Hell at the Bottom of a Hole in Siberia

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this video is brought to you by under lucky stars a brand new sponsor that makes personalized star maps more on them in just a bit hello everybody welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown where we decode the unknown what happens here is katie the writer for this channel has written me a script hell on the bottom of a hole in siberia uh i'm very familiar with this one i made a video this is like one of those og internet rumors where there's like some russian dudes who drill into the grounds and they're like oh my god we found hell down there we can hear the screaming tormented souls obviously spoiler alert i mean they probably didn't did they it probably didn't it's one of those it's quite just just a legend just a rumor but we're gonna dive into it we're gonna look at it and uh probably probably what we're gonna do is debunk it because that's normally what happens because it's not health it's not ghosts it's not aliens is it ever let's go [Music] everyone has their own personal idea of hell for simon i imagine it would be something related to having to sit still with nothing to do like waiting for a train that's been delayed or he's forgotten his phone just has to sit there looking for a huge advert for a mortgage provider for an unknown number of minutes oh my gosh katie have you looked into my soul because i have this is accurate beyond measure and it's like yeah i will be like if i'm on the if i like when my headphones run out of battery and i'm walking it's like what am i gonna do just look around at what's around me are you insane do you have any idea how unstimulating that is i'm a broken millennial and i need input and stimulation absolutely constantly um this is absolutely bang on though for me it happens every halloween when i can't help but say through gritted teeth the monster is not called frankenstein the doctor was called frankenstein i am it to bring this on myself by being such a pedant but come on people the book's been out for over 200 years yeah i just have to admit i really didn't know this until we did a biographics video about mary shelley who wrote frankenstein and yeah yeah the monster is the monster frankenstein's the doctor the more you know now you can be a whenever people bring that up as well great thanks the concept of hell as an afterlife or place where bad people go when they die has been around for a very long time it's usually pretty entwined with religion to serve as an opposite to the idea of heaven or paradise for true believers in whatever religion who also managed to make it through life as decent humans the god hades presided over the underworld of the ancient greeks and we slur the tales today of people like tantalus whose punishment was to stand in a pool of water with some grapes hanging over his head but every time he tried to reach up or down the water or the grapes were always just out of reach i've never heard that that sounds weird i mean that just sounds like okay i guess i don't have any water or grapes eventually i'll die and go to like second hell it's very like if people what's your idea well i don't know being whipped while having that being burned by a devil i guess would just be worse than oh no i'm standing in some water and i'm a little bit hungry and thirsty but i can't die because i'm already dead it's a bit bit weird isn't it or sisyphus whose punishment was to shove a huge rock of a hill only for it to keep rolling back down as soon as he neared the top oh no sisyphus ah sisyphus let me introduce you to real hell i could it could be much more creative it could be much more creative i've got a true crime podcast called the casual criminalist there's all sorts of horrible [ __ ] that goes on over there that would you know it's not oh this is the worst thing i've ever heard of putting a rock pushing a rock up a hill and then it rolls down the hill oh scissors no christianity and islam have similar descriptions of their versions of hell both involving pain violence and lots of fire for the unworthy what may seem hellish to some is actually other people's idea of a good night out so it may stand to reason that if hell actually exists it might manifest differently for different people as per the ancient greeks and their underworld the location of hell seems generally agreed to be somewhere below us just as people look up at the sky when thinking of heaven or paradise so people tend to point downwards when indicating that someone might have gone to hell but where exactly is the location of this place it's obviously buried really far underground isn't it katie obviously like heaven is above the clouds except we figured out that it wasn't when we went to you know above the clouds were like oh look there's just more emptiness oh none of this is real but where exactly is the location of this place is it a realm outside of space and time somewhere south of us in the universe or is it literally below us somewhere inside planet earth so all the references to heat and fire mean that it's located somewhere near the core of our world and if we dig deep enough could we one day reach it did this in fact happen in 1989 during the drilling of the deepest hole in the world stop that skeptical interact interjection in its tracks put that eyebrow down and let's see where this story goes eh i'm vaguely familiar with the story because of the video i made about the actual deep hole that they dug the super