Rebel Moon Part 2 Review Ego NUKED Zack Snyder's Movie

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Rebel Moon part two the scar Giver terrible name I want Happy Meals this is a movie where he really needed to listen to the people that he doesn't care about the sort of online feedback I don't really look at that that's a dark place the audience yeah dude your best mates that you have in your first focus group where I would bring in like a bunch of my friends who I like their opinion and I trust their taste yeah the trusted ones because they all agree with you it turns out you like their opinion because they also have terrible taste or just say what you want to hear because you've got money I don't know no this movie is so bad it's got an 18% on Rotten Tomatoes which was 13 yesterday and caused Zack Snider to go on an interview where he was talking about his alternative reality director's cuts which is my cathis why is it cathartic for you to do a director's cut of your own pissing movie because need we forget he already directed this one yeah you know that movie I directed it was so bad I can't wait to direct a different version of it that first one really was ass wasn't it yeah this is a movie that needs to be seen to be believed on the far edges of the mother world's reach in a galaxy far far away circling the gas giant Mara was the small Moon of velt there a village of humble farmers in the dark dark town there was a dark dark house in the dark dark house there was a dark dark staircase and in the dark dark Cellar some skeletons lived the ship's Commander demanded more than vse people could give even that's not true because he said I'll pay you three times what it's worth which meant they could just go and buy it somewhere else but I do appreciate that for the movie that was released 3 months ago and is still available on streaming to watch whenever you want we still have to do a recap just because you probably fell asleep in the first one Kora Guna Mighty T Nemesis General Titus I do question how important this is considering I've watched two movies and still don't know anybody's names each character has a scene and that's it anyway so they killed the villain at the end of movie one but at the start of Movie 2 somehow he's returned he is alive it is just that's not how we life you're either living or dead like well he's a bit of a zombie get some cool effects because this is what Snider actually does well he like oh doesn't it look pretty and as if your eyes are broken it's like driving down the motorway at night with an astigmatism I mean look at that on the right he had no brain functions quite a while yeah the entirety of the last movie so they bring him round to see if he's got brain damage quite likely as he did sign up for a second one of these movies and let's be honest this is the guy who banged an octopus he probably goes in this machine for fun anyway definitely looked as if he was having a good time than there didn't it where am I you're about to be edited into a 6-hour director's cut in other words you're in hell you're aboard your ship Sir the king's G that's what I said guys listen to me I am listening to you this is going to be Zach's master plan and his motivation for the rest of the movie so don't forget this because Zach will no seriously one of the main problems in this movie is that the villain gets his motivation given to him by a different person on the opp opposite end of the Galaxy and they never communicate about it this is his actual motivation the scar she's unfelt I mean what could have given that away was it when you literally saw her there at the start of the first movie Lally her home you went and attacked it and left men there you're like go to V you're going to have to go to V anyway to pick up your pissing men quick go to that planet which you were already going to go to top speed engage the course fulfilled so it would be really stupid if somebody else wrongly assumed his motivation and then he started acting as if that was true all along wouldn't it and then when we get there we're going to forget why we went there in the first place I've just realized that given his death and resurrection and this pose they're really going for crucifixtion symbology aren't they with the guy who banged an octopus oh Zach how can you be so controversial yet so brave part two the scar Giver cuz like she gives people scars and stuff no seriously that's literally the story of this movie oh help me I've gone blind everything's out of focus sorry that no just a z nighted movie wait I can see a crack in your lens here it looks like a crack in his lens and a scratched lens what look it moves that is a cracked lens and you it's marked what look here it is here's the crack there's the mark both of these things are going to move they're fixed because they're on the pissing lens why are we filming a Netflix movie with broken camera equipment no I'm an artist you see that's why I smear my excrement on a wall if you did it you'd be weird but when I do it I'm an artist so back return the gang and if you were defending a village against a spaceship you may think that about seven people turning up on Horseback wouldn't save your village but these people are stupider than you I know you wouldn't think it but she actually has magical powers yes when she holds a gun it gets more powerful don't ask me how I'm just assuming that's weird sci-fi magic I know to a normal person these may look like horses with a bit of woods tape to their face some may say that's derivative and not original but at least in this shot the camera lens isn't broken stop complaining I'm Hagen this is Den although way I'm wondering why does he look so much like Wolverine I've just locked him up without a beard he looks way less like Hugh Jackman I'd be keeping the beard we welcome you to our hle village yes so you can get us all killed we have prepared food and drink for you in the long house yes this is where things started to get a bit suspicious for me turns out I was literally seeing more depth to the movie than physically existed with the most surprising thing about it being that I could have thought this movie had depth I'm a writer I've written half of the movies that I've directed they've come back wait why does he look like the main character no seriously he looks like Kora okay so she has slightly more hair on the top but I mean come on this is the problem with the haircut everybody looks the same how many of them six with cor and gunar six it won't matter how strong they are Bas look two of