking New York! NARRATOR: Kori's mastery of the meat station-- GORDON RAMSAY: Nice and cooked, Kori. KORI: Good job, girls. NARRATOR: --had the Red kitchen feeling strong. Do you see this? Ga-doosh! Hey, Blue Team, what is going on? NARRATOR: The same could not be said for the Blue kitchen, as Marc-- GORDON RAMSAY: Where's the scampi? I'm dying here. Speed it up, Marc! MARC: It's coming in so fast. Fast, fast! Boom, boom, boom! NARRATOR: --Cody-- GORDON RAMSAY: Where's the filet? I need three minutes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Hey, look, Cody, I'm not sending anything till that fillet's there. NARRATOR: --and Adam-- Egg coming there now, Chef. NARRATOR: --struggled to get it together. Fuck yourselves. Hey, fuck yourselves. DECLAN: Why do I have to be around these turkeys when I'm trying to soar like an eagle? [EAGLE SCREECHING SOUND EFFECT] NARRATOR: The Blue Team lost and nominated Adam-- Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I'm passionate. I'm hardworking. NARRATOR: --and Marc. I've been a great supporter of my team, with my team working against me. GORDON RAMSAY: So you're saying that the fish wasn't the weakest station tonight? No, Chef. It was absolutely garnish and meat tonight. NARRATOR: Ultimately, it was-- Adam. NARRATOR: --who had to say goodbye to his dream of becoming the head chef at Hell's Kitchen, Lake Tahoe. And now, the continuation of "Hell's Kitchen." Marc, get off your island and work with your team. Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Quickly. Blue Team, piss off. Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. MARC: Who I am, my skills, my fierceness is extremely uncomfortable for them. And we're just getting into the thick of it right now. And I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. DECLAN: Where are we talking about this? MARC: I'm not talking right now. CODY: I bet you're not. AMBER: Cody. MARC: I will talk. No, no, no, no. Let's just take a breather. Keep sending me up, I'm going to keep fighting. You're not fighting. You're lying. MARC: No, I'm not lying. CODY: That's what you're doing right now. You had three items, Cody. CODY: You're a fucking liar, bro. Three items! [INTERPOSING VOICES] MARC: You had three items! - Hey, hey, hey. Three! CODY: Every single ticket, you fucked up. - Let's keep it clean. - Every single-- Y'all fucking with me since last week! Oh, shit. Oh, my god. Do we even open the door? Wait a second. And I've been cool with you guys! CODY: You've been fucking up since last week. MARC: I've been cool with you guys! Calm down. - Take your time, bro. - Marc, just go, please. Go take some time and relax. - Just go. - Go take a breather. Go for it. I'm sorry, Cody. Not only am I still here, but I'm going to be here to go the distance. They're not going to be able to send me home. I'm not beat down. I'm motivated right now and inspired. What do you want to do? MARC: Off the bat, you're fucking with me. - Let's go. - You want me to walk away? MARC: Yelling-- - Let's go, yes. MARC: --screaming, that lobster's not cooked, when it's cooked. Trying to get attention. - It wasn't. You just got lucky. That's all you guys have been doing. Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho! Let's not ever do that, OK? [THEME MUSIC] Girls, girls, girls. - Go, go, go. - Line up, please. Let's go. Wow. There's hardly anybody here. Where did they all go? Home, Chef. [LAUGHTER] GORDON RAMSAY: Right. Personally, it's so nice to see how all of you are developing as talented chefs. And right now, I'd like you to meet one of our promising young talents. Please welcome Seth Grabel. [APPLAUSE] DECLAN: An up-and-coming chef working for Chef Ramsay. This dude must be hot as shit. GORDON RAMSAY: You good? Yes, thank you. GORDON RAMSAY: You've been a talented, young, aspiring chef. Mhm. GORDON RAMSAY: You kept your head down. SETH GRABEL: Mhm. GORDON RAMSAY: What have you prepared for today? Well, Chef, I can work magic with a burger. I brought you one of my specialties. You know I love burgers, right? Of course, of course. GORDON RAMSAY: Show me what you've got. So there's nothing in there. Where is the burger? SETH GRABEL: I got all of it for you. We got Bibb lettuce, bacon. We got sun-dried tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. GORDON RAMSAY: Seth. SETH GRABEL: Yeah? GORDON RAMSAY: They're cards. They're cards, yeah. - Where's my burger? - Try this. You can definitely eat this. Look. [GASPING] [LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE] DECLAN: I wish I could do that during service. Chef, we need to refire a burger. Bam! Burger in me hand, let's go. GORDON RAMSAY: Obviously, he is not a protege. This is the incredible magician, Seth Grabel. Yeah, man. [APPLAUSE] Now, show us what you got. Wow. SETH GRABEL: Watch. [GROUP AAHS] Hey. [APPLAUSE] [GROUP OOHS] [LAUGHTER] Oh! GORDON RAMSAY: Amazing. Great job. - Thank you so much. - Congratulations. - Thank you. - Keep up the good work. [APPLAUSE] Now, just like Seth can turn a simple deck of cards into hundreds of tricks, any great chef can take basic ingredients and transform it into something magical, and I mean magical. And every great chef has their own interpretation of a burger. MARY LOU: Man, I love a good burger. Just all nice and just juicy up in there, so when you squeeze, it goes down your elbow a little bit. And you're going