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[Music] Sammy Shyam [Music] mara - uh not my sorry boss on my team we need a missile [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shirani like I say yes Cedeno can attend si yes Ooty no idea [Music] [Music] [Music] hey my balls and uh yeah nopal [Music] [Music] posing [Music] Collinson [Music] whoa whoa Oh one who never into your work would to be [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you ready for more then let's welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] he gives me joy he gives me [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you your neighbor and say hallelujah turn to your neighbor I said something wonderful is about to happen hallelujah well tonight energy it is my great honor a young man ichika see she introduced the man of God to you tonight Sumida Al Capone a quality a true then is a man with NEPA who has started many churches wait oh I'm sorry my brain has written many books our trauma Bay Bridge has written many songs i watch a new bridge traveled to many countries i were too quiet Akamai our drawbridge but tonight he chose to be here in after and so as an energy a solid si si so do you know how blessed you are when himself with a mr. offer and I know now in himself that he did not come one with his own strength you're not a handi he came in the power of the Holy Spirit we are salvation we are both really yes I become a Arisa we are both like deliverance and then what you everything if you are ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let your hands Heavenly Father hello please be quiet hello feedback on stage please hallelujah we are praying okay father yeah thank you for tonight Darcy Anna be here in century as a winsome whoa said she as an insult bless every human being here tonight Oh crabby I wouldn't have yeah Anna be with your mighty power I would sue because he'll break every class who Olivia break every wicked power boo boo accommodate Olivia that is at work in this place ah-choo ha ha ha in the name of Jesus our yes didn't Saviour of the world yes iodine can release your angels mala before release your mighty Holy Spirit my conclusion you release the blood of Jesus yes super channel 4 mighty salvations here to have found project Semra ha and a dream thank you that was not this time we'll never be the same again say you crazy petunia Sonia tibia would damn the name of Jesus our yes you demon thank you Lord that della Sera everybody shouted a man Alleluia amen you may be seated if you have a seat Bethany Arseneau sister walking out to swap now if you don't have a seat we are not going to be long so we open out the soixante I want you to listen very carefully oh yes oh no it's in here pie first of all I want to thank all the pastas become a person without suffering enough of this wonderful town so far were criminals especially our chairman meaty tuning in Brampton any of the board of trustees - my dear Michael welcoming us here acaba my DN a-- Baha with an open hats same I come in god bless you miss Rama we also thank our Queen Mother across on soo ah da ya da Hema as of this town for work room ha to your beautiful city what ta very happy to be here today yo Japan yo honey we also thank our Chiefs you're done your him for going on saucy who are here today wah wah ha Annamarie God will bless all of you you da man amen tonight I am preaching about three powers energy make Jimmy our Brahmins and wants them do you want to know that three powers that are working or Brazil who Jimmy our do me and say I tomorrow Anna from the Bible what you read in John chapter 3 chapter 5 verse 7 what you assume you know John who MA idk eighty there are three that bear record in heaven or say near mommy insanity Adan SIA our sorrow the father John the word a Samana and the Holy Ghost and from chrome chrome hallelujah our men and then there are three that bear witness on failure mommy insanity at onceá was a seesaw the spirit soon soon the water in soon and the blood and in water these three agree sir the mummy insane abbu Miya game in one regarding baka now the Word of God is telling us that there are three powers that are working on earth today copolymer culture and said to me our drama and Sunday Akuma assassin these three powers to me our Bamiyan said on the earth are the spirit the holy spirit insane by opening home chrome chrome the water issue which speaks of the Word of God and no caronian components everyone and then the plot and a very modern which is the blood of Jesus oh yes crystal Musa not the blood of a chicken or a good a cocoa and a Ponte Motta do you want these powers to change your life today what was I said to me as a cerebral upon a whatever chain is around your leg it is falling off your life today I'm from