them are women it won't matter how strong they are this is the if you just believe in yourself you can fight a capital ship from the ground battle strategy not Zack strong point in fact I don't think Sun Su could make this movie make any sense but he gets a phone call from space I know it looks like a CB radio but don't you understand Star Wars mix that kind of sci-fi space fairing Nation with old technology and so Zach was like yeah I can do that as well can I it's not copying it's an omage cuz I'm an artist an doesn't care what the audience thinks I don't really look at that that's a dark place I'd always be wary of Empires that make you beat yourself up every phone call ow can we stop doing that please I've got a bruise it's the way we strengthen ourselves we hit our heart every time we meet somebody no Soldier survives past 35 but I'm sure it's not due to this all the time but he asked him questions everything fine down on the planet nothing out the ordinary he's like no no I'm not suspicious at all despite the fact that I work for an evil empire and true that the Harvest is Brad in his land and ready for our arrival in 5 days time we're also going to tell the enemy Planet who we know are hiding the person we're hunting the exact time of our arrival so they can prepare for it everyone's an idiot but you can only write people of the same intelligence of you or lesser everybody in this movie is the same intelligence as the writer so then we get the robot watching them who is basically evil he watches everybody die and then Glory hunts at the end unfortunately Anthony Hopkins doesn't have any lines in this movie which were equivalent to his one in Mission impossible too she's got no training for this kind of thing but to go to bed with a man and light him she's a woman she's got all the training she needs so he's just going to stand on a mountain and watch for a bit I suppose this is not Mission difficult Mr Hunt it's Mission Impossible difficult should be a walk in the Park View and the robot's like a predator he's got different Visions he can flick through so the first one highlights plants the second one highlights weapons and the third just highlights Kora for some reason that nobody's quite worked out yet or maybe it's women I'm not sure either way we turn up in the food Hall with uh nobody there and at this point I'm thinking he's going to poison them now please eat must all be very hungry he's he's sold them out the food's poisoned and he's just trying to stitch them up before the Empire arrives our villagers have prepared a bounty of food and drink yes so where are they then to show their falty and gratitude well I don't know whether I'm paranoid or they suspicious but it gets even worse when the next line but where is everyone yeah so now I'm sure they're about to get poisoned it's not even the pissing movie it's not even suggested let alone intended I can only assume that Zach has spent so much time in Hollywood that he thinks Behavior like this is normal everyone's looking at like yeah it is suspicious isn't it it's suspicious how would you feel you were not not capable of standing to protect your own home so we cooked him a sausage roll left it on a table and pissed off if you had to ask others to lay down their lives for you don't worry you're going to be laying down your lives as well they're about to Nuke your entire town folks they should see there's no shame in our being here to swallow their pride enough to even ask for help that is bravery itself no it isn't no it really isn't hey look there's a lion coming down the can you go and fight him please yeah I'll be in my house safe in sound you just go off and bare knuckle box a lion that doesn't take bravery mate punching the lion in the face does oh but it's our feelings you see it's not the actions that are important it's you little fies wow wow thank you I love movies only a woman would come out with this kind of logic attire thank you yes I love the way they all like as if she just said something profound when what she said was complete an utter Cod Wallop so she's like don't worry though I killed the Admiral and for some reason that means the ship's going to leave rather than take Vengeance on the horrific act that I did she's not very smart you do not believe that they will return you'd think they would wouldn't you if you just killed their leader it's Imperial protocol in the event of an admiral's death to to come back and take Vengeance so just as she's telling them that this guy comes in and goes by the way they're coming back yeah yeah they don't care what you did and she must be amazed because to her it's like looking in a mirror they'll be here in 5 days somehow they're returning true you think he's lying to you oh they're coming back in 5 days to kill us all Psych got you you should have seen your face I did kill him temporarily it's against protocol to come with her an admiral to command the ship right she doesn't even know right right I do remember that right I mean I was working for them for decades but right but death is not always deterrent enough for the designs of the mother world I love how he just slips that in there but either the way sometimes they just come back to life as if that's not a major Universe biological and spiritual barrier that we are annihilating here and they're all just like yeah you know sometimes we'll just pop back to life now and again that's normal there must be more in need of this gra that we could have known there that's the false assumption they're coming to this planet why for Kora the SC she's unfiled the fulfilled for her that's the motivation but he doesn't know that they're coming back for her because how could they know she's on this planet so he assumes they're coming back for the grain they don't care about the grain he's got it wrong and yet for most of the movie The enemies are now going to just assume that he's been correct all along because he was the last person to State the motivation that guy is a dangerous telepathic weapon he can beam somebody's motivation to them from across the universe be careful when he gets something wrong he literally bends reality around him call your villagers let me talk to them is that go out and call your villagers I need to talk to him and then just immediately walks out the door and there they all are hey Ken that was fast it's been about 2 seconds they're already here look it's a big crowd I need to get pissed first Dark Days lie ahead of us all I've got to be honest if you're going to do an inspiring speech it's not the greatest