Helldivers 2 | Updated Flamethrower Meta Loadout for Killing Terminids on ALL Difficulties!

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okay what up ladies and gents it's your favorite Asian robot right here and I'm here to tell you guys about the flamethrower metal Loadout for terminats if you guys have been struggling on Hell dive for terminats then this is the loadout for you what this Loadout is designed to do is it counters basically anything the terminates can throw you except for ball Titans however you can deal with ball Titans using your strategy all right um the ball Titan spawns seem seem to be reduced uh and you can actually check out the gameplay that we've had recently uh uh the stream is in the description of this video all you got to do is hit that link the first bit of stream I think it's literally the first hour and a half is two entire hell dive operations completed in that time you can check out what we did you can check out how this Loadout works it's fantastic that being said all right you got to understand what's in it so let's go let's go find out what's in this Loadout all right ladies and gents as always when I go through these Loadout videos I'll tell you about the primary secondary and throwable in the loadout and for the primary weapon this time round there's only one choice um I think you would have seen something like this for the previous quazar meta but basically the breaker incendiary is still the best weapon for the terminate faction why is that the case because now there are roving shrier patrols I'm sure you guys have seen the modifier where shrier patrols will just show up this weapon will save you why because it basically acts like an aerial flat gun where you can just Spam them at the shrier Swarm and the entire shrier swarm is going to die so the breaker incendiary not only covers you for everything up to these bow spewers but also takes care of the shriekers so the breaker incendiary is indispensable are there other options yes you can absolutely use other options like the Blitzer tenderizer whatnot but the breaker incendiary is the best choice and nothing can replace it quite frankly this is from the steel Veterans war bond if you're unsure where to get it um this is the ideal choice for terminat f fire is too useful in Hell Dives and you do not want to be missing out on it it's got pretty significant damage although it's light armor penetrating but the main part is that it's incendiary and with a 25 round capacity so basically it gives you plenty of chances to light your enemies on fire it's got a decent fire rate very minimal recoil so you can aim it quite easily while moving or shifting around or diving so this is basically a universally useful weapon when it comes to the terminat all right so this is your primary of choice like I said you can use stuff but this is pretty much your best choice right now okay for your secondary your grenade pistol is going to be your best friend why do we use the grenade pistol this is from the Democratic detonation war bond and quite frankly the ideal choice of the grenade pistol is because this can close bug holes this frees up your grenade slot for stuns which are so useful right now on Hell dive because charger behemoths are countered by the flamethrower but you need to burn the leg all right if you guys don't know how to do that check the stream okay link is in the description of the video check the stream you guys will see us burning out the charges almost constantly throughout because there are so many we just stun burn the leg it's dead and we move on so your grenade pistol then becomes the counter for bug holes and we use this to close off nests whatever else whatever else we need all right now the one thing to understand about the grenade pistol is that the grenade pistol okay comes with eight grenades but every supply box only Resto two every ammo box you pick up on the ground restores one grenade so be very careful not to use this in combat use it only for closing bu holes are there other options yes technically you can use the bushwhacker you can use the p19 the verdict is also an excellent choice so is the senator but none of them can close bu holes so grenade pistol is pretty much your choice all right now for the grenades okay when it comes to grenades we have a clear preference for stun in Hell dive other difficulties use whatever you want but stun is the ultimate choice for hell dive because there are so many charge of behemoths basically throwing a stun stops the charge of Behemoth you burn the leg it dies really fast and you can go back to dealing with all the rest of the shaft so the stun grenade is major major utility all right one stun stops everything within the radius of the stun you can cook it throw it stun everything burn the charger and then get back to doing whatever you're supposed to do the stun lasts about 3 to 4 seconds so it's pretty useful and you can get everything organized in that time so the stun grenade is indispensable and it is what we use consistently okay all right that covers the primary secondary throwable breaker incendiary grenade pistol stun grenade now let's talk about armor as in all my previous videos I'm going to be very honest and straight with you armor does not matter choose the armor you like that helps you survive a lot of people always ask me what if I want to use heavy armor use it what if I want to use light armor use it use whatever helps you survive I'm going to give you my recommendation for what I like and then we can go from there now personally for me I have started using the servo assisted medium armor set why have I started using this because it looks so badass together with the Beret all right it looks so badass together with the Jaguar Beret but more importantly it also increases your throwing range by 30% and provides 50% limb Health you might have to get used to the throws a little bit but I absolutely love this armor set okay the 50% limb Health helps your survival quite a lot because as somebody recently told me the Vitality enhancement actually Stacks together with the servo assisted why because this gives you damage reduction to your limbs whereas this one increases limb health so they function so they sort of Stack because they function differently all right that is what people have told me that is what I have felt through my tests I've actually survived quite a bit thanks to Servo assisted but if you don't feel that that is helpful you know that's up to you use whatever other armor set you like I've been running this because it's hilarious and being able to throw my um grenades and strategems very very accurately and over a longer distance has been absolutely useful to me okay but again it's your choice you can do whatever you want use whatever armor whether it's medium light heavy use what you like okay armor is your preference okay now we've covered the armor um I've also covered the fact well helmet there's there's no stats on it so it doesn't really matter Cape same no stats so you can you know use whatever all right use whatever fits your aesthetic but this is it for armor helmet and Cape now last but not least this is the section we're going to spend the most time on we're going to talk about strategems so what kind of strategems do we bring in this Loadout well if you guys have not yet seen um what we actually bring that allow me to quickly Enlighten you I'm going to just uh pull