The Solem vs. Swaguar Best of 5 (Meme Decks)

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we will do a best of African swag you are and we have multiple routes mortal and that is you have to play a mean condition first exactly as it was against a rifle we have the be ancient one slash double-crossed axe I put both into one for paladin we have York in rogue because memes in VF C'thun in warrior right my friends list doesn't love our Sun is still kind of broken we get our one with each deck once we can change at any point we just gotta win with all those thing we might get in first York is for memes and this one is also for memes also we have game shots that we can listen to I think we just start using curtain who is going to win this great match between me and swag you are and I thought that just ask you guys who is going to win we could keep Griffin if it's our one condition anyways and that one sound is not too bad but I would like to draw into it who do you think is going to win is it going to be me me definitely me what's back greetings kind sir at least he does not use hazel box looks like the overall majority things no we are going to take this I vote for solemn to solemn to way isn't that the name of my second YouTube channel that you can check out somewhere if there's a link yes you can also for that um I know it's off-topic and we get to talk about how stand our strategy and stuff but really short I think tomorrow we're going to play three different games on stream three different ones that are all not har stuff which then means three videos for the second channel but back to valve Catherine ID and this tech loss we have Emperor we have Devin's hunt I don't like that guy and we also have Clifton so we shuffle that man's hand and C'thun into a duck and then talk to him forever and ever and ever ever or we keep the corner to have coin brand and cocoon that was my idea maybe it happens or it doesn't yeah well now you will see shameless plucky I'm sorry how do i they're plugging my own slash solemn on my own youtube channel what that sucks so here's 10 min our next turn right zip make on court lights great because we're using Co lights in here that are non golden I got to craft them in Gordon and they were all headed out well dosa active this guy's the tan tan yeah so considering that he has five more mana crystals than I have it's a lot that is a lot thick seems good we got to legend with that who didn't I am fairly sure he's going to play star Lana besides C'thun double crispy ancient one and York we all said star Lana and I think this this looks like a Stalin attack I mean I hope he doesn't I also meant to point out this one is saying yeah Sweeney how are you doing $5.00 a month yeah I think he's stalling the engine book in the background yeah the book is actually good actually actually good maybe not for the price because he gets up to somebody for four months instead of buying the book but you can also have the book you can also have double satires satyrs I think it's called satyr I think it's SATA any man in a play is going to die to Starliner but maybe doesn't have it maybe he's playing York the entire time but then why would he play two of us you wouldn't ah the result of a guide to gaming teach you how to become an ottoman gamer yes because villain to defeat the Ender Dragon and use everything I learned in that book put it into practice defeat the Ender Dragon and be a gamer is York a good crowd yes Ernest cool readings yeah that looks like star Lana a white boy we would I think it does even play 700 without having Stalin Enda Kenny mm-hmm right wanna not destroy my turbot mm-hmm-hmm face we'll just click on your notification so you can usually see it there so pretty much I need to ruin his Stalin alright according things isn't usually that much fun but we gotta also play to win ourselves can you do the thing or just think B thing I guess you have to go with this like as long as it's not seven health we're fine it's not needed no it's not York is needed in in meme Dax if you want to have fun but for competitive and to win games no but he can't scam you out of wins as we've seen a match anyways hope you guys had a good day so far op u k-- we did your parents hope you didn't face stalin at the route and here in the line the stars because that it's a lot of damage well what can I do here I can talk text second brawl yeah even if it's a six second draw theoretically I would have lost well that's over what is it worth day proud of you yeah I expected salhan Andrew to be a lot worse actually like like a lot worse it's better than I thought glad that he also draws five cards well you're still sure that I'm going to win this I'm not sure next arc rock rock we still have to win using Borya but I would like to play at least every single like once and then see if I'm three-and-oh and lost because I'm on three actually yes we will see that is he playing the same like we are playing maybe it's the strategies you keep scheme and then you scheme your yard 80% burn rate with talk talk is actually good talk to it it works which can surprise you because it's talked through it you should play each deck until you win but what if I lose three times in a row and we only see one deck which is C'thun Borya isn't that boring see bamba about be boring to play each deck once and then be settled on one deck I should have used this one whoops as leak of explosive worth yes you buy any adventure it's a leak of explorers one fact sabotage destroys his weapon usually we're going to come with that they also thought we could share a stab this guy and then just draw York they might be better at the toast sure the dead Ross reading sir what would what does he play with the big what does he play that is big though he didn't play curse so he's not our quest I think he's young I'm pretty sure he's young but he's not York I wouldn't play that one fact really funny fact you're going to laugh if you play stowaway and then you draw your two Fedora thing you see also draw two additional cuts make it the noise nutmeg Ethan wasn't in the rule set that we made within like half a minute like I