Hearthstone Chronicles vs. Zeddy | Episode 12

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you know how horston always gets new expansions what if we turn that around zeddy and we are going to build seven decks that are all limited in terms of what cards we can use the deck for 2020 allows us to choose cards from any set but the deck in 2019 does not allow cards from ashes of outland scholar mans are the darkmoon faire we start by playing 2020 dax against each other with the winner moving on to the previous year all the way down to 2014. whoever wins with their darkroom 2014 first after getting a total of 7 wins is the champion of this series sup people this week i'm standing here yet again at my standing desk where i can stand so we have four classes left because last week we did win it's now four to three zs3 we have four i think you both are warrior and i hope we get mate well did they win a one in four yes do i feel really good about that also yes so last week was um kind of embarrassing charger warlock not my best pick so um i got mage warlock and warrior left we have yet to roll mage at all will i finally break the drought and get some jaina represented on this series let's take a look what shall we roll nope we're going warrior it's time for garrosh to get in there there's no treachery available to warrior so it should be safe let's bring it on all righty everybody got the mage made some ducks and i might have not changed them yeah okay so this time we go reverse to make it different in 2014 we have mag mage will we ever see this in this episode hopefully we're a good player we play the max i changed this deck list a little from the one that i found online because the list kind of sucked and now this is going to work for sure you play the maxi go face 2015 if we ever get there we have kind of the exact same thing but flame backer get released in that year in blackrock mountains so you just play that good thing is mana bomb is back to one man instead of two it's missing one health but whatever got some tgt cards in here got some arcane stuff cut the mans deal damage get firebots number three in 2016 that is the boosters of the old gods era we have evolved cobalt this is your version of forgot the card from boomstay the blue one has the same effect the idea is pretty simple you reduce everything in your hand and then you have double frostbot and iceland and point face that's awesome that's fun maybe not for zeddy but for us 2017 we have angora and stuff that happened after it's just freeze mage though i mean it's otk mage but you also freeze a lot so all you gotta do is draw the entire dark play entonitis get the copy effects if you ever watch this guy's toast this is the ducky did play in 2018 we have a reno list that is questionable but it's going to work because we do have ooze is that he has a weapon he doesn't anymore 2019 why am i still saying the year name you can see that too we have fun quest mage yay i mean it's nerfed but still yeah quest okay cool and then in 2020 wow do you like secret mage no me neither and then you can guess the dark for the current time yay flamewaker everybody likes flamewaker even my grandma says boy you gotta drop the man that shoots to fire myself yeah all right so the last time i got warrior i think we went with a lot of raffle decks i'm all serious we're getting near the end here i need to lock sell them out so i'm going to try some good decks this time around with some amazing different varied skins and yeah starting at 2021 uh the core set added a lot of good stuff for pirate warrior so i'm gonna try a lot of the core set pirate warrior stuff go face aggro it up uh 2020 we're gonna do the absolute opposite with the odd warrior but it has the win condition of silas and ashton shield slam for like an otk so i actually have a win condition other than clicking the button uh 2019 we're going to go with i believe just a galacronned uh warrior um i hope he's playing mage i don't know but the net deck i saw at kazan mystic and maybe he got mage and i can screw him and that'd be really funny so we'll go with that for uh that warrior deck 2018 we're going to go with some dead man's hand warrior one of my favorite archetypes where you just go infinite gain a bunch of armor see if we can win with that 2017 uh pirate warrior again a little bit more reserved leroy spell breaker a lot more old school and we got the infamous curse blade which in my recent worst weapons video people thought should be on the list no it's actually pretty good pirate warrior it could do some good damage uh 2016 we got like this nazar control warrior that should be pretty cool get justicar tank up rank up uh 2015 we're gonna go with a patron warrior this is after the war song or if it's like a tempo patron warrior deck you got dr boom and grom in there as well and lastly in new 2014 we'll just lock it up with some classic control warrior with some kel'thuzad greed and just you know control warriors shenanigans so watch out solemn i'm either going to bore you to death or smorky to death you pick your poison you're gold too i'm so proud of you which day is today the twenty-two twenty-fifth and you're almost platinum like that is that is quite the feast yeah like i really did not play a lot well you've been focused on your pokemons your poke young kids out there by the way i'm wearing a baby yoda t-shirt because i'm a giant man child and you got mage this is very upsetting i was supposed to get mage first that's an ugly portrait looks so bad i picked this because last time i took i picked it somebody in your comment said every time said he talks about this portrait he complains about it so you know what yeah it's still ugly and i'm gonna complain about it it's garbage yeah it looks terrible it is really awful like the the the first tier one and the second tier ones aren't too bad but this one yikes all right what's all i'm playing for me oh fun i'm playing fun we're going 8 p.m all right well hopefully my strategy can counter that i'm hoping well um can you play around encounters flaw in turn two um yes okay that's why i don't play it i'm glad that they nerfed uh spring water rather than the problem cards so now that you know eventually they'll make every single just play this they're going to make every single mage card cost one more and then encounters will be balanced it's very smart because it's not a problem no of course not neither is a sky is this called sky why that is why is your list devolving most people cut that it's not let me draw after don't don't perfect okay that's fine all right let's go i like your card back i also have not gotten that yet um play this this card back oh yeah it's the puzzle one that was cool but like there's not a person on this planet that could figure out those puzzles on their own like or at least like the last two of them there's no way so like everyone that has it just followed the guide like i