Eat these foods to reduce harm from Advanced Glycation End Products [AGEs]

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I hope that this lecture is going to wake up everybody out there to realize that you may not want to make ages in your body and take every step not to make them but you're consuming them every day and you don't even know about it ages from exogenous sources now wait a second you mean to say that you you make ages in your body because of all the bad habits I talked about but you also eat it yes is found in all the foods that you are all consuming these days 70% of our food that we consume today is processed foods and all of it contains ages but lucky for you only 10% of it is absorbed into your body but we eat a lot of processed foods so it ends up in your colon where it affects the microbiome and we don't even know what the microbiome is going to do with the ages right now that's under investigation right now but I can tell you it can't be good because if the bacteria in your gut are eating up all those ages that you put inside through your mouth those bacteria down there they got better things to do and that population of bacteria will change so you're changing the whole ratio of the good and bad bacteria in your gut just like how when you eat sugar you you create bad bacteria in your gut so your whole metabolism changes this is very important your microbiome we talked about that before very so here you have ages how I grilled my beef really blackened it ate it went into my intestines those poor bacterias they suffered CU they had to eat up some of that ages and the whole balance of your microbiome changed plus some of those ages 10% got absorbed into my bloodstream now I have a problem so I was trying so hard not to make ages H didn't I I watched what I eat I watched my sugar and everything else but then I ate a real blackened piece of meat and I just undid everything I just undid it continues glucose monitoring that's for you so how can you inhibit the formation of these glucose and protein molecules I'm just going to go through a few of them here first these are the synthetic ones on the right side metformin and aides um and these vitamins B vitamins and then flavonoids um and the natural ones are curcumin alphal poic acid Ginko celery red pepper parsley mint green tea they'll ring a bell with you you knew that they good for you now you know why they good for you and what is the mechanism now you know what the mechanism is this thing called naringenin what's that founding that's found in in in in Citrus for example herpin is also found in in Citrus that doesn't mean you go out in Juice no it just means that you eat a little bit of a lemon piece or you eat a a a slice or two of orange or some Citrus or grapefruit or something don't hog on it just take a little bit that's all you need just a little bit so now we come to all these outside ages the ages you're putting into you ages are bad don't make it in your body ages are bad because you shouldn't be consuming them but you're consuming them and not know about it look I hope that this lecture is going to wake up everybody out there to realize that you may not want to make ages in your body and take every step not to make them but you're consuming them every day and you don't even know about it so let's look at those so these are reused and reheated old Foods you take old food you've put all the molecules together they cooled off now you reheated it you're going to they're going to glue together you're going to make ages sugar in the food glucose in the food fructose in the food aldhy in the food are all going to start combining with rancid fat cuz when you reheat oil what happens you get peroxidation of oil you're getting Renity of the oil so now when you reheat the food you're creating the perfect setup to make rages so I take this little thing I put it in my my pot again and I reheat it and my ages in it was let's say I'm just going to give you a number it was 1,000 units of Ages in it I hit it up now I've just bumped it up to 2,000 do you see why I don't it left over foods and I don't reheat leftover foods and then packaged readymade food anything that's ready made made in a factory how do they make it they heat it right they heat it they bake it they do something with it creates ages and the thing about ages is they're delicious that's the problem with ages that's why you are consuming ages and you don't even know about it watch watch listen pay attention any food that contains high fructose corn syrup or sugar is already attaching itself to all the other molecules in it so let's take a cookie for example it's going to attach itself to the protein in it it's going to attach itself to all that fat and which fat do they use by the way the bad ones right the puffers so now that sugar so that cookie is full of Ages high temperature dry cooking who does that processed food industry right high temperature dry cooking how cookies made how cakes made how all these things readymade stuff made all made with high temperature dry cooking so now what's the dryness all about I'm going to explain that to you now okay exogenous ages where you forcing the glucose and the protein and the lipids to combine happens when you fry something when you broil it when you're blackening it when you're charring it when you're baking it and all cereals children what are we doing to them so cereals baking Ching blackening broccoli and frying destroys the food do not destroy food these are unnatural all of these are unnatural our predecessors did not have all this our bodies were designed so many millions years ago without all this this is modern man creating this and when they create this that's no longer food these are products these are not Foods this is not food this is altered by us we blackened it we charred it we baked it we calized it we broiled it we we did frying to it it's unnatural to fry just a couple 100 years ago it would have been so hard for them to to fry stuff today we can fry things just like that let's dive right into the bad