to be like-- that's how you know. GORDON RAMSAY: Christina? Jason? Each team will be responsible for five gourmet burgers. Obviously, you'll owe one burger each, and then there'll be a team burger for the fifth one. These cards have ingredients written all over them. We're going to play a game that I grew up with. It's called 52 pickup. [LAUGHTER AND CHEERING] I'm going to throw these cards in the air, and then you'll go and collect them. And one member from each team will be responsible for placing those ingredients on the board. Decide quickly who is going to be your referee, i.e. who's going to be-- - You be the ref? I'll be the ref. GORDON RAMSAY: --responsible for placing the ingredients next to the proteins. Jordan is quick on her feet. She definitely has that focus, so we immediately put her up on the board. [INAUDIBLE] You do the board. The two of them collect. I'll filter it before and give it to you. I'll separate them into the groups. I want the responsibility of building the sets of ingredients, so I am a little bit in control of this challenge. OK. Everybody ready to play the 52-card pickup? - Yes, Chef. - Yes, Chef. 1, 2, 3. Or shall we say the 5,200-card pickup? Let's go. NARRATOR: In part one of today's burger challenge-- Come on, guys. Bring some up, bring some up! NARRATOR: --each ingredient card the chefs select will be assigned to a protein. CODY: Let's do burrata on the turkey. NARRATOR: And each burger can only be made with those items. Let's go! Dijon mustard. Mayonnaise. My burger game is pretty tight. And I got a pretty good plan set up. We can keep the lamb Spanish. That makes hella sense. I'm personally trying to tailor everything that's going to go on these burgers, because I know the flavors. Salmon, keep it Asian. Chicken, let's do it like a green goddess kind of thing. GORDON RAMSAY: Jordan, you got to go. Come on! I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. Jordan, here's feta cheese, maybe for lamb. I'm trying to figure out ingredients that I would want on my burger and just trying to take them up and finding them as quickly as possible. Sprouts, truffle oil, pepperoncinis. There's too many of them to read. CODY: Take the gouda off. We just don't need it. Amber, you got bacon yet? - Uh, no give it. - [INAUDIBLE] Some of them are blank. Jordan, what do you need? I need-- 90 seconds goes pretty quickly. It's very overwhelming. There's too many of them. I can't-- some of these cards don't even have shit on them, so they're handing me blank cards. What the fuck I'm going to do with this? Move it, Chef! Move it, Chef! Avocado, pepper jack. GORDON RAMSAY: 5! - We can't put it on the beef. GORDON RAMSAY: 4! I got romaine, romaine! GORDON RAMSAY: 2! Romaine. GORDON RAMSAY: 1! Lettuce, lettuce, lettuce! GORDON RAMSAY: And stop! That lamb's looking good, though. CODY: Amber, as an organizer, did great. I would be happy with every single one of them. Good job, Amber. Your 35 minutes start now. Let's go. NARRATOR: In today's five-protein burger challenge, the chefs will have 35 minutes to prepare their individual burgers, plus one team burger, using the ingredients arranged on their boards. AMBER: Cody? CODY: Yeah? How big do you think this patty should be? CODY: Um, I don't like them super big. AMBER: I know I want to cook the beef burger today. Cody really wanted to try to push the limits with the turkey burger. Marc has a salmon burger. Declan is doing the chicken burger. And Cody and I decided to kind of take on the lamb burger because we are really good with communicating with each other and working together. Can you season this for me? Yeah. Thank you. A lot of times, we're able to look at each other and just understand each other. It needs acid? How about we do a little Dijon? I'll do a spoonful. 15 minutes to go, ladies. Yes? Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. JORDAN: Get together, y'all. All right, fried shallots going down. Heard. And my fried avocado for this burger. Game plan is Nikki takes on Turkey, Mary Lou takes on lamb, Kori takes beef, I take chicken. And then collectively, we do salmon. What's it battered in? Uh, just, uh, bacon fat and flour. OK. Now, where my Texas comes out, I'm going to fry the avocado for the burger. It's just another technique that people forget about and they think it's not classy and educated and, blah, blah, blah. Well, to be able to fry something properly and not make something greasy, it actually takes skill. Taste these. Are these done? A little on the salty side, so careful where else you put your salt. Heard. Marc, I'm sure you already know what you're doing, right? Oh, big time. I'm definitely going to be charring the jalapeno. Got it. Being a chef in New Mexico, we love spiciness. I want to have a nice, spicy burger. I think salmon goes great with spicy flavors. Ooh, boy! It's hot. GORDON RAMSAY: Two minutes! Two minutes! Coming in, coming in hot, coming in hot. GORDON RAMSAY: Come on, Amber. