Let Go and Let God! The Battle is the Lord’s! - Bong Saquing - Extraordinary

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you were watching Christ's Commission fellowship changing lives for eternity we're doing a series on extraordinary now if you still remember it to put I think in a goose up and about extraordinary are about ordinary people who somehow accomplished extraordinary and achievements bucket because they they serve the extraordinary God alone upon upon importantly who itõs a bucket Napa get Impala who's attained if you look back you pull mother Kinnison carpeting just a missing mass Malala 14 going back for example for Abraham he was a liar and for Jacob Corral along nothing last week from pastor Peter neva he was a a hill grabber Sapa Galu magnin ah commander embalmer and yet somehow God used him and even identified himself with Jacobs and yet I am the God of Abraham Isaac and I'm the God of Jacob setup no parenchyma gamete enjoys hindi mala in the May edition a garden imperfect Notaro Sabbath Allah if God will look for perfect people well on the cinema who has happened nobody will ever serve him any longer Tom Abba kaya let me just encourage you as we are studying these ordinary people with the extraordinary God God is just telling you that he will use you because if enemy enemy me why laugh about that God can use you puppymonkeybaby more than anyone laughs ABBA now let me ask you the top and you know that's what I'm a man I mean why lie about God will use you opine amoeba sonic to do the place having a cool you burn a potassium they'll dig alum on your mini Gary no Gary Linda your DNA on no the reason why I'm telling you this it is one thing to know that God uses ordinary people but it is another thing to believe that God will make use of you of me device isn't Baca unique not happening mine in behind buggabugga committee knockin and Joe's tell about me Gandhi Thomas adios then let me encourage you make gammad casados kya ho gaya na mañana para el enacted in the past pop up on symphony no those are people know Hindi poem extraordinary now let's just look again in house for example now as they observe the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated from the perspective and from the standards of the Pharisees and the scribes from the standard of the teachers of the law they were uneducated they were untrained men they were amazed and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus he's a secret oh man they were with Jesus and Malaga they had an experience with Jesus in the apparel oh I know Jesus no in Bela Lugosi not venomous animal another big another stock Samia I know Jesus I know Paul but who are you in Deegan own party though they they have an experience with Jesus they were with Jesus upon Nina they may be untrained they may be uneducated some eternal power but God used them because they are with Jesus no continual our you belong to Jesus you're with Jesus God can make use of you and in fact God will use you definite he will use you in DNA and panini can induce in it along putting on your paw is upon bagger and as they were speaking to the people in other words the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees those are leaders at the train Amina came up to them being greatly disturbed why because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in jesus the resurrection from the dead the only thing they understood they understood that Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead indle Amanpour intellectual understanding that Jesus Christ rose again from the dead but they experienced the leaving Jesus along a certain Salah hot among all and to point a biological it's not a leap of faith then the boy Richie Jesus just to encourage you but you see biologically on Israel and eat comparison of in mundo and they were enslaved so history they were enslaved by Egypt they were enslaved by Assyria they were enslaved by Babylonia they were displayed by made appear shot by Persia and they were almost gone that was they were enslaved by Roman Empire by the Roman Empire kappa didn't I know who would believe the isolates who would read the Bible wallah but something happened that made the world to get so curious about the scripture because Jesus Christ that particular event Jesus Christ rose again from the dead guy Yamagata oh they were very surprised when we studied acts they were willing to die for Jesus pocket in the buhei mcmalley good indeed a boy of emollients in the Malayalam say strain cinema Baba southern Bible wallah but because Jesus Christ rose again from the dead cognitive memento they would that be mothered one big dynamometer no person you may own a sheep in numerous tell you miss mo even if we have not witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ with our eyes Deva pero hindi Nehemiah Tatanka that we can experience him in our daily walk today today hey Jana who commits Apollo in another an akuna Tulsa papa but the Cocina calluses on you people gradually Papa Papa Papa no cookie convinced allahu allah allah awj panicum convinced Allah and holiness Allah in the u-bahn Akitas artists annealing Emilia young reality and Jose how the Lord God provided for us how he answered our prayers how he has transformed our lives oh ma no no warning you kiya him Dean along chaperone that tongue is it now if Jesus Christ rose again from the dead he's giving everybody a new beginning you might shut up okay he can make use of you CP knew the power of Resurrection at work in new impossibly me rupanuga had lungs are you to accomplish his purpose hey Yahoo what new e underestimate what God can do lalala go see Joey see Joey can see main function is speech impediment and problem and Joey don't change the very same church members I sank Church merica problema finance may conceal and financial difficulty it is a people of investigation blame minami's a para so hop on the blockage is a church building Mena the coffee machine nuns is a storeroom 90% of box system on a Bible buk system a Bible staffing adding the Pope can also gain congregation guys since we are having problem financially and I found out that there were stacks of Bible in your storeroom in a storeroom the ISA : can we sell them for $10 per Bible contain dollars Changmin a 530 pesos Tom Abba 530 pesos oh man Sam cuz in the camaleona in a PPP lands in a Berkeley the home Aruna my computer I am Peggy account banku so 530 pesos so Sabina ok ok let's sell that but of course we need volunteers never we need volunteers so Hanuman Magog Alina salesmen dito baby I belong here in