assume he's be ancient London he has to be be ancient one but then bada C using the death rattle for the death little doesn't matter like I don't I don't see it we will see which is them more exciting prepared Colossus but why would he like your buddies played Stalin unless you place double Starliner wait this would never actually make sense if you scrapyard twice a once and to trigger the lateral twice using a Korean biome and then you drop Starliner that actually works or his bond rock he just bones you look at this combo we draw two cards and salmon for force and we backstab the middle one super then you're going to get scammed just make one yeah five burn your now that double double suck right we didn't burn yok yeah I thought we need vanish we don't believe we don't need vanish learned that know what orderly ravenna rounded yes I should have I should have not drawn cuts so top take them in stat I want to use my spots I want him to play some minions I can set them probably not this one I want oh what is yuck now we're going to do is pretty much to draw the rest of our deck which I think we can do this burn submitting guaranteed hmm yeah we're going to burn a card doesn't matter doesn't matter it's not like we need the minions anyways we just need some spells need some memes oh you're right did number to play discotheques today wasn't that in my schedule the one that I stick to I think that was a my schedule that it says today we're going to play disco ducks I think I forgot to prepare that moliro doesn't matter good but doesn't matter Dark Horse that five droppin necromancer which one I mean this guy sure and he's flying and he estas thinks is in a balloon he's not mega thing like he do like eight minutes that he didn't play it I think I have too much chakra in this specific duck oh you want the one i supped it's Anka the Buried there's not much I can do I'm gonna yes but who is demand from goodness you might ask music has an impact on plant growth and doing a project about it for my AP biology class sure you can also talk to your fans than they grow better sir it's plants are organisms and they they live you know what doesn't live uncle because she's she's buried York two things I would like to share a step it's pretty good concetto stop that I can share a step this one though and this deals damage the only rule was the only rule we had was you have to play yok just saying we did play York he just killed himself it's not good you played York let's see what is commbuys he stores are two of us then he's summoned scrub had killed start over let's go okay he is DB ancient one makes sense then also I think I shouldn't have not burnt Mistral minstrel many ways looks like somebody someone to be ancient one yeah I didn't I didn't think about illusionist I thought he's going to summon scrap at into a second Stalin incredible nobody else is incredible this is incredible this is incredible Nega there's the incredible pod easy well-played lethal easy lethal we could have also just yes chef face time for double crispy ancient one paladin let me explain this thing because it looks you see it yourself you drop a quest usually making mummies you have a bunch of minions you some of the ancient one after an emperor take use your quest Europe oh you know what I want to say you know which words I would like to use in this moment you can keep this you can also not and not keeping that might be better then at the end you're going to use a second quest go in using your spell's yes like this one and some other stuff because of the adren then is summon Galvatron and you have infinite value until you die to fatigue easy attack right that effect it's like half a minute to explain also thank you for your follows appreciate we got to 23,000 something something follow us which means we might do a special actually I think at 24,000 follows we should do a 24 hour stream just because we have done one in 2018 and none and 2019 we should do one I think we should do one and Excel wait they have to be with it's supposed to be a fun best-of-five if they if my Dax would be good that would be boring like imagine watching to good people playing against each other what's that grant masters nobody watches that I don't care that much about the competitive part at least if you play against the front gotta play some wacky bad acts if the host eggs won't be good huh will be worrying I also feel like I just kill him because the my cars are actually good he still takes a lot of damage I'm not sure if he planned to heal like you've not seen a single cut that hits last game where's the Yorker there's no York I wanted to fit in York but I also want to make the deck somewhat viable and I'll just put in a bunch of random and then we have like how many spots are ten you know like a few homeless I feel like I need to stop attacking his face he's taking too much damage I did something right we're still here Thank You Lourdes what up whoo so he doesn't die mmm and Errol seems good we use good yaagh lethal if I had one shot I'm missing my York what I know is Krista crest is finished but I'm still killing we play correct until years like 10 health that was good could it be jealous of your nose how did you come to receive such a beautiful specimen this old schnauzer barren I if I was I was born with that I was born with that okay now we stop attacking this face we still have to do all me and I'll meme asleep later the ancient one and copy that or number two we placed second crest in some agave don we actually have five different ducks and we only have to win with three of them and because I put two one conditions and conditions into this one we should be fine problem is still I'm missing all my card draw like other cuts that draw things I'm missing them and if I topic nothing for like ten turns now right don't leave friendly it's bad only friendly minions given trait noses true in real life you should always play correct no fire you get in yet what up you spot stop it what is he doing what exactly is he doing yes time left and I have to have left I need to topic something it's a topic something wrong person need to get my AIA