Healing School Session 1

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hi this is Joan hunter welcome to healing school of Joan hunter ministries and I'll be going through the book healing starts now we are going to embark on many hours of incredible revelation that God has shown me over the last 45 years of my life and your life has an opportunity right now to totally completely change and get ready because we are prepared we are very prepared to talk to you to give you incredible insights into the word but more specifically in the areas of healing and I'm so excited that you have joined us today and literally from all around the world and and so I just want to really encourage you that whenever you listen that this is going to be an exciting time of literally just hearing the word getting the revelation that God can use you I want to start off with the word this morning that is literally I think it's pretty much in every one of my books and it's Ephesians 1:17 through 19 that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of the inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe and it's according to the working of his mighty power now that is a great scripture I love it it's it's literally one of my favorite scriptures and I want to just kind of teach it that particulars sure a little bit differently throughout this seminar we are going to be teaching you how to prophesy and part of it is we teach you how to prophesy the word and so for example you can point to a mirror and say today the god of our Lord Jesus Christ is giving to you what you're talking to yourself is giving to you a spirit of wisdom and and revelation in the knowledge of him and who he is and the greater understanding of how your eyes are going to be opened up to the things of God that you're gonna start seeing things in the spirit realm you're going to start seeing people that really need healing whether they have any outside appearance of that or not that you're gonna know what the hope is of your calling you're gonna know what God has called you to do and not only that you're gonna experience the riches of his glory of his inheritance now for years and years I read that and I thought my inheritance is when I die and I want to be with Jesus well that's not when you get your inheritance you get your inheritance when somebody dies before you and leaves everything to you so Jesus died and he in turn has left us all of his inheritance which is all of him which is what we're going to be talking about pretty much first off today and exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to working of his mighty power working in and through you in and through you and it's very exciting when you get the revelation and in Chapter one of healing starts now it talks about you're a thort actually chapter 2 talks about your authority and then chapter 1 talks about let's just kind of really get into the word so hopefully you have your book which is the manual healing starts now mine is spiral-bound because I use it so much but hopefully you have gotten you were able to get those through the website or whatever you haven't gotten them yet definitely get them and we can start going through all of that now what I want to do is people assume that I'm in the healing ministry because of my parents I have a brother who's not in the healing ministry not in ministry at all so it's not based on my parents Elijah and Elijah Elijah hung around with Elijah and got the mantle he learned he studied from Elijah and and he got it even though there was no blood relation there was time in there and and so this is what I want to encourage you it's not based on who my parents are it's based on who my our father is and and so many times people will say I want your anointing I want your annoying well let me tell you you want my anointing I'm gonna save you 45 years of going after it and with our healing school that we're teaching right now and the books and the revelations that God has given me through the years are you can advance 45 years in knowledge just by reading a few of the books and every time I get a new revelation I put it in a book and which is really awesome that God can trust me where that's concerned and the thing is it's like when people say when did you start you know when you get your call and I want to eliminate some of the different things if you're waiting for a call bring let's get it you got it and let's go on the call is actually in mark and how as a believer that we're going to lay hands on the sick and they're going to recover we're going to cast out demons we're gonna do different things like that we're gonna see people get the bap you're absolutely spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues so forth and so on that's the call you read mark that's your call and now obviously there's a call what I call a call within a call meaning a full time traveling healing ministry is what I call a call within a call and and so traveling with my mom and dad I learned there's I was in many services with Kathryn Kuhlman and many other people Jerry B Walker was one of my favorite a lot of people don't know who he was and he was just an amazing man but I studied from several people in the healing ministry people that had been in it for years and years and then I remember when when mom and dad first got married in 1970 and none of us had the Babson's Holy Spirit and and so all of a sudden we were introduced to it approximately in 1971-72 and I thought my parents had lost their mind because they were telling me about it without having it which