start is it I gather you all here today to say that basically all of us are going to die cuz we're fighting a spaceship I don't even know what in this shot is supposed to be in Focus because nearly all of it isn't we may all have to stand together in battle in time we will teach you how to fight you've only got 5 days mate But first you must show us your strength the way of the land basically doing inspiring speech of uh we just need to go out and Farm Place yeah if you could do that if you could do what you've been doing anyway that'd be great thank you just do a bit faster how long does it take to bring in your prop half a cycle around Mara okay so we're a moon he doesn't give us a time but let's just use our moon shall we our moon orbits in 27 days so a cycle is about 2 weeks how long to get you grain in 14 days and then we get it must be done in 3 days Time tough if you want me to go at 500% super speed there's only one thing you can't do slow motion this is a Zack Snider film that's never going to happen we need every man and woman who's able the grain is our most powerful weapon get all the women children to go and help that's that's not going to speed it up much is it but the grain is our most powerful weapon because that's what they really want even though it isn't because they're after the scar Giver she's unfelt said cuse forf they don't actually care about the grain at all but they do now because he said so and so off we go to get the grain without it they are liable to blow us out of existence from orbit they would anyway as soon as they knew the scar Giver wasn't in your pissing houses also remember this is about grain not flow grain these guys decide to Mill it just for fun hope they all have the courage to stand and fight if it comes to it as opposed to what where do you think they're going to go they don't have spaceships they can't leave and this is seemingly the only town on the entire Moon I don't know why what was it you were so afraid of if it wasn't death losing you it was you he was losing you now I have seen this movie I knew he was going to say that I also predicted the line the first time I watched the movie as well though I'm like there's no way he's going to do it he's not going to do the most cliche line in the history of cliches it was you he was losing you but no this is Zach you know when he says it he's an artist by saying you know Snider sucks you're also saying give me some more focused group or an artist I'm not sure they get together for absolutely no reason whatsoever I mean they've got all the chemistry of a soggy Kebab I mean she looks kind of in pain trying to kiss him to be honest cut her head now to the aftermath I'm assuming he's keeping all the good bits for the director's cut he definitely had to watch them a lot just to make sure that they didn't need to be included in this one and then he gets to watch them all again for the next movie there's nothing funny about it no I mean it's art after all the human form we get a law dump we figure if everyone takes their tops off you might be able to concentrate long enough to actually remember it for once what Noble said about you being the most wanted criminal in the known universe hey do you remember this thing from the first movie yeah I'm going to tell you it again just in case you forgot you remember how I told you are we really doing this oh do you remember when this guy told you this thing and she's like yes do you remember when this also guy told you this thing can we all ask if everybody remembers what happened to us yesterday that would be fun was bed by belisarius Legion of the Imperium do you remember what they said happened about ballis Arius yes I do legionaire of the Imperium is it like going do you remember what Bush said he's like yes president that I've just said yes I know who he is why are you telling me his obvious station how was The Bodyguard to the princess Isa he's already said he remembers why we still explaining and that you were a decorated Warrior she knows her own story why are we telling it back to her face friend of the royal family what happened to them well do you remember when I thought oh my God I the healing influence of his daughter the king had begun to see many things in a different light it was a failure of the patriarchy yeah you know how it is he was out there conquering and ruling the universe and then he had a daughter and it all fell apart that was the end for the Empire only took one generation wasn't even in double figures but we go now to a flashback he went to open the final capital ship I was the loyal daughter of my adopted father could not betray him or defy him remember that she's going to try really hard to play the victim here when every single action she did was purely voluntary I could not but yes you could you could though couldn't you you could have done it you chose not to you are responsible for your actions nobody forced you he had told me the princess must die and die she would and that's your fault only your fault but no we're going to try and blame a bloke for it so the royal family walks out her boss says he's not going to let the daughter ruin a good Empire and so the royal family has to go I had faith that bellarius would protect me and the empire bit too honest there weren't you love oh I'm the victim I'm the victim I was sure he would protect me she only has a problem with her actions when he doesn't protect her or in other words when she gets held accountable for her actions she is more than willing to wipe out the royal family she has a duty to protect right until she has to pay a price for it then suddenly everybody else is the bad guy oh they made me do it this to me this is just outing her as the villain of the movie I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work because it seems that Zach has Hollywood morality just the same as the rest of them so the roal family walk into this uh absolutely not suspicious room one where there's a string quartet playing who all have bags over their heads because if they saw what was going on they'd have to die as well and I don't know if the eye is symbolic but uh making them all a cyclops is still creepy either way they're also playing really depressing sad music as you walk in this is meant to be a congratulatory celebration they are dedicating the opening to a new ship it's supposed to be the Peacekeeper ship it's like come on why is everybody in this room so miserable strange just a bit maybe we should turn around and walk away hang on why are all our Gods behind us