Angels on the Move

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we are going to do an absolutely incredible revelational teaching in regards to angels and I am very very excited about this because I personally have had incredible angelic visitations my daughter melody and I will be sharing with you and and I really hope that you get a greater understanding of angels and the purpose of angels I'm going to start off tonight and I just want to share with you just some really fun experiences that I personally have had with angels I also want to tell you that this particular time and season of eternity and here our time on earth in the Bible in all of the books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation not including Revelation and then the book of Revelation the book of Revelation has the same number of angelic visitations as all the books of the Bible up until revelation so what that means is that right now we're in a time and a season of great angelic visitation not only in Revelation but in us personally but many times we need to be aware of what's going on and I remember one time in a passenger vehicle I was a passenger in the vehicle and there was a car very much out of the clear blue we were going down straight car was coming into our lane and and when we I didn't see it completely until after the fact but we said Jesus and our car went whoop in the other lane and there was no way that that could happen except with strong angels lifting up the car and moving it and nobody was hurt how many times have our lives been saved through angels and I remember the first time I personally ever saw one my parents saw them quite a bit and and they would tell me different stories and and so forth and my dad saw them my mom felt them and and I remember the first time I was in a service I remember where it was I was just outside Atlanta Georgia and it was a bilingual church and you know and I'm looking out there and there were several hundred people there and I'm out there trying to minister and and I can't figure out what's going on these things are flying around the room they've got big old humps on their back and I'm like that is kind of weird you know if they're angels they are weird-looking angels because like I said they've got this you know this big old thing on their back and and and I was thinking about this earlier today and it's like did they have wings or do they not have wings but they their arms kept going out as if they had wings so it had the appearance of wings whether they actually had the feathers I don't remember specifically seeing the feathers where they were all dressed in white and and I had a word of knowledge I said somebody over there is getting a heart and and all of a sudden I saw them go like this and pull it and then boom and the person went like that and I thought that's a backpack full of organs I know what that is I was so excited and I'm like I speak a new Prostate whom am i and the person would go like that and then all of a sudden there we go my hunt and I hadn't laid hands on him but this is what happens and it's like the healing angels those two angels have been with me from that time visibly in every service in the area of healing and when people come to services and they need new body parts I believe that the Angels go to heaven and get a whole you know backpack full and if they run out because there's so many people that need them this will get more hallelujah because I've heard about the warehouse in heaven with body parts so I don't want anybody ever in any of my services to have your body part left up there I want it going home with you in Jesus name and I thought that was just really neat and then when we were in Guatemala I had a miracle service a healing school I should say and this guy came in and he says you know I'm in the healing ministry but I've had to quit because nobody got healed and that's a good reason to quit the healing ministry so to speak but he hadn't done in over ten years and so he says some ladies coming in town she's you know in Guatemala most everybody's Catholic it's like she's not Catholic and a woman and how could God be telling her and teaching me about healing but I don't want to miss it so she in turn our he in turn actually came in the healing school learned about healing and and I tell I said anybody in here have a problem with your knees and he goes so he stood up thinking I was going to pray for him and I say you put your hands on your own it was like 50 people that knee problem had knee problems so he puts his hands on his knees and he gets new knees right there totally blew him away and he goes home and prays for his daughter and argit's healed needs back in the hilum is your absolutely awesome story well he says man this really works you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go home because my mom needs a heart now I'm gonna bring her the service Friday Sunday night so he in turn goes and brings his mom the service same service or not staying here but there was like five or six aren't people there's not like that it was absolutely just jam-packed so powerful it was amazing and so I speak I said you know the images I speak a new heart there was like 50 people so it's a new heart new heart new heart new heart and at that point you know she went boom and and cincin got an email thing she had a couple of brand new heart which that's really awesome he got new knees and she got a new heart and and then Curtis actually got pictures of what is termed an orb and it's kind of like a ball looking thing and he got a picture of it and there was a heart an actual physically you could see the physical heart going to this person and we've got pictures of them and you know and with kidneys and different things that people get there the organs it's just so awesome what God is doing and so then I said okay I'm really sensing that there's a lot of men in here that need new prostate prostate cancer different things like that the guy whose knee got healed whose mom got healed stood up and and there was a lot of other people that stood up also and so at that point I said and the energy as I speak new prostate boom boom boom boom and he's like this he says I take that from my dad who's at home who's expected to live about a few more days and he says I claim that for my dad and so at that point they get done with the service they were so excited mom's got a new heart he's got new knees they go home and dad's up cooking and he's over there cooking and they're going what are you doing and he goes well something happened about eight o'clock tonight and I just felt great so I thought I'd get up and cook everybody dinner tonight and he go they go as it then explained to him what happened he has since found out he got that prostate just instantly even though we were in the meeting so angels deliver body parts even if it's in a different location and and I just think it's so awesome and