was an experience in itself and but what happened is when they got the Baptist only spirit signs wonders and miracles started happening like never before and I want to encourage you this is a time for you to really into the word we were trained that it was not of God but let me tell you it is of God and it opens the door for healing for greater anointing than you've ever walked in in your entire life you want signs wonders and miracles to follow then that is praying in tongues praying in the Holy Spirit and you can call our office will be happy to pray with you to have you like literally walk you into the baps and the Holy Spirit you going to experience power like you have never experienced in your entire life and so did healing happened on you did you just all of a sudden boom you knew you were called in the area of healing no not exactly at all okay I remember one time we were at a huge high school auditorium and they had very performing arts stages and so we could get hundreds of people on the on the stage and so mom and dad lined everybody up in four lines one two three four each line had over a hundred people in it and I'm thinking man mom and dad are really gonna be busy mom looks at me she goes you take one line I'm like take him where and you know she goes just take him just pray for him what I'm like 20 years old okay and so I thought okay I really had not really very much experience at all I've seen them pray for a few people but I was basically away at college during that time and I and I and I started down the line and you know a few people were getting saying the spirit things like that and and so I go down about halfway and I get to the Ellison this lady is screaming and I'm like oh my god I hope you're okay you know that type of thing and and because we had catchers and everything everything looked fine so I came back up there and and I said are you okay she goes I can see I can see I said are you kidding and that is how I kind of started out actually praying for people I was pushed out of the boat and praise God I was able to walk on the water and and I remember that now and I'm actually very very shocked if somebody that I pray for is not healed and even before I sat down I just got a message from somebody who's been dealing with a lot of health issues and he reached out and he's in ministry and I prayed for him and he got totally completely healed he says I've got myself back now and you know what this time that we're gonna have together is getting yourself back getting yourself healed in your body your mind your soul your spirit and your finances God has healed me of every all five of those areas so I talk not well this this person got healed I don't know what that's like you know I'm gonna talk to you from my heart and from my actual experience and I just want to really encourage you is to you know to really do this and it's like people say you know when you go when when you're done with this how do you feel how do you you know I'm like it's really hard after a miracle service at night time to go back to the hotel room and go sleep because I'm laying there you know or sitting there in the chair in the hotel room just basking I don't want to say basking in the glory but basking in the afterglow of what God did I'm like that was like so awesome this person didn't have vertebrae so I got vertebrae then this person had a migraine for over 15 years they don't have a migraine anymore and this person you know didn't have this and have that and they got healed and they don't have pain and they don't have pain in their heart anymore God healed my broken heart syndrome you know and and I'm gonna share just just with you right now we're gonna be teaching you in a lot of different areas of healing and I was in a service a few months ago and as the lady responded to a word of knowledge so I prayed for her and she got healed and she said I really wish you would pray for my husband I said okay where is he yet so he was over here the rows were about five rows deep and very wide but about five rows deep well he turned and he pushed to get himself up barely to get himself up and he had to hold on to each row of chairs to get up to the front with a wireless microphone I can go anywhere so I said do you want me to go back there I can go back there he goes no I'll make it to the front so he eventually comes to front I said what do you need Jesus to do he says I have a neck problem a knee problem and a shoulder problem I said ok that's easy because it is easy because it's just the power of God flowing through you which we're going to talk about in just a few minutes and so I prayed for his neck put my hands around his neck he grew that was exciting two or three inches and his neck got till it healed his back got healed and then I pray for his knees I went down and put my hands on my on his knees and I said father name of Jesus I cursed any kind of trauma in these knees I speak to new knees thank you Jesus and he goes you know puts knee up knee up and he goes thank you Jesus and new knees and I said now what's wrong with your shoulder he says I don't have one I went what do you mean you don't have a shoulder and he had a suit jacket on and you can actually get padding in here to make it look even and he had a lot of padding in his shoulder to make it look like he actually had a shoulder but as he was walking he was kind of dangling his arm so I said ok God you gave him two new knees she gave him new vertebrae and discs in his neck there it's not any harder giving him a shoulder and you know first of all you want to go Frances