Heavy Vs Light Weights

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- [Narrator] Today you guys are in for a real treat. Before we get to the science on this channel, we often have these fun little intros. You can skip to the science, but some have told me these are the best part. This story introduces a new character to our channel very closely based off of one of my not-so-bright roommates from the past. His name is Feswick. I want you to imagine the ideal lifting buddy. Feswick was the total opposite of what you're imagining. Mix in the ego and facial expressions of Derek Zoolander, and you have a Feswick. So we were at the school gym. Now I've been lifting here for a few years and built up a decent strength base, so before I'd hit my working sets, I'd warm up with 20s, 40s, 60s, and 80s before hitting the hundreds for my main set. Feswick was the kind of guy who was always pretty suspicious, so when he noticed this, he immediately thought I was up to something. - You really like to jump the weights, huh? - [Narrator] Is what he said, but I'm pretty sure he was thinking more along the lines of. - [Feswick Voiceover] So that's his secret he's not telling me. I just need to make big jumps in the weights. - Only because I've been doing this for a long time, so these are my warm-ups. - Right! - [Feswick Voiceover] He jumps the weights up. If I do that too, I'll be just as strong as him. He just doesn't want me to be on his level. - Trust me man, stick with the 45s and you'll make progress real fast. - Faster than you might think. - Huh? - [Girl] Dorian what's up? - Oh hey, I saw you in class. That professor was really annoying, eh? (talking quietly) (dramatic music) (face splats) (dramatic music) (talking quietly) Dude. - [Feswick] What? - You just dropped a hundred pounds on your face! - [Feswick] (sighs) You're still talking about that? Old news. - [Narrator] As I pretended to listen to my girlfriend that night, I couldn't help thinking back to Feswick attempting to lift a much heavier weight than he could handle. Was lifting heavy always the way to go? Well, that is gonna depend more specifically on what your own goals are as we will see. One thing that has been thoroughly proven, regardless of gender or age, resistance training results in muscle growth. Lifting weights is also called resistance training because you're contracting your muscle fibers against resistance. In this case, the resistance is gravity resisting your muscle as you move the weight through space. Each muscle is made up of thousands of individual muscle fibers. Resistance training results in this growth. Thanks to a phenomenon called mechanotransduction where specific sensors in your individual muscle fibers, known as mechanosensors, convert this mechanical energy into chemical signals that mediate myocellular, anabolic and catabolic pathways. In other words, once they detect that their fiber is under enough load to trip a certain threshold, they start signaling that the muscle fiber needs to grow. (electronic beeping) Something important to note also is that not all muscle fibers are the same. While they all contribute something to every rep range, type one fibers are better suited to long-lasting endurance while type 2X fibers are better suited for that one rep max explosive power. While some people use weights with the intent on building their muscle size, others lift weights to train for strength. Lifting can be confusing. People will often tell you different things. Some will say do high reps with a light weight to maximize muscle hypertrophy. Others say use a heavy weight and go until failure. And what about strength? Are heavy weights with low reps really the only way? The idea that you need to go heavy is based on the idea that heavier weights are needed to achieve full recruitment of those higher threshold fibers. The ones that are the most stubborn to sending the growth signal because optimal improvements in strength and hypertrophy can only be accomplished when all the fibers in a muscle have been activated. But what does the research say? In 2016, a meta-analysis was published in the European Journal of Sports Science. Big props to Brad Schoenfeld for heading this up. It compiled nine studies on this topic and set out to answer this question once and for all. In all of these studies, two groups of participants were compared where one group was lifting weights that were above 65% of their one rep max strength while the other group was lifting less than 60%, and both groups lifted the weight until they couldn't do another rep. The meta-analysis acknowledged that type two muscle fibers, that ones that are better for heavy weights than endurance, have a 50% greater capacity for growth. And while that is true, it has been demonstrated that even these fast twitch, type two muscle fibers, the ones that are best for intense bursts of strength, are worked by low weight just to a lesser extent. This is why it isn't entirely shocking what they found. In terms of muscle gained, the high and low weight groups both gained a