Helldivers 2 – The "Automaton Killer" Loadout Melts Bots (Solo, Helldive Difficulty)

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what's up Legends today we're going to be testing out the automaton killer load out posted by panda with asthma so shout out to Panda I'm going to leave his YouTube channel Link in the description box below so check him out as well as his 8 minute video talking about this Loadout the loadout in question is going to require us to use a heavy armor set which has the armor passive the Fortified as well as the primary SMG SMG 72 pummeler which is on the new war bond as well as the grenade pistol for a secondary and a stun grenade for the grenades for the strategem we run 500 kilo eag air strike uh ballistic shield backpack as well as the laser cannon I also bring in the stamina enhancement even though he never quite talked about a booster for the mission that you're going to be seeing we have a free 500 kilo uh which is on the weapon experiment uh modifier that gives us a free 500 kilo so you'll be seeing that through this game playay so yeah enjoy CRA did I forget to switch SMGs I'm not sure cuz I just hopped in a game and I had the wrong SMG so I just redid it no okay we got the right one we got a strategem Jammer already get a laser cannon ballistic shield backpack ready to go so I kind of ran a very similar load out on my Juggernaut Loadout video um except the big difference was the secondary weapon was a Senor my grenade was an impact grenade and I did not use the laser cannon I actually used the anti-material rifle so I'm kind of curious how this one's going to play out kind of questioning how efficient the laser cannon is going to be to deal with the hulks but I guess we'll find out oh we already got our first that's perfect oh no way dude did we seriously just start with that that's crazy bro hold on let's handle this guy first there we go okay that's uh that's pretty fast go air strike should be okay dealing with this but uh yeah we're probably going to have to dump all of our strategems on it yeah so we have the extra 500 kilos here because of the weapon experimentation modifier so I'm going to have a slight Edge when it comes to that yeah oh crap is that short why is it not moving democracy I mean I guess that's good and bad at the same time I kind of wish it was moving towards me it's a little bit too far we're going to destroy here its Min guns and now we can get closer to it just got to be careful with the cannon oh no that's bad again holy crap I actually just wasted a bunch of strategems that's wild dude do a clean one here un democracy that's going to be a clean 500 kilo wo ah dude I'm a big believer that when the shell the 500 kilo lands on the enemy it should always one hit them whether it's a factory Strider a bile Titan whatever it should one hit them un democracy maybe it would make things a bit too easy that's probably why that isn't thing but yeah anyways we just dumped all of our strategems we only have 1500 kilo left resupply here and start with the flags the laser cannon actually performed a bit better there against the Hulk than uh than I expected I didn't I don't quite recall it as being something good for dealing with hulks but that was pretty fast let's try it again on another one though waiting up this uh flag a little bit yeah we're going to be playing a bit aggressive here um I'll tell you guys you know I kind of had a little phase there with the heavy armors where I kind of loved using heavy armors against automatons but since I kind of went back to using the Scout armor sets against tomaton again I I just kind of fell in love with it again playing stealth against the tomaton is just so much cleaner so much easier let's reload with heavy armor you just kind of get ragall everywhere with the constant explosions like that is that even hitting that rocket Devastator so hard to see okay we got another Hulk here done laser oh oh no wait that was so close jeez okay there we go that was my fault that wasn't the laser cannon that was just me missing democra main I'm going to be running I'm going to be doing a quick review of the loadout at the end of the video tag location after we successfully complete um uh this Mission we will be quickly reviewing the the the loadout sharing what I think about it I will say this though I am a bit concerned for its performance against rocket Devastators I feel like the AMR may be better all around for dealing with enemies like not only does it do more damage you know it kills enemies quicker and I don't know but we'll see though okay so Panda recommends using the SMG against the Devastators if I remember correctly um Jesus not 100% sure whether I agree with that feels like it takes like that it takes so many shots to kill them holy crap there we go took like two mag two mags to kill it all right we got the easy strategy jammer at least so let's uh go ahead and Pop That from afar going to save us a bit of time a a bit lower there we go oh [ __ ] go go go go go 500 by the way one quick tip I don't I don't remember if Panda mentioned this when you're using the ballistic shield and you're running away from