thank you on a bits we will do some different stuff soon I was there when I was getting our mean condition this is the one problem I put in a bunch of Katra like five big seven things poor Louise if I don't get down we don't draw stuff you don't Ross yeah ribbon ribbon India paladin yeah and they secretly admin don't burn something good now the problem is we we put in mean conditions thing is that the mean condition is not here so far due to said in layman terms I need to draw my blood on my second quest we're not doing that which is bad are we gonna do better just kill them and then this doesn't count should I not kill him and then this is really just we wait didn't think about this specific part know what I mean like if he also sells my stuff that's like I need that one see this one is good that one that one was helpful I was about well then we can summon this and then we can kill her we have to summon ourself and then kill em first an adult hand off $1 out yeah there we go hand over that actually a good cut it's pretty much your version of mark of Yasha Wragge but you don't need to have a beast that is fine as long as he doesn't come a blood I won't kill his blood if he doesn't kill my blood that's simple if we do hit at once we're the ones on gender League of Sims oh I saw the sonim yesterday on the subreddit and I had to laugh a lot and looked at it a few more times it's the left who laugh about this when the Sun is up I'm going to show you the past it has 69 votes right now it is exactly 69 up BOTS actually if it happened V and it points down you point at an interest book this thing as to start your take damage from non targeted stuff like mine blast yes they're not immune they're just stuff like minister stuff against an AoE big mana oh you stop it my secret to being so handsome um my voice cracks every now and then I need glasses yeah that's my secret voice cracks and glasses hope it helped I do get those back I think right because they die I get that mic yeah easy max all naxx is out next is down to like 10 bucks 15 next is reduced Baraka might I saw no more glasses here but back in your day I could barely reach at I mean I have more time now a chat is going so fast like it's flying by basically it's it's like excuse East red it's it's so fast no need to be speed I need to look at things to blog yeah I read that problem is I can't underly the only condition was to play the be ancient one never to use it to kill him if he said to vanish we going up to the night by 2020 version please also is tedious not enough can you hear this everyone twitch Prime subs now let's actually win what about the winning palette now we don't need to it seems good are you doing winning we bother reading chat I have to reach that I might not read every single youtube comment but at least look at them one day after video was posted so if anybody post anything on YouTube I see it this is the message she 100 year 100 year one she want you to hear sure which you want lovely that is incredible Thank You yogi thank you see and there's our second crust we can even finish the second crust now who was your favorite Collider saw chat who is a favor colitis or is it Gabbard on is it gathered on op with us cuz its gathered on the last colitis or e gut taunt plus one plus one poisonous wind fury attack and a lot more get out of here that was a good topic sorry for the short p.m. we had like little like 18 turns ago easy clap now our stupid C'thun vory attack which I didn't really think about that much now needs to win oh yeah please let this die the emotes you get from the scam train are so bad they are so bad yeah that that's a good hyper mode that's that's a good high V mode that's a good hyper mode that's a good high P mode and those are right here get the Bigfoot yeah the hype rewards are really just you don't use them you don't use them often well thank you guys now it's time to draw a bunch of things and then do the C'thun part yeah and there's this sexy beast Solem w I made that myself can you believe it can you believe it I made solemn W myself I took a picture of myself and stretched it out I think he's double crust roaster right I mean oh yeah right the red I mean diary of a simpie kid diary of a simpie kid when did Salam get his own book I think this is hilarious that fits fun fact the only book I ever read in full Japanese was Diary of a Wimpy Kid look what do you have oh hi mark that's a nice amount of upvotes yeah it's Damon maximum status for C'thun no but after 100 100 C'thun does not dear MA damage if you consume this at a million American doesn't money it's a hundred image yields 100 image XD Nana's funny yes or at the great Wizard of Oz talking about wizards thank you talking about wizards I know who of wizardess Harry Harry's a wizard and Harry has like eight bucks Harry Potter's like eight bucks right eight moves at box I think I wanted to buy and rape them but I already watched the movies like once or twice is it so worth reading the box after watching the movies after knowing what is going to happen he's what he's a wizard Hana scam train I hope it's going to answer thanks Connor 500 Connor I watched you stream yesterday your skin looks good for mania mine looks decent not too good it's they're worth okay because then I might buy them I all set planned to read the butcher books misty game was good the show was good the books might be good thing is though I'm not sure how much time I have Yuri it like if I scream gently for like 3 to 4 hours and then I also make a video I'll make like two videos and then also have to do human things like walking around and living and eating and stuff ah I could probably try hard and read like one book a day it is that enjoyable maybe not also so fy'y he really just stole things maybe took like a thin I hope he didn't coin this one out because we have this guy next trivia question how is his brother called how is the other twin Emperor called anybody knows his name and you got 7 min goats regular to the other one now back lean ash vac Neil ash Neil Ashley Nash I think the NS first starts with turn to an embryo that that's not that's not wrong it