then when people given offerings what I have seen is incredible supernatural angels financial angels going out and delivering they're gathering up funds and bringing it to the people and a few years ago about three years ago I had a vision of while I was speaking that there was financial angels and me being a city girl had to add this explain what this was and they were using a pickaxe I didn't even know what to call that but they were using a pickaxe and what they were doing is they were hitting the the hindrances that were keeping your finances from coming to you they were hitting that and it was starting to trickle out and it was so awesome that was the first thing the second angel with huge hands these are the financial angels they came back and they in turn we had wads of money I prophesied over for people and all four of them had had finances withheld from them because of bad business deals and different things and God it was going to deliver the finances to them and restoration and and everything that the enemy is stolen including people that this is a time this is a season for that to be restored and then about a year and a half ago we were in the service my daughter melody and I and with Jeff Mendenhall on finances so we were presenting a financial seminar and as we were talking I said this is a good time for me to share about the financial angels which I just shared with you and she goes you wouldn't believe what I'm seeing mom this is like so cool she's there's these big ole angels or something up at the front with these things I said they're pickaxes she hadn't heard my story she hadn't heard the vision and so she says they're up there and they've got these big old pickaxe and then the one behind him takes the pickaxe and it's like why why did he take the pick sack in what he's doing is he's going and he's giving wads of dynamite well a pickaxe can only do so much but a wadded dynamite can just blow all the hindrances of the finances away hallelujah so God is delivering through financial angels supernatural bundles of dynamite to just blow everything away of all the hindrances from keeping finances coming to you I thank God for angels and I praise God you know and and Mellie's going to come in just a moment here and give you a little bit more detail I'm going to give you my personal experience of how to handle angels now I personally do not tell angels what to do I personally say God I thank you that you are sending out my financial angels to bring finances to me some people say that you can command your angels whatever gets the job done I don't you know is either way but I feel this is what I do and I ask God father I thank you for sending you know angels to my children I thank you for sending angels over here and doing different things and you know in protection and angels to protect me you know Psalm 91 etc and all those different areas that that we can ask God for God to to send His angels and to accomplish all that we need done here we have melody welcome melody amen okay so tonight we've titled tonight angels on the move so if you want to add a title to your page you can write in angels on the move and what's awesome we've been talking about this idea of teaching on angels and we're trying to go for the title for it and what should we call it more like you know I think we had probably 10 or 12 different titles and finally we hit on the 1 angels on the move and it was literally as if it was like absolutely as soon as I saw that my mom said it to me in the email and I said absolutely I said that's what it is you know we'd kicked around the entertaining angels because of working with the song that we played earlier and I was like it's scriptural you know that you entertain angels unaware and so I was like we can tie it you know we use it scripturally that way but when she said angels on the move I said absolutely and if you think about it every record of angel in the Bible and you can correct me if I'm wrong you can email me if I'm wrong on this no angel is just standing still doing nothing there is some purpose or plan to them being where they are whether they're standing still and speaking they're still bringing a message if they're moving on your behalf to bringing protection and that's one of the things that I was seeing kind of this consistent thread of what the angels are doing or they're worshiping the angels that are in heaven that are worshiping the throne of God they're moving they are on the move constantly and I'm like how awesome is that but the before God even revealed that to me that this would be the title for tonight's service so what would you know and angels can do more than that so we're going to focus on three primary things the things that God put on my heart when preparing for tonight angels do what what's the purpose of her an angel activity and like I said they bring protection they could bring a message from God whether to you or to your family and then they praise and adore God in heaven so first I'm going to share two different experiences one that was personal and one that happened to a friend and as I was listening to Joan a few minutes ago I was like she's going to tell my story the first example that I have is riding in the car I was like no way she's taking my story I don't have to cope with this is my only example where I really knew that an angel had like been involved in what was going on in my life and she's gonna take it and so I'm like I'm like just wait just wait and then she's telling the story I was like this is different this is a different angel that she the different experiences she's talking about than what I'm talking about so we were on the road somewhere obviously because we were in a car Kurtis was driving I was in the front seat and my mom was in the back seat and I don't know where we were although I know that we were somewhere where Curtis sits on the left hand side of the car because in Ireland and anywhere else Curtis sits on the right-hand side of the car and I was in that seat this time so at least narrowed it down to the United States so he's driving I'm passenger she's in the back this little car and we're usually in a van so it's not like we're in a tiny tiny car where somebody could like oh I didn't see you there when I ran over the front end of your car we're in a van and this little red car it goes to change lanes and as they're doing that it was as if the back end of their car was going to hit the front half of our car I mean it wasn't like maybe just a little scrape or cutting us off it would have been full-on hitting us and moving us over and so I went I Curtis was Curtis was driving and I just went no like that and I it's like I shoved our protective angels from inside our car into that car and pushed the car back into the lane it happened as if my hand push that car back over but I know it was angel that did it and in that moment Curtis even said it was as if you pushed your