Hell's House (1932) BETTE DAVIS

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[Music] what do you want mom will you take those things off the line dear i have to take back mrs miller's wash oh all right mom jimmy i didn't scare you did i mom full of tricks just like your father was ain't you yeah you ain't too big to be spanked young man well mom you haven't lost your punch have you well you better run along i've got a lot of work to do mom mom mom mom it's me jimmy oh my god mom mom mom mom [Music] leaning me my mom catch a [ __ ] hello son who are you looking for the clarks right well my name's truck you uncle henry uncle hamlet yeah all right are you lucy's boys yes sir i'm jimmy well it's fine how'd you get so far away from home it's in the letter go on in how's your mother she's dead what lucy's dead sorry sit down i'll go tell your enemy don't cry no i mean don't make it harder for the boys oh my finish but mr kelly kelly is our border hi econos well i knew your dark past would catch up on you someday now mr kelly this is my nephew jimmy mason oh hello jimmy glad to see you say if i knew you were going to be here for dinner i'd have stopped at the city hall square and shot a buffalo or an older man or something say i won't be here at dinner tonight no i'm stepping out with who his honor the mayor that's a break for you jimmy you can have my spinach well over the river and skip together be seeing you folks happy seeing you mr kelly's a card all right he always has a laugh voice your hands hasn't he oh jimmy when you take your suitcase into the dining room dear you're going to sleep on the couch i suppose you're awful tired after riding around all day yes ma'am hiya peggy say honey you look gorgeous i've been to a concert i've been waiting for you for over an hour i wouldn't have later forgot i helped it but i've been to a conference conference let me tell you this can't last forever you expect me to marry you listen honey when we're married we're married and i'm not told sure that i want to marry a man who keeps me waiting around like this look frank gephardt editor of the morning times great guy frank you know him intimately no doubt do i know him say we're like this hi frank how do you do how are you do i know that man i just spoke to no mr gibbhart what's his idea in calling me frank well you may know him like this but he didn't fall over himself speaking to you oh that's nothing honey he's so near-sighted many of the time he passes up his own mother listen babe i know new spaghetti joints you're going to be crazy about come on honey we'll step right in the car and i'll drive you right down the terribly small i'm late baby [Applause] i've always wanted a boy around the house outside of you first thing tomorrow i'll take him around to school no i don't want you to do that i don't want you to be late for you haven't lost your job again this morning what are they going to do now with another mouth to feed we've always pulled through before heaven maybe i'll get a better job tell you what i'll do i'll i'll run down and get a newspaper now and look through the wallpads don't worry honey everything will be all right now watch jimmy watch closely this time oh it's the music in my soul jimmy i i'm so full of it i leak when i come in the door rudy valley goes right out the window do you know rudy valley mr kelly do i know rudy valley do i know the megaphone was my idea well i got to be going hey jimmy there's a dollar that'll help reopen a couple of banks thanks mr kelly yeah could i talk to you for a moment sure grab your hat and make it snap and emma i'm gonna walk down the street with mr kelly well what's on your mind jimmy well you see mr kelly it's like this hi red how's the boy coming you know red green football player was that great all right all right hi everyone what were you saying jim well you know won't go henry hey kelly go ahead jimmy what are you going to tell me well they've been updated hiya commissioner i guess you know nearly everybody mr kelly well i'll tell you jimmy you see i got a lot of connections that's just the reason i wanted to go on you see well well well you said well done jimmy here's one for the book remember we went to that fortune teller this afternoon remember yeah oh did you and he said we'd be walking down the street just like this remember jimmy yeah and he said we'd run into the most beautiful girl in all the world i was right after that point wasn't he yeah and he said uh well he said a lot of things that happened remember yeah a lot of things for instance well let's see for instance he said uh he said uh well he said i'd ask her to go dancing remember yeah did he say where i don't know did he say where jim sure he did he said we'd go to the rosalind dance palace oh that was the place all right what oh i get it i catch on you're the girl he was talking about all the time who is this person what this is mr uh peggy i want you to meet a pal of mine jimmy mason hello jimmy oh you were only kidding you knew her all the time nowhere say i'm noticing she was that big come on i'll take him peggy sit down jimmy thanks turn on the radio sure [Music] not bad hey jimmy he's a swell of girl so you want to read the story in here by earth cod you know him too oh sure we're like that ever showed you this trick that i didn't i don't think so i know i didn't watch it very closely [Music] they like that jim that's marvelous mr kelly [Music] jimmy weren't you trying to tell me something yeah oh take mr kelly to the movies sometime won't you jimmy all right i've gotten up and it hadn't been for that sarnia mine oh well if you've got a sony you can't dance what do you think of a man who asked a girl to go dancing and then here's a sore knee does your mother let you associate with people like that she died last week oh jim i'm sorry i wouldn't that's all right got a boy jimmy the old chin up all the time mom would have liked you mr kelly too jimmy i want you to promise