so what happens with this aging is we cook in our kitchen and we unknowingly are creating ages and we're destroying our food but it's good for us because it kills bugs it increases the flavor of the food and it makes it easier for us to digest the food so we should cook food but the factors that affect what happens to the food is humidity now pay attention here because this is all of you in your kitchen humidity the temperature at which you cook your food the ph and antioxidants that you cook it with wet cooking is preferred CU I already told you moist when you have moist cooking poaching stewing brazing steaming very good anything that's moisture cooked is going to have very little ages in it the other thing remember because it's moist what's the highest temperature of water you can go to 22 you're done you can't go higher than that you done that's how nature planned it nature did that for you protected you oh my I I need 420° so frying in fat and oil avoid it even shallow frying and deep frying you got to avoid that cuz the temperature look you all know that a reaction you want this reaction to occur quickly what do you do increase the temperature and this is exactly what we're doing when we're frying your Foods you're increasing the temperature too much unnaturally the only time nature will see that is when you incinerate a body that's the only time it'll see such high temperatures so the higher the temperature the more ages you're going to manufacture you keep your temperature down the longer you cook the food the more ages you'll also produce high humidity produces less ages pH how can I adjust the pH of my meat or fish or chicken I marinate it with lemon and vinegar come on I knew about that you knew about that you all been doing it but you didn't know why you are doing it but now you know that you will never cook food again without marinating it properly with lemon and vinegar and the reason why because I'm teaching you today that that changes the pH of the of the food so remember reactions occur based on temperature how close they are to each other and the pH pH also affects all these ages yes sir it's very good isn't it so it's teaching you so you want to put lemon you want to put vinegar and you want to marinate it and then eat it because that'll produce less a stages in it and the methods look at the temperatures boiling something will take you to 100° broiling will take you double 225 de deep frying will take you to 180° oven air frying 230° why do you think I don't use my air fryer at home and I discourage it cuz it's dry high heat and when it becomes nice and brown and caramelized or whatever that term is delicious tasting oh yeah I didn't fry in oil I air fried it excuse me you just made the same amount of Ages not doing anyone a favor do not air fry your food for goodness sake roasting takes you to 177° Too Much microwaving food now this was very interesting in my research so when you microwave food so here you got a something let's say it's just a piece of U meat chicken when you micro it how does it heat it is it from the outside no the microwave goes inside the chicken and the water molecules inside start oscillating and when they oscillate they Liberate the heat right so it's water so what's the temperature that's it so surprisingly and we've all been taught to stay away from microwave stay away from microwave stay but actually micro now of course you you have to use microwave utensils you cannot take stainless steel and put it in there you can take copper water why because the microwave will heat the metal and you you have a problem right so here when you have these utensils and you put the food in it only the food will absorb the microwaves and will heat it up to that temperature so I'll show you some some numbers so the Dos are your meat balls make them in a stew because a stew temperature is only 212 meat curry make a curry out of whatever you're going to make curry I I think those Indians had it right the curring currying making a curry they had it right from the beginning making a chili a chili is also okay it's not going to go too high in temperature and what is this suid what is that that's French of course what they do is they poach the meat right they put it in they have a little temperature probe that goes in there and it tells you when it's ready but it's cooked in water basically yeah it's very nice you got to buy that little machine and then broiled Meats has 50% less ages than grilled Meats meat microwave meat has 50% less ages that's interesting isn't it the microwave meat has 50% less ages in it than blackened or grilled and all that the dones do not dry the dry processed ground meat for example hamburgers sausages they have very high in ages remember these ages not only cause aosc disease premature aging all the things I talked about but also promote cancer because to not have cancer you need a perfect physiology right that physiology where these cells come along your T cells your B cells or micr they recognize cells that have gone bad and they take them out they take them out but that surveillance system is all dependent on the right stoo chemistry of your molecules in your body to do recognition they can't recognize if they can't work properly they can't recognize these abnormal cells promotes cancer deep frying shallow frying should be avoided because you got the lipid oxidation and the temperature all together Perfect Storm you're making lots of Ages now you're cooking inside as well you getting cooked roasting produces ages grilling produces ages we talked about that already so let's look at some numbers what is the daily recommended ages look all make ages okay as long as you're alive you're all going to make ages right as long as you're alive you're always going to make and the body has a mechanism to get rid of Ages right it has The receptors they get rid of that little bit of information comes in and then you get your homeostasis what is the definition of homeostasis homeostasis is that your body is allowed to swing within a narrow range so you're always going to make some rages it's just that when we make so much rages or we consume to much rages that our homeostasis gets knocked out can't handle it anymore so you are allowed 15,000 burgers and chicken nuggets 7,800 you're already halfway there my friend processed cheese 8,700 that's a lot because remember the fermentation process will generate ages as well the older the cheese the more ages are in it so you can have some cheese but just have a little bit breakfast bar very healthy first thing in the morning I'm going to have a breakfast bar today 2,200 I'm already well on my way there tofu not that healthy not an advocate of tofu has a lot of Ages in it butter in 3 o got 26,000 units margarine 7,000 of course you don't want it because it's got trans fats peanut butter 7,000 look all this is processed stuff peanut butter Fried Chicken 8,000 one portion poached is less than 1,100 rather poach your chicken raw chicken is less than 800 of course you don't eat it but I'm just trying to show you that when you poach it you're going to make some ages but you're only going to make 300 but moment you fry your chicken now you've created 8,000 ages bacon fried with no oil 90,000 in 3 oz of of it wake up in the morning I'll have some eggs throw in three slices of bacon please and you've already topped it and you're wondering why your skin looks like the Sahara Desert