Hong Kong so be a good nano anna-lena l-drago in these three days Sun and saying whatever evil is following you will be disconnected from your life in the name of Jesus I want Sarah to be bi-directional when an intern but a tea in the name of Jesus how are you shooting now the Bible is telling us the three powers that are working choice of no Erica trying to minions iejima number one here the kind is the power of the Holy Spirit I assume some crow crow Cheney yes the Holy Spirit Susan chrome chrome has been released from heaven welcome on every surah and the Holy Spirit natsu-san from chrono is the one who is working on Oh No oh yeah Chima Jesus said yes who can say nobody can come to me unless the father draws him oh yeah to me mummy change is a journal actionable the Bible says that the Holy Spirit has been sent to convict us further mr. Rosner come closer Imran Oh million gang of sin sleep on a home and of righteousness and of judgment and at em woman you know when you go to when you go to prison Soroka fiafia i have preached in many prisons in ghana and outside ghana my cousin panel wore fel Rabia ghana ha ha maan Oh Nina about two months ago I was in Uganda in a prison by Abu Samir jhemini number uganda prisoners when you are going to be a preacher or a pasta in a prison they will always give you one advice before you go there sir professor or your senpai Connie our I feel sad and I can say ah I thought you about who our dilemma and San Rocco do you want to know the advice they will give you before you grab preaching at the prison professor ogee Fujiyama and sauna welcome I could reach they will they will sit down with you and explain to you that everybody in the prison believes that is not guilty of anything he hasn't done anything wrong what we do is in a prison what Roberto na se na were to obey orders yes we are nothing NSA only for I will be our warmest audience audience or Nothing party and second if oh he hasn't done anything or this on your chain and that he must be free healthy as I would Jennifer would and it is not right that he's in the prison and yes or better if you ask all the prisoners everything funny now that is their mind sanika dange do you know why whenever Sentra because human beings are wicked if we said me party rewarding and they don't change not once nobody sees that he has done wrong or be a loser why I want it unless the Holy Spirit comes to work in your life this is improper Jamaa problem it is when the Holy Spirit comes sarin granola bar that is when you see your true condition remember to be a woman so one of the greatest powers because that is working to save people the department is the power of the Holy Spirit area so super chewy that is how come you Gina you see some people who can women on becoming pastas Rabia a so for you know some years ago we knew Maria a terminal I went to a medical school maker to become a doctor IRS school Samaria adopt any on our weapon for seven years map of a war and feel soon interminable coin and I became a doctor an amoeba yeah usually but once I was in the school a premier school the power of the Holy Spirit came on me su su camino a barbershop and God called me upon free me to be able to become a pasta Salmonella or so for my father wanted me even to go to England Nam ever purpose a macaque England approach women and to work at United Nations nominee we are seaman self-renew a Papa miyajima but every year now so Affinia first year second year third year [Music] [Music] [Music] a man in 90 countries our amaya awkward walk along assume it was the power of the Holy Spirit let's assume crow crow Chilean that was calling me oh no no no Frannie maybe you are here today maybe you are here today Yamaha Nagi and God is calling you Ephraim this is sometimes some things will be coming to a head but you don't know that it is the Holy Spirit who is calling you Dada and you say there are three powers that are working on Sunday what about what is the power of the Holy Spirit they are super chewy one day that would be one of my church members went to work muscle mubarak Ultima in a cry I won't cry and the boss ponine was a lawyer now oh yeah nominee a rich man now oh you're sickening so hey so she invited the mantle to the church auntie or tones of frere hey don't talk when I'm preaching don't talk something will happen to you me me a camper and casaya sabe be with me Otto this man Sabah was invited to the church or tones of runnable sorry when he came by on instead of opening the Bible as a rather Oh Beatrice em you know everybody was listening for blj he took a pan and started to write something on the paper of trivia and our Celsius or chilly walk rattles OH do you want to know what the man was writing professor una de plana Papa no Alana no do you want to know what that Richman