starts with true mem twin ever us a backplane ash I think without or isn't than Hannah no you're right law back yes I was good it's called one or a joke if you want to try it I will probably get that lay down perfect it draw - this looks like this looks perfect actually so we do a vampire an ant and C'thun and double double that man that way in Germany do you live I stayed in common for two years I don't know what that is or whether it is I live close to Berlin not quite but almost era yes in the past two days in the past three days we got 379 subs and it's a lot thanks for gifting so many that's like a lot of artists like a lot no keys dollars yep also this doesn't mean you got it this always shows up even if you don't play um film interest Africa's our stock option just shows you that he gets buff because it reads forever but if you would get one afterwards it's the buff it's it's kind of weird I know weird 90% quest which you face the quest page Robbie I didn't face a single one the entire month in the past week didn't face a single cross-match really not not a single one can we can we can we trade I can play pirate War II against them and win I will be appreciated bet if I thought still this doesn't matter this is good and this one is a great come up our tool more cartoon sure greetings I will just say if you face quest men should play aggressor and hope they don't a flame breaker just play pirate warrior I might have a small hiccup so if I make stupid noises as always ignore half of it five out of seven hey Polly finishes that next time it's this tag bad for this one no no no no no no a snake is not bad still waiting for the next quiz the next quiz might be next week the one crews I made the one who's I made I will upload that to YouTube and see how people like it and then go from there you want me I really want to keep this guy I want to shuffle that guy but I might as well drop this guy next turn right if I drop gets the next one is not that though I mean he could be but he plays MRI so I probably just need to draw more cards at oles here readings anyways I which offer like five six seven cards into attack and then he's in fatigue and then he might be dad oh here's Amara into a seance and then he's not that it's two and one it would be more interesting if it's 2 and 2 and bad I don't think we're going to lose this just a feeling I have I think we're not going to lose this get one mana sure just get like 20 30 Manor it's like it's nothing like what it's like 20 Manor if we had York you would have more spouts now we burn the last card anyways doesn't matter go for this okay um last question should I use that man sent here I probably should just have a bunch of cards Murdoch no okay got it love this music you mean well wind yes great I like that which is a slow delay so whenever your answer I have already done this shuffling and execute execute is good because C'thun damages things did you really get my c'thun I don't think you got my kit Boone yeah and this kilts my kitchen ah though who is ready to buff C'thun even more and then at some point maybe use it I'm ready probably dropping next time it can't be forgiven if it doesn't have it yes it can I'm not sure if the animation shows but at least this one looks identical even if he doesn't have it trivia question number two he is playing double cast my opponents cut back how did you receive it and when if you know it you get 18 Dingles if you know the opponent's cut back and how to get it yeah that's perfect so we got this he probably killed it better in heist run the Roy eraser feathers also wrong weights on the horse stonemasters actually yeah you got the opponent's cup liquid cheering 2,500 bits in the play horse don't channel on twitch for like a one-month period and if they received like 10 million total bits are so not not to milk that's too much a bunch of bits they released I think they gave us twenty eight packs a golden card pack this card back and it was also distributed among the participants it's not heroic galvanized interesting that you all get it wrong I lost a few corner you smart the other on heist looks different Delrin heist is more like more like pinkish like dalaran this is more like purplish like which it's wandering terrorism yes yes after knowing where it's from it's wrong not in Karason or a sustaining two and one and you sad shuffle execute look executors great see I can execute that I can recover from a golden yes you can click on uncrashable cuts away de can cry you can craft them a golden get guaranteed so this happens and pop run I mean I guess we just go for this and we just shuffle things don't know I shuffled no Cara but I assumed he had nothing last turn and he's out of cards now and I've heard giant C'thun might be over twins to anyone who voted that we are going to win you might have been correct unless we die here unless we die yes Reno next turn there could be the case actually but it's to mana yep yeah we don't be up this will never work on that I ever sad that means showing that strongest time but c'thun ish I shown shown bright like a diamond yoke worked and this was a harlot and there's something I always need to do my Cuba does not have a less than sign so I always have to search for less than three then copy this area and then paste it into our stop is usually a hot as my response swag yeah whop light I assume this will be on YouTube so wanna follow me on to it and swag young reg you arty we are probably links down below and then stuff yeah outro time [Music]
Channel: Solem
Views: 36,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone wild decks, best wild hearthstone, best wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone legend decks 2020, hearthstone best deck 2020, best hearthstone decks 2020, solem hearthstone, standard, solem, constructed, descent, dragons, descent of dragons, wild shaman, wild rogue, wild mage, wild warlock, ashes of outlands, demon hunter hearthstone, ashes of outland, year of the phoenix, demon hunter, wild demon hunter
Id: ll9aQrym8j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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