Helldivers 2 Spearhead Build Is Fantastic!!!!

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hey what's going on jabronies it's your boy Mr Clutch cookie and today I have a new build for you all that I think you're really going to like this new one is called the spearhead build now let's not waste any time and get right into it quick disclaimer before we get into this I have only tested this build out on the bugs not the Bots yet so if you take this on a bot Mission I have no idea how well it will do but anyways let's get into our strategems first one we're going to take is my bread and butter the eagle air strike it can dig down light heavy enemies blow up bu holes and get you some breathing room if you really need it the eagle air strike is great for almost every situation so I think it is mandatory for all builds not just this one the second strategy we're going to be taking is the Gatling Sentry believe it or not the light enemies are going to be what we're going to struggle with the most and I'll get into why that is but having the Gatling Sentry will make it easier on us as we try to take down the massive hordes of bugs while dealing with biot Titans and the absurd amount of chargers that have been in uced in this new patch the third stratum is a bit of a wild card here I'm going to say go with the Patriot exo suit I know some people don't like the EXO suits so bringing a rocket Sentry is a good replacement or if you prefer the emancipator Exo Suit over the Patriot you can take that one too but in my time playing I found that it is very easy to run out of ammo with this build so having the exo suit to call in while a Gatling Sentry covers you can really help you get out of a tight spot while feeling like a badass from from Lost Planet Patriot exoit will make a fine addition to the spear head build our last strategy is going to be our defining weapon of the build and it's the spear after the latest patch and hot fix this thing is a boss killer it might take some getting used to like finding The Sweet Spot in distance from a charger to one shot or with a bile Titan but if you land a spear just right it has the ability to one-hot every enemy in the game as of right now on top of that with the recent hot fix we can now Target mission objectives I cannot tell you how many times I've cleared out an entire streer Nest before they even got a single flying monstrosity to come out same with the Spore mushrooms if you have a clear line of sight this Beast will quickly lock on and blow the Abominations to bits the spear turns us into the ultimate boss killing hell diver and is an absolute joy to use now onto our primary weapon we have some options here the one I'm going to recommend is the BR 14 ucat as it can very easily Kill Light enemies with one or two shots it has the ability to blow the heads off of a bile or nursing spew and it shreds Hive guards and brood commanders but it does run out of ammo pretty quickly so if that stresses you out I would recommend taking the sickle as it's very hard to run out of ammo in that gun but it does lower your efficiency at taking out medium enemies so keep that in mind as we move on to our secondary weapon now for your sidearm we are going to be taking the trusted all reliable grenade pistol it's too useful not to bring with the capability of taking down medium enemies in a pinch and being able to blow up bug holes it can be a lifesaver in a bad spot and like I said makes it very easy to take down nests when you can run in and one shot every single hole in sight just don't get too close when firing now our grenade is going to be the impact grenade so that when in the bad position of being out of ammo or a big group is coming at you and you have no fellow divers or Gatling Sentry to help you out throwing a couple impact grenades can clear The Horde up and making taking down a horde of bugs much easier you could bring the stun grenades to make taking Chargers down a little easier but the choice is yours I found that the impacts are more useful but either of these grenades will work great in this build and finally we're on our armor now I chose light armor with the engineering kit to make controlling the agcat a little easier with having the 30% increase to accuracy when your prone and having two extra grenades never hurt on top of that more than likely you're going to get caught in a bad spot and you're going to need to run having light armor is very useful so you can zoom out of there before those filthy bugs can slash you to shreds with their damn Shar anyway another option is any of the Viper Commando armor the extra weapon handling and melee damage is nice it can make it easier to aim with the educator so you can pick off those sneaky Hunters trying to get around you and being being able to punch a bug to save on ammo is also a good plus so again like with the grenades the choice is yours and that's it that's the build now we're going to get into some extra tips that I think you guys might need to make this build work but before we get into that I wanted to really quickly and really nicely ask that if you are enjoying what you're watching please take one second on your day and go down and click the beautiful subscribe button it's one quick click for you but it will make this bug killing guy very happy anyway let's get into the tips now with the educator you're going to need to take short bursts with this gun going full auto most likely you're going to miss more than you'll hit I like to keep the gun in Auto firing mode but I normally fire two to three bullets a burst and saving the spray prey for any dire situations also try your best to be still and Crouch if you can it will help a ton in control of your weapon as it does its best to kick and make your accuracy drop also the exoit if you do decide to bring it I normally only bust it out when I see that me or my team is in a tight Jam early on in a mission since it only has two uses I try to use my first Colin as early as possible but only when it makes sense you'll kind of figure it out the more you use it save that second Colin for when you're waiting on extraction but don't forget about that Gatling Sentry it can shred a bug breach I drop at least one every time a bug breach happens or when we move in an objective or a heavy Hive the cool down is pretty quick so just try to drop it as much as you can to keep you and your team from getting overrun but the most important part of this build is the spear you are the boss killing machine that is your role on the team do not let anyone else tell you different if you see a bile Titan way off in the distance coming towards your team let the spear do its job and one shot that big boy so your team doesn't need to deal with it later if you see a patrol that your team cannot avoid with a charger leading the pack take it down with the spear right away you will be shocked how many times you can end a fight with tough enemies before it's even started but like I said earlier there is a sweet spot to the spear you don't want to be too close to anything especially a charger as the rocket might go right over them you don't want to be stuck in the thick of things you want to be a good democratically safe distance away and take their heads off and that's about all I can give you guys this build took me by surprise and initially I was going to call it the oneman Army build but that seemed a little false because I don't play solo and my random teammates have saved my butt more than once but I can safely say if you give this build time and let it cook for you you will feel like the most powerful hell diver on your team as you will save them plenty of times as a charger or bot Titan is chasing them down looking to shorten their life expectancy but what do you guys think have you tried this build or something similar let me know down in the comments and if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click up here to see my heavy gunner build that I made before the patch because it works way better now than it did before now what are you waiting for get down there and spread some manage democracy but don't forget it's for the children bye guys oh
Channel: MrClutchCookie
Views: 2,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, helldivers 2 build, helldivers 2, helldivers bug loadout, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 bug guide
Id: LmSsoyprp2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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