Tampa island by canonical a polymer a hoe huh ok meepo Pangolin pilaparam elastin the thing what came it neva be me amia sir Sir can I volunteer you see I'm a salesman of Nestle and I'm very good at that Sam can I volunteer for sure everybody was clapping yes hallelujah sister came it volunteered and again another volunteer a new polymer hijo I couldn't gonna eat him wandering paid in the rain he made simple a ricotta Obama ha ha Rio Oh - made you like mama dream a bendable see hurry now here I want to volunteer so Hari Bol indeed a Magelang did he's from San Miguel he's very known in sales oh yes I know so in all of a sudden see Joe we came in I volunteer hey Jimmy me problema iiiii volunteer pastor aha can't be busting indeed mama pig even cassimy discouraged the money Imbaba because I'm volunteering oh so didn't Ghana after two weeks remittance they came a to see I know she can it the London the grim it none for a five hundred US dollars so Elena been Tanya Alana compute compute complete little about some calculator new cellphone there are fifty number 50 times 10 500 dama ba so Wow pile apartment my family was able to sell 50 Bibles rustic put another didn't own a home honey how about you Aleister Crowley may I Aparna you see I was able to sell look at this this is $1,000 Oh 100 Bibles in your parlor you know I'm a seeing Paula Park and praise God for you hurry so praise the Lord oh they do might be messy Joey how about you Joey Oh humble number seven yeah here's some more money but $2,500 in the beta [Applause] 250 Bibles a bacon how did you do that Nanami McBean oh in Hawaiian hobby I pray an expression I pray I mean yeah then I went out something yeah then I mean I talk to people yeah you want me to read the Bible for you or buy Oh deeply sobbing what now we will just buy you this boy so he was able to sell never have 250 Bibles you know you cannot underestimate what God can accomplish to those who really trust in him because I'm Indian means son Alan alcohol in the Hokkaido vomiting and just know you're wrong the reason why I'm telling you this because each one of us we are so special to God when he created us as great minds for all of us he knew who we were created with a purpose we are created to bring honor and glory to him indeed indeed Yamaha know Malika cannula Parata means Anindita you mahaan alla Gua no indeed I'm a breakthrough i'm dominaing mahaprabhu emma dominating melodic Manara we battle against our insecurities we battle about our finances we battle about our problems with our families we battle in school we battle in our workplace we bought them physically we battle about so many things they are a union and seven NGOs and catonian our real bottom is this Sabine and Bible finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil the devil will always accuse you the devil will always say voila I'm Picasa a cowgirl meeting and Joe's Nicole and Danny mockable belong and Danny maka Palpa handsome ooh hi Raquel Gaga meeting and induced in Nicaragua runamuck Selita because Gaga meeting can induce but some bug's across a school academy think and then just viva la impaler because Gaga meeting and induce Nene come up in any new anonymous album no then Satan will accuse you and alum you listen to this Satan is the accuser of the Brethren but when God speaks to us yes he may convict us but never will he condemn us are you following some job local condemn Kenya but God he will just convict us and challenge us to come to him and be but don't be make yourself available and he's always there to mold us according to his purpose amazing see God know P many of us have been annoyed why what I struggle is not against flesh and blood but against what the rulers against the powers against the world Force's of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places Shido caliber nothing speed tanaka diliman obviously don't say typically long also been a lama did warn you ontology one cannon we fight it out in the spiritual realm Kemosabe the bible put on your whole armor I know a lot more no I we don't we cannot explain everything but one thing for sure our armor is Christ himself how did I say that look at this helmet of salvation Jesus Christ breastplate of righteousness to Jesus Christ belt of truth see Jesus Christ sword of the Spirit the Word of God see Jesus Christ shield of faith see Jesus Christ in the sandals of preparation the gospel of peace see Jesus Christ so our armor is Jesus Christ himself homonym Bible and what then shall we say to the things for these things if God is for us who is against us amazing a pocket Cassadine ano he who did not spare his own son Simeon see Jesus but delivered him over for us all how will he not also with him freely give us all things and I learn more to be usable for the Lord there was a venom by banana because of that but in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us hieronymus appalled this opinion I am convinced neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Swapna burr this is our assurance of samsara well now Honda back at houghton this is our assurance that Jesus who died for you is the very same Jesus who will strengthen you is the very same Jesus choosing you okay man hello Korea Anton all along are you willing Chaya at the port I'm gettin it all hindi taruni won the array with the principle he gave us a very good example from the Bible of a person who also whom also an ordinary guy whom God has chosen and yet became victorious Simeon you know I think our Alan see Joshua I mean see Joshua are you excited - Joshua now saboom boo-hiney Joshua he was in a battle allegation of akeeba Gera now listen to this we have our own battles but let me assure you we are fighting from the one wall panel una hindi alonein Marilyn maja Mahad animal ethnic group O not trying to destroy what we have won but we are on the winning side are you following papist 'no unboxing and omaha Banga Banga an interminable elite 'no boss is trying to stop us to enjoy our victory okay well mana mana hello yeah gotta be nothing if we are these pockets of battles the Hina Harrop let God fight your battle sub unit anymore let God fight your battle okay let God fight your battle my parrot the problem arises sorry Nemo let God fight your battle my problem - our relationship let God fight their battle they problema NASA Familia let God fight your battle we gonna be me and now I'm done on ganito bucket poo importantly let God fight our battle I'm kinda neat Oh Alan you in peril and Joshua I'm a big Sabine is God is salvation unjustified Republic toss Keanu if