up this little screenshot I took this is what we use in this particular Loadout if you want to become all right a hell dive ready competitor then this is what we have we've got the 500 kgam bomb the orbital Precision strike the flamethrower does it's literally flamethrower meta and the supply pack to help you survive okay this is what we use and this is what keeps us strong but why do we use those let's talk about it okay let me just remove my cam right there okay for your favorite support weapon you are going to use the flamethrower why is the flamethrower so good because you can burn a charger through its leg and kill it with a minimal amount of effort you don't even have to you have to spend less than one quarter of the canister burning the charger leg and it will die you can also burn the ground along with the terminats directly causing a lot of Mayhem and Havoc when there's a bug breach get a flamethrower on it a lot of things are going to die it does have some weaknesses for example B Spears Nursery Spears are a big weakness of this but those are covered by the breaker incendiary and of course you can use strategems or simply clever positioning to get around them and absolutely annihilate them as needed Okay so flamethrower is quite useful the only thing this cannot kill is a b Titan simply because the Flames do not reach the B Titan so what do you do with the B Titans that's where your other strategems are going to come in and we'll talk about them shortly so for your support weapon flamethrower is used in this build next you're going to want to get a supply pack the supply pack is your friend using the supply pack you can fully reload the flamethrower you can fully reload your breaker incendiary you get two stems two grenades use them all freely you've got four supplies and every time you use up a supply pack you can resupply yourself from a resupply all right it'll add one Supply pack and still give you the ammo grenades uh stems everything you need so do not hesitate to take the supply pack this will keep you supplied in the field and you can spam spam spam spam spam ammo will never be a concern ever again you can help your friends you can help yourself you can literally wipe out hordes and you can literally call another one in every 480 seconds what is 4 180 seconds well that is every 8 minutes you can call in a new Supply pack so do not hesitate to use this as freely as possible run through the missions burn through it if you need to and you will not regret it you can just kill hordes of terminats with the sheer amount of ammo you can spam at them all right Supply pack is your friend now that you understand the supply pack you've got two strategy slots for you you've taken the flamethrower Supply pack what else do we use okay the next the big we Ness of this entire build is the B Titan yes so the 500 kgr bomb is going to be your best friend whether it's nests a b Titan or just a group of charges which you stunned you can take them out with the 500 kgam bomb there is no reason not to bring this into the field we still bring this into the field we still have this all the time however you can also get something very useful which is the orbital Precision strike the orbital Precision strike is now a 90-second cool down all right that's a minute and a half and it will instantly annihilate a Titan but you have to get the shot directly on it targeting this accurately can be a bit of a pain and quite frankly it I'm still learning the targeting systems myself but group two charges together you can orbital Precision strike them got an objective that needs getting done orbital Precision strike got a B Titan that is spewing and you can and you can guarantee this uh Precision strike on it use the orbital Precision strike it literally has a call in time of two seconds all right I know it says one second here but this is incorrect it actually has a call- in time of two seconds uh after those two seconds well three if you've got the modifier but basically after those two seconds Boom the thing is dead and you can move on you can even throw it uh exactly when the B TI's about to start its spew animation and you will actually uh get it pretty much perfect and it will just die so use this liberally and absolutely annihilate your foes okay that is the current meta for the terminat now let's go to the summary section and we'll talk about you know um a summary of how we use this for normal missions then what about Blitz missions what about eradicate missions we'll go through all of that in the summary section so I'll see you guys there okay welcome back to the summary section as you always know we do this using uh a random mission that we've just started so for your main load out okay choose whichever booster fits your team all right 500 Precision strike flamethrower which is somewhere there Supply pack okay this is your standard load out for Missions this is all your 40-minute missions your icbms your nests whatever this is your load out okay eradicates what is the difference between eradicate and Blitz for eradicate and Blitz missions what we tend to do is we swap the Precision strike to the emancipator mech suit why the emancipator mech suit can take out bug holes everything and on a Blitz mission where timing doesn't matter call one mech suit in all four Mech suits go out Blitz the nest come back home and get off the planet that's what we do every single time we do not do anything different from that this is what you will see us do on stream eradicate missions sometimes we don't even take this sometimes on the eradicate missions I'll do something silly like get a gas strike all right for eradicate missions you can you can kind of shift around you can maybe even bring a Sentry along but it's really up to you you've got a lot of flexibility that being said for the standard missions this is what we use okay um that brings us to the summary for sorry that brings us to the end of the summary your primary weapon is breaker incendiary you've got your grenade pistol you've got your stun grenades okay armor is to taste strategems are 500 kilogram bomb Precision strike flamethrower Supply pack booster what's your team needs all right you guys should know which boosters are best if you don't we've got videos for that all right thank you very much for for watching this video don't forget to like share and subscribe thank you to all the people keeping this channel in business if you guys want the gameplay don't forget the game play is in the is in the description of this video all you got to do is hit the stream you can watch the gameplay there you can see how we use this build we'll probably still be using this build on nivel 43 all right because there's still that planet to take over thank you very much for watching this video don't forget to like share and subscribe don't forget to support the channel don't forget to support the streams if you want to see me stay on Hell divers you want to see me make more content for hell divers then show your love show your support get the streams get the content out there all right it's all depending on you thank you very much I'll see you guys on the next one and uh don't do anything weird while I'm gone okay
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 11,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BcR_1v_WPig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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