The Biggest Mobile Work Machine In The World | Full Documentary

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it's the biggest self-propelled machine in the world the f60 conveyor bridge the steel giant is located in the H vada opencast mine in the Laos it's region of eastern Germany - bucket chain excavators dig overburden that the bridge conveys to the other end of the pit since the 1970s the f60 has been moving up to 90,000 tons of material per shift it's exactly 500 meters from one end of the bridge to the other some 5000 men and women work in the Liao's it's of lignite mines day in and day out for conveyor bridges are in operation in the Laos it's a coal fields today to avoid downtime major repairs are planned years in advance repairs can take months and everything's carefully planned to avoid delays about 10 percent of the kilowatt hours consumed in Germany comes from power plants powered with Laos it's on the Ignite and these plants depend on the f60 conveyor bridges this is the brain of the plant where everything is monitored and controlled most of the lignite mined here also known as brown coal is used to generate electricity and German power plants if an f-16 isn't operational the country's electricity supplies at risk this is what it's all about black gold every shift 14 men and women head to the mine to operate the enormous machine it's hard work [Music] at the vitae opencast mine a crew car is bringing the team to their shift they're all coal miners some like their parents before them the lignite mines and the affiliated power plants have long been the region's largest employer the previous crew can't leave until the next one arrives the shift change has a set routine and there's an unwritten law that it can't be delayed the conveyor bridge has a crew of 14 the control room is command central this is where the head operator controls and monitors the entire operation from the speed of the conveyor bridge to when it stops to the digging the entire process is monitored by video camera [Music] only to the monitors help us keep an eye on the things that are too far away to see and we don't have access to but they still have to be monitored the f60 is divided into two sides the workhorse of the machine is the excavator side where the digging takes place the conveyor bridge can remove 60 meters of soil at a time that's also where its name comes from the F 60 the other side is the dumping side where the overburden is deposited [Music] the overburden dug up from the f60 s excavator site is transported by conveyor belt to the dumping side the massive dirt and rock is dumped in four different predefined spots that way the lair of excavated dirt is gradually replaced over the spent coal seam to reclaim the pit dug up more than 500 meters away the conveyor bridge which was designed in la Hama was completed in 1974 the f60 wasn't the first conveyor bridge ever built but it was the biggest and it was the pride and joy of East Germany's lignite industry helping to fuel the mining boom the conveyor bridge remained in operation through a turbulent history surviving the fall of communist East Germany and German reunification and despite the rise of green energy and the nuclear power exit the f60 continues to chew its way through the terrain around the clock day after day during its first year of operation the icy winter almost spelled its doom the East German army had to move in to keep the bridge free of snow and ice had the machine come to a standstill moving parts could have frozen and suffered serious damage we're working here so that the coal will keep flowing to the box berg power plant as long as this cold snap continues we'll have to keep at it here do you offer isolation the machine remains in operation around-the-clock only stopping for ten hours once every seven days that's when maintenance work is done and any worn-out parts are replaced the conveyor belt rollers are most liable to wear and tear [Music] the conveyor belt consists of small islands or sections each island is made up of five rollers and all those rollers are what moved the entire belt depending on how much material is on the belt the rollers will have contact with it or not sometimes the rollers bearing will wear out then we have to stop the conveyor belt to remove the roller and stole a new one and start it all up again a bird's-eye view gives a true sense of the F 60s vast size it's 502 meters long 74 metres high and 204 metres wide five soccer fields would fit under the bridge [Music] Lindsay does he didn't talk much since the late 1970s lignite mining operations have been traversing the region at first lignite was mined near Musa in Saxony in the 80s the industry shifted toward nokton qivana in the 1990s it looped left then around 2000 it made an about-turn now the opencast mines are making their way toward moon rose again so well Ankush my life a Stockholm the f60 conveyor bridge doesn't dig up the lignite it just exposes it the overburden is tipped out on one end just a few minutes after it's dug up on the other side of the pit there's no need for interim storage [Music] one excavator operates in the low-cut the other on the high cut the two cutting edges are 60 metres apart [Music] [Music] a bucket-wheel excavator removes the upper soil layer which is about ten meters deep a thin layer of lignite called the top seam lies beneath that that's dug up by the coal excavator the next stage is where the f60 comes in sand rocks and soil have to be removed first a bucket chain excavator removes the first meter this valuable topsoil is transported by the conveyor belt to the other side of the pit that's where the topsoil is dumped out