Giant Aircraft: Airbus A380, A350, A320 | Exceptional Transportation | Free Documentary

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[Music] every year no fewer than 700 airplanes are delivered to airline companies all over the world by the aeronautic giant airbus and in 2020 the number will reach a thousand a year that's almost three airplanes a day manufacturing the most reliable aircraft at an ever increasing pace is a major challenge like piecing together a huge jigsaw puzzle an aircraft is made up of millions of different pieces 1500 suppliers work for the program in 30 countries and to supply production sites as quickly as possible airbus has chosen the ideal route the air thanks to its star aircraft the beluga this model was specially designed to transport the largest aeroplane sections under construction the wings and the fuselage [Music] the beluga is an exceptional airplane both in its form as well as in its loading system which is unique in the world but with the arrival of the a380 the largest airliner in the world another logistic difficulty arose these huge aircraft sections required totally new handling the means of transport include special barges special ships and special trucks against all odds huge aeroplane sections travel across the continent the sea is beginning to get rough the waves are three to five meters high dangerous sailing conditions at sea a barge passing under the dreaded bordeaux pond pierre bridge requires meticulous planning the window of opportunity is sometimes limited to only three minutes these enormous sections end their journey in perilous conditions on the road on oversized trucks and in the dead of night a stressful journey where the slightest mistake can cost millions of euros imagine a pair of wings cost 40 million euros each 40 million on the road on the sea in the air these extremely large convoys travel more than 2 000 kilometers across most of europe to reach their final assembly site in toulouse a 21-day journey and six to eight months of manufacturing so that these a320s a350s and a380s can finally take to the air [Music] runways as far as the eye can see huge hangers and aircraft under construction everywhere since its creation in 1960 it's here that airbus has forged its reputation as a giant and yet even with its ultra-specialized factories scattered across europe success was not a foregone conclusion perfecting the most highly advanced airplane in the world has proved an incredible logistic challenge [Music] there are 11 airbus production sites dispersed throughout europe each site has its own recognized expertise and each site specializes in one type of airplane section the tail sections are made in hamburg the central compartment and the nose sections are made in san jose the wings are made in broughton and the tail plains and cadiz england germany spain france airplane parts are brought from all over europe to the assembly line in toulouse where the giant a380 and its little brother the a350 are assembled to ensure these deliveries airbus has developed four main means of transport aeroplane ship barge and even trucks a complex system by which all the largest sections of the aeroplane can be brought to the main site into rooms [Music] at blaniak airport commercial airliners sometimes cross paths with another plane of a somewhat surprising design a giant of the sky is designed for freight called the beluga this custom-built plane is without question airbus main logistics strength it allows the different airbus sites to be connected in less than two hours beluga was built because airbus is specifically a european company the fastest way to transport all this freight to toulouse and to manufacture the airbus in time is actually using air transport in 2017 the toulouse assembly line turned out almost 80 a350s and no fewer than 15 a380s that's a plane every four days is a beluga pilot he's one of the privileged few to be at the controls of such a machine there are only five of them on the planet and all five are working exclusively for airbus we're standing just next to a beluga this airbus cargo plane is now capable of transporting most airbus sections it has a volume of 1400 cubic meters or the equivalent of about 100 small moving bands 56 meters long from nose to tail that's the length of an olympic swimming pool its wings span 45 meters and the plane is 17 meters high the equivalent of a seven story building the dome-shaped nose has a giant 11 metre high door that opens like the hood of a car through this huge door many parts can be loaded including extremely wide fuselage sections and even airplane wings [Music] we're now in the plane's hold the beluga is capable of carrying two whole pairs of a320 wings or one wing of an a350 wings of an impressive size the wings of an a320 are almost 23 meters long and 10 meters wide to deal with such giant parts airbus used the a300 as a base this was their first commercial aircraft inaugurated in 1972 the innovative method used was to cut it at the level of the cabin floor so that sections could be put above it the flight deck was also lowered so we could load cargo above it things are very specific to this plane specific uh this cargo plane was designed to hold up to 45 tons of freight that's a total weight of 145 tons at takeoff the same weight as an a300 600 airliner loaded with passengers this beluga is very busy indeed three return trips are planned today to transport plane sections it will make its first strip empty to broughton in wales to the subsidiary plant that makes wings working at full capacity the factory produces almost 120 wings a month they're