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. Here. GORDON RAMSAY: 4, 3-- OK, pick it, pick it, pick it. --2, 1, and stop. Well done. COMPETITOR: Yeah, girls. GORDON RAMSAY: Good job. All right, Red Team, Blue Team, your guest judge today definitely knows what makes an outstanding burger. He has an amazing 14 restaurants, including LT Burger, Hotel Cafe Royal, and L'Amico. Please welcome Laurent Tourondel. [APPLAUSE] Oh! This is bananas. This is like the guru of burgers. GORDON RAMSAY: You have one of the best restaurants in London now. After yours. GORDON RAMSAY: Next door to me. Well done. Right, let's start off with the battle of the chicken burgers, please. Let's go. NARRATOR: In this head-to-head burger challenge, guest judge Laurent Tourondel will taste each dish, awarding a point to the burger of his choice. Let's start off with Jordan. All right, Chef, what I have for you today is a chicken burger with bacon, mushroom, and avocado, and mixed greens. I think it's interesting frying the avocado. I can't wait to try it and see the combination. JORDAN: In Texas, we deep-fry everything, so-- GORDON RAMSAY: Yes. [CHUCKLES] GORDON RAMSAY: Lovely crunch. Nice. A touch salty. GORDON RAMSAY: A touch salty. A little too much pepper as well for me. - Yeah. - Yes, Chef. - Interesting. - Yeah. GORDON RAMSAY: Uh, Declan, please. So, Chef, I have a char-grilled Moroccan style chicken burger, black olives for the saltiness, goat cheese, salt and pepper. LAURENT TOURONDEL: The texture is a little bit mushy. I'm not in favor with the goat cheese and the chicken altogether. I think the point goes to the Red Team. GORDON RAMSAY: Red Team, congratulations. Yes. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Thank you. - I appreciate it. LAURENT TOURONDEL: Thank you. GORDON RAMSAY: Take that back. - Thank you. - Thank you, Chef. Good job. Thank you. Thank you. Hell yeah, Texas. KORI: God bless her, man. That girl can fry anything. Good job, girl. Good job. Right, next up, the battle of the salmon burger, please. Let's go. NARRATOR: Nikki is presenting the Red Team's sun-dried tomato pesto salmon burger. LAURENT TOURONDEL: I will say maybe a little bit less sun-dried tomato. But if I was getting that at a restaurant, I'd be very happy. NARRATOR: Next, Marc's salmon burger with grilled jalapeno on. Grilled brioche, Chef. That is hot. [LAUGHS] Well, I'd need a fire extinguisher. Hell, yeah, it's spicy. A point to the Red Team. Thank you so much. JORDAN: Hell yeah. GORDON RAMSAY: Wow, good job. A whole jalapeno was too hot? Huh, who would have thought? I'll tell you who, anybody, anybody that has cooked or eaten a jalapeno. Ladies, if you win this next one, you clinch it. Next up, the turkey burger. Let's go, please. CODY: We really need this. And I know the cook on mine is super solid. It's kind of messy, but like in a sexy way. Cody, uh, describe your burger, please. To balance out the limited qualities that ground turkey has, we have burrata that is bruleed with a tiny bit of sugar, and then salsa verde made with tomatillos and a bit of herbs. Interesting. I think the idea is great. Maybe reinforce a bit more with the natural. Careful with that burrata because it makes everything wet. Oh, but I think it's good. CODY: OK. Very good. Nikki, describe to Chef, please. We have here a pancetta and turkey-blended patty, pepper jack beer cheese on a pretzel bun. LAURENT TOURONDEL: Beer cheese [INAUDIBLE] inside, it does well. And actually, it does work with the pretzel bun. Wow. Chef, two very good burgers. Is it the Red Team or the Blue Team? NIKKI: Come on, please just say my name. Bring it home. Cinch it in for the win. Come on, tell me. I think we need to give a point-- NARRATOR: In today's burger challenge, the Red Team has stacked up a 2-0 lead over the Blue Team. Chef, two very good burgers. Is it the Red Team or the Blue Team? NARRATOR: If Nikki's turkey burger can gobble up the next point from guest judge Laurent Tourondel, she'll clinch the victory for the Red Team. I think we need to give a point to this one because this is my favorite. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Congratulations, Blue Team. Well done. Nikki, good job. Hell yeah! GORDON RAMSAY: Great job. CODY: Thank you, Chef. Now it's 2-1. There's two burgers left, and I believe in both of them. Bring it on, Red Team. Next up, the battle of the beef burgers. The old American classic. NARRATOR: Kori is looking to bring it home for the Red Team with her bourbon beef burger, topped with smoked egg. I like the idea of the smoked egg. I feel it a little bit. Not too much, but enough. GORDON RAMSAY: It's a chef's cheeseburger. Yeah, it's a chef burger. Right, Amber, describe your burger to the chef, please. Oh, in Scottsdale? Is this bitch over here speaking French? Thank you. Wow. [IMITATING FRENCH BABBLING] AMBER: I have prepared for you a beef burger with bacon fat, a little red pepper chili flake. LAURENT TOURONDEL: I love the flavor. It's spot on. LAURENT TOURONDEL: [INAUDIBLE] Chef, is it the Red Team or the Blue Team? The Blue. GORDON RAMSAY: The Blue Team. Merci, Chef. Merci. Thank you. Uh, it's 2-2. And it all comes down to the battle of the lamb burgers. Let's go. Mary Lou and Cody is representing the team. Cody. CODY: The lamb itself is mixed with a bit of ground mustard seed in balsamic, and it's topped with manchego. Please enjoy. It's fresh. I get some of the acidity of the seasoning of the salad. And it's cooked beautifully, by the way. Yeah. Mary Lou, please describe your burger to Chef. Inside of the lamb burger is going to be poblano peppers that are grilled inside the burger and a poblano caramel. I marinated some feta cheese and put it right on top. Wow. Is that a good "wow?" Yeah, it's very good. GORDON RAMSAY: Wow. LAURENT TOURONDEL: