HEC-RAS 2D Tutorial

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hello and welcome to this video or we will show how to do a 2d model hey grass and not DNA will look something like this this is moon great this is about 500 meters and we thought it's out of 5 to 60 kilo meter per second but then let's close this and extra from scratch just close the program and first thing we're going to do of course we have to ensure the computer with the US units Tetris is a American program so we ensure that we have in our region and time format in is American so that will ensure that we don't have problems later so here in this United States and all the settings are appropriate to ours so let's close this and also important to ensure that we are using the International System of Units if we go to options we go to unit system ensure that we have system international and I recommend you also to set up default and so first thing we are going to do it's to give a name to our project that we go to file save project us and that's fine a folder with locate these users and I in my case I'm going to save it here I have corners here for example I would say a bit more I like to keep it everything in the same folder so I will create a folder for checklist where I will search all the files that are being created and let's give it just so now our project has name and I want to show you the workflow that we are gonna have today mmm this is the main across window this is my and maybe it looks like it has a lot of Windows today we will only we explain the truth we'll go to last Muppet to input our geometry I were to rain then we will go to geometry Delta well we will define our geometry in unsteady flow we will define the boundary conditions how much water is coming how is it flowing out then an unsteady flow simulations we will define the plan yeah yeah they say we do will understand it later better and finally we will come back to France mapper to see our results and to be so light and export them so do so let's get started as I said please start in flash mapper yeah this is featuring a dress that is developing a lot lately so first I will give a a prediction to my project in this case I already have know another projection file from I can have in data projection this in this case we are using a TRS a89 this is something you can download so not production but peer PE or and that you can find it easy okay then we have a prediction in our window now we will add the rail for that I will right click on train and select create a new restaurant this window shows up and I'm going to look for my best I have it in data faster and we are going to use the relentless I like to keep that we can just keep it as default yeah we can also change the name of our terrain in case later we want to to create another one with a different geometry in this case I will just leave it like this a practical example we don't focus on this and now it's ready to create takes a little bit of time of course the biggest arrested this time I will take finite size this is how every year we wait yesterday and I will not use entire rich to ensure that we modulate fast and and we don't have to wait several hours I will use this party but never have brought my train I can go to my geometry window so we close nothing and go to the we out here we can see my my D for that probably will reduce is the 2d flow area the boundary condition lines and the breaking lives a by the for Harris a will create a school structure and we will use the breaking lines to pick these structures in the points where we have particularities now Ahmad this is just a practical example it's more complicated than I really recommend you to to know where are they these special points in your team that you need to a Moodle I spirit so let's swing to this area where I will draw my geometry so let's click on to the flow area first and then just select a small creature clicking clicking and double click to enter right then let's just give a name to the flow this hour to deploy em now the next step we can just do a break in line and I can show you how this will change the geometry later you will understand it better peacefully and we can name it break line and now we can create the mess now I have given the boundary now we will turn address to actually create the points for occupations here we have the default money but the money value and we could introduce it as an input in the brass map editor I can show you later how to do that but in the in case we haven't introduced any mining value from from a setup shapefile distribution a high grass will use this default here to calculate in this case we will just use 0.03 and now I'm gonna generate computational points in this case I will of course a very coarse mesh I think this rich is like 80 meters wide so three point three will give quite fair results for this exercise it's good and I'm able to select in for selected peg light so those will break my structure tools it better will be zooming select all okay I know we can force make mr. computation and okay now I can zoom and see what happened let us help create that one mesh and we can see this brake line block the structure good to touch let's see we could also change the size we have selected that we wanted a size of three point three meters what if we wanted also to change the size of the mesh that will happen on our brake line we can go to GIS tools brake lines cell spacing table and here I can select how big by introducing a minimum or a maximum I want to be the cells around my brake line so these are other features for it now we could of course also go to das braking lines and in connect angle there is also the options to import lines from all the safest in mind you already have lines that tells you what you have a particularly you could use this import tool to have them in your geometry and now I will do the last step that we will do in geometry window that is defining where our boundary condition matter then I click inventory condition lines here and we will draw it very close to our 2d line in this case the flow is coming from up down is flown in from north south let's say so let's click it mummery conditions and draw my upstream boundary conditions double-click and I call it up we can see that it has appeal with the red and black dots that means is good it has created the connection fine and I will delete that I will create a boundary condition down stream again we draw very close to the due to the flow area but not inside in the outside file click and click and we call it danced and it was great I will save my geometry files II do meet with us and I will cast quality on but now we have geometry I think I'm not forgetting anything here so we can disclose geometry we can see here we'll have a geometry file that has been created fine next step is going to the understudy flow of it it is Mon under the wafer and we can see our boundary conditions appear in this file in the upper stream American ditions we will define they will have you can see here different options that is selecting a normal depth I will state a graph of crude oil of everything cut in this case we will slip the flow I love that we will clean the final floor IRA graph going from let's say thank you with meters to to 60 cubic meters okay flow in this area you can interpret missing values we can also change here the time our how its defined our I'll Laura in which interval in this case our is enough and also we will introduce us know for the street in front of us it's just 0.01 in the downstream boundary condition we will define a normal depth and again this I will just say this at the fall of 0.01 we could also measure are doing more applicant but for this example let's just let me play this and then I have introduced what values I want to move under the condition so I will go to file safe and steady flow