cola super dupe borehole in siberia anna it's just that they didn't get to hell because it's not real and even if you believe it is real dear listener and i'm surprised i haven't put you off this show yet um it's not it's it's it's like it's not a place that's buried underneath the earth does the bible even say that does your religious teachings of choice actually even say that because that would be insane the mystery i call this section the mystery but here's some historical context first which is 100 true at some point this will seamlessly flow into the mystery event but i'll let you work out when that happens i'll give you a hint it won't be very hard you may be familiar with the term space race this was a usa versus soviet union race which started in the 1950s and pitted the two nations against each other to be the first to do various things in space like launching satellites ending up mad flights landing on the moon etc well running concurrently to this race to the stars was another race to plumb the depths of the earth for geological and technological reasons the u.s and the soviet union also decided to drill as far down through the earth's crust as they could to a layer known as the oh my god discontinuity the i oh my godding at the pronunciation of this although maybe those c's are pronounced like i i know that letter from czech it's a cha maybe discontinuity russians let me know how i did disneyland uh or don't you don't have to the u.s got their project underway first perhaps because after the surprise launch of the sputnik satellite in 1957 the science community was desperate to claim back some kudos for itself you'd be like ah so yeah you did you launched a spacecraft into space ah lame we dug a really deep hole try and do that and then they did and it was deeper but uh i mean i'm kind of being like digging a hole is not as impressive as putting something in space is it america is it it'd be like nah simon that hole is way more impressive the soviet union had also made public claims that it was going to be investing in the investigating the moho discontinuity so the u.s probably thought we better hurry up with that one this led to quite a bizarre quest to drill down through the earth's crust to this region which is just above the earth's mantle it's known as the discontinuity as scientists worked out that seismic waves suddenly increase in speed in that area meaning that there's a big change in materials and density but nobody was sure how or why in an almost exact opposite project to the space race the race the moho aim to bring up samples of this region to further understanding of the planet we live on the only problem was that to get to the moho the u.s would need to drill through a lot of crust first it's like yeah you look at those pictures of the earth right you know where it's like yeah yeah this is the like crusty outside bit then there's the big like it's solid right but there's that big like other layer and then inside that there's like some molten core and then there's like a really hot core or something going on earth geography is really excellent here but even though that crust looks super super thin the earth's really big and it's really thick still i'm pretty sure they didn't get through it they didn't get even close to getting through the crust spoiler alert if you want to try tackling it from where you're standing you'd probably need to go at least 35 kilometers or 22 miles down and that's only at an average point so the u.s decided to dispense with a lot of their mileage from the get-go and start drilling their hole at the bottom of the ocean where the crust was much thinner just off the coast of mexico does that make sense well i suppose so did they get very far no they did not this was 1961 the team behind the project had to make up solutions as they went on how to keep the boat still so far off the ocean floor how to lower the pipes down how to actually drill through the crust and then how to bring samples back up oh my god at a point you'd just be like well how about we just start drilling on land and we'll get down to the bottom of the ocean and then we'll just go from there because like figure out to keep a boat perfectly and you're probably in some really deep ocean here because you want to avoid as much of the crust as possible right i don't know that just sounds way more complicated than just start drilling on land which the soviets did i feel like this is a space pen pencil thing you know where the americans used the space pen and the soviets used the pencils which is obviously just an urban legend and it's not true but uh the analogy sort of works the soviets just let's just drill down from land and they did get further spoiler alert damn russians are watching this right now as a test run project mohawk as it was known did manage to drill through almost two kilometers or 1.2 miles down but after this initial drill funding dried up and the project was shelved in 1966 while contributing valuable things to science like how to keep boats steady without an anchor and useful information from the ocean floor project mohaul did not appear to breach the limits of a fiery hellscape enter the picture the soviet union in may 1970 the ussr started its attempt to drill through the earth's crust it went pretty well with the borehole located in the remote part of siberia officially becoming the world's deepest artificial hole in 1979. whoa they spent nine years trying that their funding definitely didn't dry up they were like