blocking the exit something's wrong no this is meant to be the king that conquered the Empire and yet he seems to have the brain of your average Diddy party go there's something about this event that seems a little weird I can't quite pop my finger on on it maybe Diddy will basius where is the Carly why why aren't the furnaces lit why have the musicians got a bag on their head why are they playing depressing music that you would play at a some kind of funeral why is everyone handing my guards a book called uh A Storm of Swords I am talking to you I am talking and I'm not listening how come you ignoring me as if I don't matter you do realize I'm Your Leader right a man hold on why are you all circling around [Music] me wearing togers like you're just about to meet Julius Caesar I think you're trying to tell me something I just can't quite put my finger on it how come you're holding a blade or we have to be served stake this scene is so subtle I I just I'm not sure what's happening but at that point he turns around and looks at his bodyguard who uh well we see how she acts right I'm going to take my gloves off cuz I need to join in with this but remember it's not my fault for my actions even though I'm doing them voluntarily and could stop it so then everybody pulls out a knife kind of would have preferred them to use lasers cuz they're all in a semicircle and one of them might have missed but the best bit is just as they lose their temper and everyone starts to move for them the musicians seem to know despite the fact they got bags over their heads run they literally kick the music up a gear the musicians might be the most evil people in the room I mean come on who on Earth wrote this I've written half of the movies that I've directed that's a dark place we had to compose this music then practice it enough that we could remember it literally blindfolded yeah when they start grabbing the little girl that's when we'll go into high gear so the adults start getting stabbed and the kids like save me save me bodyguard yeah she's not going to safer though is she killing her only two remaining guards who by the way weren't doing anything this entire time might as well just left him alive it's not as if they were going to help her but the King goes down and then the music really steps up again GE I mean seriously those musicians are the most evil people are killing each other and the musicians still manag to be more evil than the murderers cuz they're just doing the actions but the musicians like yeah this is amazing can't even see it but I can tell by the screams what's happening my face when I was watching this movie The Musicians are really going for it now [Music] they've even planned for the tth section of what if she doesn't pull the trigger or we'll do some suspense music now and this is where she can't defend herself because this is where you have a choice I mean yes you could have defended the parents but now you've still got a choice cuz you're pausing you're thinking I had faith that bellarius would protect me if you're going to regret it don't do it fight your way out now while she's still alive or do the action and regret it anyway the problem is when people go like oh no I'm going to resist or oh no I'm going to do it and then I'm going to regret it later it's like when people say I'm not going to tell you the answer then gets objected the pain and then just tell them the answer anyway if you were going to break just break at the start save yourself the pain what you waiting for a child do it wasn't really the accent I was expecting in space But Here we are do it no why don't you do it do it do it just do it love I mean this is a really scary accent to have as like the leader of an Empire just pull the trigger kill her go fire it kill her music I forgive you I wouldn't she's the one pissing causing everything she's the one you should be blaming it should have been this is all your fault I can't believe you've betrayed us we trusted you why are you pissing forgiving her it's a voluntary action don't yes don't forgive me I'm the villain of the movie at this point nobody wonders hang on why is she glowing is that Norm have you ever seen that happen to did he normally glow no no so why is she glowing then no no we we all expected it apparently oh yeah this happens every time anyone gets shot by a laser pistol I suppose nothing to see nothing worthy of comment so he then finishes off the King which he apparently kept alive to see his daughter glow no one comments on the glowing what have you done SE her only now how does she regret her actions I was sure he was going to protect me she was fine with taking out the entire family until she had to be accountable for her actions it was like look I was on board with taking out the princess I just didn't know I might have to go to prison for it there she is gentlemen the Assassin of the royal family we're supposed to think he's the bad guy no she did actually do it he is holding her accountable for her actions and cancer of ethnic impurity look Zack Snider isn't as smart as he thinks he is I'm not going to say like you don't like my movie was matter with you I want Happy Meals does make you wonder what's going to be in the director's cut though doesn't it this is an Empire that spans the Galaxy they have taken over hundreds or thousands of different planets with a whole variety of different people one of this guy's own generals bangs an octopus you can't argue about impurity when one of your leaders is banging an octopus you know when the director's cut comes out of me banging this alien I hope I don't become too much of a meme and his boss is going no she's the pure one never been mentioned in any movie at all that this is anything to do with them because it wouldn't make sense in the world but he couldn't resist signaling his alliances to the cult what a pathetic sad human being you don't like my movie what's the matter with you murderer murderer is he wrong yes she is a murderer but now she regrets it because she's having to pay the price M Mur we're supposed to think that they're the villains and it's like yes they also did it but they're not worse than she is she is is equally culpable with them so as she starts freeing herself she's like yeah you know I could have fought all these people before and saved the princess but no I'll take her out and then just save myself she could also take out the guy that's blaming her for it no she'll wipe out a child no problem whatsoever but not the person that she now blames for ruining her life I had faith