did like either regis video or just the guide like i don't know it was cool but i wish they would have made it so like you could actually reasonably expect to to complete it on your own i don't know maybe that's just me yeah you have expectations that's your problem that's true oh i got a nerfed card in my hand no i like pirate warrior it's very um very tempo based of going face i spent five mana on that five minute you only get four mana backgrounds i know it's so bad i don't like imagine drawing two cards for one mana that's just unplayable must be a shaman do it don't oh why oh that's so bad for me that's a lot of damage that's not good for me that was bad all right like do you have ice block uh i don't think so we'll display this i guess awesome i'm not a big fan of bloodsail deckhand i don't like the card you play like unkar it's the only weapon well no this has multiple weapons this list it's got that um that outrider's axe that you want to trade with which is kind of weird no don't have girl wait um no we do it in this auto right yeah just three pings awesome hitting face great dodge that ranger the rock oh it's like the best rager it's good with the druid quest like it's pretty insane you stop killing everything i care about no just leave the desk imp at least he did nothing wrong okay well video miss playing where's luna where's like my broken opener i could have won the game by now i don't know what's this all right you need a high roll with this deck to beat aggro but i haven't had the greatest hand ever but here we go i gotta i i got a plan set up here i think i know how i can win this game golf involves going face i will do this oh turn seven and this and this on turn up the match easy oh i think you're in trouble ooh gave me the [ __ ] all right how much damage is this oh this is f6 this has to be lethal we go like that we go like that yeah it's like lethal i can't even swing oh small time buccaneer that used to be a one-two yeah there's a lot of fortune i know not so good all right well flame maker mage is pretty weak to aggro so i take that but um the next match up i feel like i'm pretty screwed this might be like us playing dark lair like me playing dark legends do i just lose three times in a row and then i play treachery warrior yeah i do have you can use like it's just like a three-minute spell that is epic like blood soldiers blood various yeah blood warriors minions that adds to your hand oh do i keep this is that even good against no it's not like no it's time to get against your deck you have a flamewaker oh yeah i don't know how it went but i'll try it i got i got nipple garrosh here oh i know how i win yeah i got my win condition in hand easy baku baku in the opener it's classic oh all right well don't coin encounters flow do you uh it depends on your hand depends on the matchup uh warrior against like a slower matchup i pretty much never do because yeah me neither that one discount just doesn't really matter you gotta you gotta kill me in like a massive damage combo swing because i will build up a lot of armor now we're gonna top like a minion anyways exactly awesome i mean you use the coin to just get one discount whereas the coin can be two damage later plus a discount right it's not even before damage yeah exactly i'm gonna play double flamewaker exactly but i run dirty at my odd warrior list so you better watch out no you don't i i do it's a cheat i hack the system don't this could be on the the next cheating scandal video okay i lost again are you just your fault click the button odd warrior is the most exciting arc i actually have um one of my first early videos i did pretty well was rank one legend odd warrior the most exciting deck on ladder where i spent the entire time like spinning around at my table or my chair going odd warrior gameplay while nothing is going on i'm just clicking the button it's very exciting i was very proud of that content self uh selfish little plug for my amazing channel yeah um i got quite a bit of armor here i feel like that was a misplay from my side how i'm not sure i don't know this is a match-up you you actually have to be a bit patient with so we see solemn can plan out a patient game plan yeah i can for sure easy clap well i think i only have two pirates in my back i just think how much mana do i need i think i need like two more and i could win the game actually oh that sucks aha you suck yeah you should have played around that i'm sorry it's random tempo yeah tempo the skipper i have her golden look at her like she's like directing the ship oh it's beautiful i miss that garden standard i miss i miss anything exist wow that's so rude five mana oh he drew a minion he drew a minion and he's got ten cards man i could always toss the card how oh i play this i have no idea i feel like i don't need two of them i have a second one in my deck i'm pretty sure didn't you already play in canters you probably don't need two of them yeah right this is not good like i do so much better if i play a meme deck against the meme deck because i know how to play the cards but good deck against odd variant no no idea this feels so stupid but i want this on the board rather than the skipper otherwise i'll lose the divine shield in the night all right trade-in nuts yeah it's exact same by the way yeah i mean 54 health against this deck is not a ton just make sure you have lots of time when you actually go in animations are a [ __ ] yeah i'm thinking right now and i'm supposed to go in here what is that oh spell damage 15 cards left okay um i think we might be almost at the turn where i do the thing okay well i'll put this on then click the button i can't do anything with his hands so okay we gotta go in gotta go faster all right solemn kim can't sell and pull off the otk only one waker wanna mess up the auto there look at this ball work soak up four damage but it does add animation time do it oh all right no and he drew the luna oh no i'm dead oh i'm so dead okay um i'm kind of missing a cart can you stop it fun to play by yourself i'll just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna sit back here and just you know yeah i think i'm not even fast enough here if this is dumb where's my second oh this is so dumb i'm not drawing my second guy where's your second waker i mean you're almost through the armor oh and this animation time is great when you're trying to discover and oh it's just fantastic that's a lot of pointy clicking at my face you want to calm down did i blow up i did it did i blow up damn right my phone beeped i won again i'm at 32 on my screen oh you're dead on my screen you son of a [ __ ] i barely did it ugh good job me playing a tier one deck if i if i had um i was like one card away from killing you for the last turn my very last card was the second flamewaker geez it didn't even matter right i could deal 57 damage 57 50 something i've done over 100 damage with two acres it's