let's just print more money well i know communism how does it work as it crashed through the previous record set by the u.s of 9 583 meters or 31 440 feet that's a lot further than the americans after this initial hole reached over 11 000 meters that's 36 000 feet in 1982 various other holes stemming off this main one were started and by 1989 one of the boreholes had reached over 12 200 meters or over seven and a half miles deep that is really deep if you dropped like a penny down that hole it would take a really long time to reach the bottom it was at this point that something happened the drill seemed to break through into some sort of underground pocket and started spinning out of control strange noises could be heard emanating from what seemed like a large cabin so the scientists on the surface sent out microphones and more tools to take readings and samples this hello is uh where the the story diverges if you hadn't picked up on it what they found was that the temperatures in the cabin exceeded a thousand degrees centigrade or 2000 degrees fahrenheit and the microphones captured wailing and screaming with a more ominous male voice audible over the top yes i know we'll get to all of that later also on the same night that the cabin was breached a huge gas pillar shot up out of the borehole revealing a bat-like demonic figure against the night sky and also the words i have conquered in russian i didn't know this bit i'm vaguely familiar with the story i remember the microphones going down there i don't remember the gas and the bat symbol just just in case it wasn't unbelievable enough they added that in i realized one of these 1990s internet rumors which people were like oh my god it must be true it's on the internet so why didn't this make headline news at the time well it's simple all the scientists either quit immediately and kept their peace or those that remained were given a sedative and to raise their that erased their short-term memory and therefore all knowledge of the event so how do we know about this so-called well to hell well later in 1989 american christian broadcasting company trinity broadcasting network i don't sense a conflict of interest at all here ran a piece on tv and also in print under the site under the title scientists discover hell it was picked up by a few other christian newsletters here and there but the amazing story of how a geological expedition actually cracked through into the home of satan himself did not make it past the pages of a few fringe publications why is that we wonder well let's find out i'm just going to go ahead and guess it might have something to do with a significant lack of peer review now just before we continue with today's video let me tell you that is brought to you by under lucky stars and i can show you this one this is a sponsor that makes star maps customized star maps basically what you do is you send them a time a date and a place and then what they do is through what do they call it their proprietary method of mapping stars in the universe verified by astrophysicists from nasa so you know it's the real deal and then this shows you what the stars are like above where you are at that exact or where you were at that exact moment in history look valentine's day is coming up i got this for my wife as they get as a gift this is uh what the stars were like when we got married isn't that romantic and nice and you can do the same thing for a special person in your life or if you've just got some events and you're like i'd like to have something cool to commemorate that well under lucky stars is what you should do and right now you guys could take advantage of an exclusive 10 discount to make this valentine's day extra special go to underluckystars.com forward slash decode and use the code decode and your and get your loved one a gift that they'll never forget i think this is brilliant i'm very much looking forward to giving this to my wife for valentine's day and uh why not do something similar chaps or chapeses can work both ways i know chapes's is not the correct word and i will uh well enjoy and let's get back to the video unpicking the story it turns out that this is more a story of how an urban legend is formed than anything else because spoiler alert here this is not actually a true story what i wasn't expecting this i know shocking right i usually try to drag these things out a little further but the story you just heard is about all the information there is on the event so i may as well just put the cards on the table now and admit that this never happens oh my god i'm so skeptical one day katie's going to get me there's going to be something that's absolutely real and just unbelievable and she's going to be like simon i want to write about this and i'll be like that sounds ridiculous you right there katie go ahead and i'll be reading it getting all over it like i always do and then katie you'll be like yeah but this one's actually true and here is all the documentation backing it up and i'll be like what and then i'll feel like an idiot and i'll be put in my place and everyone at home will be extremely satisfied that smuggled fact boy has been put down we won [Music] all that will never happen because i'm just way too big brain okay how can we be so short well for starters let's take a look at this borehole into the underworld as you probably know urban legends are notoriously tricky to pin down because details change from telling to telling with some aspects based in truth to give