why aren't you you know or somebody else to do the praying but but you know what it's Jesus calling on the name of Jesus I put my hand on the shoulder I curse the trauma or his rightist osteoporosis different things that had literally eaten up his shoulder and I put my hand on it and it just kind of went down and I said father I thank you and I speak a recreated shoulder whole new brand new rotator cuff in Jesus name under my hand formed a brand new shoulder that was crazy wonderful awesome beyond words undescribable and I was like everybody was screaming excited because he raised his arms from dangling to raising his arms and praising God and on the way back to his chair he was waving his arms around waving his neck stomping his knees up and down going thank you Jesus thank you Jesus totally completely healed the purpose of me telling you that story is yes let's get our faith to a whole new level of creative miracles but you know what I'll never forget that shoulder being formed in my hands I want you to feel somebody's shoulder being formed back into there in under your own hands I remember one person he was born without a calf and it's like you know when was a mustard leg wasn't wasn't unless you're like cuz there was no muscle and just praying and all of a sudden he's like I have a muscle and he's screaming everywhere I have a muscle I have a muscle and God supernaturally gave him a muscle right there in the service so don't limit got it and you know what what was pretty amazing it actually matched the other muscle and and and as if it had been working out with both legs so I want you to start seeing these miracles and you can start by just reading the books you can start by listening listening to every minute of this time and teaching that I'm sharing from my heart and from my experiences to you and and I just want to really encourage you there are many people say well God can't use me well the Word of God says those who believe are going to lay hands on the sick and that they're going to get healed so whoever is telling you including yourself that God can't use you you need to really think again and the thing is is that David in the Bible thought that God would never use him because of his sin well the thing is he repented for his sin and became a man after God's own heart okay it's amazing the power of repentance and unfortunately many times our family members will try to encourage us that yeah or I should say discourage us hold on a second excuse me many times our families will discourage us they'll say you know you're an alcoholic you can't do that you haven't had a drink in 22 years okay you can be used of God and the thing is is I want you to get the revelation and you need to tell yourself I am called of God God has anointed me he's appointed me and he is going to use me and you know and I want to encourage you like when you get done with with hearing me is go to a supermarket go to a store of some kind go over there and see somebody ask somebody God actually tell them but ask him God sent me here to pray for you is there anything I can pray with you about and you think well what do you mean God sent me here well my steps are ordered of the Lord and many times as I'm walking through the airports and different things like that I will meet somebody who really needs to know Jesus who really really needs healing and God has appointed me to be there at that exact moment when that person walks by and so at that point just remember God has ordered your steps number one number two if you're afraid of praying for somebody you're taking on the responsibility of their healing it's not your job to heal your job is to lay hands on the sick and see them recover and so go and pray for people that you don't know and a good example of this is I have a daughter who's a doctor and and she had she practiced so to speak surgery on cadavers and she didn't know them they obviously didn't know her but I want to encourage you to go and pray for people that you don't know you'll be absolutely amazed I was talking to a policeman last night who is a friend who is ordained to this ministry and he says even when I started reading your books I thought I can do this I can do this and all of a sudden somebody came up to him and he was a Muslim and he and he's going wow I really hurt and it's like well God can't heal you because you're not saved no that's so not true God uses signs wonders and miracles so that people will get saved and so he was he was sharing with me about how he pray for this guy the guy was in so much pain and he told him he says Allah doesn't heal Jesus just healed you and he says now say thank you Jesus and he says thank you Jesus because jesus healed him and and I want to encourage you and he was on his job but somebody somebody was there and a co-worker and he goes he goes man I don't hurt anymore what did you do it's what Jesus did and see I want to encourage you these signs wonders and miracles are gonna start happening through you get ready get ready for a shoulder to literally come under your hands a kneecap to be reformed under your hands and I want to encourage you now is a time and now is the season to see incredible supernatural miracles happen in your own life and if so it's interesting because one time said Roth asked me to be on his program and he wanted me to talk about how come as a person in healing ministry that I can pray for people and people get healed and then if I pray for myself I don't get healed I said you know what I'll do anything you want me to do pretty much but you know what I can't do that