HEAVY TRANSPORT MISSION - Giants On The Move | Full Documentary

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put it on r/Truckers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DDHRUGER πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why didn't they use a helicopter?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brockolee26 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
transport with pitfalls an almost 50 meter long rotor blade has to be transported up a hill the difficulty is definitely the rain the road's wet there's not much traction a real obstacle course tight hairpin corners houses directly at the edge of the road rain filled tracks in the worst case the road would give and then we can't continue the journey a gigantic unit is on the move 442 tons and a length of 75 meters and mishaps despite perfect planning one of the hoses has burst on the trailer precision work in the underpass tight at the top critical at the bottom [Music] i need more height here it's already scraping and heavy duty equipment for 195 tons high precision loading into the barge a range of hills in the black forest four wind turbines each around 200 meters high are being constructed here at kambaka eck they're intended to produce electricity for 10 000 households one of the problems of constructing them is transporting the materials the road on the hill is steep and winding it passes through small settlements and is only partially asphalted hazardous especially in bad weather 400 meters lower down in kinsek valley a transfer station the starting point for the heavy loads this is where the construction elements are stored from the concrete shells to the gigantic rotor blades these are 46 meters long and each weigh around 15 tons today one of these blades has to be transported to the top of the hill for assembly even loading it onto a transporter is a tricky process too much wind is dangerous of course we have regulations that we have to stick to but at the moment everything's okay if there's too much wind we'd have to abort the 72 studs at the end of the rotor blade now have to be inserted into the holes on a transport device this is really delicate work when using a crane because the studs cannot be damaged under any circumstances the rotor blade has to be raised slowly so that it doesn't swing away abruptly both cranes raise cable loading manager mario hovat issues commands to the crane operators by radio you're right heights good you can slow it out after just two minutes the rotor blade is suspended in the loading position but it can't be loaded yet first the square transport frame used to transport the blade by truck to the transfer station has to be removed good stop stop mario jorvat uses a wheel loader to raise the transport frame and unscrews the enormous nuts from the threaded rods together with a colleague then the frame has to be removed from the studs shall we give it a go now but the frame is catching wait i have to back up so he climbs back into the wheel loader backs up one meter and raises the loader's arms a few centimeters then the studs are free loading can begin transport manager randolph petas from spedicion bender has arrived he's a specialist in operating the transport vehicle called a self-propelled modular transporter it can be steered by radio remote control a rotor blade transport device is mounted at the end of the 8-axis vehicle the men now have to fasten the rotor blade to it threading the blade studs into the holes requires finesse from randolph peters and the crane operators roaming let the cable out stop stop right there more slowly let the cable out stop the streaming says the most difficult thing is actually inserting the threaded rods into the adapter holes then it's bolted tightened with a torque wrench and then we're done while the studs slot into the holes on the transport device something is still catching randolph petas has his own special technique for this we shake the adapter so that the threaded rods of the rotor blade can be inserted more easily into the adapter mario the front crane needs to slow a bit to the left thomas thomas slew slowly to the left it looks relatively parallel from the top tighten one of the bolts a sleeve is not needed i can't yet we need to move closer but we're still too high wait a minute that fits i'll tighten it and perfect isn't it good and his colleagues now bolt the rotor blade to the adapter pretty strenuous work with 72 nuts the rotor blade is only ready to be transported up the hill with the self-propelled transporter once all of them have been properly tightened the gradients are up to 20 percent lots of power is needed to make the climb so here we've joined two four axle platforms together the front four the rear four each four axle platform consists of four axles each with eight wheels so in this case we have 64 wheels here the engine is separate it's a 500 horsepower door it's a six cylinder it drives a hydraulic pump and the drive hydraulics are connected to the drive axles with hoses and that's a total of four the hydraulic system also produces more torque than a mechanical drive using a propeller shaft for example it's like a water wheel if you pour a lot of water on it it turns faster if you pour less it turns slower if you pour in the opposite direction the wheel turns that way and that gives us the hydraulic braking effect here each axle can be steered individually around 360 degrees and the swing axles are able to compensate unevenness in the carriageway so that the self-propelled transporter doesn't start to tilt unless the wind continues to pick up things get difficult over a wind speed of 12 meters per second then that's it then there's a safety program that shuts off the electronics that's measured over the wind gauge that we're just fastening at the front here over 12 meters per second we're no longer allowed to work there's a 50 50 chance that the transport will proceed smoothly because the sky has clouded over and it's pouring with rain a bad omen for the complicated project the difficulty is definitely the rain the