Hearthstone Player tries Legends of Runeterra - First Impressions (2021)

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"Concerning the upsides, there is so many I don't even know where to start"

"There is actually 2 negatives: If you don't like the attack/defense system, and cosmetics are only obtainable with real money (he also says it's not really a negative)"

That's an honest depiction of the game :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 119 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shin_yolo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Saving this video for when I get home! I played HS religiously for about 7 years and finally dropped it and picked up LoR (happily!).

Solem was one of my fav HS streamers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mooseaura πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually watched him for a bit a while back, around the time when there was a huge outcry around Hearthstone and drove a lot of its playerbase to LOR. He said his viewers would constantly urge him to give LOR a try, but he still considered HS to be fun and he spent way too much money into it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zhtwww πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude a button to craft all cards you're missing from a deck would be so good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/penguinintux πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Always nice to see someone leaving a positive review on the game. This game really is phenomenal!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alnath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know it's probably over stated, and even a bit cliche, but it's true. LoR is so far ahead of hearthstone in everyway it sucks that I spent so much money and time on it. I would always say, the game will get better it's because it's new.... LoR comes out and it's immediately what I wanted hearthstone to be for years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Miserable_Tourist_36 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is this guy well known among Hearthstone players?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Illuminaso πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That will of Ionia on Leona hurts me so fcking much of how bad of a play that was

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AmissingUsernameIsee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I love how f2p the game is, I want people to talk more about the gameplay when trying to convince others playing the game.

The mindgame when it come to bluffing, every actions feel like it might impact your enemy thinking (even emote).