so stupid because the cards don't cost anything well i am gonna make another rant video about how this deck needs to be nerfed if solemn can win with it it's a problem okay let's be real i have two ongoing series on my channel one against you one against dexter and then both i just get i just get knocked down or anybody loses to me they feel bad what mage deck dude odd warrior sucks it's fun it's so bad actually i think you win here i got come on do i really need baku my opener every game like at least you have a golden card and i got the i got the hairy man nip so it's all good this portrait it's better than the last one but it's still just yeah not the best oh i wonder what card is not gold in my deck probably ash tongue because i definitely oh your secret mage no it could be reno it could be yeah could be don't click the button i like that play i like the the very intensive strategy that goes into playing this deck of you know click the button and you didn't even trade you're leaving i don't know about your minion i have flamewad you can trigger that your minion dies automatically no it's not flamework why would you play that in this deck but it would be funny if it would be right like that ordering this pro don't play an 88 okay that's not an 88 all right that's fine you're not no contra i can't believe you're not trading this is so reckless we all know secret range is a control deck and needs to trade and we play uh this get some more armor no random and i'll play this because it can get me more armor no and none of your stuff feels that good against this so that's good although flack mage is a card but even then it still only does in increments of two oh now he trades yeah because i have a combo oh what never seen this one secret mage given aoe i still think it's insane that flag mage never got nerfed just just never it's consecration and a cut like holy nova literally no secret mage card has ever been nerfed i don't believe i wonder why well actually ice block gets moved from one set to another from legacy to hall of fame and back and so on uh you got a 3-3 that's not fair let's play more right yeah it's it's flame wart i mean ruins [Music] i don't know these are i got i don't this is bad i don't like you're better off i mean ah that card still wait why do they oh man secret match ah well i stopped this time by playing a secret right i'm gonna i'm gonna blow i have all these cards that suck no at least your cards are golden you have animations going on i don't kill the bear off first i mean i'm still at 30 health right it's fine this one awesome this one hell yeah you almost took damage almost all right almost okay well i will um play this then this i don't like that then that i thought this would be a meme at first right it helps you i like i remember admirable making a list that was all about why does that secret i'm sorry i'm upset uh um admirable would make he made a deck that was all about just re-equipping bulwarks and upgrading it and just being the most obnoxious thing ever it's pretty cool it wasn't good but yeah i just love that every aggro deck is unlimited card draw and mana cheat like in every format and you can't ever play anything slow ever you have 20 10 cards left i'm turned six yeah i know it's insane right i should have been in fatigue i know it's so slow oh and i like just cheating out secrets and zero mana minions and like have you seen the new version of mcathoon where you have like heal and take damage like the apothecary and the brewmaster or the soupmaster forget the name supender i think mark played that he drew the entire dark but like twenty four yeah he like turned five otk with mechathan that was pretty sweet you need like double dark glare you need to uh yeah you need the apothecary how did you give it life steal the mott the three drop right because it's a demon hmm how in the hell am i supposed to do anything no you're supposed to have like brolland blightstom and so on yeah i i have baku does that count yeah play it it's it has taunt right yeah and life's still in charge and win fury it's walking fountain basically oh great cool that does that was fun i killed that one i i don't know in another deck it's in another deck you sold two fireballs one lotus one oh god 12 plus eight is 20. i'm just dead god even odd where you can't like you just draw your whole back it's so stupid oh i got bad news for you the next six decks i play are all otks all with endonitis now this is fine i'm gonna get there oh yeah i can't beat ice block oh no why did i pick odd warrior this is bad i can't even play elysian on like something like a value game no at least it comes back to eight like they buff that card which effectively made it c0 play now the elysian above actually nerfed the card because it only really stopped playing odd warrior there are probably some greedy decks out there that run it but geez i don't know i thought that bear i'll play i probably should have waited i was hoping to be explosive runes and just no no no no well you must be new to this game don't worry we all make mistakes it's true i'll i'll learn one of these days but i mean that bulwark it's soaked up i had like how much armor like 20 and like a ball work and not just just dead speech did you know i ruined this deck like that was the reason this got nerfed oh yeah i know i saw that that was very the very upset person on twitter and um yeah rightfully upset rightfully but they nerfed this this quest so it it's almost impossible to get off like eight spells how do you ever generate that exactly in mage that doesn't work it's incredible i'm car how do i beat quest i don't oh no this is so bad i don't have vacuum in my opener that's that's a good sign i got this one okay mill something anything or oh i just got spelts okay we got rid of one spell i thought it's the cut for druid oh i mixed them up no the the they just reprinted the druid one and then nerfed it and made it three later and then they made a card that made it two anyways there's so many cards they nerf that they end up making them unnerfed anyways because they they give a way of cheating man i'm with the studies cards it's like skull is like five mana now again you can make it four man if you play two studies and then the same goes for uh uh fungal fortunes it's kind of funny what's not funny is i have no way to win this oh you have you will you will win for sure obviously i need a something anything all right we'll bash that oh we at 42 armor how could you ever win i will concede right now that's so much armor do we play like apprentice or something i don't know no i don't know this is so painful so now i 5 mana that's awesome you're supposed to start the game with one coin can i even kill this yeah i'm not really counting my cards yet ah random how many that's so random look at this more random that's my favorite is random into random and what's crazier is sometimes it can get even more