GIGANTS ON THE MOVE - Transport Professionals in Action | Full Documentary

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something is on the move in germany heavyweight machines on wheels in bavaria gigantic mobile cranes are lifting whole bridges amidst the traffic on the freeway we have to make sure we don't get run over in north rhine westphalia a heavy haul vehicle makes its way along tight roads a race against time my colleagues have to clear up everything i've torn down and a crane boom at its limits the steel bends under the 10-ton load when the boom bends like this it's a very tense situation a huge strip mine heavy equipment like this massive machine is in operation a surface miner chews through the subsoil to extract ore coal or limestone in the rear region these gigantic mining machines are manufactured by vietgen in vint hagen near bonn 2 pm a brand new surface miner leaves the factory destined for a coal mine in texas it weighs 142 tons it's four meters high and 17 meters long this colossus has to reach bonds port today from there it's heading to the usa the employees of victor bauman's heavy transport company have no time to lose they have to load the surface miner and transport it to the port located 30 kilometers away at a snail's pace a journey full of obstacles and tight spots that will take around 5 hours the heavy haul vehicle is only allowed to move at night stefan utter is in charge of loading he has to watch the schedule and make sure that the surface miner with a price tag of several million euros isn't damaged during loading roughly this position here where the m is at the end yeah roughly where the m is okay then move back a little right okay stop the minor is in its loading position and can now be lifted using two cranes then the last niche if the load isn't lifted evenly the weight between the two cranes can shift in the worst case one of the cranes would be overloaded the workers attach huge steel cables to the miners for lifting eyes the miners tracks are then prepared for transport the captain is not monty advan the track guard shoes have to be removed so we can establish a non-slip connection between the steel plate which is the connection to the trailer and the track unit using these rubber mats and then we have the track unit with the rubber mat in between and then the steel plate as a positive connection to make sure it's done properly we have to remove the track guards would it slip if they weren't removed yes it could slip then the two crane drivers now have to lift the giant machine in tandem and position it on a low bed trailer their finesse and experience are crucial i've been doing this for 25 years now things like this have more or less become routine they shouldn't really become routine but the ground conditions here are very good it's not a field or a forest or anything like that and the cables and shackles are oversized normally nothing should go wrong my name is when lifting it's important that both cranes lift the load synchronously that the machine remains horizontal and is then evenly lifted to a height of around 1.5 meters so we can move the platform trailer beneath it if the load isn't lifted evenly the weight between the two cranes can shift in the worst case one of the cranes could be overloaded the all-important point of loading lifting take up the load slowly okay friends carry on lift the two cranes have to work absolutely synchronously so that the surface miner doesn't start to swing in the worst case it could become uncontrollable and hit the cranes okay france stop over you take up the load slowly too yes carry on and now both cranes lift slowly if he lifts too fast i have too much weight or if i lift too fast he has more weight so when you're lifting in tandem things have to be balanced and because we can't really see whether we're straight from up here our colleague is out there watching that we stay straight can you lift a bit slower over done the surface miner is suspended exactly 1.5 meters above the ground now the next giant comes into play a low bed trailer with 16 axles and 128 wheels [Music] now the men face their next challenge the miner has to be positioned precisely in the center of the special trailer so the load is evenly distributed otherwise the trailer could start to sway and possibly tip over that would be a major disaster absolute precision is now required can you slew to the right of it and over release your slewing break the miner isn't aligned precisely yet good good good good measure again now now the distance on both sides is right job done at least for the crane drivers the workers lower the miners hydraulic travel drive the heavy load has to be as low as possible to pass beneath traffic lights and bridges on its way to the port then it's fastened down [Music] by moving forwards we've established a positive connection between the track and the vehicle we'll now use this positive locking beam that we've attached to the vehicle to establish a positive connection between the actual load the miner and our trailer that helps to secure the load this positive connection is also used to calculate the overall force of the chains needed to secure the load to put it differently the beam helps us to secure the load as well as possible with the least possible tensioning material if we didn't have it we would have to attach far more chains to the vehicle to stop the machine from slipping forwards when the vehicle breaks you can see here that the beam is fastened to the vehicle itself with massive studs and bolts the 16 axle low loader suspension can also be lowered hydraulically more important centimeters for the challenging journey to the port we've now set the platform roller to the driving level we'll be using a ride height of 1.1 meters and that guarantees that we stick to the driving height required in the permit and that's a maximum of 5.1 meters if the heavy haul vehicle were higher even more traffic lights and