Miracles Happen! - Annihilate Fear

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hi this is joan hunter welcome to an extremely exciting new episode of miracles happen it's going to be an amazing time today have you ever battled with fear uh yes have you ever had fear want to take you over uh yes and no matter what time of the year no matter what season we're in no matter what year it actually is there is always opportunity for fear to come in and today we're going to talk about getting rid of fear i have a brand new book and i'm so excited about it and it's called annihilate fear and it's already in the second printing in in less than like three weeks so i'm very very happy about that number one it lets you know the need and uh but this book right here will help get you set free it will present a path on how to walk out your freedom from fear i encourage you to get your copy today miracles happen dot tv and once again stay tuned for the rest of an amazing program welcome to miracles happen joan hunter has been traveling the world in the healing ministry for more than 45 years be aware of what the enemy is trying to do to you and say no more she is hosted around the world for healing and miracle services because wherever she goes miracles happen joan shares her tenacious faith in how to pray for the sick bringing people here and sending them out to the four corners of the earth that's my job she traveled the world with her parents charles and francis hunter for over 30 years i expect a miracle tonight jones sees healing signs and wonders happen all the time in the name of jesus and she wants to share this with you as anointed as i am so are you whether it's filmed on location at joan hunter ministries in tomball texas or from around the world you can be sure to hear good news and receive the resounding message that miracles happen god has anointed an area of healing body mind soul spirit and finances so stay tuned and join us for this week's extraordinary episode of miracles happen god is the body spirit and soul are you ready for your miracle miracles happens have you ever had an opportunity to really be afraid of lack of better terms lack not having enough money uh wondering where it's going to come from in between jobs over the last few years it's been and i'll say the last 21 years it's been a very interesting time in my life really really developing my faith in god and getting away doing away with my fear of lack and in the year 2000 uh my life literally completely changed everything about my life changed except i was still the daughter of charles or francis hunter but everything else completely changed and during that time there was fearful of what was i going to do in regards to finances how i was going to this happen how's going that happen diagnosed with breast cancer and then you've got the not necessarily the fear of death because i knew that when i died i would be an absolute perfect peace with jesus but i also didn't want to leave my four amazing daughters behind without a mom because a stepmom is good can be great but it's still not the same and i thought i am going to do whatever i can do to live and not die and declare the works of the lord but many times fear itself is an open door for sickness i'm fearful i'm going to get sick i'm fearful if i go over here i'll get sick i'm fearful about if i get on a plane and what's kind of an interesting story to tell you now is i had a horrific fear of flying yes flying i hated getting on the plane i was a wreck getting on the plane and and you know i mean i've done like two total all my in my life my adult life over two and a half million miles so it's a good thing i got over that because you know and i had a tremendous fear of being on tv not to mention a fear of a microphone and so i have had a lot of fear through my life and i'm going to be sharing with you some very very personal situations that have happened with me and one actually just while i'm sitting here came to me and brought brought back to my remembrance when i got married in the year uh 1974. um i got married and so i would lay in the bed he would be in the bed and i would literally shake the bed how old holiday ends you put a quarter in and it would shake the bed i'm not really sure why but it would just shake the bed and and i'm laying in the bed and i'm like shaking i'm like uncontrollably shaking and he goes what are you doing i said i'm shaking why i don't know i i really had no idea but the bed i was rocking the bed i was literally shaking that heart and and i'm like i mean i have no idea i i had no idea what's going on and so i have a friend named betty tapscott she's gone to be with the lord now she had wrote a book called inner healing and so i said do you have any idea why i'm doing this she says well somewhere along the line you had a fearful situation and then all of a sudden it was like wow it took me back to that situation where my brother was knocked my brother 6'4 was knocked to the ground bam like that and and i'm like i am never going to provoke anybody to make me that to to to to hurt me like that i'm never going to just make i'm just not going to do it i'm not going to cause anybody to cause that reaction to be that mad at me fear came in stronghold of fear whatever you want to call it spirit of fear demon of fear i don't know man but by the time you know i i was roughly at 10 or 11 but by the time i was 20 years old it consumed me and and what i had seen in so much abuse in different situations my mom my natural father different things like that that okay here you get married and then your husband is supposed to beat you okay i know that is warped thinking but that's exactly what my subconscious i was fearful