loaded as fast as possible as soon as the wings are off the assembly line they go into the beluga so the time it takes to load a beluga is 80 minutes so that is our target from start to finish the average at the moment for my team is around 67 minutes the moment it lands it's towed into the hangar where he can take care of the freight we'll then stop the aircraft uh safely on on his dots we'll pick the aircraft up with the toe ballast tug the two-way radio communication once the beluga is correctly positioned a giant door shuts protecting the unloading operations [Music] before opening the hold the front end of the aircraft has to be totally within the hangar it's only when it's protected from the wind and the rain that operations can begin in all security we receive approximately 60 beluga landings each month to deliver our products into the final assembly lines one to four wings are carried per trip in order to make the belugas trips as profitable as possible to get the wings into the plane an elevator capable of lifting more than 50 tonnes is used it's called the cargo border it's a large mobile platform the cargo border kit varies in height it can go all the way down to the floor from about 0.8 meters but to load it onto the aircraft we're looking at around 5 meters 5.1 meters thanks to this system the load remains horizontal and can easily be slid into the beluga's huge hole everything has been designed to avoid damaging the cargo during this delicate operation we're going to use rollers powered by electric motors it's exactly the same type of system as used inside the beluga [Music] we can load a piece of up to about 35 meters long and almost six meters high this is the maximum diameter a central section of an a350 today's load is an a350 wing the longest part the beluga can carry with only a few centimeters to spare mission accomplished the cargo plane can finally take off after a stopover of only 60 minutes destination to lose since 1994 the beluga has been the main means of transportation for aircraft sections but the arrival of the giant a380 in 2004 radically changed the situation when the a380 was launched there was a great deal of discussion about how to transport parts of such exceptional size to toulouse given the size of the aircraft the whole transport logistics system had to be revised the means of transport required were specific barges specific ships and specific trucks in germany fifteen hundred kilometers from toulouse a maritime adventure was to begin the a380 sections didn't fit into the beluga that was one of the reasons we started the first maritime shipments in 2004. it was quite simply for these dimensional constraints that airbus went maritime hamburg in germany is one of the major export ports for airbus since the 2000s these exclusive shipping services have made hamburg a logistical nerve center for airbus the german aeronautics industry had originally installed itself here in the 1930s the international port was then the third largest in europe the port of hamburg the geographical situation is a quite unique situation because it's a port which is situated 100 kilometers to the north sea [Music] the size of the port is about 10 000 soccer fields the port covers an area of 8 000 hectares with dozens of kilometers of docks where every year no fewer than 10 000 cargo ships come into port hamburg has a overall turnover of million tons of cargo being handled during a year and nine million t use containers several times a month airbus hires giant container ships to transport parts to factories in china and the united states [Music] to supply the different airbus sites in europe an entire logistics system has been set up the ships make two trips a week we have an internal airport and an internal harbour that means we're operating it with own personal hamburg we are around about 15 000 persons working 7 days a week 24 hours [Music] we are transporting around about 300 sections a day we receive 600 boats and 1300 belugas a year here plane parts begin their trip of over 2 000 kilometers it will take them to four different european ports the main components are that are built in hamburg are the front sections uh which is integrated uh towards the cockpit in san jose in hamburg fuse the large sections for the a350 and the a380 are manufactured these sections are more than 20 meters long and 10 meters high to transport these gigantic parts airbus uses railroad vessels ships large maritime freighters you can get into easily they frequently open backwards so airbus had a whole fleet of ships custom built such as this one called the city of hamburg at 126 metres long and 20 meters wide this cargo ship with a volume of 1450 cubic meters can accommodate multiple combinations of parts for the a380 as well as other new airbus aeroplane parts thanks to this incredible space the ship can carry five times more parts than a beluga can to operate as fast as possible both day and night technicians use self-propelled modular transporters that eliminate the need for cranes in shipping jargon this system is called the railroad well with the railroad roll on roll off we are much faster it goes quite uh easy to load the components in into the ship the loading operation with the crane takes a little bit longer for us the parts are moved on a perfectly horizontal surface from the dock to the ship to make the junction with the boat a lifting platform is used [Music] it's 23 meters wide and can carry 200 tons it can works as an elevator going up and down and as well as a ramp that has a certain degree depending on the and elba if it's low tide or high tide thanks