your enemy equip your support weapon so that you put the shield on your back and you actually block shots coming from behind you so whatever support weapon you have just equip it and your character will just put the shield on its back and it will protect his entire back which is pretty good your legs are still pretty exposed and so is your ass if I'm not yeah there it is yeah feels good it is explo let's see yep located noreast but it does cover your back all the way up to your head so that's pretty good yeah see my big concern for the laser cannon choice is the time to kill most enemies is a lot slower it takes way longer to kill Devastators it takes way longer to kill Striders and hulks pretty much you know basically everybody it takes longer to Kill All Enemies when you're using the laser the benefit of it though you know Panda he made his video you know for group play as 99% of the players play the good thing about the laser cannon is that you're going to have infinite ammo which is invaluable in group play as ammo is a lot more scarse we got a big group coming here but yeah for my situation I'm a bit concerned also you have to expose yourself for a lot longer oh crap see if I can stun guy and get him no oh God I hate being being raged old and we got another group there to the left holy crap yo we're we're screwed you we so dead dude I have no stems no I'm I'm literally dead I'm wondering how I'm going to recover though okay how can I recover from this I didn't see which way I had to turn the antenna let's go see if we can get some stratagems on these bots so that we can kind of reclaim our ground here oh I think that eagle air strike is clean yes it is try to claim back what we lost got to turn 180 let's pick up our [ __ ] so when you're locked into the antenna you don't get ragged oh no way what the [ __ ] when you lock into the antenna to turn it you don't get ragall so I'm kind of thinking the Fortified passive might keep me alive here we're going to find out the hard way boys we're going in we're going in oh my God oh my God we're actually taking like no damage this is going so much better than I thought not today not today oh crap got him go go go go go push oh [ __ ] God I hate being ragal so much oh my God bro oh God are we going down might be dead you're not administered all right seems like we got the space we needed didn't chase us down for whatever reason I'll take it with this broken look at them they're just chilling there how did they stay I'll take it wanted to defend the radar station I guess all right good good recovery good recovery so far I'm very scared of uh our killing potential it's not uh it's not my favorite um the pummeler is a you know what I'll just kind of save the reviewing a little bit too afterwards after we gather all of our thoughts here I'm kind of thinking like we might not have as much Firepower as as intended oh we got a big boy marking location Southwest B ooo I'm so dead oh my god oh I'll take it come on get up buddy come on oh no and we only have 1500 kilo so we can't get rid of that mortar in placement with only one I'm going to take a gamble here rearm our Eagle that was a bad idea actually I should have just used the the one 500 kilo and Tred to Laser cannon the other I'm not going to lie I was kind of thinking I had an impact grenade and I was just going to be able to run in there and just double grenade each mortar in placement cuz each mortar in placement Only Takes Two grenades arer maybe nope that didn't do anything oh this is this is bad oh this is bad ah this is bad okay um think think think let me try to go the opposite side oh invisible wall oh no way dude en oh no way the invisible wall with the uh steering there oh crap try to go completely let's try to go as far as way as we can we might need to wait for the eagle 30 seconds not too bad okay uh seems like they're distracted towards my body that's good wait that out um I'm thinking I'm just going to wait for the Eagles here we got 20 seconds left we'll just kind of run in there throw the Eagles TR to reclaim my stuff God that sounds like a horrible plan but we'll do it let's go warning you are in range of enemy artillery e crap we need another one we got rid of 10 of them at least oh my God we got a Strider we got a factory [ __ ] it oh my God that probably stopped that factory Strider I hope no it's still up oh my Gody all right we Eagle I'm not going to lie I fully expect this game to fail still going to attempt here attempt it yeah we're not making it I never give up holy [ __ ] dude mby try to get the resupply on the mission okay we uh we somehow uh created some space here that's good that's good that's uh that's progress only have one freaking life left though I guess too my life for super Earth yeah let me use this rock ass [Music] cover so we can actually fight back here what the hell eat [ __ ] a crap there's another Hulk behind this one hulks aren't an issue though I'm not beefing with hulks it's the freaking rocket Devastators dude God damn it dude I hate being raged all injury what injury I get rag doing is like realistic oh my God what a grenade that gu is insane yeah I get