Flood Inundation Mapping Using Remote Sensing DEMs and HEC-RAS (for data-limited areas)- Part3

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okay let's uh go to check other hydraulic outputs first of all uh I'm going to G tool Ras mapper and I want to show the usability and the potential of Ras mapper environment to capturing the hydraulic outputs okay you uh you can uh go to the results section and check this part and go and check the hydraulic output for example depth velocity and water surface elevation for specific or for all uh discharge values I Sate depths and you can see the special distribution of depths for your study area you can uncheck my Jo to see only the h outputs uh for example this is for Q with the return period of 10 years you can click and select this layer and right click on that and select edit map parameter okay in this uh result map parameter you can select your desired uh discharge values for example I select q1 100 and save the M you know the water deps is completely different with that uh discharge value when you're Crossing uh on the depths rer you can see the depth value and this is the legend and you can uncheck the train to see only uh flood depths through the river you know the value are the values are in meter format also you can use Google Earth maps in the background to better representation of your results uh in map layers you should right click on this section and select web imag layers and in this figure you should select your suitable map some are for rgis database and some for Google Map Google hybrid Google train or USGS imagery or USGS Topo if you are living in European country countries or United State of America you can use uh USGS imagery or open street maps and other RJ data set but in this uh section I want to use Google satellite to present our hydr property okay I select Google satellite uh you should be uh uh you should be aware that your internet connection internet connection must be good to load uh Google Earth uh image in your Ras mapper without uh internet you can access to the Google Earth maps Okay select okay and select the map layers please be more patient when you are loading uh googlers or other online uh image in HR okay you can see the googlers in the background and this is the distribution of flood deps through the river okay uh you can decrease the disparen of this layer right click on this layer and select layer properties and you can use the lower transparency to better see the reverse okay or use other other color ramp or other setting for your layer also you can use discrep format for example I want to discret the depth into five plus apply okay you can see however I think this stretch format is the better for this case okay you know this remotely St is completely okay for flood ntion mapping however that needs a little bit modification with the ground control points okay the velocity for higher discharge values okay also you can use I think I think particle tracing uh to better representation of flow vectors and the direction of flow through the stud area okay in the velocity setting you can change the velocity of speed density and other parameters of flow vectors density and other or spacing this is a completely graphical icon for better representation of flowing of water or flood through a case study okay you can uncheck that and it will be removed also you can use a static velocity Arrow to present the velocity vectors and therefore you can change the space [Music] also the color white or black or other spacing size okay this option is suitable for Meandering or uh rivers with the wide uh flood uh flat plane sections moreover you can use water surface elevation uh for higher return period you can also save the outputs in raster format or vector format for example I want to uh save this layer this raster layer and open it in Google Earth or in rjs environment right click on depths and go to the edit map parameter in the edit map parameter you should check the raster based on train options and select the save map okay you should right click on this layer and select compute update stored map okay you know uh this icon uh means that the layer is completely save in the computer or in the desired direction or folder also we can do this uh issue for different output and check the raster base save and do other processes okay one the best output of acas in Ras mapper is the selection of other uh hydraulic important parameter for example you can uh show the inundation boundary in shape file or vector format depths share estess depths multiply velocity which is important output for uh flat damage analysis or flood damage studies deps inl multiply velocity power two and exem power let me check depths velocity select press and you can see the value of uh depths multiply velocity okay let me to load Google Earth picture okay you know the value is ranging between 0 to 10 the legend is for previous layer and and you should change the value of this parameter therefore I should click on layer properties go to the edit and in maximum you should select for example 10 create apply okay now you can see better representation of this output it means that when the color is red that means this area is the dangerous part of the river and when you see the green colors that mean this area is completely safe when the flood is Crossing okay you can use the discret method to better representation of the dangerous and high dangerous and safe Zone okay this output is one of the best important uh features of newer version of he okay you can see we don't uh we did all required steps in rasp mapper and finally you can use other map type or output I select inundation boundary uh it creates a shape file or vector format of uh selected flation extent okay