The deck building is amazing, I can sit the whole day theory crafting decks, they might not be competitive but the thoughts in my head when crafting is fun enough to keep me going.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bleachrst85 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
legends of runeterra was released in april 2020 by riot games and is one of the most popular card games at the moment with a 4.6 star rating after half a million reviews the expectations are high the game is available on ios android and desktop features roughly a thousand cards on nine different regions and is proclaimed as the most free to play friendly card game out there today we will find out that those statements are true and if legends of runeterra is a game worth playing here is how the game works there are three main types of cards there are minions that you attack and defend with there are leaders which can upgrade and become stronger as well as belts that you can cast during the battle phase turns go back and forth between you and your opponent and it switches every round who can attack and who has to defend the goal is to deal 20 damage to the enemy so the nexus explodes in order to win a game the average game takes roughly 5 to 10 minutes depending on how fast you play and what sort of deck you play with with that out of the way here are my first impressions of legends of runeterra for the past 6 months i've been logging into rontera once a week and the reason for that is you get weekly rewards even if you don't play so i just didn't play the game but got free stuff and i hope with all the free stuff i got just by logging in i have enough to make like one or two decks so we got a couple quests on the right side we got to play card success 6 mana play challenge and start an attack in ai matches or challenges awesome i get my weekly chest with like free stuff every single week just for existing and that's pretty nice i get like an upgrade wild card for common i get shards i get a thawned blade but i think all i really get is like random cards that don't really do much rise of the underworlds okay new additions three champions have bought emotes and cardbox event calendar get some patch notes get some prime gaming in here buff and tough death and spiders i haven't made a deck can i automatically make a duck or do you guys have like a deck coat how do i create dax vanilla coats look like this yeah click on that let's equip that cute pearl for good luck moonstruck is there a button to just craft everything i'm missing or do i have to do it one by one do we have something besides garen that has some flashy animation something that is fun so far this is really easy to get into like everything is free so we have eight one drops 32 drops is this more like an aggressive style dark tempo mid-range wait a second is this my only card back really am i poor let's read the description on the website high value units are returned and controlling exchanges to slowly overwhelm your opponent's board with your own yeah i'm going to mess that up guaranteed i would like to test my deck against any ai player it's time to battle i'm gonna play really slow though so in case you understand how the game works which i think most difficulties do keep in mind i'm the guy who plays this for like the first time in six months i will play really slowly and will still misplay and it's going to hurt you because you understand how it works and it's very obvious but i won't notice that so prepare for pain my opponent is aggro so we keep that actually i don't see my opponent we'll get a rangers resolve give all allies tough this round don't know what that is give an ally barrier this round that's the mulligan opponent is elusive you're boned well i'm gonna bone them harder fleet feather tracker when you sum another alley grant me challenger challenger can choose which enemy unit blocks i'm just gonna play it can you also hover over the keyboards without making the cut bigger barrier negates the next damage d unit okay divine shield play this thing end round enemies turn we got two mana a two minute three three that's not that bad bury a unit on eagle on round three let's read again and let's make more misplaced so they got two thingies and we get takes one less damage from all sources awesome actually isn't it better if i give barrier to to this one here's what i'm thinking okay i give barrier to that and then i play this thing and then i put this on there and this one there this one there let me attack i don't like this this looks bad yeah i think i will go with this because this one survives then right does it get minus one hey somebody's gaming right here this one survives that wait could i have played something okay i play so bad and i do enjoy it let's see allegiance grant other at least plus one plus one is that better cry hey easy easy easy what does garen do let's see i've struck twice get this effect when the unit attempts to deal damage using its power either at the end of battle or with spells guarantee the game okay let's drop them to play this together right you guys and me me being the idiot do we attack with everything or what do i put into combat right here for the smart players i would just drag everything in and hope it happens you know like with this stuff and then i'll be on there for and then this thing drags do we take the one two like this you can attack with all oh wait wait this one too oh never mind can i also put this somewhere else no you can't play opponent scott's feet's batman i kinda like how it looks like but the 42 is going to die to there too too and the rest survives right i think that's fine and if i make a mistake i will see right now hey this man can look at numbers under fife oh what's that karma oh she's annoying she has ulti immediately in leak wait can i just kill her defend with garen yeah i guess so right because he just leveled up like i would just block with garen this guy levels up and she dies this seems a little bit too obvious though also when it says block am i supposed to play the cards what is this someone don't stun me ah i play this one select that and then we select um i don't know isn't this okay there's a bunch of glowing stuff and she's dead okay cool oh i struck with garrett oh i didn't know i can select garen oh whoops i thought it's only once that uh in the lower oh it happens okay hey we get ourselves see-through the bolt and we get the the screeching dragon look at this wow see gonna drop that and then we're gonna i don't care we're gonna play all of this and we put this one here this one there and then we attack and then garon levels up and we watch the pretty animation right now because i understand what i'm doing damn right damn right you can drop that guy can we level up garen again do just win oh he did the all switcheroo no don't switch a rule don't do it i blocked that ron starts rally if you don't have one gain the attack token you can attack oh this one on the right side right can i click the sword i'm so confused so just drop everything and click that button and be like yeah do things see i know what i'm doing damn right oh no voice is a real player guys be honest here you've seen how i played how slow i am do you think i'm ready to play against the real person i don't think so wait they have an inbuilt leaderbot like in the game itself oh that's sick you can see the decks too oh really oh this is so nice you can see the decks as well and you can import that i mean people are gonna do that anyways they get rank one legend or whatever it's called in here rank one everybody owns the duck i wanna play against the player we will find a real human being or bot i'm not sure to play against and we're gonna win six years of hearthstone knowledge is inside this mind and we're gonna play against funny joke eckhart what when i'm summoned create a random dragon for okay we take the random easy a cat is going to win this battle i'm going to lose no actually do you guys want to bet i mean so far my opponent takes forever because they gotta read their cards and i get a good duck look at this i get infinite mind