when is he going to beat me when is he going to beat me and he never did praise god but the point is that fear was causing such a like volcanic reaction in the bed and so betty prayed with me and i never had another problem with it and i mean literally never had another problem with it and i just like thank you jesus i became aware of what it was when it came in what was i really fearful of and in recognizing that then you're able to deal with it and get rid of it and not have a problem with that because see many times this my books television program etc it's all a lot of it has to do with what's happened to me and what has happened to me i'm free and now i want to get you free of anything where that's concerned situations in the year 2000 um a lot of you know i was faced with divorce diagnosed with breast cancer fear of lack i i mean i lived in so much fear about what was i going to do if he left me or if in some way i got a divorce and that i knew i couldn't make it on my own and i was like fear fear fear fear fear of lack you know what was going to happen to me what was going to happen to our girls you know and i mean trust me the list goes on and that fear was a magnet fear what was going to happen in the family etc was a magnet one of those things and worry an open door that opened the door up for uh for me to have breast cancer when i cleaned up my heart got rid of the fear betrayal anger you know all that kind of stuff then the breast cancer left so i teach how yes i prayed over it but i teach how to starve your sicknesses to death because that's so important is that we stop feeding stop feeding our fear okay and what's so awesome is that many of you look to me as a leader um an example um a lot of you see me who i am today not who i was in the hell that i went through and the weakest person you could ever imagine shy fearful of everything once again and i'm talking about me okay and afraid of being on camera that i knew i wasn't good enough i knew i wasn't pretty enough i know i wasn't all this other kind of stuff and i said god if you want me on tv you need to change my face and through the years getting my heart healed god has healed my face and i'm happier than i have ever been in my life i'm healthier than i have ever been in my entire life which is not bad for right at 68 years old and but the thing is is that god has placed me in a position to be an example to be an example to be a leader as an apostle my job is to train and equip you believers to walk out your calling and so many people are afraid to stand up and and say and and be on microphone i had a situation happen the other day and and i said i told nikki ward i said nikki you come on up and give your testimony and so she came up i handed her the microphone i thought she was going to totally completely freak out and she did a great job i mean a great job and so she has taken what she's learned from me she travels with me some and comes to a lot of miracle services and so forth and how god has totally trained her chan changed her trained her so much so that she is teaching a healing school at her church they gave her like four hours and they said oh this is not enough and so she's doing it again for teaching we want more eight hours we want eight hours and oh i don't know six months ago she'd never held a microphone and i'm so excited to see how she has progressed from i don't want that to give me a microphone i'll take it and you know and preach and teach and do whatever i need to do and this is what god wants see my job is as an apostle is to train you equip you get you over the fear get you over being scared in texas it's called scared and you're just scared so much but i want you to walk in freedom i want you to walk in faith i want you to be completely free of fear i am free of fear and you know what this is a choice in particular this is your choice you need to choose today and let your actions line up with your attitude you can choose love you can choose faith and you can annihilate fear fear is a lethal weapon that the devil uses to try to steal kill and destroy you it's an assignment of death over your destiny and i want to encourage you that we need to annihilate fear put the devil in his place and do what you were born to do we're going to take a short break and we will be right back with some more exciting words regarding fear and annihilate fear joan hunter ministries travels around the world sharing the healing power of god joan hunter ministries is touching lives all over the world through live streaming events books and teachings and our prayer call center where miracles happen daily all of this is made possible by your prayers and support when you partner with joan hunter ministries you not only bless those who receive the message but you open a supernatural flow of blessing into your own life today is a day that my god is going to supply all of my needs according to this riches and glory today is the day that god's going to point to me as an example of his incredible wealth to become a monthly partner with joan hunter ministries call 1281-789-7500 or go to joanhunter.org today is a day of alignment today is a day for financial breakthrough today is a day for your healing today is the day i don't have to wait any longer for the promises go to joanhunter.org to give a one-time gift or text any amount you'd like to give to 281 771-1507 become a partner with joan hunter ministries today i want to share with you something that i recently recorded and it's called 30 days of favor and 30 days of favor you listen to that and you get the word of god poured into you about how he wants you to walk in favor the people that have gone through this class have had incredible financial