you are to look at how Joshua live now I can you over arching nothing an overview or burst that tells us of the kind of life he went through attaboy on I commanded you Joshua at that time see Moses for speaking to Joshua saving your eyes have seen all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings and I believe Moses to Joshua Joshua you fought for these two kings nappin elude and Mozilla Nikita monokini one and just a bunch of Anila Joshua I'm telling you the Lord shall do to all the kingdoms into it you're about to cross Lanka haryana ganeun Dina manga re serenella pocket hey welcome otaku seminar for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you okay man who's fighting for you good wow what a human thing Kumba and even a few sublime boxing pant a posting boxing bucket because my god is fighting for me yeah yeah let me just remind everyone you want to enjoy the victory that God gave you let God fight your battle little sister let God fight your battle now Papa is a Pathan boo ha ha ha okay boo Yong ha in the kitchen isn't looking good don't boo hi apparently an ayah Homer obsessive Oh mon Dieu mon Yan Kai Ming Chen hi animal animal demonium baby Pomona exact you see member rishabh Manasa be in tropical de manyu uni Nanako de mañana relax canal bruja impaired in D and ammonia and your small moussaka pan garyandsophie nella young boy Scoob Nepal monster you in Capri are plain depend on the Wella Wella bar guy na hindi chaya and just pan while you dance at the prom boy but was happen happen remember the words trust God in everything as you give your best in all things all right but I then mechana minion so some of the little eita hindi kappa save the part of a lord I trust you know know when God tells you to do something you give your best and about you give your best can you partner by your best man so you were the best a little honey manure it'll you banish your doubts your inquired of God for his promise you seek your rest in God and take the step of faith now deep emotion similar now imagine let's go to Joshua Hubbard and Joshua Perry we'll just focus on the beginning steps back FSA if you have one on your first battle the major ones Madalena Susanoo cigaratte empanelled Ohana first now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses servant saying stigmatize ability imagine even more you're working in Johnson and Johnson's okay driver cunning CEO non Johnson's and Johnson's Ramallah is no more mama busca you know I'm Bush and Obama make I'll let you pick you sir gogo Ocalan - I only think why you need to pick you sir another illustration now pound you depend on mama tembo Schmo mama what's happening boys more that's an island Michael canary driver huh see three normal-looking punana - see it's me again as I've been a city city economy no more safe servants Lindy Daniels because he became a nominee no Sabrina Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise cross this Jordan you and all these people to the land which I am giving to them to the sons of Israel miss Amelia okay Joseph on by piracy Moses because now I'm ugly need some other parameter to bring them to the promised land quick parse it for sure she could have the pattern anymore north coast Ali Mohammed also gain and also Amalekites lord please let me pray see Moses known every time Moses would leave this tournament a spot a national of annoyed them he is ordered by destroying man Lord even for sure you understand what he's going through the lava into some of us when you get me God tells you I want to make use of your Lord the mañana I just want to enjoy attending the service for you to use me number known Dunamis Beluga Hui committed mu PAHO not warning you now it's vol ki-moon among gagawin the first battle because he you cannot cross until you settle that battle inside of you haha Taliban and eternity similar what enrich me was right the heart of every problem is the problem in the heart o demagoguery is to banish your doubts why because doubts limits our potentials doubts see creates a barrier peridot me nothing internal Appa hey Jana you have to banish the Dutch oven by below anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea blown up and down by the wind they should not think they will receive anything from the Lord semi mission we expect God to do something great in our lives but we keep on bowing why do the Italian seed ok-kk Joshua be bold and strong the reason why God had to tell him be strong and and be bold and strong because he was afraid could be encouraged even Joshua felt afraid now I was once asked pastor boom you can open a pop album will be preached you just don't understand supergirl economy me me still for the past more than 30 years oh man I say Hindi hooby rule here I would cry out before God almost every day I would cry and say God but they don't know when I go out but I or Rito I'm afraid they don't damn guys have been annoyed let me tell you this bonosphere and down for remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go how can you banish the doubt can you do that of course because doubt is a choice the doubt is a choice that millipede polyp ugh dude I had no use in a beam and jaws at anserine ingen van and just paris io p neelima mcdu de joy soon they were in de canaima para a person to do that they pineal evil mcdu de minimis pocket ass at him never maraming tower for example say bargain and L'Orange and a pattern impala tire some people I doubt that but did you study about it did you listen really listen Mahinda connecticut fact i know by just listening never miss and weed out because we chose to doubt the Carolinian hello korean chinese and just in any opinion now pop importante pocket metallica paella dude what causes us to doubt now I'm not gonna die like one because we are sideward looking and backward-looking been a nothing when I said one here is Joshua why is he afraid in the MOOC he's comparing himself with Moses he was saying that 7g Moses thought he was the one who delivered us from Egypt with power with miracles who not Lord we keep on trying to compare myself with somebody else but seen a banana just beggar meeting people came upon me Bhumi Noonan now listen along your height see Peter when God tells him okay you feed my sheep you feed my loved ones have been annoyed they learned how about him as I've been injures what if I want him to live until I come back what is that to you you follow me I just everything just stop comparing yourself with somebody else I don't know ugly now then just kinda no way no oh Allah boom boom laughs way he's heaping