angel over there and I thought I was like what an awesome moment of seeing this angel move on our behalf because I'm telling you it it's one of those things where you get so scared that your adrenaline nothing even happened but your adrenaline is running because you know what almost happened and on a freeway it's not fun to think about getting into an accident much less somebody sideswiping your car and I thought that was awesome then I was like this is my own personal experience of really seeing an angel move on my behalf without seeing wings without seeing feathers without seeing any physical thing except for the fact that I know that that angel brought protection in that moment the second example is for a friend of mine she was at a Bible study and she just really prayed for God to touch her have a personal encounter just a message just from God to her and when she as she was praying she opened her eyes and saw something standing before her it didn't have a head so it was a headless being with big Ange big angel wings and glowing white so I think that if God revealed himself or if it was Jesus I think there would have been some form of a head there and I don't think that Jesus or God would show up looking like an angel with having wings on it so you could say well it wasn't really an angel or you could say yes it was God but to this person they knew it was an angel they knew that it was an angel that had come and they put the angel put her hand put his hand on her heart and with that brought peace and compassion and a feeling of warmth and of love and you can't convince that person that it wasn't an angel you can't take that experience away from her and what's amazing in this last little bit of hearing different ministers speak and talking about you know angel a little like seeing angels whether you see them in a picture or you see them in a video or we've been in places where they had just prophetic worship going on and it was as if this big white being came out of just in the middle of this of the church and it was not one of those ones where you go that's just dust on the lens or that's just a reflection of light it was like as if it was a fountain or a screen of white light coming out of the actual platform and it was awesome to see that I'm like this is such a cool thing that somebody could capture that we can all see this now in this church that they had it up so they could remind everybody to say the Holy Spirit dwells here the presence of God is here his angels are here with us so I'm going to give you a couple of scriptural references I'm actually gonna give you a lot of scripture tonight and as much as I tried to kind of bring it down some it just wasn't happening so bear with me the first one is for protection when God sends his angels for our protection it's funny on the way over here I was thinking I wish Julie Mayer was here so she could sing the medley the Jewish medley because in the song Jehovah Jireh the words in there say he will send his angels in he will send His angels who watch over me Jehovah Jireh cares for me and I'm like these are the songs that we sing and it's great to tie in Scripture into those songs within a moment of weakness or the moment of being or feeling lost that you can pull those scriptures to heart just through a song and I thought that was awesome so the whole way you know it's not very far from my house but the whole way over here I was seeing Jehovah Jireh and I was like that's just so cool that that's my first point Psalms 91 11 did he and this is like I said I had to write in some notes over here he will give his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways so it's awesome when you're walking in obedience those angels are going to be right there with you because you're doing it God's called you to do you're moving forward on what God's called you to do even if that means you're just going to work in all your ways that means no matter where you're going to matter what you're doing his angels are still there with you you know and I wish that I would have thought to tie this into the teaching freedom from fear to know that in no situation are you ever alone because your angels are there the presence of God is there with you so you're not alone no matter what you feel like in that moment another example of protection daniel chapter 6 if you remember back Daniel prayed three times a day he went to the rooftop of his house or was visible from his from the window and the leaders who were out to get him said you know what King you should pass a law that nobody for 30 days can call on God well Daniel knew about the law and he's still prayed and that same day that the law gets signed he goes up to pray three times a day and so the leaders come back and say you know what your buddy Daniel the one that you love so much is in charge of the you know this nation with you is not listening to the law that you signed and the King is just heartbroken he's so devastated by this because Daniel is his friends and he wouldn't have intentionally done anything to hurt Daniel so in Chapter six it shows it shows the Daniel get started to the lines in because that's the penalty for breaking the law aren't you glad we don't have law like that that you're like you messed up you're going to the lines and I'm so glad that we live in a system that does something a little bit more different than that you know gives you grace and warning and tickets instead of just a trip to the Daniell you know to the Lions Den so in verse chapter 6 verse 22 this is morning time so Daniels already spent the night in the lion's den you know the King comes back to him and he's like Daniel Daniel are you there did your God save you and verse 22 he says my God has sent his angel and shut the lion's mouth I just think that's so awesome that you can look at that and that's what God does for us in so many ways that we may be facing a situation that could truly tear us apart and literally ruin our lives and God sends his angels to guard over us you know in that case shut the lion's mouth alright this next one we're going to tie in a message from God and a protection that comes from the Angels this is going to be a number chapter 22 if you have your Bibles you can turn there it's amazing how many angelic activity things it really happened in the Old Testament and most people would know this story because a donkey speaks most people if you've heard any time anything in church you know that a donkey spoke but we're going to look at this in a little bit more detail so numbers 22 verse 9 God came to Balaam and asked who are these men with you Balaam said to God Balak son of zippor king of Moab sent me this message people that has come out of Egypt covers the face of the land now come and put a curse on them for me perhaps then I will be able to fight them and drive them away but God said to Balaam do not go with them you must not put a curse on those people because