It's All Good | Pastor Marvin A. Jackson | ROLCC

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amen i think i'm going to put this down because paper never loses power paper never goes into a rest mode i i love my phone it's amazing now because you can have in it your entire theological library can be held in the palm of your hands that's an awesome thing oh before i go any further i've got a special guest with me uh dr van cole and his lovely wife y'all just stand up and say hey glad to see y'all we've been going back and forth uh during the pandemic and we finally got a chance to get together today um but with that being said i want you to open your bibles or give your attention to the screens let's take a look at the book of james the book of james james chapter 1 and we're going to look at verses 2 through 4. james chapter 1 verses 2 through 4 please stand to your feet with me as we give honor and reverence to the eternal word of god that's forever settled in heaven james chapter one verses two through four you guys ready to read come on let's pretend we're in a coaching church re my brethren it all joy when you fall into diver's temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect and entire and wanting nothing now for for the sake of clarity because i cut my teeth on the king james version some people have a little trouble with that so can you please give me the niv the same two verses in the niv and let's read those and then we'll be seated again consider it pure joy isn't that crazy consider consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds all right because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything you all may be seated this morning hallelujah and so we're going to use for a teaching title today it's all good it's all good tell somebody it's all good it's all good doesn't matter what you're dealing with or what you have to face next week it is all good just count it all joy most people that are rational people most people don't like trouble okay now you have some people that are just you know they they just carry trouble but most normal people don't like trouble we don't like trouble because trouble is troubling and we don't like the daily routine of our lives troubled what do i mean by the daily routine of our life by and large life is pretty predictable even though it may seem monotonous or mundane or routine pretty much you kind of know what's going to happen you know that when you get home during the day all things being equal you're going to have a an evening meal if that's your thing and you know the people that are going to to be there for that meal in the morning you wake up you know you're going to get dressed and and go about your daily business and that cycle repeats itself over and over and over again every single day now that may sound boring it may sound routine but believe it or not that routine gives us a sense of comfort okay and and when that routine is interrupted unexpectedly we have a problem when when the person that you think is going to come home and sit at the table like they normally sit at the table when they don't come home that's a problem when things that you expect to be in place are no longer in place and they're moved suddenly without your permission that is a problem trouble is a troubling thing but here's the thing about it it's kind of funny because god tells us in in the word we're going to have a whole lot of trouble do you know that let me show you this i want to show you something in the book of psalms psalms 34 it talks about many many are the afflictions look at this because that word afflictions if you look it up in you and you research the etymology what it means is trouble and so the bible says many other afflictions not of bad people because when bad people have trouble it's expected but good people have you ever seen bad things happen to good people and you scratch your head and wonder god why did you allow that trouble to invade their lives so he tells us that many of the afflictions not of the unrighteous but many of the afflictions of the righteous but don't leave out that big but i almost did something with certain mix a lot because that's a big but but the lord delivers him out of not some out of every single one of them and the thing that makes trouble so troubling is its spontaneity think about that the thing one of the things that makes trouble so troubling is that spontaneity trouble can come at any time from anywhere you get a phone call you go to bed and you're just expecting to have a peaceful night's sleep and the phone rings at 2 30 in the morning those phone calls as a pastor for me have never been pleasant phone calls as a matter of fact just the phone ringing itself at that time of night startles you because you don't expect to get a call like that in the middle of the night so trouble can come from anywhere at any time and it always catches us off guard okay uh i want to show you something second corinthians chapter four and verse number eight i've got a lot of scriptures when i say trouble can come from anywhere at any time it's spontaneous it's unexpected look at the first part of this verse as a matter of fact now this one i'd like to see in the king king james because it renders it perfectly in the king james it says we are troubled on every side it's spontaneous it can come from anywhere at any time it's unexpected and we are what does that mean i'm troubled on every side i'm dealing with this trouble that's in front of me and while i'm doing everything i can to deal with the trial and the trouble that's in front of me something else comes from over here and knocks me over this way well i'm just now getting my my bearings back from this and then boom something comes from the back and hits me from the back you see there's a saying either you're going through a storm just coming out of a storm or getting ready to go through a storm the spontaneity of trials and troubles we had a member of our church that was going through a health challenge and so i i had tried to prepare myself what looked like it would be the inevitable you all know him he passed away ronnie monday and i got that call on monday the bible says that precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints and just as i'm trying to to get over that then tuesday we get another call one