that rag doll is like realistic but holy crap do I hate this mechanic feels like the automatons just make me their [ __ ] uhoh I thought we had the resupply there but there we go okay okay okay go go go we got the tank we got the mission thought we had to hold off for a bit while longer oh crap D this is what I miss about the U Scout armor set is just kind of being able to Sprint without people seeing you but yeah with heavy armors they're all is on to you they see you from like a mile away oh that bots on to me so we got to go all the way South here to try to make it around the big rock there hopefully we can do that without getting okay the shield for protection thought I killed it bot out poost spotted goodness all right are we out of bounds here okay oh that's still out of bounds equipage oh no please don't please don't hit your shots or you more trouble all right all right looking good looking good recover there a little bit two main Miss is down we only got one main mission and one side objective to go looking quite all right that's an AA side objective oh we got couple of guys incoming can I just melee them let's try it melee melee melee oh no that's not going to work kind of want this to 3v one them but probably not the time to do it uh-oh crap did I kill any of them killed one two hey see I can't get behind using the pumer to kill Devastators don't know if I'd recommend that oh like it's great if you hit it of course but the pressure is often too hard injury what injury oh no way dude got a big G yeah we got to bring it a bit back cuz the a okay the AA is still not hitting this but I need to rearm we don't have enough Eagles to get rid of it oh my God what the hell do I do I got to I got to get space I got to go back oh my God where's the exit where's where's the exit where's the back door help oh my god dude oh come on oh this rock will save me oh no this is out of combat we got to run that way no oh no dude oh [ __ ] wait are we actually going are we done we have one more okayy reinfor oh no oh my God run run oh my God I'm running like a rat holy [ __ ] my life for super Earth holy [ __ ] dude we're so dead oh my God it's coming dude oh [ __ ] oh no no injury what I got to get rid of the Min guns that's the only way I'll survive oh it's stuck one Minun no no still up [ __ ] can't see it okay that's it one more to go [ __ ] he there's a minigun wait for the flurry of shots Peak okay now we can get close to it cuz the the cannon can't shoot underneath it I got to bait it out of this place though and the Eagles are not going to hit it if it's up there come on get out of there what the [ __ ] oh my god oh no oh no Shield dick ahead keep forgetting I have the shield I I totally just forgot about the shoe there for a second where do you shoot oh there it is you can shoot the laser cannon somewhere there we go there we go once the laser turns red it's doing damage if it's blue it's not doing damage just one quick tip in case you didn't know as long as you see red like that that that's doing damage without the Min guns this big ey is pretty useless if you're up close to it of course if you're too far still up okay we'll finish with the laser come on there we we go holy [ __ ] come on can we do this dude we have like recovered like three or four times that I definitely should have lost but this is uh interesting let's go boys do this you never give up you know how it is even if you're losing you still fight back all right we got 12 minutes one main objective to go one side objective To Go part of me is just thinking like screw that AA just leave it alone we'll see what we can do here now that's what I it's so awkward like the laser is great dude there's no denying it but I do I do think the AMR is going to be the better choice here if you're running this load out I'm not even going to talk about the autoc cannon cuz the autoc cannon wouldn't allow you to equip a ballistic shield so I'm talking like mostly if you want to keep the ballistic shield I feel an AMR would be more powerful but uh I'll share my complete thoughts here in in a second and hopefully if we win this one all right let's focus here so we don't mess this up and we can guarantee this win oh [ __ ] did they hear that kind of just want to hide like a little [ __ ] here and oh they heard [Music] it wait for them to get closer what feels good oh no holy crap that was so close is that enough oh there's one more we got two little guys there let's resupply up got to get our stems back have a taste of democracy we got Striders come on we're almost there man almost there there we go boys we did it mission is officially complete you know what [ __ ] it we're going for extraction go go go go go get me the hell out of this planet I don't think I've ever suffered as hard as this game in a game that I actually ended up winning oh my God you Thomas oh no oh no oh the tomons have made me their [ __ ] this game dude oh go go go go oh can we make it get me the hell out of this planet dude help oh my God got a little group here oh yeah [ __ ] I'll just fight them I can't see anything most of the time uh-oh I'll say this though hulks are made so easy