they are blessed he's talking about the Israelites so why would God bring them out so then allow somebody else to curse them so verse 13 the next morning Balaam got up in with the bailiffs office go back to your own country for the Lord has refused to let me go with you he's saying I'm can't move forward with you God's already told me and I can't go and put a curse on them first 14 so the MOE by officials return to Balak and said Balaam refused to come with us the Balak sent other officials more numerous and more distinguished in the first and they came to Balaam and this is what mail extent of zippor said do not let anything keep you from coming to me because I will reward you handsomely and do whatever you say come and put a curse on these people for me I think it's pretty interesting that he's already kind of been offered this job and he comes back that he's turned down the job that he already agreed to so they come back saying you know what I still need you to do this job so I'm going to just offer you more money how many people get in that position where God says I don't think you really should do this I don't think you should make this business deal I don't think you should move forward with them it somehow it comes back to they're going to offer more money and then we think well that's what God intended he would just wanted me to hold out for more money or more blessing and that's not the case here so verse 18 but Balaam answered them even if they like gave me all the silver and all the gold in his palace I could not do anything great or small to go beyond the command of the Lord my God now spend the night here so I can find out what else the Lord will tell me that night God came to Balaam God came to Balaam and said since these men have come to sum with you go with them but only say what I tell you to say Balaam got up in the morning saddled his donkey and went with the Moabite officials this is what really threw me off first twenty-two threw me for a loop today but God was very angry when he went even though he said go ahead go and just say what I'm telling you to say he still was angry at the whole idea that he wouldn't have said no in the first place that's what I'm thinking I don't know exactly what God was thinking in that place but he said he told him to go but then was still angry that he was going and the angel of the Lord stood on the road to oppose him Balaam was riding on his donkey and his two servants were there with him when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword in his hand he turned off the road into the field and Balaam beat him to get him back on the road verse 24 then the angel of the Lord stood on a narrow path through the vineyards with the walls on both side both sides when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord impressed close to the wall crushing Balaam foot against it so he beat the donkey again verse 26 then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn either to the right or to the left when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord it laid down under Balaam and he was angry with him and beat him with his staff then the Lord opened the donkey's mouth and it said to Balaam what have I done to make you beat me these three times I would have loved I would love to see this reenacted in heaven like like the highlights of the Old Testament some video to see how this happened to see how big the angel was because I'm even wondering here in a second does Balaam even see the angel at all or is it literally that once the donkey speaks if he sees him so verse 29 Balaam answered the donkey you have made a fool of me if only I had a sword in my hand I would kill you right now and the donkey said to Balaam am I not your own donkey which you have used to ride this whole time have I not have I ever been in the habit of doing this to you no Balaam replied 31 then the Lord opened Balaam's eyes and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn so he bowed low and face fell down or fell face down this is what we're doing here tonight we're standing in a fork in the road and we're saying God open my eyes to see the angelic activity around me not to make those things bigger than God and bigger than what Jesus did but to say you know what God I'm open to the whole idea if I need to see orbs to see angels then let it happen God I want to see angels move the way that you're telling them to move I think that'd be pretty cool I think it would be awesome to see the angels that are the ministers of healing and the financial angels moving in here you know when I my experience with the angel is not me physically seeing them I've only seen the effect of them or felt the effect of what they're doing I'm not physically seeing them so I'm going to be one of those people when the impartation happens tonight that I'm going to look for it to start happening and then it can happen to me you know that I can find a feather on the floor that I can see an angel minister healing and that I could say guys this is what God did God let me see an angel but so that I could say I'm so excited that I saw what all these people have talked about for so long I've seen it now I just think it would be so cool alright so verse 32 then the angel of the Lord asked him why have you beaten your donkey these three times I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me the donkey saw me and turned away from these these three times if it had not turned away I would have certainly killed you by now and I would have spared the donkey first 34 Balaam said to the angel of the Lord I have sinned I did not realize you were standing in the road to oppose me now if you're displeased I will go back the angel of the Lord said to Balaam go with the men but only speak what I tell you so Balaam went with Baylock sand Balak officials so I'm wondering why he even agreed to go and curse the Israelites because if he knows everybody there's no way that the story of the Israelites making it through the Red Sea didn't get passed down generation to generation that Balaam would not have heard this to say oh you know what God delivered him but I'm going to go ahead and curse him and earlier in the chapters in chapter 21 of Numbers it says that he gets hired to do this job because everything that Balaam curses is cursed and everything that he blesses is blessed okay so verse 36 when Vail occurred the Balaam was coming he went out to meet the Moabite at the border of the edge of his territory Balak said to Balaam I did did I not send you an urgent summons why didn't you come to me am I not really able to reward you and he's and this is Baylin he says why have come now but I can't say whatever I please I must speak only what God puts in my mouth God gives through Balaam and through the next part of the chapter God speaks to blessings through Balaam over the Israelites and Balak is getting more and more frustrated because he is like if you're