date as an example and we can close an estate a in case we want to run our model with some other initial conditions we have the absorption here initial conditions in which we could user will start file so maybe you have random model before and you want to start from the last moment of the other simulation we could introduce that in this setup when this close here we can see you have project name that your meta file and the flow so let's go right away to define our path is money I'm up here and I will not go into a lot of detail but we will just select all of this geometry processor and study flow simulation we don't have sediment in this case the post processor and the flood map the starting date is going to be just absolutely today okay end up day today I don't need a particular mmm the simulation understanding time let's go from zero zero zero zero without double dots or anything this is a reformat that Hector utilize and let's run it for two hours zero zero here we can include a description of the plan we are running and with a colleague for example first exercise just a crack of what we are doing and let's focus now in the computational settings for the output how I want my up but I will just use in this case five minutes minutes five so have first few frames and in the computational interval this is more important I will select in this case my starting value of five second of one second but I will tell factors that I want to adjust time step based on current therefore I have click on these three dots here and the hydrogen is the computation of student areas appear I wanted to adapt the time based on current so it doesn't hit me errors at the time for computing is adapted to ensure the stability of the monitor we can just give us these values for flex these values are the the current number will have a maximum of three and I'm 0.5 and this flexibility to calculate it so I think I have all the settings in my file again I can say plant us let's see a plan zero one and I'll also like to call it something that is representative of the model and in this case we can say Q from 10 to 60 it is nice and give the same ID okay unless commit we have an error to the area mystery free that was not greedy successfully this is a classical ever and I will just go to my geometry window again and I will just force master computation and I think that was let's try once more and hopefully this ever disappears and that was that was fine sometimes yeah you have this error with the mess but you can go to for measure computations and it will get so and now it's computing it's actually going quite fast how I didn't create I forgot to click on plain mapping I think it's gonna go quite fast anyway so we will not have to wait a lot but when this is computing me and before we'll have the results we can have a look at fresh market I told you before that we couldn't reduce money numbers here how can we do this if we select mob leaders and right click on it we can add new monies and labor and that will allow us to bring a shape file and we see we can define a different money value depending on the polygon this is really useful and I really recommend you to use this if you have money in distribution of Y and what else can we do if we look at the geometry to the flow areas we can define more bread lines we can also reduce the refinement regions to select areas in which we want our most we find for example refinement regions allow us to maybe select this area and have a meth size of one meter instead of three and we are using and I think that was roughly it duty sniper has most other settings I think let's see how our model is doing and it is done computing so we can just close this window come back to us mapping where we can see the results so we click on results some problem with the computation I can't see them let's close and open again yeah yes many ways just with the computation for some reason ah yes I cannot see it because I am in Times Europe and there is no water yet but as I go passing they water start showing these are the results so we can see that they our River is feeling Villa right now we are looking at the day by default Hagler's give us a piece display between 0 and 15 that for example in our case is too big it will not even units in these colors for example in the depth map let's like that it will appear in pink we will double click in the color as here we have the layer properties we can indeed the surface I see at a maximum value of 3 for example we will click on apply and now we can see a more relevant coloring of our layer another interesting interesting feature is we select here up the particle particle tracing and we can see how particles will move in our River lists it's really nice to see the flow development and my default Harris will show the depth the velocity and the water surface elevation let's have a look at the velocity for example the same thing the colors are not really relevant in this case but we can maybe then select a maximum to for example create and apply and this is more representative of how it will appear estimation we can see high velocities here and no slip and we can add more maps by right-clicking on my plan and manage results map layers this window appear and let's have a look at Mallory so Maps because here I can add more maps and also safety once I really have by default the rosters convenient depth the velocity and the water surface elevation will not be created but let's for example let's say I want to save my depth map then I will go to edit map this window shows up and I have my depth and I want to set the maximum depth for example I could also select up profile in a specific time products just take Maxima in this case and also important store as raster based on the brain and Sigma and also compute update store maps and now we can see if we go into the to the folder when we are working this is the folder that I selected for hydras this is the plan that I just front and if I open it we can see that the depth thruster has been created so this is how we started maps and we saved them from Craig roster shots we could also add new maps we could also I also like to work for example inundation boundary it's just a shape I let's add them up so you can see it it's just a map or it was not created let's compute update you can also compute them from here sometimes for some reason I have one over here let's see - result map layer maybe I can add new map and I can in the nation boundary desolate the last times still AdMob and habitat money to compute update starch mobs and yeah I can I have it here for time 0 and it was the same problem there is still no water but in this case we can see now our boundaries the areas that are weighted em and I think that's it we have to eat it our mouth we can look at the sold our tape we know how to store us them so if you wanted to bring them to our map or qgs you could do that and also you cannot the web email it later we can selectively let's say you know google satellite for example and okay this can denies a background map to see where we are and also nice tool to display to present our results so I think that's a that's it a further recommendation is give a good name plan because your results are in storage in this a automatically in this folder with this name so it's easier when you run a lot of simulations if you have a clear name of what you have been simulated also useful to the plan description because the further you work on something them more is the more difficult is to come back and that's it thank you for the attention and I hope it's useful for you
Channel: Ana Juárez Gómez
Views: 17,501
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Id: rMOLYunwqU8
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Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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