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[Music] what is up my fellow hell divers welcome to the hell divers podcast the salt divers we are here players of the hell diver game to talk to you about what is happening in this crazy crazy game that we all love I'm joined as always by Matt Vader what's up dude what's up brother what's up man is it left-handed or right-handed I think it's this one is it right hand right hand yes yeah you know five finger is that one the five finger flip off from that stupid movie you made me watch um okay so check it out guys we've got a couple things we're going to talk about today first of all we're going to be talking about the major order that we've got now on the teroid side and then after that stay tuned the teroid teroid terid no teroid no ter the bug side the bugs the bugs terid those dirty bugs I fight the teroid it's like I don't know what game I'm playing I'm play the teroid so whatever the bugs the freaking bugs that sounds like robot bugs peroids oh don't say that out loud the dev the devs are devs are over here like Auto nits Auto nits no don't do that don't uh stay tuned for the end of the episode we're going to be covering the major major patch that happened this week um they said they were going to drop it on Tuesday which is the day we record this podcast but they did it on Monday so now now we're 24 hours past I got peroids stuck in my head terid sorry I miss teroid yeah it's like like sounds like some kind of Saturday morning cartoon all right let's let's cover so a lot actually a lot like an insane amount of stuff happened with the major orders from last week to this week the major orders like we went from fighting Bots M to all of a sudden we're figh we like we won that major order that we didn't think was winnable yeah we were we were like really conspiracy theor huh we were like oh they made it impossible so they move this story forward yeah but then all of a sudden they I think they like nerfed the mission so that's what I thought so it's like all a sudden we just like the last 24 hours we we cleaned like three planets out so like one one day what the the last day I looked at it we were like like 40% and I'm like oh there ain't no way there's no way we're going to beat this and we really pissed Joel off I log on the next day and we're at like 80% and like we're like right there and then we win and like it was a weird I felt terrible I hated getting those those extra those extra battles I just I I legitimately was like I think they nerfed this mission to make help us win what it felt like huh it's what it felt like bit but I did some research I checked out the official Discord for hell divers and everybody all the devs in there like that's not how we run that's not how we do things like you guys did it it's it is what it is they never set anything up for us to fail and they never set anything up for us to win it's just like here's the order we did catch a little bit of heat from with with our with our comments last week about what about about our our click baity titles about how it was set up the fail that was genuinely my thoughts it wasn't a clickbait title it was just like I really thought we were set up to fail it's like there's no way we can do this I really didn't think maybe I just didn't have enough faith in the community man I need but hey man hell divers United and we came together and we uh kicked that major or's ass now now we have a new one now we have a new one on the bug side so do you remember were you playing the game back was it had to have been in February March when we were setting up those towers and we had to like turn them on and then up with the gas that was right about when I first started it has like the Christopher Nolan freaking sound and all that [ __ ] it was cool as hell I remember doing those and I remember at the time we were all like this is going to backfire apparently uh the gas is not good apparently a backfire gas it caused all kinds of mutations we were all like oh this is what's going to set off the uh the the the sandworm type bugs I can't remember the name of them like this is going to give them some weird Spore appendages or something they're going to grow an extra out of their head or something or they're they're going to start spewing fire acid instead of just regular yeah something and it did so now the new major order is for us to go back to the bug planets and toter exterminate turn off these things that we turned on it was fun thank you by the way yeah we we set these things up and now we have to go turn them off yeah and and somehow they they're all implanted in the middle of this big [ __ ] ohed Rock Nest that make rock mazes that are in usted with you know giant eggs up on the top of them I want to know what made those Nest yeah that's what I was just thinking what laid those eggs oh my God on the side of a freaking wall 40 feet up in the air yeah what made that Nest not cool man I don't want to find out it's going to be sticky I don't like fighting bugs I don't either I I I I don't find it as enjoyable I'm a bot dude like they're stressful they sneak up on they do and they're the stupid Hunters with their tongues and they and then you can't move and you're like oh I'm slow I'm like ah godam all these weird on it's like what's worse the the rocket Devastators or the hunters I don't know man um yeah so the the new major order is that and I'm I'm cool with it I'm taking a break from Bots for a little bit I'm G to go fight some bugs you're a bot fighter I'm a bot fighter I Bots yeah that's my jam now you're fighting the teroid peroids that's why I can't remember their name because I never fight I never go to that side of the map I'm just like I'm always on the red side hash teroid but I've got to do you got to do the right thing for the major order you know what I mean I got to show up and fight um it's where do you think this is going to go though I don't know I mean what's what's your speculation I I you're