them a bit of a sheen of plausibility in this story the most common versions floating about usually refer to siberia as the location for this discovery if you look up how big siberia is well it's over 5 million square miles so you might have thought it useful to the human race that the entrance itself might be a little more accurately plotted yeah siberia really big really big really cold don't want to go there no die siberia i feel is where they send people like to gulags or like prison it's like someone said where do you want to be least sent you know like family feud style like siberia our survey says is that family feud i don't watch any of these game shows just vaguely aware of them don't be stupid some listeners might be thinking it's where the world's deepest man-made hole is dar okay fair point however the deepest borehole in the world is not in a remote area of siberia it's on the kola peninsula still part of russia but way over near the border of norway and a significant distance from siberia the facts and figures mentioned earlier about the borehole were actually from the kola superdeep borehole as it's known this russian effort is still the deepest man-made hole in the world with a depth of 12 262 meters that's about 40 000 feet or a whopping 7.6 miles it hit that depth in 1989. the drilling project ended in 1994 and the hole is still only about a third of the way through the earth's crust so did anything come flying out of this hole that could be regarded in any way as supernatural if it did no one ever mentioned it and it seems like the sort of thing that at least one person you know might mention interestingly one of the reasons the cola drilling project was canned was that the deeper they got the hotter it became until it reached a point where the rock was becoming more porous and less solid so drilling became just too difficult now you might be saying well it became hotter like the fires of hell yes no not quite it did become significantly hotter than scientists had predicted for the depths they were reaching but we're talking 180 degrees celsius here that's about 350 fahrenheit not the thousand degrees celsius of the urban legend and in case you had picked up on one of the major sticking points for this story it mentions that the team lowered scientific instruments and recording devices down into the fiery hole how on earth would that equipment survive at a thousand degrees how do they make microphones that can survive a thousand degrees celsius i bet they do i bet that exists although a thousand is really hot there's probably some like extreme equipment that you can buy that can survive that that kind of heat right i don't know i'm just totally guessing there's an audio clip you can find online that most sources have as lasting 17 seconds that would be an impressive microphone in the 1980s to manage to last that long in the fires of hell and what of this audio clip yes it does exist it sounds like a large group of people shouting and screaming but to be honest it could have been recorded outside any weather's boots after 10pm on a friday night for our international listeners uh katie's british as well um weatherspoons is a like cheap pub where uh yeah i don't know let's just say when i was a student i had a good few nights drinking at the weather spoons a beer was like two pounds or even you could get a pint for like less than two pounds and they actually have a pretty good selection of booze the food's dreadful but uh yeah i would i complain about where the spoons is all right it's a bit rough it's gonna be noisy outside at 10 pm as we now live in the days of ultimate skepticism and have access to many digital toys these sounds of hell have been routinely picked apart with the conclusion that they're actually a continually sir looped and layered section from a movie called baron blood wow the technology's amazing well not everyone was convinced that this was the source material it's not exactly difficult to get a sample from any tv show movie or radio broadcast that has some sort of scattered crowd talk scene in it heck you could even create something yourself or just go outside stand outside the aforementioned weather spoons with the tape recorder yeah i reckon it would take me about a day to make a pretty convincing sound hellscape and i don't really know what i'm doing day with youtube guiding me doesn't sound complicated does it now once we get down the shaft though then it's a piece of cake but how did the story get going in the first place there's a named source in some of the versions called mr dimitri azakov or alternatively spelled azakov which worked brilliantly in the audio format it just spelled slightly differently apparently he was the project manager for the drilling program it was his account of the events that made into the public domain it wasn't until the trinity broadcasting network picked up the story though that it really gained any serious traction at all and how did they get a hold of it publishing the story under the headline scientists to discover hell you might have thought the story would have some wider reach or there would be some photos to go along with it none were forthcoming not really surprising and tbn quoted their source as a finnish newspaper amnesty sorry finnish people uh finland was also quite close to the location of the kona super deep borehole so it seems pretty legit that a finished paper might have the scoop on hellish goings on look if they really discovered hell that would be in big