with this done my life oh my God we got two little guys in here I need to resupply though I have no stems we might get popped if we don't resupply here oh two seconds go go go go let's get out of here all right we're going to be calling in the extraction we're not going to be we're not going to be waiting out the timer or anything we'll just call for it we'll we'll fight it out if we have to so what we'll kind of do we need Firepower to hold it back let's uh let's rearm the eagle here let's wait a little bit what we're going to do is we're going to stealth yeah we we'll try to stealth for as long as we can and once we get spotted we're going to fight until we manage to extract or die let me pick up here just couple of samples and we'll call for the uh for the extraction there's I know there's like one or two more but I I never really know where they are on the extraction points I feel like I've never quite learned them not over here is it no oh [ __ ] we got little Bots coming yeah we might need to just call for the extraction yeah we're just going to call for it I hear another Patrol coming we got to go go go go go before they come let's just hide now I'm [ __ ] cuz I have no ego pick up the sample go go go go go we're going to hide for as long as we can Little Rock save me get me the hell out of here dude this was like the closest game I've ever had I have no idea how I'm still alive I'm so I'm in disbelief that that factory Strider didn't kill us when we were running from it like a rat okay looking good we got a minute and 20 left on the clock oh I see a little guy there going on the left oh crap you know what over here are we going to make it in time oh my God we might not make it it oh oh oh the trammer the clutch yeah [ __ ] we got a hell bomb there in case we need it 50 seconds oh my god oh going the other way oh my God is this working are we not going to have to fight holy crap please don't turn around oh there's still one of them coming please don't turn around holy crap dude I got seven I didn't pick up any freaking samples did I watch this guy do something stupid like come around the corner straight looking at me oh uhuh he didn't like that oh my god let's go dude what the hell switched let's go dude we're looking good he actually pulled it off I honestly I had given this Mission a loss I really thought I was just going to have to redo the whole recording there several times victory was never holy crap dude that was a hell of a comeback I'm not going to lie damn that was crazy so a quick review of this the loadout um what I have to say is pretty much the entire Loadout is a very wellth thought Loadout it's very similar to my Juggernaut build but I will have to say this I think the AMR the sniper rifle the anti-material rifle is going to be a better choice than the laser cannon the AMR can just bring down targets a lot faster um the ttk is a lot better um you do way more damage you have to expose yourself way less the only Advantage I would say the laser cannon has over the AMR is the fact that you can essentially have infinite ammo other than that I think the AMR is just better all around it doesn't require a backpack just like the laser cannon so yeah I think um I think the AMR is a better choice over the laser cannon 253 kills that's pretty good uh as far as the SMG goes I think the Knight might be a better choice over the pummeler uh I feel like the Stagger from the pummeler a lot of people praise the Stagger on the pummeler against the automatons but I I can't get behind that I feel like the Stagger does like pretty much nothing you know and even if you are essentially staggering one Devastator you know as a solo hell diver you're going up against realistically you know five six seven different Devastators so what's staggering one going to do you're better off just having something that does a lot more damage that enables you to just kill the Devastators quicker rather than just stagger that one Devastator uh however pretty much the entire rest of the loadout is fantastic grenade pistol is a great choice for closing off Fabricators and since you don't have grenades since you bring it in the stun grenade which yeah the stun grenade is fantastic it makes hulks it trivializes hulks dude the stun grenade pretty much makes hulks extremely easy to kill no matter what support weapon you're carrying so I think that's really good ego air strike and 500 kilo are going to be fantastic against Factory Striders tanks everything so that's all also a beautiful choice and the ballistic shield is a great choice too uh for heavy armor set I don't agree with the Fortified I prefer the butcher with the medkit passive uh as a solo hell diver uh as a group hell diver it may be a different story you know the this load out was built around grouped play so you know what I think of it may not necessarily apply to everybody so yeah thank you guys very much for watching man I'll be catching You Hell divers on the
Channel: takibo
Views: 73,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: h2sqMA80lt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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