me something yes ma'am anytime you feel lonesome will you come and see me could i anytime you want sure thanks i sure will hey jim when you get to cut me out with my girl how about going back here aunt knuckles hello what i can't understand you oh i guess it's for you hello hello hello i called up to say i've got everything under control everything is exactly as if you were right here right here what hello say what's the matter with you you're hello hello sorry baby but that was important i'll be back as soon as i can if i can't make it why have phone come on i'll know if you're coming yeah how do you know i'll call that fortune teller oh all right so long darling saying i guess i'd better be going too just thought of something that's getting late well good night good night jimmy remember come to see me again well good night i had a very good time hello why don't you answer kelly what's the matter huh at it again man well you're through get out oh kelly you wouldn't talk to an old pal that way get out all right all right all right but you'll be sorry for this tomorrow when you sober up i found you yes ain't your talent you don't mind do you well no what i wanted to talk to you about this evening was you see with uncle henry getting laid off and me coming unexpected the way i did it's kind of hard on them and i thought well knowing everyone the way you did you could help me get a job well maybe i can i don't know maybe i can i'd like to work for you mr kelly yeah you would you'll be here the first thing in the morning say it's getting kind of late you better run along aren't you thanks mr kelly good night so long oh yeah oh three-quarters of what okay i'll bring them right over yeah all right of course it's none of my business but i'm sure they are bootleggers well i've done my duty and i expect you to do yours hi commissioner kid now listen jimmy that's what i want you to do you see i'm in out of this place all day long all i want you to do is answer the phone somebody calls tell them i'm out but get their number you can do that sure i can here's another thing i do all my business over that phone that door is supposed to stay locked all the time ain't nobody coming in here that ain't been invited see but supposing they do yes sir you've got to have the worst memory in this man's town you don't know who owns the place you don't know where you live because i live there too you don't even know my name yes but why mr kelly well you say jimmy it's like this i got a lot of big connections you know that don't you yes sir well you see you see a man in my position he's liable to have a lot of enemies and you never know what they might try to do sure so if anything goes wrong no matter what it is you get in touch with me on the quiet but be sure it's on the quiet and you don't know me at all oh i get it lots of stuff and remember jimmy kelly's your friend a guy that'll always stand behind you and i'll do the same for you too chao jimmy ko oh and jimmy yes sir get a load of this i'm paying you 25 bucks a week whoopee kao ko [Music] wow open up that door [Music] hey so hey say you've been here before so you're taking it pretty easy for a first timer nothing's gonna happen to me what do you mean nothing's gonna happen it's happening yeah but i got a friend with connections and he'll walk in here any minute burton edward burton relatives and witnesses come this way kelly patrick kelly mason james mason say that friend of yours better get his connections working how old are you james 15. almost ever been in trouble before no sir where do you live no place in particular parents dead yes sir haven't you any relatives in this town someone that we ought to notify about this no sir no relatives anywhere now james obviously you wouldn't have found yourself in this trouble if you hadn't been led astray by someone older and more responsible would you would you now come james come now we want to give you every chance to cooperate with us no it isn't you but the man who hired you that we want to reach and your failure to expose him is really a more serious offense than the other charges against you now come who was he oh nobody anybody you leave me no alternative i'm sorry to have to do this but you'll spend the next three years at the state industrial school for boys [Music] the new batch is being numbered sir do you want to come out and give him a speech no i suppose so how many of them are there eleven and two repeaters two repeaters always the repeaters yes sir one three one four four that's all attention mr thompson has something to say to you boys boys you are here to be made into good citizens i trust that you'll take advantage of this opportunity you'll be taught a trade at which you can earn a honest living when you are released obey the rules and you can profit by this experience disobey them and you will be punished in other words you will get out of this institution exactly what you put into it that's all all right you get going one three one seven two law of birth there's yours one three one four four off a dick first thing you do get into your monkey jacket one three nine seven four upper one four six seven one lower one five six two upper [Music] where'd you come from i got the bed up above all right then get your things and scram up where you belong well i just thought i'd undress down here oh yeah say hey what's going on here what's all these ropes about oh i just slipped and fell stay on your feet and get all those clothes okay big boy you can sit down here anytime you want to hey yo how long you in for did i let you write letters from here sure three a month why i won't be here long uh but you gotta be careful they read everything you're right [Applause] what was that did the super give you the welcome speech when you first came in yeah well that's some kid getting his for not profiting by his experience what's it like up here anyhow oh the food's terrible but you can get used to it and they make