your Latin America banging thumping Island tea Nagasaki nope nope Beluga Abajo bang it the hot Cena be me rock up and tap on Homer upset ow doctor can depend on when I'm yeah buggin out how doctor can you put in the Hat boo-boo hang on pollen put on Bobo shocking them a ghoulish Shifu must redeem Akula me me me wala no taco boom dice I'm on a shocking accompany a boo-boo he's hit me never buti'm a cop Abama Kappa Kappa max Aleta can you say b7 just I want to use you Guha on the lung Yokoyama tulino your valedictorian University scholars IUP who would come to be the nominee would please when young lost them with others because you are looking for [Applause] convenient opinion and the Mission Valley government the pinging your parent in every major believe McKean is come allow McInnis canyons like oh wow gusto looking good man that's not hockey that must not be me who me you got a man who stood against me Omega this have been alert diamond more Gustavo mocking c3 ghost emergency - Sookie c-17 your animal will not do on haha me but I am big ass ec3 hindi necesito unless I see one why don't you just be boom don't compare yourself with others I did not choose you because you're like c3 I did not choose you because you're like C - I think just a petition like c1 I chose you because you're born the comedian captain I was having in my money of course we would not dare to classify ourselves or compare ourselves with those who rate themselves so highly how stupid they are they make up their own standards to measure themselves by by and they judge themselves by their own standards going on they don't break anything so even translation Govinda certainly when they measure themselves by themselves and comparing themselves to themselves they show how foolish they are being operated on estupido Silla market because they you don't compare yourself in others and think of yourself as you are the one qualified because you that guy does that qualify because it does not meet your standard and so I just know that's not the measure Californian the measure is my choice for you I chose you to bear much fruit and that your fruit will remain asked in my name whatever you need to become fruitful and I will give it to you it's this choice not us because it means and not impose I blame that in our more impossible gotta meet him over to make disciples impossibly I don't be serving yes we don't deserve anything good mr. Montalvo I know that's why I saved you buh-buh-buh yes but I'm the god of wisdom Nobunaga but I created the mouse to speak the pendulum Oh Maron see God because God wants us to be reminded I want to use you because of me not because of you okay man Nadira marami akong baka commonly in the past you just don't know my past dominant just I know everything I even know your future tendencies and uncle come on Magog Wamba in the future Valhalla you see see Peter and I said Peter you know how many people you are the son of Jonah when you are Samia you are Pete and Eva Peter Allen Unni you are Simon honey Simon parent ombo Sabina Reid you are Simon son of Jonah I need to be enjoy a nice up dog just ran off para a look learning how to fly well and erection subbu hi Madeline ma hang in but you shall be called Cephas the rock you will become solid stable learners and originally hindi bhama allow me to see Peter NATO it happened Iike three times I know if you can appalled I know that's why I will provide him everything he would need to become the surface of my movement the comedian and peninnah will you come because I'm your Peter come follow me yesterday I'll follow unit challenge kaya in Dina Ishihara Han in the nation bucket kkk-katie Joshua the camera decent animal past failures in fact as per this that he was able to convince I was able now he was convinced to follow the Lord the camera Boresha sample now just was sent men from Jericho - I know some people would they would pronounce it AI some AE ribbon a man a a I must ascertain I oh hell am i okay my sophistica I didn't have a car or a I cabassa I a city of I which is fear best even in stop vessel and said to them go up and spy out the land so the men went up in spite out eyes so ok no montemagno mean Iranian expression he found out that samples of Moses they returned to Joseph and said to him do not let all the people go up only about two or three thousand men need to go up to I Bonita Scylla Diana did talk about Libre Omaha do not make all the people toil up there for they are few Cheney Sevilla so about 3,000 men from the people went up there but they fled from the men of I work you know overcomes enough so that the main of a strike down about 36 of their men Wow and pursued them from the gate as far as shimmery and struck down live and descends on the hearts of the people melted and became as water Kawana another married they were on a cell 11 so Joshua was so discouraged Joshua began to doubt God again cuz it Avery yeah Sabina Joe alas o Lord God why didn't you ever bring these people over to Jordan only to deliver us into the hand of the armor rights to destroy us if only had been willing to dwell beyond the toilets and i lured him to the law me as I've been annoyed by Enya I have been annoyed so my good see good the way you owe me some reason to buy you how many places have been in just a little more made only for blaming you didn't listen to my instruction Hindi nakamise I'm saying OK Go Go an embargo the past I'm sorry me everything must belong to God hey mango yo that was the issue of a con like nachos a canal alanya and the Lord revealed to him Missy a Canaan kappa blame a soul they stoned akin and his family to death now no neither the hot Sun ok let us concentrate I said consecrate ourselves and let's now go as we as the Lord followed as the Lord instructs us and this happen in your sky that car Mallika it doesn't mean that's the end of the world you know what God is saying it's ok buddy can I serve Him let's work it out again for the camel Iike whatever failures you had God is giving us a new beginning you know idea Nong mercy God is full of mercy God is full of second chances are you a man now so I'm gonna get it so I've been annoyed ok said to Joshua do not fear or be dismayed take all the people of war with you and arise go up - I see I have given into your hand the king of I his people his City and his land D to belong in the person of my attack a tapas 'no boxing bucket sin Abaddon and just a MOBA so after that all who felt that they both men and women with 12,000 all the people of I and Samuel enjoys let's continue and I just happened happen