I like the poblano inside. Also, I think it's the only cheese that could work with that lamb burger like that, because it really does lift the lamb. Just a touch. GORDON RAMSAY: I love the fact that you're now winking at the chef. Would you two mind taking your burgers back while we discuss, please? - Yes, Chef. I didn't even mean to do that. It was involuntary. I was like, just a touch, just a touch. It's so close. It's so hard to make a decision. GORDON RAMSAY: Is the point going to the Red Team or does the point go to the Blue Team? I will give it to the Red Team. [CHEERING] Hell yeah! Woo hoo! Yes! We won! Burger challenge, beat it! Really good job. Well done. Join me in thanking this incredible chef for making that exceptional journey to be here today. [APPLAUSE] - Thank you. Thank you, Chef. Now, there's a man who knows his burgers, right? Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Well done. Great job. - Thank you, Chef. Wow. Ladies, you four are going to be the biggest kids in the sandbox. Car crushing and digging. [GASPING] Yes! GORDON RAMSAY: You'll be lifting, smashing, crushing, feeling the awesome power at Dig This, Las Vegas. Yeah! Right, Blue Team, while the Red Team are in for an afternoon of car crushing, your punishment will be crushing. [SIGHS] GORDON RAMSAY: We have 500 pounds of potatoes. Fuck that. GORDON RAMSAY: Peeling them, cutting them by hand, dicing them beautifully to make the most amazing pomme puree. Oh, ho. I'm sorry, Declan. DECLAN: I come from the land of potato, and that's all we eat over there. Both teams, head back to the dorms. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Ladies, well done. - Thank you, Chef. - Mary Lou, great job. Thank you, Chef. MARY LOU: I'm so excited. I feel so validated. And it's just bringing my confidence up even more. Who says girls can't make burgers? Come on, man. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to Dig This! You guys ready to have some fun? Ready to crush some cars, huh? - Yes, sir! - Yeah! All right, ladies, come on over. All right. COMPETITOR: Looks like they got a Blue Team member in the car for us already. COMPETITOR: Look at Josh in the front seat. [LAUGHTER] JORDAN: Sorry, dude. RIP. Yeah, bitches, this is gonna be so bomb. Ready? 1, 2, 3! All the way down! [CHEERING] COMPETITOR: Oh, my god. [INAUDIBLE] COMPETITOR: Get 'em, Mary Lou! OK. [CHEERING] Yeah, say my name, bitch! [LAUGHS] It was like a metaphor of who I need to be. Ooh, ooh! Get out of my way! I don't care how big you are. Yeah! This is a lot of potatoes. The potato fairy, peeling potatoes, 500-fucking pounds of them. Fuck off. Were you ever in the military, Marc? MARC: I don't want to talk right now. They don't want to hear what I have to say. Are you all right, man? You're really quiet. I'm not going to sit there and entertain amateur hour. Once you get in there, get your seat belt on. Oh! [LAUGHS] 1, 2, 3! [LAUGHTER AND CHEERING] Oh, yeah. I'm an adrenaline junkie. So this is definitely a childhood dream. Oh! Oh, yeah! I love it. I didn't realize that so many emotions were going to come out of me. That is a really wonderful way to get your anger out. [SIGHS] I feel better. I feel better about my whole life right now. You look like a new person! [LAUGHTER] Chef Ramsay had asked me to prepare you guys lunch today. Not too psyched with your burgers, so I have your burgers. [GROANING] Salmon. Lots of buratta. Start 'em low, shall we? [BLENDER WHIRRING] Guys, glasses, please. MARC: Everything is in this blender, with a little bit of ice cream and milk. This is disgusting. I'd like you to finish these milkshakes, if you would. So, enjoy your lunch. [RETCHES] [RETCHES] MARC: I'm trying to drink as much as I can. [INAUDIBLE] - Oh. Dude, gross! Don't show me the bin! I can't watch. DECLAN: All right, here we go. Open the mouth. Just don't think about it. It's a protein shake. CODY: It's so bad. AMBER: [RETCHES] DECLAN: Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug. Finished! MARC: Oh, no! [RETCHES] Oh, god. - Amber, we're waiting on you. - I can't. - Do it. - I can't handle it. - Do it. - I'm not doing mine. - Just do it. - I'm not. - Do it. - No way. DECLAN: Do it. AMBER: [RETCHES] Amber, we're waiting on you. - I can't. - Do it. - I can't handle it. - Do it. - I'm not doing mine. - Just do it. - I can't fucking do it. - Do it. No way. Hold your nose. CODY: This is a sacrifice. And, uh, if you want to be here, you have to do it. [RETCHES] CODY: You are a strong woman. Amber, you're good. It's a protein shake. It's a dirty, horrible protein shake that tastes like onions and salmon and lamb. Ooh! But you still got to do it. Drink up. AMBER: [RETCHES] CODY: Yep, there we go. AMBER: I'm drinking this milkshake, but it's probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. DECLAN: That's it. Don. Oh, my god, she's done it. I don't want to be thinking about milkshakes. I don't want to be thinking about peeling potatoes. I just want to get this punishment done. We are the Red Team! Mighty, mighty Red Team! God, they're so annoying. I can't handle it. Peel that potato. Enjoy your [INAUDIBLE],, chicas. CODY: I hate losing. - Hi, Chef. - Hi. Welcome back. How was it? Very therapeutic. All right, let's go. What does everybody need to be set up? DECLAN: [INAUDIBLE] got to pass the boiler around straightaway, Marc. Yes, sir. DECLAN: How's everybody