you sweat like a dog in the brickyard brickyard yeah that's the way they support this place they haven't got enough money to run it so they make us kids work for it how do they treat you well some of the guards are okay and some of them are plenty tough but they lay off me i got a break yeah how the old pump that ain't no good the heart i mean i'm lucky yeah i guess you are i didn't think you brought me down here to listen to my charming conversation charlie don't let what i've said give you the impression that has anything to do with our friendship i'm not asking you to do a thing you don't want to do no you're only asking me to sacrifice my job to become the goat for a reform movement that's not the idea at all what i want you to do is to be a man you know what conditions in the school are now you know how badly you need the money from this bond issue to correct them and i know you feel the way i do you'd like to see things improve you'd like to see these kids given a chance wouldn't you wouldn't you now i can bring about these changes but only by arousing public interest by printing the truth now listen charlie this is something that's got to be done i can't do it i'm not asking you to do it now on thursday i'll appear at the school unexpectedly with a pass you don't know anything about it how i got it all i'm asking is that you let me see with my own eyes conditions as they really are not the sunday school act you put on for visitors now will you do this charlie i've got to be going frank well frank i'll see you thursday thanks charlie [Music] hey jimmy i'm going to give you two now that's what all us old timers do and supposing i don't catch them oh you'll just smash a finger oh is that all sure what do you care you got ten of them i caught him okay big boy what again sure you got to get used to it well guess that's all well i'll be seeing in a couple of minutes oh where you going get more bricks more bricks sure you're just warming up or they sure make you work in this place say ain't you the guy with the connections yeah what of it i thought your friend was gonna get you out of this well he isn't it's none of your business say you want me to show you how to plot up those bricks a little beezy on you all right hey jack here's a new kid let's show him how to pot up the bricks little kid huh yeah this is gonna be swept for your muscles too pretty strong all right yeah you gotta see me when i first did this huh there now let's say you influence your friend get you out of this who did that i did it oh you can't do that to him he's my pal [Music] [Applause] now just for this monkey business you'll get no recreational now hop joint come on what's the good am i standing over a hot stove half a day if you don't eat something i'm not hungry i don't see what jimmy could have done but mr kelly mr kelly and while he thought and we sat here maybe we could have done something no i mean mr kelly did everything he could he used all of his influence and he couldn't do nothing what could we have done at least we can go up to the school and see him as soon as mr kelly gets us that pass hi a baby baby baby oh stop it what's the matter with you i just washed my hands and i can't do a thing with them say get a pipe with a new backdrop with it gee i bet you had to fight the women off every step of the way no i fixed that i got a police car have you heard from jimmy no not a word i guess he's gone for good you know i can't get that poor kid off my mind how could a boy just disappear i don't know i can't figure it haven't i tried everything police hospitals sheriff's office well i guess he just beat us i know i was just wondering just like i told you sweetheart he perhaps got tired of the city and homesick for the old town and just blew you know how kids are they don't think say house for you getting under that derby of yours we got a lot of staying up to do tonight just a minute what a heel you are kelly hey jimmy yeah how you coming all right but gosh it's hard writing in the dark hope mr kelly will be able to read it say shorty yeah i don't see how this will ever get to me if i don't sign it or address it okay big boy you see i slept to this guy in the hospital and tell him the address then he writes it on the envelope when he gets it outside say shorty yeah how do you spell terrible oh never mind how you spell it just write it i'm coming to the part about getting you out too we're gonna stick together okay big boy what's the matter with you i swallowed a couple of peas you're lucky to get peas what about it oh i mean in print shop type it bother you any no but i didn't think it would be good for me to keep on working well work won't hurt you there is only one thing to fix you up i'm beginning to feel fine the water's over there next [Music] i keep on getting them dizzy spells well you're the kid that got the bump on the head yeah in the brickyard well you'll have to wait till tuesday when the doctor comes up but here's some aspirin next next hey you you're next well what's the matter now well i thought maybe you could give me some of that medicine the doctor gives me oh well i don't feel so awful bad now i think maybe i could come back when the doctor's here come here unbutton your coat come on all right let's have it well your writing is nothing like this now who wrote that i did it looks like that you see i wrote it in the dark now listen you've been here long enough to know it's a serious offense to try to sneak a letter out especially one that criticizes the school now you tell me who wrote this and i'll go easy on you if you don't if you don't i'm going to give you solitary i did it i tell you all right have it your own way you wrote it so you get six days in solitary confinement you couldn't put me in solitary then tell me who wrote this letter all right take him away come on [Music] have you got one three one four four here over there one three one four four one three one four four yes sir how would