was writing whether or dear Nausicaa Newland Archer he was writing all the mistakes of the pastors preaching na altura sampica follow em commercial Oh Jung Kwon which means that it doesn't believe the fastest preachy at all amateur sir Oh awesome pequenina small cannon you cry suddenly I'm the pastor stop preaching oh so funny guy as I said he wants to pray now okay episodic vampire anybody here ooh-ah-ha who wants to Humble himself and give his life to God from today to Jesus she lifts up the hand obeah if in a personal brand of mercy no no I'm an assassin that man no you see you are not explain the story well Prince I need your interpretation I need help Papa no socialism the Koran or say Opa Opa say abre la maza denomination chamonix man this man the one who was writing the name began to lift up his hand and He gave His life to Jesus that day until the Energon from Ushuaia north on console oh oh man answer so now the home is that was the power of the Holy Spirit and knowledge from Don Croce we know he said he didn't know what medicine go up now or new sermon in Sallisaw across Rome he didn't know what made this angle is no new yeah yeah yeah man in Sallisaw cross from tonight energy there are many people here we probably our and there is also [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] CEO any mood on the water and she is not holy water and yeah and she Oakland Clube no that's somebody selling Obito Debbie I don't sell holy water meant to ensure control be I do not get any water to buy here huijin's Ianto haha here we are preaching the Word of God a high economy awesome the Bible says truth unless a we are cleansed by the washing of the water of the word church I'm Nessa Watsu Yahoo our a Seminole a solarium the Word of God Yom Kippur is a type of water Arencibia that washes away your sins our bunny now listen yeah what the police cannot do near person in Dominion what your mother cannot do neo momentum engine what your father cannot do the upon 2 million what the government cannot do nearby and Romanian the Word of God come to Roberta Mia here hallelujah amen hallelujah amen you see well how many of you have done bad things already Ibrahim and my journey my anger a pain yes even though you have been told by your mother not to do it Oh mommy encontró say yes even though your mother has told you don't do it America chose Romania still you are doing it so you could show area your father says don't do it professor mania you are doing it ooh boo sure yeah police say don't do it a police officer mania still you are doing it you could show oh yeah but you come to church and so ever so have you hear the word of God navasana me awesome and the word of God Namie Amuro you as a song hallelujah Amen the preaching of the word of God as some Pellicano changes people's lives as a sunny baa baa baa yes that is why the devil is afraid of the preaching of the word antonov an-70 a sermon on economy tonight energy I am here with a certain power may were to be banaba three powers to me Oh Oh blow me answer the Holy Spirit soon super chrome chrome is here right now our hacia the Word of God awesome is here right now our hacia the bible says sure something the Word of God is a light or something on Yom Kippur some reckon it's a light for my path yeah Kamiya a mama crying when the web of God comes on Yom Kippur some above a light comes come here ever and when the light comes not sacani honorable all Devils will run away oh honey Shh one day dr. B I entered a room you grow adapting and there was no light in the room nah Dino Canaria any so I stood in the room and the room was dark in a meeting at any my my esteem but I suspected that something was in the room and so not many would say baby every dining and I wanted to do something so that that thing that was in the room will come out in every possible area a my dear Adam you know Ababa God gave me a wisdom key software do you know what God told me to do with miniatures I mean yet to make the thing come out say by Anya and what an amoeba he gave me a key I should put on the lights or catch a mess ah meh mAh Mensa Kenya no Niagara hey so I put the light on but in tomato in South Castro Kanye Hollow blah blah blah Shh listen as soon as I put on the light broken Jana suddenly I saw rocks my enemy moon okra Chrissy Chrissy a toilet big ones put their Kasyapa about five of them they say a new they started to run for Celsius I wrote America and all of them run out of the room when Jennifer dynamo today energy when the world comes into your life is coming into your life [Music] arguing before where is she and Kenya I have in a pen never there be ones light comes on darkness will go beyond Canada bono is soon returning the two of them can not stay in the same place Romeo new dimensional Farkle so as