road's wet there's not much traction we'll just have to take a bit more care than usual and i hope that the wind doesn't pick up even more otherwise let's hope that the weather doesn't get any worse and even colder if it starts to snow further up we'll have to stop with snow in the road and an 18 gradient then we can't continue due to safety reasons there's no more traction the 500 horsepower self-propelled transporter starts to move with his remote control randolph petas can not only steer and accelerate he can also turn the rotor blade up by 60 degrees and rotate it around its own axis [Music] philip is the advance party the 25 year old provides the transport driver with instructions bit more to the right you've got room on the right now then the first obstacle appears not the house at the edge of the road but several power lines in a right left corner combination in which a utility pole is also located careful maneuvering is now required right here we have to raise the blades and drive forwards up to the power line then we have to move the blade over the power line and back up until we can lower the blade ahead of the power line because we could get the vehicle around the right hand curve in terms of the radius but the blade's too long to get past the utility pole randolph now drives as far as possible into the right hand curve without touching the power line with the rotor blade then he backs up into a junction that goes uphill the hydraulic system compensates the dip and the gradient the center axles are first extended downwards and then the front ones [Music] you can lower it slowly now [Music] right that's enough the blade is only lowered enough so that it just passes beneath the power line that's the first power line is followed directly by a second one in a left-hand curve the rotor blade again has to go over it raise the blade a bit more continue raising it slowly two meters to the cable that's good once again the transporter moves as close as possible to the line then it has to carefully maneuver once more we're now backing up a little so that we're positioned straight in the curve so that we're parallel with the cable and can then lower the blade under the cable but you don't need to back up again that fits good the first difficult obstacle has been overcome but that was nothing compared to what's up ahead [Music] rank aghi in reina in the minsterland region it's all hands on deck today in one of the large hangars at the gear unit manufacturer a drill head gear unit costing around 2 million euros is scheduled to be delivered to the customer a real challenge for all involved we'll leave here at around 10 pm with special truck equipment and head off to spellerport in speller ven house the gear unit will be loaded into a barge from there it's off to rotterdam where it'll be transferred to an ocean-going vessel finally it will be taken to our customer a belgian luxembourgian dredging vessel specialist at the shipyard in croatia where the most powerful treasure in the world is being built problem number one the gear unit which weighs 195 tons has to be moved from its assembly station to the loading station behind the special truck but the cranes can only carry a maximum of 120 tons [Music] so we had to find another way to move the gear unit from this test area to our loading position over there we're using a skid way that enables us to pull these carriers that run in this rail on teflon using hydraulic tensile forces and then we can move it over this section from over there to the loading position so that everything runs smoothly soft soap is brushed onto the teflon plates with an oil pressure of 80 bar two hydraulic cylinders push the gear unit to the loading point centimeter by centimeter problem number two the gear unit can't be transported with a normal low bed trailer it's simply too high here we have to transport this gear unit from rank with an overall height of four meters 95. and we use this tank bridge to do that because it enables us to transport the gear unit with a ground clearance of one centimeter through our bottleneck that's the underpass beneath the a30 freeway the outer sections the so-called z-members of the tank bridge are mounted on two 14-axle trailers only one of which is already in the hangar the outer sections are connected using intermediate pieces two steel beams with support brackets each weighing 6 tons the gear unit which has now reached its loading position is placed onto these later on the longitudinal members are now positioned on both sides this process is managed by matias who everyone simply calls matus let it down right now down both beams are in position and now have to be connected to the outer sections of the tank bridge okay back up then further further further another two meters [Music] the trailer needs to move to the left a bit at the front stop [Music] okay okay give it a try on one side the connecting pin fits almost good immediately good good on the other side however it's still catching problematic the problem at the minute is that the pin lug coupling isn't aligned properly yet yeah it's one that you old now we can move the bridge slightly here at the top and we want to move the side in a bit and then it should fit undone we've still got some space here and now we have to move the beam out a little that's not as simple as it sounds for 40 minutes everything that can be adjusted is readjusted then finally the second side slots into place so yes so we'll get it in now normally [Music] good good ingo it's good it's in but that was only half of the job the tank bridge now has to be assembled on the other side as well the second part of the transporter moves to the hangar door and unlike the delays beforehand everything now goes like clockwork [Music] slowly further further stop stop good good good stick get it in fitted right away at the back it was too tight you know but now we'll attach a few chains and off we go done first well we had a few difficulties here on this side while we were assembling the tank bridge because the beams were slightly skewed the whole process took