that bellarius would protect me was supposed to think that she's the good guy in all this are we somebody that will wipe out a child but uh we'll draw the line at possibly the evil guy that masterminded it this might be why you need to listen to the internet Zach you know the sort of online feedback I don't really look at that because unlike Hollywood focus groups it'll actually have humans in it who can do things like a human for you that's a dark place the morality section of your story she storms out leaving him alone cuz you know she'll take out everybody except the big bad guy doesn't hesitate on anyone else I thought about letting them kill me or just not fighting I don't know why he's almost in tears he's like oh my God I can't believe I've just done this with somebody that would gladly wipe out a kid he's just realized she's pure evil her forgiveness I felt the only way to honor her was to run what no the way you'd honor her would be to have fought the room and save her not take her out and then regret it when you get punished for your actions that you actually did you are not the victim in this scenario you are the perpetrator the voluntary criminal and try to be edal I actually don't know what she says there is it try to be Ed edible and try to be I don't know irritable try to be irritable or edible I I don't know more than a weapon well a weapon would have been really useful in protecting her if you didn't get your rocks off by it we all get up the next day and then it's off to uh well Harvest there's a lot of harvesting we're going to keep coming back to the harvesting don't worry though we can travel through space and fly but we've still got harvesting tools from the Medieval ages everything's in slow motion everything SC I mean that's just a waste of CN even how they're walking is a waste of C go in straight lines stop treading it into the soil you kettins walk behind each other oh we'll just walk through the field and Destroy half of it because we're walking as a pack I'm not even a farmer and I'm getting triggered how much are you crushing to death there's barely any room for the corn left after they've walked all over it Oh look The Corn's getting destroyed in slow motion oh look it's a bug walking in slow motion oh look we're siing in slow motion I just want to remind you this is supposed to be speed harvesting we are doing 14 days work in three at that pace I'm not a fan of like action that is hidden by the camera the camera becomes a third character yeah I'm glad you made that bundle mate I don't know how you can lift such a large amount of wheat in one go really efficient uh there we were tying together four bits of corn just get a combine harvester I got aand new combine harvester and I'll give you the key the secret ingredient to our great tasting flower is inefficient labor practices now let's get together in Perfect Harmony we are still going in slow motion I'm not even sure if this is in slow motion anymore my entire sense of time is broken oh no there we are that's back a slow motion for sure just because you had a few seconds of perhaps normal time doesn't count oh when I look at her all of time stand still at least that for what it feels like when she's knacking if you think that's the end of the harvesting scene you have seen nothing yet back on the ship The Temper C captain gets the complaint by the medical staff it was like the guy wants to be released well releasing them I come on this you do know who your boss is right supposed to be ailan he's a bad guy you're like no I won't let you take charge Court Marshal I swear it every one of you will die I mean I trust him personally but that's just me so he heads down to the medical Bay are you ready to assume your command yes of course I am I mean if that's all it takes why are we stopping him there are protocols before you can declear res command but can the captain of the ship over override the protocols I'm going to say yes because he's about to to see if your physical strong well you know I think he's passed the physical test at least definitely pass the physical test and he can decide on an action and not regret it 2 seconds later so he also has more mental acuity than cor of the main character of course this does have the side effect now that even if you set up a protocol for a reason no one will obey the protocol because whenever they're asked to do disate they' be like okay yeah just keep me alive utterly destroyed the command section of your entire ship but then again he's copying Star Wars so you know they thought it was edgy back then they think it's edgy now we're just a joke to you that's so funny now are we when really it's always been stupid that the villain just goes around killing people especially when they go to like a Trader and say can you do this for me they're like yes that'll be hundred grand and instead of paying them like they wipe them out your entire criminal Empire would grind to a halt as no one would work for you as you'd take out everybody that would be willing to work for you starting with the best people you'd be only have incompetent people left how far are we from belt I don't know why he's holding his arms out like this he doesn't even have any wires on his arms well the guy's like I'm sorry that this incompetent medical team left that scar on your chest also you would have thought we could have regenerated your hair while we were here but unfortunately they're not that talented no leave it she gave it yeah you get it she gave him a scar she's called the scar Giver Zach really isn't as smart as he thinks he is is he like seriously you don't like my movie what's the matter with you but he's like when I take her out and her body is displayed I will bear my chest to show everybody how incompetent I was that she defeated me and for somehow that will be a brag and as a symbol that it is I who brought to Justice the scar Giver yeah but only after you lost and then had to get resurrected from Death to come and have a second chance be like I always get the job done after I've been incompetent the first time but if you give me enough chances I'll win eventually don't worry though we're back to the harvesting I got a new harv I've Got a Brand New B Harvest [Music] it at least it's at normal speed for a bit guess I spoke too soon is this literally just a look at his bulging muscles as he's sweating I mean I'd say if you're going to put in this scene could you at least put something in for the lads but let's face it this is Hollywood this is what they're putting in for the lads otherwise