street lamps would have to be removed on the route to the port the trailer's hydraulic unit will continue running because problems may also be encountered along the way if necessary the left right load can also be balanced out using the vehicle's hydraulic system if the carriageway is slanted so that the load is always in the center of gravity and to prevent the semi-trailer from tilting to the right or left even if the trailer always remains horizontal the load must not move a millimeter the miner is additionally fixed in place with heavy tensioning chains [Music] the loading work takes four hours and then the giant machine is ready for its 30 kilometer journey to bonds port so far the men are still well on schedule but the most difficult part is still to come change of location unto schleicheim near munich this 60-ton mobile crane is andy schmitz's workplace his boss sven bawa is explaining what he'll be doing today right andy we'll just take another look at what we're doing tonight yep so everything's okay we'll start here first and head towards munich okay so you'll drive the holds turn around and head back and stop ahead of the bridge once the lanes are blocked one and two you can start ballasting tonight we have to remove the temporary bridge that we put in place at the start of the year for jansen bridging zawala that's three bridges per section carriageway direction each weighing around 45 metric tons we'll do it all tonight with the 200 tonner we need that because of its high carrying capacity meaning that this hercules on wheels can lift 200 tons even experienced crane driver andy is in awe of this giant there's a bit of tension you have to pay a bit more attention than if you're lifting pallets of bricks the lack of time is also the problem for the men in munich the a8 freeway near munich is being blocked off and the traffic diverted specifically for this work everything has to be completed by 6 am so that the rush hour traffic can flow and speed isn't exactly one of the giant crane strengths it's an automatic vehicle it takes a while before you reach 80 kilometers per hour and the 60 metric tons are in motion and i have to say that a lot of car drivers underestimate this vehicle's speed and volume you always have people pulling in front of you and then braking or driving too slowly or cutting in the construction site the old temporary bridge is still in place in front of a new freeway bridge it now has to be removed as quickly as possible and heaved onto low loaders each of the three sections weigh 45 tons it's important to take a look at the site first what's the layout what do i have to do what do i have to watch out for what do i need for support then i level the crane until it's straight and then we can start ballasting to do this heavyweight steel plates first have to be unloaded the crane will rest on these because otherwise the outriggers would break through the asphalt under the enormous load that's our foundation where the crane will finally stand where it gets its stability and carrying capacity if that's not right it doesn't matter how powerful the crane is two of the freeways lanes are still open working while the traffic rushes past we have to make sure we don't get run over or that we don't walk into the area where the vehicles are moving [Applause] like i say we've done this before [Applause] at some point you get used to things shooting past your now the crane also has to be set up quickly the work is supposed to be completed in a few hours the mobile crane is loaded with a total of 74 tons of weights so that it doesn't fall over when it's carrying the bridge sections the tension is extreme particularly because we're often dealing with hundreds of thousands or millions of euros not peanuts you really have to pay attention and make sure that you work professionally otherwise your costs explode it takes a whole hour before the crane is ready if the men make even the tiniest mistake here it could end in a catastrophe despite all of these safety regulations and all the new technology cranes still fall over on a regular basis due to some kind of operator error or minor details things where you think it's just routine don't really pay attention and wham in a matter of seconds disaster things are getting serious now for crane driver andy schmitz the low loaders are already waiting for the bridge sections on the bridge workers attach them to the crane in a moment the mobile crane will lift the first 30 meter long section i'm more or less working blind because i can't check both sides anyway i have to rely on my instructions on the radio and the tension is slowly starting to build because you never know what's going to happen the further the crane's boom is extended the less it can lift so the crane driver always has to remember what weight is manageable at a certain boom length on the monitor i can see what maximum weight i could lift at this crane working radius then i have a display that shows the weight on the hook the tackle and what my working radius is what the mass length is over 40 tons are now dangling from the mobile crane that's the equivalent of 40 small cars one wrong grip one hasty movement and the load can start to swing dangerously it's important to do everything slowly particularly with this weight you have to make sure the working radius is right if it isn't the weight can either shoot forwards when it's released or towards the crane and when 40 tons start to move it's very difficult to bring them to a standstill again the time pressure andy schmitz has to remain calm because loading the bridge section onto the low loader is also precision work later that night the vehicles will be returning to their base in the netherlands where the bridge sections will be prepared for their next mission working on a construction site a man's dream come true it's really a big man it's clear if you've maybe had a dream and you can make that dream come true so that you're in the