asking me a question I hadn't really thought about I'm I I'm so focused on the here and now yeah I just want to get this this order done because I'm not enjoying this order it's not fun I don't like the patch dropped we'll talk about that in a second but these new missions they seem really buggy to me and and um you know we're landed in there and you know people in your in your in your squad aren't showing up voice communication's messed up yeah it's like the and the maps are new and I'm not complaining about new maps that's fine but man this these new maps with with the towers that you got to go deactivate and stuff you got to rotate through a maze and you got to go find those those computer terminals they do not help you either and it's not easy you got you got to pull up your map and you got to find them and then put a pack we were on we were on level four last night playing with with with the dudes and it like we finished but it kicked our ass it was like it was like the emergency extractor ship was coming down and we were barely catching it and it was it was not fun I mean it was fun don't get me wrong it was super fun but it was stressful oh oh oh my God it was stressful I I want to go back a little bit because we have to talk about so the last major order was to go liberate uh two planets and whichever one got liberated first stratum that we got right I forgot I completely ghosted that one but um we got the airburst rocket launcher I think that was the wrong decision do you yeah I love that thing ex I think people who who are not used to using it or haven't used it enough think it's [ __ ] but they have fixed it it's in part of the the new major orders that they fix the the proximity so it doesn't blow up in your face anymore so so so full disclosure I I haven't had a whole chance a lot of chance to play with that yet um I played with it quite a bit my understanding is it's it's it's an air burst right so it's mostly for for things that fly around no no no that's the Mis that's the misunderstanding because airburst just means you launch it if you launch it a little bit higher than where you're targeted is say you have a group of bots or a group yes I will teach you so what it does is it once it launces then it does like this air burst spread where it like just drop it rains hell down on whatever you're aiming at so it's not meant to like shoot air drop ships it it doesn't it's not I thought it was meant to blow up like swarms of flying bugs think of it think of it as like a mini Eagle cluster bomb okay so you know like when you have like a a group a grip of bots or bugs or whatever a group of enemies that are just kind of all grouped together and they're walking towards you instead of throwing an eagle burst at them you take this thing out and you just it just levels the whole area it's good for nests great for nests if you get a high vantage point on a nest and it's all full of bugs and they're all in there shoot one of those things down in the middle of it and it it'll spread and it'll destroy the whole not the nest themselves but it'll destroy all the little bugs walking around and stuff like that I really like what was the other option it was some kind of anti was anti-tank mine yeah um which mine or was it yeah mines you know I'm WR call it down make the right choice and it spins and it spits out all the mines see I've never I've never used mines I want to know how we decided about which one we were going to get the community was just [ __ ] the mines did we just go wherever you know wherever the dude grp people when that major order came out I immediately logged on I went over and I found I looked at where the community was there was like 85,000 people on the airburst planet like oh I guess we're going for the air guess we're going for the airburst okay that was let's go that was mob rule right there we were all like [ __ ] those mines we don't need those things we going just for the air Pur mines are just you know friend Killers yeah yeah basically but I I don't know cuz you can destroy tanks with um with a couple different ordinances that you can call down can you kill them with a quazar can you kill them when everybody has a quazar if everybody has a quazar Shield Pack yeah man all right you ready talk about that where we at right now oh we're only six minutes in God damn we're good bro um we can talk about the major order or not the major Pat we cover the patch if you want um no whatever it's just a so there's there's a debate going on right now there's some heated comments from the player base about the the Nerfs on these guns in the recent patch yeah so the patch came out yeah it nerfed everything well not everything basically everything it just kind of it just it just balanced everything I know I'm going to sound like a shill and I know there's going to be people in the comments like oh you freaking shill for the devs I'm like no I'm just like okay it's their [ __ ] game I'll play it to the best of my ability but they obviously there was an issue where um and this has happened to me you you jump in with a full Squad four people and all four people have the exact same weapon yep it's kind of kind of weird right and you're like well because it's just too good and if everybody's running the same thing there's no diversity in the load out there's no it's like everybody just freaking takes the same stuff and it makes it less fun right like you were mentioning because you an old school um so yeah old school gamer I mean so so here's how if if if this was my game if I had made this game I would make it so like every Squad every person had a different role right you know but that's just because I'm an Old World of Warcraft type of guy yeah I I think a squad needs a needs a tank or a heavy I think they need a Healer I think they need a a range guy and I think they need like some kind of like Tech yeah you know but you know and if it was me you know a tech would have like 30% faster usage of computer terminals