you just go right by and you'd never have a chance to appreciate the like composition slow motion Tableau yeah that pcks meate you'll definitely get it done in 3 days what a speed demon so this goes on seemingly forever we start beating it with flails presumably cuz it's been naughty that oh no it's to get all the bits of wheat off what just onto the open soil so it can get wasted what a bunch of tosses this is somebody's face that isn't moving so we'll put that in slow motion as well you might as well just put a JPEG up there no one would have known so then we get this scene where we prove that Nemesis is faster than a child scary I'm smirking because I've just scared a child this guy is still pretending to be getting pissed on the job I say pretending that is a spoiler for later the real question is why would your leader want you to think that he was getting pissed on the job you'd have far more confidence in him if he was sober just when you think it's over I mean nice pause of nothing else don't worry we're still harvesting it goes on forever at least this is slightly sped up to make it seem like they're doing some pissing work oh look we can carry this incredibly light wheat a little bit at a time then we get the night scene now as you can see over on the right hand side we've just put the lights into the ground cuz lights don't need to move the light does it for you except over on the left we've got people holding the lights yes that's right they're not moving the lights they're just holding they could put them in the ground and go to pissing work we've only got 3 days to do two weeks work but don't worry we can definitely spare some people to hold a stick that was 3 minutes of harvesting wheat and I don't know why just go yeah we harvested all that wheat it was it was really boring I'm scared for how much wheat collecting is in the extended edition now once again they phone the place ask him a load of questions are you sure that everything's fine we haven't seen your friends in a while he's like no they're out in the fields making sure those peasants are doing their work maybe some Mercies in order these dogs deserve nothing but our boot it's just like being needlessly evil for no reason whatsoever is that right that's very suspicious so they immediately realize that yeah all those people are dead because that guy's a lunatic we just said let's have mercy it's like no not for these filth it's like what and SC it's clear they Founders and Marcus and rest of their men are dead yeah they're either dead or that guy's a pissing lunatic and then I know what you're thinking you're like the harvesting is over they couldn't Harvest more and you'd be correct we can start Milling though folks nobody knows why we don't have to Mill the grain immediately we can have our war first grain and flour are effectively the same thing as a defense except there be more of it to defend more of your area but then obviously we get a really art artistic Milling scene in slow motion I don't know whether I have to say that I you probably expected it already you even have to see them stacking the sacks on top of each other I don't care how big a fan you are of Clarkson's Farm if you wanted to make a farming show you could have asked Amazon rather than Netflix they would have made one for you but then finally the farming is over for now we still got some people lagging behind with just like one backpack of wheat that for some reason they they never gave anybody I wanted to welcome our new friends didn't know was that kind of party I mean there is seven of them are you sure you've got the time shouldn't you be out there harvesting I mean wheat not their uh I want to give you these small gifts I've made how when did you get time to make them you've had three days you were supposed to be pissing getting the wheat in so everybody didn't die and you're like no I need to make some little pictures I've got better things to do than helping my town survive I know you all come from places much richer and more sophisticated than here they found one of them drunk in a gutter she's like well still better than the crap all I live in that must have been that sophisticated manure I felt like General Titus was like the mountains themselves you we just back to his arms again Zach it's okay we know strong seriously where did you get the time to knit one of these let alone the rest of them if you didn't Harvest all that wheat blame her Tarak your spirit is untameable it's been 3 days how do you even no how did you find this out was it watching him Farm wheat or watching the last movie but your nobility is undeniable how' you even know his nobility young melus who shines as the sun upon our faces are you taking the piss oh yeah look at that you shine like the sun she just been like you've got a body like a runner Bean warming us and bringing us Comfort how who there's only two scenes where she tries to act badly so this once again goes on for what seems like forever the storm is the mother of of us all you definitely watched the last movie how did you know that she was supposed to have a story about having kids gunar you are our heart you give us hope he's the guy you know the best he's the one who actually comes from the piercing Village everyone else you're like oh you're a mountain and I know that your your soul is Noble oh you're the mother of us all and GNA yeah I mean you give us a bit of hope you exist and hold a weapon it helps that's the least deep Insight out of all of them and Kora I've made some devil horns because you're evil incarnate you are our Guardian wolf you should have been like you're a rogue because you stab people in the back you stand between us in Annihilation yeah but you don't realize she's the one pointing the weapon at you so we have some dancing and something I wish didn't happen I didn't want karaoke in a Sci-Fi movie what he going to sing next if you want to be my lover we're going to get his rendition of The Wombles of Wimbledon wbl free the wbl of Wimbledon think that's enough of that twaddle Zach really what were you thinking over now to the robot who is once again watching everything happen and not doing anything like you will be for most of the fight he also still seems to think he's a deer for some reason this guy has got to be the most annoying neighbor in history he's the kind of guy where I was like yeah it's Sunday I can have a lion I don't have to go to to work it's like now is the perfect time to chainsaw that tree down that I've always wanted to get rid of I just wanted someone to