middle of the action rather than just washing it it's pretty cool it certainly gets your adrenaline going it takes a total of three hours before the first two bridge sections are loaded all that's missing now is the final element of the temporary bridge before the freeway can be opened up again punctually nothing can go wrong now because the rush hour traffic is starting to build up 30 meters of steel bridge weighing 42 tons are lifted into the night sky and start to swing a problem because the new bridge could be damaged the weight is moving outwards simply because the working radius is too big then you just pull it slowly and gently you try to move and draw it in and then you have it under control again crane operator andy schmitz stays cool and gently sets the giant bridge down onto the low loader done this side of the temporary bridge has been removed safely the other side of the freeway is scheduled for another night andy schmitz and his team now have to strip everything down again they spend another hour loading the ballast and the foundations under the outriggers onto the trucks everything went very smoothly and quickly no injuries now we're finished for today and we'll be back tomorrow the mobile crane team has kept to the schedule and the traffic on the freeway can start moving again a few hours earlier than planned back in vint hagen near bonn this gigantic heavy haul vehicle carrying a 142-ton construction machine is scheduled to reach the port of bond tonight the colossus can only cover the 30 kilometers at night to prevent chaos on the roads first the police have to approve the transport chief commissioner frank povolite checks that everything is secured properly so 24 axles 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24. that's great now i need the light switched on and the hydraulic unit is started so that frank provolite can also check that all lines are sealed properly the chief commissioner from bonds traffic police will also be accompanying the transporter on its journey he checks each detail with the eyes of a hawk everything appears okay at first but then he discovers something that raises cause for concern [Music] there's a spot under there i don't know what kind of fluid that is not that we get on the road and then discover that a hydraulic line is leaking and we can't continue the journey because then the thing's stuck on the road that doesn't need to happen if we discover it here then we can take a look [Music] a hydraulic leak an oil leak can the heavy haul vehicle start at all the mechanics immediately start to look for the cause because the schedule is now in jeopardy then some good news it was just water a sigh of relief but a few meters further on the police officer finds something else matisse need a flashlight what's that then do we know is it oil or what yep so it is oil panic sets in when transport manager bent seigbels arrives to determine the extent of the damage a line is leaking the chassis are bolted together then the hydraulic lines are connected we've got a leaky line haste is required because exchanging a complete line takes a while the transport schedule would be ruined fortunately though all that's needed is the spirited use of a wrench right that's that a connector between the hydraulics a nut was a bit loose we've tightened it so the connections now leak tight no more oil is leaking so we managed to fix the small leak quickly when a trailer like this is assembled it's got hundreds of connectors and it can happen that movement causes a nut to come loose then it's no longer 100 percent leak tight and a bit of oil drips out but no more oil is leaking now because we've re-tightened this nut i'll keep looking i hope we don't find anything else luckily everything else is okay the transport to the port of bonn can start punctually the convoy sets off at 11 pm [Applause] [Music] the tractor unit initially tows the trailer on its own later on it will be joined by a second truck which will push the trailer when it gets steeper the first hurdle the factory gate it's extremely tight here and the road is wet too despite all-wheel drive the 600 horsepower tractor unit's front wheels spin briefly the heavy haul vehicle just fits through between the gatehouse and the barrier then the convoy finally makes it onto the road ahead of it lie around 30 kilometers of small communities winding country roads and bond city center you need to move to the right a little good stays you are just a touch to the left yeah the trailer was manually steered out of the factory and onto the road and so the trailer runs straight again behind the tractor unit it needs to be tracked those commands were for the driver to give manual steering instructions to the trailer again so that it runs in a straight line behind the structure unit the commands were from the driver traveling behind the trailer because he can see exactly how the trailer is running behind the tractor unit pulling at the front the truck driver behind the heavy-haul vehicle acts as a guide he watches one side to make sure everything is okay bus watches the other side [Music] looks good on the right just watch everything else is okay carry on heights fine you're through no problem he clears every obstacle out of the path of the heavy haul vehicle he's pretty familiar with the route but a new obstacle has cropped up in one place the guys about this rotary is new before it was just a normal t-junction super wide you could easily drive through it and now we'll have to see we'll certainly manage it but i'll stay here a while in case an additional sign needs moving so i can get the job done quickly we'll just have to see what's not so good is the hard edges on the curbs that's not so great for the tyres of course we might have to watch out a bit that nothing is damaged the convoy reaches the roundabout as it drives over the curbs the trailer remains level thanks to its swing axles the wheels can move up or down independently