not going to curse them that don't bless them just leave them because the whole thing is he wants the Israelites out of his territory so he doesn't want them there because he's afraid they're using all of these resources and I want to encourage you go back and read numbers at least 21 22 and 23 so you can see the whole picture of what's going on because yes it's awesome that the donkey speaks so that the angel is there but the whole point is the angel was there to say you know what I'm blocking you from what you're trying to do because you're on a reckless course and so many people and I wrote this into my notes we have people who do that who stand in the way to say you know what you're on a reckless course and I put my notes there called parents they stand in the way of a reckless course parents do that for kids grandparents do it for their kids and grandkids and because they can say you know what I can see where you're headed and every parent in here is smiling because they're thinking at some point they've told their kids hey you probably shouldn't hang out with so-and-so because they're not going to be a good influence on you I don't think you should go to that party because I don't think it's going to have a good outcome and it may not be a physical angel but it's that God is speaking through them protective measures because you're on a reckless course so we have to recognize that that person is there as a form of an angel or in the being of an angel even though we know that they're human like I know my mom is human I know that's puzzling to a lot of people as much as she goes goes and goes and goes and goes but she is still only human so we need to not discount when somebody's saying you know what I don't think you're on the best course I don't think you're making the best decision we need to take that to heart and say God am I really on the right path or am I really in my the direction that I'm going in right now would you say that this is a reckless path because God will confirm that to you if the Holy Spirit is not already speaking that to you and it's out of the blue that somebody is telling you you're being reckless then the Holy Spirit needs to confirm to you or you need to say you know what I know that the Holy Spirit's been correcting you that I've been on a reckless path and I know and it may not be that you specifically say a reckless path but you could say I've been making bad choices or I've been hanging out with the wrong people are making bad business deals whatever those things are that you can say you know what thank you for bringing it to my light to bring it to light and for where I blocked out the Holy Spirit thank you for speaking truth in love so that we can get back on the right path and that's we've got to look for with somebody and they're not trying to hold you back they're not trying to hold you down it could just straight-up be for your protection okay verse 27 this is chapter 23 seven through 30 Balaam I think is kind of wavering because he's already spoken to blessings over the Israelites Balak is not happy with him and so this is what he says this is chapter 23 verse 27 and Balak said to Balaam come and let me take you to another another place perhaps it will please God to let you curse them for me from there so as if a different vantage point would then allow Balaam to curse Israelites and Balak took Balaam to the top of pure overlooking the wastelands build me and then Balaam said build me seven altars here and prepare seven bowls and seven seven Rams for me Balak did as Balaam had asked and offered a bowl and a ram on each altar so from there he still comes back and blesses them one more time so they get the Israelites get blessed and here's what's crazy the Israelites are already favored of God they're already under this protective shield they're already watching the cloud by day and the fire by night so there's no way that God's going to take his hand off of them long enough for Balaam to go in there so I want to encourage you that when somebody comes to you and says you know what I don't think you're making the right choices I don't think you're moving forward the way that you should just say God reveal your truth to me you know if I'm off course father this is not part of the plan and the purpose that you have for me then redirect it get me back on the right road because the last thing you want is an angel with a sword out ready to take you out because you're not listening to God I think it was a nice and a very bright wake-up call that Balaam wasn't doing a God had called him to do that it was that severe that he's like you know what I'm just going to stop you right here so I would rather have God and wisdom and revelation speak to me in the holy spirit tell me without it having to be that somebody else and so many other things are starting to be affected you know I think it'd be great if a donkey spoke but I'm not ever around them to hear them so chances are that's not going to be how the Holy Spirit or an angel is going to be revealed to be it's going to be something practical and in a way that God chooses to reveal himself to me in a different way so in that and that to me the way that that angel was used was both to show protection because he stood for protection of the Israelites the second thing he also gave direction because when he was doing as he was saying your honor reckless course so I want to help you redirect your steps because your steps are still ordained by God but we need to get them back on the right track alright the second example of of a message from God and this is probably the most the most famous one because everything we believe on as a Christian starts with this angel appearing to Mary and Luke chapter 1 26 through 38 in the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy God sent an angel Gabriel to Nazareth into a town of Galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph a descendant of David the Virgin's name was Mary this is verse 28 the angel winter her and said greetings you are highly favored of the Lord the Lord is with you that's a nice little greeting Mary what's crazy is Mary was greatly troubled at his words because an angel that she'd never seen before ever heard anything about all of a sudden angels talking to her Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be but the angel said to her do not be afraid Mary you have found favor with God you will conceive and give birth to a son and you will call him Jesus he will be great and he will be called the son of the Most High the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over Jacobs descendants forever his kingdom will never end verse 34 how will this be Mary asked the angel since I'm a virgin I think it's great that she gets to have this conversation back and forth verse 35 the angel answered the Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the Holy One will be born - I'm sorry so