to this system the main airplane sections can be loaded on the city of hamburg in less than 30 minutes per part today the airplane parts being loaded are two central sections of an a350 and a rear section of an a3800 a 23 meter long 10 meter high part a meticulous operation where every centimeter counts it's possible to move little bit just 10 centimeters [Music] each new load is a real jigsaw puzzle pieced together in the ship's hold between wings and fuselage sections all of the most impressive parts on an a380 must be loaded aboard the ship [Music] each part is then securely fastened to the deck of the hold [Music] security and loading is crucial ships carrying airbus parts have a very large responsibility remember that when you're transporting a pair of wings worth 40 million euros a piece it's obvious the captain will take the necessary precautions and for this everything must be absolutely secured [Music] for three days the city of hamburg plies the seas traveling over 1600 kilometers after having crossed the north sea and sailed down the atlantic coast the ship makes a stopover in san jose in france [Music] we're going to cross the north sea and the english channel we then turn a dashant heading to san jose where we should arrive friday morning at 4 30 a.m navigation is difficult a storm is brewing along the way which could delay delivery of the sections [Music] meanwhile other sections are completing this dangerous maritime journey at poyak 50 kilometers from bordeaux all the sections of a giant a380 arrive one after another to be brought to the factories in toulouse blaniak a route full of pitfalls that follows the garonne river the river presents certain problems there are bridges in bordeaux the ships can't get under them there are real obstacles to shipping and that's why we've designed special barges to transport sections from poija to longhorn [Music] at this point two river barges are used the bree and the bryon they are both 75 meters long and 14 meters wide dimensions twice that of standard river barges normal river barges are 38.5 meters long and 5 meters wide so we're well above the north despite their size whether they're loaded with two sections of fuselage or with a wing one of the difficulties for these barges is to get under the bridges of the garonne to do so builders used an unusual design [Music] an adjustable lifting platform this facilitates loading this is one of the two platforms on the brio it operates on the principle of a freight elevator it's held by four points each of these four points has two pairs of cables that raise or lower the platform this allows us to lower the sections to the bottom of the hold and to pass under the different bridges along our route and to lift sections and put them on this platform technicians use a system called the multi-purpose vehicle a huge 35 meter long pallet on wheels to lift sections from the ship into the barge we use an mpv a handling vehicle with a thermic motor the strength of a truck it has 96 wheels and is equipped with a hydraulic system that allows it to lift airplane sections from the ship and then place them in the barge the power produced by this hydraulic system can lift loads of up to 200 tons the platform is controlled just like a remote controlled car this airplane section weighs 63 tons but the machine can lift a lot more right put that down on the barge right we're finished when the a380 sections have been loaded and firmly attached the barge is finally ready to leave the journey can last between 8 and 10 hours the average speed is 20 kilometers an hour that's not very fast but it's nonetheless quite a feat because over a good part of the journey the barge is going against the current and it's sailing against the wind and that slows it down to an even greater extent the sections are massive with a lot of surface and this windage produces a resistance on the barge this force can destabilize the vessel at any moment so these barges have to adjust their course constantly the these river barges are equipped with two engines in the back and one in front the captain uses these motors to steer the boat they allow this 75 meter long barge to position itself to within 20 centimeters after four hours of navigation the convoy arrives at the notorious ponte pierre in bordeaux the bridge is the most hazardous point of the journey this historic monument was built in 1810 under napoleon bonaparte it's 500 meters long and has 17 arches arch number nine is only 19 meters wide it's a delicate passage the clearance can vary between one and two meters according to the level of the water a perilous passage for the barge at times there are only a few dozen centimeters to spare when it's this narrow it's important to remain calm and collected in order to best handle any situation when approaching the bridge the barge has to wait for the green light it can only pass under the arch when the water is at its lowest level because even though it's 60 kilometers from the atlantic ocean here the river is still influenced by the tides the captain has a limited period of time only a few minutes in which to maneuver he mustn't miss his opportunity depending on the title coefficient and the seasonal discharge this window of opportunity may be as short as three minutes if missed then the barge must turn back and wait for the next tide 12 hours later and we lose half a day a loss of time which has an enormous effect on airbus's logistics and on the final assembly line the barges final destination is longgo a small town about 50 kilometers from bordeaux here several sections of a giant a380 also await the green