this is why I'm telling you don't dwell on your past don't dwell on your past failures even Paul said not that I've already obtained it or who I've already become perfect in deeper yes I am pursuing that but hindi kalpana kartik but I pressed on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was labeled off by Christ Jesus Isana brethren I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet amoeba but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead sobbing I press on toward the goal for the price of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus you know what God is saying you are not defined by your history you are defined by your destiny Sahaba Buddha if you're headed there to eternity then live that defines you make an example hi Anna I'm Bateman just Kali Mata we know her on the menu we are meant to move forward not backward Shannen Mata nothing so hurry up para para panting in Hindi silicon content Pakistan Reba I'm not on papa time to go look for one gamma didn't you alone the big belly could jettison you the municipality could na hindi kalpana kannada mandakini what come up in someone's abdomen tau K mr. Simon Says at Tassili good ball welcome handsome in your own pocket miss messini just keep on moving forward you come a moyes easier to reach forward Tom about the patella code you Palmer forward forward a little an ascetical an illness any good I'm not gonna burst and deaf Adam even a yarn on a basura yong-ran power John to me never we are meant to move forward but I say this oughta be more friends sabaeans of anymore banish your doubt it's your choice it's your choice don't compare yourself with others look backward you look forward and Jesus is in front of you are you following now let's continue then inquire of God for his promise because this battle is not ours this battle belongs to God did nip us phones in trade on the promise of God teens have been annoyed every place on which the sole of your foot treads I have given it to you just as I spoke to Moses summing up being equal to say you're in a different station I will give it to you in this area I mean no I will it's a promise it's a certainty that I will give whatever you put your soul on amia Union mr. compromising juice peril ito-san abandon hooli think oh hello Sal abandon Kappa may problem maka before you go forward you seek God's promise I'll just a Bible nothing we have 7,000 promises pero hindi mama personalized came a goon just lord Haku and mockery - boo - muta'ali Tanya shocking have you ever experienced in the Barbizon Bible madam big am behind a boy you promised and yours hindi penang a re but you are sure that God really spoke to your heart I know my own kasi pocket allah llahu and I was kicked out from the ministry I must have been in the socket no problema sirrah be ready Toto toto but Amina I will enlarge your border I could not imagine how Bonomo convenient God in the combined Indian how will you enlarge my border now Alana home a nice day so I started ministering some are out there who suppose I've in peril um no the Lord has been very good because I open it unless SEC if that's the basis he's here in a whole lotta Nandi grow I think I wanna be with Al Bundy showed I started from scratch that was for the kingdom because I'm in the group leader co-pastor Polana harpoon not the girl no service physical I mean honor people paternity group leader cozy but still 9xo use of worship in a coach I'm gonna hang up me in the Hana P I worship leaders and a Hawaiian Tama let's see hey welcome back after Eno Fanta Conte my god booting along and again I hung up scindia mahana looking I know I did it guys no joke in Idaho Samia Oh inevitable got a Holloway savvy and he guided me help me start all over again and condemn white men just in I started preaching as a guest preaching as I guess preaching as a guest then after about a year well upon Tony the Lord filled up the place and somehow they needed another service an array of course the rest is history but surprising these have been some requests : lurch Ivan and Atacama leaders in developing our so now that I have new leadership if you really have called me into the ministry then my new leadership will affirm that I am cold I don't need to manipulate in Alcala Walla I just kept myself no file doing whatever the Lord is telling me doing discipleship [Music] that was in the column the following day no mercy see for now let me replay for I own epic boss couldn t be Hindi common are a deeper holiness a big event Oh in DNA importante company karma Holika but pakka mikka Sango hello urban and Jos ah Big Love Yahoo ok perfect companion Dena Mahalo ke pero hay ningún goes on your door baby boo boo ba ba ba ba uni-baby Nippon papaya P Mahalo looking hi green tights shower and just met on Conte mahira pessimistic Pallavas honest a tyroid better anyway verbatim just what I'm trying to say is this when he promises something he will surely do it amen now amazing God now let's continue Savion now behold do this today tell me happiness I'm here before he died before he died today I'm going the way of all the earth and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed me self anaconda not fail voila all have been fulfilled for you not one of them has failed crappy no no save on translation by Elham spoken of Sonia soon I will die go in the way of everything on earth deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the Lord your God has come true not a single one has failed because our God is faithful amazing tagalog no somnium Allah picnic on Puma no Piceno Mottola pero alum no SE non posso Kanaloa not a no Putnam Joslyn Yangtze Yahweh and Padma booting bag I like banana Kunis no.1 lation hindi peena-pod Antonella under Mubarak oranges Romania Moroccan and Jos selahattin normal avocados and Maha Cunha strength bananas in kita Zambia no man will be able to stand before you all the pace of your life even doubtless is say just 180 plus na the possibly and no one will stand over no beep in your name again it would be the power 18 ever shall I have the mana senior citizen listen to this listen to this hunger become a Gabby casados well pessimism Yamaha major my magnum is a 99 ha made you madam okay machine madam jami casa de la boca well I will say say no Aaron among us 60 to 70 years old and most productive use that isn't our second most productive years 70 to 80 and the third most productive years 50 to 60 can you imagine that bucket Kayani Colin they provided their healthy and about healthy okay Ben yeah we challenge you one more - Mahina Napo while they commit