the word of God is coming yes Abraham you sum over all types of darkness are going out of your life the Bible says sure some say the Word of God is a short of the truth of the onion cumin some alien granted yes do you know that as I'm preaching we do sell America say in the spirit Susumu no shots are coming out of my mouth and second thoughts are coming out of my mouth yes one day Jesus went to preach that will be a supercar Samba he will bind any devils Vantage of insomnia freak suddenly that was a Monday not for Pepe Warhol and the devil in him not open Sammy was not the shouting leave us alone Jeremy leave us alone leave us alone memoir Jesus of not mention their name and soon al-sunnah Mundi just the preaching of the word a seminar shorts were going out sick today energy whatever devil is working in you open that sword of the Spirit is cutting it out soon super grant energy channel H there are three powers to do onions that are working on the earth I was a system the spirit soon soon the water consumed in the blood and immersion the work of God on Yama Yama Yama Yama yes now what is a hammer for the word your friend hammer about suba suba suba does the right way about subha what is a homophone come on Sophia really it is for breaking Hard Rock's a birthday today and anything that is very hard in your life is breakin in the name of Jesus a lot of people are very stubborn anybody brave a la guayaba know they are very stubborn just hot well sure thing well sir day well sir day you can talk and talk and they will never change oh that's American circus circus circus I also said that but the Word of God now Sri Lanka possum is like a hammer at the saga super so even the most stubborn person Sydney on a sword upon by the Word of God well I assume you know they'll give up what they were Hama today maybe you have had in your heart you say listen salute to the preaching listen to the Word of God Eugene young composer but today Nance when nobody's breaking your stubbornness in the name of Jesus oh yes Satine there was a man probably walk classic it was mad not were bottom the Bible says true Sam said no one could bind him or be anywhere over to me as a children nobody could control him or be on Sue Anne Timmy and Cochran hey he took off and nobody him down one day Jesus Christ into his town today the waters here the last one is the plot numata the blood murder tonight energy God's last hello is the blood ruyan kupuna by Joshua and immersion you honest Alaska law Callooh yes loss words spa spa no spiritual and emotional the blood Mirjana everybody say the blood motor setup lot we uncovered on the plant the blood of Jesus yes water is a power that is here today Shahana tea hallelujah amen you see when God sent Moses well apply a Sushma Mercy's know to deliver the people son kampachi any panel he used frogs or you should and punch any he said tomorrow I will send a lot of frogs to your house a casa Oh China maximum want any variable feelings still Pharaoh did not let the people go nan so Pharaoh are many people on anchor they you slice seulgi AJ still nan so Pharaoh did not other people go Romani Polanco his son trained in the form of stones of Manchu totosai above do no render his stones weinerman shelter of war stones with mushiya abour yes he used he turned the water the river into blood of a shootin announcer Oh Madonna Mia still nan so Pharaoh will not agree to let the people of God go further on yin to myself am an eternal echo so God told Moses Moses today I am going to bring my cat alleluia do you know what was God's love and greatest power that he used to set the people free women on Yom Kippur nikomia l tetra or the general follow he said take a lamp okusama kill the lamb moon charity take the blood from the madonna and paint the blood over your houses no mercy tonight nid I will pass over mother till I see the Blood I will pass over your head and the whole of Israel is a three in one night 41 about two million people we're free whatever by the power of the blood until tomorrow so I declare I'm Adam obsession sorry so we'll be free by the blood of Jesus [Music] [Music] I true for raise your hand if you are true for what about pastels are true for in the process do you have people who are jealous and fighting in Syria servants ooh yeah aunt revoir when we Pilate really before fighting not working how many have been jealous in in this town jealousy a fight how many are jealous in this town and fighting before nipple since you were born Yahoo departed why he and the workroom when you bloody awoken niyama or pranayama when you body's only 5 people 1 2 3 4 if you know you are being jealousy and fighting in this town raise your hand before anniversary Europeana purity and I will quote ever correctly my mom's also do you have tips here you