of one another enabling the colossus to overcome the obstacle without any problems if you drove over it with rigid axles your vehicle would tilt to the right or left because of the vehicle technology this trailer always remains level and maintains its height after a few kilometers the heavy haul vehicle winds its way through the sieben gabiga hills up and downhill along the narrow country roads normally there are no trucks at this altitude that's why there are a few leaves flying around [Music] suddenly the convoy stops the reason being that the rear truck now has to be coupled so that the heavy haul vehicle makes faster progress because the gradient is becoming increasingly extreme [Music] the second truck is attached after just one minute everything is still on schedule and the convoy proceeds with twice the power [Music] because of the gradient yeah so we're a bit faster i could do it alone but it's a bit of a struggle matas kirchner has been working for the heavy hall company for over 20 years he's never been bored with his job routine no i wouldn't say that there's always a new challenge always a new cargo a different weight bridge over the a3 you've got to go with a walking pace again because there's a high risk of damage when crossing a bridge you can't drive too fast because of the weight almost all bridges are already damaged anyway we don't need to break the remaining ones do we [Music] a right-hand corner in the next built-up area is particularly tight there are houses on the left and posts setting concrete on the right just after the corner is a crosswalk with lighting an unexpected obstacle okay on the right oh slowly slowly slowly they're all moving in the left side hang on there's a cable or something between the two lamps that light up the crosswalk and the cable is sagging it's too low for our vehicle height so the advanced party is coming back now with lifting rods to push the cable up so that we can drive underneath from the advanced party takes a lifting rod from the truck he has to hurry so that the sagging cable doesn't delay the heavy haul vehicle too long the convoy is around 30 centimeters too high for the cable [Music] drive on slowly okay you're through despite all caution the heavy-duty transporter has bent a sign badly not even ralph schulze manages to straighten it again that's a job for the reconstruction team following behind the heavy haul vehicle that setback cost the convoy 10 minutes now no more major mishaps can happen if the men are to keep to their schedule we've always driven on the right there correct the heights normally okay too bernhard gotz is driving the rear truck he has to stick precisely to his colleague's speed and steering maneuvers we've known one another long enough and we've done this often enough so you know what you have to do i've been doing this for 35 years and mata's at the front he's been doing it for 25 years here's another refuge now a bit longer with a traffic light in it he's turned the traffic light around here because of the height through driving off again each time takes too long when he's alone of course it's much faster when there are two of you i help with braking a bit when we're going downhill with the retarder that's sort of a hydraulic break but at the moment i'm not doing anything i'm just being towed along things are even tighter in the next town the convoy should actually turn right here but there's no chance with a total length of 45 meters the transport professionals use a trick the trailers turned off to the left here we have to go in that direction because the bend's too tight to turn right so we turn to the left first and now we have to switch trucks the pushing truck will now become the tractor unit and the tractor unit will become the pushing truck so we just switch them around okay done even after this obstacle there are a lot of difficulties along the route i'm going to call the swb the tramway dispatchers they have to make sure that there are no trams running when we cross the rhine on the freeway will have reached the freeway bridge in around 20 minutes okay that's great thanks bye cheers they know now and if a tram comes they'll make it wait until our heavy haul vehicle has crossed the freeway bridge over the rhine but first the convoy has to pass under the freeway because it's too high the men lower the trailer's suspension by 15 centimeters we've hydraulically lowered the height of the trailer because with the ride height we had before the transporter wouldn't have fitted beneath the bridge by lowering it we now have the right passage height so we can fit beneath the bridges beam here and once we're through we'll raise the trailer 15 centimeters again so we have sufficient ground clearance now the load is only around five meters high and just fits beneath the bridge now the heavy haul vehicle could theoretically drive on the freeway towards bonn but another problem has cropped up police officer frank povolite receives more bad news over his radio we're having difficulties on rumor strasse it's completely blocked with parked cars although no parking zones had been set up but my colleagues are there and are attempting to sort things out 500 kilometers further south crane driver andy schmitz is arriving at the next construction site with his 60-ton mobile crane here in oaksborough he's supposed to help dismantle this 50 meter high construction crane but it's in the middle of a new housing development the difficulty is firstly the fact that it's pretty tight for the people to hold it of course and for me to lift it out or to get in between the houses and then take it apart because then we've got a boom length of around 60 meters first he has to position the crane by placing its outriggers on the concrete foundations and loading his weights but the first problem soon rears its head problem the problem is that the counterweight here can't get past the scaffolding because it would now be about here this is