The Return of Jade Decks | Solem Hearthstone

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we play wild in a different way today is we enjoy our Jade archetypes we're going to play Jade rock again because a rock and I want to play flick I just like the cut we're going to play ket's jade druid that used to go to legend with which looks really weird because you play dragons and rates at the same time and you even play this one tentacle menace did anyone ever play this card against you anyone ever the answers not then for me oh we can play today we play this card today isn't it going to be fun maybe it has some dope animation I never played it but probably hasn't because it's an epic matter legendary we have some cards in here we are this year dart and we also have Jade Lotus shaman and we not just have one bad card ania not just to bad cards but three to make a more interesting just to set out as I would like to play the mean cuts in here are the Warlock favorite classes mage then broke because you have car generation and well Harsin is quite random I like random I like to have cards if I play a card game I want to play the cards in the game I know it's it's very simple but I hate playing classes like paladin hunter if I don't have card draw where's the best-of-five in three hours 40 minutes to my normal time one against off along youtube going to be uploaded sir he is not my canto he has the worst open era which means he might be arena hours yes yes this is so pious so I'm going to make a video on the youtubes we'll just cause broken the things you can do in hearthstone maybe a phrase it differently collaborate Dane soon I never talked with Dane maybe should hit him up [Music] uncle sure you know thanks for reading see he has two vices zephyrus to kill Vargas and I still have this minion and the AMA okay he true tracking all kind of shots but not yet because I want to see how the best of fire gets ruffle performs first and then we do something else this is fun and fair you can now get paid be in a video and get my attention three things you always wanted to have because we now have an announcement Holly do you like after sternness over do you like custom cuts yes no it doesn't matter you can win and bucks with a box just seven bucks you just gotta join you can click on the hath cards link to create your own custom card it's very straightforward just upload a file or you know make an existing one and then submit that just give me a link to that we're going to make a video about that which is going to be titled I let 200 plus people I think 200 are going to enter I let 200 plus people design custom cards here's what happened back to horse time we dropped this select any card and go face base is not active now we go I have an unread message from Dexter if someone is going to win I will ask them because you have to fill in and what's your name is I will just do not be like hey where'd you take at the idea from find out pretty cool I think you just go for this and kill Brad I know he's down to ten but I think you have to do it like this no no how are you doing good Jesus legit hell don't go there Carosa don't worry I was watching twice and I was watching out of you and they played that and they selected dragons and one it's so random there's one guy in chat not an hour chat but on others people's stream caught nerd note and let's go backwards though his name is dren I don't know random thing but I remember him and it can be caught that already exists but with another text if you want to a guess it just called custom cut this win says the game for your nightmare who doesn't like nightmares are like man we all like nightmares if it is only two days then I have to save all the entrances tomorrow I guess you're like total same Hercules Mel bath around how are you guys doing back in dough that is the new card people have not played and Festa torrent in the past period listen to your boss is it do it here this one is freezing trap I don't okay how can we dad yellow KitKat Hey orsten will be so interesting if it goes up to like 20 man and have something like two minute per turn mode we have a green outline what's tha because not just one no actually just one because one other streamer has Ted and I like the idea who stands out in this list obviously Patra because she found out with the G fuel and has a beanie but who stands out in the list of people who are online I made a circle myself drawing first getting Mahama if you get top ticks break branching paths you'll be good at solemn hey wandering boy good night Ariel good night sir Dex took your circle - I think it's cool it does stand out Regis approved the circle as all that matters they know it's a good idea no that is not the best trick this is been on the field for the past seven points you might want to buy tonight right that well because I enjoy miss playing I think he has hmm renown hand anyways who dressed spending six hours of your time watching twitch that's great we will do the custom cut sweetie I think next week I have four videos scheduled after today three are left he's not on a single portal just saying thank you they should speed up the animation in the