capacitors caribou a copy never him didn't I did to trying waiting for our death no yeah your warden a retirement Oh even a meaning sat again but net I notice a trabajar God wants you to retire change your tire for a new journey okay man because I'm the entire can never never give up continue to work in a temporary Sanders he will give you success how do you success financial success no any success I'm sorry annoyed only be strong very courageous be careful to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from me to the right or to the left so that you may have what success wherever you go any success that you will bring these people to the promised land you see when God tells you go and make disciples I will give you success in other words you will be able to make disciples number but still a bit annoyed okay you accomplish this for my name then God will make you successful for what purpose you promised you see you but unknowingly now focus on yo he will make you successful in the caffeine in the amp oh okay when God called me into the ministry I'm sorry long lord help me to be successful to inspire people to bring salvation to peer people because I know there's no one hole where nowhere else can save but Jesus look ahead in empo hello now I'm sorry Lord nothing remember what is written in this book they start the day and night to be sure to obey everything that is written there if you do this words you will be wise successful in everything in what I am in public what are they excuse that to be successful you know why Bennigan's a pain and just imbibe all and dominum a book former may Bible up i-70 Kamiya may buy put up me in the comment Indiana made ow the undone in translation making James make New King James May and ib m-- Indian popular finished happy Dungy opera and my imp Indian more never returned Amina Amina just the same from the comparable never minimum Peppa disappeared are shalt not commit adultery but they didn't save on translation you are free to commit adultery moon never Hindi buggy by an unlucky by Emily Baba in Milan are you yelling he did not read him a break that meaning any PD maybe the holding of Vienna importante and pressed on and pressed on illiterate lady Kapoor looms just a great britain on the unrest an amazing neguin christian then he/she realized how important the bible is you see the paperless so many promises but Allen quinoa no Matta the Burma bazaar Lulu hood ma ba ba salons I've been annoyed teach me how to read hello anybody Papa say what is this narrator four four four four this there's me God so love the word it was I mean wow it was able she was able to read and whenever she testifies she would God scriptures amazing no amazing finish everything tell you read this i can because i'm here but this one this is familiar but i think this is that the I think this is Lord Lord but this is not my lord because he indeed not that's a hard way well I'm Alex tearing Nina Nina Nina oh yes it is Lord better Lord Byron in the Lord Jesus Christ I become an excuse parent onion Kappa gusto marami para kappa gyoo marami Halon Dhamma that no matter be more gusto mo i yo mammy agela he sing about it I need sorry mm further now my insomnia support that will give a support can you imagine captives and support and I've been lord have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I will support you no policy for you and I'm gonna be like a Mallory problema I don't have time why I'm Tami Kamala needs that need no K now go get em - oh man have you forgotten this promise my God will supply me with some of your needs be all oh come on Osama bin push this all cuz I mean go like boom Diana according to your children screeches no according to his riches in glory but in Anishinabe all your greed greed syndicated needs its Samia in Christ Jesus the promise is not for everybody it is for everyone who are who belong to Jesus Christ this promise is for those who belong to Jesus are you following God will support you couple sitting upon not inquiring of God may lead us to decide negligently and that is exactly what happened when the Gibeonites came sobbing am Lord don't make any treaty to anyone especially to your neighbors or Tamar give unites the Kunwar a as if coming from a farmer farmer but the big Mina hi Joshua and neguin Ronnie Joshua so the men of Israel took some of their provision and did not ask for the counsel of the Lord so another Gary may he they made peace with them and made a covenant with them to let them live and the leaders of the congregation soar and earth to them so it came about at the end of three days after they had made a covenant with them that they heard that they were neighbors and they were living with the land but I never Korea you be inquire of God's promise are you following then you seek your rest in the Lord what does it mean you see God wants us to put on our weight on him but don't I say you know how much pity wanna say your mapping say almost not him de Klerk I am going we have our own limitations they totally run time and jaws amazing see god ellonija determinant indian even superga RL God will inspire you to Anand just inspect Mahabharata mcaren but he will even teach you what to do good Pallavi the deputy well as I normally develop for example alumina poor there are times miss a new schedule cone apparatus oblem dummy the indigo you indie Cindy Koman Indiana the Catalan dice the got no traffic missin Papa haha IM una Manzana calendar saddam minima maja unexpected banana are a part of big lung EW no Mahayana and there were times have to do it the kidnapper higher morale to look Anna and amazingly but gazing morbid Ram winning team bulalo me suppose it back up in opinion well made in the hand is a giant ad buy me some oh my God look at Alamo said yes what do look a Munna then as you wake up add a comma booty hindi naman you brain woman open it purring amicable gorilla cooperate / union hubbub a Swami alimony master solution and become a solution they say Habra - toluca part of your brain is still computing working solving the problem and you would be priced buggy Sigma weight it is a gulet something amazing about our framework why because God wants you to rest to rest in him get this I've been annoyed no one will be able to defeat you just as I was with Moses so I will be with you remember you are trusting me you saw how I work with Moses Nikita Musa Moses trusting me he was able to even celebrate Shabbos because he trusted me as I was with Moses I will be with you in a pelican and just know amazing but I says happy more Lord oh hey look