HecRas 6.3.1 1D flow modeling for beginners: Projection file, steady flow, bridge, flood zone

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hi everyone today I want to speak a little about high class 1D I use the latest version of the hair class as the end of the January 2023 the version is a class 6. 3.1 and today I want to explain a little about a class for the beginners the options that we have for the one the steady fellow try to define a bridge and explain a little about the results for downloading and install the hackrest it's uh so easy you just need to Google hackers and then you can see the website of it and if you are going to the downloads you can see for the windows the latest version and also the previous one so just download the latest version and install it the install of it is easy you just need maybe some setups for the comma or for the date so I suggest to use the real date that you have the local date and uh you can learn in the website you can see that there are so many documents and also here if you are going to the hair class you can see release notes known issue or some other helps or if you press F1 you can see that documents across manual and I strongly recommend you to just go there and see about a read about the equations about the parameters and how to work with the hair class this is the best source for learning a class for example if you are going to digress manual you can see so many options or you can search the parameters or the tab or anything that you want here so in hackers we have so many tabs here and we have some options here the most famous options that we have in each step you can also find them here for example here it's open save you can find open save in edit you can see geometric data steady fellow we have here geometric data STD fellow if you use your mouse you can see it's written behind them and in the run a steady fellow and a steady follow you can see there is a small distance here then we are going to The Run tab a steady on a steady or quasi understudy this is the brass mapper and this is the view cross section water surface profile you can see cross-section water surface profile rating curve and this is the output tables so it's up to you to work with uh tabs or with the buttons or options that we have so for the start you should go to the new project and then choose the folder that you want and the name that you like for example test or exercise five exercise four or anything that you like then okay you receive a message about the unit you should correct the unit especially For the First Time option go to the unit system and then you can see it should be metric and then you can tick the set as default and okay then you should go to the glass mapper plasma pair we have some options and we should start with the set projection and then open and you should upload the projection that you have and then okay if you want to have your spatial project or your projection file it's not working then you can easily Google it or it is better to come to this website a special reference.org and then find your correct Zone and then here you can download the project file or other format of the projection that you need so you can easily find it here if you need it so then go to the map layer reference a layer add reference layer we want to Model A River Reach 1dsd fellow this Reach This River is located in Norway so we have some cross section with coordinates so I uploaded the points and then right click and go to the zoom to layer then you can see the cross section here are the cross sections you can see and the data that we have then on the map layer I want to add some satellite picture for example Google satellite you can see the Google satellite and the points that you have you can also add the Google Map here you can see the Google Map then I would like to add the train data that we have from a tiff file so go to click right click on trains and then create a new rest train here go to the this button the plus one and then add the T file that you have here I have just one file but maybe you have so many Tiff file then you can add them and use the merging push to single raster to have a single faster but here as I as I have just one raster so I keep it like this and then uh create as I used uh two screens I should bring the window from another one so you can also save it then we want to make a geometry file right click on Geometry add new geometry we name it needlewa then right click on middleware you can see some options properties at the geometry then we go to the edit geometry you can see we have values options here we can introduce river cross section a storage area which and two different area which we work it for a 2d modeling generally won the modeling is easier and various version of the class there are not so much difference between them but to the I really recommend to use the latest version so go to the river and now we can introduce the center line it is better to uh after minimum topography here as a center line so I suggest to right click on train go to the image display properties and tick this one update Legend with View so if you zoom the legend updated so here if I zoom then you can see the legend update besides I suggest to if you want to find the minimum points at River Ridge I suggest to draw a plot Contours you can use various intervals I said for example for this one we can use this it depends to your case the case that I try to model it today it's a simple one so come back to the river now we want to introduce a River Ridge so try to find the minimum elevation at the bottom of the river I just wrote them fast but if it depends to your project you can use for example here you can see we have some depositions here in the river so the fellow should go in this Direction it just makes it so fast and then double click and it's finish you can name the river for example needle War the rich is Oya and then okay so then you can introduce the bank line here we can introduce the bank line this one is the or you can if it depends on you you can turn off the blood Contour it depends to you and the project and the data that you have so for example here