you like to be a monitor i don't know we need more monitors and you've been recommended if i were you i'd take it get better food better sleeping quarters special privileges of course you get your responsibilities i guess so well come on [Music] so oh where's shorty how should i know you're supposed to relieve me yes sir those on the mourner's bench i've got two hours more to go you've got to see that they keep their eyes on that line every minute of it those on the chalk line can loosen up 45 minutes more they are you're the new monitor ain't you yes sir [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] god [Music] well how do you do mr gebhardt how do you do i'm sorry i have to tell you that mr thompson won't be able to take you through the school personally however he's instructed me to see that you go wherever you want i see now what would you like to see first oh it doesn't matter now this is our correction room the boys are made to study during a recreation period what do you use the white line for that well occasionally a disobedient boy is made to stand with his toes to that line while he studies now these are our punishment cells is there anyone in them why no we only use these in case of emergency more comfortable than i expected would you like to see the dormitories no thanks i think not well charlie i've seen your sunday school so you lost your nerve double-crossed me what was the matter before never mind number five yeah buddy hey wake up shorty shorty what's the matter shorty something's happened to him he's just lying here get someone quick give him that water i'll be back right away [Music] shorty don't worry mom shorty oh don't cry mom it's me don't you know me gee mom jimmy's gonna be disappointed when mr kelly doesn't get that letter oh stop talking like that shorty of course it's different with him come on listen to me listen jimmy what's the matter had a boy shorty now you're talking how'd you get here jimmy i was bringing your suffering you were just oh gee gee that's great i thought maybe they got you too got me what for is that why you're in here did they find that letter [Music] yeah only i wasn't gonna tell you shorty you're doing this for me it's my fault i'm gonna tell them i'm gonna tell them i wrote it you can get out but that won't do any good they'll never let me off kind of i wouldn't tell them who wrote it oh i'll make them let you off i'll tell them myself oh don't do that jimmy that won't help any they'll just put you in solitary too be all right the doc can fix me up no i'll fix you or you told me yourself they could never fix you up in this place you need good doctors and hospitals and everything uh i'll be all right [Music] i know what i'll do i'll run away i'll get out i'll get to mr kelly i'll tell him oh he'll get you out shorty shorty dear do you think you can stand it till i till i get a chance is that all right oh okay big boy [Music] shorty gee it's great to be home mom shorty it ain't nothing to die oh you're not gonna die [Music] here get out of the way take him to the hospital the doctor's on his way over [Music] get back to your work oh let me get back to your work i won't i can't i'm going with shorty wait a minute if you're not careful you'll lose that i don't want it i hate it driving kids still i can't stand up make them look at the line till they fall on the floor treating like they weren't human beings like shorty i'm going with them let me go oh no pick em up you mug all right you don't have to help me i'll do it myself you're darn tootin you well i'm not gonna let my dinner get cold keep going how about it let her go one three one four one here one three one four two here one three one four three here one three one four four one three one four four [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't see what good it does you to read the same thing over and over again i was just trying to see right jimmy i got a lot to do i gotta get is mr kelly home he don't live here anymore but boy they're after you don't you know that i don't care i gotta get mr kelly right away where is he we don't know but what good could he do oh let's take him back i don't care about that long as i get help for shorty yeah i gotta get mr kelly right away get my coat in a shirt i think i know where i can find let me wipe your paint off hold your head up jimmy hold your picture my goodness but you're dirty how in the world did you get all that over here jimmy mr kelly here better close the door fine jimmy where are you kelly well well well how's the weather in china say you want to let your friends know when you duck out like that you had us worried i tried to let you know on the quiet like you told me but after the cops got me i didn't have a chance shorty tried to get a letter out of the reform school but my phone was saying did they send you to the reform school yeah when i wouldn't tell them your name what does this mean well when the cops broke in and found all that liquor of course i knew right away they were trying to get something on you counting your connections i didn't want to see about that but there's something you got to do mr kelly not for me but for a kid that's still up there shorty he's sick unless we get him out of there right away i'm afraid he's going to die that's why i ran away oh will you do something mr kelly gee sure he's a swell kid you'd be crazy about him we gotta do something quick before they catch me and take me back you're not going back no jimmy you're not going back i'll get in touch with the right now wait a minute let me think i got it frank gebhardt of the times just the man i'll go right down and see mr kelly why don't you phone me oh no you can't sell a thing like this over the phone phone him and see if he's there say that's a good idea never mind i know the number hello mr gebhardt please hello uh mr kelly calling mr gebhi i'm sure he'll know uh hello frank this is kelly kelly what kelly i couldn't be better how