Hellmuth EPIC poker battle versus Deeb, SICK ending!

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that's that's that's but that's the third time someone spoke during my action I've cautioned them three times already so please give him a warning Phil Hellmuth raise it up 65 all right thanks raising it up to 65,000 Phil playing aggressively not a great hand Lindgren thinking about using his big stack to his advantage LSR really studying that king 9 suited getting rid of it I might have cut your action from these guys but I will give you some action I'll make up for it freddy deeb calls the flop seven two six three clubs on the board a check by freddy deeb complete miss here by both players and the poker brat checking the turn a 10 of spades so now both players have gut shot straight draw in tonight to bet it along then it's like to bet a little bit and then you guys have to check check check by freddy deeb some deep analysis there's Freddie deed bets before the river card even dark he's trying to show some strength there I don't know if Phil Hellmuth is gonna buy it and the dog he does have a sigh and it's like could Freddie really have a pair here he checked twice as you can see all Phil has to do is not fold and he wins the hand that's him thank you ten o'clock I had a mount of town also I screwed or just leave before the TV I want to see if you're bluffing I want to see it I like I want to see a bluff you want to see it yeah I want to see that nice Bluff I had you nailed everybody had me now I just have to gamble in the dark I don't know what to do Phil I know you got Jack high bead right winds up to fifteen and thirty thousand for the first time and freddy deeb a race to 80,000 you know I really think Phil maybe he's thinking a lot about this structure he really realizes going out first a second as a real disaster he seems to be willing to play very conservative here at least to avoid that result le Aloha pocket sevens so it's gonna call just two players on the flop both these gentlemen need to make up some ground both came in with three points and freddy deeb finds his ace on the flop le elezra checks over to Deeb very nice flop for Freddy expect him to bet here yes a bed of 70,000 well you know Ali here knows the Freddy's gonna bet with any two cards and he does have a pair of sevens is he willing to get crippled here early I guess not ace with a pretty decent kicker there what's of these in 2006 bigger baby ones bigger than a six and it would have gotten him in big trouble against the ACE eight what do you want me to do baby I guess you were wrong one more time though all right 87 I guess I was right except you lied to you at a six they say they got you made a good lid on them well what a surprise to fill how many made another look great lay down yeah almost as good as the one before that that must be a really big that that hat must be a lot bigger than it looks so yeah I'm raising me it's just a sudden how much let's see there's already 70 out there I said I'm raising well if he's gonna raise there's gonna have to move all in dealer Phil how are you this talking Eddie's all-in this is where we combine golf and poker Howard I let you go this time just this time lost you've lost all your gamble Freddie I love it a little sparring going on between Hellmuth indeed verbal and with the chips you know one disadvantage the Phil has at this table though although it seems like he is playing quite well today is that a lot of his antics are kind of designed to get the amateur alright game and they're just not gonna work against these guys you you see how Lindgren citizen so the answers in Bagwell okay you got one at it right he's not just he's not buying any of this if anything it probably works against Phil Elvis yeah well yeah it probably doesn't work either way I think that I think the pros just don't get knocked off their game and they just could have mild amusement Phil we're only got 10 minutes clock man if he takes too long he'll go penalty over top less so that's that's it but that's the third time someone spoke during my action I've cautioned them three times already so please give him a warning put the clock on him please you know one time I played at the final table with someone who was in my fish well I'm say listen listen you're out of line what did I say you think I'm in your face look at it I'm saying it right in front of you what did I say anything or not am I you might be one of those guys that can't admit he's wrong Freddie I don't know but you're out of line we're just making a joke I am out of luck I'm sorry all right you're not out of line you were joking that's fine all right it's short runs give me time to think I tell you Steve Pappas was the only guy that could get Phil going you kept saying cry baby cry Phyllis Leigh loses a hand remember Steve peppers I like to do 160 good-natured ribbing here or something more to it I think there's a little more to that I mean really you know usually in a table like this there is a lot of good news I mean when it's my turn to think you know we have such limited I cannot fold I'm calling you in the dark I lay down I don't know I don't care if it's a deuce 9 offsuit I call you in the dark if you raise can't lay it down leave it other than its out there boy are you all in I can I'm alone right look at a king under is it on anything I'm gonna wait for this digging you got a king let me see you think I'm away for an ace no I don't blame me at all man King some nuts probably oh wait a minute don't be a three today small baby dog huh he played that hand awfully well it sure did he moved his chips in blind and picked up in 86 well let's see what happens on the flop my picks up another ace ready to even big trouble here well Queens that might be coming Phil all right he said Queen Jack so now it's over so Phil Hellmuth with a double up and now he has six hundred eighty thousand in chimp freddy deeb still the leader but to help his ship it away welcome back to the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in downtown Las Vegas alongside the professor of poker Howard Lederer I am Chris Rose down - heads up play in elimination match eight Phil Hellmuth and that man freddy deeb deed was the chip lead and also the action in front of him well he does have a big