looking? CODY: Garnish is good. GORDON RAMSAY: Ladies. - Yes, Chef. Hello, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Line up. Blue Team, line up, please. Thank you. Tonight, I'm determined to have a great service. I think you know each other's strengths and weaknesses perfectly. So I'm giving both teams responsibility of assigning their own stations. Have a couple of meetings. Play to your strengths right now, and come back to me with assignments. Yep, apps. You OK with that? Yep, I'll take meat, sure. I'll stay on apps. I was planning on doing garnish. Speak up. What you want to do? Quick. I want to be on the-- that side. You do fish? Yeah? And he's doing what? Meat? Do you want to do meat? Well, you're stronger on meat. Amber should be on meat. She's stronger on meat than me. Why am I not getting into it with her? Because I don't want to upset her. I don't want her crying, because we do have to go into service. NARRATOR: Wow, OK. Right now, get on your stations. We're opening up in minutes from now. Yes? Let's go. All righty. You help Amber. I'm going to help Marc. DECLAN: Yeah. - [INAUDIBLE] - Si, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go. [NON-ENGLISH] [MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: It's another packed house in Hell's Kitchen. I'm ready for it. NARRATOR: And anticipation builds, as tables fill with hungry guests-- I'll do the lump crab cake. NARRATOR: --including two special VIP chefs tables, season 12 winner, Scott Commings, and season 17 winner, Michelle Tribble. Hi, Chef. How are you? Good to see you. It's been a while since I've been here. Scott, how are you? Chef, how are you? All good to see you. Congratulations on [INAUDIBLE]. Thank you, man. NARRATOR: Along with a 12-top bachelor party, whose order will be split between the Red and Blue kitchens. - Have a good night. - Cheers, boys. - Hell's Kitchen. - Should be good. To a great night. On order, half the bachelor table, yes? Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Six cover table 33, two risotto, two crab cake, two scallops. Seven minutes, yes? - Yes, Chef. We're trying to make sure that we match up with the Blue Team, so we're going to hit that seven minutes perfectly. Yes, Chef. On order the six-top, which is half the bachelor yes? Yes, Chef! Yes, Chef. Six covers, table 23. Two risottos, two carbonaras, two beat salad. Seven minutes. Heard? Heard! AMBER: Yes, Chef! GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go. I need finesse from you. I only want your best. Don't give me shit. Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: I'm not sending it. MARC: Heard, Chef. - This your risotto? I'll do this. You work on your carbonara. MARC: Yep. CODY: Marc, where's your carbonara? So sorry, so sorry. CODY: Marc, where's your capers? Dinner service is starting up, and Marc's already in a haze. MARC: I need white wine. I don't white wine. CODY: Get it together, man. AMBER: Do you need me to go off line and get white wine? White wine, please, yes. I will be the leader that I am. I will hold your little hand and walk you, walk you like an infant child. Here, look. It's not even on. It was off. - Who the fuck turned it off? - It was off. - The fucking stove is off. Yes, Chef, just one of them. It was on, so I don't-- So who turned it off? Cody made the last risotto. Cody did? He cooked the risotto right here. Interesting. MARC: Did you not, Cody? How long on that risotto? At this point, he's just clutching at straws. Check your equipment, you little child. One minute to the pass of this. MARC: One minute out to the pass! CODY: That rice needs to go on heat. Look at it. It's gravy. I will own what I'm cooking, OK? Thank you, thank you. DECLAN: Marc, chill out. He's only trying to help you. The risottos done. I got it. It's a team, Marc. I'm gonna fucking murder this kid. - Amber, you ready? - Marc, walk. I'll follow behind you. OK. GORDON RAMSAY: Hey, Blue Team, come here. Taste the risotto. It's not even finished. There's no gloss on there. Taste that. That's [INAUDIBLE] overcooked. There's no fucking seasoning in there. Marc, from now on, if I tell you it's not ready, it's not ready, OK? GORDON RAMSAY: Hurry up! Rectify it! The 12-top, guys. Crab cake, Chef. Hot. Time on that risotto? Two minutes, Kori. Two minutes out on risotto. Heard. Two minutes, risotto lobster. Thank you. We have to win this dinner service. My goal for tonight is for Chef Ramsay to see me. Can I go ahead and start walking mine? I would wait till you count to 30 and then go? Walk in 30. MARY LOU: He sees my purple hair, but he doesn't see me, so I gotta show him. - Where's the scallops, please? - Walk? Walk. Walking scallops and lobster for first order. AMBER: I demand respect. And I want everyone to know I may be small, but I'm really strong. GORDON RAMSAY: Risotto, beautifully cooked. Thank you, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Crab cake's beautifully cooked. Excellent cooking. Thank you, Chef. That means a lot. Thank you so much. Ooh, ooh! I'm a rock star in this kitchen. Go, please. Go with the beet salad. Who got their food first? Who got their food first? GORDON RAMSAY: I've sent the Red Team already. You said seven. We're now at nine! How long? You're leading this. How long? I'm right now-- I'm going now per chef, yes. That better be good. GORDON RAMSAY: Marc, come on! Speed up! I'm