light in order to proceed to the airbus assembly line in toulouse vlaniak 200 kilometers away by road parts arriving from all over europe are stopped here it's the final stretch before toulouse on this parking area a complete a380 is stopped it's just completed a journey of over 2000 kilometers by ship and barge a new stage starts here a 12-hour journey by road which will take two nights to complete here we have three fuselage sections for a complete a380 as well as the tail plane and horizontal tail plane with the two wings this constitutes a complete aeroplane the convoy will transport a complete unassembled airplane to the final assembly line in order to transport all these sections by road airbus logisticians have developed trucks for extraordinary convoys composed of tractors and immense trailers [Music] we use four axle tractors with 650 horsepower that's not much more powerful than a classic sports car however there's much more pulling power and uphill traction in particular the tractor unit is coupled to a trailer with at least 96 wheels arranged so as to distribute the weight of the load this impressive articulated truck is 50 meters long to ensure the security of these sections worth tens of millions of euros the technicians position the load on the trailer with extreme precision the trailers is five meters wide but the section six meters 70. so we have to load it exactly in the center of the trailer otherwise we'll have to pull forward and try again this alignment is essential if not the load is unstable we have a tolerance of two and a half centimeters to the left or right this piece of airplane is very very expensive the sections are securely fastened to the trailers the trucks are now ready for a long haul the departure is scheduled for 2200 hours at a speed of only 30 kilometers an hour this oversized road convoy takes two nights to reach its destination to lose the oversized convoys route is 230 kilometers long it starts at longhorn and ends at blania it costs four departments the geron the land the jail and a part of the oath garan in a few hours the roads will be closed and the trucks will finally be able to start moving as for the beluga time is of the essence flight time one hour and a half a crew of three is in charge of transporting the fuselage of an a320 to the final assembly line in toulouse [Music] an exceptional load in an exceptional aircraft that requires specific flight [Music] precautions one particularity is the way that the beluga maneuvers in the air no other airplane behaves like the beluga especially during the approach and landing phases when cross winds and turbulence play on its very large fuselage apart from its greater sensitivity to the wind the beluga flies like an ordinary commercial airliner it can land on a standard runway [Music] at toulouse-blaniac airport its arrival is closely monitored by vigi airbus a special control tower coordinates the flights of the corporation's fleet a place unique in france where tension is ever present on busy days there are easily about 10 airbus departures at the airport and usually about 10 landings as well as well as controlling the takeoffs and landings of the corporation's fleet the controllers also direct the movements of these giants on the ground from the belugas cockpit the pilot's field of vision is rather limited there's not much visibility so we have to ensure that the plane can taxi to the holding point in total security it's only when the beluga is actually parked in the hangar that the air controllers can finally relax to be right in the middle of all this of all these airplanes and their very big claims it's a bit like a video game where we organize our own little game and when all goes according to plan it's really a great feeling this afternoon a section of an a320 has arrived directly from san jose in beluga number three a team takes over to unload this gigantic part an operation planned to the exact minute the different stages of the belugas unloading are the arrival of the airplane its entrance into the unloading hall the transfer of the sections into the hall itself and eventually any pre-flight visits that are required before the plane can take off again all this lasts exactly 100 minutes in order to ensure the safety of the cargo during the unloading operation the technicians use a system of pressurized cylinders which stabilizes the aircraft this system is used to keep the plane horizontal and at the same height a load may weigh from 15 to 20 tons depending on the part when it's removed from the aircraft the plane has a tendency to suddenly rise or fall these cylinders compensate for the difference and ensure that the height of the plane is always the same to unload this giant fuselage from the hold the team uses the same system of rollers driven by electric motors as it did for the loading here this fuselage section is being transferred to the loading bay after that it'll be lifted by an elevator and then put onto a trailer finally it'll be sent to the final assembly line the beluga continues its many trips across europe with a single and unaltered purpose for the last 20 years to supply the assembly line in toulouse as rapidly and continuously as possible airbus's logistical operations are a permanent ballet of hundreds of parts from the four corners of europe even though the teams are perfectly familiar with the exercise tension is always high about 1500 kilometers away from the unloading site of the beluga in toulouse sections of an a350 as well as a rear fuselage of an a380 are being loaded aboard the city of hamburg for three days this large ocean-going