again it serves as the basis for reclaiming the pit the soil travels more than 20 kilometers on the conveyor belts one loop around the entire strip mine Mangan is a poems the amount of overburden we transport per shift always depends on what it is whether it's clay soil or sandy soil or full of gravel we can move an average of 40 to 50 thousand cubic meters per shift the ground in the louse its mining region has a typical structure the top 10 meters or so is the precut then comes the top seam which is a three to five meter thick layer of lignite after another 60 to 100 meters comes the main seam which can be up to 15 meters deep the pre-cut excavator has several conveyor belts which remove the overburden that 200 meter long excavator is a multitasker in the front it can excavate a large area in the back it deposits this overburden on the conveyor belt with precision these excavators are among the largest land vehicles in the world the snake says Conger said sir it was uh neither not enough word special here nothing is the top seam we excavate that and move it to the coal handling system that's followed by the conveyer bridge which operates on a kind of one-to-one basis it also uses conveyor belts but they travel a shorter distance than what you see here at the pre-cut the conveyor bridge dumps out what was dug up on one end directly at the other end whereas right now we're still taking the long way round next the lignite is excavated from the norton open cast pit that's done with a bucket wheel excavator each bucket can remove up to seven hundred and ten liters of material that's how the lignite is dug up this bucket-wheel excavator is essential to modern lignite mining the machine can excavate as much lignite as 40,000 miners used to shovel up during a single day [Music] the huge excavator is run by the operator who has to make sure it digs up only lignite with a minimum of soil his perch moves back and forth constantly mirroring the motion of the excavator the previous shift excavated 11,000 75 tons we've done 4800 so far under good conditions you can move 14 to 15 thousand tons with this machine bucket-wheel excavators are among the largest mining machines the biggest ones are about 200 meters long and nearly 100 meters tall at 13,500 tons they're the heaviest land vehicles in the world the excavator consists of an undercarriage a rotatable superstructure and a conveyor system moving on its crawler tracks it digs up the lignite removing it from the ground one scoop at a time the boom can slough and swivel providing a large range of motion [Music] up to 15,000 tons of lignite can be moved per shift the excavator deposits the lignite directly on a conveyor belt from there it's transported directly to the power plant 10 kilometres away less than 30 minutes after its arrival at the power plant it's already being burned the rotating motion fills the buckets with lignite which then moves along the excavators conveyor belts it has a bucket wheel conveyor and a loading conveyor the lignite is discharged on to that big conveyor belt unit and then it's transported to the power plants this is what the lignite looks like nearly 18 million tons of it are mined here in highfather every year for each ton of lignite six tons of overcast are excavated that works out to about 100 million tons of material per year well this is typical Laos it's lignite from the second seam it's 17 million years old this is what it's about black gold that's why we have this huge operation 95% of the lignite we mine ears turned into electricity in our power plants [Music] the lignite is moist due to groundwater it's about 56% water to start so it wouldn't burn before the lignite is turned into briquettes the water has to be removed in the power plant the lignite is then ground into dust and burned a conveyor belt system extends from the bucket-wheel excavator to the box bark power plant 15 kilometers away the system traverses the entire mine from one conveyor belt to the next [Music] the lignite is either loaded onto railway cars for transport or it's put into temporary storage each Kaka dial as these green locomotives are called here in Laos it's can pull between 25 and 30 railway cars there's always a supply of lignite in storage at a power plant if a train is delayed or if the conveyor unit stops working the plant can still generate electricity using the lignite stored nearby two power plants are located near the mine the shots at pumpa facility and the Bucks burg facility this is where lignite is transformed into electricity the lignite is burned and the resulting energy is used to generate steam the steam powers turbines that convert their motion into electricity the shouts a pump a plant has two blocks block a and block B each one has eight mills that grind the lignite into dust that's used to fire the boilers temperatures here reach 1,000 degrees Celsius both blocks are controlled from this command center election fava in the command center the operator controls an entire block from the lignite grinding to the burning the steam generation and the electricity generation at the turbine he monitors all the parameters in essence controlling the power plant scoff Maxwell the fire generated by the lignite dust turns water into steam that steam is under high pressure which then turns the turbines paddle-wheels generators are located at the end of the turbine shafts which operate much like a dynamo on a bicycle the kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy the steam is then cooled by condensers using coolant water fed into two large cooling towers the elevators in the power plant don't go to specific floors they go to specific heights in