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today we will attempt not only to warm ourselves with a candle but also check how it works by doing the appropriate tests we decided not to use store-bought candles because they may not be available and they burn a knot for very long using a can of cola we make our own Mega candle which will be better than the purchased one in all respects take an aluminum can and cut it in two parts with a stationary knife now we cut off a piece of metal then we use a ruler to Mark a strip two or three centimeters wide and cut it out with scissors after that we need to take some kind of a tube such as a marker and wrap the strip around it there is a problem the metal from the can is not flexible and doesn't hold a certain shape this is why we need a lighter or another source of fire to heat the strip in our case a great indicator of heat is the paint of the can of cola we need to heat it until the red paint becomes golden let's sign it a bit and try winding it with a thinner pen [Music] the aluminum has become much more pliable and holds the shape of a tube that we intend to get next we need a piece of wire about 30 centimeters long the wire should be stripped to get a copper wire without insulation now take the same pan and make two turns of the wire around it to end up with such a nice Loop then a centimeter back and forth we make the bends 90 degrees as it is shown in the video do the same bands but in the opposite direction the centimeter further it looks like the head and shoulders of a man at this stage we need a 200 milliliter jar put the wire onto the jar so the loop is in the center and make two marks where the edges touch the wire we need to make the bends down in these places and a centimeter further to make the bends to the sides to end up with such a design it seems confusing but if you take it slowly you will get a nice frame that attaches well to the jaw in the case you need a simpler variant we will show you at the end of the video now we need to find a string made of natural materials that will be used as a wick it may be anything you find even a lace from your hoodie the difference between natural and synthetic materials can be easily determined if you light a natural lace then at its tip it will form small charcoals with smolder for some time like a cigarette thank you [Music] synthetic on the contrary doesn't smolder but melts and turns into liquid that drips while burning so we found these thick laces that fit into the diameter of the aluminum tube put the wick through the tube so that it fits there but not too tightly the thicker the wick the bigger the flame will be and the more heat it will provide now we need sunflower oil which we pour into the jar you can use the cheapest oil in the store and it will last for a very long time later we will test the time the wick is soaked in oil so we get a great candle to light the room in the case of a war or blackouts let's light the wick so we can test our candle it looks like it works the wick should stick out about three to five millimeters otherwise the flame May smoke compare the size of the flame of a bought candle to the one we've just made this homemade candle will produce five times more heat if you want a bigger flame then pull the wick up or put it down if you need a smaller one but we are making a Heather not just a candle so we need to keep working in order to make the construction stable take a piece of the board little bigger than our jar next we need to take a metal angle or any other piece of metal that we Bend at an angle screw it to the bond with self-taping screws let's stick such a pad so that the angle doesn't hinder the stability look for a usual medium-sized Tin Can which we will attach to the other end of the angle [Music] make a small disc of baking foil to insulate the bottom of the can from the heat so that most of it would settle on the walls our heater is ready and here's how it works normally when a candle burns a thin stream of warm air rises up to the ceiling and we get very little benefit in terms of heating the room since people stay on the floor but hey the can absorbs the heat of the air on its walls which then spreads out in the form of infrared Rays heating all around us that is we get not only bright candle that provides decent lighting but also make the most out of the heat it produces foreign tests for which we need a panda two kittens a fish and a small screwdriver as we can see on the thermal imaging camera they all have the same temperature as the surroundings now we light a candle and leave our friends for half an hour when we return We blow out the candle and look at the thermal imager where we can see that the objects around the candle have been noticeably warmed up to make it even clearer I put the heater aside so we can actually see that our friends were warmer neither device later we started the recording of a time lapse and left a candle burning for two hours so now you can see how little oil will used up during that time it seems to mean that such a jar could last for 5 or even 7 Days of use in the evenings however that's not the only use sometimes after shelling you won't have heating for a long time and your house will be very cold in this case an ordinary tourist stand which should be placed right in the room May save you from the cold sure it may look ridiculous or even stupid but when the temperature at home drops below 10 degrees Celsius then you'll be ready to do anything to get warm it is much warmer in a tent compared to the room even without a heater since it retains and stores heat emitted from your person and if you have pets put them inside as well they will also work as small heaters but we want to do another experiment with our heater that's why we move the tent to a cool garage with a temperature of about 14 degrees foreign which would imitate a cold room at home we have placed our candle heater inside and we will see if it can raise the temperature at least a little please note that this tent is for summer with mesh in many places which allows the air to flow through easily [Music] we close the tent and leave it for an hour [Music] let's go back in and check your results the temperature has risen to 19 degrees in an hour even though there were no people inside who could provide additional warmth with their bodies and now as I promised a more simple way to make such a candle if you don't want to bend the wire then you can take the lid and use for an example a screwdriver to make a hole in it now you can put the wick through this hole such a candle will also work but then over time the lid may get dirty it is also harder to refill than a candle with a wire and finally if you are too lazy but still want to have a homemade candle then take a piece of cotton cloth and drop it into a container with oil so that its Edge sticks to the inner wall and slightly protrudes on top [Music] now we like the tip we were worried that the glass might crack but it didn't happen actually this is the way that people make such homemade candles in ancient times certainly you can't heat the whole room with only one such a heater you can probably need a few of them but even one such a candle on the table will not only provide light and little warmth through the sole by its fire but also radiate a little heat to help the people sitting nearby share this video with your friends and maybe it'll even help someone
Channel: SlivkiShow EN
Views: 1,770,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heating, light, blackouts, Ukraine, candle, jar
Id: LDTyOAOxfjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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