are Kron 4 ha if you eyeteeth raise your hand is also our tips raise your hand we're from farmer put your hand down shh shh how many have stolen something before moving to Dragon and where we are do they pay you have stolen something before raise your hand well yeah paramount also if you steal something what are you called yeah you're frozen the frozen is a what outcome for how many tips are in central our serene so raise your hand and say so what about the process on the stage look at the pastor there are also teachers will see a kron4 I what about fornication tomorrow what about their pastors they are afraid their wives are here they are afraid to raise their hand well sir when one had to go through some on now listen how can you go to heaven with all these sins mm-whaa Sonia meaning a whirlwind listen tonight I have good news for you see energy newest and popular mom the Bible says true some say without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness mwah wonderful free annual and I have good news the blood of Jesus yes madam has been shed for sure for you for you for you for you for me all my life and my interpreter slice your human me not not Regina and all my stealing stealing his jealousy and my jealousy insanity my fornication fornication tonight on ax t the devil is going to be surprised because the blood of Jesus Christ is washing away all your sins hallelujah someone might say yes to my channel who young Benina are you excited about the blood of Jesus one year - yes - I don't wanna when I found that blood of Jesus Sammy who else would have known I was so happy man it's a Shh that is how come I'm preaching to you here I came to this town never sell cream to tell you that the blood of Jesus Son Boccaccio say yes wagon it's ready I actually wash away your sins upon Jesus Christ yes Kristen that day before he died on the cross sonna open he took a cup of foie gras and he said this is my blood no cassowary me mother this is my blood we're in a merger which I am shedding I wish for the remission of the sins of the whole world depending upon if every hallelujah Amen today and this blood is here yes ha ha this do have matters in in history as a real symmetric yeah we do for social science wanna I would before we have maybe since here Yamaha but tonight now soon actually have good news for you there are sample amount the blood of Jesus yesupadam is here ha ha to release you say better from your sins through Bonnie and your wickedness no blood semaj Jesus will wash you yes super Charu you you alter your sins I'll read life's like scallops and what was that you see this girl she's a sinner well with a mommy or you're going back through the blood of Jesus Nancy yes Mugen she's been washed well enough and she's turning into white now or more yeah Fatah the bubble said don't tell us it's red like crimson they shall be white as wool Bible says so burning a cross Adam Naaman prior do you want the trial of Jesus to wash away your sins hopeless ASU Lubanga one do you want Jesus to turn your life around Raphael says if you want Jesus to wash your sins obras al su ro bunny then stand up right now and lift up your hand like this annular Adamo and such a saying yes everybody it's very important don't talk to anybody because this one is your own personal prayer and European and Casa if it's a way a bankers are comparable install that I'm praying for you you are praying and yes I mean I'm a vampire now mom nobody should [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from tonight's trilogy I am a child of I belong to Jesus I belong to Jesus thank you Lord for saving me just wave your hands to Jesus hold your book and with your if you have your book where you're where you're not with your boobies say I love you Jesus I give myself to you I give myself to you I thank you Lord Jesus lottie's I belong to you happy life see mighty god mighty God I belong to you I will not serve that devil okay in the name of Jesus amen [Music] [Applause] lick the same prayer entry Lanza's inaba-san Poverty Alleviation an edema Thomas a Belarus sa new Bernina granola mambo actua anapana VapoRub a Anna Anna te hace Oh Jimmy Nadia Chava a Rebelo de bourree on e LT on our team a moment as Mardi Gras Ahmad Fermata Charlie not sumo a fire burns on Anna chilly to be para UD debe precaution message nama Selena avanza minuto Ponte the pie in free energy is MIA whadya mariachi Massimo member markl now sure bd1 gone anymore I will yell Sudeep Mandela see Sarah Jimmy [Music] morning evening tomorrow morning we are continuing especially for those of you who have received Jesus Christ we are we are having a campaign here tomorrow at 6 o clock in the morning san gimignano heya a nacho onion oppa LT mwah an Archie regiment pnina action on oppa yes you are doing ceiebrate