I can't teach on that because I had a very large goiter and I prayed for a new thyroid the going her to go it went down it was amazing and I said I hurt my knee I prayed it over my knee I got a new knee and and then I my daughter who's a doctor she was in med school at the time I said I'm so tired I'm so tired what do you think it is and she says well I can't diagnose you but I would say it's probably your adrenal glands and I said okay where are my adrenal glands they're on the top of your kidneys so I went like this with my thumbs put my hands behind my back and put my thumbs on the tip of you know my tips of my thumb on about where my kidneys were and I said the name of Jesus I speak to new adrenal glands and I tell you what that next morning I woke up like I had 500 shots of b12 and adrenaline and everything I totally completely got all my energy back and I said I can share with you many times of how I was healed and in 2000 diagnosed with breast cancer and we're gonna get into that a little bit later of how I got healed but I was supernaturally healed of breast cancer I laid hands on me I had my parents pray with me and that's the extent of what we did where where that was concerned and then after that I just would never get my heart heal but once again we're going to talk about that later on in the sessions and I want to encourage you nothing is too hard for God people ask me well does God heal this does God heal that well let me tell you there isn't anything in the Bible that says that and then people that says that he doesn't want to heal you there is no disease though fibromyalgia is not mentioned in the Bible as a word but it doesn't mean that God can't heal you God wants to he wants to heal you of every every every single thing in your life and I want you to get ready for God to supernaturally heal you like you've never even dreamed before now this this series right here is teaching yes teaching you how to pray for the sick but you know what if you're sick it's going to teach you how to get healed and throughout these sessions it's going to be you know getting healed you getting healed in your body your mind your soul your spirit and your finances then in turn you'll have the knowledge to go and to pray for other people to see other people healed in their body their mind their soul their spirit and their finances and as you know most of you know the mission statement of Jonah Ministries is to equip believers to take the healing power of God be the four walls of the church to the four corners of the earth well what are the the four corners of the earth and it's obviously take it out of the walls of the church for the four corners of the earth we're gonna start off with your family your neighborhood where you shop and where you work and when you do those four then it's amazing how God will open up the world to you and and I remember how many many years ago God I was preparing because I really felt a pull in my heart to be used of God and this is very very important that you listen and you're sensitive to what God is telling you to do in every area of your life and I was preparing I had gotten some outfits that you know have slacks and I could put my little you know the battery pack on the back and at that time they did a lot of permanence and so I got my hair permed and and so forth and so on and and then I was like okay and and I had my sermon notes you know one two three four and and you know I was I was ready I was ready and and God says I'm gonna send you out and I was like hallelujah and I had co-pastor Church for several years at that time I'd done some traveling with my mom and dad but there's a whole big difference of God sending me out rather than going with them and doing things with them and so at that point I said I said okay I'm so excited I feel like I'm ready I'm prepared in my heart I've got the knowledge you know is before these books were available but I had the experience I was all set to go and I said God where are we going where are you sending me I was so excited so excited to hear God and he said I'm sending you to the grocery store now I heard Greece you know not the grocery store but Greece because I go to the grocery store every day with four dollars I go I went every day okay and and he says no I'm sending you to the grocery store and I'm like okay I could be saying but I'm the daughter of Charles Francis hunter I've been in ministry at that point probably 15 years you know and you're gonna send me to the grocery store I didn't do that by my grocery store and I said you know I go everyday for my girls and he says you go everyday for them now I want you to go for me and see if you're faithful in the little you'll become ruler over much I did go to the grocery store and if I had not I wouldn't be here in front of you right now but it's important that we do what God's called us to do no matter how minuscule we think it is so I told Melanie I said let's go to the grocery store what do you do at the grocery store you figure out what you're gonna eat so at that point I was going through do you want meat do you want steak you want hamburger chicken what do you want for dinner at that point I'm going melody melody where are you I can't find melody anywhere and so at that point I said okay god I don't know where melody is and in a few minutes I hear hey mom come over to aisle four I've got somebody for you to pray for okay so I go over to out for pray for somebody the president gets healed in the name of Jesus I'm praying eyes closed so a few minutes melody melody can't find her she's over like