are you Essam when you see pastor book last hour - pastor Peter because how many pastor Reinke as how many more pastors have either a car me Lord Rama Navami Inaba but a pillow hannah.goanna kita hindi keep a even indicator pop up a yarn ACO human on him being an agreement puts a crimp in Oaxaca I agree you know to do one whopper in a community not Amanda Seminole and nara-narayana vitamin d3 original he did I usually in the grandmama hasaki a casino I believe began a kapa haka neighbor so a classy pastor Moses a munguia sir but quiet echo panic oh oh the Bali para para mantener pillow did wha so antinomian the PT one ha ha ha yes Cassius I will know to trust in the Lord with all your heart do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight get that must participate that last week Samia don't grab look more manipulation master should let me say bye-bye missin me now multiple analyst on vanilla para us our no no boost on what angle service context our pin not a missile mission go Steven I mean movement manipulating come on enema booty in Canyon Country tied my possibly seaman up a loving more shame prima haiku see Jesus a me because I'm psi enough it nema you trust in God you lean not on your own understanding bucket everything acknowledging then the booster him a pep talk nothing's I've been in Lord take the step of faith Joshua I already told you my promises Joshua I already now time to take the step of faith means uncontaminated pep talk go make disciples I will be with you no no no no now start not do it cause it Pokemon alarm on communica her husband but panel now look at the lake oh yeah let me walk on the water of abandonment a lemon who indica hoffman Momoko mukbang ghana that i will be with you manolakas a mother too big man down with her mom kale and moon o muhammad as I'm in my bikini then Joshua issued instructions to the leaders to tell the people to get ready to cross the Jordan River presentable Vanunu don't wait for any tapas de nada it is time for action when God tells you time for action go women in Darbhanga win follow the launch instruction in other words if you wait for perfect conditions you'll never get anything done about an apple or Bocanegra Dinoco second Lord pomegranate naaku chaala Lord from the college stucco unalloyed become Catawba Hanako trust me if you don't start it now you can never have a perfect condition are you following some people they always keep from you anymore not cool why nobody put the matting in Shinagawa pp9 developer and illegal panel if you're still waiting for the perfect condition sorry mallanna you class god take the step of faith now para la luna diamond indian let us just watched a testimony of a brother who really took a step of faith to do what is needed in order for him to win the battle as he allowed the Lord to fight for him let's watch Paul develop I'm Paul devera I grew up as a Christian and I grew up in a bible-believing family studied in a Christian school but growing up I was dealing with a suicidal tendency that was there because it came out of habit so the doctors say it was because I saw it as a way of escape and whenever there's problems challenges whenever I failed a quiz I would really escape the punishment by punishing myself so it started with self hurting like slashing my wrist attempting to jump off from school buildings and then it went on as a habit whenever there's problems my my main solution is really I need to kill myself but it's in the hopes that people will give pity people will love instead of rebuke or correct me but I surrender that to the Lord and I thought I was over it until 2017 game during that time my parents separated that was really a trigger ever since I was a kid so my solution back then was to pray to do my quiet time and I was doing that because I I am a follower of Christ but somehow all the thoughts just took over whatever reasoning I have so I thought that I by doing prayer and fasting I could bring my parents back so I said I'm gonna do full fast I didn't know that I was already depressed and so without eating without nourishing myself I was defenseless in all the things that the enemy could could have done and was able to do and that's what happened on the night of January 11 I went home and I was so distraught already my dad who was with me during that time was telling me that I was trying to talk to me he was trying to clear things up with me what's happening wiring why aren't you talking I wasn't responding I was just so sad and then I slept and I don't know why I don't even know how I was able to do it I went down took my belt and hung myself at our staircase I just woke up one day in the hospital and then they told me what happened if you are going through something the first thing you need to know is you need to bring people in because when your mind is already taken over by whatever your condition is and then you keep it to yourself you will destroy yourself in the long run speak to your family bring them in allow them to battle with you allow them to journey with you in the fight the greatest advice that I could give for people going through this is to really kneel down and tell it say it to God express to him how hard it is expressed to him how desperate you are for an answer and don't leave your prayer room until you get that answer sometimes the answer is not this is how I will heal you the answer is not boom well a name struggle for the answer sometimes come in the form of a peace that will pass all understanding just after you pray and pray and cry out I had those things I had those times hours of really crying to the Lord and then I would breathe and the struggles not there anymore and I would worship God I would really tell God Lord you saved me so please be with me I will step out of this I will face the world but I know it way it can happen any time I want you to be with me don't leave me don't forsake me I need you and it was a battle with him for two years now I've been off my medications but I knew that it was a hard fight but I wasn't fighting alone I think that's what they should remember the battle is not yours it's God's and you just have to fight with him you just have to believe that he is fighting for you he is not against you and he will send people in he will send wisdom he will send help he will send hope so don't lose hope because God is there keep the fight keep on fighting keep on struggling and he will get you out of the cave get you out of the darkness there's a light at the end of the tunnel you wait till you get out praise God praise God and if I