okay so like his job your job is to go the computer Compu you know your infantry guy his job is to protect you then of course you have a medic who yeah you know and and they need something better than oh the medic gets two extra stim packs well no that's that's that's not a medic that's just I have two extra stim packs so like if you if you think about like a a fully medic load out if you if you get the armor that has a two extra s packs that also increases the stem usage so like it it extends it by two seconds but you can stem other people yeah yeah yeah so if somebody's hurt you could but I think they should have stuff like the medic has like a a a a hard thing he and you can like basically resurrect somebody you know that kind of stuff like like a medic to me would be the guy who brings the the big Shield right yeah like I'm GNA bring the big shield and just I'll drop it on the computer that way you can sit there and do the computer without getting freaking shot by rocket Devastators but I think I think I think there needs to be some kind of synergy in in your squat yes and and it needs to make you be able to force you guys to play together as more of a unit right now the way the the way the game is set up everybody just goes in there if you're playing Bots you have a your Shield Pack you have your quazar and you have and probably everybody your preferred prob probably a sickle you know you know what I'm saying so so when everybody has the same stuff it's just a free-for-all everybody goes I'm gonna go this way you do it I'm gonna go this way our dude Spartan's gonna go off this way crisis is gonna go off this way and we're all like uh hey guys what are we supposed to do follow the one I just marked well who's marking you know there's four different marks on the map where where's where are we going you know and so I think the devs are trying to to to Corral people into working together play as a team yeah and which they also made it way more difficult for solo divers like me yeah because I don't I'm on like odd hours during the day I don't always have a full Squad so I just jump in Solo I can usually run around the difficulty down yeah I can usually run around four or five on the difficulty for a solo Mission depending on what the job is um I don't do king of the hills as a solo player that's just that's just a glutton for punishment but they um they changed it in this new patch they changed it from um instead of one six the amount of enemies on the map for a solo it's 1/4 so literally if you go in you were one player the the map is going to have 1/4 the amount of enemies as a full Squad does but that it's still that's not a problem that's not a problem but it's still up from 1 16 to 1/4th is quite a bit of a jump there's a there's a lot of people that are just mad about this patch and I I don't honestly quite get it is is it's like people this is basically the first big it's a huge this is the first balance patch B it's a balance patch the devs are trying to make the game what they think the game should be right and you you know I almost feel like we've been kind of playing like a beta version of this game up to this point and we we're kind of always playing a beta version in a game like this because they can always it's a live service game because they're always going to change it yeah right right and you you know like every once in a while it's I don't have problem with them changing the meta of the game especially when everybody like like we've been doing everybody's going out when when there's 100 options you can do and everybody's doing the same two thing that's two the same two things it's not people people are sleeping on the um on the anti-tank round or not the anti-tank round but the the anti-tank rocket launcher so like you can throw that down and it reloads in like 40 seconds or something and that's two and then you in 40 seconds later you can drop another two yeah I use those all the time cuz they're great like if you if you know there's going to be a drop ship coming you just drop two of those things and and then you pick it up another one and you got two shots right there which is better than the quazar because now let's talk about the quaz the quazar I love the quazar but man I love the quazar too but man did they just fing cut the nuts off that thing didn't they five more seconds to the to the cool down yeah which is a lot so you're we're not we're not taking out two drop ships no in the same no cuz I that's what I used to do I'd be like okay I know there's going to be about two drop Ships coming so I would take the first one out and then by the time the second one got there I was ready for my second shot I mean they've increased it by five whole seconds which means between your charge time your recharge time and then you're looking at like 20 25 seconds 25 30 seconds yeah it's it's going to be that's a lifetime I me things they they come down they drop the [ __ ] and they go you know the trick is you know by the time when the when the guys are falling out of the drop ship you want to hit that engine with that quazer so it lands on top of them you know but honestly this doesn't bother me a whole lot and I'll tell you why because I played with this dude named beard of Liberty oh yeah or and um is it beard or is it yeah beard of Li is it beard and um or he and well both and they like to shoot the the drop ships which we all do yeah but for some reason I'm always underneath the ones that they're shooting it's ridiculous like it's like it happens saw happens all the time on our live stream guys we live stream on this channel as well you can check out those dude what what are you doing it's like it's it's I saw that when that happened that was freaking hilarious cuz you died like three times in 30 seconds and it's just like you know it's just yeah you know that's that's the fun stuff part of this but that's the fun yeah that's the fun of the game but yeah they they nerfed the uh the quazar which a