vessel will navigate the north sea and the atlantic ocean direction san jose where the ship will stop over there are two delicate zones to negotiate first of all there's calais the straits of dover are narrow and there are many ships as well as ferries crossing from france to england secondly there's ushent during winter depressions coming from the atlantic caused bad weather when we turn towards san jose the ship can roll we have to be careful there has been in command of this 5 500 ton mastodon for more than seven years the wind speed is between 40 and 50 knots that's about 72 kilometers an hour the sea is beginning to get rough the waves between three and five meters in [Music] height to deal with these dangers the crew is ordered to hoist the anchors as high as possible so that they don't bang against the ship which is being affected by the bad [Music] [Music] weather a few dozen meters away the cargo is being closely watched by the chief engineer [Music] thanks to the specific layout of the ship the cargo can be correctly loaded into the 1450 cubic meters of the ship's hold a real puzzle [Music] this entire area here was removed on two levels in order to create extra space about 250 tons of steel were removed to make this supplementary volume this mass is equivalent to an a380 fully loaded with passengers and fuel otherwise the part on the left of the a350 couldn't have been loaded there was a deck there which would have come to two-thirds of the wings height and would have obstructed its loading during the loading phase about 30 chains are placed around the three plane sections as the ship moves at sea the tension on the chains must be constantly verified if not the cargo might shift in the hold and be damaged it's really a large volume the risk is that the cargo might shift during very bad weather this verification is repeated at least every four hours thanks to a camera on the bridge which is permanently focused on the hold the captain can also keep an eye on this precious cargo we usually verify the cargo every four hours but if the weather is bad then there's a greater risk of the load shifting so we increase the camera surveillance and we verify the condition of the chains on the bridge everything is done to avoid the larger waves we're zigzagging in order to avoid the lateral roll as the swell is lateral to us we're zigzagging to remain more or less stable during a storm the windage on this 30 meter high ship is substantial to reduce the rolling that is the lateral movement of the vessel the captain relies on the stabilizers an indispensable part of the ship's design it consists of two horizontal fins that are located on the lateral flanks of the hull when deployed they compensate for the movement of the ship by reducing the amplitude of the role these fins support the ship and keep it from heaving they compensate for the ship's movements by reducing the roll it would be ten times worse without them [Music] even in rough seas time is not lost the ship must complete its trip within the time allotted three days maximum otherwise the entire sequence of airbus's logistics would be affected [Music] [Music] we've traveled 1500 kilometers in about 60 hours that's about 25 kilometers an hour slower than a cyclist in the tour de france but we have transported our cargo and despite the bad weather we've arrived on time it's really an honor to transport the parts of an a380 [Music] the crews work at sea for two months ensuring the transportation of essential airbus parts before finally taking a break at san jose a section of an a380 must be unloaded and transferred onto another airbus ship as quickly as possible this transshipment enables all the sections of an a380 to be regrouped in a single spot and to transport an entire aeroplane to bojack near bordeaux and from there this amazing logistic adventure continues a rear section of an a380 is unloaded from the city of hamburg a four section made in san jose and a central section are loaded these three sections as well as a complete rear horizontal tail plane of an a380 will be loaded and sent to you aboard the ship are aeroplane parts worth several tens of millions of euros for another night they will continue their journey to the garan estuary before taking another form of transport the next stage is ascending the garonne including a passage under the dreaded ponder pierre bridge in bordeaux the captain of the barge must concentrate the width of the arches of the bridge leaves only a margin of 1 meter on each side of the barge [Music] it's also a very narrow passage for the cargo the two sections of the aeroplane must be lowered as much as possible into the bottom of the hold thanks to this elevator platform the cargo avoids hitting the vault of the bridge everything's fine we're gonna pass under the panda pier [Music] the barge is now ready to pass under the pond pierre for the captain it's a stressful moment and people are watching from the bridge [Music] going slowly upriver for four hours at 11 kilometers an hour this fluvial journey ends at longhorn [Music] it takes four barge journeys to transport all the parts of an a380 to longwood about a hundred kilometers from project upstream the river is no longer navigable after having made a journey of more than three days aboard a sea-going ship and a slow barge journey up the garonne these gigantic airbus parts are now ready to undertake the last leg of their journey this time over the roads of southern france expected departure imminent [Music] this 40 40-member team will transport the six sections of an airbus 380 to toulouse a 12-hour journey towards the