walk out that back door going piss off and shut up but instead he has an announcement for them today we begin the preparation for our defense yes 3 days for wheat two days to prepare all of your defenses and train a load of farmers how to fight when they have no idea what they're doing when they've never held weapons before in fact this town only has one single Advantage there's a lot of women and as we all know just innately bred to be soldiers we start by moving the grain into the village I don't know why we didn't take it there at first if that's what we were going to do anyway or let's store it all in this shed so that tomorrow we can move it again yay so that they can't shoot us from orbit they can still shoot you from orbit they don't care about the grain they're coming here for the scar Giver then they realize that all the soldiers that they killed actually came with a crap ton of Weaponry that they can use to defend the town against the people that brought it here it does include rocket launchers that can take down spaceships which they brought here to oppress a few peasants armor piercing high explosive detonators why have we got armor piercing grenades against a few peasants blood won't come out easy but we can try no it's perfect how is that perfect I've got this armor but it's covered in blood I'll try and wash it for you no I light my armor covered in the blood of my enemies it's what is happening do we have more leave it do we have more can I entirely dye this thing in it because that's what I want and I promise I'm not even evil I promise that I'm not the villain of this movie I just want to be covered in Bloods gather an account for every hunting rifle and so she goes and gets what I think is meant to be a laser blunder boss for some reason and this guy is the most wobbly knife sharpener I've ever seen in my life look it it falls over at one point and he has to catch it with his hands every round look he was like oh it's coming over here that's not how you get a sharp edge you can't get a sharp edge on something that's wobbling all over the place they start digging trenches or what turn into be tunnels they must be really glad they only gave themselves 2 days to dig an entire tunnel network but the real talent comes when we see them testing the weapons because this place has a very unique set of skills or rather some of the people do namely that the guns do more or less damage depending on whether you've got dangly bits cuz this is someone who has never fired a gun before let's see where you go you can tell cuz Okay I'm going to assume a position that I think I've seen somebody else in wait but then she has to have her posture corrected by people have actually held it before Tu your elbow now we've put you in the correct position that you had no idea what you were doing why don't you fire this weapon for the first time in your entire life oh perfect I hit every shot and blew the scarecrow's face off that's the natural power of Fallopian tubes empowerment and then we get the guy who has actually been in battles before and used weapons professionally before this guy actually knows what he's doing like yes he hit all the bullet never blew his face off or anything though did it barely a scratch that's his Target and that's hers it's like having dangly bits gives you a minus 50% damage rating or something and he's like yeah and I amazing like a professional it's not bad for a man so then we compare him to somebody else who lacks the gravitational encumbrance and another one we're really lucky that they've evolved over thousands of years to have bodies specifically meant for battle aren't we all of them I mean that's three of them rotated through but who's counting and then the one who spent so much time in her art projects that she seemingly couldn't be bothered to harvest at all let's see how much time she had in firearm practice I'd also like to point out that the villain of the movie she doesn't care about it at all but the general the military General who's been around guns his entire life oh no i' got to protect my ears from this one person firing it doesn't but he's just a scared little man yeah she evaporates it hits it bang in the center first time never done anything like this before but luckily genetically bred for war cuz I can only assume in this universe it's the men that give birth and the villains like yeah I knew that would happen due to empowerment so now in 2 days we have built a complex tunnel system with reinforcements structural Integrity you could literally Lander spaceship on despite the fact that it looks like it's made out of almost sand likee soil that's K's drop sh she was in bad shape when I draged her out yeah remember that this spaceship was in bad shape when I found it so if it's an important or integral part of your plan probably shouldn't have left it until the last day just to check on it maybe you needed those other five days to you know fix it or something W Andes are how long you been here two seasons things at the everyday folks behind really could have done with all that engineering time to fix it couldn't we really so then they get a load of people and horses to drag it along the ground for some reason and know what you're thinking well they're obviously dragging it because it can't fly they did say it was heavily damaged we can pull it out it could be a powerful asset yes it could be a powerful asset if we could get it to work we just couldn't be bothered to care about it until the last day there is a robot on the hill I imagine the robot is very strong can't be bothered to help him pull though like why should he so we basically pull some straw out the engines and a few Birds then they just sit down in the cockpit wow oh look it works cuz we didn't have time to pissing fixes after we just waited for 5 days before we bothered it could be a powerful asset it turns out to be the main asset it's just one they couldn't be bothered to care about despite being the Lynch pin of the plan and happened to coincidentally just work wow it still works I don't know why you're so surprised mate it seems like you already knew it would otherwise I don't know why you'd leave it till the last second bother it even Flies why did we drag all those people out there to drag it along the ground for a bit it could have flown at any time nothing in this movie makes any sense next up is the second characterization scene of the entire movie for a weird reason I want you to know who the hell you're fighting with everyone must share the truth so in the first movie