newspapers not some weird christian one and some random finnish one that is also made up right you know someone's discovered hell it's like that tv show where they discover heaven's real and then people start killing themselves if you're like if people discovered that it would be a big deal it would be a big people would know people like me would be like ho really i totally didn't believe in any of that but it's real and they'll be like yeah here's the scientific proof and i'll be like god damn that's nice that's good news except that aminosatia the finished paper sorry to make you say it again was not a prestigious finnish newspaper but rather a niche lutheran magazine again do i possibly sense a conflict of interest here yes uh that ceased publication that same year of 1989. so how did they get ahold of it did someone who worked for the publication actually witnessed the event with their own eyes well no this was just yet another wonky link in a very fragile chain unearthed by radio host rich buhler he hosted a christian radio show after the word of the tbn story reached him via his listeners and he set out to find more while never believing that the story was true boolean nevertheless wanted to find out how it started and he and his staff undertook a very thorough investigation under uncovering another mischief maker along the way what a legend rich bueller's day off according to his blog post drilling to hell facts bueller started off by contacting tbn to ask about sources for the hellhole piece he was assured that it was true by someone who had done no fact checking or tried to find any other source of information that person please don't let them call themselves a journalist it's like storyteller they're just taking the word of the finnish magazine which had been sent to them by a listener from texas it's not good enough guys it's really not good enough in the translated piece the mysterious dr azakov is quoted as saying we could hardly believe our own ears we heard a human voice screaming in pain even though one voice was discernible we could hear thousands perhaps millions in the background of suffering souls screaming after this ghastly discovery about half of the scientists quit because of fear hopefully that which is down there will stay there it's just biggest belief that anyone would actually broadcast this as fact let alone a christian network uh either on the christian house there'd be more well look there's a hell behave yourself god's real and he'll send you to hell i feel like the christian never would want to perpetrate this which is probably why they did rather than being like that's not real it's just a story isn't it they're basically saying yes we know hell is real and here it is without giving it second thought what did tbn hope to achieve by doing this i don't know more people believing in religion and stuff that people would be scared into believing in god yeah if i found out it was real i'd be like shh god is scared if someone was like yo we found hell and it's real i'll be like [ __ ] wait can i is it is it that religion where as long as you say you're sorry you can go to heaven and be like no no it's the other one we have to believe for your whole life ah no no and then i'd have to work out a way to stay alive so i don't have to go to hell maybe they can store my brain in some sort of vat so at least i'm like in some coma forever instead of like actually dying and going to hell because it's real there'd be a whole industry of like stopping people dying because they'd be like i've been really bad i'm not even really bad just like i did something that the bible said i envied i envied and now i'm in hell i was so good other than the envy and the gluttony and the other sins that are not that bad but still send us all to hell if you believe in that stuff to give the science community a smug told you so yeah it's probably both of these things but the fact that the story was just made up makes them look like gullible fools this was the exact reaction of mr of one mr or glay brendolin i'm sorry mr ogley your name spelt mr age but katie's provided me with the pronunciation guide orge a norwegian man who had caught the original tbn broadcast while he was in the states in 1989 astounded at how stupid the story was he decided to see if he could push it further returning to norway he sent some norwegian newspaper articles with his own translations to tbn claiming that he had initially been skeptical of the story but that these confirmed it was true he also added in a bit about the cloud shooting up and the batwing demon appearing in the sky what a legend ah when rich bure caught up with him he immediately confirmed the whole thing was just a prank and the newspaper articles were about something completely different this is before google translate wasn't it because now you'd just be like okay i'm just gonna put my phone over it it's gonna like translate it instantly into my language and it'll just be about like parking fines being updated in the city it'd be like what the come on where's the bat guy he had banked on nobody bothering to check his translation and he was correct so now his bat demon had entered the mythos of the well to hell story picking up on the original story thread beulah contacted the finnish magazine and they said they had run the story thanks to a member remembering having seen it in another finnish paper called ella snowman this is the sloppiest journalism i've ever seen so it's basically one company the christian