it aisle seven hey aisle seven I got somebody else for you to pray for pray for that person I suppose prayed and then by time I got to the next time I found her she had somebody else ready for me to you know to pray for I pray with my eyes open and one hand on the person and one hand or in Melody's hand and because I didn't want to lose her again and it was so fun because we ended up and we got fast food on the way home because we had our own little miracle service at the grocery store and once again if I had not been faithful in doing what I had done there God would not have me in front of you today and I want to encourage you no matter how little it might seem God has a call on your life and if you're saying their toe doesn't need to be healed you know and it's like yes it does if you've ever had a broken toe you know how painful that can be and all you need to do is God sent me here to pray for you you look like you're kind of hobbling you have a foot problem toe problem may I pray for it and they'll go yes yes you just go down pray for that tow come in all trauma to go pain to go thank you Jesus how awesome is that and and watch them go wow it really doesn't hurt anymore and I was praying for somebody even last night and he was totally healed on the phone he you know several states in the state of Florida and he was totally healed he goes he goes I'm not kidding you I really got healed and I said I know you're not kidding me that's what happens he says I've seen too many people that they get prayed for and they lie because they just don't want to get prayed again prayed for again and embarrassed the the person doing the praying he goes no man I'm telling you I'm really healed and I said I know you are I said just keep going thank you Jesus had a problem was back in these running around his hotel room totally complete healed and see this is what God wants he wants you to be strong and to be able to even pray for people over the phone I remember one time my daughter spice hurt her shoulder and I got on that computer and we were communicating through a chat and I said you put your hand on your shoulder and she put her head on her shoulder I put my hand on the screen where her shoulder was and I said father the name of Jesus I curse a trauma and I command that shoulder be completely healed I told her I said now say thank you Jesus go like this she went thank you Jesus well I was really cool you know she was over in Arizona I was in Texas but see there's no limit to prayer you get prayed on the phone praise God for FaceTime and different things like that you can actually see the person and and see them heal and which it's like very very exciting and and I just want to just share what some of the different things that and continue on in just some of the different things that I've experienced I've shared with you some different things and I have like pages and pages of testimonies that I want to share with you that will correlate with what I'm teaching but before anything I just really want to pray and for God as the scripture in Ephesians as it said for God to open up your eyes with all kinds of wisdom and knowledge so let's just pray father right now in the name of Jesus I send the word of revelation and preparation in Jesus name to all that are listening within my voice that are hearing me today now when is today today is the day that you're listening and father right now in the name of Jesus that you open up their heart to receive of you that you open up their heart for their hearts to be healed today in Jesus name that you open up their minds to be able to to comprehend what I'm sharing that you open up their eyes as they read the word as they follow along in the book that they're going to be able to have incredible revelation through what I am saying that father that you open up their ears to hear you more clearly and to hear what I'm saying and to hear it from a pure heart and father I just thank you for opening up their hearts in a supernatural way amen amen hallelujah so what I want you to do now is turn to chapter 2 in your book of and that the book the primary book that I referred to when I say the book will be healing starts now and this is my copy which once again - spiral-bound because I teach out of it all the time it's very simple to get it spiral-bound and and I just want to teach out of the authority that belongs to us and when Jesus Christ died Jesus when he died he says I'm leaving you on behalf of my father everything that's on the inside of me all power and authority that in that all the power and authority belongs to God but he in turn infuses us with the power of God and as we lay hands on the sick we are a conduit for God's power in the name of Jesus to heal it we do not pray in the name of Joan because trust me that doesn't work actually I wouldn't know because I've never done that but see what God wants us to do he wants us to really get in and be aware of our authority if you don't know your authority then you are opening the door for the enemy to come in and trample all over you and and I don't want that to happen we've got a shield of faith breastplate of very important word here righteousness and we have the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God that rightly divides the Word of God but see we have all power and authority that Jesus Christ has given us and when Jesus comes in we have all that we need now Jesus is mature but the Jesus on the inside of us and the knowledge we need to teach ourselves we need to read obviously number one read the word and then read read books if you