Breaking down is an option - but so is breaking through.

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hi everybody I actually wasn't going to do a message today this one's going to be probably very brief but I received a couple of emails from people that expressed to me that they reached the reaching a kind of a breaking point with isolation and being away from their families and the word breaking point the idea of it I imagine that that's going to be hitting a lot of people and so I thought I would just you know discuss that present the idea that you know breaking points an option but so is breaking through I mean we have to prepare ourselves for a long haul we don't know when we're going to get through this how we're going to get through it what's going to be expected of us this is not a circumstance we can there's no place to go there's no country we can run to there's no way we can hit the off button get off the off ramp I mean we really are in something together and and to that extent to that extent we have to draw an odd level of comfort from that that we really are in something together I mean we've been in the experience of life together but we haven't been in the experience of crisis together and I think it's it's extraordinary the way it is heightening our senses about excuse me about the world around us I mean it's making me I beg your pardon it's making me miss the smallest most precious things that I haven't thought about that that I should have given more thought to and now I will always give more thought to and that's the precious gift of meeting my friends for dinner or spending time with I haven't seen my brother I haven't seen my nephew I don't know why not be in the same room with them again or my other nieces and nephews and and I miss them terribly and FaceTime is wonderful but it's not the same thing I don't know when we'll be sitting at the same table again for dinner we it's wonderful that we can do these little video things and call each other at dinner time and see what we're eating and talk to each other but it's not the same thing it's nothing is the same thing and yet we find ways we find ways to compensate for that kind of intimacy we have video intimacy but it's not the same thing and then there's the humorous part of this we can always find humor we must rely on humor more than perhaps we have read before you know I went to Russia on the days of the Soviet Union you have to excuse me I shouldn't eat dairy and I had cheese and there you go anyway you're really gonna get to know me my bad haircuts what I shouldn't eat and I stayed at this hotel called the hotel Ukraine and it's this enormous place and in the days of the Soviet Union which just a masterful adventure of times you'd get off the elevator and there were and these floors that had endless numbers of rooms I mean this this hotel has thousands of rooms and because Russians build build big and so there was always a woman sitting at this desk she was a spy and she had a samovar behind her and so when you got off the elevator you could get a cup of tea but you also got your toilet paper from her and she would dole out these and believe me it wasn't Charmin it was kind of like the paper well what would I compare it to ah the National Enquirer it would be like using the National Enquirer and so it would be like sheets of that and she would just very diligently take one two three four five sheets and I and I thought to myself wow that would never happen in the United States and lo and behold where are we today right and what's the treasure in the grocery store toilet paper bounty Scott towels right and never say never what what's the great lesson never say never it you cannot imagine that you would be in this oh my god there's toilet paper down that line and these people are racing down and and what does my needs to call me she says aunty do you have any extra toilet paper and I thought mmm ooh if I didn't love you I would say well I'm not sure but alright you know and I hang a bag of toilet paper toilet paper not steak not diamonds you got I mean if you don't find humor in this this is this is the place what we're spinning into think about something as I was listening to this discussion of this virus I've had people write to me about what's the meaning of it where's it come from you know because I've spoken about the polio virus and how you know right after the the 1929 fall in the market our collective vocabulary began to shift and we refer to our economy as that we were crippled economically and sure enough in the thirties the polio vet the polio virus erupted and I think we've begun to understand the power of our collective consciousness we just don't get it we don't get that we breathe together that we co-create together that we are the engines of this and the great paradox and the great the great irony is that we are in this journey of consciousness of becoming conscious of this power of co-creation but we have not woven ourselves together as a co-creative force we haven't really gotten the power of what we how we could redirect the future the present how we could tackle a breakthrough an attitude I think one of the most remarkable things if we study that would be the Solidarity movement in Poland that then triggered the the fall of the Eastern Bloc and ultimately the Berlin wall and how that collective thought of becoming solid the Solidarity movement organized more than people it organized around a vision it organized around a vision and that's one example of what it is to combine the power of