of deborah's close relatives passed away just just out of nowhere you all have never had trouble just just hit you like that i mean before you can even catch your breath something else and if you're not careful you'll find yourself just laid low i mean all your get up and go will get up and leave when trouble hits you like that and so paul says we're troubled on every side now even though we have a promise of deliverance we still don't like trouble what do you mean pastor we have a promise of deliverance we just read it many are the afflictions of the righteous but god will deliver us from them all so even though we have a promise of deliverance we still don't feel good about trouble but you have to understand whatever god allows that has a purpose in our lives even trouble even the distasteful things that you don't like even the pain that you don't want to feel the heartache the heartbreak that you never want to experience god says even that has a purpose in our lives and here's the thing if we can understand trouble's purpose we can harness its power now i just said something to you that's very very powerful if you can understand trouble's purpose you can harness its power okay i never lose i always learn you see and see god wants to get you to a place i wrote so much of this stuff now god wants to get you to a place where no matter what happens you know beyond a shadow of a doubt when this passes it's going to be all right not only when it passes because guess what y'all ever heard that song i'm so glad trouble don't last always see it it never lasts you have to understand that whatever you're dealing with heaven has placed an expiration date on what you're going through right now so it won't last forever but god is trying to get you to a place where you you know you don't hate the trouble but you really learn to embrace it because persecution precedes promotion see sometimes what you're going through it's setting you up to get ready to to go to another level with a deeper anointing with more wisdom with a deeper faith with a greater understanding of who god is in the relationship that you have with him because i'm here to tell you if it had not been for god on my side some of the stuff i had to deal with during this pandemic i would have lost my natural mind because see when death hits your house that's your house but when you're a pastor you deal with death in your house that house that house my house it seemed like one time it was we didn't go a week without trouble just coming boom boom boom trouble will make you get up at two or three o'clock in the morning and walk the floor and shed tears that you want no one else to see trouble will make you push back from the table and not even have an appetite i don't want to eat anything because i'm just dealing with too much right now trouble will make you drive through a red light you won't even see it and isn't god good sometimes when you have so much on your mind you don't even know where you are or where you're going have you ever just gotten in the car and you just drove because you didn't know what else to do i just got to drive and while you were driving you went through a red light and listen you didn't even hear a tire streak but god had put angels all around you and even though you thought you were losing your mind god kept you in the midst of your trouble don't tell me that the god that we serve is not a keeper he's a mind regulator [Applause] he said i will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you and although you don't understand the trouble sometimes you got to learn how to trust god you got to trust him when you can't trace him the things that don't even make any sense you've got to learn how to just rest in the arms of god because listen after a while and by and by he will lighten the load and it'll get a little bit better you see this is only temporary that's why the bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning and so i've learned that i have to hold out and i have to hold on because the bible says the trying of your faith it will produce something that's called patience and you have to endure if you can just hold out see in the baptist church we used to sing these songs that had theological meanings if you can just hold out lord i feel like if you can just hold out until tomorrow i know everything is going to be all right so let's go ahead and talk about this because one of the things that god wants to do is he wants us to develop the proper attitude toward troubles and trials and that's why james put it put it this way he said count it all joy now you are not going to get saved on monday and trouble come on tuesday and you count it all joy some things have to be learned via experience you have to go through some things and and you have to understand there are some things in life you cannot change you can pray and pray and pray but at the end of the day you cannot tell god what to do and so what you have to do is trust him with the situation and realize that this thing is not coming to kill me this thing is not coming to destroy me god i'm going to put my hands in your life and put my life in your hands and trust you with this and believe that somehow even though my heart is breaking even though it's aching that after a while and by and by on the other side of this because see sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees but sometimes after god has brought you out after he has renewed your mind after he's given you a fresh anointing and a fresh perspective you look back on what you grieved over and you realize god you did me a favor how many of you can say god i'm happy for some folk you took out of my life i cried when they left but now when i look back on it i realized what you were doing see the reason god removes some people from your life sometimes and it causes you trouble he heard a conversation you didn't hear oh we'll talk about that later all right so he says we have to have the proper attitude about what we're dealing with now uh i want to show you something romans chapter 8 and verse 28. you all have heard this you've got to have the right attitude right he says therefore he says count it all joy i can count it all joy when i know something i don't need to know why you're doing it but i have a promise that i embrace by faith that somehow all things no just