recent nerf foreign on earth passion they sped up the animation in Barents they should do that too for portals mentioned I do like miss plane I would just say every time you miss play in the future we should give to supper something we sing thoughts on thoughts Matt bro let people be here that is a big chunk er an absolute unit alright and and we use this one and only wait our turn Anthony trades on the rerp bongo man doing good the first time here well might be last time now the magic number right I like the fact that you can read I already like you yeah would it use this one no wanted to is poisoning seeds we drop this get a second natural ice yeah that's good is it is too damaged and then we give this one taunt because we can you can't a Rattrap I don't come on retro posted alright I think it was both new classic they do mr. bannerman golden and he's great he can make something a squirrel or he can make something a 5/5 which is also battle he steals a 3/5 I hate this game your mom is a standing shut up illidan thank you I saw um hi Sasha we are inside the custom card contest all you can basically do is a rip off someone else's artwork you're not talented he doesn't have it nobody plays knows off [Music] oh just blue can be 0 mana yet which is Brewis repeatable this turn it not now Hanako as the Kazakh is creating a potion not discovering a potion but as part of gree - it draws the opponent who cuts a mine stoppable I think I am they can now shuffle Jade's play tentacle Menace it's only but if he is something like pressure plate what you do okay this this is obelisk I know if my god cuts back I feel so happy even though just pieces of paper of cardboard not going to open anything odd thank you oh I'm stupid I'm an odd yeah we fatigue for a little bit I forget about the fatigue damage whoops happens Maariv misplayed again oops all I see is we have lethal if he doesn't clear eight nine oh he's mad I'm mad for him there's only one thing only one last thing before I miss play no matter what he has is that right I feel like I would just go for attacking I've laid off but if he has a summoner taunt guy he doesn't okay didn't see he had explosive trivia see that doesn't matter I thought he has someone told me it's it was still not correct up to it like that doesn't matter he is that we won the game we are fashion back is they even bought our short you like it I like it look at this this is who well not to you too mr. fashion yeah I was born with it taste and fashion I guess I just lost it in a hotter boy actually yes it is if you play on low ranks or really hiring serious how many pass to is in case that I don't like it I only have two pairs if he's walking next turn this sucks and after hmm with Dwarfs on it no I only had banned much and there were no wolves zero boss in my life honest perfect so we can get those back of this one back I like the fact that all of you is that claim come on at the drop command and drops command even though nothing happens you guys look so stupid the entire time every time you used to command it look so stupid and I like it whether we you you assume yes but I want to I thought about this yesterday I would like to actually prepare that and not just click on play because clicking on play might resort or nothing happening that sounds kind of boring I would like to prepared though I need to do some research on which tax to play you play speed tools on my DS from 2009 yes I just play that lobster we lost if we don't get was a cult second of all there is second kiddo we had stopped that man was the one in 20 isn't winning fun is it better to have to taunt minions as a better to heal twice as to develop no dueling Nexus no no either Dueling Network dueling book whatever it's caught the one that father play this one whatever this one is either this program or something else there's a little that looks similar okay it's a good and the only thing I don't like about this one is he don't play infinite shutter mode and then I started playing our style oh yeah faith sorry I skipped a message what did you say mate we to play player fades bat want to start wild and worse which cuts to the key from boost a brooch or a second is zero time they all say it's not like it's going to manage we can hear of how we can get this and he's going to concede I don't know your collection I don't nobody want to play Ibiza yes they got that's what I could tell he was early acts he does draw seven cards roxtor thanks for telling me that you're going to be afk Nico of course it you can embark and they are Hall of Fame not which was just saying and I I don't know I guess it's still around I just don't see anyone ever playing it and then we can trade and now I can use this one I can use this one of them came here open direction for a jade guy again and this one and next one we can go to random because we are probably not going to die that time thanks divided favors be osseous it shouldn't be the way it is but it is the way it is as a Batman I guess we need to here first and then go for this just to be one percent sure we can also ignore absolutely everything he doesn't just go face into it which might be the better play you search