the soul with the power of an idea to in soul the idea that's what we have to do now we have to in soul the idea that we can heal this virus the virus that I think I'm having thoughts about but the as I say the jury's out but I do want just you to think about that you know we have for years a few several years now been fed a lot of fear you know there's people out there that are trying to come in there's there's the there's the atmosphere is is full of contaminants this is dirty that's we've been fed so much fear we've been fed the fear of touching each other we've been fed the fear of of invasion by by foreigner who's but just been fed fear and that's a pandemic that's a fear psychic pandemic the fear of what's out there the fear that they'll not be enough the the fear that that the in the fear of climate change which is real it's real the fear that we won't survive so this fear of the inability to survive has been a part of our psychic field for quite some time now so is it really that extraordinary that we've that somehow a virus that embodies that fear has sprung up and and it's it's you know someone could easily say don't be ridiculous it's come out of bats and and bad animals or rare animals out of China there's always a physical channel for a psychic vibe for a psychic event there always is it's there always is so no it doesn't surprise me at all but I just want you to think about that which means there isn't anything that we cannot respond to at a higher level there is a reason that for the last 50 60 years we've been inundated with one teaching after another about the option to seek higher levels of consciousness and perhaps now it's not an option but a necessity to not break down but break through to break through what would previously break us down we can't break down it's not an option it's not an option so when you when you come to that place in yourself and you might say I just I just can't take it I can't take one more day of confinement you tell yourself yes you can it sure can absolutely this does not have the authority to break me down I don't this I need something bigger to break me down this this can't do it this can't do it because if that can do it and should the virus come to you yeah you have to be stronger than that to fight for your life it can't be a small space that gets to you it can't be the behavior of another person you got to stretch yourself bigger than you've ever had to before and you have to become in some ways more appreciative of every little thing that you weren't before go you read read books on us and the Shelf that you collected and thought I don't even know why I have this book but you take a look at it have slowed down and have wonderful conversations with people about their lives about why as I spent time with my mother now she she is 92 this is no doubt the last decade of her life and I'm with her every evening now and it's very precious to me it's very very precious and it's giving me time to ask her about to recall things that I want to remember for the rest of my life and I like slowing this down and and having time to make calls to people that because I've lived on the road for 35 years I haven't had a chance to do there's something ok about slowing down and trying to make the best of a situation that none of us would choose to be in but we are here and so when we feel as though we can't make it through we can and we will we will my grandmother used to say nothing nothing nothing lasts forever nothing lasts forever and and as we look through history nothing has lasted forever even Buddha said nothing lasts forever we don't know how long this journey is going to be but every part of us that says along the way help everyone on this journey mercy on everyone bless everyone on this journey with me every little tiny prayer like that makes a difference and I know there's no way it's like if there's no way to measure what difference that makes but I'm gonna end with this story years ago I did the craziest workshop it ranks as the craziest workshop of my life it really was I I liked to 3,000 people were supposed to show up and I promise you ten people showed up and it was a conference not a workshop it was a conference five of whom came with me it was shocking it was absolutely shocking that first night and the person who was organizing this who actually trusted that God would put it together now there's things God can't and won't do so let's conference organizing is not something you can count on heaven to do we were sitting on the stage an opening night there are ten people in the audience and she sent me she says in her German accent I can't take this and falls backwards on her chair yeah and I'm sorry and so next thing you know we're all sitting in a circle and I'm trying to talk to people thinking oh my god well anyway the next day 60 of God's odds and ends walk in and they end up in my workshop and I don't know how I got through that on the last day going all I wanted to do was get away from this it was a four star flaming butane nuthouse I get into this car and this woman had to drive me back to my hotel and she said I would let me let me tell you about myself and I thought no I don't want to hear one more I don't want to hear one more but I thought well she's driving me so I but I'm leaning against the car window thinking right make it fast make it quick and just shut up but she told me this story when she said you know I she was such a delicate sweet human being and she said you know I I had a I had a car accident and I had one of those