everybody must come including the counselors to for Nina Alleluia now Jesus is going to heal you right now this is super so obvious ser everybody should stand up I want to pray for the sick right now we also have a pump i my awareness is yeah whatever evil you brought here you will never take it back home in Jesus name - confusion put your hand wherever your sickness is right now from Sophia yeah really walk Fei Yan Yan FAFSA at all now today hello today is the first day another Erica by the third day breathe power in your life including financial weakness is broken in Jesus name - maybe I do Bravo seek a son to me nanana booboo right now since yeah put your hand found out if somebody cannot see happy you Nadia put your hand on your I found out - initial God is opening your eyes right we are one sec are you cannot hear aunty awesome put your hand on your ears sounds it's our song right around Asia power to me is flowing here versus here can I walk ultimen until tonight energy by the name of cheese oh yes you do you are walking home oh no Kofi and Big Bite witness the name of cheese I am is breaking boo-boo further thank you Radames for your power you chili that is at work Hodgman right here say cierra in this beautiful city our sacrament let your mighty spirit Micucci because he'll move Hodgman in every life here right now sicknesses receive your healing charissa receive your healing Shivaya receive your healing in the name of Jesus our LCD power is flowing to me Eggman power is flowing right a Yakima now anybody who is are asked by demons any type of witchcraft a belly to VBI water-wise are asking you put your hand on your head I'm gonna pray though I just do - don't walk around please no movement Satan come out okay come out come out come out in the name of Jesus it's coming out right now it's flowing in this place flow is working right now - yeah it is broken in the name of Jesus oh yes you do let your hand and tell God right now something is happening something is happening father thank you for your power studies our question thank you for your power you are the law that he loved the Lord giveth us [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] you are the Lord [Music] father thank you for many many people that are healed tonight wherever you are Davi I will be uh check yourself right now something is happening BBC God is healing you maybe you couldn't see but now you can see now that your mother maybe you were harassed by the devil but right now you can see that something has happened yes you receive it now Jesus yeah it's happening easy receive it Jesus thank you yes thank you for many miracles thank you for your power that is at work right now wherever you are baby I will be check yourself she show how many I've been touched by God tonight how many can feel that God has touch it a second father thank you for your power that is at work wherever you are if God has touched you tonight baby I will be riding inside come on Adia God has healed you yummy oh sorry aria wherever you are notice does something for you come to the front here bra anywhere else is here I want to pray for you here aha quickly quickly comes the front tire mount God is moving Wow there is somebody with a lump in the breast God has healed you Pepe wherever you are if God has filled you come you couldn't see but now you can see no you have a problem no but God's power has touched you quickly come from the back really anybody who is falling down Oh Paco anywhere bring the person in the front for everybody if God has touched you come quickly quickly quickly a lot of people to come yeah a lot of people to allow the people to come you're kinda me put my phone in there never finding someone god oh he may [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] listen you had a problem oh you had a problem you had the problem you know and then God has touched you God has healed you then come brah come to the front now brand-new molasses yeah and I should ice is just the first night and then our joy became God's power is here yummy to me very quickly you couldn't walk there were to be naughty but now you can walk myself yattaman until come bra you had a skin disease now and God has touched you come many people are you tonight unavoidably come quickly wherever you are I want to take your testimony and I also pray for you now I'm a vampire mom so come right now Paris here today to be pure Chinese power here today Jesus is doing something in Sofia sorry yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now everybody lift your hand I want to pray for you my mouth father thank you for tonight Damodar see energy Shh thank you for your power that I was your chiny tonight wanna be it is working ajumma you are doing wonders oh yeah I'm Almighty I pray for everybody