the slowing range and it'll press against that and we can't get past that's the problem right now so i have to take off the two counterweights at the side and i hope that'll be enough so the outer weights are taken off again that uses valuable time because the crane's next job is only a few hours away but even without the outer weights the crane still can't get past the scaffolding now we've got to reconfigure the crane there's no other way and that'll cost us even more time customers annoyed train drivers annoyed has to strip everything down again i've got to move the entire crane about one meter over there the crane driver is irritated because repositioning a 15 meter long mobile crane takes valuable time great bog down in the back too andy schmitz is under pressure because the crane disassembly team is only waiting on him and is getting impatient if his crane still catches on the scaffolding the disassembly schedule will be jeopardized but it finally fits that's now taken me at least three quarters of an hour to an hour happy's the wrong word i'm satisfied now let's see how things proceed he can't really make up the lost time because absolute concentration and precision are needed in such cramped conditions rushing can quickly lead to accidents and cause extensive damage but then the next problem crops up the problem is that the bolts become canted rusty or seized over time and that's why it can take a little longer after a few minutes the first crane element is suspended from the boom which bends ominously the first time when the boom bends like this with the load is a bit tense if you're not used to it particularly when the boom is extended to a length like this it can tilt by one and a half to two meters this 40 meter long crane element weighs around 10 tons a gigantic load especially when the mobile cranes boom is almost fully extended you don't feel like you're a big hero or anything like that you're just concentrated you don't think about much you're more focused on moving stuff properly that's what this is now the unwieldy steel part only needs to be lowered but another construction crane is in the way that's just typical the people don't watch out and aren't interested whether anything else is being moved because they're used to the fact that nobody is there but now somebody is there and they're not paying attention but andy schmitz manages to get the 40 meter crane parts skillfully past this obstacle as well that was tricky but as you can see we've got it down and everything is in one piece so we manage the job pretty well but the nerve-wracking work is far from done he has to heave more than 15 other crane parts past the houses and set them down on the waiting trucks i'm taking the first load to the next construction site where the crane will be set up on monday so the whole loading process is actually just starting to kick off now the schedule is so tight because the crane is already needed at the next construction site andy schmitz has the next big part weighing 14 tons on his hook the top part is heavier than expected a bit too heavy it's right at the limit if it weighed another 100 kilos it would be over then the crane wouldn't be able to lift it and would simply shut off then he would only be able to lower the load vertically but no longer turn the crane [Music] the construction crane's tower elements are next they're also set down on one of the nine low loaders [Music] andy schmitz has his crane perfectly under control but not even he can get past this tree in his approach path as soon as there's any pressure against the load it moves and is uncontrollable so somehow i have to get in between [Applause] in this case the tree has to yield and sacrifice a couple of branches andy schmitz can only get the crane part onto the truck waiting below by taking precisely this route [Music] the next obstacle when the construction site was set up the base of the construction crane was completely free now it's obstructed and located in a very narrow part of the parking garage now the problem is that they've made the hole where the crane was stood so small that we can't lift the base out in one piece that's why we now have to take it apart down there and then load it unbolting the entire base takes more valuable time after a whole day of hard work the construction crane is disassembled and can be set up again at the next construction site all in all still on schedule [Music] it all went well a bit of a delay at the beginning but otherwise satisfactory it's not just the crane that's relieved you are too because you've coped with everything pretty well again without any injuries or damage back to the 45 meter long heavy haul vehicle that's having to overcome one obstacle after another on its way to the port of bonn the particular thing in this case is that we have to cross the rhine on the a562 that's a very big construction because it weighs over 260 metric tons the heavy haul vehicle can only cross this bridge as a solo vehicle that means the highway police have blocked off both traffic lanes and all entrances and exits for the heavy haul vehicle and that's the special thing about this the structural engineer has determined that we have to keep to a specific from the lane party marks this lane with traffic cones this is precisely where the heavy haul vehicle will have to drive along in a moment we want the structure the bridge to last for a long time and want to handle it as gently as possible the colossus rolls onto the bridge at walking [Music] to pace or prevent vibrations on the bridge another condition is that the transporter's maximum speed mustn't exceed five kilometers an hour and we're not allowed to break or start off on the bridge to prevent shocks that would then act on the structure you'll let me know when you've passed the flood bridge i'm exiting the bridge now okay we'll follow on slowly all right at a construction site in bonn ralph schulze has to make some space the wide heavy