glad you got some time on your hands. That's disgusting. Marc! NARRATOR: It's 30 minutes into dinner service. Ooh, that's good. NARRATOR: And while Mary Lou has successfully delivered her appetizers to the Red half of the bachelor party-- Buon appetito. NARRATOR: --the Blue half is still waiting on Marc's risotto. CODY: You're leading this. How long? I'm right now-- I'm going now per chef, yes. That better be good. That's disgusting. Hey. Hey, just taste that. Taste that. [INAUDIBLE] now, all of you! AMBER: Yes, Chef. Heard! CODY: If you can see the granules like that, it's not cooked. Hey, come here, you. Hey, finish that fucking risotto. Finish that risotto. Come here, you. Here we go again. I can't believe this. I can't. You wanted to be on appetizers, right? Yes, Chef. So far, nothing's come out on point. I'm warning you, get a grip now. Yes, Chef. Quickly, and I mean fucking quickly. - Yes, Chef. - Let's go. Chef Ramsay's on me right now, but I'm just going to keep on putting one foot in front of the other. I will not be broken. I will keep on pushing. It tastes delicious. I tasted it three times, Chef. Very nice risotto. - Thank you, Chef. - Finally. Service, please. I have another risotto here. NARRATOR: While Marc's risotto is being enjoyed by the bachelor party-- Welcome to the party, guys. GORDON RAMSAY: Service, please. NARRATOR: --a wave of appetizers is now flying out of the Blue kitchen-- How's your scallops? All right? - No complaints here. - Cooked OK? - Absolutely. - All right. Tartare walking. NARRATOR: --as well as the Red kitchen. Walking scallops. Nice cut on the scallops. I love the corn with this. Mm. Yum. I love the risotto. It's delicious. [INAUDIBLE] Declan, come here! Nikki, come here. 12-top, clear in two minutes. Red Team, you got four lamb, two Wellington. Blue Team, two Wellington, two New York strip, two lamb. Yes, Chef. Give me a time. - Um, eight minutes out. - Eight minutes. Yes, Chef. I don't want the same fuck up as you did with the appetizers. No, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Go. Eight minutes. I'm timing. Thank you, Chef. - Eight minutes, let's go. Eight minutes to window. - You good on that? DECLAN: Yeah. - OK. I'm a bit nervous. I'm confident what I'm doing, but I know Amber is [INAUDIBLE] me. But, hey, I'm a team player, and this is a great position for me to shine as a leader tonight. Drive it, Declan. Pardon me, Chef? GORDON RAMSAY: Drive it! Five minutes! [INTERPOSING VOICES] --the pass in five minutes! Four Lamb, two Wellington. Five minutes, yes? - Yes, Chef! Yes, Chef! GORDON RAMSAY: Good. Garnish is going to be ready to walk in three? Working. NIKKI: Great. Thank you so much. It is going to be very challenging to get this 12-top up within a minute or two of each other. JORDAN: Nikki, you ready for me to go garnish? How long you got? NIKKI: All righty. I know that this is going to be my moment to shine. But if I find a way to fuck this up, then it's going to be bad, bad. Garnish walking for six-top! Go to the pas. NIKKI: Going to the pass. GORDON RAMSAY: [INAUDIBLE] Nikki. COMPETITOR: Nicole. Nikki. Exceptional. Thank you, Chef. This temperature is extraordinary. I mean, it's absolute picture-perfect. Beautiful. KORI: Good job, Nikki. - Thank you. JORDAN: Yeah, nice job, Nikki. Thank you. GORDON RAMSAY: Declan, where's the meat, please? DECLAN: Meat's coming up now, Chef! Walking with the strip, walking with the lamb. I need two minutes. DECLAN: Strip up. How long, Declan? DECLAN: Right now, Chef. Walking. CODY: Yeah, well, I-- [SIGHS] Declan, I just said I need two minutes, all right? Declan, I need two minutes. No, no, no, Declan, Declan, don't-- don't-- don't do that. Don't-- stop, sto-- aw, fuck. I just-- I needed two minutes. I know, but I couldn't do it. He was calling for it. You got to, though. The garnish has to go first. GORDON RAMSAY: Blue Team, come here. Chef! GORDON RAMSAY: Just look at that meat there. It's raw. I can't serve that shit! - Yes, Chef. - Yes, Chef. - Get a fucking grip! - Yes, Chef. Enough's enough. AMBER: Declan is in over his head. And he's not focusing as he should be. He should have known that lamb was that undercooked. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yes, Chef? Right now, I've served half a table. AMBER: Yes, Chef. It happened on appetizers. It's now happened on the entrees. Help each other-- AMBER: Yes, Chef. --and get support. Heard, Chef. Man, today is not my day right now. I have to get this back up as fast as possible, as fast as I can. I'm napping the lamb, I'm napping the lamb, and then I'm like, boom, done. Lamb sauce. Amber, lamb sauce. I got it right now. I'm following behind you. We got to get this right. Oh, man. Service, please. Complete bachelor party. Let's go. Perfect. There you go. Ooh, bit of a delay of game, though. This is some of the best lamb that I've ever had, I'm just saying. Nikki is killing it today. Yes. Nikki, two seconds with me, please. Yes, Chef. You know, I'm going to be really honest with you now. Yes, Chef. OK? I think about the resume, the line cook, the tiny borough where you're from. And you're the youngest. - Yep. OK? Least experienced. Yeah, you're cooking in a different league. I don't know if you know that. But your cooking tonight has been exceptional. Thank you, Chef. The transformation of these last couple of weeks has been extraordinary. It's