breakthroughs they've had doors opened up one guy went back to work after listening to it and they just said we just want to double your pay and he goes favor favor and you know and and i mean that's that's pretty awesome to find to get your your income doubled like that but the point is when you listen to the word of god and it talks about the favor that you can walk in is so incredible and there's over i just highlighted 30 scriptures that talk about favor there's a whole lot more in there but as i go and i deliver these words to you into your spirit into your mind into your heart it is transforming people's lives not only with me but there's some days my daughter charity is on some days my daughter melody is on and it really balances out and they augment what i'm talking about to keeping it consistent and it's definitely worth the investment of getting it and putting time into it and then when you do it you can go back and listen to it again because i'm already going back and listening to it again again because if even though i spoke it i know what it was i know what the word was but it's done so much for me and here i want to listen to it again and again and i want to encourage you to either go back to the bookstore and you in turn can sign up there at the bookstore and they can get you the information then they'll send you the link or you can go to joanhunter.org and sign up there and get immediate access with literally within a day or two and you in turn are gonna learn how to walk in super natural favor miracles are happening everywhere and now you can proclaim it everywhere you go with the miracles happen t-shirt and blanket the t-shirts come in all sizes and a variety of colors as well as with rhinestones and without the miracles happen t-shirt is available for men and women get your shirt today and watch as god opens doors for you to pray for the sick around you both the miracles happen t-shirts and blanket are a constant reminder for all of us that miracles happen everywhere and check out his healing promises his healing promises is a selection of scriptures on healing read by joan hunter if you need encouragement about your healing or faith to trust god in a difficult time this is for you let your spirit be lifted and your hope restored as you listen to god's healing promises over your life go to miracles happen.tv now to order your miracles happen t-shirt and blanket or your copy of his healing promises or call 1281-789-7500 he loves you so much god loves you so much we sometimes don't even comprehend how much he loves us but he loves you so much he does not want you gripped literally gripped by fear basic fear can be healthy like fight or flight you know wisdom where that's concerned fear of the lord that's good but you know what once you get away from the situation fear fades which is really great and especially like a dangerous situation and the spirit of fear may try to come in and attack you situation happened uh very recently where one of my team members was praying for somebody and she sent me a text in the middle of the ministry she goes pray you need to stand your ground stay in faith and command a spirit of fear to leave you at once and like you know draw a line in the sand no fear is allowed into your home no fear is allowed in here draw the line and the enemy cannot cross the bloodline he cannot if you feel it coming on you oh i rebuked that in the name of jesus now what happened to me um in the year 2000 prepared me for what all happened in the year 2020 and the the fear of lack of income for the ministry for me everything not one of our employees went without god met our every need and i'm like this is a breeze comparison to because it was just me basically believing but everybody was believing for god to take care of him god took care of everything but fear and faith cannot exist at the same time you walk in fear or you walk in faith you can feel the spirit of fear try to come on you and if you feel it you know rebuke it in the name of jesus and just start praying in tongues and fear has to run because fear is afraid of the baptism holy spirit and when you're praying in tongues your faith will rise and fear will run fear will run when you welcome faith and trust in god in those moments fear disappears it's so awesome and he's there 24 hours a day for you for god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind that's second timothy 1 7. god this is so cool god has perfect peace for you not just when you look at oh they look like they really walk in peace no he has it for you everything you read in the bible points to god's love for you god's word encourages you to believe in him to trust in him and he will make it possible for you to receive peace and i remember and i'm you know i i'll go back on some of the memories just examples because i learned by examples and i i teach by telling stories jesus taught in parables so i teach in stories and and i remember some of the different things it's like in the midst of all of that in the year 2000 breast cancer broken heart broken heart syndrome kids were so upset you know and their hearts were breaking you know and i didn't even tell them about the breast cancer at the time because they had enough dealing with the betrayal that they were going through rejection abandonment and you know and fear of lack and da da da da and and so um what i did and somebody asked me i said what did what did you do to really really go after your fears and and what i did is i went and separated myself sometimes after i got home from work we would eat i would go into my bedroom and shut the door and just spend time with god with reed you know worship music going on in there and didn't want to destroy and