the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age and who was said to be unable to conceive is in her six months verse 37 this is such an awesome promise from God for no word from God will ever fail no word from God will ever fail no matter the promises that he's put in your heart the promises that you find in scripture if they haven't come to pass that is like a security blanket no word from the Lord will ever fail and so when he's telling you that I know the plan the purpose that I have for you a plan for good things and not to harm you know that even if it looks really bad right now no word will ever fail I just think I think that's a verse that people tend to skip over because you're looking at the Angels just appeared to Mary and Mary is going to have the baby you know this is going to be Jesus he's gonna be the son of the Most High God and then it's like this bold reminder no promise from God no word will ever fail I just think it's awesome verse 38 I am The Lord's servant Mary answered may your word to me be fulfilled and then the angel left her what an awesome encounter what an awesome I just think it's awesome that he could show up you know and just give this great message and then from there this is everything that we believe in is Jesus being bored of am a born of a virgin I just think it's awesome all right so I'm going to give you one more example of what to look for in angels and how they're always on the move angels worship God this is Isaiah 6 I'm just going to read verse 3 and they were calling to each other holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty the whole earth is filled with his glory at the sound of their voices the doorpost and thresholds shook and the Temple was filled with smoke this is Isaiah speaking what so I just I love it this one in doing all this research of what's the purpose behind angels and holy holy holy Lord God Almighty that kind of a thing a pastor actually posted some notes on here that he's like this is what worship should look like not that necessarily our physical door posts are shaking but he talked about just the sacrifice of everything that these angels do twenty-four hours a day day and night they don't stop they are praising and worshipping God and one of the things that he wrote about is how he doesn't understand that people can't give up 30 minutes for praise and worship at church that they purposefully wait if service starts at 10:00 they get there at 10:30 or 10:45 because they to hear the word and I love it my pastor she said a few years ago she said she goes the only part of a church service that a hundred percent about God is worship that is everything in worship is to glorify God the people playing their their instruments that people singing the people participating is a hundred percent about worshiping God from their the rest of the message is about God ministering to you through your pastor and how terrible how selfish is it if we purposefully say I'm going to get there after the worship is over if we're some people it's too loud or some people they don't know the songs or they don't know the words or they like traditional music verses newer contemporary music and that kind of a thing if it's too loud go to the back there are lots of churches now who actually offer at their bookstore free little earplugs so if the volume really is an issue you can go get a free pair of earplugs go in and enjoy service I'm sure they would rather give out hundreds of pairs of earplugs then not have people in worship I just think it's amazing that he was talking about just this huge sacrifice that the Angels are making and that's the greatest form of worship is to praise and adore God with nothing else coming before him nothing else standing in the way but to truly focus and praise and worship God you know even even in in worshiping God it can be really easy to you know be singing the words you know how great is our God and then you're in the back of your mind you're going did I leave the coffee pot on I wonder if they're going to be done by 9:00 I wonder if it's going to be done I wonder which pastor speaking today I wonder did I turn my phone off I've got to check Facebook I've got to check this or so-and-so is texting me and all the stuff just during that one part that we're supposed to give a hundred percent attention to God and to glorify God and it's so hard to do it even even in the back like or even just being a peer you know trying to make sure everything is right and going to and from services it's like just be in worship if everything else falls apart I hope that I hope that God received great worship from you tonight and every time we get together that you can say you know what like I love how Jeff said he's like you know what he's like we're gonna give it our all and I hope you guys give it your all because that's what worship is about it's not withholding anything from God and giving him all of you and letting him have all of your attention during worship I don't look at see if there's anything else they had to put in here okay one more example Jobe tells us in job 38:7 that they praise God since creation first chapter 38 verse 7 it says the sons of God shouted for joy at the creation that came from God spoken word so here we have angels that they are seeing God work and are in total awe that all they can do is rejoice and they are just at awe and Wonder an amazing amazement of what they've seen before their very own eyes revelation 4:8 says that the Angels worship day and night without resting I just think it's I think it's amazing that we can ask God to say you know what god I thank you for healing god I thank you for people you know we pray for four family members who are unsaved the father we thank you for sending other brothers and sisters to minister to my unsaved friends father I thank you for sending those angels and not saying angels go and minister to my unsaved friends or unsaved children it's God I thank you for sitting them because the angels are not any higher they're not and so when we pray and we're asking God to move it's were asking God to move and have and to send the angels to move on our behalf because again that they are there to guard all that we are doing to guard us in all of our ways I'm going to share with you one funny story about my grandma that I thought about this in the preparation notes before John comes back up here my grandma lost something very very precious and I'm not going to give the details as to where it was or what we think happened because that stuff doesn't matter something very precious was taken from her literally taken from her and I've never seen her so distraught and so upset about something missing because it because my grandmother was never into physical like actual little tiny gifts or anything like that you know where people become materialistic and she wasn't like that but this one thing it was taken it broke her heart and it wasn't like