surreal to have a Michelin star chef having a one-on-one conversation with me, little Nikki from Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. But you are absolutely rising. Thank you so much. Chef. - Keep it going. - I will, I promise. Well done. Thank you, Chef. Amazing. I will hold that near and dear forever. On order chef table, Scott, yes? Entree, one halibut, one Wellington. AMBER: One halibut! GORDON RAMSAY: Let's go! It's been a while since I've been here. Amber, eight minutes. AMBER: Eight minutes, heard. So far, things are going very bad for us tonight in the Blue kitchen. But I just need to remain focused tonight. We just can't have any more mistakes. DECLAN: Amber. - Yeah? DECLAN: The first Wellington that you need is out in eight minutes. - Out in eight? - Out in eight. That's what he said! OK, I'll have to fire a new piece of fish. Oh, my god. That's for Chef Scott's table. AMBER: Yes, Chef! - It's painful! AMBER: Coming, Chef. DECLAN: Six minutes on the pass, Amber. AMBER: Six minutes, heard. (MOCKINGLY) Oh, I wanted to be on fish so I can show that I'm able to do fish. If you can't get this together, I don't think you should be here. Halibut Wellington. I hope you're still moving. It's all moving, Chef. AMBER: Yes, Chef! Don't tell me five minutes. DECLAN: Carving the Wellington now. Perfect. GORDON RAMSAY: Wellington, please. Where is it? Coming now. GORDON RAMSAY: Amber? Halibut right now, Chef. This pan is very hot. - Just put it down. Yes, Chef. Come here, Blue Team. We couldn't get out of the fucking gate. We're behind on the apps. We're behind the entree. Third time round. Season 12 winner sat there, and we can't get a fucking two-top. Just touch that. Fuck. No, just touch it. It's fucking ice-cold. AMBER: Yes, Chef. Ice fucking cold. You picked this fucking stations tonight! NARRATOR: It's 90 minutes into dinner service. Come here, Blue Team. NARRATOR: And Amber's raw halibut for season 12 winner, Scott Commings-- It's fucking ice-cold. AMBER: Yes, Chef. Ice fucking cold. NARRATOR: --has pushed Chef Ramsay over the edge. You picked this fucking stations tonight! Season 12 winner sat there. I'm done. Have a meeting and come up with two individuals. Now fuck off out of here. CODY: Heard. AMBER: Yes, Chef. GORDON RAMSAY: Get out! Amber, I said at the start you were stronger on meat, I was stronger on fish. Chef Ramsay told us to put the strongest people on the stations. She's out for herself. She wanted me to fall flat on my face in front of Chef Ramsay. GORDON RAMSAY: Chef Michelle's table, VIP. Yes? - Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Entree, two salmon, one lamb, one New York strip. Heard? - Heard, Chef. - Thank you. Let's go. VIP. Yes, Chef. Lamb in the pan for Chef's table. KORI: Heard. I'm going to need four minutes on that salmon. - Keep it going, ladies. - Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. I'm feeling pretty confident with my team. We're talking a lot. We're communicating. You're walking in two minutes. Garnish is in two. And protein's walking in three. We're all doing pretty solid right now. But still, we can't be too confident because you just never know what's going to happen. Keep that momentum all the time. Let's go. Walking salmon. Walking New York, salmon following. KORI: Chef, here on your right. GORDON RAMSAY: Salmon beautifully cooked. Thank you, Chef. NARRATOR: After successfully serving their chef's table-- Good job, girl. NARRATOR: --the Red Team steams ahead-- I'm going to walk New York strip now. Salmon? - Yes. Awesome. NARRATOR: --filling the dining room with entrees. --that beautiful. Oh, thank you, Chef. You're welcome. Card's gonna pop, flip, and land. GORDON RAMSAY: Ladies, thank you for rising to the occasion. - Yes, Chef. - Great job. Stoves off, please, yes? Why did you insist on fish? I needed another night on fish, and you needed another night on meat. Yeah, but not tonight when we're down to four. AMBER: I literally worked my ass off today. I don't feel like I deserve to go home. If it's an automatic, oh, Amber goes up, I think it's bullshit. So who do you think should go up, Amber? Oh, I think one of you should go up. I was communicating with you with fish. I was communicating with Cody. Steaks were fine. One lamb wrong. That was the only piece of meat missing for that table at the 12-top. I don't feel that I should go up. You brought the meat up when I said, don't bring the meat up, the garnish is not up yet. I was like, do not walk, do not walk, I am not ready. Marc? My vote is Declan and Amber. You're trying to tell me you think you're a better chef than Declan? I do. Do you think you're a better chef than me? I'm convinced of it. What? MARC: Clearly, Declan and Amber should go up tonight. Both their stations had major mistakes tonight. Raw lamb. Raw halibut. Major timing issues. That had nothing to do with me. I just feel like overall, I kept the boat afloat. The most tonight? Yeah. Marc, you are 100% going up in terms of my vote. I didn't undercook the fish or the meat, period. Wow. MARC: So there's that. Declan wants Amber to go up. Amber wants Declan to go up. But I want to see Marc go home, and so as a leader, I will make sure that happens. OK, can I speak now? Personally, I think you've lost the opportunity to speak, but-- - So I can't speak now? Don't talk to me like that, man. - No, I'm-- - I'm