disrupt their studies and stuff and i would just worship the lord i'd get into the shower and a lot of times in the shower i just cry my guts out because i'm like god i don't know how i'm gonna make it he says you're here with me but i sure do feel alone i don't know how i'm gonna do it but you say you're gonna do it and that time with him uh people call it the secret place just being alone with him and it's a refreshing of the water of the word and i went in there and i said god i am so afraid i can't make it during this time the you know end of or the beginning of 20 year 2000 i was one of the weakest persons you'd ever want to know but because of what i went through i became very strong and now i don't mind holding a microphone i love being on tv getting to share with you i love being in the pulpit sharing with people and fear is no longer a part of my life i've learned how to annihilate fear but see you must remember that you are in the palm of his hand and he loves you and even the midst of things you know we can try triumph over all of them for god has made us to be more than conquerors i'm more than a conqueror now i was being conquered in the year 2000 and pretty much my entire life before then he demonstrates his love in a glorious way and has he brings victory over everything in our lives that's out of romans 8 37 he made you you are more than a conqueror be careful of what comes out of your mouth oh i'm so afraid i want to lose my house do this no i'm so excited my house is going to get paid off this year well is that where you're going to get the money well the word says great transference of wealth and i'm believing god for that great transference of wealth to pay my house off and i'm excited about it and it's like so i'm confessing out of my mouth i do not walk in fear i walk in love and joy and peace sound mine and all that kind of good stuff and i want to encourage you first of all listen to what's coming out of your mouth oh i'm so worried it's driving me crazy and you wonder why you're feeling like you're going crazy life and death is in the power of the tongue i want you to i want to encourage you to speak over yourself and get rid of any form of negativity if you get a report then then speak it speak positive over it negative words welcome fear your words are your thoughts coming to coming to life and it's being destructive and fear see we don't want it to bring any destruction or fear in our lives commit it to the lord and your thoughts will be established proverbs 16 3. do you know how some people are afraid of failure and they refuse to try anything that is the worst thing an attitude you can imagine sometimes you've had people say don't even start because you you don't ever finish it and you don't do a good job so why even try and so they refuse to try anything get rid of the fear of failure get rid of the fear of lack get rid of the fear that you are not good enough you can succeed you were made to be successful and i want to really really encourage you this is a time when we need to really really go after god god wants to take all of our fears on him and you can walk in freedom in every area of your life and every day every day you can walk in freedom i want to encourage you choose today work in agreement with god believe the word of god obey what it says and be free from fear learn how to annihilate fear god's word promises that your plans shall be established and they will succeed if you're ready to evict fear from your life i want you to order my newest book annihilate fear i want you free from the spirit of fear the effort of fear and all of the stress that is brought into your life remember you are not called to be fearful or scared you can walk in freedom and and faith every day when you choose to trust god you choose love faith and freedom from fear i want to take a moment and pray with you today because a lot of people are fearful of losing their job losing their home losing their family losing their health and so father right now the name of jesus i send the word of healing in jesus name and deliverance because father right now fear can grip you fear can destroy anybody that's watching i don't want fear in any way shape or form to grab a hold of you and hold on to you i want you free of fear in every area this is a time that we need to destroy fear in our lives fear has stolen way too much so father right now in the name of jesus i just i'm gonna put my hand on my heart anybody that is dealing with fear and trauma i command every bit of that to go in jesus name and father i speak peace specifically shalom peace because that's nothing missing nothing lacking and nothing broken perfect peace and perfect peace casts out all fear and i want to thank you so much for watching miracles happen and get in contact with us go the website miracles happen dot tv if you wanna i'd love for you to make a donation so that we can continue bringing this to you on a weekly basis once again amazing revelatory book annihilate fear it needs to be in your in your home in your library but more so ingest it into your heart into your mind and i just speak a apostolic blessing over each one of you today thank you so much for watching thanks for watching miracles happen contact us at miracles happen dot tv or give us a call at one two eight one eight or connect with joan on facebook at facebook.com joanhunter and make sure to join us next week for miracles happen god is [Music] miracles happened you
Channel: Joan Hunter
Views: 1,834
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Joan Hunter, Joan Hunter Ministries, Miracles Happen
Id: v5oRFm2eQno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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