final assembly hall 250 kilometers away in toulouse the road security teams are on the alert such convoys could not take place without surveillance and centralized coordination the operational system employed is sectional that is the convoy advances along five to thirty kilometer sections of the road as the normal traffic is blocked it's from this control center that the sections of the road are closed to the public more than 40 barriers and 120 variable message signs are used make sure you let me know when the convoy is left at exactly 10 pm the convoy starts [Music] the sections that most worry the teams are the wings of the a380 more than 30 meters long and 15 meters high they need to be transported very slowly they can slow down the entire convoy in order to move these delicate parts a long experience as a convoy driver is needed thierry has driven these trucks for nearly 10 years now but despite more than 200 trips careful attention is still essential we have to be very careful about anything gyrating to the right or to the left at the roundabouts and intersections the end of the wings swing out enormously they pass very close to the street lights that's our main worry a wing that hangs 15 meters over the back of a truck runs the risk of hitting any obstacle on the side of the road [Music] a few kilometers further along the village of jimoh is the first difficulty of the route the problem in gmo is the bridge a sharp left turn with the wheels scraping along on both sides and wide rotation of the wing towards the verge moreover there are trees further along there's a steep gradient that's rather tricky with all this weight we didn't have to worry about anything thanks to our guides who supervise everything from behind to fight against fatigue the drivers take a 45-minute break it lets them relax a bit and prepare for the second half of the night a much more technical and difficult phase in a few minutes we'll start to put pressure on them they'll return to their vehicles get in them and attack this notorious section of the road they've barely started and the chief security officer is informed that a car is parked on the side of the road about 15 kilometers away blocking the progress of the convoy golf x-ray x-ray i'm at the back of the convoy they have to get to the head of the convoy as quickly as possible a kind of rally race is about to begin here we're going to do something i love doing but there are certain problems we're going to overtake the convoy on a parallel road i've got three kilometers to get in front of the convoy and i'm going to use the cycle path this is a moment of maximum concentration an animal or a pedestrian could suddenly appear at any moment so we're going to sound a little warning alarm [Music] while waiting for the tow truck the whole convoy has to wait [Music] they have to be quick the road reopens to the public in two hours [Music] after the car is towed away the convoy can continue it's now heading towards the narrowest part of its journey levinyak this is a particularly difficult passage for the central fuselage with a diameter of 12 meters it just squeezes by with less than 30 centimeters from the rooftops now the drivers can calmly proceed to the parking area at the airbus final assembly line in toulouse the sections are usually delivered around three in the morning and are assembled the same day there is only a three hour interval between the time we deliver the parts at blannyak and the moment that they are needed on the assembly line such precision on a journey that took so many days to complete and with no delay in the final assembly of the plane between the beginning of production and the end of the convoy takes nine months including 21 days of transport the mission is accomplished all the parts have arrived they're on time and in good condition parts which have traveled 2 000 kilometers by sea river and road across europe and france within minutes of their arrival the main sections of the a380 are assembled in this immense hanger capable of housing eight a380s as well as the larger sections thousands of smaller parts are used to make an airplane this operation takes place in a single combined station or the operation is a real puzzle depending on the piece they must fit together to the nearest millimeter to the nearest tenth or even hundredth of a [Music] millimeter to fix the sections together i need 19 000 rivets to fix the wings to the sections i need 4 000 rivets between the electric and electronic equipment landing gear assemblies and the engines as well as the painting and interior fixtures several more weeks are still needed before the airplane can finally transport its first passengers meanwhile gigantic sections will continue winding their way across europe by sea river and road with the beluga ocean-going ships river barges and trucks airbus's logistics have continued to evolve along with the needs of the aeronautic industry an internationally renowned expertise that today allows everyone to travel to the four corners of the earth [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 472,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), engineering documentary, tech documentary, mega transports free documentary, mega transport, Exceptional Transportation, plane transport, plane transportation, airbus documentary, airbus transport, XXL cargo, incredible machines, Airbus A380, a380, airbus a350, airbus a320, airbus beluga
Id: zBbMsXPqwsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 30sec (3150 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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