want to know more about healing the prophetic different things like that you in turn can learn through other people's revelation but also get your own revelation which is really really awesome and and as a believer you have this the Word of God says to study to show yourself approved that's in Timothy 2 verse 15 and as you as you see the word and says that you study to show yourself approved and there's another one that says many are called but few are chosen I like the interpretation or translation of many are called a few choose because see what I'm doing is a choice what I'm doing I have yes it's a call of God in my life but I chose to walk out that calling I chose to accept that calling on my life and the thing is for many many years I've been saying God's looking for people to say yes he's looking for people to say yes but you know what he's looking for people to say yes which is correct but I've had to add a line with follow through with follow through sooo maybe we'll say yeah yeah I'll do this and then they don't and they quit and it's like I remember they came to one of my services and fifteen years ago and then they came to one a few few months ago and they said you know I kind of laid this down and she says by being here I've gotten all excited again that you know I can do this it wasn't just for those few couple of years 15 years ago this is for today and and it really reassure and rekindled what was on the inside of her God is looking for people to say yes with with follow-through okay another way determine is you must be willing and available you must be willing and available now the greatest lie is that you can't do it you know and and I was told I could never do anything I would never be able to read never be able to write you know I have over 21 books right now and I'm constantly writing and God's given me more revelation which is like really exciting but you know what I had to remove that label of canned I had to you know cut off those words which will be going into that very soon on cutting the Ward's off in the power of the words that were spoken over you but see God is looking for you to be available to him and sometimes people go through the to the grocery store and they see somebody limping over there and they go I don't see it I don't see it I don't know who you're talking to because God knows you do see it but see he showed he opened up your eyes to see that person that had that need and when you understand your authority as a believer and and the the revelation that God has for you that it's like you know when the word says when the enemy comes in like a flood he raised up a standard against us and so there's a wall of protection where God is concerned to protect us against anything any kind of attack of the enemy then we also have the breastplate of righteousness you know and the shield of faith a lot of different areas but see the thing is the sword in my opinion it really shows the authority and and he can you know the person in in the uniform can raise that up and have their authority now is as a pastor of a church if you tell somebody I need you to help with Usher's and be in charge of the Usher and the guy goes well I don't really feel that that's my calling I don't really want to do that whereas the pastor has the authority to say okay George I need you to be in charge of the buckets handing them out and he knows his authority the parishioner also knows the pastor's authority and we'll do that and we'll follow through because receiving the offering and buckets is not necessarily a calling you don't have to have this great revelation from God to do it you have given instruction as the head of the church for this person to do it and they need to be willing and available and agreeable and here's a big one obedient and doing what the person of authority has done if they don't obey then the pastor will get somebody else and and that's what's really sad in many times I don't want God to do to choose anybody else to do what he's called me to do I only want to do what he's called me to do and I don't I'll share my knowledge but the call of God in my life I don't want to share because I didn't follow through what I want is when it you know whenever this happens whenever you die and you go and you meet Jesus and God speaks to you I want him to say well done thou good and faithful servant I had nothing else for you to do you did everything I asked you to do I don't want him to say I had so much more for you but you didn't think you were good enough I had so much more for you to do I had so much more for you to do in in receiving of finances and I just really want to encourage you this is a time and a season for greater things to happen like never before and we always pray once again in the name of Jesus because Jesus is the power that and he died on the cross he took stripes on his back the stripes on his back specifically were for are healing every healing the provision was made over 2,000 years ago and and it is he that gives us the power to lay hands on the sick and and we have the privilege of using his name everything has to bow to the name of Jesus everything and as I pray I pray very specifically and and many times in our services will hand out pieces of paper and we encourage people to to write down what they want prayer for we will pray over every single thing on that list very specifically not okay father heal him of all this stuff no we go one by one and as I was preparing I was reminded of this little boy in Galway Ireland and his grandma was taking care of him and his any fell and and