splitter that's a pretty artwork and i think we did this one on that that's a four two we're gonna hit scales of the dragon and this one doesn't take damage anyways okay i think it's time to attack can you see like the fallout behind the cut itself mine killed stairs though right they took one damage oh that's cool didn't expect that yeah it's the entire thing if this would be a game of chess we would be winning because they waste their time and they have dragon's protection yes sir they seem so bad okay but if i do why do you make this a four seven did i lose i feel like i lost i think i block with this guy no actually i don't i skipped the block i don't care about taking damage my health is a resource we got five minutes look at this screeching dragon wow it's amazing we have two of them we got this do we see the stats they scale how how do they have both what is this can you stop playing pretty cards i got nothing like if i attack with that it dies if i attack with that it also dies can i just cry iona is kind of irrelevant so how'd i kill this guy i get the spa right i don't want to attack i would just use this thing on that and kill him right recall a unit wait what i like plus one plus two and overwhelm uh wait a second you set the spells working the following over right mine cast first because it's the end of a chain so i click on this click on those two click on ok mine happens first and killed some right so the buff spell doesn't work hey easy cool i can read awesome they got leona stun the strongest enemy they got this one honestly i like this so far this is really easy like they do nothing and i just place some cards to some things barry on that a pond stop i'm gonna play my dragon has a spell on the stack that's the stuck okay so this is just asking me if i want to do something about the spell right oh now i get it then i was so confused for a second yeah it's like in yugioh when they ask you if you want to do something and then it's my turn and then can be like wow giant dragon and then they can do something yeah okay makes sense it's back and forth gameplay there's action and then i can be like funny one and this guy can pull right but i can't kill leona with that they just pull this one right here or what do you pull leona i would just go with that it dies also didn't pay attention to do we have overkill or not like he could have also put leona and then they can't value trade until you're right hey there did not damage that looks really pretty though okay uh play pick two enemies round start stun them oh oh cool never mind i think you're random for the dragon at the right time oh they got their own dragon whatever just do this though this makes the most sense because they have no stuff done but then it's like they have nothing on the board and we get all of this don't we just win like what they're gonna do play one single card get the dragon again stun those two cool so we'll drop this buff everything don't attack and then there should be a win i don't know two mana stun cut do we have a cut like frost nova to freeze us done everything because all i see is i can read and i get rewarded for it viktori now i need to figure out how many of you believed in me and how many did not eighty-two percent of you did not believe in me and while twitching didn't believe in me to win this i think this makes for a good point to wrap it up and talk about the pros and cons of legends of rontara when it comes to the upsides there are so many i don't know where to start so let's go with you get so much free stuff in this game it's not even funny after two weeks after new expansion gets released by playing like a couple games every single day you can get roughly 90 of all the cards i talked to multiple people that play this game on a daily basis and none of them ever had to spend any money in the game in order to stay competitive and to play the top decks if you play the game for like a year casually you probably have every card in the game then there are daily login bonuses during certain events where you just gotta log into the game and you get something for free and every single week there are weekly rewards that you get even if you don't play the game i've not played this game in 7 months and i got like 11 000 of the green essence 35 wild cards a ton of free stuff without playing the game those weekly chess can also upgrade to diamond chess depending on how much you play during the week and the rewards you can have inside can even upgrade so if you get something like a common wild card that can craft any comment of your choice this might randomly upgrade to a rare wild card then needless to say the animations are pretty and i don't mean just pretty they are whole cutscenes it's like they make a short movie for every single leader in this game and to the last point the music is phenomenal even right now we're making this video i just listen to the soundtrack because it's relaxing it's coming it fits for background music so when it comes to music and animations riot stands for quality then another part that comes with the pros of this game but are more like quality of life improvements are the fact that you have multiple different modes that actually stay there so if you play hearthstone you know we have like a tavern brawl every single week just imagine that that mode would stay forever you have an in-game leaderbot where you can look at the top players at the moment and the deck they use that just means you don't have to search for the top dark on a different website so it kind of saves you like half a minute and while you play the game you can also click on cards for the keyword explanation and you can see the full out of any card in your hand so if you're not sure what something does you can read in detail what the card is supposed to do but after all this positivity let's get to the negativity to the cons of this game they're actually just two things i could think about the first one is the gameplay if you don't like the part where you go back and forth with your opponent and one has to attack and one can defend or not maybe this game isn't for you if you have like a 10 attack unit and your opponent has a won one they might just block your 10 attack unit because why not and besides that the only other downside which isn't really a downside is that all those cosmetic items that you can buy for real money we have to buy those coins for real money and then select whatever you would like to have when it comes to cosmetics i think there's no way of getting the currency to purchase those but let's be honest here those are cosmetics this is not like a downside the game has to make money somehow and there are certain cosmetics you get for free anyways so overall this is probably the most generous card game in terms of how much stuff you get for free and after talking to a couple long time players they all mentioned that you never have to spend any money on the game in order to stay competitive which means that cosmetics are really the only thing you could purchase which again grant no benefit other than making the game look prettier the music in this game is absolutely beautiful animations are insane and the gameplay is simple enough to get into it right away but can get more complex if you play different darks than i did in this video with that being said thanks so much for watching let me know what you think in the comments down below and take care
Channel: Solem
Views: 118,889
Rating: 4.935813 out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, solem hearthstone, solem, hearthstone reddit, the best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new expansion, how to get legend, The Inconsistencies of Hearthstone, Hearthstone is Not what it used to be, hearthstone gold, hearthstone subreddit, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone mathmatics, hearthstone duels, hearthstone 2021, darkmoon faire, darkmoon, best hearthstone deck, barrens, hearthstone forged in the barrrens, forged in the barrens
Id: R_xJa-LUVk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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