a while but ultimately the job was done quickly and when we've secured the load using anti-slip mats here at the transfer points with the tank bridge tank bridge is raised and now bears the load the 195 ton gear unit the men from the transport company additionally secure the load with tensioning chains then the transporter leaves the building [Music] things are now really tight at the hangar door [Music] yeah come back in there not much come on keep coming in it should be okay okay success the transporter passed through the tight spot on the second attempt first it moves to the parking position because there are another five hours to go before the hauling process starts suddenly there's panic come here something's wrong quickly everyone is running oil has leaked somewhere everyone hopes that the journey isn't in jeopardy now in the black forest the rotor blade has been transported over the first flat section now there's a 400 meter ascent to overcome up here from here we'll drive backwards the rest of the way because that's the easiest way to manage the route the tight curves are easier to manage with the blades if we reverse so we're going to turn here move the blades up over the cable and then back up the rest of the way the turning maneuver with the self-propelled transporter proceeds without a hitch after reversing for 500 meters in open terrain they enter the forest we're guiding the rotor blade through a two meter wide path that we cut beforehand it was mainly branches that were in the way only six trees had to be removed completely up then optional starting here we have to turn the rotor blade a lot to adapt to the root layout maximum concentration and constant coordination between the driver and spotter are needed to maneuver the rotor blade through the treetops without catching or damaging it slowly now we're moving into the tree raise the suspension a bit at the front we're coming to the area where there's a gradient of up to 20 percent walking backwards uphill is more strenuous for me than for the spmt with this weather and the wet road surface we have to make sure that we can continue without losing traction [Music] keeping an eye on the edges of the road on both sides steering accelerating making sure that the rotor blade doesn't catch anywhere raising lowering and rotating the blade as required multitasking while walking backwards [Music] at some point your body gets used to it and you develop muscles for walking backwards and then it doesn't hurt quite so much it was hard at first but you get used to it in time the next tight spot for the transporter is a sharp s curve with a gradient of 16 percent for it to work several things had to be changed here the road was asphalted because it was already damaged beforehand and it wouldn't have survived this transport and the curve radius was extended a bit by around two meters but otherwise the curve runs like it was originally built 100 years ago back then though no equipment with a length of 50 meters a width of 3 meters and a weight of 85 tons had to pass through here the blade has to be set completely upright at 60 degrees to slew it through the trees here and it gets increasingly steeper so it's going to be more interesting than the first uphill section we have to make sure we don't hit the tree so the rotor blade isn't damaged that's the challenge from here on philip phillip okay off we go okay slowly sets the remotely controlled self-propelled transporter in motion too much acceleration and the wheels would spin when moving uphill in wet conditions after all the transporter has 500 horsepower and with a gross weight of 85 tons it needs all of them all of the eight axles can be steered individually despite this maneuverability the road isn't wide enough for the transporter it gets into the gravel bed at the top of the rotor blade things are now also getting tight slowly now and keep coming straight everything's fine up here keep going done they've made it through the most hazardous curve the rotor blade transporter has now completed almost two-thirds of its 400-meter ascent to kambaka but on a difficulty scale of one to ten the serpentines only scored a seven the ten is coming up now [Music] so after walking backwards for four kilometers we've now reached venglic once again we have to pass through the houses where we have to rotate the blade between the balcony and beneath the power cables and then comes the steepest stretch with a gradient of 19 percent most important we have to make sure that we tilt the self-propelled transporter laterally a bit to get past the balcony it's very complicated you have to watch exactly what you're doing you should think through it beforehand there's 10 to 15 centimeters of space everywhere it's enough but we have to be careful to pass the first house gandolf peters has to lower the blade but he can only do that after the curve because otherwise the trees will still be in the way the rotor blade is now lowered at a snail's pace it moves past the house and beneath the power line at the same time [Music] break time one of the residents thomas heitzman has made coffee for the men from the transport company what does the transporter cost 1.2 1.2 million and you mainly transport blades or other things as well we transport machines but mainly blades how many metric tons can that thing carry 40 tons per axle and you can assemble it depending on how many axles you have over 20 axles and you need a second engine how much longer will it take to get to the wind turbines we're going to the first one now that's a bit further than the third or fourth i think it'll take us about another two hours it's relatively slow going through the forest but two hours should normally be enough i'm a big fan of these wind turbines because we have to stop using nuclear power otherwise all of the generations that come after us will have a problem with the waste and nobody knows where to put it thomas heitzman has had to move his garden wall one and a half meters to the right and remove a garden fence on the left for the transport deliveries to the wind farm