say no everything that we've talked about a choice not to doubt the Lord a choice to seek for his promise a choice as in to rest in God's instruction one in a choice who want to pick stood a step up to take a step of faith but now on a banana bar know there's a blast enemy that we are fine and somehow we're fighting and under new pavan let me just encourage with this you pina come up in dynamical a bond denied unity God it happened happen caliber nothing but as I've been paid in the end because the worst enemy is death and look at this Oh death where is your victory Oh death where is your sting when an income under glow the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ the man listen up notice is happening just therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast be movable always abounding in the work of the Lord welcome to Salva welcome at a time but keep on working knowing that your toil is not useless it's not in vain in the Lord hey Amaka but I'm telling you this you choose to banish your doubts and trust you choose us into to inquire of his promises no no laughs and Mesa just because Lord let God let you fight my battle you're not against me come on this having Lord let me just see I may rest in you don't rest on people's promises don't rest us in on people's words your rest on God and be no importante take the step of faith don't wait for a perfect condition because it will never happen they and believe God's Word type on lappa Yuma goes under napalm again kappa team if you are not even convinced that God has already overcame death that God has given you though has already destroyed our worst enemy which is death how could you trust God for the petty battles that we still have in life okay I'm looking harmonies at them if you're not even sure now pocket was a Jaa's hindi kanima mama thai market in the candle is a second death Cocina fact Abu Ghaith accompany me Jesus Christ there cusamano said jesus kappa noona are you really convinced that in your own personal walk with God even death in the Mucca at houghton because you know nothing jesus kasama mo oh Jesus he already overcame death capital if you are not yet sure natella gong may wrong can open a loser death and you want just to be sure that you belong to Jesus be humble enough to admit it and say Lord I just want to surrender myself to you I don't want to fight this death any longer I want just to follow you get there LM cool I don't need to keep on being alive on myself but for me to die for myself and live only for you capitaine if God is speaking to your heart be humble to admit it knowing I want my I want to live for you I want Lord I just want to surrender myself to you I just don't want to keep on fighting that you fight my battle if that is the call of if that is what you are crying out before God will you please raise your hand before the Lord with all humility yes yes yes yes give up your and say Lord you fight my battle live fight my battle I am tired of fighting my own battle let God fight your battle and say God I know you're already overcame death so lord I give my life to you I want to live I wouldn't want to stay dead I want to live and you are the author of life so Lord Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for me thank you that you rose again from the dead to give us life so Lord Jesus I give my life to you that I may live for you that I will not allow myself to it I will not allow to entertain what Satan is telling me to do but to follow you to listen to you because my life belongs to you now well Anna come on Doug and combat iron well I know come on Doug see Satan devil socket because you have already won the war Lord Jesus thank you and I claim that victory to myself thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus for dying for me thank you thank you Jesus for saving me now I challenge everyone I challenge everyone the Lord is calling you God wants to use you Antonia would you be willing to be used by the Lord by just banishing your doubts and believing God to choose God to choose your call from the Lord and really a inquire of his promise and really sick your rest in him and to really take a step of faith friends you've been here for so many long years a lot already but God is telling you now now is the time for you to take the step of faith capitain if you know that God is calling and telling you that he will make use of you and you're making yourself available for that no longer waiting for the perfect condition but you're saying God by faith I will rise up from where I am I will stand for where I am because I want my life to be usable to your kingdom kappa baby that is your prayer a Yuka Yuka and say Lord I want Lord use me use me thank you Lord use me allow my life Lord knowing that you're coming soon I don't want to waste my remaining years Oh God Lord I know you're calling me because you made me part of your family you may be part of your army you have chosen me to be part of your army of the righteous the army who will bring this world father God to your feet Oh Lord Lord I am here standing before you I'm choosing not to doubt because I'm choosing to trust you I'm choosing to believe your words and choosing father God to really seek your promises to stand on your promises I'm here for the God seeking rest in you not on human beings not on human promises not on anybody else but you and now Lord I want us to take the step of faith go and hold my hands for I am afraid hold my hands for I know I cannot do anything apart from you so Lord Jesus as you have as you were with Jose Yost with Moses you walk with yourself and now Lord I believe that you will also walk with me for you're the same God yesterday today and forever thank you Jesus thank you Lord make my life fruitful as you promised make my life usable for your kingdom as you promised and Lord I will come before you trusting that whatever I need o God you will provide in order for me to fulfill the the call that you have for us for me thank you lord we love you Jesus because you first loved us thank you God for giving us this opportunity to take the step of faith with you in Jesus name we pray hallelujah amen amen and amen god bless you and good night
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 1,463,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message, Personal Growth, Joshua, Humility, Trust God, Have Faith, Tagalog
Id: _KMPc3cbV5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 32sec (4352 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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