similar amount. How can this be? Well, although a single rep of a heavier weight verus a lighter weight will provide greater activation to the type two fibers, the key lies in the fact that both groups took their sets to momentary muscle failure. So although the light weight group got less activation per rep, their sets lasted much longer, and those additional reps, although they were a lighter weight, continued to activate the muscle until even the most stubborn fibers activated. So it looks like both light and heavy weights, as long as taken to momentary muscle failure, result in about equal hypertrophy. I say that because although it wasn't statistically significant, there was still a slight trend in favor of the higher weight. Strength was a different story because although strength is highly correlated with muscle hypertrophy, there are various other elements at play. Physiological factors, psychological factors including confidence and fear, your motor control and technique, and CNS adaptations all play a role. These are better trained by lifting those heavier weights. So if my max bench is 225, whether I train in sets of 135 to failure or 185 to failure, the muscle hypertrophy will be about the same as long as total work volume is equal. Whereas my one rep max, if tested on the spot, might increase slightly more under the higher load training due to those other factors of strength being more in practice. Lastly, it should be mentioned that muscle size and hypertrophy aren't one and the same. Because of this, people who do high reps with light weights may benefit from the illusion of larger muscles. This is because your muscles store their energy along with water which can influence how big they look at any given time despite not being the result of hypertrophy. Glycogen content in the muscle can significantly alter the apparent size of the muscle at any given moment. Glycogen is the primary fuel burned by your muscles after about 10 seconds of activity and continues to be the main mover until about 120 seconds. The advantage of it is that burning it is an anaerobic process meaning it doesn't require oxygen, so the power output isn't limited by your ability to breathe in oxygen. If you aren't eating any carbs at all, such as during a fast or keto diet, muscles can look up to 16% smaller. This is why people on aggressive diets complain that their muscles look really flat. If you are eating carbs, glycogen is stored in the muscles based on their predicted need for it. The average person who doesn't resistance train stores about 350 grams or so in their muscles, and since each gram is stored with three grams of water, about 1.5 kilograms, or three pounds, of muscle bulk in a typical person is glycogen. In body builders who train in higher rep ranges which often exceed 10 seconds, the body predicts a greater need and stores more than the typical amount, more than double in fact, giving them a six to 8% boost in muscle size over the average non-lifter simply from stored carbs. It has been theorized that someone who trains in low reps mainly for strength may not see quite as much glycogen storage in their muscles because these low rep sets rely less on glycogen. While this theory is often referenced, there has yet to be definitive proof in the form of a scientific study, but personally when I went from training in sets of three to sets of 10, I noticed my muscles appear fuller as they adapted to my new training demands by storing more glycogen. But I have to say, and I think others will agree, going too light does have its drawbacks. Not only do the studies show a tiny bit less hypertrophy, it can also be harder to reach an equal volume. Going to failure with a very light weight can be a lot more agonizing which is something to keep in mind. So light weight, heavy weight, it seems like for hypertrophy, taking it to or close to failure is what matters primarily if you want to be guaranteed equal results which I think is a good excuse to mix it up. No one says you need to pick just one. Switching it up every now and then can keep workouts exciting and challenging while providing a more targeted stimuli to all the different fiber types, but just remember to listen to your own body and go off of what is heavy and light to you. And please, don't be a Feswick. Thanks for watching, and if you're into it consider subscribing. Until next time, D-man signing off. (lighthearted orchestral music)
Channel: Dorian Wilson
Views: 1,802,332
Rating: 4.7949653 out of 5
Keywords: heavy vs light weights, light vs heavy weights, heavy weights vs light weights, light weights vs heavy weights, lift heavy or light, lift light or heavy, can light weights build muscle, can light weights make you stronger, how much weight to lift to build muscle, shouldI lift heavy or light weights, carb loading, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, high rep vs low rep, light weight high reps vs heavy weight low reps
Id: cuIlP5uII6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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