meters in the event of an emergency this ensures that it's always clear exactly where the problem lies [Music] when both blocks are operating at full capacity we generate 1600 megawatts enough for three million households the power plant could power nearly all of Berlin but lit night fueled power plants in Germany don't always operate at full capacity when electricity from renewable sources such as wind or solar energy is available the plant reduces its output and uses less lignite as a result this adjustment can take place at intervals of 15 minutes or less if need be a new shift is about to start at the f60 overburden conveyor bridge bridge manager Matthias gage wish is on his way to the mine all senior managers are assigned an all-terrain vehicle the ground is far too soft to drive to the conveyor bridge that's also why the f60 runs on Rails the conveyor bridge uses six tracks on the excavator side on the digger side there are another three [Music] I'm in falta and the tracks are key on the excavator side the bridge is moved by 256 wheels which distribute its weight if it had lots of small separate wheels or groups of wheels it would probably sink into the ground that's also due to its immense weight thirteen thousand five hundred tonnes for just the bridge even without the excavator by contrast a jumbo jet waste just 300 tons what's more the excavator and the dumping side of the f60 can move in two different directions [Music] the excavator side can move independently but the bridge has to move as a unit or would split apart with the excavator and digger sides travel at a rate of 400 meters an hour in unison the entire conveyor bridge including the two excavators is powered by electricity it's supplied to the bridge via cable at 30,000 volts the cable operates much like the cable of a vacuum cleaner on a much larger scale a total of 6,000 meters of cable are wound on this drum the cable is wound or unwound onto or off the drum depending on which direction the bridge is traveling that gives the f60 an operating range of six kilometers the f60 is powered by two electric motors which supply more than 1,800 horsepower the motors connect directly to the powertrain without the use of gears [Music] the amount of power needed from the motors depends on how deeply the excavator boom is driven into the ground if the electric motor is overloaded it switches off automatically the bucket chain excavator operates on the high cut excavating material at a steady pace as the heavy buckets are pulled across the ground they fill automatically at the end of the boom the bucket is emptied and then returns on the top side of the boom back up the embarkment [Music] here begin this is where the entire mining operation begins that's where the material is excavated from the high cut it's moved along the conveyor belt and ends up in a central collection point between the two transverse conveyors then it's transported along the conveyor bridge when the excavator is working on the high cut the operator has to monitor the angle of the boom due to the weight of the material being excavated and the excavators movement the cabin is in constant motion [Music] I'll show to you right now it's at the gentle setting so we're not moving much now I've sped it up so we're shaking a bit more both excavators can remove up to 45,000 tons of soil per shift and send it across the f 60 s conveyor belt to the other side of the pit but they can't remove too much the boundaries of the pit are clearly defined there are snakes over there and we have to maintain the proper angle with the excavator buoy right now it's at 31 degrees so that's what we have to maintain the second excavator then exposes the lignite in what's called the low-cut the operator must not damage the seam or dig up any of it what's excavated here is tipped out right away on the other side so any lignite dug up would be lost our job is to expose the seam of brown coal we have to try to leave the lignite itself untouched there's sometimes a layer sediment on top of it it's like gray that has to be removed too of course large rocks also called a radix can pose a problem they can weigh up to several tons when the excavator operator uncovers a rock like this he has to push a warning button on the console that's why the operator needs to keep a sharp eye on the bucket chain at all times if a large rock ends up in one of the buckets he has only about 15 seconds to react then he pushes the button to activate the rock rate which is hydraulically lifted into the stream of overburden the rock is removed so that it doesn't end up on the conveyor belt [Music] any rock that's more than say 50 centimeters long would do a lot of damage to the conveyor units the roller areas are the most likely to be damaged [Music] the hydraulic rock crate is like an insurance policy for the enormous machine a large rock could do serious damage to the conveyor bridge but it's not just rocks that pose a problem the great is also used to remove large hard clumps of clay in areas where the soil has a high clay content the excavator has to operate more slowly once the overburden reaches the other end of the pit its disgorged in one of three different spots a 3d scanner monitors the height of the overburden layers continually monitoring the process the scanner allows us to monitor the overburden that's being poured out here and how high it is it should all end up at exactly the plant height the overburden that is being dumped here will reclaim the pit every layer is carefully planned the soil composition determines which conveyor belt the overburden is poured from that way various types of soil will be deposited in predefined