network in america has copied a story from a lutheran finnish newspaper norwegian newspaper finnish newspaper something like that uh that part of the world and they basically based their story on one of their i'm not going to call them a journalist one of their were writers um vaguely remembering something from another newspaper it's not dudes this is not journalism this is not okay bueller contacted the paper and eventually they found the reference he was looking for it wasn't a front page story like you might expect it was buried deep in correspondence from readers section where people can submit whatever they want in a research mission that went almost as deep as the borehole itself bueller and his team managed to track down the man who wrote the letter and he confirmed that he had seen the story in yet another finnish christian newspaper we're going even deeper this one called veil to jat puela kept digging did he get in touch with veil to jet you bet your bottom top dollar he did they confirmed that the world hell story appeared in their july 1989 newsletter and had been sending by a reader after he had apparently read about it oh my god how deep is this is like six newspapers in it it's like chinese whispers of urban legends it originally read about in a jewish christian newsletter called jewels of jericho which was based in california no solid trace of this publication was ever found though so beulah's backtracking ended here seemingly with the original source for the story not being in finland at all but rather in the us all along this is so i love this i love like i knew that this i vaguely knew about this story i had no idea about this super complex backstory of how it was made up this is great as we've pretty much definitively established the whole thing was made up from the start where did the audio recording come into it well it always been part of the original story that special heat resistant microphones managed to capture the noises of the damned it wasn't until 1998 that this purported recording actually surfaced after the story had done the rounds again on local tv and radio shows someone contacted the coast to coast am radio show with the audio recording in a letter which said that the writer's uncle who had recently died was a collector of all things paranormal and had a recording of the hell sounds in his collection because of course he did the letter also said uh quote the story about the digging the hearing of the sounds from hell is very real it did occur in siberia and he let me listen to one of the audio tapes that he had on the sounds from hell in siberia and i copied it he received a copy from a friend who worked at the bbc well this is just awesome dude he just wrote a letter that doesn't mean any of it is true and then they're like later people figure out that it's actually from a movie why would people believe this oh he worked at the bbc so it must be real but he probably did even work at the bbc the audio recording attached was about 17 seconds of the spooky wailing and shouting which then became synonymous with the official sounds of hell again there was no real backstory or checking for the audio clip it just managed to attach yourself to the story and that was that sloppy journalism isn't it aftermath [Music] that wasn't quite it for the tale of when some scientists accidentally drilled through into the portal of hell later in 1990 our friend rich buehler heard from a pastor from a small church in arizona that the story was true why did this man think he had the inside scoop one of his parishioners was on a cover drilling mission in russia and had witnessed the event with his own eyes i saw it on tv ah yes some made up eyewitness testimony finally an eyewitness also this man had a phd in physics from mit so presumably he knew what he was talking about and also had a reasonable head on his shoulders uh wait really i i mean i'm super skeptical that he had a phd from mit because he's obviously lying it's obviously made up and i don't get i just don't i don't know it seems too smart to do something like this he was due to continue his work on heat resistant recording devices was going to go back to russia the next year and did he below heard back from the church a few months later with an update that far from being a scientist the man was actually just a con artist and had left town with over twenty thousand dollars that the church should race to [ __ ] his trip i don't wanna laugh because he's like scamming a church but it's like dudes really you think it's a well he's got to go to russia to test these recording devices that he's making with his phd in physics in uh because that's the only place we can get something to a thousand degrees celsius no it's not you can just that's easily done it's very it's not complicated to get to a thousand degrees many many times more than that in 1992 the weekly world news the piece on the well to hell but the headlines they run today consist of such articles as werewolf escapes from alabama prison and robot overlords abort usa invasion okay it's not a real news source is it uh you may want to take their stories with a liberal pinch of salt yeah this is like i don't know i'm in the business of like facts like my internet nickname is fact boy and one of my internet nicknames factboy and i go onto tiktok right i'm like let's see what facts are like on tick tock and it's so bad i once i've been considering making a show called fact police i'm not doing on my business blaze channel where