near-death experiences and she said I I was in really bad shape and she said I found myself hovering over my body and it was just shattered and she said you know what I could actually hear the responses of what people were saying in the cars behind my smash car she's I could hear him I could hear them saying oh Christ this is just what I need and love of the blood how long am I gonna be waiting here because of this accident and it on and on she said but then she said I looked down and in the fifth car there was a beam of light shooting out of the car and then shooting into my body my bleeding smashed body and I thought what is that and she said the next thing I know I'm sitting next to that woman in the car and she had gone into prayer for me she'd gone into prayer for me and those prayers were actually being delivered to me and I thought who is this woman and then she said my angel I didn't see my angel but I felt it wrapped around me and my angel said we have to come in your body now you have to get back and she said who is this woman and I then the next thing I know I'm I saw the license plate of the car and I memorized it and she said my angel said it's going to take you a long time to recover from this but just be brave she said endured it and she said it took me months and months and months she said but I remembered that driver's license number that you're a license plate she said I looked her up I found her and I gave her a bouquet of flowers and I said thank you for those prayers thank you they were delivered I need to leave you with that because that changed my life and I have shared that story I don't know how many times in perhaps some of you have heard it it changed my life and I think I was meant to hear that story so that in some way heaven would deliver the message to me through someone who witnessed how the intimacy with which prayers find them their way to each of us through the internet through the way in which we're connected the way we need to pray for each other now the way we need to we need to pray for each other we need more than that pat on the back we're going to need each other's reserve of grace and we're going to need that kind of miraculous inner message that comes from the quietude that says you know what I'm scared to death here I'm I'm scared to death here I need I need I need to know you're here and you need to know I promise you everything you see everything you pray is heard so I thought I would just end with a little prayer if you don't if that's okay all these prayers that I share with you are going to be in my book that's not an advertisement by the way but I just have these prayers now to share and I want to share them and I think there's something about these prayers that are a bit appropriate to this time okay when you set me on this path Lord I knew nothing about healing and perhaps only you knew you and I knew the truth that I wanted nothing to do with the world of ill and vulnerable people and why you put me in the middle of that world was a mystery to me for years I asked you to grant me some insight some reason why you gave me the skills to help people but did not include the appetite to do the task and I felt conscripted into service and you know that but you also knew I could not turn away from knowledge especially knowledge of a soul how could I have live so long and not known about the healing power within us you put me on a path to discover everything I could not imagine the interior map of who we are and I've noticed something Lord something subtle but oh so powerful the way people are suffering has deepened through the years I believe that inner sufferings become a pathway into a person's soul human suffering is no longer only the result of loss or loneliness tragedy or physical pain though these remain ever-present now suffering has gone deeper reaching into the caverns of the soul you lead a person into the inner sanctum through prayer and once they've made the choice once there they've made the choice to finally confront truth the suffering I'm witnessing is both emotional and mystical personal and impersonal I see it in the eyes of people and their inability to name the reason they feel so imprisoned in their depressions this is the suffering of our collective transformation a soul pain shared it is untreatable but not unreachable you're weaving us together like it or not if we cannot consciously embrace our oneness we will bleed ourselves together it is astonishing how we prefer to suffer apart rather than love together but the sufferings we have today have one thing in common they are the result of feeling separate from the whole whether we're enduring depression loss or survival level fear this feeling of separation now envelops so many of us I know aloneness is your way of beckoning us to meet you in prayer to inevitably find you and in the breakdown will come a breakthrough soon very soon a calm will arrive fortitude will drop in like manna from heaven assuring us we will somehow endure and inevitably we will wonder about the source of that sudden calmness so needed in that exact moment and we will consider perhaps for the first time the mystical truth that we are so carefully watched over even in the midst of the darkest passages of the human journey okay thank you everybody and we'll talk soon bless you you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 45,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9fMrER2KRLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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