the good stuff all things work together for good to those who love god and are called according to his purpose somehow this thing is going to make me better it's working for my good look at first peter see when you get done with what you're going through now because guess what with the trouble comes grace to get through the trouble oh you didn't some people swallowed a bullet some people overdosed on drugs but yet you went through it and you're still alive they went through the same thing but they didn't come out of it the way you came out of it and the reason you came out of it because along with the trouble there came grace to endure the trouble paul said it this way he talked about a thorn that he had in the flesh he said i talked to god about this a couple of times to take it away but god didn't take it away and he said instead of taking it away he said paul i've given you a dose of grace that will allow you to go through this he said paul my grace is sufficiency if you didn't have the grace of god you would have killed yourself a long time ago people will look at you and wonder how did they go through that how can they take that just tell them grace god gave me grace a level of grace that i didn't have before and that's how i endured what i couldn't have been doing before because if it had not been for the grace of god i wouldn't have made it out of that if it had not been for the grace of god i would have lost my mind dealing with this situation that i'm dealing with now if it had not been for the grace of god if he hadn't kept me when my children were acting crazy if he hadn't kept me when my mate was going out of their mind if he hadn't kept me when friends betrayed me walked out on me if he hadn't kept me i would have lost my mind but he gave me keeping grace not only does god have saving grace god has another kind of grace called keeping grace does anybody can anybody say he kept me when i couldn't keep myself when i thought i was going to lose my mind the grace of god girded me up it got me out of my bed caused me to put on my clothes makeup fix my hair i went to work i didn't feel like going to work i thought i wouldn't make it but god's grace [Applause] i don't know how you feel about where you are but you're gonna be better after the battle look at first peter chapter five and verse number ten so you have to have the right attitude jesus keep that right there i'm dealing with something right now the first two or three days of it i just got up and cried i i didn't know what to do i didn't know who to talk to because i was in a place i had never been before but whenever god allows you to go to a place you've never been before he's gonna show you something about him he's never shown you before and i got up after the fast because we were fasting and all of a sudden there was a new strength there was a new grace and it didn't seem so terrible and then i took on a whole other attitude because i realized it's not about what they're going through it's what god is going to produce in you if you will go through this properly if you will handle this situation properly marvin you will have a different anointing on the other side of this you will have a greater wisdom on the other side of this you will know a level of compassion that's greater than the level of compassion that you knew before you see sometimes god allows you to go through stuff because he's trying to grow you by what you go through now look at this but may the god of all grace i told you when trouble comes not some grace all grace but the god of all grace and see do you know why you keep getting up and putting one foot in front of the other because he's calling you he's now you may not hear it an audible call but believe me he's drawing you he's calling you into the spirit he's called us to his eternal glory by christ now watch this after you have suffered don't you wish we could take that part out let's just go ahead and just wipe that part out no you you can't wipe that out after see there are some things you want god to do before but he's not going to do them until after he said after you've suffered for a while you see when is that that doesn't seem right when is a while especially when you read in the bible that a thousand years is at the day with the lord and a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day that puts a whole another meaning on a while because sometimes you ask god god how long it's a continual thing it seems like as soon as i get my head above water from one situation i'm inundated with another how long will this last he said but after you suffered for a while look at this perfect and that doesn't mean you're going to be sinless what it means is you're going to mature through this you're going to grow through this do you know that after you've gone through so many different fights and struggles when the next one comes you're not even moved by it [Applause] see for every new level there's a new devil but after you've dealt with several levels when you see him show up the next time he's like oh i know that devil i i know what this is the bible says we're not ignorant of his devices but after you suffer for a while he's going to mature you perfect you then you're going to be established you won't be tossed when that bad news comes it won't toss you back and forth be still and know that i am god even in the midst of your pain even in the midst of your persecution even in the midst of your health challenge be still and know that i am god he says not only that will i be established i'm going to be strengthened he gives power to the faint and to those that have no might he will renew their strength they that wait upon the lord they shall mount upon weak they shall not upon wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary walk and they shall not paint wait on him because in the waiting he's doing something inside you it says and then he's going to settle you i like to deal with old folks that have gone through a lot i like to just listen to him talk i used to love nelly when she talked to me about different things and whatnot because she was settled she was settled i'm at a point now where i don't worry about not having stuff you know why because i've been through so much stuff in my life the lord will provide you cannot make me believe that that god will provide somehow