random from the random maybe i did yeah try to play around the random color just right normally randomly random or six this goes down to i think this works no not the murgle man aha you mailed a card i win not a giant but you know i got rid of a girl that that's neat i don't like that i have 31 health this is fine um i think i do uh mana reservoir that card's broken that's six health for two mana how's that nerfed no joke dexter played this in like a spell damage shaman and people never destroyed this because why would you haha i played around it no you fell for my trap i wanted that no more cards oh no no no no no something good i got rid of a giant no i got rid of a violent spell wing i win you can't win without that that one one was gonna push a lot of damage i don't like this i'm at five out of eight you have a full hand of random crap i think i killed that why is that even correct no now i can't gain armor okay what are you at six of eight i feel like i'm misplaying here doesn't matter i will win anyways i'm sure you will i just gotta think here um if i do into a pr and um i don't know if that kilts how much mana do i need okay we do this oh oh that thing that is ragnaros but it hits me in the face then we give a taunt hmm no way you have a random card that could deal with that no way kind of i guess um how much damage do you have that's 10 you don't have a weapon right well i played my own car yes i think you can't get extra damage uh i think we draw um [Music] ah how many cards even you have five cards left don't ping it okay i think i'm fine okay i i i think i'm fine i think i'm fine i don't die here how much damage is this is that fine i think that's fine yeah it's pretty good oh get scammed get absolutely scammed exact ease exactly odd warrior it's pretty good when you get uh king ruxin there maybe we should have could have won one other two one yeah would have prevented but then you could have had like zeliak's i did have zillions but i don't think there was a mech on the board but they have a zillion like i had three giants in hand all at zero mana and i had con conjurers calling an apprentice i was like oh i just do that well i'm glad he died i did have yeah i wonder how i did have the um bulwark i would have equipped it if you had flamewaker did you have flamewaker to get through the uh i had a flight yeah i even had a random evocation that was great is this deck ever aggressive enough i have no idea i need to be aggressive oh it's not very aggressive i wonder you'll play on one wait i thought you don't what what car back your car back actually kind of looks similar to the uh puzzle one kind of yeah is it the puzzle one no what is it it's the one i think from pre-ordering barons oh yeah it doesn't come out somewhere huh check this out i've never seen this before it's saved of alex ross's champion i like that cut so much but it's never active actually i kept a dragon then i drew another one there's not that many wait what deal with that my hand is garbage i can deal with that ritual chopper yep galacrum i actually have like this is like an archetype i never really played gallicron warrior what did you play today i mean it's something different i gotta try i i gotta try it out and i mean it goes face it's pretty good can you stop playing minions no i need something here okay learn draconic now you're gonna have a dragon oh you got a cyclone uh puke ah wow this end is awesome and so much random yeah play around that i got ice buck four times four random spells okay i'm not protecting my 3-3 that's fine you want to take the turn to ping it i'm cool with that how many invokes am i okay we'll do this stop with this please do it hit damn right ah i have no card draw on hand this is terrible um i think we do this awaken oh and then this and now that you're both your wakers are gone i feel like i want to leave the board up i feel like the board matters a little bit more now that your wakers are gone but you could have randomly i got a random blizzard and i can deal with your bot now you don't see that's a bluff i i can i can see that you do not have that maybe not yet oh no i never beat that card the bane of my existence random i think you lost okay um well this card can help me win so play it oh this is so bad against just no deck of wonder scroll alright perfect do something random uh you can randomly blow up oh you got a six six it's pretty good yeah i had a random flame striking oh and you can get a spell you can't play oh classmates easy that sucks this is terrible it doesn't do anything well if it loses the odd warrior i could have barely won okay i don't know this next matchup's probably gonna go your way i'm not gonna lie you probably got this one if it does i will be really happy or maybe it's the next one no this is i'm almost certain this is dead man's hand which um does not lend itself well to your deck at all but you could mail me i wouldn't like that that is true there are mil potentials do i keep this yes stack action this deck runs one of my favorite cards um lord scourge garrosh the warrior dk that everyone always makes fun of her being bad but i don't think it's that bad i've never thought it looks really pretty and golden it looks sweet it's really really pretty and it's got this cool weapon that costs less in demon hunter that nobody ever played in demonic i have that in real life that weapon [ __ ] i'm on shadow martin yeah you made it like you murdered somebody with it or no no i i just have it okay no mill three mill three there's one that there's one i i take that i don't like that give me cards remember they hall of famed acolyte because they didn't want card draw to be too prevalent in standard and now every class has card draw that's way better than acolyte so you would never run acolyte in standard unless you're playing shaman which has no way to activate acolyte so it still wouldn't work i think we do it this way no what what what if i had geisted you maybe i have a two men of geist i could have got you maybe what's happening to my acolyte i just saw things pointing at it you will draw cards okay okay i got the card yay i get a card do i get two i get two and i don't think you hold dragons in your deck uh you don't know oh no that's a lot of random yep random it's all glacial mystery so it's fine um yeah just play around with all the cuts in my hand so i play this i'm gonna play that and that kill that dry whisker armorer that's how i used to gain arm you could play the brain and like uh the cornered century is it called it's like the 2 6 that summons some it's okay i even seen it like more recent lists but you can like put pollute like raised deadpools big priest pools i like those i like that type of design like that type of counter play we don't see a lot of that these days what do i do here concede because then i win no why that is so aggressive yeah awesome might just be on my screen but my weapon is kind of