they were all lined up and the villain told them what their back stories were and then in this movie they were all lined up and commanded to tell each other what their back stories were Now That's What I Call writing just means that our stories are worth telling and I think the success review wise of our film shows that our stories are worth telling I'm also not sure I want to subject you to the horror of this scene so mless description is probably the best one you see I used to be in a nice place and then mean people came and did mean things and now I'm in this Village defending grain with quarter black Garrett going that scene never ended I think you can understand why you don't need to be subjected to that I'll go first I should hope so if everyone's going to repeat the same story at least by going first yours seems original he's he's like they told me to fire on the capital I refused so they said if I'd surrender they'd save my friends they didn't save his friends they put the same black bags over his friends heads that they did the music crew for the king and then nuked them from outter space with a cannon it was like now you know I will never surrender to the Empire again their word cannot be trusted it's like this is why you don't break your promises to people people now in the future rather than having people surrender for you they will fight to the last man this is not good battle strategy ironically it is an advantage for you if your enemy trusts your word the decision to defy bisar had been mine alone I mean I wouldn't have acted that scene as if I was laughing as all my friends died though to be honest if it was me he's like mean people came and did mean things to me and now I'm here defending grain then we get the next character um she can't act save her life ever fought in a battle like the one that's coming but I was raised in a place that was much like this I've never fought in a battle like the one we were about to fight in but I was raised in a place that was just like this it's so monotone without any emotion at all when the ships appeared in the sky above my world when the ships appeared in the sky above my world that were about to wipe out my people as you can tell from my voice I was incredibly distraught and her story is much the same oh my people surrendered and then they got spread to the farflung gy is put into work camps until the rebels arrived shush it's not copying Star Wars like the fact it's almost the same story my favorite part is how an explosion goes off oh look there's people it's like where did they come from it's like they teleported through a bomb he's like I will save you that must be why she was so distraught when he died in the first movie Next up the spider lady her Town got bombed from space and she wanted to take revenge cuz mean people came and did mean things so so she slashed her arms off stuck robot ones on my ancestors still lived in those ancient gaunlets yeah she got a powers for ancestors like Eko except she stores her ancestors in some cybernetic arms apparently and each to their own some people just have him in a coffin I mean does anyone care about this guy's backstory and his bird and she's just like no I was just a soldier I didn't do anything no I'm definitely not going to tell you that I killed the princess and then when they tried to put me in jail for it I was like I'm not going to suffer for my crimes and ran away anything else You' like to add because I don't believe you I've met you I know you're evil why don't you tell me the evil part of your story and then her only rebuttal rather than answering his question are you keeping something from me is to go Titus pretends to drink did all you guys know he's keeping something from you as well yes he's actually just drinking water not vodka and they treat it as if it's a major revelation we are faced with two questions are you keeping an evil secret verse is our general as drunk as he pretends to be and they're more interested in him if it was the other way around and he was pretending to drink water but it was actually vodka you might have a reason to be concerned but if he's just sobering up what's the problem I trusted you I was only going to go into battle with a guy who was off his face I'm not going to go into battle with a sober General are you insane R is water priorities are all over the place in this show and that is the first hour of Rebel Moon part two and I have to ask does anyone want a director's cut of this thing this movie takes every single problem of the first one and just doubles down on it all because he refuses to listen to anything the audience tells him that needs to be fixed so he genuinely doesn't know the problems that he has getting a load of characters to just say their backstory around a table at each other isn't characterization slow motion harvesting isn't a plot logical internal consistency of Your World Isn't optional when you're building out a sci-fi universe and having a cracked scarred broken lens isn't art but what this movie is is modern art it's like any other piece at the tap Gallery except Rebel moon is the piece where it's just a soiled bed a trash can full of junk that gets taken away by the cleaning lady because she can't see any value in it either except when you listen to any Zach interviews you quickly find out he's never going to improve because he doesn't have the humility to be able to because why would I listen to anybody that could actually tell me the things that are wrong in my movie you know why would he listen to the audience cuz if they're against him they must be for focus groups or they've got taste one of them but this is just the first half the second half will be the battle for the planet and so I hope you'll join me for that but for now that's it from me you like the video press like subscribe more videos like this in the future and I will see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Disparu
Views: 155,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebel moon part 2 the scargiver, review, rebel moon, part 2, The scargiver, zack snyder, snyderverse, zach snyder, netflix, disparu, react, first impression, deep dive, analysis, breakdown, critic, movie, film, streaming, a child of fire, part one, Sofia Boutella, kora, Charlie Hunnam, kai, Ed Skrein, Admiral Atticus Noble, Jena Malone, Harmada, Anthony Hopkins, Cary Elwes, Gunnar, Michiel Huisman, star wars, disney, george lucas, scifi, sci-fi, fantasy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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