layers the first layer that sport helps support the layers that come after it the first one supports the second one and so on some of the overburden is quite wet referring it and specific layers helps keep it in place so that it won't slide the conveyor bridge is constantly creeping forward toward the high cut moving its way slowly but surely through the landscape a few weeks from now the f60 will have reached the spot where the lignite is currently being excavated it's a big loop on one end a pit is excavated in the ground at the other end it's filled up again the crew makes sure that the soil composition on the reclaimed side ends up exactly as planned [Music] they're digging over there and dumping behind me the overburden that's dumped helps keep the bridge on stable ground we can't just dump it all randomly or the tracks and rich might subside into the ground [Music] to make sure the bridges standing on solid ground rain water has to be pumped out around-the-clock there's a special crew assigned to the task [Music] along with rain water groundwater often starts seeping into the pit that water is collected in small sinks from where it's also pumped out water from aquifers can also start to seep through the soil if a heavy rain comes on top of that the f60 could be washed out the crew makes sure that doesn't happen [Music] some of them guns we collect the water that pours it along the entire embankment including behind us here and we pump it on the tracks that keep the entire operation moving forward also have to constantly creep forward that's where the special track building machines come in they constantly shift the tracks forward toward the pit that's under excavation like an ordinary locomotive these machines are diesel electric at 31 metres long they weigh about 100 tons and sport a six-cylinder 280 horsepower diesel engine to move the tracks the tracks have to be grabbed by the pulley seat first the tracks are raised by the lifting roll then the pressing roller pushes them in the desired direction at first glance it looks like the tracks are drifting [Music] who born the lifting role lifts the tracks and the pressing roller guides them in the right direction so that they can be shifted from the track shifting machine will now lift the pulley seat spawn off it moves the pulley seat in the desired direction by no more than 40 centimeters and now the track shift there drives backwards and the tracks will be shifted bit by bit toward the high cut the track shifting machine always shifts two tracks at once they're connected to each other that speeds up the process the operation can be carried out at a temperature range of plus 30 degrees Celsius in summer to minus 30 degrees in winter but there's one temperature that poses a problem [Music] at about four degrees Celsius things get a bit tricky that's where the iron is more fragile and could break then we can only move shorter sections at a time to make sure it stays intact spawn osmium doesn't suit lights blink on Kenda the track shifting machines are also equipped with a caterpillar Drive that allows them to travel even when they're off track at the highfather opencast mine work takes place on two levels there are three track shifting machines in operation at the main level at the work area on the dumping side to such machines are in operation each track shifting machine has a driver and an assistant the assistant sits on the other side of the machine and monitors the process in the event that attract breaks he races the alarm and notifies the driver see cause it looks like we're driving sideways that's because we're shifting the track as the wagon in the rear is driving on top of the track we just shift so we're moving at an angle they go to orient themselves in the mine the crews use a GPS system the mine surveyors lay the groundwork they measure and survey the area conducting a cartographic analysis and mapping out every stage in the mining process they also monitor how much lignite is mined using this GPS data a new 3d coordinate map is created every day using that the surveyors can determine exactly how much overburden has been excavated de Baca are the excavator has a display showing me how much material I've shifted remarks at the mine surveyors use aerial photos to monitor the embankments calculate how much was removed and compare that which was the amount reported by the excavator fun fun burger the aerial photographs are taken by drones and from airplanes so that the images can be processed the surveyors have to lay out what are called control points these black and white markers are put down at preset locations [Music] that way the separate aerial images can be aligned and joined together later we take multiple images and combine them into a larger one and these control points show us where to match them up member to the points have specific coordinates the XY and z coordinates we click on those points in the software and the separate images are then instantly joined together using those coordinates mine surveyors have always been a part of mining operations going back centuries they serve as neutral observers who determine exactly where the excavation should take place there is essential for maintaining an overview in the enormous mining operation the surveyor is commissioned by the local authority and his word is law he also carries out geological surveys and reports compiles documentation and assesses the area that's being mined free infesting Pacwa i fly the drone over set rootstock then I'll look for the control points using the software and join the images together when Fatimid in Berlin the surveyors calculate exactly how much lignite was