you see it's not a good one just a undo we have here some options undo and other options that you can see easily it depends to the project the line that you interviews and the area so I recommend that you first see the area and for the real project you should do it with more time on the river you can also introduce the fellow path align here as a like a blood area so I think in this case we don't need it then we want to introduce the cross section then we go to the cross section and try to introduce the cross section you should be careful that there is an intersection between the lines the cross sections and the lines that you have especially there on the center lines so you click and then double click so then right click on the cross sections you can see the options that we have for example in update cross sections you can see the bank stations or here you can see the river stations table you can introduce the name of the each section as you know in the headrest the numbers start from the downstream for example this section we can call it one two three till eight so then right click and go to all XS attributes and then go to the close the edit are you sure to save it yes now we introduce the cross section then save it and exit then go to the geometry open Geometry data and then go to the tables here again you have the names River stations it's the same here we can change the name of the stations for example we start from the downstream one two three eight and then okay now we have the names it's it's easier to work with these then go to the Cross sections now we can see the cross section that we have for our eight cross sections definitely if you introduce more cross sections then you have a better results but uh today as we want just to show you an example then it is okay eight and as we have a Ras data edem file with two meter resolution then we don't need any data for example if you are going to the last mapper and train you can see the elevation here for example here it's 72 here it's 14. so if the Dem file is accurate we don't need any cross-section data but if you have any cross-section data like the Excel file that we have you can add it to the cross section so go to the geometry cross section and we start from eight just copy paste the value and then go to the next one if you see a message like this use the accept edit and adjust cut line and then okay we will these messages about the bank stations here we will correct it later so then go to the another one I just add them very fast but as I told you as we have a good temper then we don't need to use a cross section but sometimes there isn't a good temp file or there are so many reasons that we want to use the measured or surveyed data that we have it on this Excel file and here is the last section so this area is a downstream reach flank is the distance from the next cross sections here is the Left Bank right Bank as we use the Dem file and rasmapper we have these values by default here but if you don't want to use the rust mapper and you want to use a old or classic way of introducing 1D model you have to compute and add this value manually then for introducing to the banks we are going to this option jump to the graphical cross section editors you can see here we can set the bank stations for example I introduced this one at the Left Bank and this one at the right bank then go to the other one this one on the left or this one or this one as right you can see we have some uh variation in topography in this area this one and this one so this is due to the rock or a tree in the River Ridge or something or sometimes maybe there is a error if it is a error then you can easily move it here if you click on this and then move it you can move it or just keep it like this because you know there is a rock here and you assume this is a correct one so introduce the bank for all of them we should introduce this because of the vegetation and rocks and all the things the coefficient morning roughness and other coefficients difference it's up to you and the observation that you have in the field you can see we have some options for zoom in zoom out and you can see the name of the river here I save it then you can go to the tables morning s n or k value we want to introduce the morning's value you also can introduce in the sections but I do it here so I set the value for all of them as uh point zero three and then okay so we introduce the sections and geometry then we close it and then go to the next part we want to introduce the pillow so you can open the steady fellow from here or go to the menu edit and then a study photo data but here you have a descriptions and you can enter for example three two if you have for example we to go our goal is to introduce three uh flow three discharge first as a calibration and second as a medium follow and the third one as a high discharge so now we just start with the one and so we keep this one as one and then go to the options edit profile names we change this one to calibration and then okay if you want to have a so first keep it as one and then apply so the discharge is 30 and then go to the rich boundary condition we want to introduce the boundary condition that we have for the downstream we introduce the known water surface level the value that we have on the Excel file is this value and then okay you can also introduce the critical the normal debating here and delete it for the normal death if you want to use then we should enter the slope at the slope or the downstream slope or more normal depth so we introduce it as a known water surface as we have it and then okay because as you can see here in the rasmaper or let's see the satellite again we have a sea or ocean here so we have also the effect of Backwater from the ocean or other effects that we should observe the area and evaluate it so this is the reason that we use the water surface that we have and then from the options select the observe water surface we have some measured water surface that we would like to compare our results with them and calibrate our model so here we can go to the add multiple we have eight sections then I want to add all of them and okay