some way god will get to you what you need the law listen it may be beanie weenies one day it may be vienna sausage and and potted meat one day now some of y'all are sitting out there what what is potted meat it may be sardines and soda crackers one day but if you just hold on i'm here to tell you that he will prepare a table he will prepare a feast for you but you've got to go through those other times to get to this time amen and amen say we got to have the right attitude see now here's the thing the devil will try to trick you when you're going through trials and trouble and make you feel that your trials the season of trouble that you're in that is working against you have you ever felt like you were being picked on like like shoot god what why is all this happening to me he'll he will come and he will whisper to you in your ear and make you feel as though this trouble is designed to destroy you but i came to tell you that it's not working against you it's actually working for you see it it feels like you're being picked on it feels like you're not gonna make it it feels like god is being unfair it feels like he's left you to the whims of your enemies but it's not working against you believe it or not it's working for you do you know that things that hurt can help if you let them do you know that your pain your hurt is a sign of your healing you can't heal without hurting let me show you this look at second corinthians even things that hurt can help see what you're dealing with is temporary not only is it temporary it's also changing second corinthians four now now look at this see it's not working against you it's working for you the bible says what we're going through is light coved light stuff economic downturns light stuff a divorce light stuff health challenge he says for our light affliction look at this it's only temporary it is not forever so don't think that it's working against you if you will surrender to it god will make it work for you and it's funny because people that don't understand god will look at will look at you in your trouble and talk bad about you oh i knew they wanted nothing they'll never come back you don't understand god you don't know the god that i serve see see it's only a setup it's a setup for god to come in and just show out in your life so this is light of fiction and it's but for a moment and look at this it's working for as a matter of fact um let's do this niv let's do this niv i think i like this rendering better for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all you see the devil only fights what he fears and the reason that you've had to go through so much in such a short period of time is because of what you're carrying on the inside of you see see what you're dealing with is because of what you're carrying and he doesn't quite know what you're carrying but he knows you have this resilience and you keep coming back you keep getting up and so he's trying to figure out how do they keep getting up how do they keep coming back how do they continue to smile how do they continue to lift their hands how do they continue to praise god why haven't they thrown in their faith why haven't they renounced god why haven't they turned to some other faith why haven't they turned to drugs he doesn't and so he keeps throwing because he doesn't understand what you're carrying he only fights what he fears for our light affliction now look at the next verse so we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen for what is seen is say temporary this is not going to last always so we keep our eyes fixed on what is is is a is not seen since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal god's getting you ready to take you to a completely different level you see see you've been praying here's the thing you've been praying for something and what you didn't understand was how god was going to give you what you were praying for and so what he's doing he's preparing you for what you prayed for because there's some things you just can't step into he has to prepare you to walk under the weight of what he's about to place on you you know young pastors want big churches they want a lot of influence you know why they want it i don't know i'm at the place where god don't give me any more than i can handle see we're asking god for stuff and we we don't realize there's a process to get the stuff you're asking for you better make sure you can handle what you're asking for and if god truly gives it to you before he gives it to you he will process you first and the process if you're the process will kill you but you have to be prepared for the wake that you're going to carry because we carry this glory in earthen vessels that the glory of god might not be that the glory might not be of ourselves but it's of god talking about you want a pastor you better make sure you have grace for it okay now all right let's take a look at something else um he said in that third verse let's let's put that up there first james one and three um get give me the king james i'm sorry for flipping y'all back but i just i just love the way it said in certain he says knowing this that the trying of your faith i just want to stop there see sometimes you have to go through something because your faith is on trial how do you know you believe what you said you believe unless it's tested you see and so what you don't realize you see you're looking at all of this other stuff and all of these other peripheral things that are hanging on with the trial and the trouble but you need to look inwardly because now your faith is on trial how are you going to behave will you still be faithful will you still be a giver will you still walk in love or while you're going through will you be short mean and ugly with other people how will you walk through will you walk through with grace see you know what i found out about people not everybody the smiling is is happy some people smile because they're strong you see and you read the smile and you think everything is okay but sometimes if you knew what was behind that smile you would appreciate that person a whole lot more because they are not happy they really don't want to be where they are but they're smiling simply because the glory and the grace of god is on the and they're smiling while they go through it oh lordy if you don't if you