it was a price he was happy to pay to stop using nuclear power and he's also willing to put up with the transport noise i work in road construction and it doesn't bother me it's interesting to see the whole procedure often it's precision work it's worse at the weekend with all the rubberneckers who drive up here well their vehicles are more of a disturbance than the big transporters i'm not afraid for the house because they drive their machine so well the work continues after a 15-minute coffee break now comes the most difficult phase of the transport philippe bakoven returns to his position so that he can give randolph peters instructions we're going to back up here until we're past the cable so that we can raise the blade and slant it to get past the jutting part of the house and then we can cover the rest of the root the gradient with the rotor blade raised that sounds simple but it's going to be complicated a gigantic transporter is leaving the hangar at the rank plant in ghana north rhine westphalia it has 36 axles is 75 meters long and weighs 442 tons on a tank bridge a steel construction that can be raised and lowered it's transporting a drill headgear unit for a dredging vessel with a weight of 195 tons and a price tag of around 2 million euros today's transport is destined for an inland port located 12 kilometers away one of the hauling company's employees suddenly sounds the alarm come here something's wrong quick the other side oil has leaked from one of the trailers the hydraulic compressor now has to be shut off immediately the heavy hauling company employees scatter binding agent and stood slow one of the hoses has burst on the trailer these things happen it's out of our control manfred maeves the team's boss also helps with the cleanup as the transport manager you're not an idol bystander you're part of the process and when sweeping and scooping up and needed you help out during that time our colleagues can deal with the technical side i don't have much of a clue about that i then help out here technical expert mathias attempting to find the problem after 10 minutes he's discovered the leak and removed the defective hose over time they become porous and then the sheathing the rubber cracks and then the wire in between rusts and this happens despite the fact that you have to replace them every six years because that happens from time to time the men always have enough replacement parts with them the transporter the transport isn't in jeopardy unfortunately these things happen of course it shouldn't happen just when we're leaving the building matthias will quickly fix it exchange the burst hose and then we'll continue heading out after half an hour the damage is repaired and the transporter moves to its parking position on the plant premises it's only allowed on public roads after 10 pm otherwise it would cause traffic chaos [Music] we've now reached our temporary parking position temporary means that we'll complete a few remaining jobs and then i hope that we can set off for the port on time at 10 pm it's annoying that the reinforcement hose burst just comes unfortunately it happened here at the start of the process when we're not yet on the road where we might have caused major traffic obstructions for half an hour so i think that if it has to happen then preferably here and now while the men from the heavy hauling company now have a four hour break final preparations for the gigantic transport convoys passage are underway in the town of raine a traffic light on a traffic island is in the way employees from a traffic technology company have arrived [Music] the cables are connected down here so we can remove the pole it's then provisionally placed to the side once the transporter has passed the traffic light can be placed back on the traffic island on a provisional base at some point over the next few days the traffic light will then be fitted with a bracket so that it can simply be pulled out when the next transport journey takes place but first the old foundation hole has to be filled in again where we've removed the pole we've now replaced it with a base plate like this where the warning boards go because i don't know exactly where the truck will go with its wheels this is to make sure that firstly it doesn't sink in and secondly it doesn't ruin its wheels on the old bolts that are in there if it sinks in then it will get stuck right here it won't get very far then the soil is pounded down firmly a couple of times and then everything is ready for the heavy haul vehicle in the black forest randolph petas and his transport crew are facing a delicate task the 46 meter long rotor blade for a wind turbine has to pass through the community of venglic that would be a relatively simple matter in a horizontal position but the transporter would then be unable to make it around the next left-hand corner without touching the last house we're now raising the rotor blade to get it vertically between these two edges of the shed roof and the house roof but first the blade has to clear a power cable philip bakofen has taken up his position behind the remote-controlled self-propelled transporter to provide assistance tell me when to pass the cable okay raises the rotor blade up 60 degrees hydraulically and rotates it around its own axis so that it's as narrow as possible what could now prove hazardous are gusts of wind to get past the house roof the self-propelled transporter has to travel as near as possible to the wall on the right-hand side without coming into contact with anything now things are also tight at the edge of the roof rondo of petas tilts the self-propelled transporter as far as possible to the right but there's still only a few centimeters of space to the roof gutter the masterpiece of maneuvering is completed to make it around the following left-hand curve as well the rotor blade now has to be slewed over the house roof [Music] we've completed the steepest section now all of the gradients went really well despite the fact that it's raining and relatively cold but no traction problems now we're coming to the