in the Excel file we have these values DN DN is the d stands means Downstream distance and is used if the water level is measured down or up a stream of the cross section then a edit here and also the water surface that we have so here in aircraft it is really good that if you press F1 or here if you press help then you are directly go to the headrest references and you can see and you can read about it find what is this parameter exactly which I really recommend you to go through it and see the values for example here you can see you are looking for the definition of the N you can write here D And or uh I'm sorry I so I just want to search for the DN distance can be used to enter a distance Downstream from the currently selected cross section further Define the actual location of the observe water surface data which in our case it's zero and then apply data and then save hello data so we name it calibration and then okay then we want to run our model go to the run or come here directly to the steady fellow simulation run a steady fellow simulation we save a plan for example we can save it as a or calibration foreign of calibration we assumed overflow is subcritical then we can check and evaluate the results but according to the discharge that we have an across section that we have for example if you want to be sure just imagine a rectangular in one of the cross section and by mining equation find the other values the velocity or other values that you need and check it if it is subcritical or not or just assume that it is subclitical and then check the results that I would show you and then push the compute it's compute and then close it for observing the result you can go to the view cross section or here for example view cross sections you can see the water and observe this line is the observed one the first one and that one is the water surface and you can evaluate the results here you have some options that you can use for example if you are going to the variable you can see various options or if you are going to the profiles you can see we have here just one profile if you have two three other discharge and you should add them to see foreign view a water surface profile which is really good way to compare your result you can see these dots are over observed data and this is our water surface along the River Ridge you can also go to the landmarks River station now you can see the water surface at various station or cross section you can see for the cross section number one the water surface and observed surface are matched two is the K3 is okay four is a little different but for the five six seven and eight we have a significant difference so uh we should calibrate the model based on the morning roughness so we should go to the geometric data table morning so I recommend you to calibrate section by section for example first choose another roughness value for the section 3 and then calibrate Section 3 and then go for the section five and then section 6 and 7 but as we want to be fast I just write a some values that I guess is near and mining roughness is a calibration parameter is a model parameter so as you can see in our case because of so many reasons for example our data is not accurate or as you can see it's near to the our case it's near to the c or Ocean or we may have a backward effect of back water or so many other reasons that the recommended roughness is not uh accurate for our case so we should calibrate the model for the new roughness for the new mining roughness which maybe is not like the one that we see in the references or the books you can also go to the help you can see it for example information about money and or call or go to the other reference and find the other values so then I use OK and then save it and then go to the Run compute and then check the results you can see now the water surface is better and matched and more matched with the of the bottle surface again we can see that we have some problems but uh as we want to be fast now we just keep it like this we can also check the cross section and also go to the output table you can see the fruit numbers here are really loud and velocity values are really loud so our assumption as a subcritical flow is correct then we save it here in the table you know we have the fellow area the discharge water surface minimum Channel elevation critical water surface which is not a critical water depth that we computed in the elderly course and other parameters now we want to add more discharge for example uh view here I want to add it like three then go to the option edit profile name as we did before this is medium below if you push enter then it goes to the next column and then uh Pi flow and then okay the discharge is 50 enter 70. apply data and then go to the rich boundary conditions here go to the normal water surface we have the values here so we should change the for the 50 I have the data it's 2.6 and the other one is 4.5 if you don't have a water surface and your river is not affected by the back water and you have a normal water depth then I recommend to use normal depth because you can compute the slope from the rasmap or from the train that you have and have a approximately good results by that then OK save the flow data and I think it's fine then go to the Run and then compute it close here you can see we can go to the options for example profiles we have three profiles select all okay you can see the for example here the water surface for the discharge of 30 50 and 70. or you can see here the water surface profile for the 50 70 and 8. so I would like now to go to the bridge and culvert I want to show you if we have a bridge and call word so how can we model it I would like to show you the set show you the satellite image here for example you can see here we have a bridge over here we have a bridge how can we model it in acres so go to the cross section cross section choose the cross section 2 because the bridge is near to the cross section 2 go to the option copy current cross section name it name the station as 1.8 and then the distance is 20 meters because it's 1.8 and the other one is two 20 meter and then apply data exit