effects of what you're consuming what you're consuming Will C cause tissue damage so that will cause you to have diabetes cardiomyopathy small vessel disease renal failure your gut floor will change you'll get fatty liver from consuming these products and we know that processed foods cause all these diseases we know that in the brain you get leptin resistance so what so these ages go to the brain leptin is a molecule a protein that's supposed to tell you I'm full I don't need to eat I'm sated so you get leptin resistance so you get hungry all the time you consume ages look think about it take a packet of chips Doritos tells you actually you can't have more less than one you keep eating you can't stop you cannot stop it's amazing it's so perfect because your brain never gets the turnoff signal you eat you eat these Foods you'll never be satisfied but if I gave you half a stick of butter I think you'll stop eating more because you'll get a signal in your brain I'm done but with these foods which are not Foods these products there's no turn off signal because these ages have turned off those signals so your bones get osteoporosis we have an epidemic of osteoporosis but everyone's on a high calcium diet vitamin D supplementation taking the Sun as well and all these things and still getting osteoporosis what's going on CU When You're inflamed the body wants all that calcium so it increases your ostop clastic activity because the body is preparing you to go to war because there's inflammation going on inflammation so it knows that it needs to store so you get fat it needs to be inflamed because you're going to go to a war so in your liver it causes inflammation the fatty liver today what perc of the population has fatty liver more than 50% of people have fatty liver and yet at the turn of the century it was less than 5% okay now what are the natural ways that I can bring my ages down now look at it vitamin E but it should be in the form of natural foods that are rich in vitamin for example all your all your nice vegetables and the fresh nuts not not roasted nuts I'll come to that in a second curcumin alphalipoic acid parsley and the flavonoids that are found in all these colorful condiments that we put with our food nature gave us these condiments to overcome what we're going to inevitably get some ages in our food but combine it do the right combination put some celery on it put some parsley on it cook with some cumin in it and you will see that there's intelligence there mint and Sham of course fine artificial ways that you can do to reduce ages include acetal salicylic acid metformin and then there's a couple of compounds that I've listed over here and I'll come to those in a minute cuz I'm sure people are going to ask me well what I just want a pill well I'll show you you might be able to do a few things to help you but it won't help you too much it'll help you a little bit so what are high in ages the foods all animal products are high in ages unfortunately because those animals already have ages in them why because you put it in them how you fed them corn instead of fresh grass you gave your chickens corn instead of giving them worms and letting them run around and pick whatever they can pick so what's happened is that these we eating sick animals that's why today's meat is so high in ages because the meat itself is sick eating a sick cow now if you understood what I just said would you want to eat a sick cow would you want to eat a cow with metabolic syndrome no cuz then you're going to get metabolic syndrome but that's exactly what we do eating sick chickens and you're eating sick red meat so they have too much Omega six in them because they all eating all the wrong stuff they don't have enough omega-3 and they have lot of Ages in them tons and tons of Ages in the in that meat and then what do we do with the meat we broil it we air fry it we grill it we roast it we barbecue it or we bake it there you go now you've just increased the amount of Ages so first of all it came loaded with ages and and now we just made it worse the foods that are naturally lower low are high carb foods that means they only have carbs in them there's nothing they don't that Sugar doesn't have anything else to react with but of course I say don't eat that either because I don't want you get diabetes then your sugar will go up and then you'll make ages in you do you see the Dilemma we're in so let's say you take a root has lots and lots of sugar in it it'll have very little ages in it but then you eat too much of that your sugar will go up and then you'll make ages in you see it's a problem foods that are naturally high in water the very moist foods will have very little ages in it that's why I'm saying eat real food real food in its natural state lots of water in it still them and high in phytonutrients phytonutrients that means different colors of foods yellow purple red green vegetables you see let me tell you something you can have all the proteins and the animal but all these other vegetables are medicinal because they have flavonoids in them they have polyphenols in them that's why you got to have your protein whatever you're going to have but you got to have your veggies with it cuz that's the medicine to offset the damage from the other meat you see you need the combo raw uncooked vegetables are fantastic they have hardly any ages so if you enjoyed this short segment here's another clip that I think you'll really enjoy and if you'd like to see the whole video then click here
Channel: Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD
Views: 94,826
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Keywords: Cardiology, Education, advanced glycation end products, what are advanced glycation end products, advanced glycation end products how to reduce, advanced glycation end products foods, advanced glycation end products diabetes, advanced glycation end products (ages), advanced glycation end products explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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