Was Freddy Deeb Cheating on High Stakes Poker?

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no because if you're serious i want the floor man to check the camera do you think i'm serious freddie you know yeah right now no me like that that's an insult where are you going freddie i'll be back for five minutes he's going south baby [Laughter] i guarantee you hey i think you're right not too many thinking past my eyes johnny chan has just said that he thinks that pretty deep has taken chips off the table that's what they call going south which is highly unethical you're not supposed to do that in the cash game and johnny chan feels he saw freddie deep take chips off the table and leave and sami kind of concurred he said i think you're right i don't know if sammy was serious he was smiling when he said it i don't care i doubt it you want something freddie deeb is trying to figure out if they're serious because they are accusing him now in a joking way but they're serious yeah they're trying to find out if he took chips off the table and freddie deep knowing i know his personality he's not going to like this if he realizes they're serious nobody would like it no they're accusing him of taking chips off the table in this hand freddie dave's got a pair of nines sammy's got a pair of fives an open-ended straight draw sammy bet 7 000. freddie just called him i think freddie's still thinking about the accusation yeah deuce of clubs on the turn sammy checked freddie bet 17 000. and farah falls how much did you go south for what chips didn't go south with nothing what are you talking about oh somebody said i thought you took chips off the table what i thought you took chips off the table that's what he was saying he was saying you're going south like you went south south what i went south to small why would i take more chips off the table why are you saying that because that's what i thought he said he said i thought you were joking he knows what happens bro he knows it might happen that's what he thinks i thought you were joking that that's what we did you guys can find something else to talk about that's all i can tell you okay they're laughing and talking about going south but what's the big deal here really well going south is no laughing matter going south means you're taking chips off the table and if freddie dee really did go south then he's out of line if he didn't and they're bringing up that kind of conversation then they're out of line the bad thing about going south is if you're in a poker game a hundred thousand dollars let's say you're winning 150 000 and you take your original hundred thousand dollars off the table then the other players can't win that from you someone who's losing does not have the opportunity to win all his money back and it's really a no-no in a poker game of this size wait how you disrespect the man like that i mean i wasn't the one who said it that's our line daniel i wasn't even the one who said it he is a gentleman he's got some dignity yeah you guys you guys cannot outplay me so you're going to try to find somebody to talk about i'll see i'm back no but i say you can find somebody to talk about with the cameras on about going south taking chips off the table what are you talking about i'm on your side buddy what are you doing i don't get it i don't care if you say it listen it doesn't matter it doesn't matter daniel doesn't say no i never said you did it didn't say nothing johnny said yeah i said it i apologize this is only kidding i don't care if you say it you say whatever you want it's a free country it's a free country that's why we love it well shawn shakey uh pointed the finger at johnny chan saying johnny started it johnny apologized then and hopefully this is over yeah and we won't hear any more about going south in this hand sammy raised before the flop where the pair aids johnny called him said we bet on the flop and johnny called and now johnny's checked he still has tens with an ace kicker sammy i think sammy thinks his eights are the best hand here and he's bet again thirty thousand dollars from farha johnny started the game with a hundred thousand dollars of his own money he's won about 150 000 more and has it beautifully displayed there for everybody to see i think sammy really thinks he has the best hand here and johnny's picking up on the fact that sammy thinks he has the best hand sami's putting johnny on a draw yeah and johnny is not sure if his ace tenor is good and johnny chan falls we're just joking around no i know but i mean it doesn't matter you can joke you can joke about no problem so you never answered the question how much did he go sell i bought a hundred about a hundred thousand i put a hundred thousand on my phone where'd he get so hard so freddie so he's who said i went south anyway that's what i want to know no seriously i did no i want to talk about it i want to talk about it obviously you do it that's why so worried about it i do yeah i'm yeah i'm just kidding okay call the foreman over here call the phone no i'm serious stop the game stop the game stop the game no stop the game i'm serious no this is no because if you're serious i want the floor man to check the camera i think i'm serious freddie you know yeah right now no listen you're attacking like bob you can't be you can't insulting me be that that's an insult fairly i'm joking you can't beat me don't insult me like that okay relax you know you are anybody let's do it come on let's go no don't deal what do you mean no dojo he doesn't want any we got to play freddie me you say you're sorry and he said he was sorry and i'm sorry too i think so you want to hear it i want the floor to know what's going on why don't we just play there's only another hour come on please leave a deal the guy's losing a million dollars let's go who cares in a minute who cares bob i go to smoke a cigarette and i come back and this is make sure they don't have that tv and that's all it's over you know but this is to be on camera anyway when they try to you know accuse me of taking ships off the table that's an insult joking is one thing this is the best part of the whole joking is one thing we can talk about they can't insult my integrity about this stuff on tv and get away with it so no it's all right i haven't seen anything you know you can show them the tape you could be a judge of your heads up for any amount of money you can borrow and get all of you why are you taking where are you getting so why because this is integrity then a couple months ago before he wanted to say all of you when i came back we asked you if you did yeah why would you ask me because we're joking that's a joke that's not no that's not something to joke about we can joke about bob we can joke about everybody else we can't joke about you but not not on that not about stuff like this because you take it personal why do you take it super early why yeah if somebody meant it because you know why i take it personally because this is not something you gotta play this one now because you're questioning my [Applause] and he can stay whatever you want about it well bob thompson i think calmed down the situation a little bit freddie deeb is a proud guy and his reputation was on the line and freddie was vindicated by the camera just like that everything's rosy again so i went to smoke a cigarette and somebody i think tried to get daniel's steaming that's what it looks like to me because daniel is losing a lot of money in the game he's losing like half a million at that point somebody told him freddie is going south meaning that i'm taking trips along the table if i don't like something i just i even stopped the game i said hold it you can't deal the game anymore you have to call the floor man and they all said no no wait i was stuck i said no you ain't going to deal the game you have to stop the game and i stop the game and say what i have to say and then i say okay now we can play after they all apologize
Channel: PokerGO
Views: 908,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phil galffond, high stakes poker, poker, pokergo, watch poker, poker on tv, best poker hands, poker bluff, barry greenstein, freddy deeb, gabe kaplan, daniel negreanu, shawn sheikhan, sammy farha, eli elezra
Id: kUAG7cYplFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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