in this town my myopia Librium thank you that that casts that is over this town is broken tonight in Jesus when I was a baby I got crazy a depression and I get a boo-boo no blood shall be shed here whether the anywhere else you know wickedness shall be propagated here it's my day to be a miasma ha your power is visiting this town should be a bustling the power of the blood of Jesus yes madam you choose the power of the Spirit and women who choose the power of the word are 7mu cheering thank you that I was I pray for everyone that has lifted and today move by your mighty power now move by your mighty power ho chi minh oh and your to change every house this when we go back to the house Sayoko Lucia thank you oh I see that the devil in the house will be gone in Jesus name now as I said oh Jesus amen Olivia what is happening here evangelist what you see now is a mighty miracle the sermon has not been able to walk for 25 years now Manipal a BSc energy mommy if you do nominee not only me an auntie Adrian Evangelos nominee help your announcement a sister you know aha and up one man in Antigua no man it's me Balon him nonnatus a brown Yamini Pompey and wage as napalm on o Abajo and I was sorry a bar [Music] Oh mommy will never be able to walk Wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father thank you for your power that is working here Lord is this a miracle to you mommy I said my old one while switching your sari 90 cents a minute agronomy equipment you see me talk whenever grabbing to mention it mention last she remember Nana will perform animal general Hudson my China highness [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please she who came with a also had hat trouble for three days could not breathe well evangelist all of it has disappeared oh so now I'm standing out to me and Yahoo meee is it gone Aparna she could not breathe but now she's breathing Oh Cena it's a Nachman a filling dizzy Papa tations on stage please [Music] evangelist this lady could not bend down she could not bend up but unite to her own amazement after the prayer she came running in front bending out down and showing us what God has done in her life let her tell us Pacho Walker a cemetery batch I was when me and Sonny [Music] [Music] [Music] dr. what is this evangelist many powerful testimonies this man somebody with an eye somebody who couldn't see who is there and the person can see now yes yes yeah this man was a former galamsey weka Galan say he was detained something and had a sudden pain and swelling here and he could not move any take it any finger he could not do this because of the swelling and the pain here he's had this problem for some weeks come on you listening to me two weeks with the missionary abrahama sameba Romano Libyan Bono and I'm in suneson - yeah I mean - means I'm finally moving we're Lisa Graham buoyance media by 7 [Applause] [Music] let me see reduce abiogenesis and a otago penninsula know what the partying and insanity on dimensional and such animal Artemis AR a nearby Pavano cavero say what work was it doing what said oh yeah column C column C I thought it was no model I'm saying to Jesus is healing column cell workers today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yay yes yay yes yay yes yay no what's good to me [Music] one year me to the bunker one young girl for me doc hey kids how to hold hair to come here in about four lights on the side from the swing no she's walking she's run anybody [Music] [Music] Evangelos as you can see this man suffered a stroke stroke but something happened to him tonight when we prayed power and tell him he said he could not stand like this like this it's time he stood like this he began to shake but when you pray power entered him evangelist this man is able to stand tell us three Sammy Meade may be able to save you but tell me [Applause] come let me pray for him thank you Lord for your power Lord in Jesus name Vidia evangelist this lady had pain in her back her knees when you prayed she said she felt something moved out of her legs Stephens attention suddenly she's strong she's philippa she can run wacka-wacka you a dancer before I met Mangano meet engineer not tsunami system at anniversary heart I feel s-sunnah Bamako today it's a sacrament to me I'm sorry it's the enemy SMS alderman Antonin take a crack at Sinbad who has said no and sign across from Yamaha the my office is free me entropy Armagnac upon wanna make a channel and in the hospital my dear never promised a me aria-live Jesus of my t-shot [Music] [Applause] [Music] Vangelis two weeks ago she had a dream in the dream something bit her hand a favela now maroon or so dier dier sunomono who is a vehicle when she woke up now a foreign these blisters evangelists we say number two she could not leave their hands again