excavated in the past this work had to be carried out on the ground now aerial drone images make the work faster and easier and the drones offer another advantage and it's an asana we use the drones to keep tabs on corrosion monitoring the bridge one section at a time off in the past we'd have had to put up scaffolding to do that kind of monitoring system on which we can also use the drone to monitor for other defence Fridays or when maintenance work is done all according to schedule the f60 goes offline for 10 hours every week all the parts that are subject to wear are inspected and replaced if need be this bending roller turns one of the conveyor belts it weighs almost 600 kilos it's worn and needs to be replaced that means calling out the heavy machinery music Nick you can see the bending roller show signs of wear and tear quite a bit on the surface so it's scheduled for replacement we'll install a new one and then work can continue kinds of argument other more mundane maintenance tasks are also carried out for example the mining operation kicks up so much dust that the bridge starts to groan under its weight all of that dust and rubble has to be removed regularly the crew also carry out small repairs on the conveyor belt system it all has to be done within 10 hours but sometimes the maintenance work takes more than a day a major overhaul of the conveyor bridge was carried out in 2016 the large equalizer and the roller table had to be replaced preparation for the work began with a study that was carried out in 2008 in 2013 the entire operation was mapped out in a three-year planning phase the same company that built the f60 in the 1970s was commissioned to carry out the work in April 2015 work began on the new steel structure in the eastern German town of Cowan nearly a year later in February 2016 the structure was complete quite a few parts had to be made to order back in 1974 when the f60 was originally built no one imagined that this kind of refurbishment would ever take place at the tuff company premises in la Hama the roller table was built and put together then it was dismantled again and readied for transport to the conveyor bridge the roller tables main modules weighing more than 200 tonnes loaded on the heavy load transporter the modules are driven to the pre assembly location at the Norton mine the new large equalizer which is comprised of seven main modules was delivered to the pre assembly location in February 2016 the crew then affixed the components called sashes the roller table is also assembled here the precision fit of the various components has to be checked even if the weather is not cooperating the large equalizer is finally assembled and is ready for painting first a scaffolding is erected and then the unit is treated with an anti-corrosion agent the yellow base coat is then prepared later that's followed by the green and grey intermediate and top coat the assembly area is situated adjacent to the conveyor bridge tracks the first concrete elements are poured serving as measurement points for the surveyors the foundation of the assembly supports which will support the finished bridge on the excavator side also have to be poured a number of foundation platforms are being erected especially for the maintenance and refurbishment work they'll be dismantled when it's done these auxiliary structures consume a total of about 450 tons worth of material the bridge is taken out of commission for 13 weeks and 50,000 work hours go into the refurbishment process the two green construction supports have been put together on the pre assembly area they will be transported to the conveyor bridge where they will wait by the foundations on July 21st 2016 the conveyor belts on the bridge make their last run the biggest self-propelled machine in the world is shifted into repair mode the assembly supports can now be pulled into an upright position [Music] hydraulic presses which can carry a load of 1,400 tons each lift the conveyer bridge 50 centimeters into the air for the next week's they'll relieve the equalizer and roller table from duty the lifting procedure gets underway a chef collar is installed to secure the device 230 bar correspond to a load of some 460 tons then the roller table dismantling begins [Music] the blue sliding device is positioned over the roller table using wire rope hoists also called Luxembourgers the roller table is pulled into position for removal [Music] once the old roller table is in position special hoists are attached to it the crane will use these hoists to lift the roller table and then lower it beneath the f-16 after about 60 minutes the roller table has been dismounted and is ready to be removed that job will be done by a truck with a special trailer the undercarriage is driven underneath the roller table which then rests on it the roller table sets out on a brief final journey just a few meters away work crews begin to dismantle the old roller table and turn it into scrap meanwhile the auxiliary structure that will help remove the bridges cross conveyor has been assembled eight 150 ton presses are being attached to the support legs that takes the load off the large equalizer the centerpiece of the f60 every day a crew of 90 to work on the project the maintenance work and replacement of one components will take more than three months now the hoists help bring the large equalizer into position where it can be lifted with two crawler cranes another special vehicle now moves into position a heavy load trailer with 20 axles the large number of wheels allow the 315 ton trailer to distribute the weight of the large equalizer and carry the load the trailer shifts into motion at a