he got a big old goose egg on his head he was four at the time and he's upper teenager by now probably and so grandma put her hand on his shoulder to pray for the goose egg over here father in the name of Jesus he goes grandma that's not where it hurts took her hand it hurts right here and I'm like a four-year-old child has got the idea this is where it hurts let's pray right here in the name of Jesus for the pain to go she put her hand right there's big old goose egg went down pain left instantly and I believe once again praying very specifically okay and like people say you know I just asked God to tell it tell you well I could be naming 350 diseases but you know what I don't know specifically yes I operate in word of knowledge but I'd rather give have a list and they're really what you know that you need to be healed of and and go down that list and watch God heal every one of them it's awesome and see everything that is made under heaven and earth has to bow to the name of Jesus be obedient be obedient once again let me repeat be obedient you know be obedient I I know I'm I'm not stuck on that I know what I'm saying you know but the point is be obedient disobedience is the deadbolt on the windows of heaven that holds back all the blessings of God obedience is the key that unlocks all the blessings all the calling all the wisdom and everything the Great Commission is to go ye into all the world go ye into all the world preach the gospel which is like so exciting and and lead people to Jesus and I think it's so exciting my mom and dad has such a call on their life to to lead people to Jesus they led people to Jesus everywhere they went every public restroom every restaurant every waiter every everything and I like leading people to Jesus but they had such a call in their life it was it was amazing that was the Evangelist within them and and I just want to really encourage you that once again we need to pray with authority we need to know who we are in Christ we need to know that well God if it's maybe kind of it might be your will to pray for somebody no it it you know to heal somebody know in the name of Jesus eisah command all that pain in the shoulder to go in the name of Jesus amen and every disease every situation must bow to his name and you need to once again learn how to pray with authority you know what and you can pray in a whisper and you can pray in all the authority that Jesus has given you but if you kind of go the mamby pamby okay don't be doing that you some of you may not even know what mamby-pamby is but let me just say just a very weak insecure well I hope God will use me kind of a thing know what God wants to do is he wants to use you he's going to use you he just wants you to get your hand out under from under here or under sitting on it or behind your back or in your pockets get them out because your hands are armed and dangerous amen and you can pray and the Word of God says that pray with authority number one I have given you this is Jesus talking I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy and that's in Luke 10 and Luke 10:19 and see the thing is is what God wants to do he's he's he he would love to come and go boom heal everybody but you know what he's looking for people to represent him wherever they wherever he goes and wherever they go and it's so exciting amen and he who believes in Me the works that I do he will do also isn't that awesome I mean the whole Bible can be summed up in that one line right there and greater works than these he will do and Jesus is talking that we're gonna do greater works than he did now don't take this wrong but I know that through me laying hands on people seeing people healed I have seen more people healed than when Jesus was on the earth and he prayed for people that's not egotistical that's what he is saying in his word in his word and what he is saying is that you're gonna do greater works than he did he never prayed for anybody with fibromyalgia he never prayed for different things and see and I want to really encourage you that this is our time and our season to really really be used of God and so there's that scripture just once again it's really a powerful scripture that when you know your authority you pray in your authority and let's just kind of go back over that a little bit he who believes in me and the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to my father and whatever you ask in my name in the name of Jesus that I that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it John 14 12 through 14 in that awesome anything you ask in his name God is going to do it he is going to do it in and through you and I want to encourage you that don't be afraid to pray for people we're gonna see incredible signs wonders and miracles and let me tell you if you know if you're battling you don't feel good enough you don't feel worthy well let me tell you what I battled that but you know what and it wasn't the devil it telling me this it was me telling me based on what I had been raised in and the words that have been spoken over me now this is a time and a season for you to rise up be aware of who you are that God has called you for such a time as this and to be used of him in a supernatural way amen
Channel: Joan Hunter
Views: 24,932
Rating: 4.9416385 out of 5
Keywords: Joan Hunter, how to heal, healing, is healing real, can i pray, how to pray for the sick, healed, miracles happen, healing school, joan hunter ministries
Id: Ie5qFmf-n8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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