chip lead but I wanna that hand is known as the Montana banana not the best but moving all in with it yeah I think this might have been a spot where he could have laid it down I can't imagine Phil folding here he seems very parking headed here jack for suited not too bad think you're a little weak here Friday let me just think if I want to call though now we got to get Phil credit here I don't know that he's taking a bad read yet today right how much morning yeah wait a minute wait a minute 1.8 million wow he laid it down lay down the best hand so freddy deeb wins another pot of course his fan was born in Lebanon he came to the US when he was 19 and he still hasn't told his family back home that he's a poker pro he doesn't have to explain it to Phil Hellmuth because he sees him at work all the time you have that with Phil for the last 17 years just about Freddie always confuses my limp for weakness Phil is Phil you know we've had a confrontations back and forth a lot but we still have a respect and we don't like I have any hate about it or dislike nuts or anything I should let my poker game I don't think about nobody elbow but nothing I just think about what's the best thing to do to win this hand well it's not my strategy to try to got somebody aggravate him to be him I don't need to do that I don't know I think he's done a pretty good job today yeah you know Phil Phil's being a little thin skinned today he definitely lets them get under his skin but as we've seen it hasn't gotten him off his game right he is playing very well even though he's got a little upset at times well was he do with pocket jacks well I think he'll be raising and I'll certainly be going all-in if necessary I would just imagine you'll move all in here no just just limping you know Phil does play big hands like this slower than any other Pro around well freddy deeb ace nine suited my mana yeah there we go [Laughter] the head going-back that was very cartoon-like there from Freddie like a human bobblehead yeah well he certainly knew what it meant know when Phil jumps up out of chair and he's pushing the chips he knows he ran into a big hand well the jacks are still good after the flop of ace deuce six Freddy's gonna need a seventh would make us great any paint would be good thanks for seven oh and a three of clubs on the river so Phil Hellmuth another double up now over 1.5 billion in chips and now the smiles been wiped away from Freddie deep space at least momentarily deep under three hundred thousand in chips and as you can see they'll help me oh yeah yeah I'll smile for you well Freddie's got all the chips but they're all the small chips right he's got all the yellows short chips whined hey did you move in well and what am I gonna do a fill how much is land is one in two hundred and he could say what am I gonna do with these two queens I call the dirt Oh queen okay we're showing one at a time here okay is the bad news I don't want to see the King at least you're still going live Freddie it's amazing how much more fun come--the is having well but let's remember there's also $10,000 on the line here so you know you didn't want to pick that up six ace three on the flop no help to Phil Hellmuth eight ten of spades so Phil help me it's gonna need a king to show or Freddie deed will double up and that's exactly what happens so freddy deeb gets back a little bit of what he gave up in the previous hand now just a smidge under 600,000 a [ __ ] Phil Hellmuth down to a little over 1.2 mil well you know this is one of these this is like a two-to-one advantage Phil can win with one hand freddy deeb is gonna have to win two hands in a row to win the match I'm all-in and Phil Hellmuth all-in king-queen offsuit Freddy's getting over two to one with nine four offsuit this is actually a very tough decision i gamble it I call there you go [Music] what am I gonna wait for the next hand you could maybe throw it away you could fold it or plate either ones okay I think you can probably fooled but I mean only by a little bit maybe six Queens so help me finds his ladies big trouble here he needs runners in eight of Spades so now a ten or a five for freddy deeb to extend the match where it is over come on ah there's the five how much is it I got one two three three eighty two see because if I throw away all I guess 382 now I got 1.2 million still gotta gamble he wasn't excited he sucks out he wasn't excited I'm truly disappointed I was expecting more out of Phil after that that big golden hotel casino in downtown Las Vegas Howard literate Chris Rose enjoying a heads-up competition between freddy deeb and Phil Hellmuth it's been back and forth and right now it is freddy deeb who is back on top with 1.2 million in chips all right it's all them baby you call it yeah all right Kings oh man you look at what kind of shape yes I got an ace ace that makes him a favorite no matter what neighs yeah Wow oh it's a paint Wow it's a king I think oh this is amazing blind he has King Jack dominated with an ace king he's in great shape to take the chip lead is gonna need an ace here in the last two cards take my job Phil let's squeeze it yes instead of five of diamonds on the river and it is over that's nice see them shaking each other's nobles instead of putting each other's hands around the hook I heard loud mouth and crybaby we're really trying to kind of stick it to him there no I was just making sure that he understand was the difference between crybaby and loudmouth you know so you weren't actually calling him that were you no he what he is a crybaby I told him that yeah I told him that I always tell him that he knows that I like your attitude Freddie thank you
Channel: 1tripz1 Poker Videos
Views: 1,118,456
Rating: 4.5893731 out of 5
Keywords: 1tripz1, 1tripz1poker, poker after dark 2018, poker 2018, poker night in america, poker hands, poker, 1trips1, 1tripz, 1trips, 1trips 1, hellmuth, hellmuth blows up, hellmuth tilt, hellmuth angry, hellmuth 2018, phil hellmuth 2018, hellmuth poker, phil hellmuth poker, phil hellmuth honey, 1tripz1 hellmuth, 1tripz1poker hellmuth, 1tripz1 phil hellmuth, 1tripz1poker phil hellmuth, freddy deeb, hellmuth vs deeb, funny hellmuth
Id: 10S2u6LwBCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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