in this uh step you should select right click on the layer and select compute update stored map okay now you can see a vector format of flood extend for for 100 return period of flood also you can right click and Export layer into shape file or KML and open it in Google s environment or open it in rgis or other similar GIS environment okay I select shape file and in paper I name it wsse underline X extend set 100 excuse me okay it's created successfully you should go to the arcgis select add dat come on man okay select W extend select add okay you can see a shape file which means the flood extend and change change the color okay this is the flood maps uh this uh small area is due to their remote sensing and R them and that that means you should correct or modify your DS before using flood inundation mapping and if you correct and modify your Dam using ground control point you can uh create a better flood maps with the better shape for your case study however I think it's good for this example okay I think there isn't any explanation for this environment and close the rest spp environment and you can go for other section and go and see the water surface flood extent through the river for different flow discharges and you can use this section to representation of 3D uh representation of flood extent and this is the variation of flat Hydra properties through the or align the rivers you can select velocity right click on the window select profile clear all and select only one of them and also right click on the window select plot variables clear all and go down and select veloc velocity total which means that the mean average velocity in the in each crosssection okay you can see the variation of mean velocity for each cross-section through the river at the upper stream the velocity is higher because the slop is higher and in the down slop due to the decreasing the slop value the velocity tends to decrease and you can select other for example top fits right click plot variable and select only top excuse me plot variable okay in this uh figure you can use different VAR variables and show the variation of hydraulic properties through the river for example I want to plug hydraulic deps okay you know at the upper stream uh the hydraulic depth is lower and in the down stream the hydraulic depth is higher because this slop is lower in Downstream and it's higher in Upstream okay for again plot variable go down and you can select for example fruit number for each cross-section this is the variation of fruit number you know in most cross-section the flow type is subcritical and we don't have super critical cross-sections okay this is main Channel distance and profile plot in table section you can see different discharge value and different hyic property as I mentioned before you can go to option menus and select Define table and delete all default uh columns and select only your desired output for example I want to plot or create only velocity or other hydraulic parameters for example fruit number for cross-section select the next column select hydraulic deps in force column select hydraulic radius it's not so important we can s power or other hyd Pro there are different output for right Bank Left Bank total cross-section only main Channel and which of them you can use and show at the output for example share total top Fe for cross-section total velocity and finally okay I think this is enough okay I press okay and you can see a summarize outputs and uh for each cross section and for profile you can see the hydraulic parameters moreover you can go to options and click profiles and select all discharge value and the model sort the results from the up stream to down stream you can click copy cber to data and headings copy cber data only or print it in picture or PDF format and write uh that to text file and opening notepad or wordpad or other environment for example I can use this option okay select Excel or office or other spreadsheet environment and paste the output and refine the results to better representation in your reports or your your uh papers or your studies come on office come on okay I create a new sheet and right click on that and select paste okay you can see the output excuse [Music] me okay you can remove the unrelated or unnecessary columns for example this is okay we can create borders and copy that and go to the word environment and paste that in that environment I do that uh for your better guidance in your studies come on come on office okay in the paste menu select paste special and select picture enhan met file okay we can see the output is completely in picture format and you can easily drag and drop or decrease the dimension of pictures and store that okay okay I think this is just uh enough for flood ntion mapping using Ras mapper uh there is no different uh in type of them you can use srtm you can use allos you can use the groundbased them the processes is or the steps is completely the same and if you can if you can do uh for all of them uh this processes you can do that for different Riv for different sources and different uh data sets Okay I think this part ER must be finished and in the next part uh I should uh talk about some the usability and some modification of remotely stems uh for your uh for your case studies and rever engineering projects okay uh have a good time and Happy River engineering modeling
Channel: HydroAI
Views: 3,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HydroAi, Azizian, Artificial Intelligence, Hydrology, hecras, HEC-RAS, Flood, Riverengineering, Digital elevation models, DEMs, ASTER, SRTM, ALOS, Flood Hazard Mapping, Flood control
Id: vyQyAPnjQJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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