then go to the bridge culvert option at the bridge we want to have it at the 1.9 then we have two sections in both sides of that I write the name of the bridge here then go to the bridge design I have the value of top of the road enter and then go to the make Tech roadway then number of peers should be eight of the stream is 42 Downstream X is 42 peer centered line 20 meter and pair with this point eight and then make clears you can see it appears here then go to the deck Road the distance the value that I have is 5 meter and then it's 12 meter it's easy to explain what is this stand and what is with what I want to show you how to discover it when you don't have any other reference like YouTube and the nodes that we have it in the class so it is better just you press F1 and then it automatically go to the hey class manual so if you are coming down you can see the expiration explanation of uh all the things that we have here and if you search it I think I have it here so it's the bridge with its office during this time and it's a downstream distance or if you are going to the bridge design editor you have all the explanation here then okay and then go to the bridge modeling we can check or tick the energy momentum and energy only standard steps coefficient drag CD is 1.2 and pear shape is 1.4 these factors are based on the shape of the Pier for example you can go to the help or manual of the a class and see try to use for example for the Triangular nodes with 30 degree angle you can use one we have these helps and you can use choose it based on your pH 10 okay then apply data and then save geometry run steady and then compute so here in this section it's the bridge of a stream if we want to see the effect of the bridge you can for example code to zoom in you can see the water surface are much the difference is like it's not significant it's like one millimeter or you can go to the view detail output tables for breach here you can see the inside Bridge upper stream or inside Bridge Downstream you can compare the values for example for the water surface elevation is upper stream is 0.21 and the downstream is point 20 so it's just the difference is point zero one meter so it's really a small difference so we can say the bridge is not effect on the water surface in our case so now uh I would like to show you the blood zone map or the flood zone map it is recommended to have more cross section as I told you if you have more cross sections not like 1000 logic value especially when you have a monitoring so the monitoring has effect on your results it is better to have more cross section one way in 1D to increase the cross section is the interpolation you can go to the geometric data and then tools XS interpolation you can see some modification here that they are easy to understand I think after watching this video and practice and uh looking for the details on the reference of a class so go to the tools excess interpolation within a reach or if you want to have interpolate this into a specific cross section then I suggest to use between two XS it depends on your project but we need this one and we will we want to have cross-section in each three hundred meters then we should go to the interpolate Xs and if you want to delete the previous interpolated cross section then you should use this option so interpolate close and then we have and then save geometry as needleva underline so we should check the cross section actually to be sure that the cross sections are correct so I suggest to first visit the area that you want to model and then check the cross sections that you have to be sure that the interpolation or everything is correct we use the linear interpolation for this case and then go to the Run steady fellow then save plan as oh yeah then okay then we other blood Flame okay then you should take the floodplain here and we assume it's subcritical and then compute you should check that the values of The observed with the values of the modeling are correct or matched or has agreements or not if there is no act well agreements then you have to increase the number of the Cross sections that you have to have a better uh results so then go to the rasmapper in rasmapper you can see the geometric here the results shows here for example we can see the results of you can go to the create new results and create any results that you like for example the depth or water surface elevation for the high flat at map then you can see it or go to it again and then depth or if a lot then edit so I turn off the water surface you can see it here the accuracy that you see here it depends to the parameters that we use how to draw the cross sections and other things I think I explain all the options that we have for the won the steady flow it's just a short explanation of 1D modeling study fellow you can go to the honesty fellow and easily model the honesty fellow I am so run an estate fellow so here it's the same you can use geometry processing fill out mapping ticks you should use the date so as it is understudy then you have to introduce the discharge hydrograph in the steady in the unsteady data an STD fellow data here it's like that one so for the upper stream or for the downstream you have these options and then for example what's Downstream or let's go to the upper stream you can normal depth this is for Downstream you should use the friction slope and this is for Downstream flow hydrograph you can use a high degree of that you have I will explain the honest study in the 2D modeling which is a little needs more practice or more explanation 1D is easy and there is no specific difference I think between values versions of the headclass but for 2D I really recommend you to use the last version because it's faster it's better they really update it uh frequently the 2D and reduce the bugs that it has and now it's a really good model uh I hope it's helpful for you this video
Channel: Behnam Balouchi
Views: 4,502
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Id: 880pmHa1XpU
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Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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