lot of people are upset about because it was everybody's favorite weapon like oh I'm taking the quazar I'm taking the quaz it's a very satisfying gut I mean the shoulder blanch you can like watch the the the thing zoom in and and you just go boom and you can like I can feel that recoil when I'm playing in my game with headon you know you don't but you feel like you feel it and it's just fun and it's just you know with the with the graphics turned up and the explosions and it's yeah it's it's a very so they're trying satisfying they're trying to get us to move away from just loading out the quazar they want us to use other [ __ ] because there's like freaking 20 other guns we could use everybody loves a quazar though I I I like the fact that they're they're kind of forcing people to to to to diversify and get a little bit better you know it's like get play better guys let's let's learn how to play this game let's learn how to play this game and you know be able to be be proficient with all the weapons you know I will say I am a little irritated that they are messing with my Eruptor because that's my that's my gun of choice I just and I love the name the Eruptor the Eruptor it's so I made the mistake of our on our last episode that we did this podcast um I made the mistake of saying that that gun was God mode because it was like I could find it you I nerfed it I was the one they found our podcast they were like oh this guy's he's too good with this weapon we've got to Nerf it a little bit no they they've lowered the amount of explosive damage and then they've removed the shrapnel and so that's like instead of if I shot at a group of bots like just normal Troopers not armored or anything like that if I shot at a group of bots I would take out like seven to eight of them and I would just hit the ground near them and it would just freaking wipe a whole like is it a is it a gun or is it a grenade launcher it's both that's why I loved it it was a sniper grenade launcher is what I loved about it like I have a problem with with a gun like that that where you can like sit a mile off of a factory yeah and and take an entire Factory out with one shot I I just think it was so that's so overpowered though I don't think that was the intended use of it probably not but that's what I use it for but I'm going to get mad because they they Nerf my gun a little bit because I'm basically exploiting you know I'm doing what it's supposed to do but I think I think it was I think they kind of tuned it up a little bit too much so I I understand I get the Nerf I I totally I could solo if I took that gun with with the with the stalwart machine gun was freaking Unstoppable you take it you could take out armored guys I don't think anything I don't think anyone should be an Unstoppable Juggernaut because they have an OP weapon yeah you know what I mean I I do but I get it like if people are just having a blast with this gun all of a sudden they try to use it the next time and it just doesn't work the way it used to It's Like H God damn it why'd you do that to me um yeah that's my my take on the Eruptor is it's still good cuz I used it last night after the Patch took place it's still great it's still a great weapon but it's just not as like I'm not taking out half an army with a freaking one shot anymore which is kind of like me yeah but it is what it is um we're fighting bugs right now anyway oh uh speaking of bugs okay so any time I think about fighting bugs I constantly bring like something with flame to it I I love the Napal Eagle Strike for for bugs it's glorious um but the issue with the Flames was and I think it's still pretty crazy um but they nerfed it they nerfed flame damage by 20% from hulks from the flame hulks so so like if you if you guys have been playing on the bot country side and uh you get a flame Hulk and they walk up to you you get touched with that stuff you're dead like instant death and everybody's like Jesus Christ flame Hulk yeah the hulks that walk around with the flamethrower those are called Flame Hulk I don't know what they're called I they were flamethrower talking about bugs well no I'm just because they nerfed the the Flames from the Hulk itself I mean they just they nerfed fire is it all fire or is it just from the just fire damage is they reduced it by 15% % oh thank God which I don't honestly think is quite enough because fire you know I had to I visited a fire tornado Planet yeah the yesterday yeah Helm and um I think those fire tornadoes are sent I think they're smart they [ __ ] follow you around because they follow you around they do and then they Circle you what they do and I'm like what what's going on what these sons of [ __ ] what they do is God damn damn you it's like what they do though is like if you know if they know that you have to be in a certain spot to activate some weapon or or turn the nuke on or whatever it just be like oh they've got to stand still for 15 seconds let's all just go there no the the fire tornadoes are definitely intelligent yeah it's a sentient Planet they have to be like what's the sentient planet from the galaxy of the Guardians of the Galaxy was ego or something like that whatever ego that's it but but no the fire fire I believe I can't find it but but I believe I read that fire damage has just been reduced overall by 15% and I don't think I don't think it's enough because it's still 15% from instant death is still almost instant death here's what here's what they need to do here's what I would like to see them to do I would like to see so we have um we have armor that protects you from Arc damage MH we have a couple different types of armor that protects you from explosive damage this and that I want an armor type that protects you at least 50% from fire damage yeah at least you imagine you have fir protecting armor a flamethrower you have like a flame guy like who who's the dude it needs to be really goofy looking and awkward like that like the Stay Puff Marshmallow armor have