sparkling between the portrait and the weapon itself it's sparkling why is it sparkling it's just a feature oh god it's a special feature here have had some cards no don't be a giant oh a giant i can't i like this game so much what is this another giant another giant oh two for two let's go that's pretty good that's some [ __ ] [Laughter] it's not like it's enough for me if two flamewakers two more giants the infinite random and i got dry with scarvers no so many kitty coins i like that it gives you the coin that you picked from your like license adventure so you can get more kitty coins i wish you could choose a random coin to have more variety or a random portrait at this point there's so many portraits in the game random portrait would be awesome especially for like a whale like me like i bought the shaman portrait despite the fact that it's a complete rip-off because shaman cards suck did you just talk bad about blizzard on this channel there's a first for everything okay that has to die there's there's a first for you know normally i'm very positive that's usually what the comments are about is that he is so positive and never says anything but great positive things about everything and never complains but you know sometimes you got to put it out there that i would love to see some you know random random stuff and oh no the quest oh i'm lucky but i'm dumb it would have been awesome that was eight out of eight i have no space in my hand this is bad that's aggressive all right well you're you're the middle cardinals i finished my quest i have no space still oh all right well let's get rid of some more anybody who knows how to play this duck i'm so sorry i haven't played this in two years we'll see where we never liked it back then there's a girl there's a waker okay those are good it's really good um can i just concede maybe i missed this do you have another giant are you holding a giant yeah and no i don't okay got one giant left and no wicker yeah no this deck sucks how do you play it like that yeah okay i played the greedy way now okay i just hold 10 spells and then i play flamework i'll take it i did not think i had a chance of winning that one oh boy i mean i built four cards and they were all insane to be fair two giants a girl and a flamewaker were you holding any other minions when i ratted there by the way i had a second mana recycling thing okay geez it's evil um you know we'll play i'll just keep this hand i don't i just keep it this opener's okay thing is [Music] no i'm just gonna do this i'm so surprised to play aggressive i know second pirate warrior sec there's so long warrior decks but this one's more of a throwback you know it's not i like the more recent one had like ricara and a bunch of corset cards and this one's just straight up old school pirate warriors so right now and i even have a golden ship's cannon only one but look at that shoots it shoots yeah it goes pew pew like this doesn't have sky barge or ankar doesn't have good cargo outside of like getting life top with finley well actually the cannon is kind of like a far watch post and it shouldn't be able to attack it's true that's very true they should nerf it you have two of them i have two of them and two of these look at that smork and yeah that's like the best card against quest mage is canon such a pain in the ass look at that combustion no how do you always have waker coin in your opener every time that's it crazy i know i'm still upset i'm still gonna complain okay yeah uh all right we're gonna do this i just need ice block on my deck i'm gonna do that um double upgrade glad that i have ooze you know what they say about when you ooze i'm just thinking about what do i do here um yeah let's see what happens at least you have no minions of it that's the one good thing oh i don't like that one and nine good job i don't know that's probably wrong i don't think i trade there but i did you have four mana what could you do with four amana nothing you have another one okay everything lives bad bad good that wasn't great for me yeah i lose anyways uh no if i just go on fa oh it depends on how the trades would have lined up you have seven damage yeah whatever i'm just gonna like this okay you're at one you're at one i'm leaving the waker up this is dangerous can i get a randomized block please i actually could oh i actually could no well ice barrier mirror image a frostbolt could screw me oh well oh okay no no no can i get like iceland or something no no don't do it oh out skilled again out skilled again but i hate this deck so much do you have any vocation in that list or would it even yeah yeah okay okay i haven't seen you play yet all right that was uh that was quick it's more i think that's the last one what's next oh yeah this you should farm this you should absolutely farm but look at this i like that this portrait's sweet i really do love this one it always reminds me of this one guy insecure the dark souls style game there's a guy on a horse and garage is not a horse sir hell yeah psycho riding horses i i have not played that one that's like is that more of like is it like japanese based or yeah yeah that one looked pretty sweet i want to play um i don't know if it's called ghost of tsushima or something it's like uh that's how it's called assassin's creed style like samurai thing and it's even got a kurosawa mode where you can play black and white and i'm an absolutely huge kurosawa nerd i need i've not gotten around to playing that it looks so good i know it won like i think it won some game of the year awards too looks sweet well i don't what are you playing i am playing warrior it's a true it's this is not a good warrior i can tell you that much um you're about to see a card that's i think you're in 2016 what is it is like nazarf something annoying yes exactly i think it's exactly what's up oh maybe maybe just maybe i can get there i'm gonna play execute next turn execute yep how are you how could a mage could execute this thing well there's always a multiple voice ooh you can get a random here you go you get a random font of power you then get a random trick totem and then the trick totem randomly cast execute boom done easy i can figure out the random train just like that or get a random servant of yogg saron that could also randomly do it that would be awesome yeah this is smart [Music] all right um i got almost everything i want to have just i'm missing something yep i don't know how i could win so i'm going to go face i have oh boy that's top of that i don't think this is a workout so well that's the best one i like this tone a lot already oh no and then some of these i think i'm gonna blow up that's kind of like an execute wait shatters like execute or snap freeze which is a cheaper shatter that's more flexible hmm i have people complaining on my twitter again because i compared shatter and uh snap freeze i'm like i'm literally just comparing cards it's i'm