broke her heart and caused heart problem type of anything but her emotional heart was hurt because this gift that have been given to her that was so precious was taken away from her I remember we were trying to figure out well do you think so-and-so took it or do you think somebody else took it or do you think you could have just dropped it somewhere and I mean it just all these things were just totally impossible things I remember sitting in her office in Kingwood that she prayed that day she goes god I thank you that you are sending those lazy angels to bring that thing back to me I love it that she could just that she had been praying and she was asking God for restoration and she says God I thank you that those lazy angels are going to bring this back to me and you know what within a couple weeks that things that have been taken from her was returned and so every once in a while I think about that and not very often but I just loved it because it was just such a cute side of who my grandma was to say you know what your angels are being lazy so tell them to get on the move and to start doing this and to look after my stuff because this is what they're here for and it was so fun when that thing got restored to her how excited she was and how much joy it came but even from there from just that moment of saying of telling those lazy angels to get to it I was like how awesome is that you know just reminding God to get those angels back in shape and be working on our behalf so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that and if you would please welcome Joan back to the platform amen amen and it's kind of neat hearing you know the different sites and so forth and different input that we have you know and that's how it makes such a good package and recently I was at a meeting and as I was doing the teaching on catch the fire this this angel feather fell and this is the first one I've actually gotten to keep because I I saw one coming and I went after it and it was like gone it just dissipated and because I was after the feather you know and I was worshiping God this one just kinda like came to me so that's kind of fun I just literally just about a month ago came and so it's very precious to me and I just want to say a few things in regards to you know augmenting and kind of finalizing the teaching angels are not to be worshipped and this is very very important that we not worship angels many times people worship angels and but that's not what God intended he intended for the angels to worship you know which is what melody was talking about and it was kind of neat because the definition of angels is actually messenger / messengers of God and and they melodie talked many times about the different messages that they did and obviously they're really strong because they moved the stone away from from Jesus's grave so I know you could get out whether it was rolled away or not but obviously it got rolled away and of course he got help you know get Peter out of prison and different things so they're here to set the captives free and and this is I thought this was kind of neat the actual natural you know according to the dictionary the definition of that the word angel is applied in scriptures to an order of supernatural or heavenly beings whose business is to act as God's messengers to men and angels and agents who carry out his word and carry out his will and I just thought that was kind of a neat little teaching and you know and different things like that also just kind of wanted to point out a couple different types there's a Seraphim and the Seraphim means the burning it means burning ones and the burning ones are the ones who burn with the power of God and the anointing to worship God and then the more they worship well I think the more the they on fire that they get and and they're known for the primary ones who worship around the throne and a cherubim cherubim means great and mighty ones and the end very multifaceted which is is just a really neat little interesting point about that and then there were arch arc angels which melodie talked about earlier about Gabriel Gabriel was in Archangel Michael is an archangel and they're actually given different territories and different responsibilities when they were first created and then the third one most of us are familiar with and that one's name is Lucifer and Lucifer pride came in he wanted to be God and so and I don't know why God designed it that way but that's the way God designed it and so Lucifer tried to take over and found out that God was God and and then was was cashed out but the thing is that the reason I'm bringing that up today is because of how important it is that we keep pride out of our lives like 55 angels to go with me you know and that type of thing people can even take the point of angels and making a very prideful situation you know and and so many miracles happen through me but I don't just constantly reiterate all of these things because you know I have probably you know hundreds that happen every week which is just amazing what God does and I'm still just mindful of that too you know now what's your name what's your name again and I'd say Jesus is the one who healed you and it's him be all the glory and I don't ever ever want to have any kind of pride come into my life you know especially into the ministry what I want to do now is just kind of talk about an impartation many times and you know I don't want you I don't want anybody to be looking for angels to be their answer I want angel I want you to pray and ask God for greater direction and God will use angels you know father I thank you that you're get your sending out your financial angels to gather up funds father I thank you that as I go to Haiti that my the the protection angels will be there to protect me and father I thank you that everywhere i minister that your healing angels are going to go with me and travel with me and they're going to help deliver the body parts and father I thank you you know and different things like that I want you to you know you've heard the term angels unaware and you know and I was listening to somebody sing a song the other day are you an angel are you from the devil and I thought that was kind of an interesting thing and it and understand that God is going to use people to use angels I mean and they will appear as people and come in and minister and they brought it was so cool I was reading the scripture about when Jesus was in the wilderness and God said angels to refresh him God sent angels to Jesus to minister to him I thought that was just really neat and it's like God said angels to minister to Jesus after 40 you know 40 days in the wilderness and many times we have gone through wilderness experiences and he will send angels to minister to us he'll send angels to minister through us to us through other people but specifically he'll send angels just to minister to us I remember when I was