now if any man and sassou evangelist when you bring suddenly was a crime again a yell maybe I saw me Diana so Diana I estaba con me three days and I still feel special woman standing woman son don't miss Anna who know I I see so she say I've been mean to me Manzano saw me da man my name is not me fire say dear me terminal miss Olivia I'm Timmy fan PWB and tonight they are bumpy a new epidermis and Naomi Jaffa a minute news I am before my face [Music] dr. Whelan of the back tonight this subha could not bend tell us vanya groom is missing so much LMDC area and determine is stretching their caution not medicine Vangelis cast a baby IAB I found something to me a see and I see why when Nia were young men you know so yeah me yeah Atlanta to cram into main kind Bible now I am now a woman a commitment means that two men in the NACA coming and determine one pioneer in my name is one man to miracle not so what is this this is likely to be conjunctivitis fennel conjunctivitis and the pain and the baqia is likely to be spondylosis multiple levels below surge I mean tip you doctor what is this this is an infection of the eye conjunctivitis where now or allergic conjunctivitis this is a dr. Solley boo this and she also had back pain for one year likely to be from spondylosis with cop compression from dis prolapse [Music] I trust a a real bi doctor evangelism mazing this wife 16 years old 16 yes but when he was stretching yes he noticed that anytime he's wooing he has pain in his private parts evangelist tonight when is women yes yes three years he's system he started when he was 32 tonight when he said he was healed bishop rain sentiments of the back to when we we and evangelist he did it with ease no play not all live in a nail-biter with your side Nancy become a children area about my mama look what you say become HM dilemma doctor what is this evangelist this is likely to be urethral stricture because of the pressure you have to use sometimes it could be you read through the urethral stricture what is that a narrowing of the tube when the urine passes through the penis rather I realize that the arena a yahoo Freneau the eternal mr. Berman a player woman OH Iook Iturbi the acquaintance who Papa with me to suffer me some people are born with such problems because Iowans are yes and as the person grows the symptoms become waste I didn't saw a crossroad in an older person it could be an infection gonorrhea can cause this but I don't think he had his this was you never gonna coke infection is possible thank you Jesus is healing stretches of the urethral strictures which and infections yes who oughta do so my area so we are [Music] [Music] Evangelos [Music] [Music] for some time he said she saying that for some time now he cannot she cannot walk probably but tonight funny she can't she came here everything is alright she being appraised evangelist now tonight is just the first night tomorrow everybody must come here with five people from the house an Algerian Adriatic an arsenal of Yavin Dipper noon every Fela media what is this evangelist two years ago after she had a baby she developed high blood pressure but apart from that she had pain from the back oven all to her back but tonight when you prayed that pain has disappeared all from the back of the neck down that's fine of the penis disappeared Wow is it true mama is tsunami yes I know that Mommy when I'm laugh-in the question right in your year and I'm by you and you turn around I'll show you I saw that side of it you wanna say you guys on there for Mama I said yeah yeah yeah I told Jesus thank you for your power tonight yes finalists pain is gone tonight pain pain chest pain I'm best fenc and let me re na woo pneumonia nah nah no cuadrado Sonia what was conversing now come on now say today now sous-chef money yummy assign me to be who they may not my Jesus kind of a schematic sohcahtoa an element marry me by friendly more traumatic or say AHA baie by a bond team in bra not me by until symmetric I said about to make a sale between pyjama pneumonia guru now you see I am fine start with the a I'm that to me ha sale many many of you every monosomy sonya i'm sam miami hace save it anemia many husband neeya naana one y cbcr oh boy am i jumping up on a day with money now acid in yeah Vietnam oh yeah you know entire come on wanna sec you Jesus is healing you completely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are one [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord and then he'll catch a young coupon cos ASV inácio [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 8,544
Rating: 4.9029126 out of 5
Id: jfKPchn1GlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 0sec (5880 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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