we just look at fact channels on tick tock and correct them because they're insane like you watch these things and they're like this is a picture of a werewolf that was found in a library it was somewhere that this and it's like and everyone they speak like this i don't know why it must be a tick tock thing and then it's a picture of a werewolf and it's not because one werewolves aren't real and it's clearly just some weird photoshop thing and if you google image reverse searched i'm sure you'd find the origin on some crappy website so i don't know i like the idea of fact police maybe even more of a dicky channel than this also in the way urban legends do the story got changed again this time with the borehole being located in alaska and 13 workers dying when the incandescent bat demon exploded out of the world the story did continue to pop up from time to time with a mix of details and locations but it gradually faded back down in the public consciousness so what have we learned from this tale was there a drilling expedition that managed to find hell at the bottom of a hole in siberia well no there was never a deep drilling project in siberia in the 80s was the kohler super deep borehole the way we reached the gates of satan and rudely barged in again no while a real hole nothing came out of it apart from things useful to geological study did a demon come shooting out of any borehole anywhere in the world again the answer is no this was confirmed as being made up by the guy whose name i forgotten how to pronounce but it's spelt age age randall and were the sounds where the hand sounds a fail actually ever recorded again no as well as no equipment being able to survive the purported thousand degree heat the clip that did the rounds as being the sounds of hell has been definitively proved to be a short audio clip repeated and layered upon itself while many players in this story absolutely believe in the concept of hell they were also prepared to completely bash this tale for the made-up rubbish that it was i mean think about it if hell had really been found literally underground wouldn't the news have made a bigger splash wouldn't it have become sort of a huge tourist destination where you could go and chuck a coin in and wish to be saved or something also dig a bigger hole make it wide enough for a person and then it'd be like just go in and fish some people out be like yes okay you don't have to be in hell anymore when you die again we'll just come down and get you again it'll be fine it'll be fine don't worry about it you might have to endure it for like a couple of months while we mount an expedition an expedit there'll be a huge business around it there'll be like hell expeditions people going in to find their loved ones paying for it it'll be great that's why it's not real capitalism would have used this at the very least wouldn't it become a place for teenage goths to hang out and pledge their allegiance to the dark lord some churches did apparently record an increase in their congregations after the news started filtering out but if it was all a publicity stunt to increase bums on pews it certainly chose an odd and winding path to reach any amount of audience at all it seems that someone somewhere maybe had a nightmare and wrote it down or just made up the whole thing and submitted it to a local publication and other people then slowly disseminated it culminating in a few mentions on u.s christian broadcast networks but then here we are dredging it up over 30 years later and playing our own part in spreading the urban legends of that one time in russia when some people drilled down into hell itself this is exactly one of the sort of facts you'd see on one of those fact channels on tick tock they were drilling a hole in russia and they got down deep enough eventually they broke through into hell a demon came up 13 people died this is a fact and then the video ends and that's it that is facts on tick tock and it's insane insanely [ __ ] regarding the drilling of the moha projects that we talked about at the start it seems that the signs of a community is still very interested in making it down to the earth's mantle while there were several projects touted in the 20 teens that's last decade that's a confusing way of saying it 2010s 2010s i don't know yeah the 1910s right 1910s 1920s 1930s yeah that makes sense i couldn't find any updates in more recent years of any significance and the kohler super deep borehole is the deepest artificial hole on the planet one of the reasons it stopped when it did was because of the increase in heat and pressure and the drills that the drills started to encounter making it impossible to go much further who knows maybe it really was a warning barrier that future drilling operations will penetrate at their peril we'll just have to wait and see hell's not down there guys sorry to disappoint you this has been an episode of decoding the unknown if you enjoyed it and you're watching on youtube there is a like button below that you're more than welcome to use you could also subscribe that would be grand uh if you're listening as a podcast a review that would be the best thing you could do it gets this show in front of more people and i appreciate it i like reading them thank you so much and i will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 158,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ug51nnguPRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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