parched and okay let's look at some more stuff beef when you boil it it's 1,538 when you roast it it's 6,00 when you grill it it's 7,400 when you broil it it's 11,270 now I know some of you are taking pictures of this but this is going to be on my video as well you all will be able to see this because I really really want you to look at these numbers and share them the poultry is 1,100 only if you poach it but if you pan fry it it's almost 5,000 if you roast a barbecue it's 18,000 so don't tell me that roast chicken is that good for for you it's going to Blacken it it's going to destroy the meat it's going to force the Mad reaction and it's going to force ages in it because it's it's all unnatural it's that oil proteins glucose is already in it high temperature you're done and maybe you didn't marinate it now you're even worse off than before salmon salmon goes up to pan fried 3,000 broiled 3,000 boiled 1,82 why do you think I like salmon so much H when we go out we have salmon right eggs look what happens when you fry an egg it goes up to 2,700 that's why you rather poach it or if you make a a a um loose scrambled egg that's fine and that to take it off quickly don't let the egg get brown the Mad reaction is the Browning reaction anytime you turn the food brown or black you you're done you you you you've hurt yourself you've hurt yourself your food must not turn brown or black cheese American cheese 8,700 too much grains now look at this whole whe bread is only 36 now where is all the ages in bread it's in the crust cuz the crust has turned what color brown biscuits oven baked 441 chips 865 high temperature you ever go to one of these manufacturers big ovens high temperature boom boom fruits and vegetables very low all right all of them are very very very low right and even milk for that matter is low even whole milk evaporated milk is slightly higher why because there's not much glucose there there's there's galactose in milk but that's the sugar that's in milk so high temperature very bad low moisture very bad so you want it moist lower temperature so broiling grilling frying greater than 177 not recommended so 25% less ages in chicken if you steam it or poach it that's how we're going to learn how to cook from onwards that's how we're going to learn how to make chicken low slow and slow cooking is better for example a crock pot a pressure cooker and of course the fancy French way and then Curry right Curry all learn how to make curry chicken curry whatever you want eggs poach them boil them pan fried creates ages and lightly scramble your eggs and then take it off quickly the moment the white is now no longer clear and it's become white just take it off that's what I do I take it off quickly I don't I don't let it get brown I don't crust anything the crust is no good inside the bread is 10 times less ages so actually if you know the aristocrats that were very smart in England years ago what did they do they used to make sandwiches but they take the crust off remember they and then make this cucumber sandwiches right now bread has has high glycemic index so make sure you don't eat too much bread but at least you're not getting the ages there too so there's always a tradeoff so if you have to have a sandwich because you're having high tea with the queen well then sure you can have it okay not a problem quantity is very important dose is is in the poison right so there you go so whole wheat versus white flour no difference so don't think I'm eating whole wheat so I'm getting so much better no all you're getting is the husks the husks have more vitamins in it and some fiber in it but as far as the sugar in it is still pretty much the same and the amount of Ages still pretty much the same so whole wheat versus white bread curstin added to bread reduces ages I love that because what that means that if I'm going to make bread from now onward I'm going to take a capsule of curatin which is a flavonoid and just put it in the put it in it while I'm cooking it and I'm going to make less ages while while the bread is being baked okay cheese high fat and old aged cheese has more ages because of the pasteurization long curing aging time more fat also in it older the cheese old cheese continues to evolve right old cheese gets older and older and cures it makes more and more ages unfortunately yeah I I do like cheese because they do have a lot of um uh they have a lot of fermentation products in them which are nice but you can't overdo it grains and legumes so what is this cook pasta alente what does that mean that means just don't overcook your pasta cook it for only 8 minutes you'll generate less ages 12 minutes is too much rice less than 10 minutes instant pot highly recommended not only kills eltin but also produces very little ages lentil should be soaked overnight and then moist cooked in your pressure cooker so get a nice pressure cooker get a nice instant pot whatever learn how to use it because that I'm telling you is your ticket to remaining healthy don't black your vegetables don't over don't destroy your vegetables less ages in the Raw of course we don't need raw stuff too much but go okay fine you can Grill it but don't blacken it don't blacken it when you start seeing charred stuff on the top it's no good and if you do see it kind of take it off nuts big one roasted almonds has high ages same with other nuts don't eat roasted nuts what do nuts have a lot of Omega 6 what is that Omega 6 doing when you heit it up you're causing more peroxidation you create and it's got some sugar in it yeah you're creating glycation end products again you want to eat nuts eat them raw if they sugar and honey and then roasted that's even worse cuz now you've got all the ingredients in it right so you're nuts you should go buy nuts you can have nuts I don't mind nuts don't eat too many almonds they have a lot of oxalates in them so have some pistachios and some other nuts that you want fine and then just buy them raw and then just roast them in small batches without any oil on them and just lightly and then take them right out that's all you need but don't roast them till they're all brown and nice and caramelized definitely not or eat them raw that's the best high fat spreads like cream cheese mayonnaise have high ages don't use mayonnaise you don't need mayonnaise cream cheese prefer ghee or refined coconut oil why and look I said refined coconut oil it's the only time I say refined as opposed to Extra Virgin because refined coconut is more healthy than extra virgin coconut oil so you use ghee or refined coconut oil because those are saturated and they don't have those empty bonds that can interact and become oxidized so if they don't get oxidized they can't participate in ages production vegetable oils are high because of too many problems in the purification process do you know an oil processing plant looks like a petroleum plant so bad and you want to eat a product out of that no way dry heat prepared crackers chips cookies terrible but they have great taste and you know what they also do the manufacturers let me tell you something else they do they make ages separately and they add it to the food CU it tastes so good can't resist it so they not only do they make ages while they're making it but they add it also for your enjoyment so if you enjoyed this short segment here's another clip that I think you'll really enjoy and if you'd like to see the whole video then click here