you seen that [ __ ] yes yeah it's hilarious that's I really want that armor because it looks [ __ ] I I can't I'm hard R sorry I probably shouldn't say that but uh um it looks ridiculous and uh what they should do for like a flame armor it should be like one of those um like one of those like aluminum foil suits that the people like firemen you wear and [ __ ] like that just like super shiny it just makes you like a beacon you're just running around out there with your fre this is my H Min outfit screw you fire tornadoes yeah wish you wish there was a way you wish the air burst the air burst you know how it sucks oxygen it should sh suck oxygen it should it should actually you know that's it should be able like you should be able to take out fire tornadoes with the air burst like fire Fight Fire with Fire yeah that's a good idea that's interesting yeah I like that I don't know how that would work but yeah I could see that you know I wonder does if you suck all the oxygen out of something a fire goes out fire goes out that's true so if you make a big explosion in a fire all the all the oxygen gets an oxygen deprivation orbital o that's good I like that right so we right now we have the um we have the the toxic gas orbital which is actually pretty good if you haven't used it use it on a bug hole it it works great um they should have an oxygen deprivation yeah oxygen deprivation puts fires out strategy whoa I came up with that all right Mark it let's do it um here's one thing in the new patch that I'm really upset about this legitimately because I freaking hate these things Devastators fire rate slightly increased those freaking Devastators already have an insane fire rate the game a little harder they're like and they're going to be faster than that now like Jesus Christ man and those [ __ ] will shoot you from 500 meters away with a freaking head shot you'd be like who the hell shot me it was a Devastator from a mile back God I hate those things oh boy you know you know those guns on top of like the Navy ships that take out you know the missiles that are coming in they shoot so fast just one of those mounted on the shoulders yeah for sure uh here's a really good this is very important because I've had this happen to me recently uh gunship spawns have now a much lower cap on how many gunships they can have active at the same time which is a thank God I got we got saddled with 16 or 18 I think I can't remember if what this final count was we were doing we were doing a bot mission on level five I think maybe six and we had to fight there was two uh um Airship factories right next to each other so we were going to throw a hell bomb in the middle of it Blow both of them at the same time freaking 16 airships dude wiped our entire Squad out we had like 15 re reinforcement lives left [ __ ] gone yeah in like three minutes it was insane like every time somebody died we call them got to call everybody back in call every back we weren't even able to St up man up freaking be Nest it was no [ __ ] D it was a be Nest like we all these drop Ships coming we could not survive and like even if we had the quazar with the shorter like re respawn time or whatever like it still wasn't enough nobody had enough Weaponry to take down 16 freaking gunships it was next thing you know you got eight hulks coming at you yeah no [ __ ] like like oh my God how do we get these yeah it's it's nuts it gets a little crazy a little hairy sometimes so I'm glad that they nerfed the uh the gunship balance overall the patch is basically mostly Nerfs on our weapons right I mean they redu they reduced magazine capacity and this patch is huge though there's so much other stuff to it that people aren't talking about uh they're they fixed a bunch of Crash issues yeah but I mean I think they added more they added a couple new ones but for yesterday when when I logged on last night the game was it was buggy as hell it was like the buggiest I've ever played the game so apparently people had issues with entering the Patriot suit um that that's been fixed up um um just a bunch of issues that people were having I haven't experienced most of these so I can't really speak to them um the game almost always works pretty flawlessly for me besides a couple of crashes during load out but that's it was minimal it's like maybe I mean I play freaking eight 10 hours a week and it maybe happens once or twice I do I do think it's kind of funny that in the balancing area they they included Victory poses will now only play for the extracted yes no Stolen Valor no stolen Val it's like what like I I don't get to like salute if I if I don't make it under the extraction ship no I have I have my U my celebratory pose on random because I don't like doing the same one over and over again I like I'm just like I have like freaking 10 of them now but I just put it on random because I like it being different each time it's kind of fun but I don't know what what else do you want to talk about for this episode we're going to polish this up real quick um thank you guys so much we had an outstanding performance from our last video thank you guys for showing up the community is amazing as always I hope you enjoy the shows we're having a great time don't forget to check out all of our episodes uh our last podcast is going to pop up right here check it out uh if you want to watch that and join us live we do live streams every once in a while and we're going to put out some extra content so thank you so much Vader say goodbye see you later [Music] a
Channel: Salty Nerd Gaming - Helldivers 2
Views: 1,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 podcast, podcast, podcasts, gaming, gaming channel, gameplay, helldivers 2 news, gaming news, gaming podcast, helldivers 2 youtube, helldivers 2 youtube channel, gaming youtube channel, video game youtube channel, helldivers 2 gameplay
Id: tUz15wWWZFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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