haven't learned that you you'll learn it in just a little bit you see your faith is on trial and so he says that the trying of your faith you see let me show you something job 23 and 10. your faith is on trial how how will you stand when you try it look at this job said now y'all know job right you remember the greatest man in the east plenty of money beautiful family and he lost everything not only did he lose everything his body was afflicted with sores the bible says from the top of his head to the soles of his feet and if that weren't enough his friends who should have been supporters during this time of trouble no they became miserable comforters and every day they came to him and said you deserve what you're getting you must have done something wrong for god to allow this to happen but look at this he said but he knows can i dance the lord knows how you're going to behave before he allows him to come he knows how you're going to behave he says but he knows the way that i take and he said when he has tested me see your faith is on when he has tested me have you ever seen young christians that go through something and quit they stop coming to church they were coming to church they were faithful and then they stumbled and failed isn't it funny when when you are a young christian and you stumble and fail when you stumble and fall you feel like the whole church saw you fall even though nobody knew about it but the devil will come and play those head games with you and and you're embarrassed to even come back to church because you feel that somehow they knew and so what you do rather than going to a place of strength you pull away from it that's a rookie mistake you see he knows the way that i take but when he has tested me how will you behave when you are being tested when your faith is being put on trial he says joseph when everything is when these sores get healed and god restores everything he said i'm gonna come out of this thing with pure gold at his worst moment the person that knew him better than anybody else the person that was closest to job than anybody came to job and said this why don't you curse god and die he said woman you talk like a fool the same god that allowed me to go through this is the same god that will bless me heal me and restore me the bible says out of all that he was going through not one time did he sin against god with his mouth can i tell you something else about when you're going through troubles and trials shut up don't talk to a whole bunch of people this is something i've learned sometimes i want to cry and call people and just just tell them what i'm going and god said just just be quiet right now i'm dealing with you i'm teaching you and see i'm a person i don't like for anybody to feel sorry for me now now maybe that's pride god if it is please forgive me but that's just the way if i'm going through i'm just going to go through it i'm going to have my weak and shaky moments but i don't you you have to learn how to close your mouth because listen you can say the wrong thing at a critical time when you're being tested some folk develop a cussing anointing when they're being tested yeah you thought that devil was gone and you develop a cussing anointing while you're going through so you got to watch out for these things and and keep your mouth closed look at this first peter chapter 4 and verse 12. your test is being tried it's being put on trial look at what peter says he says beloved he said don't think it's strange concerning the fiery trial listen there is no temptation that has taken you but such as is common to man but god will with the temptation make a way for you to escape that you might be able to bear it so he said don't consider it strength listen this is what god does with all of his children the bible says looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endure the cross despise himself so you have to look at jesus he said none of us have endured such contradiction of sinners against himself but look at him he endured the cross he despised the shame but where is he now seated at the right hand of god i'm here to tell you there's a reward on the other side if you go through right there's a reward on the other side if you love people while you don't feel like loving people there's a reward on the other side if you pray for people when you need somebody to pray for you there's a reward on the other side if you become a comforter even when i need somebody to comfort me there is a reward [Music] don't you do that that's reward he said he said don't think it's strange as though some some strange thing happened to you it's a part of the territory it's a part it comes with the territory amen y'all getting anything out of word so far all right let's talk about some other things okay now um see here's the thing about your faith being tested the bible talks about no faith it talks about little faith and it talks about great faith now remember i said that during your troubles and trials your tests your faith is being tested you see the test will also come to let you know where your faith is let me let me drop a nugget on you when you're going through your seasons of trials and testing get as much word as you possibly can you don't have time to listen to jazz you don't have time to see what's going on with the housewives of atlanta whatever is going on between quinn and carter or whoever that brother is you don't have time to be watching all that kind of stuff listen you don't have time to be worried with what canaan is doing on power book two you need to get some word in you because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and if you don't tune in your ear to the voice of god when trouble is coming when you're in trouble you'll hear the wrong voice paul was in the midst of a storm called a yorakadan and in the midst of that storm people were listening to the wrong thing and the bible said they started throwing stuff overboard and and getting ready to jump ship paul said wait hold up he said the god whom i serve he said last night he came and talked to me and he told me everything is going to be all right there will be no loss of land we may all come in on broken pieces but it doesn't matter how you come in as long as you come in are you listening to me you see and so when you have the right voice in your ear it will