area where there's no more asphalt it's all graveled i hope the rain hasn't made it too soft and that we get through it here without any problems in the worst case the road would give way and then we can't continue the journey but at the moment everything's looking good randolph peters has no idea that the rain further up where the wind turbine is being built has already turned to snow the rotor blade transporter still has to cover around two kilometers on a gravel road that's becoming muddier by the minute the 43 year old attempts to bypass the worst parts to avoid getting stuck he can operate the remote control blindfolded or rather the two remote controls one with which he can accelerate brake steer and tilt the self-propelled transporter to the side and longitudinally and in front of that another remote control for the transport device which he uses to raise and lower the blade and to rotate it around its own axis compared to this a playstation is nothing but a child's toy i think you have to have a basic feel for it otherwise you can't do it it's like the hydraulics on a low loader you also have to operate that sensitively and that's also what it's like with the joystick well that's why but here you also have the delay caused by the radio remote control of course it becomes easier with each transport journey because you learn and become more foresighted but there's probably always a learning process because there's different weather every day you're always learning [Music] a 400 meter ascent and numerous obstacles have been overcome the transporter reaches its destination the construction site at kambaka ek the transport crew has completed a seven kilometer march uphill in the wind pouring rain snow and icy temperatures the weather's miserable we've been lucky if it had started to snow an hour earlier we would have had to abort but we've arrived in good time it's been touch and go but everything went okay time to call it a day um the stress is just starting the 75 meter long transport convoy with the 195 ton drill head gear unit is setting off for the inland port of speller vein house it's only a distance of 12 kilometers but there are quite a few obstacles to contend with the first tight spot crops up just after 300 meters watch the traffic light up there the problem at this intersection is that we can't turn directly to the right towards osnapro instead we first have to drive straight ahead and then back up into rank's main entrance the curve radius is then better for us to continue driving to osnabrucker backing up into the plant entrance proves to be relatively simple driving out around the curve proves to be tighter though there's a problem at the rear with a road sign the signs buried in the gravel at the top we have a small obstacle here this sign it stood where we would swing further out with the tank bridge beam if we continue driving around the curve so mr schulzer is now coming to temporarily move the sign to the side mr ralph schulze who drives ahead of the transporter with the men from his traffic technology company and moves obstacles out of the way he now rushes back to the transporter the question is whether he actually has to cut the sign off i don't know yet we'll see it was a bit tight now they're having another go maybe they'll manage it back right yes back as obviously well looks like it's working now go go go the transporter moves through the tight curve one advantage is that the two 14 axle trailers can be steered separately from a cab or by remote control a 600 horsepower tractor unit is now coupled at the front to cover the rest of the transport route [Music] we've unhitched the rear machine from the trailer and are now coupling the one at the front because when the rear one pushes it tends to lift up and push over the front axle and that's why it's more sensible to couple it at the front which is what we're doing now the next few kilometers mainly involve passing beneath low hanging traffic lights the tank bridge is lowered each time to do this or turning off at intersections at which the 75 meter long transporter has to avoid several traffic signs and street lamps driving over traffic islands doesn't pose any problem whatsoever when we're driving over this island you can clearly see how the swing axle functions the cargo bed constantly remains level and the axles beneath compensate uneven areas in the roadway when the axle rolls up over a curb over there for example the transport manager's support vehicle from which he warns the truck drivers about upcoming obstacles was almost run over [Music] we are now coming up to the most interesting point of today's journey that's the underpass beneath the a30 which we're going to drive through on the left-hand side because that's where the construction offers us the most clearance height and we'll lower the cargo almost to the ground up which will then give us just a few centimeters above it uh but the first problem isn't the low concrete elements they've all got to move bystanders have parked precisely in the path of the heavy haul vehicle whose is this car uh request to the police can you please use your loudspeaker to get the driver of this car here on the left to return to his vehicle after five minutes each parking violator has been tracked down okay he's here the transporter's passage can begin a dead slow speed is needed the tank bridge is lowered before reaching the first concrete beam there is now a gap of only one centimeter between the transport frame and the asphalt we've now passed beneath the first concrete beam it's going well so far but the bridge is lowest at the exit at the last concrete beam so we've purposely positioned the boom left there so that we have enough light and can see things clearly on the boom lift lifeschultz's job is to warn the team by radio if it's too tight at the top we're now approaching the crucial concrete beam ralph can you see clearly i can see everything things first become tight at the bottom the heavy haul vehicle seems as if it's about to slice off the asphalt [Music] i need a bit more height here it's