being oh my that is that is not okay okay just kill me just get it over oh no who needs flamewaker apm mage when you just do this yeah that's pretty good oh my that's so much random yeah that's a lot of random oh no my hand is also really random i'm randomly upset okay this is fine oh well that's the perfect top deck all right well yep apprentice left if apprentice lives i might just win the game here that's basically the end is coming indeed just i don't think it's what he thinks it's gonna be huh dude i'm gonna win this game i have a card in hand that is gonna blow your mind it's gonna destroy you i have this golden i didn't even when did i craft this golden this is an adventure card yay oh you're saying what's the quest i'm at 12. i mean how could you even kill me with a completed question and there's no way there's no way especially when i'm playing a card that you literally have no way of ever beating ha and you got a stable master maester master yep the maester from the stable i get a lease no way wait till i get my map and then my monkey and then my random legendaries you're going to be in a world of hurt you will get jock yeah yeah um you know i'm so happy this is over what you actually have it no way no one giant oh three giants yeah but you see i have an extra turn ah that seems broken they would why did they do that yeah i'm not sure either oh i even got a random ice pack you really need that i'd grom in my hand i'm like maybe i can get him low enough to kill him but no never won a game congratulations you beat the stack is so bad 2016 the zoth control warrior with three man of war acts pretty good all right i'm still like why don't they buff warax that seems wrong like every other three-man weapon that is a 3-2 it has an extra effect but warrior it's like screw you you don't get that bone you don't get a murloc you don't you don't get a random plus one plus one buff no i feel like they should give the um give the cut overload that would be good yeah that that typically helps everything as long as it is great yeah it's a great mechanic and it's it really helped shaman like hone in on that bottom tier spot for a very long time but don't worry in the mini set we're gonna get the most broken shaman card ever and then we'll all complain about that and get it nerfed and then someone will suck again and then we'll complain about shaman sucking and then you know it'll continue forever and ever and ever there's going to be a cut actually that's leaked already 100 this is going to be real that reads for the rest of the game your opponent overloads instead of you it's just a just an effect start off game that would be fun for no one yeah but you have to purchase a portrait for i think two hundred dollars i heard it was actually 250 200 is if you paid for the tavern past five years five year deal they're gonna set up contracts for the battle pass so if you spend five hundred dollars on the battle pass uh you'll get a bonus it's a slight bonus so that'll be pretty cool yeah but that's like the beginner package you can also spend five thousand dollars and get even more who the heck runs potion of polymorph what are you playing well you could have played a taunt minion what are you playing uh i'm not playing oh reno mage hmm what well reno reno what reno mages from 20 you're 2017 aren't you or 2018 2018 i wonder battery box for three months how do i ever be gina oh no i don't also play death spite i think i do this whose in what meta how did you know i'd be playing a weapon class uh well i cheated you son of a [ __ ] yeah actually you still have your screenshot on a discord so i can see everything it's your hand the entire i never put a screen okay this is lies i do not share my scream because he would just harass my cat nova or sorry selma's anti-nova you don't want to know but voodoo doll that's a five minute hard removal that should be nerfed well five mana yeah if i get frosted jaina with that that's actually a good combo kind of this hand is great are you ready can we get some resident sleepers in the chat uh on turn six i don't know if it's probably not that effective in the oh my goodness you lost that seems so underwhelming compared to jandis right janice for five man is so much better than his piece of crap look oh you get some boom bots that's cute i'm not gonna deal damage to boombots what am i doing here actually this card the boom would be printed in the next set it would probably read give every minion rush for the rest of this game or something or you know if you have a certain amount of bombs in your opponent's deck summon boom bots or some crazy thing like that oh the boombox boom bots always steal for damage like every time except that time but that was just a that's just a glitch what was in my opening hand what the heck you're playing a greedy reno beach oh my god that's pretty good so screwed how can i all value this oh man i will fatigue soon you know i'll take the hit this is look at that i saved amana because this isn't six glass that it matters it was super relevant don't play the broken nine card please okay um i think i know what secret that is no you don't i have a hunch so i'm going to play my most expensive valuable unit okay i need to fatigue you that'll work um no you don't clean okay what do i have here um [Music] it could have been counter spell some reason i don't believe you no all right i'm uh i'm i'm ahead i'm winning i have the board 100 percent i'm behind it what are you doing i have no value and i'm gonna get there did something good die for me six um oh really cut the boom back decent zillion it's kind of a problem for me that i don't know what is in my deck so i don't know when to save a card on my knot no deck tracker is interesting for example i don't know if i have zola i assume i do but i'm not sure you got to be more prepared this is a serious competition there are millions of dollars on the line probably but that i'm not aware of now you son of a [ __ ] that makes me kinda happy not gonna lie um there's no way you can get your cards back to your hand though right um i feel like i play really gritty here because why not oh i'm dead next time that would be bad only second clicking the button how am i ever supposed to compete with the greedy deck from like two years of the future this is so brutal just to win all right i'll do that you can have lethal here just uh play ragnarossent yep i have no time for games all right wow can't wait to remember that garbage can still do nothing just can't wait to rest do really nothing um how do i win i'm just gonna blow my board up no of course not no i don't even think there's anything in my deck probably not no this might be over you have belcher left i think um i have a probably another death lord do you have a lease in the stock you even have death lord i can play suboptimal here you go oh my god you can help your fatigue if you want to your deck is so greedy yeah it's