serve as an anchor in the storm it will hold you it will keep you when you listen to the you have to be careful who you talk to on the phone when you're going through your seasons of troubles and trials because there's some foolish people out there that will give you foolish counsel amen now let's talk about this your ability to endure will produce the spiritual fruit of patience because the bible says let patience have its perfect work see you you have to learn how to endure and just go through rough times you see i know what i'm talking about because i had to go through some rough times i i remember when all i had from god was a word to start a church that's all i i had a word and five members that's all i had we didn't have any we had three children we didn't we're not counting them and and that's all i had and uh and i wanted to be a little preacher so bad you know because i knew i had heard from god i used to put on my little suit and come to the office little building we had and nobody was there but me and i answered the phone hello river of life christian center how may i help you and then the letters started coming because when god called me to full-time ministry he didn't tell my creditors and uh i i wish he would have sent them a memo to let them know that he had you know so the bills started coming in and uh it it got so rough during that time man here i am trying to be a little preacher and my house ended up in lee's pendus lis pendus means foreclosure that's just a latin term for at least pentas and uh a sheriff believe it or not pastor deborah's sitting right there she will tell you an orange county sheriff came to my house one day knocked on the door some papers he said he said sir he said we're gonna we're gonna off these are the papers for the auction on your house i just closed the door in his face and when i'm back in the house i i just didn't know what to do and so then i said you know see for all of you that want god to bless you and prosper you now you can pull a handle all you want and say money cometh but sometimes you got to go get it okay all right if you want to be blessed get a job and start working i went out and and i applied for a job and i put all my information down the application and they called me in for an interview and the guy told me he said he said mr jackson he said you are far overqualified for the job that you're applying for i said sir i said i need to work see when you're a man you'll do whatever if you have to work on the back of a trash truck to take care of your family if you're a man and you've been raised right you will work you will put pride aside and you will work and i went to work i went to work and uh i was just being persecuted i didn't know how to say and my first little paycheck that i got i thought to myself i said you know what i said i've gone all this long without any money i might as well just sow this check i gave the whole check to god and god has not turned his back on me since he has honored me he has blessed my house he's blessed my pocketbook he's blessed all of my accounts my investment accounts i'm overflowing i'm at a place where i can say the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want i can drive what i want to drive almost live where i want to live but godliness with contentment is great gain and i'm at a place right now where none of that stuff that flashes and glitters really matters too much all i want to hear is servant well done godliness with contentment [Music] and you know what's funny about when people bless you when god blesses you people will come in when the when the credits of your movie are being played and try to critique you weren't here when the struggle was going on you weren't here when i was when when i was working so late at night that i was running off the road on i-95 going back and forth every night to jazz you weren't here when all of that was going on how dare you come in here now and critique what god is doing in my life i am unapologetically blessed and i make no apologies for it [Applause] so don't judge me now you weren't here to help so you don't have the right to judge me now [Music] [Applause] see your ability to endure will produce a spiritual fruit called patience let's look at psalms chapter 27. your ability to endure will produce the spiritual fruit of patience let patients have her perfect work look at this look at what david said david said wait he said wait on him now you you got to think about this guy david after everything that god had he he brought him from the pasture to the palace put him in a place where everything all of his needs were met and then he fell and when he fell he fell miserably and then after that his own son turned against him drove him from his throne one of the other boys had an incestuous relationship where he raped his sister and the other brother killed him all kinds of stuff was going he he had gotten somebody pregnant out of wedlock and the baby died everything was coming against david the bible says that his own son drove him out of the city and took all all of his wives and all of his concubines and slept with them in front of the whole city he was utterly disgraced but a man that had gone through all of that said this wait endure the process go ahead and go he said and then he said be careful how you wait there was a time when david was going through they went off to fight a battle somewhere and the enemy invaded the camp while he was gone and took everybody all the women all the children all the all the the livestock the bible says when the men came back with david they cried until there was no more strength in them to cry and guess what when they finish crying guess who they blame guess what they looked at you the reason for this after all of that david said wait on him while he was running from saul you know what he did one time he went into the enemy's camp and played that he was crazy he acted like a crazy man just so he could save his life he said wait on him what he's trying to tell you is yes you may be going through right now but if you you
Channel: ROLCC OnYoutube
Views: 856
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eCgNkAcvJ0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 47sec (3587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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