what Oh another one and he's out of cards great good job wait here silly acts left quit I think yesterday's left all right my hand was kinda bad wasn't it he missed played twice and we lost oh right see that was fun right that was ha any participants anybody would like to you know take it ha ha six two nine eight seven like everybody want to play the jet shape so I can make a video out of all three but this stupid duck doesn't work this is the one okay I guarantee you this time we're going to make a 5/5 Jade at least we're going to drop nazar we're not going to downtown five and it's going to be good as the history line it's the rebar I did Toby top that that's what we did and I plop taking that this is the game trust me Joel Oh nobody caught Civic unless you would like to be called right and without here but you are not win this game I think this is going to be the game even if he has bats shouldn't matter he doesn't good if we write someone we place better grants into the okay all of you sinner never mind them yeah then we don't race that's a lot of know that that's a lot more than I expected okay who do we write that visa card rates any hearthstone streamer almost every person is playing paragraphs okay um we could write arena we haven't ready turn like two two weeks three weeks she's playing nyow nyow nyow maybe maybe us forest we don't hasta forest Boston can host us because he probably doesn't know exists but ya think no not today this tells from you also place nazar might be a really long game ischemic heart will be a fight not on this one earlier we don't start serving Paragon stone vorak you know I streamed 100 of better grounds actually to because I got sponsored and one when it came out so three hours in total and I looked at how many of us we had and how many people didn't care and then I stopped playing now because no just now we play wild because it's a wild oh I will eat something soon that is bad if you place your erection stuff looks like he's playing a standard tag actually now all we need is code Latin we are fine but I really want to win one game with this one first so I have the YouTube video done all right water turn you know the standard for every single device and then if you've watched an ad you actually have to watch it that they track your ice and where you look at imagine that they'll be so good for marketing but so horribly for every consumer and I should sell the idea I could if we can make a plan for that one yeah that's really bad where is my outlet I don't dare to dance with death get away from me I hate Katrina this is horrible I don't know who made that they did a bad job I also seen on openin training we just wait we're going to lose the stand attacks now who know chief what doc that's good for new players to us oh that's a great question go go you linked it click on the link and you get four perfect axe why did I include here but instead of tasty Finn I'm doing nothing and his albatross Weiss I will lose to a stand attack yeah what light what a turn again we do nothing we just cut this out of the video and they improvise vanish and then next time we don't talk like vanity for albatrosses yet cord life shuffle that a lot of times bunch of times and actually win I mean intercut we don't I don't know who does it to get it he played zero invoke cuts what is he doing this is going to work trust me yes only one oh not true if you loose with one hour you lost the game you can lose with to lose oh s--- something is not displaying good luck yeah but I want to play with playing with this time preparation is a rookie worthless spell but didn't play that we kept prep we kept like 5 cards I wrote down stuff we can talk about ah let's see we talked about everything oh yeah one last thing for the merch contest one of you guys won one of you gets get Sega place one of you guys got third place do you guys have any preference for a merge company though any website you would like to buy merch from if you were to buy merch or ever bought much before do you like teespring do you like December humans any of those any of them any website because I will need to sign up for that and then obviously create that much you know the reference equal right so yeah we get the cord light I hate this game and I hate you too this was a waste of time I'm not yelling you're yelling like yeah no go this deck is horrible and he should never play it and then every flick next time there we go he wondered that right he wanted to have some elders on my right now we have that this deck is horrible I hate it [Music]
Channel: Solem
Views: 59,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone wild decks, best wild hearthstone, fun hearthstone decks 2020, best wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone legend decks 2020, hearthstone best deck 2020, best hearthstone decks 2020, solem hearthstone, standard, Saviors of Uldum, solem, constructed, descent, dragons, descent of dragons, wild druid, wild hunter, wild shaman, wild rogue, wild mage, wild warlock, wild warrior, wild priest, wild paladin
Id: GITlHK7Hyrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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