awesome right what i'm supposed to do i'm just gonna see what keeps coming into my hand and then get sad and die if you get a weapon i don't destroy the weapon at least aha i played around this perfectly i actually talked to weapon oh there we go you want to equip the weapon um yeah got nothing to really do with it anyways i'm tempting to just waste my kazakus potion you can do probably whatever you want oh my god so how do you win um i'm i'm working on it i mean you get two minions i mean working before even on health i mean i got that going for me you're gonna press one button you have more health than i do i'll brawl this raw and then i'll have the board and then i'll win all right your death lord won aha no way the end is coming maybe this deck is a lease in it didn't have elise i can get the monkey oh i should be saving all my cards that's a good point yeah you have the monkey oh wait no that no no i don't it's gonna get pulled by this stupid thing okay i'm out i'm i'm out i'm out you suck oh i couldn't even get the monkey you ruined everything yeah it's like right off and hunt the entertainment is dead again like 10 years later feels bad all right literally you want like the knack stuck either he will hate it so screw if you just picked all the greedy crap i have no chance should we fair somebody else make the necklace i just played have you ever actually made your own decks like ever let's be real i think i made one yeah but the problem was that i included cards that weren't out yet i had to kinda redo it this hand is probably terrible because if you're playing greedy so 2017 2017 yet so you're only one year you're almost caught up now i don't know yeah okay well i i i can get this together i mean i beat quest mage with odd warrior how hard could it be to win one more game with this well you lost probably i'm gonna click the button i like that that's smart it utilizes my mana i gain two armor it negates the attack that i will receive from your mad scientist you're probably playing exodium age no [Music] i don't play this guy's toast exodia list from 2017. that's fine i'm going to pull your endonitis or one of your girls or your entonitis i'm going to pull your hand tonight this would actually be already annoying if you um well that just hope you don't pull that pretty simple that just help two secrets well one's barrier one's block no i'll just proc the barrier you're full i've read your mind look at that genius oh yourself on my trap maybe i maybe you're gonna get hit because it turns out the entire time i was holding the second barrier now you made it possible for me now i can't even smoke you down because that was definitely going to be a plan no i don't fatigue all right no i don't burn cuts okay um aha i need stuff on the board you're probably holding in tinnitus anyways but no yes oh no but maybe you're only running like two reflections and no sim or two sims what do we pull oh that's not good well you don't have a removal spell so fine i'm only control warrior what removal could i have [Laughter] that was kind of unlucky yeah oh that was the only way i was going to win that match up so jessica i told you i i saw it i'm like you know i'm gonna play justice card and win the game all right you got too much armor for me there was no way for me yeah i mean i would have gained at least like 10 20. and infinite fireballs is you know you can only cast like maybe 20 or 25 in a turn it's only like a hundred and like 50 damage yeah i totally would have 2015 magni is this like old control warrior um no it's actually uh it's a whole different archetype one that got nerfed but still existed in a tempo variant oh that's funny yeah i don't think it can really beat you at all but i'm gonna try oh this golden legendary might help do the trick though a golden legendary sucked is that finley how do you know there are only four one mana legendaries no wait there are more like oh wait i could wait i could cheat this human hunter this hero power didn't but it sucks all right or it could have gone for non-spell damage totems because they got rid of that because reasons hmm all right well for one more legendary style there's shifter zerus there is a philly murgatum which you have right now there's camellias and there is reliquary of sorts the face for priest is there anything else um patches the pirate oh yeah patches right there you just kind of forget because you just always get them for free true smark i'm doing nothing here i like that i would appreciate you continue to do that never do anything oh don't be blocked because i mean i'm not gonna oh annoying all right let's draw a couple here battle rage yeah and a laptop why do you draw last i drew first and then again i just drew twice you draw two first and then the one see that's you do it twice i get yeah twice what did hey that that should be four mana although actually that kind of is worse for you better for me yeah it's not that helpful so the rest of this game i have plus one health okay yeah i don't want you gaining that much armor oh well wind yep but no your minion dice that's true but i'm more well played a two mana one well how do you destroy those minions there's no effect that you have they can destroy those i'm gonna get smart down i gotta do something here yeah give me like i don't know eight nine turns on your dad [Music] patron let's go what the frick i don't want to swear i'm a christian but that's news to me all right i didn't know you're solemn now the religious streamer that could be your new branding like this one you can't deal damage it's true that is true actually earlier i've seen a drawing that depicts an angel based on the description in the bible and the thing looks scary as [ __ ] i mean as frick it's frick yeah there you go all right hopefully it's not flame ward it's kind of spell down okay i have a plan i don't think you run flamestrike i think you only have blizzards and frost novas so this board should be kind of annoying you know double blizzard double nova yeah so you can't really ever clear these patrons yeah the patron is annoying three health is pretty pretty good that's frothing i like there's an achievement in a classic attack with the 20 attack frothing and there's no real great way to do it you just gotta kind of pope hmm oh yeah do you finish all your classic achievements right every classic achievement my guide is up as of as of this recording and multiple people have watched it multiple hell yeah well worth the effort let's go um how much damage do i have that is super close i am missing my emperor taurusen i don't really need it no that did so much damage it's true smork can i get emperor or something come on top deck nine percent you never draw it i mean what's your hand you have tony a girl maybe a reflection i don't think this deck is a loaf that bin it might actually i need to find out this is so bad i drew absolutely nothing well you have ice block and