are you say who is this say frank i want to come right down and see you uh listen i got some real front page job for you yeah and that's state reform school stuff well all right come down and see me uh no no frank i can't come to dinner thanks but i'll be right down uh this song well let's go you're not doing any good but not telling us where he went the sooner you tell us the better it'll be for him you don't want him to get in any more trouble do you i tell you we don't know where he went he said he was going to see mr kelly a friend of his who used to be our border where does this man kelly live well we don't know and jimmy didn't either he he just uh uh thought he could find find him i guess they're on the up and up i guess so now listen if that kid comes back here tonight you keep him here and call police headquarters yes sir yes sir well let me don't you go well emery me this spineless old rabbit hey all right you know a guy named kelly that used to live over there sure looking for him yeah will you come in mr kelly oh frank [Music] what's your game what's the idea of calling me frank well i'll tell you mr kevin i've been reading your column so long i just got the feeling like i knew you uh-huh you know what i told you over the phone the front page news that's on the level i know a kid who just escaped from the reform school this kid yep your boy well no he's a power mine what do you want out of it not a thing except that he don't go back up there i can't promise that all right the deal's off now wait i can't say what i can do until i've heard the story but i'll do what i can he's outside now bring him in miss max will bring your book herman break down the front page yes yes never mind about that now jimmy this is mr gebhard how are you jimmy sit down uh take my chair jimmy could you tell me how you got into the reform school and what happened there yes sir take this please all right tell me about it well when i first came to live with uncle henry and aunt emma say joe have you hauled kelly this girl and a kid in the last hour no have you seen anything of them no not me say all right why a young couple and a kid and when i got to mr kelly and told him how badly shorty needs help he brought me down here i guess that's all just transcribe that as quickly as possible maxwell yes sir yes telegraph this just got a wire on the reform school mr gebhardt kid died up there this afternoon to say it was a case of bad heart we're getting pictures all right i'll call you back later jimmy will you wait in the outer office there's something i want to talk to mr kelly about yes sir mr gebhardt yes jimmy you and mr kelly will do everything you can to get shorty out of there right away will you we'll do everything for him we possibly can thank you sir everything we possibly can kelly that phone call shorty just died oh gee that'll be tough on that kid i can keep jimmy from going back to the reform school but i can't do it alone kelly you've got to help me what do you mean just this i want a signed confession from you clearing the boys the idea get me mixed up in this the only way we can save him is by proving that he was ignorant of the nature of your business and that means that you will have to admit what it is and how you deceive the boy i won't do it do you want that kid to go back up there but i ain't going 11th and that's that hello jimmy hello that's him come along call mr gebhardt quick mr gibbhart well gentlemen now this kid ran away from reform school mr gebhardt we're taking him back wait a minute boys i'm interested in this case will you sit down here for about five minutes jimmy won't run away will you jimmy no sir how about it well i guess thanks yes well jimmy will be starting back in five minutes i can't do it oh you can't do it you made the kid believe you're the greatest guy on earth and then you hid behind him to save your own skin you let him go to reform school because he wouldn't squeal when you told him not to and now when you've got a chance to be the man he thinks you are what are you going to do about it are you going to let him down what are you kelly a man or a rat you're a rat will you come in here a minute jimmy yes sir it'll be all right boys jimmy you've got to go back to the reform school there's only one man in the world who can help you and he won't what do you mean jimmy you didn't know it but the man you were working for was a bootlegger the liquor in that place wasn't planted there it belonged to him and now he's too small too mean too cowardly to do for you what you did for him are you talking about mr kelly yes listen mr gephardt he may have been a bootlegger that may have been his liquor but when you say he wouldn't do the same for me as i would for him it's it's a lie you're right jimmy you're right you see you frank's a great killer he's gotta have his little joke i didn't think he was kidding oh sure he was jim get peggy will you let me well kid looks like i gotta go away for a long time two two yeah yep uh but after all it's it's no more than i got coming to me but see mr kelly oh now look at it this way kid we're pals ain't we sure sure we are and you took it on the chin didn't you well no i'm gonna take it on the chin and what happens mr gebhardt gets a chance to clean up that reform school and do things for a lot of kids that's the way to look at it in it yeah yeah that's the way to look at it and shorty sure that's it thank you shorty ah please don't babe how is it now shorty okay big boy [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 616,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, pre-code hollywood, Howard Higgin, classic movies, MOVIES, Hell's House (1932), Bette Davis, filmstruck, Pat O'Brien, BETTE DAVIS, #classicmovies, FREE, CLASSIC, Junior Durkin
Id: lUgAO9iGveU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 38sec (4238 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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