really really going through a really hard time you know about 13 14 years ago and going to the divorce and I remember sitting at my desk on my secular job and I was there and I was like man I just I feel hopeless helpless so hurt I can't even fathom living another day I was hurting so bad obviously God said a lot in my life and and I shared this with somebody through an email it's on my break and I shared through an email she says I just pray that you feel God's comfort and you know and I mean tears flowing just flowing and flowing and all of a sudden you know I could hardly even see the computer screen and I felt somebody come in and just kind of comfort me on my back and I'm like those is really nice I look to see who it was and there wasn't anybody there and I thought father I thank you that you've sent an angel to comfort me at a time when I really needed comfort and I remember another time and this is a situation how God will use somebody in your life I remember at the same period of time I was doing everything I could do to feed my spirit and I was you know going into may church services as I could so all the nice people get hurt and they'll stay away from church and they'll stay away from people but I knew that I wasn't going to make it if I just stayed at home and got into my little into a cave and just fall into depression I knew that I needed people in order to help me through and and so I was there and I went and Tommy Tommy ten was speaking that night and and I just I just think the world of him and and I was on he was on had just finished speaking and he had gone down and he was like two steps up on the pot you know coming down from the platform and and I talked to him and and he that was my first time meeting him but he knew my parents and I said I just I just need you to pray for me and he reached down and took my face in his hands and he kissed me on the forehead and I remember this as if he just did it just now and he says God bless you and heal you and Tommy Tenny was an angel of God that night and he he expressed God's love to me at a time when I was so desperate just God I need to hear from you I need to hear from you and it was as if God's lips kissed me on my forehead and I will forever be thankful to Tommy for that because of what it meant to me and having a message from God and God will deliver through human angels to melody reference parents you know and and God will use people situations many times people will will come and you know and help you or do something for you in the process of doing something like that all of a sudden you just turn to say thank you and they're not there angels brought food supply different needs you know you hear stories of people in the earthquake and they didn't get crushed but once the bodies were removed then the cement and whatever went down because the angels held it up long enough for the people to get out and God wants to use angels in an incredible way and he wants to use him in our lives I personally I'm gonna you know I want to be the first one that I'm gonna lay hands on for that impartation for greater visitations of angels for greater manifestations of angels in my life and not only for everybody who is here tonight but everybody who is watching and for who will ever watch or listen to the teaching because this is a time this isn't a season for the angels in a greater way to be released like sometimes you say well I didn't even know about healing I didn't know that healing was available to me and all of a sudden you get that revelation and not only are you getting healed but you can pray for a sickness and then you think well I didn't know really that God wanted me blessed financially and then all of a sudden you start walking in that and it's like God does want me blessed your level of expectancy goes up in the area of financial blessing after this hearing this at this session here after hearing it your level of expectancy of angels is also going to go up and and expecting having to have more angelic visitations and different things and you feel something brush against you and you really don't think anything of it I think it's just one of the Angels just bumped into you and but whatever but you're going to be more aware of angels and their responsibilities where you're concerned more than ever which i think is just amazing and I just want you just to I want you to put one hand on your heart and one hand on your head you know kind of like your head and your eyes right now and I'm just going to pray for a supernatural impartation in your heart of a level of expectancy and in your eyes so that you can see them and sense them and even hear them because they are known for giving even verbal direction and I want verbal direction not just kind of a nudge here and there I need discerning of spirits and verbal instruction so father right now in the name of Jesus I speak a greater release of Revelation and in particular in the book of Revelation it talks about that the angels are going to be released in the end times and father we thank you that you are releasing angels at this time more than you have ever released angels ever in history and father right now in the name of Jesus I speak greater impartation of the knowledge of the wisdom about angels the level of expectancy in their heart and their very being to just rise to a whole new level in Jesus name and father I thank you for opening up their spirit eyes to be able to see the angels and what they're doing and as I am speaking this forth I am sensing that there are just literally thousands of angels that have filled the room because we have given glory to him glory to God tonight glory to the son Jesus but we have also raised our level of expectancy and the Angels that have been tied and withheld because of lack of expectancy have been released and this room is filled and filled and filled with angels and father right now I thank you that it's not just this room but it's every single home every single car within the sound of my voice for eternity as this is being heard father I thank you I thank you that you have given us angels that have charged over us that give us angels that protect us when we go to Haiti in different places and on the airplanes father I thank you that you have angels that are going to deliver messages that are going to help us learn how to interpret dreams in a greater way father I thank you for financial angels in a greater way even more than I ever saw before being released to gather up funds to bring it into the body of Christ so that you can use these finances in a greater way in this endtime father I just thank you I speak a blessing in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to God
Channel: Joan Hunter
Views: 30,206
Rating: 4.8018575 out of 5
Keywords: Joan Hunter Ministries Angels Healing
Id: Y3o8JQB-n78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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