speed of just 5 km/h the old large equalizer is brought to the pre assembly area [Music] now comes a special moment the old and the new equalizer meet on route 8 years of planning and three years of preparation went into making this moment happen early in the morning on September 6th 2016 the new equalizer is moved to the conveyor bridge and then moved under the bridge special hoists are attached so that the equalizer can be lifted to heavy load cranes lift the large equalizer on to the sliding tracks [Music] after the crane hoists our unbolted the equalizer is then pulled into the assembly position using chain hoists [Music] bit by bit the equalizer slowly moves into position [Music] the new roller table is also making its way towards the conveyer bridge it will also be lifted under the sliding tracks by heavy load cranes every step in the work process was carefully planned and scheduled years ago [Music] the roller table is finally attached to the blue pool rods and then lifted [Music] after the crane hoists are dismantled the roller table is also pulled into the assembly position the hydraulic presses on the construction supports now release the bridge [Music] the construction supports are now dismantled and removed the supports are driven to the pre-assembly area they'll be put into storage with the rest of the auxiliary structures even before the work is complete the crew begin to dismantle the temporary foundations they won't be needed anymore [Music] on October 21st 2016 the conveyor bridge returns to its operating position after three months of downtime the f60 returns to operation the spreader is another massive machine used in mining the spreader follows in the wake of the f60 and covers the last few metres of land with the topsoil that was excavated a few kilometres away just a few hours earlier the last top layer has to be fertile topsoil the land reclamation process follows strict guidelines the new landscape of the reclaimed pit is mapped out before the excavation begins eventually this reclaimed land will be covered with forests meadows and farmland the mining industry has to follow strict guidelines for reclaiming the land that was excavated this may look like a moonscape now but in a few years it will look like the surrounding countryside the spreader crew has to know exactly what kind of soil is arriving on the conveyor belt and when the different types of soil can then be deposited at the intended spot so that the opencast mine can be restored to a flourishing landscape [Music] the land reclamation plan is mapped out years in advance it's part of the lignite mining approval process [Music] the new landscape will serve a variety of purposes alongside forest and farmland there will also be recreational space and protected areas for flora and fauna as if isn't yeah nephew this is a very early stage in the reclamation process in the books of the Fletcher there's not all that much growing here yet this was probably excavated no more than three or four years ago I feel harmful biases on Michelle Lovitz has long been known for its lush forests that's why the first order of business is to replant the trees lignite or brown coal mining destroys woodland when the mine is gone the woodland needs to be restored it all has to follow the strict reclamation guidelines because large amounts of lignite were removed the new landscape will often be dotted with lakes benda informative we assess the area before the mining begins if we find a special species of insect or reptile or plant that needs a great deal of water we remove them and bring them here so that they have a chance at survival about 15 years ago the f60 removed lignite from this area it's being restored the new trees are now almost 8 meters tall before the recall to vation process began the new soil composition was examined but the new trees and plants here will be monitored for years to come any tree or plant that isn't thriving will get some extra care and attention as everyone stopped showing it is an audit take a look at this branch and these needles they're nice and long they have a good color that's a nice rich green you'd like to see in a pine tree that's not so this is fine for but look over here the same tree if you look closely you'll notice the pine needles are shorter and up here they have a few yellow spots this tree could use a bit more nitrogen this is where we could help things along the f60 conveyor bridge is the biggest self-propelled machine in the world a giant made of iron and steel that can shift 90,000 tons of soil per shift the Colossus moves its way forward through the Laos it's our landscape scooping up soil on one side and discouraging it on the other but the F 60 and machines like it aren't excavators they lay the groundwork by uncovering the seams of lignite the brown coal so that the excavators can go to work refurbishing a monster machine like this takes years of planning and preparation if the f60 goes offline it could pose a threat to the power supply of an entire region this colossus is the pride and joy of the mining crew the biggest conveyor bridge ever built and the biggest self propelling machine in the world f60 conveyor bridge [Music]
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 798,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, opencast excavator, excavator, opencast excavator move, opencast excavator leipzig, bucket wheel excavator, brown coal excavator, brown coal excavator band, steel devils, steel monster, opencast mines, coal mine, coal mining, biggest machines, lignite
Id: Eoy6PjCyWDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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