you're probably holding the other one yeah but yeah but yeah you know like okay i need my emperor nah you don't need it it's fine you attack with grommash first i'm gonna do this i was actually thinking if i should ping my own face so you can't do that i have other ways to manipulate i had other ways yeah and like does armor even matter no i think i just do this oh come on wait where's my emperor coal light hmm where's my loatheb i should run one okay just you need ice block eh [Music] okay so eight now that i messed up the audit it doesn't matter anyways wait wait yeah you missed three armor um well i don't know how you get emperor down and protect yourself so well you will see next time okay um can i fit the funny thing is when zeddy is going to realize that i do not play emperor or emperor taurusen in here i mean um and tinnitus i just have frostbot and iceland's face i don't think i run lotha oh that's gonna make a big frothing because this is poggers oh yeah ignore the order hell no [Music] look how big that frothing is it's so thick all right show me what you got show me your moves all right okay all right okay i am still missing emperor [Laughter] only got four cards left you'll find it eventually i mean i don't have any reach oh oh barry actually that screws me yeah unless actually no it doesn't it's fine you have a second cochrane and so on right no but um remember that card we were talking about that's not that broken anymore well if i close my eyes right now it doesn't exist it hit for four like he said see mine's golden yours isn't that's why i only hit for one on eu it is oh i even opened it i opened a golden doctor boom on this account too on america and disenchanted it well i'm on my last year aren't i 2014. yeah i gotta win four more so i think if the episode is over in about 10 minutes from now we know who wins i mean i've been playing treachery warrior from 2014 so you never know i like that portrait so much it looks so good what a bowl of garage i like the eyebots it's what fro bro he calls it ebola garage because he's all infected and stuff um i i i don't think he's bad i i prefer 500 when garrosh personally but i thought i'd give him some respect and throw the mutated one as my last but if we do the classic duel if we get to 2014 i'll whip out that garrosh yeah that probably won't happen i will lose very likely i didn't i didn't really meet it up this week that man was as close as i came i want mage i want to pick b mage is like my favorite class but i don't have any tools to beat exodia i don't believe in this duck actually i should have just played random h and get around them is just the way to go like i pick mage i'm just gonna put every card that's random unstable portals random random it's gonna be good all right well how do i ever beat you besides just doing this oh it's got this i don't like that i don't know what else i can do but i do have a good counter to um your weapon if you have one in your deck so watch out for that hmm okay what does this tech literally has i mean armor is pretty useful against your exodia infinite damage um so let's get some that is going to matter 100 don't you doubt it i guess i'll get even more look at all that armor i have like druid levels of armor six going on eight armor or so trigger my secret yep that's true you have more armor than me with one card oh man portrait's okay for gina it's kind of like mill the road um it's better than that scholar jaina i still can't believe that that was such a rip off the uh the scholar jaina one from book of heroes i'm just not a fan of that one at all what's even though the lack of oh that's bad it wasn't even the lack of voice lines it just just wasn't that good um let's get some more insane armor and i'm going to push the one push space no way you are you worried this aggression it's pretty pretty out there 100 like oh the emperor oh man that's not good it's okay i can answer this i might be able to do it it might be and develop tempa oh golden boombots let's go the lightning storm classic they've remade boom twice now right but both times for warrior zero mana it's fun that um rogue has emperor thorson but it's a common and you can play it on turn one is that isn't that more fair i think so yeah october is great why do you have more armor than me because they know to play actually it's insane both mage and druid have an easier time getting armor than balria it's yeah like skipper armorsmith bloodsport mercenary is probably the best way to gain armor and warrior now and it's still very slow and requires a lot of cards where druid plays branching paths or you play artificer with a six drop or six minute spell druid's like the best armor class oh you're gonna draw cots ugh no okay i do have a card here that should be annoying because i don't think he can remove it very well yeah i can't deal with that and it's golden it's go i don't know when i crafted this golden because you can only get a goal of my crafting it but i did it must have been for like a [ __ ] battle where i did like all legendaries against him you already have it wait what there's nine cards left in your deck wow um wait i miscounted i need one more mana can we pretend we waited for one more turn oh no um can you just like um maybe i don't have an answer yeah like um just end your turn okay um i can do that oh this is so bad i thought the math checks out it didn't i was like oh yeah that works no it doesn't no i i think that um yeah okay well i can do this ooh i could just play that instead then nah probably do like this americans still win and then this and then that and then i think you probably are in trouble i think that might have been a misplay i don't know sir i'm going to find a way out of this okay you run two and tinnitus of course right oh waiting for opponent to reconnect hmm all right then uh that was episode 12 of hearthstone chronicles wow mage crazy right like playing mage not playing mage that's yeah especially when you play it flawlessly like that i didn't see one single misplay the entire series people see each other again next week on episode i think 13 where hopefully don't miss play as much that'll be awesome yeah that won't happen
Channel: Solem
Views: 25,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, solem hearthstone, solem, hearthstone reddit, the best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new expansion, how to get legend, The Inconsistencies of Hearthstone, Hearthstone is Not what it used to be, hearthstone gold, hearthstone subreddit, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone mathmatics, hearthstone duels, hearthstone 2021, darkmoon faire, darkmoon, best hearthstone deck, barrens, hearthstone forged in the barrrens, forged in the barrens
Id: gDAN_ruQwPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 44sec (4364 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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