already scraping if we make contact at the bottom theoretically we could drag it over the road with the engine power that we have but we don't want to do that we only want to pass through with the smallest ground clearance to give us the biggest possible gap at the top the last concrete beam the lowest one uh we've got a good five centimeters up here we were expecting full gear units almost through we now have 40 to 50 centimeters of space at the top so we can now move to the right towards the center of the road perfect you bet we all saw that there wasn't much room up there it was confirmed that we had five centimeters we were pretty much gliding over the asphalt at the bottom so yes it's great that it went well now has to get a move on because he has to provide assistance again at the next critical point along the route a bridge over the dortmund ems canal that the transporter is due to reach in a few minutes jesus is the statics of this bridge have been recalculated and we've been given specific instructions for it they state that we have to cross in the center of the bridge that's not unusual but the center of the bridge isn't the center of the road otherwise it would be relatively easy for us to position ourselves there and that's why ralph schulzer is going to place traffic cones 2 metres 40 away from the right-hand guard rail with the right side of the vehicle and if we don't drive in the center of the bridge we'd almost certainly damage the structure [Music] two meters 40 from the edge of the road painstakingly measured a transport company employee suddenly appears the traffic cones have to be repositioned there seems to have been a communication problem i understood left hand side during the meeting beforehand but that was wrong it's got to be measured on the right hand side that's why we've changed it quickly quickly was more than necessary because the heavy haul vehicle is already approaching as it crosses the bridge an employee collects the traffic cones again now it's less than two kilometers to the final destination and we've got the preservation of evidence procedure again tomorrow and i don't really want to make the condition any worse everybody makes an effort to make sure that we don't break anything that we don't come into contact anywhere and ultimately that's a good calling card for the customer if we've put in a good performance the entrance to the inland port in speliwain house the transporter has taken three and a half hours to cover a distance of 12 kilometers [Music] i've just said it again back there a super performance the men can now enjoy a break for a few hours before the next feat of strength 10 am the following morning the barge that will transport the drill head gear unit to rotor dam is just mooring two 500 ton mobile cranes are needed to transfer the load from the tank bridge into the vessel although the gear unit only weighs around 200 tons to 500 ton cranes you're probably asking why we need them for a gear unit that weighs 195 tons that's because a 500 ton crane's lifting power is at its minimum reach but the task here involves a distance of 40 meters 60 to the barge shift and that means we only have a lifting power of 100 tons and that's not enough for this 195 ton gear unit so we need two cranes the danger when working with two cranes is that they could get in each other's way [Music] yeah we're going to lift the gear unit out of the tank bridge now when we've reached a certain height so that we can get over the beams we'll have to slow the gear unit at an angle of 90 degrees the reason being that otherwise if we were to slew towards us now in this position our pulley heads would come into contact that is they would collide so we'll slow it out at an angle of 90 degrees over to the barge there 90 degrees and set it down in the hold up but first the crane operators have to lift the gear unit absolutely vertically out of the transport fixture it's critical that the freight doesn't start to swing that would lead to a sudden movement in the crane that might be difficult to get under control so to avoid that we simply left it smoothly upwards an almost perfect success the gear unit is only swinging slightly the transporter with the tank bridge drives off it would only be in the way during the maneuver that's now coming up which is to slew the gear unit between the cranes to the vessel [Music] the drill head gear unit is now lowered into the vessel's cargo hold once again precision work is required here [Music] the difficulty now is that we have to position the gear unit centrally in the vessel simply so that the barge doesn't begin to last that might not even be noticed here directly at the wall but when it casts off the vessel might start to list dangerously that's why we have to make absolutely certain that we put it down centrally in the vessel touchdown the gear unit is put down in the cargo hold the crane operators relieve the load on the cables and the vessel sinks down almost one meter although the load isn't precisely in the center it's okay for the captain it's okay men from the heavy hauling company have completed their job um we had a minor setback a burst reinforcement hose fortunately at the company's premises and not on the public road it was quickly rectified and then everything proceeded smoothly loading by crane the cooperation between the two mobile cranes here was perfect too so all in all the transport went very well this 12 kilometers have been successfully overcome there are another couple of thousand to go by sea to the final destination in croatia
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 373,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haulage, haulage business, haulage trucks, haulage mission, transport, heavy haulage, heavy transport, heavy transport service, heavy transport truck, wind turbine, wind turbine blades, Giants On The Move, giant truck, haulage company, full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film
Id: 7_N26eaXar4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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