talking calmly. - No, no, hold on. Don't tell me no. Let me speak. My thing, I have been a leader in this team since the beginning. I have done everything to keep this team alive. And you're full of shit. And you can kiss my ass. - Hold the fuck on. - You hold the fuck on. She said-- You watch how the fuck you talk to me, dude. You're no fucking tough guy. - You need to relax. Who turned off my oven? Was that you? The risotto you cooked, the oven was off after that. You think I turned off your oven? MARC: OK, I'm asking you a question. Wow. Never in the entire time I've been here in Hell's Kitchen has my stove top turned off, ever. It was just so blatant. You can't call back. Your times are inaccurate. And you can't fucking cook. You deserve-- I can cook way better than you. --to go home. I can cook way better than you. You deserve to go home. I can cook way better than you, and you talk too much. - I talk too much? - Yeah, you do. I was fucking calling times and saying, yes, Chef. You wouldn't shut up tonight. Well, you know what? Then I won't talk then! Fuck you guys. - Yeah, perfect. DECLAN: The whole night. AMBER: Perfect. MARC: [INAUDIBLE] going up then. We are done having a conversation. [INTERPOSING VOICES] You guys are full of shit, that's why. We are done. MARC: Y'all full of shit. GORDON RAMSAY: Blue Team, what a fucking shit show. Cody, Blue Team's first nomination and why. Our first nomination is Marc, Chef. Marc. Why? I personally had to reteach him all of the hot apps and consistently bail him out. Marc, is that right? You need to be retaught? No, Chef. He didn't teach me anything, no. MARC: I think Marc is correct in the fact that I did not teach him how to do it, because he did not perform it the way that I told him to do it. GORDON RAMSAY: Cody, Blue Team's second nominee and why? Um, that person is me, Chef. You? CODY: Yes, Chef. I wanted to be the voice of the kitchen. I wanted to carry our team, and I felt comfortable doing so. So you're prepared to go home tonight, Cody? Chef, I'm prepared to fight for my position right now. And if I need to step up as a leader, then I'm ready to do that. Cody and Marc, step forward. Fuck. Cody, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I'm very team-oriented. The team is incredibly important to me, and I've been trying to keep it alive since the beginning. Outside of that, I think I am an incredible leader and I am adjusting every single day more and more. I think that I have what it takes to run Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe, Chef. Marc, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I did bounce back tonight. This is a complete whack job, an assassination attempt on me. They are more concerned with protecting each other and playing politics than doing the right thing for the right reasons. Is that true, Declan? Marc's saying the Blue Team is sabotaging him. Not a fucking chance, Chef. We carried him. We looked after him. We helped him settle. [SIGHS] Let me tell you what I saw. Bland risotto. Overcooked carbonara, scrambled to hell. And that's why there's no doubt in my mind, Marc, give me your jacket. You are not ready to become my head chef in Lake Tahoe. - Yes, Chef. - Thank you. - Thank you, Chef. - Good night. MARC: I came in here with the mission to be authentic, and those individuals in that house just couldn't stand my energy. My spirit was too much for them. They were out to get me from the beginning. My team let me down a long time ago. Now that your weakest link is gone, he is not your excuse anymore. Understood? - Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Get out of here. Yes, Chef. MARC: Tonight was a very big lesson. There's a lot that I need to refocus and readjust. I hope Chef Ramsay sees the potential in me that I know that I have. That being said, woo, finally that snake ass bitch is gone. AMBER: That was all of our fuck ups. Clearly, all three of us failed tonight. The Blue Team has just never been able to come together. I think the biggest thing that Chef Ramsay needs to see from me moving forward is that I am a strong leader and that I'm consistent. KORI: Oh, my god. These many left. You can't hide from anybody anymore, so you really have to just claw your way through and be like, I deserve to be here. So I'm hoping that I can continue fighting on. GORDON RAMSAY: Marc is a big talker and a decent cook, but I'm looking for someone who can lead a brigade. Marc couldn't even win over his own team. NARRATOR: Next time. You like me a lot? I know I do. You're pretty. Yes! NARRATOR: As a budding romance starts to brew, will the distraction-- Ooh, la, la. Miss Mary Lou, keep your head in the game. NARRATOR: --cause a storm in the Red Team? Take half the salad from Jordan. Listen to what she's telling you to do. I'm listening. Do this now. NARRATOR: Or is it all part of one chef's master plan? Basmati rice? You're on fire. NARRATOR: It's a conniving episode-- Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, sucker. NARRATOR: --you won't want to miss.
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 203,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, TV Shows, Reality TV, Nonfiction, Cooking, Restaurant, Celebrity chef, Chef, Restauranteur, Roast, Hell's Kitchen
Id: LI69azsufVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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