haul vehicle wouldn't get past the red and white warning boards reinforcements have arrived because it already has to deal with the next obstacle a traffic light is in the way fortunately it has a joint so it can simply be folded down heavy loads often come along this route which is why the practical joint has been fitted so that's that the transporter can come now then we'll continue and my colleagues at the rear have to clear up everything i've torn down there's another tight construction site coming up right ahead a parking ban has been imposed here for days but the police still have to tow a few vehicles beforehand and the construction site is still too tight for the convoy solo operator schulze once again has to clear the way shortly before 3am after traveling for four hours the heavy haul vehicle finally arrives at the port on time it went very well we're an hour earlier than we'd anticipated so i'm very satisfied compliments to the team well done but one final difficult task still awaits the transport professionals the heavyweight construction machine has to be loaded into the hull of a barge that's already waiting in bonsrine port without being scratched to load it the men once again have to clear things out of the way like the concrete blocks on the quay wall this is exactly where the cranes that are due to lift the 142-ton surface miner into the barge will be positioning their outriggers to protect the port crane's rails the men position steel beams next to the tracks these will be topped with steel plates on which the mobile cranes will rest [Music] the two mobile cranes can only lift the miners 142 tons onto the barge when they're loaded with enough counterweights at the rear we're just ballasting the 500 tunnel with 75 metric tons of ballast they're necessary for both the 400 tada and the 500 tonna to reach the barge down here against the key wall with a working radius of around 14 meters the working radius and the load bearing capacity determine the necessary amount of ballast that said in the crane's computer program it's ballasted accordingly otherwise the crane doesn't operate it cuts off after three hours the two cranes are set up and ready for their mammoth task tractor unit driver matas kirchner now has to move the trailer with the surface miner into position the maneuver functions as follows the low bed trailer will move parallel to the two cranes just like yesterday the load will be attached to both cranes then we lift the machine from the low bed trailer and slow it at right angles through between the cranes so we can then complete the movement parallel to the cranes again on the water side so that the machine is lowered into the barge parallel to the key wall in principle we move the machine through between the mobile cranes in an s shape the difficult thing is that we have to make sure that the load doesn't hit the cranes at any point you have to keep an eye on the distances between the machine and 500 tonner and the machine and 400 tonna so the machine passes smoothly between the two cranes the biggest problem during this heavy work is gusts of wind the cranes have to operate synchronously and with extreme precision if the heavy load starts to move because of the wind it could become uncontrollable an enormous risk for everyone involved the transport professional's tension rises slowly the miner lifts off from the trailer stefan utter is a bit concerned about the black locking beam could be that we push it forward a bit no it's coming okay carry on slowly france up slowly okay it's clear okay both cranes lift up [Music] so heights looking good dito you can swivel through first i'll go down into the barge okay the two crane drivers now turn the surface miner another tense situation that requires a lot of finesse and nerves of steel if it's moved too quickly the load could start to swing stefan climbs into the barges halt to coordinate loading from below i'll go down to the cargo hold okay captain precisely in the center right yes precisely in the center the crane drivers have to move the 17 meter long and five and a half meter wide surface miner precisely between the two cranes one of the most critical points of loading because there are only a few meters of space on the left and right [Music] so far everything's going well the machine's coming is looking good slewing around went well and only five minutes thanks to the lack of wind the cranes now turn the miner parallel to the quay wall it can only fit into the barge like this [Music] lowering it into the cargo hold is the last tricky part of loading the colossus because the barges hull is only around one meter wider than the miner itself [Music] dieter neck down a bit that means further away from the quay wall the miner is carefully lowered into the cargo hold so i'm right at the front by the support with the front suspension is that okay the captain decides precisely where the load has to go and he's satisfied the colossus is positioned perfectly relieve the tension slowly france you can relieve the tension too okay good yep right we can unhook okay the machine is stood precisely in the center of the barge with a good half a meter on the left and right so no complaints the inland freighter immediately sets off for bremerhoffen there the miner will be transferred to a container vessel and shipped to the usa all that remains for the transport professionals is to clear up pack everything away and head out to their next heavyweight mission
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 703,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, haulage, haulage business, haulage trucks, haulage mission, transport, heavy haulage, heavy transport, heavy transport service, heavy transport truck, wind turbine, wind turbine blades, Giants On The Move, giant truck, haulage company, Transport Professionals
Id: 2OrDaOIxsiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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